The Howling in The Woods: The Call To Adventure Begins

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The Howling in the Woods


The Call to Adventure Begins

While traveling through the forest near your camp, a miserable howl echoes through
the trees. Birds take flight, deer dash away in terror, and a shiver rocks through you.
Something awful is happening nearby...

A 30-minute Adventure for One to Four 1st Level Characters

This adventure is designed to take characters from 1st to 2nd level. It is written for “evil” characters of orc,
half-orc, or goblinoid races but notes are included to adapt it to any background.

by Lincoln Torrey

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Introduction Adventure  
Welcome to ​The Howling in the Woods, ​a simple
adventure designed to introduce characters to 1. The Creature in the Trap
game mechanics and to act as a hook for greater If the characters are orc, goblinoid, or evil, use the
adventures. This could also be used as a Session worg​ stat-block. The worg can speak Goblin but
0 background story. will not do so until released from the trap.
This adventure is designed for one to four 1st If the characters are good, use the ​black bear
level characters. Notes will be included to help run stat-block.
the adventure solo if so desired.
This will also be the introduction of a series As you push through the brush and undergrowth, you
designed with orc, half-orc, and goblinoid cross a well-worn game trail. Not 15 feet from you is a
characters in mind. Additional notes will suggest large animal gnawing at its leg that has been caught in a
alternative monsters or encounters which will help vicious metal trap. Just then, the beast raises its head in
the DM to adapt to different campaigns. another howl. As its head comes down, its yellow eyes
lock on you and it snarls.

Background The creature is restrained by the trap and has 7 hp

remaining due to blood loss. A successful DC 15
The woods have become increasingly contested of Wisdom (Animal Handling) check will calm the
late. Several orc and goblin tribes have moved animal enough to approach the trap. Speaking to
down from the mountains and hills in search of the worg in Goblin, offering food, or healing the
game. Similarly, the growing human town nearby creature will give advantage on the check. On a
has increased its hunting and logging activities. failure, the creature will try to bite at anyone who
Caught in between are the native wood elves who approaches. A second attempt to calm the animal
are becoming increasingly defensive. can be attempted before the creature becomes
The characters are in the woods in the predawn permanently defensive.
hours as the story begins. Possible reasons A successful DC 10 WIS (Survival) or DEX
include: (Thieves’ Tools) check will release the animal from
● Hunting for the Tribe/Town the trap. Alternatively, a DC 15 STR check can pull
● Scouting the trap open.
● Fetching Water The animal becomes friendly to any character
who releases it from the trap.
The woods have a timeless calm to them, but something
has you on edge. In the predawn hours, as the sky 2. The Trapper’s Return
lightens, you would expect to hear the forest waking up.
Instead, all is preternaturally quiet. Soon after the creature is released from the trap, it
Suddenly, a mournful howl echoes through the trees, sniffs the air and growls again as one of the
flushing birds from their roosts and causing game to trappers (male ​scout​) returns to claim his prize.
bolt. The cry sounds again - some creature is in terrible Neither side is surprised as the trapper and
pain and it seems to be calling for help. And from not too creature move to attack each other.
far away... If the player is orc, goblinoid, or evil, then
describe the scout as a human hunter. If the player
is good, then describe the scout as a goblin
If the scout is reduced to half hit points, he will
attempt to flee but the creature will chase to finish

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If the scout is captured, he will reveal details of Treasure.​ Each trapper carries a longbow and a
the nearby camp on a successful DC 10 CHA shortsword. Each has a pouch with 1d10 gp.
(Intimidation) or DC 10 CHA (Persuasion) check.
The player and the creature companion can take 4. The Druid
a short rest after this encounter. The creature
If the character and the creature are both alive
should be at full health after this rest.
after the encounter with the trappers, their master
arrives. This is a ​druid​ who has become dark and
Adjusting the Encounter twisted from the violence in the woods and feels
Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat
that nearly everyone and everything is an enemy.
If the player is an orc, half-orc, goblinoid or evil,
1 - 2 characters: One scout
3 - 4 characters: Two scouts then the druid is a halfling. If the player is good
then the druid is an orc.
During the first round of combat, the druid will
Treasure.​ Each trapper carries a longbow, a
cast ​shillelagh​ and b​ arkskin​. Thereafter, it will use
shortsword, a pouch with 9 sp and 4 cp, and a
its quarterstaff with two hands and will attack the
stack of 5 pelts (worth 1gp each).
creature until it falls. If surrounded by the character
and the creature, the druid will cast thunderwave.
3. Escaping the Woods
Sitting across from your new companion, you feel a Adjusting the Encounter
building sense of foreboding. You have long since Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat
stopped worrying about your original chores. The encounter.
trapper did not seem to be alone and his companions 1 character: One druid
are likely nearby. You fear that you are a bit farther from 2 - 3 characters: One druid and one scout
your own camp than you would like and you will need to 4 characters: One druid and three scouts
travel with care on your return home.
Treasure.​ The druid has a pouch with 5gp, 7sp,
After finishing a short rest, the character can try to and a ​potion of healing​. Any trapper carries a
journey home but will soon encounter two trappers longbow and a shortsword. Each has a pouch with
(male and female ​scouts​). If the player has rolled 1d10 gp.
a DC 16 DEX (Stealth), the trappers are surprised.
The creature companion will fight on behalf of 5. The Enemy Camp
the player and will rush forward into melee. The
If the character and the creature are defeated by
trappers will use ranged attacks on their initial
the druid or the trappers, they wake up in the
round and will use shortsword attacks thereafter.
enemy camp.
They target the creature until it is down and then
turn toward the player.
If the player is knocked unconscious but the You groggily come to, slowly remembering the events of
creature survives, it will help stabilize the player the day. Night has fallen on the forest and you can see
by some weak light that you are at the edge of a camp
who wakes up with 1 hit point. If both player and
behind a large tent. You are now inside a cage made of
creature are defeated, move to ​The Enemy Camp​. saplings and vines - apparently designed for livestock or
captured beasts. You hear your new creature
Adjusting the Encounter companion growl from somewhere out of sight but
Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat nearby.
encounter. You feel near death and can’t help but wonder why you
1 character: Two scouts were kept alive.
2 - 3 characters: Three scouts
4 characters: Four scouts

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The player is disarmed and a successful DC 10 6. Resolution and Experience
WIS (Perception) check allows the player to see
If the druid is defeated, any remaining trappers will
their weapons and goods resting against a nearby
try to flee. Once the camp is cleared or the
tent. A check of 15 or higher will detect that the
character successfully escapes, the character is
creature is in a nearby cage and that the remaining
able to return to the safety of their camp without
enemies are on the other side of the tent.
further encounters.
The player and the creature have 1 hp when
they wake up.
The enemies in the camp consist of the druid
New Sidekick
and any scouts remaining from ​Escaping the The creature can be added as a ​Sidekick​ to the
Woods​ and ​The Druid​. They will eat and sleep by character who freed them. The worg says in goblin
the campfire on the other side of the tent unless that its name is unpronounceable and will accept a
disturbed. new name from the party. It will take the role of
Allow the player to take a long rest if they wish. Expert or Warrior. The black bear will also respond
A successful DC 15 DEX check will open the to a new name and will take the role of Warrior.
cage door quietly. A successful DC 15 STR check
can open the door but will draw attention. A Combat Awards
successful DC 16 DEX (Stealth) check will allow Name of the Foe XP per Foe
the player to retrieve their goods and make it to the Trapper 100
creature’s cage. Druid 450
A successful DC 15 DEX check will open the
cage door quietly. Two checks can be made Non-Combat Awards
without drawing the attention of the camp. Task or Accomplishment XP per Foe
The player has advantage on DEX (Stealth) Free the creature 50
checks if they try to leave the camp in the middle
of the night (after a short rest).
If the player tries to engage the enemies in
conversation, they will learn that the druid plans to
keep them alive for another day or two before
sacrificing them in a dark ritual in an insane
attempt to bring balance to the forest.
A successful DC 15 CHA (Persuasion) check
can convince any living trapper to unlock the
cages and help the player escape, but the trappers
will not fight the druid and the druid cannot be
reasoned with.

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Black Bear Druid
Medium beast, unaligned  Small or Medium humanoid (any race), any 
Armor Class ​11 (Natural Armor) alignment 
Hit Points ​19 (3d8 + 6) Armor Class ​11 (16 With Barkskin)
Speed ​40 ft., climb 30 ft. Hit Points ​27 (5d8 + 5)
15 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 7 (-2) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA

Skills ​Perception +3 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 11 (+0)

Senses ​Passive Perception 13 Skills ​Medicine +4, Nature +3, Perception +4

Languages ​-- Senses ​Passive Perception 14
Challenge ​1/2 (100 XP) Languages ​Druidic plus any two languages
Proficiency Bonus ​+2 Challenge ​2 (450 XP)
​ he bear has advantage on Wisdom
Keen Smell. T Proficiency Bonus ​+2
(Perception) checks that rely on smell. Spellcasting. ​The druid is a 4th-level spellcaster.
Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC
Actions 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). It has the

​ he bear makes two attacks: one

Multiattack. T following druid spells prepared:

with its bite and one with its claws. Cantrips (at will): ​druidcraft, produce flame,

​ elee Weapon Attack:​ +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,

Bite. M shillelagh

one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. 1st level (4 slots): ​entangle, longstrider, speak

​ elee Weapon Attack:​ +4 to hit, reach 5

Claws. M with animals, thunderwave

ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) slashing damage. 2nd level (3 slots): ​animal messenger, barkskin

​ elee Weapon Attack:​ +2 to hit (+4
Quarterstaff. M
to hit with shillelagh), reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3
(1d6) bludgeoning damage, 4 bludgeoning
damage if wielded with two hands or 6 (1d8 + 2)
bludgeoning damage with shillelagh.

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Scout Worg
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment  Large monstrosity , neutral evil 
Armor Class ​13 (Leather Armor) Armor Class ​13 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points ​16 (3d8 + 3) Hit Points ​26 (4d10 + 4)
Speed ​30 ft. Speed ​50 ft.
11 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 7 (-2) 11 (+0) 8 (-1)

Skills ​Nature +4, Perception +5, Stealth +6,

Survival +5 Skills ​Perception +4

Senses ​Passive Perception 15 Senses ​Darkvision 60 Ft., Passive Perception 14

Languages ​Any one language Languages ​Goblin, Worg

Challenge ​1/2 (100 XP) Challenge ​1/2 (100 XP)

Proficiency Bonus ​+2 Keen Hearing and Smell. ​The worg has

​ he scout has
Keen Hearing and Smell. T advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that

advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

rely on hearing or smell.

Actions Bite. ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,

​ he scout makes two melee attacks

Multiattack. T one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage. If

or two ranged attacks. the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC

​ elee Weapon Attack:​ +4 to hit,

Shortsword. M 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing

​ anged Weapon Attack:​ +4 to hit,
Longbow. R
ranged 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2)
piercing damage.

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