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Powerpuff Girls:

Let’s Save the World Before Bedtime!

A Cooperative Variant

Goal: To save the world before bedtime, of course! More specifically, players try to rid the board
of villains before running out of cards.

Setup: Remove the 4 Mayor cards from the deck. One Mayor card per player should be placed
faceup next to the board. Extra Mayor cards are returned to the box. Otherwise, setup is the same
as for the base game.

Play: Use the basic rules with the following exceptions:

1. Powerpuff Girls may move back onto or through a space they occupied during the same
2. During a battle, rolling a “V” knocks out only the corresponding girl. A battle may defeat
a villain and knock out one or two girls at the same time. For example: All three girls are
attacking Mojo Jojo (a 2-heart villain), and the roll is green: 1 heart, blue: 2 hearts, pink:
V. The result is that Mojo Jojo is defeated and Blossom is knocked out for the rest of the
round. She may not be moved or fight until the next round.
3. Professor Utonium Tiles do not belong to any one player, but are kept in a common pile
to be used by anyone. They allow a player to reroll any or all of the battle dice (limited
to the number of girls doing battle). After the tiles are used, they are removed from the
4. Any player may use a Mayor card at any time. It is not counted as part of the two cards
per round. A Mayor card allows the player to do one of two things:
A. Remove any one facedown tile from the board. It should be put out of the game
without revealing what it is.
B. Reverse the effects of a Trap Tile. Remove the tile from play, but any Powerpuff
Girls that it knocked out are returned to play.
Once a Mayor card has been played, it should be turned facedown. It may not be used
again in the game. Note: Once a villain has been turned faceup, it cannot be removed by
the Mayor.

End of Game: There are three possible ways to end the game.
1. If all of the tiles have been cleared from the board, the Powerpuff Girls win the game.
2. If the cards in the draw pile run out, it triggers the Final Countdown. The clock is ticking
down towards bedtime! Players may continue to play cards from their hands. At this
point, each player plays only one card per round. Once all the cards have been played
from the hands, any remaining Mayor cards may be used. If there are still tiles left on the
board after the Mayor cards have been played, turn all the tiles faceup. If there are any
villains left, they take over the city. If, however, all of the villains have been defeated or
removed, then the Powerpuff Girls save the world and win the game!
3. If the players believe they have captured all 19 villains (through battles and/or Mayor
cards), they may declare the city safe. Any remaining tiles are turned faceup to verify that
all the villains have been captured. If any villains are revealed on the board, they take
over the city. Otherwise, the Powerpuff Girls win.

Additional notes: Players may not discuss the cards in their hands. However, once the cards for a
round have been revealed, they may discuss their plans to use those cards.

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