Insufficiency of Materials (Alpuerto)

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The BPP track is one of the k-12 tracks that develops the skills and knowledge of the

students. Students choose the BPP strand can either choose to work right after SENIOR

HIGH SCHOOL take the following college. Teachers use different instructional to motivate

learning. The success in the skill and knowledge acquisition in an instructional situation

depends on the suitability of the instructional materials adequacy and effective utilization

of the available materials. Also the relevance of instructional materials to the objective of

the lesson and of use of the instructional materials are serious considerations in

instructional materials utilization to better the students performance. The history of

bread production. The bread making process originated in ancient times. The basis of the

operation is to mix flour with other ingredients, for example, water , fat, salt, and some

source of aeration followed by baking. As long ago as 2,000 BC the Egyptians knew how to

make fermented bread.Bread and Pastry Production is a technical-vocational program

develops the students skills and performance on making bakery and pastry products

Students on Bread and Pastry Production are trained to use baking equipment.Students are

also taught on presentation methods, sanitation and safety.


This study is supported by the theory of the time management in titled “Time money”.

According to Benjamin Franklin, time management is essential for everyone. We should be aware
on how we use time management on doing things on daily to day activities. Consequently, you

would be able to accomplish your daily task in time Limit . Thus time management is possible by

understanding the Theories, principles and techniques proposed by scholars and philosophers who

have understand its significant. According to( Ranjita Misra PhD, CHES, 2000) students time

management is very important to avoid stress and to have organized schedules. Decrease stress

affecting students can be categorized as academic , financial, time management, or health related

and self-imposed. Time management is the act of planning the amount of time you spend on

activities. Managing and planning on how to raise productivity. The way of classifying and planning

on how to distribute your time between specific actions is what we named as time management.

Time is the most expensive thing that you cannot bring back anymore and it is the most

essential life skills that need to remember always according to Matt Mayberry. Different from

world of students, parents, and some who do not work . We should study prioritizing the more

important task and set aside the not beauty heavy task. For instance, times has been defined as

“Time nothing more another”. There are two categories of research Qualitative and Quantitative. It

can be specified the qualitative time is seen to represent time and quantitative is the time can be

measured and counted into seconds, minutes, days, weeks, months, and years. According to

Marquis and Houston,2009 time cannot be manage in any ways , but rather individuals can manage
event in their lives and relation to time. At the same time “time management “ must not be seen as

the only concerned with more activity on the available time, though this is may the part of it

should be certifying that the objectives are met by Forsyth, 2010. Furthermore the benefits of time

management have been darken by secondary authors and being more productive that results of

having more energy to finish tasks without stressed and pursue personal interests getting more


This research focuses on the effects of the insufficiency of needed instructional materials,
equipment, and facilities to the completion of tasks and acquisition of necessary

skills of BPP students.


1. How does the lack of instructional materials, equipment, and facilities affect BPP

students from completing tasks in the cookery laboratory.

2. How does this insufficiency affect BPP students from gaining and honing skills?

3. What is the impact of this insufficiency to the practical application of learning and skills.


This study seeks to determine the effect of the lack of instructional materials,
and facilities to the BPP students from completing tasks in the cookery laboratory and to

understand how this insufficiency affect BPP students from gaining and honing their


This study aims to seeks determine the impact of insufficiency of tools and utensils in BPP stand

to BPP students on honing their skills. With this the following objectives are made.

1. To evaluate the insight of BPP students towards the insufficiency of tools and utensils

on BPP strand.

2. To identify how the insufficiency of tools and utensils gives impact on student’s readiness for
college evacuation.

3.To look into the positive and negative effect of insufficiency of tools and utensils against BBP


The result of this study maybe significant for the following students, parents, teachers, school
management, on other people.

Students. The result of this study will provide some techniques on how to improve their time
management in order for them to increase their knowledge and to cope up more knowledge

Parents.The result of this study will help those parents to contribute their time equally to their
family,friends and work as to avoid difficult.
Teacher.the result of this study will going to improve their teaching skill with a proper time
management such as call time in the office administration ,every class hours and to their family

School Management.The result of this study is to give the faculty the exact of amount of time to
meet up and motivate or to encourage the school children in r their department and give the
example of advantages of they can get out from having time management.
things done Green and Skinner, 2005.


1. BOON- the advantages of having complete tools and utensils in BPP strand.

2. BANE- the disadvantages of having incomplete tools and utensils.

3. COLLEGE READINESS- the evaluation of BPP students are prepared on their college education.

4. EDUCATION- the process of facilitating learning r the acquisition of knowledge, skill values and

5.GLOBAL COMPITITIVENESS - the ability and capability of Filipinos to compete globally.


This study explores the significance to the impact of insufficient tools and utensils on BPP strand

to BPP students. This part is used to support and studies to support our study.


There are a lot of reasons why failed to accomplish and to submit their projects and tasks and

one of the most common reasons why they didn’t submit their projects and tasks organized time

perfectly, Time management is only possible through self discipline and self motivation by (Brigite

,et al,2005). According to (Harris, 2008 p.22) time management is offered as the process of

skillfully applying to finish and make the activity perfect. An effective time management is mostly

associated with an understanding the difference between efficiency and effectiveness.

Facilities have a big impact on academic performance of students and insufficient facilities can lead

to poor performance. This study focuses on the available facilities that is provided to students who

have special educational needs in mainstreamed school.


Students who want to pursue college education commonly took up BPP track for it is intended for

honing their intellectual capability in preparation for higher education or tertiary level. Among those

strands of BPP is perfect for students who will still unsure about what they will take in college because

BPP students are required to pick electives from other TVL strands, they are expected to be skilled in

different subjects(Nacum, 2018).

Solmonson, conducted a research on 1,498 college freshmen in Texas exploring and

assessing their readiness in advancing to college. In their study , they connect those students to the

counselors of their high school education.

Lack of Equipment and Infrastructural Facilities for Teaching and Learning

The shortage of equipment and facilities can affect the quality of teaching and learning ,quality

diminishes when the facilities required for imparting and learning are inadequate or at times not

available. Olaitin (1996) remarked that the condition under which vocational education is imparted is

poor. Most secondary schools and tertiary institutions lack equipment for training, lack workshop and

workshop facilities, have equipped laboratories and libraries. Vocational technical education is the

type of education that prepares its recipients for the world of work and so the student are supposed

to be exposed to a work environment which will enable them to fit in and outside the school



Amanda Hesser explains how devices in the often transitory world of material items we trade in the

kitchen create a sort of continuity. Cooking tools become storehouses of memories that help tell stories

of people’s lives, as the durable objects that we take with us from the place or hand down in a family

line. Annette Weiner talks about “ inalienable possessions”, objects which are excluded from the usual

loops of service or gift trade because of their connection with collective memory and identity. While

such objects are widely appreciated in the Melanesian cultures where she worked, these objects are

also ignored in the context of advancement in Western Capitalist modernity.

Low Level of Founding

The low level of founding of Vocational Technical has been a problem In the implementation of Quality

teaching and examination of Vocational Technical education in Nigerian school and college. The strict

implementation of this type of education will remain elusive without competent Vocational Technical

teachers . many of the institution of higher learning producing Vocational teaching teachers due to low

level of founding ,lack equipment,accommodation .(Workshop).Training materials and money for

maintenance of equipment . Ebeneben (1991)called on the government to increase to finding ,of

technical Education by stating that ‘’’for technical institution of the problem their educational and

training assignment properly and thus produce the the fight calibre of people that can win the respect

of industry and public, they need to be adequately equipped Vocational Technical Education is a

practical oriented, the absence of equipment and facilities due to poor founding is bound to affect the

competence of the products and subsequently the implementation of the vocational track.

The Technical Vocational Livelihood

After finishing grade 10, a student can obtain Certificates of Competency (COC) or a National Certificate

Level 1 (NC1). After finishing Technical Vocational Livelihood track in Grade 12, a student may obtain

National Certificate Level 2 (NC2), provide he/he passes the competency base assessment of the

technical education and skills development authority (TESDA). NC1 and NC2 improves employability of

graduates in fields like Agriculture, Electronics, and Trade.

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