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Microorganisms Friend or Foe Q&A

Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Mark each ) :

1. Name any 3 common plant diseases.

2. What are microorganisms? Give two examples.
3. Microorganisms are classified into for major groups. Name them.
4. Define virus.
5. Name some microorganisms that cause disease in animals.
6. What Are preservatives?
7. Define pasteurization.
8. Name the person who discovered fermentation.
9. What are pathogens? Write another name of pathogens.
10. Write the name of any two antibiotics.
11. Name the type of microorganism which is smaller than bacteria.
12. Who discovered the vaccine for smallpox?
13. What is a vaccine ?
14. What is the difference between refrigeration and freezing?
15. Name the first antibiotic.
16. What does yeast produce during respiration?
17. Name some diseases caused by bacteria.
18. Write the name of a bacterium that helps in the formation of curd.
19. Name any two human diseases caused by viruses.
20. Name the microbes that are involved in the process of decomposition.
21. Name some diseases caused by protozoa.
22. Name some biological nitrogen fixers.
23. Female Anopheles mosquito carries the parasite of ________________.
24. Write the two uses of yeast.
25. Give example of unicellular and multicellular organisms.
26. What do you understand by antibodies?
27. Name some communicable diseases?
28. _______________________ mosquito acts as carrier of dengue virus.

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