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Assignment A

Text 1 – Elementary
✓ This part of the assignment focuses on stage 5 of an elementary reading lesson.
✓ You should plan a 15-minute follow-on stage consisting of two short communicative speaking tasks, which will require the use of
some of the vocabulary in the text for the final stage of the lesson.
✓ Include any necessary references in the bibliography template. See 'Referencing' document for advice on what is required.
✓ Read 'Advice on Approaching Assignment A' before you begin work on this template.
✓ Class: Elementary (A1) 12 adults (6M, 6F), age range 25-56. Most of the students want to learn English because they feel it will improve
their job prospects. Three are learning for recreational reasons.

21st Century Dad

Bobbie and Moira Fernandez got married 6 years ago when they were 24 years old. Their daughter, Addison, was born 3 years later. Their baby son,
Remy, is 15 months old.
Bobbie worked in a library, and Moira is an engineer. Moira loves her work, so Bobbie left his job. He stays at home with the children. We asked
Bobbie about his day.
“Well, we get up when Remy wakes us up, which is usually at about half past six in the morning. Moira takes a shower and has breakfast while I look
after the children. Moira leaves the house at 7.30. Addison's kindergarten is close to our house. Usually Addison walks, and I carry the baby. When
we are late, I put them in the buggy, or take them on my bike.
After that, I often take Remy to the park by the river. He loves to see the boats and ducks on the river. We sometimes take some food for the ducks.
He likes the swings in the children's playground. I usually meet other parents and babies there, so I can have a chat with them.
On Wednesdays I collect Addison from kindergarten at 12.30. Then we go to the market to buy food. Moira always goes to the supermarket on
Saturday morning. We don't have a car, so we can't do all the shopping on one day.
In the afternoons the children have a nap, and I clean and tidy the house. I cook the evening meal every day except Friday. On Fridays my wife
normally cooks, but occasionally we go out for a meal or get a takeaway.

I enjoy being a stay-at-home dad. It's hard work, and sometimes it's boring. But it's great fun to watch your children grow up. We are very happy.”

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Lesson Outline:
Your lesson follows this procedure, and you have allocated these timings:
1. Lead into topic (warmer) - 10 mins
2. Vocabulary pre-teaching - 15 mins
3. First reading - 5 mins
4. Second reading - 15 mins
5. Follow-on activities (two communicative speaking tasks) - 15 mins

You need to show what you would do for stage 5 of the lesson.

Lesson Aims:
✓ Enable students to skim for gist, scan for detail and read a text intensively to achieve a thorough understanding.
✓ To reinforce the use of present simple for routines and frequency adverbs through seeing them in context.
✓ Extend and practise productive spoken use of vocabulary related to family and daily routines.

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1. Follow-on Activities – Materials
✓ In this space, insert any materials you would use: e.g., visual aids, worksheets, what you would write on the board, etc.
✓ If you use images, do not use more than 6. These do not need to be the actual size you would use in the classroom.
✓ If you prefer, you can submit the images in a separate document, but please label them clearly IMAGES FOR FOLLOW-ON.
Questions on the board:
Do you work as an engineer?
Do you always go to the market on Saturdays?
Do you love boats and ducks?
How often do you cook?
Are you in school?
Are you married?

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2. Describe and Justify
✓ Complete all the white parts of the lesson plan template to show the procedure for your TWO follow-on activities.
✓ In the space below the plan, explain why you have selected these TWO activities and why they are appropriate for this lesson with
this class.
Aim Timing
Teacher Activity Student Activity
To extend and practice 1 T-C Instructions: Get a card with the
productive spoken use teacher. Each person will be a
of vocabulary related to character from the text, using
family and daily questions like the ones on the board,
routines. make groups of 4 where the
characters can’t repeat.

6 Whole Give the cards to each student and Ask other students questions about
class then monitor the conversations (and their characteristics and routines.
help if necessary). Note errors, but Gather in groups of 4, that need to
do not correct them while students have Moira, Bobby, Remy and
are talking. Addison.
Follow on
Stage 1 T–C Instructions: In groups of 4 discuss
and decide if they would prefer to be
Moira or Bobby, and then write
down the decision and the reason and
give it back to the teacher.

4 Groups Encourage students to give their Discuss within the group their
opinion, monitor (help if necessary). decisions and reason, after that write
Note errors, but do not correct them it down on a paper and give it back to
while students are talking. the teacher.

3 T-C Correction spot. Praise what students

did well. Elicit corrections for 2 or 3
common errors. Set homework.

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Reasons for selecting these TWO activities and why they are appropriate for this lesson with this class.
(100-150 words)
I chose to use one activity based on questions and the other on a discussion, those were my choices because my students are beginners
(A1 level), which means that they would need some guidance to do a speaking activity, so in the first exercise having a group of questions
set up for them will help start the conversations, and the second one would give them a little more freedom for them to discuss the
subject of the text, but the exercise still simple enough that they can do it. I also asked the student to write it down so after they have a
discussion, they would organize their thoughts.

✓ Don't forget to include any references in the bibliography template. See Referencing for requirements.
✓ Convert this template to a PDF when it is completed. Please check the appearance of the PDF is correct before submitting.

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