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Background of the Study

Education is a method of providing or obtaining formal learning guidance, and

the acquisition of knowledge, skills, awareness and understanding and the most

important factor in achieving global development. Thus, it is an integral part of the

government’s action to formulate policies that will cause and enhance quality education

in a given nation.

In recent years, the Department of Education has been moving towards the

introduction of the K-12 system, which seeks to “provide sufficient time for the

mastering of concepts and skills, grow active leaners and train students for tertiary

education, middle-level skills growth, jobs and entrepreneurship.” The K to 12 program

implemented by the Department of Education has already produced three batches of

high school graduates since it was initially launched in 2012 , Senior High School is a

two-year specialized upper secondary school; students may school a specialization

based on aptitude, interest, and school capacity.

It can’t be repudiated that the standard of education has many things to do with

it. A number of years a student must spend for secondary education before a learner

can go to college are among these factors. With this, many nations have already

adopted the K to 12 Curriculum, which has two additional years of Senior High School

Program (Orale, 2017)

The Senior High School System under this program is split down into job paths of

academic strand. It applies to common divisions that the various fields of research

relate under when studying the specific areas of specialization within the program.

Currently, there are four career tracks available in the country (Arts and Design, Sports,

Academic Strand and Technology Vocational Livelihood).

The preference of career paths may determine the scope of subjects to be

learned in Grades 11 and 12. The themes in the SHS come either under the Core

Curriculum or under the unique Tracks and one of the unique tracks in Senior High

School is Technical Vocational Livelihood or TVL Track offered by the Philippine Senior.

Technical-Vocational- Livelihood (TVL) track deals primarily with technical-

vocational skills or tech-voc. These skills are requirements for the Certificate of

Competency (COC) and National Certifications (NC) that you will need. The best thing

about TVL is that you will have a lot of options after senior high and after receiving your

National Certificates or NC. NCs are certifications that you will receive when you pass

the TESDA skills assessment. Apart from that, you can also go to college or even apply

for a job right away (Nucum, 2018).

Thus, TVL track designed to provide students with the skills they will need in the

future. As a result, researchers are urged to have an in-depth understanding of the

advantages and disadvantages of the TVL graduates in taking academic courses in

college. It also aims to know the perception of TVL graduates on the impact of TVL

strand in their college education.

Theoretical Framework

This study is related on Education Theory- refer to either speculative

educational thought in general or to a theory of education as something that guides,

explains, or describes educational practice.

Historically, American education served both political and economic needs, which

dictated the function of education. At present time sociologists and educators debate

the function of education.

Durkheim is the founder of functionalist theory that identified the latest role of

education as one of socializing people into society’s mainstream. This “moral

education,” as he called it, helped form a more cohesive by bringing together people

from diverse backgrounds.

Educational thought is informed by various strands of history, philosophy,

sociology, critical theory, and psychology, among other disciplines. On the other hand,

theory of education can be “prescriptive in philosophy, or descriptive in science.” In the

first case, a theory means a population about what ought to be. It provides the goals,

norms, and standards for conducting the process of education. In the second case, it

means “a set of hypotheses that have been verified by observation and experiment.”

Whereas a prescriptive education theory provided by a philosopher might offer goals of

education, descriptive “theory provides concrete data that will help realize more

effectively the goals suggested by the philosopher.” A descriptive theory of education

can be thought of as a conceptual scheme that ties together various “otherwise discrete

particulars. For example, a cultural theory of education shows how the concept of

culture can be used to organize and unify the variety of facts about how and what

people learn.” Likewise, for example, there is the behaviorist theory of education that

comes from educational psychology and the functionalist theory of education that

comes from sociology of education.

This theory is to examine and organize the system of education for development

and achievement of the students and it is important to review current education and

policy decisions. In relation to that, this study also aims to dig into and explores the

perception of TVL graduates on the impacts of TVL strand in their college education.

Statement of the Problem

This research will focus on the perception of college students who took up TVL

specialization in senior high school and their evaluation on effects or impacts of the TVL

strand in taking academic courses in college, and with these questions as guide:

1. What are the perceptions of TVL graduates to the TVL track?

2. What are the impacts of TVL track to the TVL graduates in their college studies?

3. How does TVL strand influence students’ preparedness for college education?

Objectives of the Study

This study aims to determine the advantages and disadvantages to the TVL

graduates of Lower Bala National High School with their college courses. With this, the

following objectives have been made:

1. To determine the benefits of TVL strand to the chosen course of the students in


2. To identify the advantages and disadvantages of the senior high school TVL

strand to the college students in taking academic courses in college.

3. To evaluate the senior high school students apply their skills in taking their

college courses.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to assess the impacts of TVL strand to TVL senior

high school graduates and to determine its advantages and disadvantages in their

college education.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the impact of TVL strand on TVL graduates in which they

can apply in their college education, as well as, knowing its advantages and

disadvantages of the chosen course by college students who took up TVL track.

The participants in this research are those college students who have taken up

TVL track from Lower Bala National High School in their senior high school year, so the

outcome will be based on the researchers’ analysis that will be answered by the


Operational Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined conceptually and operationally for the readers’

clear understanding.

Bone – The benefits of TVL track towards the college education of TVL tracks.

Bane – The disadvantages of TVL track for secondary school graduates under TVL


TVL Track – Is one of the four specially strand under Senior High School, it provides

wider options, and subjects are already approved to TESDA. Depending on the level

completed, one will be granted a National Certificate by finishing them.

Perception – According to the Crescent Moon Blogspot, it refers to a person of

attaining awareness or understanding of the environment by organizing and

interpreting sensory information. In this study, perception refers on how an individual

look a certain things.

Education – The wealth of knowledge that an individual has acquired after studying

particular subject matters or experiencing lesson in life that provide an understanding of


Review of Related Literature

This study focuses on the impacts of TVL specialization, as well as, its

advantages and disadvantages to the college education of TVL graduates. In this

chapter, different but relevant studies are cited as support for this study.

Senior High School Technical-Vocational Livelihood

The Technical-Vocational livelihood includes five specializations from TESDA-

based courses can be chosen: Home Economics, Agri-Fishery Arts, Industrial Arts,

Information and Communications Technology, and the TVL Maritime. These four fields

can also be done depending on the curricular program and offerings offered by schools

who offers TVL track.

The Department of Education (DepEd) has formed a Technical Vocational

Livelihood in the Bureau of Secondary Education. According to them, this unit needs to

be strengthened as one of the three key strands that will train high school graduates by

arming them with job skills. This K-12 curriculum prepares high school graduates to join

the workforce as early as grade 7. Moreover, TLE or technological livelihood education

subjects in the junior high school or JHS conform with regulations of the Technical

Educational and Skills Development Authority or TESDA. This will allow students to

receive the national credential (NC) required by the industry.

Junior high school graduates or the new grade 11 students must learn the

mandatory subjects and the specialization needed. They can choose from the main

three tracks, such as Educational, Technical Vocational-Livelihood (TVL), Sports and

Arts. So, if student prefers the TVL strand as a senior high school specialization, he/she

will continue the TLE course he/she learned in 9 th and 10th grades. This will allow

him/her to earn NCII that he/she can use as credentials in applying for a job if he/she

wants to work after SHS graduation. However, if a student will study further, he/she

can pursue the TVL track and earn a bachelor’s degree in a related field.

ADVANTAGES OF TVL specialization

This Technical-Vocational Livelihood impart direct skills that help largely to build

a career. Students can apply for a job in a specific field as early six months. Moreover,

TVL students can receive Certificates of Competence (COC’s) and National Certificates

(NC’s) for the skills learned under TESDA curriculum. TVL track students will also have

the opportunity to gain practical experience through school-industry collaborations with

technical-professional courses.

One of the most impelling reasons for taking vocational school courses during

senior high school is the opportunity to reduce a student’s freshmen year in college.

Since traditional college years, quarters, and semesters are usually based on credits

earned, students may substantially shorten their freshman year by earning enough

college credits during their secondary education. For some graduates, this could add up

enough to cut their freshman year in half. While not every school offers the

opportunity, several vocational and technical schools open their entry-level classes to

high school students who have shown a good aptitude for college-style learning.

This is usually determined by a guidance counselor, although some schools

simply have high school student sign up for classes. Since the classes taken are the

college level, these programs give high school students a chance to get a head-start on

their college education (Bhenks, 2016) Moreover, TVL track provides preparation for the

bulk of occupations OFW’s hold abroad. Based on the 2014 Survey on Overseas

Filipinos (SOF), 32.8% are in labor and unskilled occupations, 12.8% are in trade or

related work, 12.5% are plant and machine operators and assemblers, 16.5% are in the

service, shop, and market sales industry. In total, that’s 74.6% of the OFW’s surveyed.

That’s the bulk of the occupations waiting for Filipino workers abroad. Even

though halve the percentage for the service, shop, and market sales industry

(supposing half of the jobs in this sector probably require a college degree), still around

66.5% of the OFW’s surveyed occupy positions that TVL senior high school graduates

will be better equipped to fill – especially upon gaining some on-the-job experience

during and after senior high school (Major Occupation Group, Sex, and Area, 2014)


The biggest drawback in choosing a vocational college is that the credits are not

as prestigious as the traditional colleges. Moreover, they may not be considered as

prerequisites if a person desires to attend a regular college later. Furthermore, since

vocational schools focus on hands on training and typically they have minimum

academic work, the courses are not seen academically compared with traditional

colleges. Vocational college education students enter career fields faster compared to

traditional college counterparts. However, many of these jobs are of lower-paying


Thus, despite the low costs associated with vocational schools, technical

programs may have higher program-related costs. The students may need to spend

huge amount of money on tools and equipment and also on workshops and materials

during the program (Kaushik, 2015).

Related Studies

According to Hayword (1998), Tech Prep models were described as a common

core of course work for all students in the first two years of high school leading to the

junior year when each student was asked to decide between a college prep (fourth-year

degree) or a technical-vocational livelihood program. Moreover, the 19t94 School-to-

Work Opportunities Act reinforced the call for integration of academic and vocational

education as well as a process between secondary and post-secondary education. The

underlying belief in the act was the students had a better understanding of a purpose

to their studies and applied their academic skills to real-world activities.

The most common features of the School-to-Work program were career

awareness and exploration activities, job shadowing, school-based enterprises,

mentoring and internships. The activities were related to the students’ coursework that

promoted strong transitions to future education and training (The Public Forum

Institute, 2000).

This Technical-vocational Livelihood can make the students become more

prepared if they will enter college and to be more skillful with job-ready skills for future


Levesque (2000) viewed vocational education as evolving into a multipurpose

enterprise that sought to include occupational skills for as well as academic skills

believed to provide students with better preparation for both careers and post-

secondary education. Furthermore, vocational classes were developed for those who did

not plan on attending college, however, today’s high-skill job market requires all

graduates to have advanced academic knowledge and workplace skills.

Vocational courses aims to enhance employment skills for those who did not

intend to continue their studies, as well as, to enrich their intellectual skills.

The study of Perez (1998) indicated that vocational education provides students

with a focus to continue their learning and academic success.

However, according to the National Center for Education Statistics (2001) of the

United States of America, there are inflexible national implications for failing to

recognize why students are not deciding to engage in vocational education programs.

The enrolment trend of vocational education is 4.4% nationally should motivate

educators to intensify efforts to do away scarcity of skilled workers in critical industries

that have economic and strategic significance for the nation (Harney 2000).

Furthermore, in spite of the contribution of vocational education, its low standing

persists to be a continuing problem. This implies that while there are social, economic,

developmental, and personal benefits from vocational education, it does not delight in

high status (Billet 2014).

Literature shows that concerns adjoining the distinction between the incomes of

holders of vocational qualifications in contrast to university graduates, the relevance

and currency of vocational qualifications and the limited content of vocational programs

may have a say to this (Bathmaker 2013).

Thus, the lack of involvement of stakeholders, low progression into higher

education, and being rated as best when put side by side with purely academic courses

have strongly influence the perception of students to vocational education (Bathmaker



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