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Principles and Management of

Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities

and Malformations
Principles and Management of
Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities
and Malformations

Vincent S. Mosca, MD
Professor of Orthopedics, University of Washington School of Medicine
Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
Chief, Foot and Ankle Service
Director, Pediatric Orthopedic Fellowship
Former Director, Department of Orthopedics
Seattle Children’s Hospital
Seattle, Washington
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Principles and management of pediatric foot and ankle deformities and malformations / editor, ­Vincent S
Mosca. — First edition
   p. ; cm.
  Includes bibliographical references and index.
  ISBN 978-1-4511-3045-4 (hardback : alk. paper)
  I.  Mosca, Vincent S., editor.
 [DNLM:  1. Ankle—abnormalities.  2. Foot Deformities, Congenital—therapy.  3. Child.  4. Orthopedic
Procedures—methods.  WE 883]

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10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
When asked in recent months how long it took me to write this book, I frequently
replied “28 years,” though the actual writing took 3 years of being glued to my
­computer most evenings and weekends. I now understand why most medical books
are multiauthored.
I thank my beautiful wife and life partner, Shirley, for her patience, sacrifice, and
­support through this all-consuming process. We started our relationship not long b ­ efore
I started the writing phase. Having survived and thrived during this rigorous undertak-
ing has great implications for our future together.
I am grateful to my lovely and talented daughter, Arianna, for sharing me with my
demanding clinical and academic career during the last 18 years of the process, which
were the first 18 years of her life.
Finally, I thank Dr. Lynn Staheli for 28 years of professional partnership, personal
friendship, support, encouragement, mentorship, perspective, and role modeling.
He showed me the way by word and by example.

As a colleague, friend, and admirer, I have known Dr. Vincent complexities of the child’s foot. That understanding enables
Mosca for over 25 years. During this past quarter century, the serious reader to make the right clinical decisions regard-
I  have watched him evolve from a gifted, but inexperi- ing both simple and complex problems. This book provides
enced, pediatric orthopedic surgeon to his current status as the reader with the tools needed to understand and evaluate
the ­individual who many (including myself) consider to be clinical problems and the detailed information required to
the foremost international authority on foot deformities in manage them successfully while concurrently exposing the
children. child to the least risk of complications.
I attribute this evolution not only to Dr. Mosca’s innate Immediately obvious to the reader are the many full-
abilities as a clinician, surgeon, innovator, and teacher, but color annotated illustrations and photos. The superb color
also to his willingness to focus his attention on the child’s photographs show Dr. Mosca’s painstaking positioning of his
foot, an extensive, yet relatively neglected, field of study. camera for operative and clinical photographs. His operative
This book, Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot images required hundreds of glove changes that allowed him
and Ankle Deformities and Malformations, is the culmina- to take the operative photographs himself from the bird’s-
tion of Dr. Mosca’s passion for the subject, his extensive expe- eye view. This enabled him to show the pertinent anatomy
rience and clinical research in the area, his innovations, and clearly without the need for accompanying artist’s sketches.
the honing of his ideas through decades of presentations to When these features are combined—a brilliant mind,
our resident staff as well as hundreds of invited lectures on years of experience, creativity, attention to detail, and a tal-
the topic at national and international conferences. He has ent for teaching—this book is the outcome. Before reviewing
been awarded numerous University of Washington orthope- the book, I predicted that the book would become a classic.
dic teaching awards and is often sought as a faculty member After my review, I believe this prediction is confirmed and
for international seminars. In addition to his original research makes me believe that, for years to come, this book will be
journal publications, he has written chapters on the child’s the foremost guide to the understanding and management of
foot in many of the major pediatric orthopedic textbooks. foot deformities in children.
In this book, Dr. Mosca correctly emphasizes the prin-
ciples that prepare the reader to better understand the Lynn T. Staheli, MD


“Techniques change, but principles are forever.” The foot, and malformations. Finally, detailed descriptions of soft­
and the child’s foot in particular, is a complex anatomic body tissue and bony procedural techniques as performed by the
part with many bones, joints, muscles, and tendons working author are presented, many of which are difficult or impos-
in concert to provide a stable, but supple, platform that helps sible to find elsewhere.
it accommodate to the changing terrain below and propel This book is not intended to be encyclopedic but, instead,
the body in space. There are many congenital, developmen- practical and immediately applicable. Indications for non-
tal, and acquired deformities, as well as malformations, that operative and operative management are stressed. Surgical
challenge the ability of the foot to serve those complex and techniques are described and illustrated. Pitfalls and compli-
important functions. There is great variability in the natural cations of treatment are discussed.
history, severity, flexibility/rigidity, age at onset, age at treat- How to use the book: Following the introductory chapter,
ment, and rate of progression of these conditions. Therefore, Chapters 2–4 elucidate the basic, assessment, and manage-
a principles-based approach is necessary to ensure the best ment principles needed to effectively treat foot deformities
possible treatment outcomes. and malformations in children and adolescents. In Chap-
The traditional approach to treating foot deformities ters 5 and 6, each of the major, and some of the minor, foot
in children has been based on techniques. There is often a deformities and malformations is considered in regard to
cookbook association of a named operation with a named definition, elucidation of the segmental deformities, imag-
deformity. However, there are many iatrogenic foot defor- ing, natural history, nonoperative treatment, operative in-
mities and rare idiopathic deformities and malformations dications, and operative treatment. The correction of most
for which there are no reported cookbook treatments. foot deformities and malformations involves the concurrent
Without a thorough understanding of foot deformities and or sequential utilization of more than one soft tissue and/or
malformations, it is challenging to determine what to do in bone procedure. To avoid redundancy, the procedures are in-
these situations. Moreover, techniques change because of dividually described in detail in Chapters 7 and 8. The oper-
technologic advances and human creativity. Without a thor- ative treatment section for each deformity and malformation
ough understanding of foot deformities and malformations, in Chapters 5 and 6 references the techniques in these final
it is difficult or impossible to assess and compare old and two chapters. The operative treatment section also indicates
new techniques. The obvious conclusion is that the man- how the individual procedures are combined and, in some
agement of the varied, and often rare, foot deformities and cases, modified for a particular condition.
malformations in children must be based on principles. And This is a how-to book that is based on one surgeon’s
principles-based management is dependent on principles- knowledge and extensive experience in this field. The prin-
based assessment. ciples are original to the author. The techniques are my origi-
A principle is a basic generalization that is accepted as nals or my interpretation/modification of the originals. The
true and can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct. The references at the end of the book allow the interested reader
purpose of this book is to present the principles of assess- to access the original pertinent literature if, in fact, any exists.
ment and management of foot deformities and malforma- I hope this book provides the reader with the knowledge
tions in children and adolescents that have been conceived, and tools needed to meet the many challenges associated
developed, organized, and explained by one pediatric or- with the assessment and management of foot deformities
thopedic surgeon with almost three decades of extensive and malformations in children.
experience studying and treating these conditions. The
principles are then applied to the individual deformities Vincent S. Mosca, MD


I acknowledge my early “child’s foot” teachers, in ­particular conditions, it is their reasoned, yet varied, approaches that
Drs. J. Leonard Goldner, Norris Carroll, and ­C olin ­Moseley, led me to look for a way to resolve the discrepancies. My
for their influences on my thought processes regarding professional life’s work has been devoted to resolving the
­deformities of the child’s foot. Though I have come to dif- discrepancies through the study and implementation of
ferent conclusions from theirs on how to manage some principles.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 interrelationships of the bones, coupled with

the strength and flexibility of the ligaments.
Muscles maintain balance, accommodate the
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 foot to uneven terrain, protect the ligaments
Purpose of the Book 1 from unusual stresses, and propel the body
How to Use the Book 2 forward 11
Basic Principle #9: The default position of the
Chapter 2 subtalar joint is valgus/everted
Basic Principle #10: Valgus deformity of the

Basic Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 hindfoot can be thought of as representing

a continuum 12
Basic Principle #1: Techniques change, but
Basic Principle #11: Cavus means hollow,
principles are forever 5
empty, or excavated and is manifest in the
Basic Principle #2: A thorough knowledge
foot by plantar flexion of the forefoot on the
of the normal anatomy of the child’s foot
hindfoot. The plantar flexion may be along
is mandatory as the foundation for the
the medial column of the foot or across the
assessment and management of foot
entire midfoot. The subtalar joint may be in
deformities in children 5
varus, neutral, or valgus. The ankle joint may
Basic Principle #3: The average normal foot
be in plantar flexion (equinus), neutral, or
shape in children is different than the
dorsiflexion ­(calcaneus). And there may be
average normal foot shape in adults 5
a combination of these ­deformities 14
Basic Principle #4: Age-related anatomic
Basic Principle #12: The foot deformity may
variations in the shape of the foot and
be the primary problem or the result of the
the natural history of each one must be
primary problem, i.e., a neuromuscular
appreciated 5
disorder. Differentiation is important 14
Basic Principle #5: “The foot is not a joint!”
Basic Principle #13: Be accurate with termi­nology 15
In all congenital and develop­mental
Basic Principle #14: Do not focus entirely on the
deformities and most malformations of the
foot. There is an entire child above the foot 16
child’s foot, there are at least two segmental
deformities that are often in rotationally
opposite directions from each other, “as if
the foot was wrung out” 6
Chapter 3
Basic Principle #6: One must understand Assessment Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
subtalar joint positions and motions in a Assessment Principle #1: A complete and
manner that supersedes the confusing and detailed clinical and radiographic assessment
inconsistent terminology in the literature 6 of the child’s foot is required before
Basic Principle #7: A thorough and working treatment is initiated 17
knowledge of the biomechanics of the foot, Assessment Principle #2: Clinical evaluation
and of the subtalar joint complex in of the child’s foot begins with a clinical
particular, is mandatory for assessment and evaluation of the child 17
management of foot deformities in children 7 Assessment Principle #3: Congenital and
Basic Principle #8: In the normal foot, the overall developmental deformities should be
shape is determined by the shapes and differentiated 17
xiv Contents

Assessment Principle #4: Static and progressive Assessment Principle #18: The foot-CORA
foot deformities should be differentiated, and (center of rotation of ­angulation) method
the rate of progression established, should be used pre-, ­intra-, and ­postoperatively
if possible 17 for the most objective evaluation of foot
Assessment Principle #5: It is often more deformities and malformations 28
challenging to ascertain the history of pain Assessment Principle #19: Hindfoot flexibility
and/or dysfunction that is related to a foot in a cavovarus foot deformity should be
deformity in a child than in an adult, but it is assessed objectively with the radiographic
worth the effort 18 equivalent of the modified Coleman
Assessment Principle #6: Assessment of pain block test 30
must be specific—ask where, when, what Assessment Principle #20: There is usually a
level/severity, what associations 18 projectional artifact on the ­lateral radiograph
Assessment Principle #7: Physical evaluation of a foot with a varus/inverted or valgus/
of the child’s foot begins with a physical everted hindfoot deformity 33
evaluation of the child 18 Assessment Principle #21: Do not forget about
Assessment Principle #8: Assessment of each ankle radiographs 36
of the segmental deformities of the foot and Assessment Principle #22: A CT scan in all
ankle is imperative before planning treatment, three orthogonal planes and with 3D
as a plan needs to be established to correct reconstruction is the best imaging modality
each one 19 for more detailed assessment of complex
Assessment Principle #9: Each segment of the foot deformities and malformations. It is the
foot should be evaluated for shape/deformity, imaging modality of choice to assess tarsal
flexibility, and skin integrity. ­Documentation coalitions 36
should be specific 19 Assessment Principle #23: An MRI is rarely
Assessment Principle #10: The accurate helpful or indicated for assessment of foot
assessment of subtalar motion is an deformities and malformations, except in
inexact science, but you can better at it by special circumstances 36
practicing 20 Assessment Principle #24: A bone scan is a
Assessment Principle #11: An ankle joint good and relatively ­inexpensive way to
deformity may coexist with a foot deformity, identify a specific site(s) of ­inflammation/
or it may be an isolated deformity. It must be pain, and is excellent at diagnosing complex
differentiated 25 ­regional pain syndrome 37
Assessment Principle #12: The presence of
a gastrocnemius or an tendo-­Achilles
contracture must be identified and
­differentiated from each other 26
Chapter 4
Assessment Principle #13: A detailed Management Principles. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
evaluation of strength, sensation, ­reflexes, Management Principle #1: The decision (to
and vascularity is required 26 operate) is more important than the incision
Assessment Principle #14: The foot must be (i.e., the surgical technique) 39
assessed clinically in weight-­bearing, not Management Principle #2: A less-than-ideal
just on the examination table 26 surgical or nonsurgical outcome can be
Assessment Principle #15: If pain is a due to a poor technique, a poor technician,
complaint, the child should be asked to or both 39
point to the exact location(s) 27 Management Principle #3: You cannot
Assessment Principle #16: Signs and symptoms un-operate on anyone 39
must match the presumed pathology, so Management Principle #4: The (surgical)
ensure that you have enough information treatment could be worse than the
before focusing on a radiographic finding 27 condition itself 39
Assessment Principle #17: All radiographs for Management Principle #5:­Modalities that
the assessment of foot deformities should correct deformities: (1) natural history,
be obtained in weight-bearing, or simulated (2) physical stretching, (3) serial casting, and
weight-bearing if the former is not possible (4) surgery 40
because of extreme youth or the child’s Management Principle #6: Modalities that
inability to stand 28 correct dynamic deformities: (1) focal injection
Contents xv

of tone-reducing medication into muscles and (2) Tendon transfers will not correct
and (2) muscle-balancing tendon surgery 40 structural deformities 44
Management Principle #7: Modalities that Management Principle #16: Principles of
maintain deformity correction: (1) focal cavovarus deformity correction: (1) Release
injection of tone-reducing medication into the plantar–medial soft tissues to realign
muscles, (2) special shoes/braces, (3) orthotics, the subtalar joint, (2) Perform osteotomies
(4) physical stretching, and (5) balanced to correct residual bone deformities, and
muscles 41 (3) Reserve arthrodesis of the subtalar joint
Management Principle #8: Treatment as a salvage procedure 44
(nonoperative and/or operative) is Management Principle #17: Principles of
indicated for: (1) Congenital deformities and planovalgus deformity correction:
malformations that are known, or expected, (1) Perform osteotomies to correct bone
to cause pain and/or functional disability deformities and/or align the subtalar joint,
unless corrected, and (2) Developmental and (2) Plicate soft tissues to further stabilize the
acquired deformities and malformations that subtalar joint, and (3) Reserve arthrodesis of
are creating pain and/or functional disability 42 the subtalar joint as a salvage procedure 45
Management Principle #9: Surgical treat­ment is Management Principle #18: The calcaneocuboid
indicated for: (1) Congenital deformities and joint is the most distal site at which the lateral
malformations that do not, or cannot, correct column of the foot can be shortened or
with nonoperative treatment and are known lengthened to realign the talonavicular joint/
to cause pain and/or functional disability acetabulum pedis in a foot with a varus/
unless corrected, (2) Progressive cavovarus inverted or a valgus/everted hindfoot
foot deformities that are associated with pain deformity. The body of the cuboid is too
and/or functional disability, and (3) Other far distal 45
developmental, persistent, and recurrent Management Principle #19: When con­sidering
deformities that do not adequately respond a dorsiflexion or plantar flexion osteotomy
to prolonged attempts at nonoperative of the medial cuneiform for the correction of
treatment designed to correct the deformity, forefoot pronation or supination, one should
maintain deformity correction, relieve pain, also consider the alignment in the transverse
and diminish or relieve functional disability 43 plane (adduction or abduction) 45
Management Principle #10: Provide clear, Management Principle #20: Principles for
accurate, and reasonable expectations to the distal tibia and fibula deformity ­correction
patient and family of the short- and long-term osteotomies: (1) The fibula must be cut in
outcomes of nonoperative and operative conjunction with all distal tibial deformity
management 43 correcting osteotomies. The reasons are
Management Principle #11: A ­surgical plan for based on geometry and the CORA principles,
each of the segmental deformities and muscle (2) Consider the intended direction of
imbalances needs to be established before movement of the distal tibial fragment to
proceeding with surgery 43 determine the proper plane for the fibula
Management Principle #12: Correct deformity osteotomy, (3) Achieve control of the distal
at the site of the deformity. If that is not tibial fragment before the osteotomy is
possible, use compensatory bone and soft performed, if at all possible, (4) Cut the
tissue procedures 43 tibia perpendicular to the shaft for a pure
Management Principle #13: Preserve joint rotational osteotomy, and (5) For closing
motion (particularly subtalar joint motion) wedge angular deformity correction
in the feet of children and adolescents by osteotomies, make the first tibial cut parallel
utilizing soft tissue releases/plications and with the ankle (while you can still see
­osteotomies instead of arthrodeses 43 parallel), and make the second tibial cut
Management Principle #14: Use ­biologic, perpendicular to the shaft on the shaft
rather than technologic, interventions; i.e., fragment 47
rearrange and/or reshape anatomic parts Management Principle #21: Iliac crest is
rather than replace or interfere with them 43 the ideal bone graft material for foot
Management Principle #15: Correct deformities deformity correction surgery in children
and balance muscle forces: (1) Deformity and adolescents. Allograft has advantages
correction will not correct muscle imbalance, over autograft 50
xvi Contents

Management Principle #22: Principles of Acquired Calcaneus Deformity 62

tendon transfers: (1) Move the right tendon Valgus Deformity of the Ankle Joint 64
to the right location at the right tension, Valgus Deformity of the Ankle Joint and the
(2) Tendon transfers will not correct structural Hindfoot 65
deformities, (3) Tendon transfers are based on Cavus 67
existing and anticipated patterns of muscle Cavovarus Foot (Excluding Those
imbalance, and (4) Tendon transfers are Due to Cerebral Palsy) 67
much more challenging with joint preserving Cavovarus Foot (Due to Cerebral Palsy) 70
reconstructions 53 Calcaneocavus (Transtarsal Cavus) Foot 71
Management Principle #23: It is important to Clubfoot 71
correct individual deformities in a complex Congenital Clubfoot (Talipes Equinovarus) 71
multisegmental foot/ankle deformity in the Neglected Clubfoot 73
proper order 56 Severe, Rigid, Resistant Arthrogrypotic
Management Principle #24: Surgical efficiency Clubfoot in an Infant or Young Child 74
and clinical outcomes can be improved Corrected Congenital Clubfoot (Talipes
by adhering to a specific order of events Equinovarus) with Anterior Tibialis Overpull 76
during complex foot reconstruction surgery: Recurrent/Persistent Clubfoot Deformity 78
(1) Expose and prepare everything before Rotational Valgus Overcorrection of the
completing anything, (2) Perform and Subtalar Joint 79
stabilize deformity corrections, (3) As you Translational Valgus Overcorrection of the
proceed, close incisions that no longer need Subtalar Joint 80
to be accessed, and (4) Set proper tension Dorsal Subluxation/Dislocation of the
on tendon lengthenings/plications/transfers57 Talonavicular Joint 82
Management Principle #25: It is safe, reliable, Anterior Ankle Impingement 83
and cosmetic to use absorbable subcuticular Dorsal Bunion 84
sutures for wound closures and no drains. Congenital Vertical/Oblique Talus 86
Corollary: It is safe and reliable to use Congenital Vertical Talus 86
absorbable sutures for tendon lengthenings Congenital Oblique Talus 87
and transfers 58 Neglected/Recurrent/Residual CVT 90
Management Principle #26: It is safe to apply a Flatfoot 91
well-padded, bivalved fiberglass cast at the Flexible Flatfoot 91
end of an even complex foot reconstruction Flexible Flatfoot with Short (Tight)
that involves multiple bone and soft tissue Achilles or Gastrocnemius Tendon 92
procedures 58 Metatarsus Adductus/Skewfoot 94
Management Principle #27: Long-leg casts Metatarsus Adductus 94
should be applied in two sections to ensure Skewfoot 96
appropriate molding of the foot and protection Tarsal Coalition 101
of the soft tissues at the knee following both Talocalcaneal Tarsal Coalition 101
nonoperative and operative treatments 59 Calcaneonavicular Tarsal Coalition 105
Management Principle #28: Formal phys­i cal Toe Deformities 107
therapy is appropriate for the successful Congenital Hallux Varus 107
rehabilitation of some, but not all, foot Juvenile Hallux Valgus 108
reconstructions in children and Bunionette (Tailor’s Bunion) 110
adolescents 59 Congenital Overriding 5th Toe 114
Management Principle #29: When it is not Curly Toe 114
possible to make a malformed or deformed Mallet Toe 115
foot as comfortable and functional as a Hammer Toes 117
prosthesis, consider an amputation 59 Claw Toe 118

Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Foot and Ankle Deformities . . . . . . . 61 Foot Malformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Ankle 61 Toes/Forefoot 119
Congenital and Acquired Short Heel Cord 61 Cleft Foot 119
Positional Calcaneovalgus Deformity 62 Longitudinal Epiphyseal Bracket 120
Contents xvii

Macrodactyly 121 Superficial Plantar-Medial Release (S-PMR) 176

Polydactyly 125 Deep Plantar-Medial Release (D-PMR) 177
Syndactyly 128 Dorsal Approach Release for Congenital
Midfoot 130 Vertical Talus and Congenital Oblique
Accessory Navicular 130 Talus (DR) 178
Hindfoot 132 3rd Street Procedure (Barnett Procedure) 180
Congenital Subtalar Synostosis 132 Butler Procedure for Congenital Overriding
5th Toe 183

Chapter 7 Posterior Release (Post-R)

Circumferential Clubfoot Release (­Postero-
Plantar-Medial Release)—Á la Carte

Soft Tissue Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . 135 (­Post-PMR) 185

Aponeurotic and Intramuscular Recessions 135 Plications—Tendon Shortenings and Capsular
Gastrocnemius Recession (Strayer Procedure) 135 Tightenings 189
Distal Abductor Hallucis Recession 136 Plantar–Medial Plication (PMP) 189
Abductor Digiti Minimi Recession 137 Disarticulations 189
Posterior Tibialis Tendon Recession 137 Syme Ankle Disarticulation 189
Tendon Lengthenings/Releases 138
Percutaneous Tenotomies of the Flexor
Hallucis Longus and Flexor Digitorum
Longus to Toes 2 to 5 138
Chapter 8
Percutaneous Tendo-Achilles Bone Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Tenotomy (TAT) 139 Guided Growth 195
Tendo-Achilles Lengthening (TAL) 145 Medial Distal Tibia Guided Growth with
Percutaneous Triple-Cut Tendo-Achilles Retrograde Medial Malleolus Screw 195
Lengthening (TAL), a.k.a. Hoke Procedure 145 Anterior Distal Tibia Guided Growth with
Open Double Cut Slide TAL 146 Anterior Plate–Screw Construct 196
Mini-Open Double Cut Slide TAL 147 Resections 197
Open Z-lengthening TAL 149 Accessory Navicular Resection 197
Tendon Transfers 152 Calcaneonavicular Tarsal Coalition
Jones Transfer of Extensor Hallucis Longus to Resection 200
1st MT Neck 152 Talocalcaneal Tarsal Coalition Resection 202
Reverse Jones Transfer of FHL to Lichtblau Distal Calcaneus Resection 205
1st MT Neck 154 Longitudinal Epiphyseal Bracket Resection 205
Hibbs Transfer of Extensor Digitorum Resection of Impinging Portion of Dorsally
Communis to Cuboid or Peroneus Tertius 154 Subluxated Navicular 208
Anterior Tibialis Tendon Transfer to the Lateral Debridement of Dorsal Talar Neck 209
(3rd) Cuneiform (ATTTx) 157 Ray Resection 210
Anterior Tibialis Tendon Transfer to the Middle Naviculectomy 211
(2nd) Cuneiform 160 Talectomy 214
Split Anterior Tibial Tendon Transfer (SPLATT) 161 Osteotomies 216
Peroneus Longus to Peroneus Brevis Transfer Calcaneal Lengthening Osteotomy (CLO) 216
(PL to PB tx) 163 Posterior Calcaneus Displacement
Anterior Tibialis Tendon Transfer to the Tendo- Osteotomy (PCDO) 226
Achilles (AT to TA tx) 165 Medial Cuneiform Osteotomy—
Posterior Tibialis Tendon Transfer to the “Generic” (MCO) 229
Dorsum of the Foot (PT tx dorsum) 167 Medial Cuneiform (Medial) Opening Wedge
Releases—Combinations of Aponeurotic Osteotomy (MC-Medial-OWO) 230
and/or Intramuscular Recessions, Tendon Medial Cuneiform (Dorsiflexion) Plantar-Based
Lengthenings, Muscle Divisions/Releases, Opening Wedge Osteotomy (MC-DF-OWO) 232
and Capsulotomies 171 Medial Cuneiform (Plantar Flexion) Plantar-
Plantar Fasciotomy/Release (PF/PR) 171 Based Closing Wedge Osteotomy
Limited, Minimally Invasive Soft Tissue (MC-PF-CWO) 235
Releases for Clubfoot 172 Medial Cuneiform (Plantar Flexion) Dorsal-
Superficial Medial Release (S-MR) 173 Based Opening Wedge Osteotomy
Deep Medial Release (D-MR) 175 (MC-PF-OWO) 237
xviii Contents

Medial Cuneiform (Dorsiflexion) Dorsal-Based Arthrodeses 251

Closing Wedge Osteotomy (MC-DF-CWO) 238 Hallux Interphalangeal Joint Arthrodesis 251
Cuboid Closing Wedge Osteotomy (CCWO) 238 Hallux Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthrodesis 252
Calcaneocuboid Joint Resection/Arthrodesis 239 Midfoot Wedge Resection/Arthrodesis 253
Lichtblau Anterior Calcaneus Resection 240 Calcaneocuboid Joint Arthrodesis 254
Anterior Calcaneus Closing Wedge Osteotomy 242 Subtalar Arthrodesis 254
1st Metatarsal Base Osteotomy 244 Triple Arthrodesis 258
5th Metatarsal Osteotomy 245
1st Metatarsal Distal Osteotomy 246
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Distal Tibia and Fibula Varus, Valgus, Flexion,
Extension, Rotational Osteotomies 247 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275

“Techniques change, but principles are forever.” I do not re- The traditional approach to treating foot deformities
call when I first heard that declaration or who in history first in children has been based on techniques. There is often a
stated it, but it has been my mantra for decades. There may cookbook association of a named operation with a named
be no part of the human body for which the wisdom of those deformity. Unfortunately, the operation typically addresses
words is more poignant than the child’s foot. With 26 bones, only one or possibly two of the multiple deformities that are
at least 31 articulations, and countless muscle/tendon attach- present. That approach can lead to poor surgical outcomes
ments, the foot is comparable only to the hand as the most if the severity and rigidity of the deformities are greater than
complex anatomic region of the musculoskeletal system. usual or if additional unrecognized segmental deformities
This anatomic complexity contributes to the extremely wide exist. Furthermore, there are many iatrogenic foot deformi-
variety of deformities and malformations that afflict the foot. ties and rare idiopathic deformities and malformations for
And although the incidence of malformations of the foot is which there are no reported cookbook treatments. Without
comparable to that of the hand, there are far more deforma- a thorough understanding of foot deformities and malfor-
tions (deformities) of the foot than the hand. mations, it is challenging to determine what to do in these
situations. Moreover, techniques change because of techno-
logic advances and human creativity. Without a thorough
PURPOSE OF THE BOOK understanding of foot deformities and malformations, it is
The foot, and the child’s foot in particular, is a complex difficult or impossible to assess and compare old and new
anatomic body part with many bones, joints, muscles, and techniques. The obvious conclusion is that the management
tendons working in concert to provide a stable, but supple, of the varied, and often rare, foot deformities and malfor-
platform that helps it accommodate to the changing terrain mations in children must be based on principles. And prin-
below and propel the body in space. There are many con- ciples-based management is dependent on principles-based
genital, developmental, and acquired deformities, as well as assessment.
malformations, that challenge the ability of the foot to serve A principle is a basic generalization that is accepted as
those complex and important functions. There is great vari- true and can be used as a basis for reasoning or ­conduct.
ability in the natural history, severity, flexibility/­rigidity, age The purpose of this book is to present, in one source, the
at onset, age at treatment, and rate of progression of these principles of assessment and management of foot deformi-
conditions. In addition, the effects of growth and develop- ties and malformations in children and adolescents that
ment, as well as the effects of previous treatment, on the have been conceived, developed, organized, and e­ xplained
common and rare deformities and malformations of the by one pediatric orthopedic surgeon with almost three
child’s foot make a cookbook approach to management decades of extensive experience studying and treating
unreasonable. That great variability also makes prospec- these conditions. The principles are then applied to the in-
tive, controlled studies of treatment effectiveness almost dividual deformities and malformations. Finally, detailed
impossible to carry out. Therefore, a principles-based descriptions of soft tissue and bony procedural techniques
approach is necessary to ensure the best possible treatment are presented, many of which are difficult or impossible to
outcomes. find elsewhere.

2 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

This book is not intended to be encyclopedic but, in- deformities that are often in rotationally opposite directions
stead, practical and immediately applicable. Indications for from each other (see Basic Principle #5, Chapter 2). The
­nonoperative and operative management are stressed. Sur- malalignment may be (1) structural/rigid, i.e., characterized
gical techniques are described and illustrated. Pitfalls and by restriction of normal joint motion, or (2) flexible, i.e., pas-
complications of treatment are discussed. sively correctable. The latter may be idiopathic or dynamic
For more detailed information on the definition, epi- (due to an underlying muscle imbalance). Structural/rigid
demiology, etiology, clinical features, radiographic fea- and flexible deformities can be congenital, acquired, devel-
tures, pathoanatomy, natural history, and treatment of foot opmental, idiopathic, iatrogenic, caused by an underlying
deformities and malformations in children, see my chapter neuromuscular disorder, or some combination of these.
entitled The foot. In: Weinstein SL, Flynn JM, eds. Lovell Malformation: A malformation is an incorrectly created
and Winter’s Pediatric Orthopedics. 7th ed. Philadelphia, anatomic part. Malformations fall into five broad categories:
PA: ­Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2013:1425–1562. It is a too large, too small, too many, too few, joined together/failed
­valuable ­companion resource. to separate (Table 1-1).
Congenital mal-deformation: Deformities can be
associated with malformations. This is particularly true
HOW TO USE THE BOOK for malformations in the category of joined together/failed
Following this introductory chapter, Chapters 2 to 4 ­elucidate to separate and present at birth, i.e., congenital subtalar
the basic, assessment, and management principles needed ­synostosis (see Chapter 6). In the flatfoot deformity asso-
to effectively treat foot deformities and malformations in ciated with fibula hemimelia, Apert syndrome, and lower
children and adolescents. A thorough understanding of extremity hemiatrophy, there is congenital synostosis of
these principles is required before focusing on a particular the talus and calcaneus (and also commonly the cuboid
foot deformity or malformation. In Chapters 5 and 6, each and ­navicular). This is a failure of segmentation (failure of
of the major, and some of the minor, foot deformities and ­apoptosis) between the involved bones that begins as an
malformations is considered in regard to definition, elucida- ­extensive ­synchondrosis and undergoes metaplasia to a syn-
tion of the segmental deformities, imaging, natural history, ostosis during early childhood. The calcaneus is ­attached
nonoperative treatment, operative indications, and opera- to the talus in a laterally displaced position, creating ­valgus
tive treatment. The correction of most foot deformities and ­alignment of the hindfoot without the other components
malformations involves the concurrent or sequential utiliza- of eversion deformity of the subtalar joint. These rare,
tion of more than one soft tissue and/or bone procedure. To congenital, rigid flatfeet with extensive tarsal coalitions
avoid redundancy, the procedures are individually described should ­perhaps be called congenital mal-deformations.
in detail in Chapters 7 and 8. The operative treatment sec-
tion for each deformity and malformation in Chapters 5 and
6 references the techniques in these final two chapters. The TABLE 1-1
operative treatment section also indicates how the individual Categories of Malformations
procedures are combined and, in some cases, modified for a
1. Too large
particular condition. a. Accessory navicular
The references are included at the end of the book, but are b. Longitudinal epiphyseal bracket
not annotated within the text. This is a “how to” book that is c. Macrodactyly
based on one surgeon’s knowledge and extensive experience d. Gigantism
in this field. The principles are original to the author. The i. Localized to forefoot
techniques are original to the author or the author’s interpre- ii. Total foot
tation and/or modification of the originals. The references 2. Too small
allow the interested reader to access the original pertinent a. Brachydactyly
b. Brachymetatarsia
c. Hypoplasia
Although the numerous images in this book should help
clarify the principles and techniques for the reader, observa- 3. Too many
a. Polydactyly
tion and manipulation of a life-size foot skeleton model (that
is held together by elastic cords) will add three-dimensional 4. Too few
a. Longitudinal deficiency
clarity and should be used liberally.
b. Cleft foot (ectrodactyly)
To get started, definitions are in order.
Deformity/deformation: A deformity/deformation is a 5. Joined together (failed to separate)
a. Syndactyly
malalignment of relatively normally formed bones at a joint. i. Simple
A deformity can refer to malalignment at a single joint, ii. Complex
but in most named deformities of the foot (clubfoot, cav- b. Congenital synchondrosis/synostosis
ovarus foot, skewfoot, etc.), there are at least two segmental
CHAPTER 1/Introduction 3

Developmental mal-deformation: Congenital subtalar flatfeet (see Basic Principle #4, Chapter 2). It is estimated
synostosis, a congenital mal-­deformation, is quite different that approximately 20% to 25% of adults have that same foot
from the common, limited-size tarsal coalition. The latter is shape which, according to Harris and Beath, is the normal
autosomal dominant, affects up to 13% of the population, contour of a strong and stable foot and of little consequence
and undergoes metaplasia from s­yndesmosis to synchon- as a cause of disability. Roughly 25% of the flatfooted adults,
drosis to synostosis between the ages of 8 and 16 years, with those with heel cord contractures, have pain (see Chapter 5).
progressive loss of subtalar motion and loss of longitudi- Perhaps, a painful flexible flatfoot with heel cord contracture
nal arch height (see Chapter 5). These are not congenital, should be called a deformity, and a painless flexible flatfoot
though they are genetically programmed to develop. They without heel cord contracture should be considered merely
result in a synostosis, which is a malformation, but not in an anatomic variation.
the usual sense, in that they are not congenital, i.e., pres- Though this classification system has never been formally
ent at birth. Perhaps these should be called developmental proposed, I will refer to it from time to time in this book.
mal-deformations. I hope this book provides the reader with the knowledge
Anatomic variation: And finally, one should be cautious and tools needed to meet the many challenges associated with
in applying the term deformity to an anatomic variation. Most assessing and managing foot deformities and m ­ alformations
babies have physiologically normal, asymptomatic flexible in children.

Basic Principles
BASIC PRINCIPLE #1 foot and its variations, so read on and you will learn what
you need to know.
Techniques change, but principles are forever.
Therefore, study principles! A principle is a basic generaliza-
tion that is accepted as true and can be used as a basis for BASIC PRINCIPLE #3
reasoning or conduct. There are many principles of assess- The average normal foot shape in children is differ-
ment and management of foot deformities and malforma- ent than the average normal foot shape in adults.
tions in children and adolescents that need to be appreciated
and routinely utilized. And the range of normal foot shapes in children is different
than the range of normal foot shapes in adults, though with
significant overlap between age groups. For example, many
BASIC PRINCIPLE #2 or most babies are flatfooted, a shape less commonly seen in
A thorough knowledge of the normal anatomy adults. Many babies have metatarsus adductus, a shape rarely
of the child’s foot is mandatory as the foundation seen in adults.
for the assessment and management of foot
deformities in children.
There are 26 bones and at least 19 major joints in a foot.
Age-related anatomic variations in the shape of
The 52 bones in both feet represent 25% of all the bones
the foot and the natural history of each one must be
in the body. Before treating deformities and malformations
of the child’s foot, whether nonoperatively or operatively, a
thorough and working knowledge of the normal anatomy This basic principle is a corollary of Basic Principle #3. In
of the adult foot and ankle is required. Get a good anatomy most cases, anatomic variations in the shape of the child’s
book and study it. There are many available, but my favor- foot change spontaneously to adult norms through normal
ite is ­Sarrafian’s ­Anatomy of the Foot and Ankle. (See 3rd growth and development.
­edition by Kelikian AS, editor. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott For example, most babies are flatfooted, whereas about
Williams & Wilkins; 2011.) A thorough and working knowl- 25% of adults are flatfooted (Figure 2-1). Approximately
edge of the normal anatomy of the child’s foot and ankle 1 in 100  babies have metatarsus adductus, almost none
must then be acquired. Although all the same bones, joints, receive treatment, and very few adults have that foot shape
ligaments, muscles, and tendons are present in children and (Figure 2-2).
adults, the bones and joints are frequently aligned differ- Knowledge of anatomic variations and their natural his-
ently in the two age groups. To my knowledge, no anatomy tory should prevent unnecessary and potentially harmful
book exists that is devoted exclusively to the normal child’s interventions.

6 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

A Flatfoot B Talo-1st metatarsal angle

Flatter foot
Flatter foot


Higher arch
Higher arch

Year of Age Age (years)

Figure 2-1.  A. Footprints from individuals of all ages show that children are more flatfooted than
adults, there is a wide range of normal arch heights, and the arch generally elevates spontane-
ously during the first decade of life. (From Staheli LT, Chew DE, Corbett M. The longitudinal arch.
A survey of eight hundred and eighty two feet in normal children and adults. J Bone Joint Surg Am.
1987;69:426–428, with permission.) B. Radiographs from children of all ages confirm the footprint
data. The drawing and graph represent the lateral talus–1st metatarsal (so-called Meary’s) angle.
(From Vanderwilde R, Staheli LT, Chew DE, et al. Measurements on radiographs of the foot in normal
infants and children. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1988;70:407–415, with permission.)

and malformations, each segmental deformity and malfor-

mation must be identified, characterized, and understood so
“The foot is not a joint!” In all congenital and that a plan can be created to individually, yet concurrently,
develop­mental deformities and most malformations manage each one.
of the child’s foot, there are at least two segmental The rotationally opposite deformities are perhaps
deformities that are often in rotationally opposite best appreciated in the cavovarus foot in which there are
directions from each other, “as if the foot was wrung hindfoot varus and forefoot pronation, and the flatfoot in
out” (Figure 2-3). which there are hindfoot valgus and forefoot supination
(Figure 2-3).
I conceived of, and published, these two phrases many years
ago and continue to believe that they accurately and simply
convey two important realities. Before one can surgically BASIC PRINCIPLE #6
treat the pain and disability associated with foot deformities
One must understand subtalar joint positions and
motions in a manner that supersedes the confusing
and inconsistent terminology in the literature.
A B The static deformity positions of the subtalar joint can
appropriately be described using the terminology used for
other joints, i.e., varus (the calcaneus angles i­nward in rela-
tion to the talus) and valgus (the calca­neus angles outward in
relation to the talus) (Figure 2-4).
Hindfoot varus is the static position of the subtalar joint
found in cavovarus feet and clubfeet. Hindfoot valgus is the
static position of the subtalar joint seen in flatfeet, skewfeet,
and vertical tali. Some health care professionals use the term
pronated when referring to a foot with hindfoot valgus. Fore-
arms pronate and supinate. There is a lot more going on in
foot deformities with a valgus hindfoot than can be captured
with the simplistic and specific term pronated (see Basic
Principle #13, this chapter).
Figure 2-2.  A. Anteroposterior (AP) radiograph of a baby’s foot The motions that result in those static positions should,
demonstrating forefoot adductus. (Some might argue that this is a in my opinion, be described using terms that recognize the
skewfoot, though the strict differentiation of the two deformities in unique and complex features of the subtalar joint. The sub-
infancy has not been established.) B. AP radiograph of the same talar joint differs from all other joints in the body in several
baby’s foot 11 months later. The adductus has almost completely
resolved without any treatment. NOTE: X-rays are not recom-
ways: it is not a hinge joint or a ball-and-socket joint; its axis
mended to make or confirm the diagnosis of congenital metatar- is not in the sagittal, coronal, or transverse plane; and it is
sus adductus in infants (see Metatarsus Adductus, Chapter 5). a compound joint (several bones articulate) rather than a
CHAPTER 2/Basic Principles 7


Figure 2-3.  A. Towel wrung out. B. Foot
model on elastic cords wrung out in the
same manner, representing a cavovarus
foot with hindfoot varus and forefoot pro-
nation. C. Towel wrung out in the opposite
direction. D. Foot model wrung out in the
same manner, representing a flatfoot with
hindfoot valgus and forefoot supination.

diarthrodial joint (two bones articulate). The subtalar joint Conversely, eversion motion results in the static position
complex is composed of 3 bones (possibly 4, if one includes “valgus.” It is a combination of dorsiflexion (up), exter-
the cuboid), several important ligaments, and multiple joint nal rotation (out), and pronation of the acetabulum pedis
capsules that function together as a unit. Almost 200 years around the talar head. Simply stated, eversion is an “up and
ago, Scarpa saw similarities between the hip joint and the out” movement of the acetabulum pedis around the talus
subtalar joint complex. He coined the term acetabulum pedis, (Figure 2-7).
referring to a cup-like structure made up of the proximal
articular surface of the navicular, the spring ligament, and
the facets of the anterior end of the calcaneus (Figure 2-5). BASIC PRINCIPLE #7
He compared the femoral head to the talar head, and
A thorough and working knowledge of the
the pelvic acetabulum to his so-called acetabulum pedis
biomechanics of the foot, and of the subtalar joint
(Figure 2-6).
complex in particular, is mandatory for assessment
I believe that the term inversion best captures the three-
and management of foot deformities in children.
dimensional motions of the acetabulum pedis around the
head of the talus that result in the static position “varus.” The The functions of the foot include provision of a stable, but
acetabulum pedis plantar flexes (down), internally rotates supple, platform that helps it accommodate to the changing
(in), and supinates. Simply stated, inversion is a “down and terrain below and propel the body in space. And the subta-
in” movement of the acetabulum pedis around the talus. lar joint is the machinery used by the foot to adapt to the


Figure 2-4.  A. Hindfoot varus. B. Hindfoot valgus.

8 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

Acetabulum pedis

Navicular Cuboid

Anterior facet
Spring ligament
Middle facet

Posterior facet

Figure 2-5.  The acetabulum pedis, as
­conceptualized by Antonio Scarpa in 1818. It
­consists of the proximal articular surface of the
navicular, the spring ligament, and the ­facets of
the anterior end of the calcaneus.

ground during the early stance phase of gait and then con- As discussed in Basic Principle #6, Scarpa saw simi-
vert to a rigid lever during push-off. Several authors have larities between the hip joint and the subtalar joint complex
represented the complex interrelationships between the and coined the term acetabulum pedis. Although it is not a
bones of the mid- and hindfoot as a mitered hinge, but that perfect comparison, I believe that the two anatomic areas
analogy is too simplistic. Using that as a first approximation share certain features that make the comparison both valid
or basic concept, one must add a thorough understanding of and worthwhile. The hip, a pure ball-and-socket joint with
the shape, structure, relationships, and motions of the sub- a central point of rotation, is composed of 2 bones, 1 intra-­
talar joint complex to truly understand the biomechanics of articular ligament, and 1 joint capsule. The subtalar joint
the foot. is not an independent ball-and-socket joint, though the

Acetabulum pelvis Acetabulum pedis


Figure 2-6.  My concept of the ­comparison of

the hip joint and the subtalar joint, as suggested
by Scarpa. A. In the hip joint, the ball (the femoral
head) rotates within the pelvic acetabulum. B. In
Ball rotates within socket Socket rotates around ball
the subtalar joint, the acetabulum pedis rotates
around the ball (the talar head).
CHAPTER 2/Basic Principles 9

Inversion Inversion



Eversion Eversion

Figure 2-7.  Subtalar joint

motions. A and B. Inversion is
plantar flexion, internal rota-
tion, and ­supination of the

Up a
acetabulum pedis around the
talus—“down and in.” C and D.
Eversion is dorsiflexion, exter- nd ou
nal rotation, and pronation of t
the acetabulum pedis around
the talus—“up and out.”

combined motions of the subtalar joint and the immedi- (­ Figure 2-8), thus creating motions that are best described by
ately adjacent ankle joint give the impression of a ball-and- the terms inversion and eversion (Figure 2-7).
socket. In fact, the subtalar joint has an axis of motion in an The stable structure in the hip joint is the acetabulum
oblique plane that is neither frontal, nor sagittal, nor coronal (the socket), while the stable structure in the subtalar joint

x=23° 4°
69° nt
of joi
is ar
47° Ax btal
Horizontal plane

Figure 2-8.  Axis of the subtalar Subtalar axis

10 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

complex is the talus (the ball). It is worth repeating that joint. This is the concept of lever arm function. Lever arm
inversion comprises plantar flexion, internal rotation, and dysfunction can result from shortening the lever arm and/or
supination of the acetabulum pedis around the head of the weakening the triceps surae. The lever arm is shortened when
talus—“down and in.” Eversion is a combination of dorsiflex- the foot is externally rotated in relation to the sagittal plane
ion, external rotation, and pronation of the acetabulum pedis of the knee. This can be due to an everted/unlocked subtalar
around the talar head—“up and out.” The static position of joint and/or external tibial torsion. The force coupling (force ×
the inverted subtalar joint is called hindfoot varus, and the distance to the center of the axis of motion, i.e., length of the
static position of the everted subtalar joint is called hindfoot lever arm) can be further diminished by weakness of the tri-
valgus ­(Figures 2-4 and 2-7). ceps surae. This can occur if the triceps surae is inappropri-
The tibia and talus internally rotate during the first half ately lengthened and, thereby, weakened (Figure 2-10).
of the stance phase of the gait cycle while the subtalar joint The ankle joint is also composed of three bones, several
complex everts. The acetabulum pedis dorsiflexes in relation important ligaments, and one joint capsule. It is a hinge joint
to the talus, as a component of eversion. The foot becomes that functions strictly in the frontal plane. The talus plantar
quite supple, or “unlocked,” and the arch flattens. During flexes (down) and dorsiflexes (up). It is important to reiter-
the latter part of stance phase, the tibia and talus externally ate, and to be constantly reminded, that the subtalar joint
rotate while the subtalar joint complex inverts. The acetabu- also plantar flexes and dorsiflexes, as components of the
lum pedis plantar flexes in relation to the talus, as a compo- complex movements known as inversion (“down and in”)
nent of inversion, and once again supports the head of the and eversion (“up and out”).
talus. The subtalar joint and, thereby, the entire foot become The talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joints are also
rigid, or “locked” (Figure 2-9). known as Chopart joints and as the transtarsal joints. The
The foot acts as the most efficient and effective lever for talonavicular joint is the anterior extent of the subtalar joint
the generation of power during push-off when the subtalar complex and has the largest excursion of any part of it. The
joint is inverted/locked and the foot is pointing directly for- calcaneocuboid joint has only a toggle of motion, and on
ward, i.e., perpendicular to the transverse axis of the knee the basis of its position within the acetabulum pedis, one

Heel strike Midstance

• Everted
• Up and out

C Push-off

Figure 2-9.  Unlocking and locking the subtalar joint dur-

ing gait. A. At heel strike, the tibia/fibula/talus internally
rotate as the subtalar joint everts (“up and out”) (purple
curved arrows). The acetabulum pedis dorsiflexes in rela-
tion to the talus (black arrows). The subtalar joint becomes
supple, or “unlocked,” in order to accept contact with the
ground as the body’s shock absorber. B. As stance phase
progresses, the component parts reverse their rotation.
C. At push-off, the tibia/fibula/talus are externally rotated
Locked and the subtalar joint is inverted (“down and in”), thereby
• Inverted plantar flexing the acetabulum pedis in relation to the talus
• Down and in (black arrows). The subtalar joint becomes “locked” so the
foot can act as a rigid lever that is used by the triceps surae
to generate power for push-off (see Figure 2-10).
CHAPTER 2/Basic Principles 11

Figure 2-10.  A. Lever arm

deficiency. Muscles always work A B
as part of a force-couple (force ×
distance to the center of the axis
of motion). Therefore, the plantar
flexion/knee extension ­(PF/­KE)
couple depends on the appropriate
alignment and rigidity of the foot.
If this is not present, the extension
­moment against the knee will be
inadequate even with adequate +
Extension force1
strength of the triceps surae.
B. The black arrow shows a long Extension force2 +
lever arm in a foot with a neutral
thigh–foot angle. External rota-
tion of the foot shortens the lever
arm (distance to the center of the
surae PF/KE couple
axis of motion—pink arrow). The
­external rotation can be in the sub- GRF Knee axis
talar joint (as a component of ever-
sion), or it can be due to ­external
tibial ­torsion, or both.

could consider it to be analogous to the transverse limb of of the ligaments. Muscles maintain balance,
the triradiate cartilage of the acetabulum of the hip joint accommodate the foot to uneven terrain, protect
(Figure 2-11). the ligaments from unusual stresses, and propel
The tarsometatarsal joints are also stable joints, with little the body forward.
more than a toggle of motion. The keystone architecture of
Basmajian performed electromyographic assessment of the
the 2nd metatarsal–middle cuneiform joint helps to make it
muscles of the foot and ankle and showed little or no mus-
so. Hypermobility of the 1st metatarsal–medial cuneiform
cular activity when physiologic loads were applied to the
joint can cause painful pathology.
static plantigrade foot. Muscular activity could be demon-
strated only when very heavy loads were applied to the sub-
jects. He concluded that the height of the longitudinal arch
BASIC PRINCIPLE #8 is determined by the bone–ligament complex and that the
In the normal foot, the overall shape is deter- muscles maintain balance, accommodate the foot to uneven
mined by the shapes and interrelationships of the terrain, protect the ligaments from unusual stresses, and
bones, coupled with the strength and flexibility propel the body forward. Proponents of this bone–­ligament

limb of

Figure 2-11.  Considering Scarpa’s
cuboid joint
analogy of the subtalar joint (B) to the
hip joint (A), the calcaneocuboid joint
is comparable to the transverse limb of
the triradiate cartilage. Taking the anal-
ogy even further, a calcaneonavicular
tarsal coalition might also be considered
a type of transverse limb of the “triradi-
ate cartilage” of the acetabulum pedis.
12 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

theory believe that the shape of the longitudinal arch under The clinical importance and relevance of this phenom-
static loads is determined by the shapes and interrelation- enon have to do with deformity correction surgery for cav-
ships of the bones, coupled with the strength and flexibility ovarus foot (varus hindfoot) and flatfoot (valgus hindfoot).
of the ligaments. Harris and Beath strongly supported this Whereas medial soft tissue release is an important first step
position and presented anatomic specimens to substantiate in correcting cavovarus deformity, lateral soft tissue release
their theory. They were unable to determine whether the does nothing to correct flatfoot deformity (see Management
abnormal shapes of individual bones and joints represented Principles #16 and 17, Chapter 4).
a primary or secondary reflection of a long-standing flatfoot.
Most current authors conclude that excessive ligamentous
laxity is the primary abnormality in flexible flatfoot (FFF) BASIC PRINCIPLE #10
and that bone deformities are secondary. Muscles are neces- Valgus deformity of the hindfoot can be thought
sary for function and balance, but not for structural integ- of as representing a continuum.
rity. Mann and Inman confirmed that muscle activity is not
required to support the arch in static weight-bearing. They Here, I exclude consideration of the rigid flatfoot due to a tar-
also found that the intrinsic muscles are the principal stabi- sal coalition, since that is a developmental mal-­deformation
lizers of the foot during propulsion and that greater intrinsic rather than a pure deformity. The etiologies and the natural
muscle activity is required to stabilize the transverse tarsal histories of the pure valgus deformities are different, but val-
and subtalar joints in a flatfooted individual than in one with gus/eversion deformity of the hindfoot can be considered in
an average-height arch. relation to the severity of eversion, the flexibility of eversion,
and the association with contracture of the tendo-Achilles. It
ranges from mild, flexible physiologic to severe, stiff patho-
BASIC PRINCIPLE #9 logic (Figure 2-14).
The natural history for the development of pain in FFF,
The default position of the subtalar joint is val-
flexible flatfoot with short Achilles (FFF-STA), and congen-
gus/everted (Figure 2-12).
ital vertical talus (CVT) is known. The natural history for
To my knowledge, this phenomenon has not been studied, the development of pain in congenital oblique talus (COT)
but is due, in large part, to the shape of the subtalar joint fac- has not been documented, because the very definition of the
ets and the alignment of the calcaneus under the talus. The deformity is unknown. Therefore, the natural history must
midsagittal axis of the calcaneus is lateral to the midsagittal be assumed based on its position in the continuum of valgus
axis of the talus and the tibia (Figure 2-13). deformity of the hindfoot (Figure 2-15).


Figure 2-12.  A. Release of the medial soft tissues in a cavovarus foot will allow the inverted subta-
lar joint to evert. B. In a neutrally aligned hindfoot, release of all of the ligaments around the subtalar
joint will create eversion, i.e., a flatfoot. It will not invert. C. Release of the lateral soft tissues in a flat-
foot will have no effect on the valgus/everted deformity.
CHAPTER 2/Basic Principles 13




Figure 2-13.  CT images and plane radiographs of a foot with average normal hindfoot align-
ment. It happens to have both calcaneonavicular (CN) and talocalcaneal (TC) tarsal coalitions, but
shows normal hindfoot alignment very well, and so is being used to make a point. A. Dorsal view
3D CT reconstruction shows normal foot alignment. B. Standing AP radiograph shows normal foot
alignment. C. Standing lateral radiograph shows normal foot alignment. D. Posterior view 3D CT
reconstruction shows normal hindfoot alignment. The red line represents the midsagittal axis of the
talus and the tibia, i.e., the axis of gravity. The yellow line represents the midsagittal axis of the cal-
caneus, which is lateral to the midsagittal axis of the ­talus and the tibia. Therefore, the subtalar joint
will evert after a plantar–medial soft tissue release (large red X). It will also frequently evert after
resection of a middle facet talocalcaneal tarsal coalition (small red X) if the subtalar joint is in valgus
alignment before resection. E. Coronal slice CT image confirming comments made in (D). F. Harris
axial view plane radiograph confirming ­comments made in D.
14 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

A Flexible flatfoot B Flexible flatfoot with

short tendo-Achilles

Figure 2-14.  One can reasonably

consider valgus deformity of the
hindfoot as a continuum. The eti-
ologies and the natural history are C D
different, but valgus/­eversion defor-
mity of the hindfoot ranges from the
physiologic normal FFF (A) to the
FFF-STA (B) to the COT
(C) to the pathologic stiff CVT (D).
This concept is helpful when consid-
ering the natural history of pain and
Congenital oblique talus Congenital vertical talus
dysfunction, particularly for the COT
of which little is known.

BASIC PRINCIPLE #11 Cavus deformity is shorthand for a quite varied group of
deformities that share in common one feature; part or all
Cavus means hollow, empty, or excavated and of the forefoot is plantar flexed on the hindfoot, giving the
is manifest in the foot by plantar flexion of the appearance of a high arch.
forefoot on the hindfoot. The plantar flexion may
be along the medial column of the foot or across
the entire midfoot. The subtalar joint may be in
varus, neutral, or valgus. The ankle joint may be in The foot deformity may be the primary problem
plantar flexion (equinus), neutral, or dorsiflexion or the result of the primary problem, i.e., a neu-
­(calcaneus). And there may be a combination romuscular disorder. Differentiation is important
of these ­deformities (Figure 2-16). (see  ­Assessment Principle #3, Chapter 3).

Flexible flatfoot (FFF) - rarely causes pain

FFF with short tendo-Achilles (FFF-STA) - very often causes pain

Congenital oblique talus (however defined) - Must therefore cause pain

Congenital vertical talus (untreated) - causes pain


Rarely causes pain Very often causes pain Must cause pain Causes pain

Figure 2-15.  The natural history for the development of pain due to valgus/eversion deformity of
the hindfoot is known for all except the COT, because so little is known about that condition in gen-
eral. By considering COT in this proposed deformity continuum, one can assume its natural history to
be that of the development of pain.
CHAPTER 2/Basic Principles 15



Figure 2-16.  A. Cavovarus. B. Equinocavovarus. C. Calcaneocavus (a.k.a. transtarsal cavus).

D. Equinocavus. E. Calcaneocavovalgus.

The apex of the longitudinal arch generally points in the disorders, such as cerebral palsy (CP), but these underlying
direction of the primary problem (Figure 2-17). disorders are usually apparent.
In a cavus foot deformity, the apex of the arch is dorsal
and points toward the muscles, nerves, spine, and brain.
A cavovarus foot deformity is the result of a neuromuscular BASIC PRINCIPLE #13
disorder until proven otherwise. It is important to remember
Be accurate with termi­nology.
this because a treatable neuromuscular disorder, such as a
tethered spinal cord or spinal tumor, is not necessarily readily Do not use the term pronated as a substitute for the term
apparent when a child presents with a cavovarus foot defor- flatfoot. There is very little pronation in a flatfoot, yet many
mity. However, it should be diagnosed and treated before the health care professionals refer to a flatfoot as a pronated
foot deformity is treated. Further permanent neuromuscular foot. It is true that pronation is one of the components of
deterioration should be arrested as soon as possible. In a flat- eversion of the subtalar joint, but the dorsiflexion and exter-
foot, the apex of the longitudinal arch is plantar, essentially nal rotation components are far more significant deformi-
pointing to the foot itself. Flatfoot is most often either a nor- ties. And the forefoot in a flatfoot is supinated! If it were
mal anatomic variant or the primary problem. Examples of not supinated, but instead followed the subtalar joint into
the latter include FFF-STA, tarsal coalition, CVT, and skew- eversion/“pronation,” it might be appropriate to use the
foot. Flatfoot can also be associated with neuromuscular term pronated. In that situation, the lateral forefoot would be

Figure 2-17.  A. In a flatfoot, B

the apex of the longitudinal arch
is plantar, essentially pointing
to the foot itself. A flatfoot is A
either normal or, if pathologic, it
is usually the primary problem.
B. In a cavus foot deformity,
the apex of the arch is dorsal
and points toward the muscles,
nerves, spine, and brain, which
are usually the underlying cause
of the deformity.
16 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Figure 2-18.  A. Physiologic FFF. The hindfoot is in valgus

alignment in relation to the tibia (green line). The forefoot
is supinated in relation to the hindfoot with all metatarsal
heads on the ground (black line). B. Pronated foot in a child
with fibula hemimelia and congenital subtalar synostosis.
There is valgus alignment of the hindfoot in relation to the
tibia (green line). The forefoot (black line) is in neutral rota-
tion (neither supinated nor pronated) in relation to the hind-
foot. The entire foot is pronated in relation to the tibia with
the 5th metatarsal off the ground in weight-bearing.

elevated off the ground, a deformity that almost never exists The term flatfoot has historical precedence and, though
except in some cases of congenital subtalar synostosis (see not specific, is associated with a good visual for most people.
Chapter 6) (Figure 2-18). Use it. When describing isolated dorsolateral peritalar posi-
Another misnomer for flatfoot that is often used when tioning, one can use that term or the terms hindfoot valgus or
discussing adult flatfoot is “dorsolateral peritalar sublux- hindfoot eversion.
ation.” It is true that eversion of the subtalar joint results in Cavus is defined as plantar flexion of the forefoot on the
dorsal and lateral positioning of the navicular in relation to hindfoot. It does not mean “high arch,” though that is the
the head of the talus, i.e., peritalar. But there is no sublux- resultant effect. There may be plantar flexion of the medial
ation of any component part of the subtalar joint complex column, the lateral column, or the entire forefoot on the
with even severe eversion. Subluxation means incomplete or hindfoot. The subtalar joint can be inverted, everted, or in
partial dislocation of a joint, i.e., only partial contact between neutral alignment. And the ankle can be plantar flexed, dor-
articular surfaces that normally have full contact. Disloca- siflexed, or in neutral alignment. When describing a cavus
tion means complete loss of contact between articular sur- foot, it is best to describe all of its features. Some examples
faces at a joint in which full contact normally exists. are cavovarus, equinocavovarus, calcaneocavus, and trans-
Think of Scarpa’s analogy of the hip and the acetabulum tarsal cavus. I have seen congenital and iatrogenic calcaneo-
pedis (see Basic Principles #6 and 7, this chapter). Dorso- abducto-cavo-valgus (Figure 2-16).
lateral peritalar dislocations, like hip dislocations, can occur
following severe trauma. There are also congenital hip dis-
locations and congenital talonavicular joint dislocations, BASIC PRINCIPLE #14
the latter found in congenital vertical talus (CVT) deformi-
Do not focus entirely on the foot. There is an en-
ties. Congenital and developmental (cerebral palsy, myelo-
tire child above the foot.
meningocele, Down syndrome, Charcot-Marie-Tooth) hip
subluxations occur, and these are characterized by partial It is important to remember this because management of
contact (incongruity) between the femoral head and the ace- clubfoot, for example, varies depending on whether it is an
tabulum. There is no analogy for that pathology in the foot. idiopathic deformity or one associated with myelomenin-
Severe eversion, which might be called dorsolateral peritalar gocele or arthrogryposis. Another example is intoeing in an
­positioning, is a rotational malalignment of the subtalar joint older child with idiopathic clubfoot, which is usually due,
that is perhaps analogous to severe abduction or adduction at least in part, to femoral anteversion. Myopic focus on the
of the hip without translational loss of contact of the articular foot is dangerous (see Assessment Principles #2  and  #7,
­surfaces, i.e., without subluxation. Chapter 3).

Assessment Principles
Assessment Principle #1 Underlying conditions that are associated with congenital
foot deformities and mal-deformations include myelome-
A complete and detailed clinical and radiographic ningocele, lipomeningocele, arthrogryposis, sacral agenesis,
assessment of the child’s foot is required before fibular and tibial hemimelia, Apert syndrome, congenital
treatment is initiated. hemiatrophy, myotonic dystrophy, Down syndrome, Ehlers–
It is hard to further clarify or justify this principle. How to do Danlos and Marfan syndromes, and a whole host of other
it is the focus of this chapter. chromosome abnormalities.

HISTORY Assessment Principle #3

Congenital and developmental deformities should
Assessment Principle #2 be differentiated (see Basic Principle #12, Chapter 2).
Clinical evaluation of the child’s foot begins with Ask if the deformity was present at birth. Congenital de-
a clinical evaluation of the child. formities are rarely progressive in their natural history, yet
Although the foot deformity or malformation is the reason for rarely regressive. Tendons and joint capsules are usually co-
the requested evaluation by you, children with these conditions contracted. For example, in a clubfoot (congenital talipes
often have underlying neuromuscular, genetic, or chromosome equinocavovarus) in an older child that does not correct with
disorders as well as other deformities and/or malformations of nonoperative management, posterior ankle capsulotomy is
the lower extremities and spine. These must be recognized and often required in addition to tendo-Achilles lengthening.
factored into the decision-making process to ensure that the Developmental deformities, by definition, are progres-
most appropriate of the possible nonoperative and operative sive in their natural history, though the rate of progression
interventions is chosen (see ­Basic Principle #14, Chapter 2). is variable. Contracture of tendons precedes contracture of
Idiopathic congenital clubfoot, congenital vertical talus, joint capsules. In a developmental equinocavovarus foot de-
flatfoot, metatarsus adductus, skewfoot, and positional cal- formity in an older child, an tendo-Achilles lengthening is
caneovalgus deformity are often seen in normal children. usually sufficient to correct the equinus deformity.
These deformities can also be seen in children with under-
lying neuromuscular, genetic, or chromosome disorders. Assessment Principle #4
By way of contrast, almost all cavus foot deformities are the
Static and progressive foot deformities should
result of an underlying neuromuscular disorder, though
be differentiated, and the rate of progression
­congenital idiopathic cavus exists.
established, if possible.
Foot deformities in children with neuromuscular, ge-
netic, and chromosome disorders have appearances simi- Ask if the deformity has changed noticeably over time and, if
lar to those in normal children, but the natural history and so, by how much over what interval. As stated in Assessment
­response to treatment are often quite different. Therefore, Principle #3, most congenital foot deformities are static,
differentiation is important. rather than progressive, in nature. Muscle imbalance is the
18 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

underlying problem in many acquired foot deformities. The This includes a careful examination of the hips and spine in a
muscle imbalance can be static, as in children with myelome- newborn. Visual gait analysis, torsional profile analysis, and
ningocele, lipomeningocele, and postinfectious poliomyelitis; angular alignment assessment are used for older children
or it can be progressive, as in children with Charcot–­Marie– and adolescents.
Tooth disease, muscular dystrophy, spinal cord tumors, Visual gait analysis is carried out by watching the child
tethered cord, and diastematomyelia. Whether the muscle walk, run, toe walk, heel walk, squat and stand, and hop on
imbalance is static or progressive, the deformity is likely to each foot. These observations are used to evaluate symmetry,
progress. Unfortunately, the rate of progression is rarely pre- strength, coordination, and comfort.
dictable for either static or progressive muscle imbalances. The child’s torsional profile must be ascertained. The foot
Progression will increase the complexity of reconstruction. progression angle, which is assessed while the child walks
at a normal pace in a long hallway, is the summation of all
Assessment Principle #5 segmental rotational alignments/deformities in the lower
extremities. The segmental rotational alignment values are
It is often more challenging to ascertain the his- determined with the child prone on an examination table.
tory of pain and/or dysfunction that is related to a The degrees of internal and external hip rotation reflect
foot deformity in a child than in an adult, but it is femoral torsion. Utilization of the thigh–foot angle (TFA)
worth the effort. for assessment of tibial torsion is predicated on the absence
Otherwise, it is like practicing veterinary medicine. Rea- of a foot deformity in the limb being tested. Determination
sons for children to be poor historians include too young, of the transmalleolar axis (TMA) is required to assess tibial
“too adolescent,” intellectually challenged, neurologically torsion when there is hindfoot/subtalar joint deformity and/
impaired. The importance of an accurate assessment of the or equinus deformity. Assessment of the TMA is less reliable
pain and dysfunction is that there are many clinically and than assessment of the TFA.
radiographically apparent normal anatomic variations of the The importance of accurate assessment of lower limb
child’s foot. If the pain location, severity, and temporal and torsion is highlighted in children with flatfoot deformity,
activity-related patterns do not match the known pain pat- whether idiopathic or associated with cerebral palsy or tarsal
tern of a particular deformity/condition, the two might not coalition. There is rarely coincident pathologic tibial torsion
be related. Do not go for the low-hanging fruit. in these conditions. The external rotation of the foot in rela-
tion to the limb exists almost entirely in the subtalar joint. A
flatfoot will create an out-turned, or positive value, TFA be-
Assessment Principle #6 cause of eversion/external rotation of the subtalar joint (up
Assessment of pain must be specific—ask where, and out) (see Basic Principles #6 and 7, Chapter 2). If the
when, what level/severity, what associations. clinical TFA equals the radiographic standing anteroposte-
rior (AP) talus–1st metatarsal (MT) angle (see Assessment
There are many anatomic variations of the foot, including a Principle #18, this chapter). All of the external rotation is in
host of accessory ossicles, which could be the source of pain the subtalar joint (foot) and none in the tibia. If the TFA is
or merely incidental findings. It is easy, for example, to as- greater than the standing AP talus–1st MT angle, the differ-
cribe reported foot pain to a tarsal coalition or an accessory ence is the degree of external tibial torsion.
navicular that is identified on an x-ray. However, since most In contrast, developmental cavovarus foot deformities
anatomic variations including tarsal coalitions and accessory are usually associated with external tibial torsion which is
naviculars do not hurt, it is important to know the exact site(s) exposed after the foot deformity is corrected. A cavovarus
of pain (see Assessment Principle #15, this chapter), as well deformity will internally rotate the foot in relation to the
as the activities that incite and relieve the pain. Severity of the limb because of inversion/internal rotation of the subtalar
pain should be quantified. Visual analog pain scales have been joint (down and in) (see Basic Principles #6 and 7, Chap-
shown to be reliable in even very young children. The pain ter 2). The thigh–foot angle is neutral to slightly internally
location, pattern, and severity must all match those of the pre- rotated before the foot surgery and outwardly rotated after-
sumed diagnosis. Chronic pain in a nonphysiologic distribu- ward, reflecting the external tibial torsion that was already
tion that occurs continuously during all waking hours and is present. Families need to be apprised of this fact before the
reported to be of an exaggerated severity suggests chronic re- foot surgery is performed, or they will assume that the foot
gional pain syndrome, a.k.a. reflex sympathic dystrophy, reflex deformity was overcorrected (see Management Principle
neurovascular dystrophy, and pain amplification syndrome. #10, Chapter 4). The change in TFA after correction of a ca-
vovarus deformity will equal the preoperative AP talus–1st
MT angle (see Assessment Principle #18, this chapter).
Equinus deformity will also make it challenging to deter-
Assessment Principle #7
mine tibial torsion using the TFA, because the planar axis of
Physical evaluation of the child’s foot begins with the foot is not parallel with the planar axis of the femur. The
a physical evaluation of the child (see Basic Principle TMA is necessary to determine tibial torsion in this situation
#14, Chapter 2). as well.
CHAPTER 3/Assessment Principles 19

Deformity-specific segmented deformities of the foot and ankle
Forefoot Midfoot Hindfoot Ankle

Clubfoot Pronated Adducted Varus/inverted Plantar flexed

Cavovarus Pronated Adducted or neutral Varus/inverted Plantar flexed, neutral,

or dorsiflexed

Flatfoot Supinated Abducted or neutral Valgus/everted Plantar flexed

Vertical talus Supinated Abducted or neutral, dorsally dislocated Valgus/everted Plantar flexed

Met adductus Neutral or supinated Adducted Neutral Neutral

Skewfoot Pronated, plantar flexed Adducted Valgus/everted Plantar flexed or neutral

Exaggerated genu varum and genu valgum will cause the 4. Ankle—varus or valgus (see Figure 3-12, this chapter);
foot to bear weight unusually because of the altered angular plantar flexed (equinus) or dorsiflexed (calcaneus)
relationship between the tibia and the ground. This can cre-
ate an apparent foot deformity when none exists.
Assessment Principle #9
Assessment Principle #8 Each segment of the foot should be evaluated
for shape/deformity, flexibility, and skin integrity.
Assessment of each of the segmental deformities ­Documentation should be specific.
of the foot and ankle is imperative before planning
treatment, as a plan needs to be established to cor- Accurate assessment of the shape of each segment of the foot
rect each one (Table 3-1, Figure 3-1). is the first step. For a cavovarus foot deformity, the segmental
deformities are pronation of the forefoot, adduction of the
The segments are: midfoot, varus of the hindfoot, and possibly equinus of the
1. Forefoot—pronated or supinated; plantar flexed (equinus) ankle (Table 3-1). Equally important is the flexibility of each
or dorsiflexed segment. The first segment to lose flexibility is the forefoot.
a. Recall that alignment (and deformity) is defined as the Loss of flexibility of the hindfoot, which is assessed by the
relationship between a more distal anatomic part and Coleman block test, eventually follows (Figure 3-3).
the next more proximal anatomic part. Therefore, pro- I have found that the block test, as described by ­Coleman,
nation or supination refers to the alignment of the fore- is uncomfortable and awkward to perform and, therefore,
foot in relation to the midfoot/hindfoot, not the tibia/ unreliable. With the entire lateral column of the foot on
leg. This has been a source of confusion for many who the block, it is tempting for the child to balance the foot on
believe the forefoot in a flatfoot is neutrally aligned (in the block, rather than allowing the forefoot to pronate off the
relation to the tibia) when, in fact, it is supinated—in block. Price and Mubarak have independently proposed alter-
relation to the mid/hindfoot (Figure 3-2). nate methods for the clinical assessment of hindfoot flexibility
2. Midfoot—abducted or adducted (see Metatarsus adduc- in a cavovarus foot. However, neither is performed in weight-
tus, Chapter 5) bearing. A more comfortable, reliable, and accurate way
3. Hindfoot—varus/inverted or valgus/everted (see Figures 2-4 to assess weight-bearing hindfoot flexibility in a cavovarus
and 2-7, Chapter 2) foot is to perform a modified Coleman block test in which a
­2.5-cm block is placed under the lateral 2–3 MT heads. The
heel remains on the ground and the medial MT heads seek
the ground as the forefoot pronates off the block (Figure 3-4).
Ankle: Skin integrity should be assessed, as it can identify unsafe
Plantar flexed/Dorsiflexed foot pressures which is especially important in children with
insensate skin. In the cavovarus foot, exaggerated pressures
Midfoot: Hindfoot: are seen at the base of the 5th MT and under the 1st and 5th
Forefoot: Abducted Varus
Pronated/Supinated Adducted Valgus MT heads (Figure 3-5).
Plantar flexed/Dorsiflexed The segmental deformities of a flatfoot include supina-
tion of the forefoot, abduction or straight alignment of the
midfoot, valgus of the hindfoot, and equinus of the ankle
Figure 3-1.  Identify each of the segmental deformities of the (Table 3-1). Equally important is the flexibility of each seg-
foot and ankle before initiating treatment. ment. Flexibility of the hindfoot is assessed in a different
20 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

A Cavovarus

B Flatfoot

Figure 3-2.  A. Pronation of the forefoot in a cavovarus foot is unappreciated until the hindfoot
varus is corrected to neutral. B. Supination of the forefoot in a flatfoot is unappreciated until the hind-
foot valgus is corrected to neutral.

manner than that used for a cavovarus foot. There is not a Assessment Principle #10
reliable “reverse” Coleman block test. Instead, toe standing
(Figure 3-6) and the Jack toe raise test are utilized to assess The accurate assessment of subtalar motion is an
hindfoot flexibility (Figure 3-7). inexact science, but you can better at it by practicing.
Evidence of exaggerated skin pressures in a flatfoot are There are no studies documenting the accuracy of assess-
identified under the medial midfoot. The skin in this area ment of subtalar motion. It is particularly challenging in
is rarely stressed except when a flatfoot is associated with very small feet and fat feet. The ankle should be held in neu-
contracture of the gastrocnemius or the entire triceps surae tral dorsiflexion. The dome of the talus is biconical in shape,
(tendo-Achilles) (Figure 3-8). narrower posteriorly than anteriorly. Dorsiflexion of the foot
The clubfoot should be assessed for shape and flexibility engages the widest portion of the talar dome in the ankle
using one or both of the two most commonly used classifica- mortis, thereby creating bony stability as well as tightening
tion systems, those of Pirani and Dimeglio.
CHAPTER 3/Assessment Principles 21


Figure 3-3.  The Colman block test is used to assess flexibility of the hindfoot in a cavovarus foot with
rigid forefoot pronation. Early in the course of development of the cavovarus deformity, the hindfoot
varus (seen in A) remains flexible despite rigid forefoot pronation. It corrects to valgus (seen in B) with a
block of wood under the lateral forefoot which allows the forefoot to pronate freely over the edge of the
block. At that stage, correction of the forefoot deformity alone will result in spontaneous correction of the
hindfoot. In time, the hindfoot varus deformity becomes rigid. Correction of the hindfoot deformity must
then be combined with correction of the forefoot deformity. (From Coleman SS, Chestnut WJ. A simple
test for hindfoot flexibility in the cavovarus foot. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1977;123:60–62, with permission.)

the collateral ligaments to eliminate false inversion/eversion In my experience, this hypermobility of Chopart joints
motion at that joint. The calcaneus is held in a cupped hand ­ ften develops in feet with solid talocalcaneal tarsal coalitions.
and moved in the axis of the subtalar joint, “down and in” It gives a false impression that a rigid flatfoot is flexible, not
and “up and out” (Figures 2-7, 2-8, and 3-9). only when subtalar joint motion is incorrectly assessed manu-
The other hand is used to note the motions at the midfoot ally, but also when it is assessed with toe standing (Figure 3-11).
and forefoot. It should not be used to attempt to move the The best way to improve your skills for assessing subtalar
subtalar joint, because hypermobility of Chopart joints (talo- joint motion is to practice in the OR during a foot deformity
navicular and calcaneocuboid) can give a false impression of correction operation while observing your technique and the
subtalar joint motion when none exists (Figure 3-10). resultant motions of the subtalar joint under mini-fluoroscopy.


Figure 3-4.  Modified Coleman block test. A. A 2.5-cm block of Plexiglas (or wood) is placed under
the lateral 2–3 MT heads while keeping the heel on the ground. B. The posterior view with no block.
The hindfoot is in varus. C. With the block under the lateral 2–3 MT heads, the hindfoot varus has
­converted to valgus, indicating flexibility of the subtalar joint. This can be confirmed radiographically
(see Assessment Principle #19, this chapter).
22 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

A Figure 3-5.  Exaggerated and

unsafe skin pressures in the cav-
ovarus feet of children with myelo-
meningocele. A. A cavovarus foot
with hemorrhagic callus following
healing of a neurotrophic ulcer.
B. Deep neurotrophic ulcer with
large surrounding area of thick
callus formation under the 5th MT
head and a recently healed ulcer
under the 1st MT head.



Figure 3-6.  A. Flexible flatfeet with hindfoot valgus, forefoot supination, and the “too many toes”
sign (toes seen lateral to the hindfoot when viewed from behind). B. With toe standing, the valgus
hindfoot of a flexible flatfoot converts to varus, the arch elevates with reversal of the forefoot supina-
tion to pronation, and the toes appear medial to the hindfoot. C. Rigid flatfeet with the same segmen-
tal deformities as the flexible flatfoot, i.e., hindfoot valgus, forefoot supination, and the “too many
toes” sign. D. With toe standing, nothing changes except that the heels elevate off the ground.


Figure 3-7.  The Jack toe raise test, like toe standing, demonstrates hindfoot/subtalar joint flex-
ibility in a flexible flatfoot (A) by means of the “windlass action” of the plantar fascia. The plantar
fascia originates on the plantar aspect of the calcaneus and inserts into the plantar aspect of the toes
through multiple interconnections. Great toe dorsiflexion (B) pulls the plantar fascia distally under
the pulley of the head of the 1st MT. Since the plantar fascia is of fixed length, the great toe can only
fully dorsiflex if the calcaneus is pulled distally toward the MT heads, thereby shortening the foot,
elevating the longitudinal arch, and inverting the subtalar joint (C).


Figure 3-8.  Contracture of the gastrocnemius or the entire triceps surae prevents the talus from
dorsiflexing in the ankle joint. The calcaneus can dorsiflex past the plantar flexed talus by taking
­advantage of subtalar joint eversion—dorsiflexion, external rotation, and pronation of the calcaneus/
acetabulum pedis. The talus remains rigidly plantar flexed while the navicular and the rest of the
­acetabulum pedis move “up and out,” thereby concentrating all the weight-bearing stresses under
the talar head (A & B). Since the plantar flexion of the talus is unyielding, firm or rigid arch supports
will ­increase skin pressure and pain at that site.


Inverted Neutral Everted

Figure 3-9.  Attempt to move the subtalar joint “down and in” and “up and out” with a cupped
hand on the heel, while maintaining the ankle at neutral dorsiflexion. Do not attempt to move the
hindfoot with the hand on the forefoot because there can be excessive motion through Chopart’s joints
­(talonavicular and calcaneocuboid) that gives the false impression of subtalar motion. Only use the
hand on the forefoot to stabilize the foot and to detect false motions. A. Inverted. B. Neutral. C. Everted. 23

Figure 3-10.  A, B. Foot with a large, solid talocalcaneal tarsal coalition and no
motion possible between the talus and calcaneus, but apparent subtalar motion
when examined incorrectly. The purple arrow points to a bony prominence that is
noted with the forefoot “inverted” (actually adducted), but not apparent with the
foot in its normal everted position. C. AP x-ray of the foot in its normal everted posi-
tion. The dark blue lines are the axes of the talus and the calcaneus. D. The curved
arrow shows the direction that the forefoot/midfoot was moved. The navicular has
rotated into better axial alignment with the talus suggesting inversion of the subta-
lar joint, but there is no change in the relationship between the talus and calcaneus
(see dark blue lines). Instead, the apparent inversion took place because of acquired
hypermobility at the calcaneocuboid joint. Normally a nonmobile joint, the calca-
neocuboid joint opened up like a book (yellow double-headed arrow). The bony
prominence (at the tip of the purple arrow) is the anterior end of the calcaneus that
has been exposed because of the plantar–medial movement of the cuboid, along
with the navicular, at Chopart joints.


Figure 3-11.  The same foot as in Figure 3-10. A. Valgus hindfoot with the “too many toes” sign.
B. Coronal CT scan cut shows large osseous middle facet coalition, narrow posterior facet, and
­excessive valgus deformity. C. With toe standing, the hindfoot valgus deformity “corrects” to appar-
ent varus, the arch ­elevates, and there are less toes seen laterally. This is a physiologic adaptation
that can only happen because of acquired hypermobility at Chopart joints, specifically at the calca-
neocuboid joint. The reason for the clinical appearance of hindfoot varus when the calcaneus is in
24 rigid ­valgus alignment under the talus is unknown.
CHAPTER 3/Assessment Principles 25

Assessment Principle #11 distal tip of the lateral malleolus and that of the medial mal-
leolus are in a transverse plane that is often perpendicular to
An ankle joint deformity may coexist with a foot the tibia (Figure 3-12A). When the ankle joint has assumed
deformity, or it may be an isolated deformity. It its adult alignment perpendicular to the tibia, the distal tip
must be differentiated. of the lateral malleolus is closer to the floor and further from
The ankle joint is in valgus orientation to the anatomic axis the knee than the medial malleolus (Figure 3-12B). This as-
of the tibia in all normal newborns. In otherwise normal sessment of the relative heights of the malleoli is helpful in
children, the distal fibula and lateral distal tibia grow rela- the clinical determination of ankle alignment. It is particu-
tively faster than the medial distal tibia until about age 3 to larly helpful in the clinical determination of the site of hind-
4 years. At that point, the ankle joint/tibial plafond becomes foot valgus deformity, which can exist in the ankle joint, the
perpendicular to the tibia. It maintains that anatomic align- subtalar joint, or in both joints. There may also be pathologic
ment through skeletal maturity (Figure 3-12). valgus in the ankle and varus in the subtalar joint, varus in
That spontaneous change from physiologic neonatal both joints, or varus in the ankle and valgus in the subtalar
ankle valgus to neutral alignment does not occur in chil- joint. Radiographs of the ankle joint will confirm the specific
dren with myelomeningocele, lipomeningocele, early-onset anatomy (see ­Assessment Principle #21, Figure 3-27, this
poliomyelitis, other early-onset flaccid paralytic conditions, chapter).
and approximately 66% of limbs with a clubfoot. The clini- The ankle joint can also have a procurvatum or recurva-
cal assessment of ankle joint alignment and the differen- tum deformity. These are almost always acquired deformi-
tiation from subtalar joint alignment are helpful in older ties. A flat-top deformity of the talus can occur following
children, particularly in those with the stated underlying both nonoperative and operative treatment of clubfoot de-
conditions. In spastic conditions, such as cerebral palsy, formity, and results in a true or “functional” procurvatum
normal spontaneous correction of neonatal ankle valgus to deformity of the ankle (see Anterior ankle impingement,
neutral occurs. Figure 5-1, Chapter 5). Iatrogenic posterior distal tibial
The lateral malleolus is longer/taller than the medial mal- physeal arrest following clubfoot surgery can cause a true
leolus at all ages and in all underlying conditions (except procurvatum deformity (see Anterior ankle i­ mpingement,
fibular hemimelia). Therefore, with a valgus ankle joint, the Figure 5-3, Chapter 5).


Figure 3-12.  Clinical assessment of the relative heights of the lateral and medial malleoli relative
to the floor can provide a clue as to the alignment of the ankle joint (varus or valgus). Yellow line
connects the distal tips of the lateral and medial malleoli. Black line represents the plane of the ankle
joint. A. The ankle joint is in valgus alignment relative to the tibia from birth until age 3 to 4 years, re-
sulting in malleoli that are at the same transverse level. Those neonatal relationships persist in many
paralytic conditions and a large percentage of clubfeet. B. The ankle joint is perpendicular to the tibia
after the age of 3 to 4 years. The lateral malleolus is further from the knee and closer to the ground
than the medial malleolus thereafter.
26 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

Figure 3-13.  The Silfverskiold test. A. Testing the soleus and,

effectively, the entire triceps surae/tendo-Achilles: 1. Flex the knee
to relax the gastrocnemius (black arrow at knee). 2. Ensure that
the talonavicular joint is in neutral alignment. If the subtalar joint
is everted, as in a flatfoot, invert (“lock”—see Basic Principle #7,
Chapter 2) the subtalar joint to neutral, and confirm anatomic
subtalar joint alignment with a thumb over the plantar–medial
aspect of the talonavicular joint (black dot). If the subtalar joint is
B inverted, as in a cavovarus foot, evert the subtalar joint to neutral.
3. Maximally dorsiflex the ankle joint (black arrow above foot) and
record the angle between the plantar–lateral border of the foot
(red line), which is the true proxy for the foot, and the anterior
border of the tibial shaft (red line). Do not use the plantar–medial
border of the foot as the reference line because supination or
pronation deformity of the forefoot will give a false impression
of ankle joint position. Ankle dorsiflexion greater than or equal to
10° is normal, as in this example. B. Testing the gastrocnemius:
1. While maintaining subtalar neutral, extend the knee to tighten
the proximal end of the gastrocnemius. 2. The ankle will lose
some dorsiflexion in most cases. 3. Record the angle between the
plantar–lateral border of the foot and the anterior border of the
tibial shaft. In this case, the ankle lacks about 5° of dorsiflexion
from neutral, indicating contracture of the gastrocnemius.

Assessment Principle #12 The cavus foot presents a different challenge to the
a­ ssessment of a possible heel cord contracture. Cavus means
The presence of a gastrocnemius or an tendo-­ plantar flexion of the forefoot on the hindfoot, i.e., equinus
Achilles contracture must be identified and of the forefoot. Therefore, assessment of ankle equinus can
­differentiated from each other. only be performed by isolating the hindfoot. The forefoot
Many foot deformities do not cause pain or functional dis- should be obscured from your vision with your hand so that
ability unless they are accompanied by a contracture of the only the hindfoot can be seen (Figure 3-14).
heel cord (the gastrocnemius alone or the entire triceps su-
rae/tendo-Achilles). The ankle joint should have at least 10° Assessment Principle #13
of dorsiflexion with the knee extended and the subtalar joint
in neutral alignment (“locked”—see Basic Principle #7, A detailed evaluation of strength, sensation,
Chapter 2). The Silfverskiold test should be used to deter- ­reflexes, and vascularity is required.
mine whether there is a contracture of the heel cord and, if This is particularly true for the cavovarus foot, but is impor-
so, whether the contracture is of the gastrocnemius alone or tant for all foot deformities. Do not rely on EMG findings or
the tendo-Achilles. This will ensure that the proper tendon on someone else to do it.
is lengthened if surgery is indicated, thereby avoiding under
or overlengthening. The Silfverskiold test must be mastered
(Figure 3-13). Assessment Principle #14
The flatfoot presents a special challenge when determin-
The foot must be assessed clinically in weight-­
ing contracture of the heel cord. The reason is that both the
bearing, not just on the examination table.
ankle joint and the subtalar joint dorsiflex and plantar flex
(see Basic Principles #6 and 7, Chapter 2). The goal is to Do this first to learn about the true deformities and func-
assess dorsiflexion at the ankle joint, i.e., the upward move- tions/dysfunctions of the foot. The foot deformity will
ment of the talus relative to the tibia. To do so, the subta- look very different when weight-bearing and non–weight-­
lar joint must be anatomically aligned, or locked (see Basic bearing. A flatfoot looks better than it truly is when it is not
Principle #7, Chapter 2), and stabilized by means of inver- bearing weight (Figure 3-15).
sion to prevent subtalar dorsiflexion from being attributed to And a cavovarus foot looks worse than it truly is when
the ankle joint (Figure 3-13). non–weight-bearing. Pain and/or disability are usually, if not
CHAPTER 3/Assessment Principles 27


Figure 3-14.  Assessing hindfoot dorsiflexion in a cavovarus foot. A. Evert the hindfoot to neutral
(if possible), dorsiflex the foot, and extend the knee. Obscure the forefoot from your vision and as-
sess hindfoot dorsiflexion. The vertical green line represents the axis of the tibia. The black line rep-
resents the inclination of the hindfoot. There appears to be ankle dorsiflexion above neutral, though
it is somewhat limited in degree. B. With the forefoot exposed, the plantar aspect of the foot is repre-
sented by the red line. Using this line, there is an apparent significant lack of dorsiflexion of the foot
at the ankle. In fact, there is lack of dorsiflexion of the forefoot (yellow line) in relation to the hindfoot
(black line), i.e., cavus. One’s eye is drawn to the position of the MT heads relative to the tibia which
falsely gives the impression of equinus of the entire foot at the ankle. This foot needs correction of
the cavus deformity alone. Inappropriate lengthening of the tendo-Achilles would convert cavovarus
to calcaneocavus (see Management Principle #23, Figure 4-19, Chapter 4).

always, experienced when weight-bearing. Observation of Assessment Principle #15

the weight-bearing foot helps understand the pattern of pain
and disability. If pain is a complaint, the child should be asked to
point to the exact location(s).
By having the child identify the point(s) of maximal tender-
A ness, you can start your physical examination away from that
site(s) and learn about the surrounding area(s) before creating
pain that might limit the rest of the examination. You can also
quickly determine if your working diagnosis (based on the
history) is valid even before you touch the foot (Figure 3-16).

Assessment Principle #16

Signs and symptoms must match the presumed
pathology, so ensure that you have enough informa-
tion before focusing on a radiographic finding.
There are many common anatomic foot variations, such as
tarsal coalitions and accessory naviculars, that do not cause

Figure 3-15.  A. A severe flexible flatfoot seen dangling in

space, with the child seated on the exam table with the leg Figure 3-16.  Exact identification by the child of the site(s) of
hanging down. B. The same foot in full weight-bearing. pain is important.
28 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

pain or functional disability in the majority of affected in- The standard radiographic views for assessing foot deformi-
dividuals. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the signs ties are standing AP, lateral, and (medial or standard) oblique;
and symptoms match those associated with the radiographic additional views include lateral oblique and Harris axial views.
finding. If they do not, the two are unrelated and a more
thorough investigation is required. Assessment Principle #18
The foot-CORA (center of rotation of ­angulation)
method should be used pre-, ­intra-, and
­postoperatively for the most objective evaluation
Assessment Principle #17 of foot deformities and malformations.
All radiographs for the assessment of foot deformi- For over a century, radiographs have been used to add ob-
ties should be btained in weight-bearing, or simulated jectivity to the clinical assessment of bones and joints and
weight-bearing if the former is not possible because their alignment. The mechanical axis is the most basic radio-
of extreme youth or the child’s inability to stand. graphic measurement used to assess overall lower extremity
This is the radiographic version of Assessment ­Principle #14. alignment. A normal mechanical axis is one in which there is
The appropriate clinical assessment of foot deformities is a straight line/linear relationship between the centers of the
performed in weight-bearing. Radiographs must, therefore, hip, knee and ankle. It is intuitive that, in a limb with a me-
be obtained in weight-bearing to correlate the anatomic chanical axis deviation (i.e., the centers of the three joints are
alignment of the bones and joints with the outward appear- not on the same line), one or more angular deformities exist
ance of the foot. Recall that a flatfoot looks better than it at some point(s) between the hip and the ankle. It is perhaps
truly is when it is not bearing weight (Figure 3-17). less intuitive that, in a limb with a normal mechanical axis,
And a cavovarus foot looks worse than it truly is when non– two or more opposite direction angular deformities can ex-
weight-bearing. Specialized views, such as oblique views, can ist. These intervening bone deformities can create joint mal-
be taken non–weight-bearing because they are used to identify orientation, a feature of limb alignment that is as important
anatomic abnormalities other than bone and joint alignment. to normalize as is the mechanical axis. Normalization of both
features is important for the health and longevity of the joints.
Normative data exist for the shape of each of the long bones
of the extremities. Those data were derived by quantifying the
angle between the shaft of each bone and either the adjacent
articular surface or the unique configuration of the end of that
particular bone. An assumption is that the shafts of all long
bones are straight, except for the femur in the sagittal plane.
Assessment of the site(s) of deformity within a bone is best
done using Paley’s CORA method. A line is drawn through the
longitudinal axis of each straight segment of the shaft. These
lines are related to each other as well as to the adjacent joint ori-
entation lines. The site at which a normal and an abnormal, or
an abnormal and an abnormal, segmental axis line intersect is a
CORA. The CORA represents a static, fixed, structural defor-
mity that exists within a bone. A CORA can exist in the epiphy-
sis, the physis, the metaphysis, or the diaphysis. Using the CORA
assessment principles, the site(s) of deformity can be determined
and used as a guide for deformity correction. The CORA method
can also be used to assess the success of deformity correction.
There are several justifications for a unique CORA method
for assessment of foot deformities. The bones of the midfoot are
(1) small; (2) irregularly shaped, without clearly definable axes;
Figure 3-17.  A. Partial weight-bearing lateral foot x-ray. (3) hard to see/visualize and measure on radiographs, in part
­Normal-appearing foot with straight talus–1st MT line. The because they have overlapping shadows; (4) not ossified or not
white line indicates the plantar cortex of the medial cuneiform.
The green line is the calcaneal pitch. The yellow arrow shows
fully ossified in young children; (5) ­often not amenable to draw-
dorsal positioning of the head/neck of the talus in relation ing axis lines because the ossification centers are spherical (note:
to the dorsal cortex of the navicular, a subtle sign of partial the axis of a sphere is a dot, not a line); and (6) truly deformed in
weight-bearing. B. Full weight-bearing lateral x-ray of the same only a few conditions, including metatarsus adductus, metatar-
foot. Note the plantar sag at the talonavicular joint with the sus primus varus, skewfoot (only the forefoot deformity), and
foot-CORA in the talar head, the lowering of the calcaneal pitch,
the plantar position of the plantar cortex of the medial cunei-
only the cavus component of cavovarus deformity.
form, and the level alignment of the dorsal cortices of the talus Unlike the midfoot bones, the oval-shaped ossification
and navicular. These are all characteristics of a flatfoot. centers of the hindfoot bones (talus and calcaneus) (1) are
CHAPTER 3/Assessment Principles 29

present at birth and (2) roughly represent the true shape of

those bones, even in infancy, so that axis lines can be drawn A STANDING
fairly reliably. However, these two bones are more often
­malaligned than deformed.
Ossification of the MT bones represents the true shape of
those bones, even in infancy. Axis lines can be drawn very re-
liably. Interestingly though, the MTs, like the hindfoot bones,
are more often malaligned than deformed.
These features of the foot bones make it unreliable or im-
possible to apply the CORA method that is used for the long
bones of the extremities to the assessment of foot deformi-
ties, particularly in children.
Normative, static radiographic measurements for adult foot
alignment exist. They relate the axis of one long bone with an-
other, such as the talus to the 1st MT, the talus to the calcaneus,
and the calcaneus to the 4th MT. The talus is the stable structure
around which the acetabulum pedis rotates on the fixed oblique
axis of the subtalar joint (see Basic Principles #6 and 7, Chap-
ter 2). The axis of the talus can be used as a linear proxy for the
sagittal plane alignment of the ankle joint because the axis of the Figure 3-18.  A. The axis of the talus and that of the 1st MT
talus is perpendicular to the axis of dorsiflexion/plantar flexion are parallel and narrowly translated from each other on this
of the ankle joint in the coronal plane. The 1st MT is the distal– standing AP radiograph of a normal foot. B. The axis of the ta-
medial extension of the calcaneus/acetabulum pedis block that lus and that of the 1st MT intersect in the head/neck of the talus
and are abducted less than 12° from each other on this stand-
rotates around the talus. The axis of the 1st MT can be deter-
ing AP radiograph of a normal foot.
mined with more accuracy and reliability than that of the calca-
neus, so it can be used as a proxy for the calcaneus when relating
the axis of the calcaneus/acetabulum pedis block to the axis of lines can be considered a CORA. In contrast to a conventional
the talus. This is true unless there is a second deformity distal CORA, this is a CORA between bones, rather than within a
to the acetabulum pedis, as there is in a skewfoot (see below). bone. In a foot with valgus/eversion deformity of the hindfoot,
Deformities of the foot and ankle are typically due to exag- there is exaggerated abduction of the 1st MT axis in relation to
gerated malalignments of the bones of the subtalar joint com- the talar axis at the foot-CORA in the talar head (Figure 3-19).
plex (varus/inversion and valgus/eversion) and the ankle joint In a foot with varus/inversion deformity of the hindfoot,
(plantar flexion/equinus and dorsiflexion/calcaneus), rather there is exaggerated adduction of the 1st MT axis in relation to
than deformities within bones; however both may exist. Defor- the talar axis at the foot-CORA in the talar head (Figure 3-20).
mity correction in the foot and ankle most often involves re- In contrast to the CORA in a long bone, an osteotomy
alignment of the bones in the subtalar and ankle joints, rather is never performed at the subtalar foot-CORA. Instead, soft
than osteotomies of bones, though both may be necessary. tissue procedures and/or osteotomies are preformed around
I have developed a modified CORA method, the “foot- the subtalar joint to align the axes of the talus and the 1st
CORA,” to assess the sites of deformity in feet and ankles MT at the foot-CORA (Figures 3-19 and 3-20). The talus–1st
to more accurately characterize the deformities and to help MT angle can be used to quantify the degree of eversion and
ensure that they are corrected at those sites, if at all possible. inversion deformity before and after correction.
The basis of the method is the assessment of the relationship It should also be acknowledged that there are some foot
between the axis of the talus and the axis of the 1st MT in the deformities in which the foot-CORA is within a bone. The
transverse (AP) and sagittal (lateral) planes and, to a lesser two most common examples are metatarsus adductus and
extent, the relationship between the axis of the talus and the cavus, i.e. the forefoot plantar flexion deformity in a cav-
axis of the tibia in the sagittal (lateral) plane. ovarus foot. In both cases, the deformity is within the medial
The normal AP talus–1st MT angle ranges from 12° cuneiform (Figures 3-21 and 3-22).
­(abducted) to −10° (adducted), with an average value of 4° The skewfoot, as well as some other unique deformities
(abducted) (Figure 3-18). and malformations, presents a special challenge to the basic
I have observed that, on the standing AP radiograph of foot-CORA method that is resolved by the introduction of
a foot with normal alignment, the axis of the talus and the a new and unique axis line, the “tarsal line.” It is a summary
axis of the 1st MT are either parallel and narrowly translated line, or proxy, for the overall alignment of the midfoot bones,
from each other or they intersect in the head/neck of the ta- which is otherwise difficult to assess due to the challenges
lus. In a foot with isolated valgus/eversion or varus/inversion noted above (the bones are small, irregular in shape, and
malalignment of the hindfoot, the axes of those bones con- delayed in ossification). Utilization of the tarsal line is par-
sistently intersect in the head of the talus or as far anterior as ticularly helpful when there are two opposite direction defor-
the talonavicular joint. The point of intersection of the axis mities between the talus and the 1st MT, as classically seen in
30 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations





Figure 3-19.  The foot-CORA for flatfoot. A. The foot-CORA for valgus/eversion deformity of the
hindfoot is in the head of the talus on the AP x-ray. B. The eversion deformity has been corrected at
the foot-CORA with a calcaneal lengthening osteotomy (gray trapezoid-shaped graft highlighted) (see
Calcaneal Lengthening Osteotomy, Chapter 8). The axes of the talus and the 1st MT became aligned
without actually doing anything to either of the named bones. The osteotomy was performed in a dif-
ferent bone, the calcaneus. C. The foot-CORA on the lateral x-ray is also in the head of the talus. D. The
axes of the talus and the 1st MT became aligned in this plane as well following the calcaneal length-
ening osteotomy. The allograft in the calcaneus appears to be healed, but not yet remodeled, in this
early postoperative x-ray. Within a year after surgery, it was difficult to identify the graft on x-ray.

skewfoot deformities. The tarsal line is drawn from the point The modified Coleman block test, and the justification for
of intersection of the axis of the talus with the subchondral the modification, was described in Assessment Principle
bone of the head of the talus to the point of intersection of the #9, Figure 3-4, this chapter. Objective assessment of the
axis of the 1st MT with the subchondral bone at the base of the flexibility of the hindfoot in a cavovarus foot deformity
1st MT. The tarsal line and the axis of the 1st MT are collinear can be documented with standing AP radiographs of the
when there is no deformity of the forefoot on the midfoot (ad- foot both off and on the block. The normal AP talus–1st
duction or abduction) in the frontal plane. The tarsal line and MT angle ranges from 12° (abducted) to −10° (adducted)
the axis of the talus are collinear when there is no deformity of (see Assessment Principle #18, Figure 3-18, this chapter).
the subtalar joint (i.e., no inversion or eversion) (Figure 3-23). Varus/inversion deformity of the hindfoot is characterized
by exaggerated adduction of the talus–1st MT angle. Cor-
rection of the AP talus–1st MT angle to the normal range
Assessment Principle #19 when standing on the block indicates flexibility of the sub-
Hindfoot flexibility in a cavovarus foot deformity talar joint (see Assessment Principle #18, Figure 3-20, this
should be assessed objectively with the radiographic chapter), whereas incomplete correction indicates inflex-
equivalent of the modified Coleman block test. ibility (Figure 3-24).


Figure 3-20.  The foot-CORA for cavovarus. A. The foot-CORA for pure varus/inversion deformity of
the hindfoot is in the head of the talus on the AP x-ray. In this example, there is mild associated metatar-
sus adductus which moves the foot-CORA slightly anteriorly to the talonavicular joint. B. The inversion
deformity is flexible and has been corrected at the foot-CORA with the modified Coleman block test, as
confirmed radiographically (see Assessment Principle #19, this chapter). The axes of the talus and the 1st
MT became colinear without actually doing anything to either of the named bones. The same outcome
follows plantar–medial soft tissue release of the subtalar joint (see Superficial Plantar-Medial Release
and Deep Plantar-Medial Release, Chapter 7).



Figure 3-21.  Metatarsus adductus. A. The talonavicular joint (and, by association, the subtalar joint)
is well aligned. The axes of the talus and the 1st MT intersect in the medial cuneiform, indicating that to
be the foot-CORA (orange stripes represent the interosseous ligaments). B. A medially-based opening
wedge osteotomy of the medial cuneiform, along with a closing wedge osteotomy of the cuboid, has
been performed. The foot-CORA has been improved significantly. The osteotomy began approximately
half way from distal to proximal along the medial border of the medial cuneiform and angled slightly
distal to end adjacent to the 2nd MT/middle cuneiform joint. Having created the osteotomy adjacent to
that joint, the fragments have more mobility than if the osteotomy had ended more proximally adjacent
to the medial cortex of the middle cuneiform. The interosseous ligaments maintained the a ­ ppropriate
amount of control of the fragments (see Medial Cuneiform Osteotomies, Chapter 8).
32 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations



Figure 3-22.  Cavovarus sagittal plane deformity. A. The foot-CORA on the lateral x-ray of a cav-
ovarus foot is in the body of the medial cuneiform. This location indicates that the apex of the mid-
foot cavus deformity (not the hindfoot inversion/varus deformity) is within the medial cuneiform.
Also note the exaggerated plantar flexion of the 1st MT in relation to the 5th MT (purple line). B. The
axes of the talus and the 1st MT became aligned following a plantar-based opening wedge oste-
otomy in the medial cuneiform (see Medial ­Cuneiform ­[Dorsiflexion] Plantar-based Opening Wedge
Osteotomy, ­Chapter 8). The angle between the 1st and 5th MTs became more parallel, the normal

1st metatarsal line

e Foot-CORA B
Foot-CORA in
a ll
rs Summary foot-CORA
Talus line


1 st m
l line etat
Tarsa arsa
l line

Figure 3-23.  The foot-CORA method for skewfoot. A. The axis of the talus and the axis of the 1st MT
are parallel, though severely translated, creating an angle between them of 0°. That would indicate no
deformity, though significant deformities exist within this foot. The “tarsal line” helps to resolve this
puzzle by creating a second foot-CORA. The talus–tarsal angle is abducted (+) at the posterior foot-
CORA and the tarsal–1st MT angle is equivalently adducted (−) at the anterior foot-CORA in this foot.
The opposite direction angles are added to each other when determining the summary talus–1st MT
angle (0° in this example). The yellow line would represent the axis of the 1st MT if no midfoot/forefoot
adduction deformity existed. In that situation, the talus–tarsal angle would be equivalent to the talus–
1st MT angle. B. The axes of the talus and the 1st MT intersect in the body of the talus (yellow dot) far
from the talar head, which is the foot-CORA in a pure flatfoot deformity. This is the summary foot-CORA
and is indicative of a second deformity (second foot-CORA) between the talus and the 1st MT. The
talus–tarsal angle represents the true subtalar deformity, which is much more exaggerated than the ta-
lus–1st MT angle suggests. The yellow line would represent the axis of the 1st MT if no midfoot/forefoot
plantar flexion/cavus deformity existed. In that situation, the talus–tarsal angle would be equivalent to
the talus–1st MT angle.
CHAPTER 3/Assessment Principles 33

A B C Corrects
with block


D E Does not correct

with block


Figure 3-24.  Radiographic modified Coleman block test. A. The patient stands with the lateral
(4th and 5th) MT heads on a 2.5-cm block for an AP x-ray. B. Standing AP x-ray off the block. The
talus–1st MT angle is adducted with the foot-CORA in the talar head, indicating hindfoot varus/­
inversion. C. Standing AP x-ray on the block (purple rectangle). The talus–1st MT angle corrects
fully, indicating a flexible subtalar joint. D. Standing AP x-ray off the block. The talus–1st MT angle
is ­adducted with the foot-CORA in the talar head, indicating hindfoot varus/inversion. E. Standing
AP x-ray on the block (purple rectangle). The talus–1st MT angle corrects only partially, indicating
­inadequate ­flexibility of the subtalar joint.

Assessment Principle #20 Also recall that one component of eversion is external ro-
tation of the subtalar joint/acetabulum pedis in relation to
There is usually a projectional artifact on the the talus/ankle which means, conversely, internal rotation of
l­ ateral radiograph of a foot with a varus/inverted or the hindfoot in relation to the forefoot (Figure 3-26).
valgus/everted hindfoot deformity. Finally, be aware that the best way to assess proper hind-
When a foot is C-shaped due to inversion or eversion of the foot positioning for a lateral radiograph is to note the rela-
hindfoot, the lateral x-ray beam cannot simultaneously pass tionship between the distal fibula and tibia. The posterior
perpendicular to the forefoot and the hindfoot. Therefore, or- cortex of the distal fibula metaphysis and the posterior ossi-
der specifically positioned views to see each segment in a true fication margin of the distal tibial epiphysis are colinear in a
lateral projection. The radiology technicians can easily visu- true lateral x-ray of the hindfoot/ankle. It is unreliable to use
alize the forefoot and will generally aim the x-ray beam per- the shape of the dome of the talus as a means to determine
pendicular to the MTs. That creates a rotational projectional a true lateral projection because the ossification of the dome
artifact of the hindfoot in varus/inversion and valgus/eversion is not particularly dome-shaped in young children. Further-
hindfoot deformities. Recall that one component of inversion more, there are many instances in which the dome had been
is internal rotation of the subtalar joint/acetabulum pedis in re- crushed, devascularized, or otherwise injured, thereby, flat-
lation to the talus/ankle which means, conversely, external ro- tening its dome shape. And, as has just been discussed, flat-
tation of the hindfoot in relation to the forefoot (Figure 3-25). tening of the dome can be a projectional artifact. Therefore,
Projectional artifact–varus foot
Varus hindfoot

Mortis ankle

Lateral forefoot

Standard positioning

Varus hindfoot

Lateral ankle/hindfoot

Rotated forefoot

Proper positioning

Varus hindfoot Varus hindfoot

Standard positioning Proper positioning

Figure 3-25.  A. Standard positioning of a cavovarus foot: The radiology technician typically aligns
the forefoot parallel with the plate (because the axis of the hindfoot is difficult to appreciate) and the
beam perpendicular to the forefoot and plate. A true lateral image of the forefoot is obtained. Inver-
sion of the subtalar joint includes internal rotation of the subtalar joint/acetabulum pedis in relation
to the talus/ankle. That equates to external rotation of the ankle in relation to the forefoot—note posi-
tions of the malleoli (purple lateral malleolus and green medial malleolus)—and the radiographic
­appearance of an AP or mortis view of the ankle on the “lateral” x-ray of the foot. B. Proper position-
ing for assessment of the hindfoot: To see a true lateral image of the hindfoot/ankle, the technician
must turn the forefoot toward the beam until the hindfoot is parallel with the plate (purple curved
arrow). The forefoot image will look odd, but the hindfoot will appear as it should, with the posterior
cortex of the distal fibula metaphysis in line with the posterior ossification margin of the distal tibial
epiphysis. C. False appearance of a flat-top talus is seen in the standard positioning view. It is actually
the normal talar dome appearance of a mortis view. D. The true talar dome appearance is seen when
the foot is positioned properly.

CHAPTER 3/Assessment Principles 35

Projectional artifact–valgus foot

Valgus hindfoot

Rotated ankle

Lateral forefoot

Standard positioning

Valgus hindfoot

Lateral ankle/hindfoot

Rotated forefoot

Proper positioning

Valgus hindfoot Valgus hindfoot

Standard positioning Proper positioning

Figure 3-26.  A. Standard positioning of a flatfoot: The radiology technician typically aligns the
forefoot parallel with the plate (because the axis of the hindfoot is difficult to appreciate) and the
beam perpendicular to the forefoot and plate. A true lateral image of the forefoot is obtained.
­Eversion of the subtalar joint includes external rotation of the subtalar joint/acetabulum pedis in rela-
tion to the talus/ankle. That equates to internal rotation of the ankle in relation to the forefoot—note
positions of the malleoli (purple lateral malleolus and green medial malleolus). The lateral malleolus
projects half way between the anterior and posterior cortices of the tibia. B. Proper positioning for
assessment of the hindfoot: To see a true lateral image of the hindfoot/ankle, the technician must
turn the forefoot away from the beam (purple curved arrow) until the hindfoot is parallel with the
plate. The forefoot image will look odd, but the hindfoot will appear as it should, with the posterior
cortex of the distal fibula metaphysis in line with the posterior ossification margin of the distal tibial
­epiphysis. C. Odd-shaped talus is seen in the standard positioning view. D. The true talus and talar
dome ­appearances are seen when the foot is positioned properly.
36 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Figure 3-27.  A. The ankle joint (blue line) is in valgus alignment at birth and gradually corrects to neu-
tral; except it persists in many limbs with clubfoot and in those affected by paralytic conditions such as
myelomeningocele, lipomeningocele, and poliomyelitis. The yellow line represents the distal tips of the
medial and lateral malleoli, which are at approximately the same transverse level when the ankle joint
is in valgus alignment. B. The ankle joint gradually becomes perpendicular to the tibia (blue line) and the
lateral malleolus grows distal to the medial malleolus (yellow line) by age 3 to 4 years in normal limbs.

use the distal fibula to tibia relationships to determine if the and the alignment of joints in three dimensions, the exact
projection is a true lateral of the hindfoot/ankle. information needed to assess the more complex deformities
and malformations, particularly those that have been oper-
ated on previously. MRI scans are best at the assessment of
Assessment Principle #21 soft tissue pathology, which is not the intent of structural as-
Do not forget about ankle radiographs. sessment. The exorbitant cost of an MRI (even in compari-
son with a CT scan) makes it fiscally irresponsible to obtain
Ankle radiographs (standing AP, lateral, mortis) are not this study without careful consideration of the indications
a standard part of every assessment of a foot deformity or and the information desired, considerations that apply to all
malformation, but should be ordered if clinically indicated. imaging studies. CT scans use ionizing radiation, but at a dis-
The ankle joint is in valgus alignment at birth (see Assess- tance far from the most radiation sensitive parts of the body.
ment Principle #11, this chapter). The distal fibula and Importantly, the CT scan is the definitive imaging study
lateral distal tibia grow relatively faster than the medial dis- for the diagnosis and management of talocalcaneal tarsal
tal tibia until approximately age 3 to 4 years, at which point coalitions because the generally accepted criteria for choos-
the ankle joint is perpendicular to the tibial shaft. ­Neonatal ing the appropriate treatment modality are based on CT scan
­ankle valgus deformity persists in children with paralytic findings (see Talocalcaneal Tarsal Coalition, TCTC, Figure
conditions (such as myelomeningocele, lipomeningocele, 5-2, Chapter 5) (Figure 3-28).
and poliomyelitis) and in many children with clubfeet for
unknown reasons. The ankle joint undergoes its normal
conversion to neutral alignment in children with cerebral
palsy (Figure 3-27). Assessment Principle #23
An MRI is rarely helpful or indicated for assess-
ment of foot deformities and malformations, except
Assessment Principle #22
in special circumstances.
A CT scan in all three orthogonal planes and with
Radiographs and CT scans are useful in assessing bone and
3D reconstruction is the best imaging modality for
joint abnormalities, specifically deformities and malfor-
more detailed assessment of complex foot deformi-
mations. MRI scans are useful in assessing soft tissue ab-
ties and malformations. It is the imaging modality
normalities, but not as useful in assessing deformities and
of choice to assess tarsal coalitions.
malformations. The exorbitant cost of an MRI of the foot
For most deformities and malformations, plain radiographs might be justified in the assessment of a complex deformity
provide sufficient information to corroborate the physical or malformation in a very young child who has minimal
examination findings. CT scans show the shapes of bones ­ossification of the tarsal bones (Figure 3-29).
CHAPTER 3/Assessment Principles 37



Coronal Transverse

Figure 3-28.  Collage of CT scan images of a foot with a middle facet talocalcaneal tarsal ­coalition
(yellow arrow). The formerly healthy joint is narrow, sclerotic, irregular, and down-sloping.

MRIs are the study of choice for soft tissue tumors and
A infections (Figure 3-30).

Assessment Principle #24

A bone scan is a good and relatively ­inexpensive
way to identify a specific site(s) of ­inflammation/
pain, and is excellent at diagnosing complex
­regional pain syndrome.
There are many anatomic variations of the foot that, in
many/most cases, do not cause pain. These include tarsal

Figure 3-29.  A. Lateral x-ray of a surgically treated clubfoot

in a 3-year-old with a taller than expected midfoot and suspi- Figure 3-30.  MRI reveals a lipoma (purple oval) in the tarsal
cion for dorsal subluxation/overcorrection at the talonavicular tunnel in the abductor hallucis muscle that was compressing
joint. B. MRI confirms dorsal subluxation/overcorrection at the the medial plantar tibial nerve, creating pain and numbness in
­talonavicular joint. the distribution of the nerve.
38 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations




Figure 3-31.  Bone scan demonstrating complex regional pain syndrome, a.k.a. reflex sympathetic
or neurovascular dystrophy, pain amplification syndrome. A. AP image of the feet shows stocking–
glove distribution decreased tracer uptake in the entire left foot and ankle. To the casual observer, and
without benefit of the clinical history or visualization of the more proximal parts of the limbs, one
might diagnose right foot and ankle pathology with generalized increased uptake. B. Lateral image of
the feet confirms stocking–glove distribution decreased tracer uptake in the entire left foot and ankle.
C. AP image of the knees shows essentially symmetric tracer uptake in the growth plates of the two
limbs. D. AP image shows right-to-left symmetry of the proximal tibias/fibulas, but marked asymme-
try at the ankles/feet with decreased tracer uptake on the left side.

coalition, accessory navicular, os trigonum, and a host of extremities must be seen for comparison, especially if com-
rare accessory ossicles. It is imperative to ensure that a ra- plex regional pain syndrome is being considered, in which
diographically identified anatomic variation is the cause case there is most often a stocking–glove distribution de-
of the pain and not merely an incidental finding (see crease in uptake in the affected foot and ankle (Figure 3-31).
­Assessment Principles #6, 15, and 16, this chapter). A It is true that there is a theoretic risk of excessive radiation
bone scan can be used to confirm if the anatomic variation exposure to the gonads until the technetium is expelled from
is the source of the pain when the signs and symptoms are the urinary bladder, especially in females. But bone scans
not characteristic for the anatomic variation that has been should be used infrequently and only for the rare indications
identified on physical ­examination, plain radiographs, and/ stated. The alternative is to use an MRI scan, with its exor-
or CT scan. bitant cost and lack of specificity, to find the true site(s) of
The bone scan should be ordered with magnified views pain. The significance of “bone edema,” which is frequently
and SPECT images in multiple projections. Both lower identified on MRI scans, is unknown.

Management Principles
MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLE #1 without modifications) and fail to achieve outcomes compa-
rable to those achieved by the originator. Before abandoning
The decision (to operate) is more important than or modifying a procedure that has been shown by others to be
the incision (i.e., the surgical technique). effective, make sure to perform it as described by the origina-
And the decision to operate on a foot deformity or malforma- tor. Personal observation of, or tutoring by, an expert might
tion is based on (1) the known natural history of the condition, be required, depending on the complexity and uniqueness of
(2) the symptomatic and/or functional responses to nonoper- the technique. Though it is possible that the technique, as de-
ative treatment (where appropriate), and (3) the reported risks scribed by the originator, can be successfully performed only
and complications of surgery. A “well executed” operation for by the originator, such procedures should be extremely rare.
the right indication is far better for the patient than the “most Admittedly, detailed descriptions for many of the proce-
skillfully executed operation in the history of surgery” for the dures that are commonly and uncommonly performed are
wrong indication. The best surgeon is not necessarily the most not published or otherwise accessible. I have included my
skillful, but the one who knows when to operate. Of course, it time-tested techniques for many soft tissue and bony foot
is nice to make the best decisions and be technically excellent. procedures in Chapters 7 and 8 of this text. Some are original
We all strive for that combination of knowledge and skills. to me, but most are my interpretation of the originals that
often have not been well described in the literature. Some
of the articles describing the original techniques can also be
MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLE #2 found in the bibliography in Chapter 9.
A less-than-ideal surgical or nonsurgical outcome
can be due to a poor technique, a poor technician,
This principle assumes that the patient satisfies reasonable You cannot un-operate on anyone.
indications for the technique in question. A surgical or non- Foot deformities and malformations are never lethal. Non-
surgical (e.g., Ponseti) technique is developed and, hopefully, operative treatment might prolong the temporary pain and
tested by the originator before it is presented to the medical disability, but might eliminate both, thereby avoiding the re-
community. There is perhaps no technique that is so simple ported risks and complications of surgery.
or foolproof that mere knowledge of the concept allows an-
other surgeon to perform the procedure as well as the origi-
nator. And for some/many techniques, attention to all of the MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLE #4
fine details of the procedure is critical for success. Failure to
The (surgical) treatment could be worse than the
perform the procedure as described by the originator might
condition itself.
result in a good outcome, but a poor outcome cannot auto-
matically be attributed to the technique. It can, perhaps, be No operation is without potential risks and complications
considered a poor technique only if other surgeons skillfully that are unacceptable if the natural history of the condition
follow the fine details of the procedure (as published and or the response to nonoperative treatment provides favorable
40 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

outcomes with little to no long-term disability. Nonoperative

treatment corrects a high percentage of many congenital de- A B
formities (clubfoot, congenital vertical talus, and metatarsus
adductus) and/or resolves pain and functional disability in a
high percentage of certain other conditions (tarsal coalition,
juvenile hallux valgus, and accessory navicular). Natural his-
tory trumps all treatment modalities. Many anatomic varia-
tions correct spontaneously through normal growth and
development (flexible flatfoot, metatarsus adductus, and po-
sition calcaneovalgus) or persist without resulting in pain or
functional disability (flexible flatfoot, metatarsus adductus).

­Modalities that correct deformities: (1) natural
history, (2) physical stretching, (3) serial casting,
and (4) surgery.
The natural history of congenital metatarsus adductus and Figure 4-1.  Heel cord stretching for a flexible flatfoot with
positional calcaneovalgus is spontaneous correction in al- a short tendo-Achilles must be performed with the subtalar
most all cases (see Basic Principles #3 and 4, Chapter 2). joint inverted (A) and the knee extended (B). Recall that one
Though perhaps better classified as an anatomic variation component of eversion is dorsiflexion of the acetabulum pedis
around the talus. If the subtalar joint is not inverted/”locked”
rather than a deformity, physiologic flexible flatfoot changes
(see Basic Principle #7, Figure 2-9, Chapter 2), it will merely fur-
to an arched foot in most cases through its natural history. ther evert/dorsiflex, thereby stretching the medial soft tissues
Physical stretching exercises will increase the rate of of the subtalar joint rather than the heel cord across the ankle
dorsiflexion deformity correction for positional calcaneo- joint. The knee must be extended to ensure that the gastroc-
valgus and will correct ankle plantar flexion deformity in nemius is also stretched at its proximal end as it crosses that
joint. ­(Arch SafeTM Rubber biplanar wedge courtesy of Prasad
many mild cases of congenital and acquired tendo-Achilles
­Gourineni, MD with permission.)
contracture. The technique for heel cord stretching in chil-
dren with flatfoot/short tendo-Achilles must be performed As a corollary, natural history is the only modality that
in a specific manner to ensure that the proper structure, the results in permanent deformity correction. There is a risk of
tendo-­Achilles, is stretched and that the proper joint, the deformity recurrence following all treatment modalities.
ankle joint, achieves the increase in dorsiflexion. The rea- A commonly held belief by some health care profession-
son was explained in Basic Principle #6 and illustrated in als and most grandparents is that special “orthopedic shoes”
­Figure  2-7 in Chapter 2. Dorsiflexion of the acetabulum and orthotics correct foot deformities in children. There is
pedis/calcaneus in relation to the talus, as seen in flatfoot no scientific evidence to support that belief. The myth has
deformity, is a component of eversion of the subtalar joint. been perpetuated because those devices have been credited
Unless the subtalar joint is inverted to neutral and “locked” with the deformity correction that has, in fact, occurred as a
(see Basic Principle #7, Figure 2-9, Chapter 2), dorsiflex- result of the natural history of the condition.
ion stress will likely increase dorsiflexion/eversion through
the subtalar joint rather than dorsiflexion in the ankle joint
Serial casting can fully correct most cases of rigid congeni-
Modalities that correct dynamic deformities:
tal metatarsus adductus. It can fully correct most cases of con-
(1) focal injection of tone-reducing medication
genital clubfoot and congenital vertical talus with the addition
into muscles and (2) muscle-balancing tendon
of minor surgery (Achilles tenotomy). And serial casting can
correct some of the cases of congenital and acquired heel cord
contracture that do not fully correct with physical stretching Dynamic deformities are flexible; i.e., the joints can be pas-
exercises. Serial casting can, at a minimum, partially correct sively moved through a full range of motion. They are due to
foot deformities in children who are at even fairly advanced muscle imbalance from underlying neuromuscular disorders
ages, so as to decrease the extent of required surgery. in which there may be spasticity or weakness. Injection of
Surgery is the final common pathway for foot deformities botulinum toxin (BOTOX) into a spastic muscle has been
that do not correct spontaneously or respond fully to nonop- shown to temporarily paralyze and weaken it, resulting in
erative treatment. Surgery involves soft tissue releases and/ improved muscle balance across a joint. Although the effect
or plications, osteotomies, and, rarely, arthrodeses. Tendon is not permanent, it can be repeated. This is an ­appropriate
transfers do not correct structural deformities. treatment modality for a young child with spastic muscles
CHAPTER 4/Management Principles 41

in whom a delay in surgery until the child is older will often in adult foot surgery, maintenance of deformity correction
improve the results of muscle-balancing surgery. in children and adolescents is a very important component
Tendon lengthening/weakening and tendon transfer tech- of the overall treatment plan. It must be given consideration
niques are more permanent solutions to muscle imbalance, equal to the deformity correction itself and monitored long
but they are not entirely reliable, predictable, or definitive. term.
The main problem with a dynamic deformity is that it is the Focal injection of tone-reducing medication into muscles
result of the problem (an underlying neuromuscular disor- can correct dynamic deformities and reduce the risk or rate
der) and not the primary problem (see Basic P ­ rinciple #12, of recurrence, but they do not guarantee maintenance of de-
Chapter 2). After tendon surgery, the child still has the formity correction because their effect is not permanent (see
underlying nerve or muscle disorder. Therefore, recur- Management Principle #6, this chapter).
rence of deformity and overcorrection are real ­possibilities Special shoes/braces and orthotics do not correct defor-
(see ­Management Principle #10, this chapter). mities, but they are often helpful in maintaining deformity
correction, even if worn only at night (Figure 4-2).
Daily stretching exercises are also an important modality
MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLE #7 for maintenance of deformity correction (Figure 4-3). The
Modalities that maintain deformity correction: modified technique for heel cord stretching must be used for
(1) focal injection of tone-reducing medication into maintaining, as well as for achieving, correction in flexible
muscles, (2) special shoes/braces, (3) orthotics, flatfoot with short tendo-Achilles (Figure 4-1).
(4) physical stretching, and (5) balanced muscles. Surgically balanced muscles can maintain deformity
correction, but achieving balance is an art and may not be
Recurrence of a corrected deformity is common in many achievable (see Management Principle #22-4, this c­ hapter).
congenital and acquired deformities of the child’s foot and Maintaining muscle balance is particularly challenging in
ankle. In deformities caused by an underlying progressive progressive neuromuscular disorders (see Management
neuromuscular disorder, recurrence is even more likely. Re- Principle #6, this chapter).
currence of a deformity is also common in children with un-
derlying collagen disorders such as arthrogryposis and, at the
other end of the spectrum, the ligament laxity syndromes.
There are fewer recurrences in some deformities that are cor-
rected later in childhood. However, delaying treatment is not
always an acceptable option. The bottom line is that, unlike

Figure 4-3.  A few minutes of tendo-Achilles stretching can

help maintain deformity correction after heel cord lengthening.
A physical therapist is not required, except perhaps to teach
the technique(s). Requesting that the stretching be performed
Figure 4-2.  Foot-abduction brace worn at night for several immediately before or after brushing teeth (twice per day)
years after clubfoot deformity correction using the Ponseti method. could be the link that ensures compliance.
42 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

Treatment (nonoperative and/or operative) is
­indicated for:
1. Congenital deformities and malformations that
are known, or expected, to cause pain and/or
­functional disability ­unless corrected.
These include congenital clubfoot, congenital vertical
t­ alus, rigid metatarsus adductus, rigid skewfoot, polydactyly,
macrodactyly (Figure 4-4). They are treated well before they
become symptomatic.

2. Developmental and acquired deformities and

Figure 4-5.  Cavovarus foot with claw toes in a boy with
malformations that are creating pain and/or
Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease. His feet were normally shaped,
­functional disability. strong, and comfortable until 3 to 4 years prior to this photo.
He presented with the obvious deformities along with insta-
These include cavovarus foot, flexible flatfoot with short bility, frequent ankle sprains, and weight-bearing pain under
tendo-Achilles, idiopathic equinus, tarsal coalition, acces- the 1st metatarsal head and the base of the 5th metatarsal on
sory navicular, spastic and paralytic foot deformities, iatro- both feet. The natural history has been playing out for the last
genic deformities (Figure 4-5). 3 to 4 years. There is no reason to believe that the pathologic
For both pain and functional disability, the treatment is changes will reverse or slow down. Therefore, there is no
­reason to ­delay treatment.
disease-specific and can be nonoperative and/or operative.

and are known to cause pain and/or functional dis-

MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLE #9 ability ­unless corrected.
Surgical treat­ment is indicated for: These include congenital clubfoot and vertical talus that
do not respond to nonoperative (Ponseti and reverse Pon-
1. Congenital deformities and ­malformations that do seti) management, macrodactyly, longitudinal epiphyseal
not, or cannot, correct with non­operative treatment bracket of the 1st metatarsal, polydactyly.


Figure 4-4.  A. Front.

B. Side. C. Back views of
­untreated congenital club-
feet in an 18-year-old male.
They are unshoeable and
are painful when walking
on hard surfaces. Clubfoot
never corrects without treat-
ment. The natural history is
well known. Early treatment
can avoid disability in this
common condition.
CHAPTER 4/Management Principles 43

2. Progressive cavovarus foot deformities that are That means:

­associated with pain and/or functional disability. 1. Perform a calcaneal lengthening osteotomy (CLO) (see
Chapter 8) rather than posterior calcaneal medial displace-
3. Other developmental, persistent, and ­recurrent ment osteotomy (see Chapter 8) for valgus/eversion defor-
deformities that do not adequately respond to mity of the hindfoot. The former procedure (CLO) corrects
prolonged attempts at nonoperative treatment all components of subtalar joint eversion at the site of de-
­designed to correct the deformity, maintain formity, whereas the latter procedure creates a compensa-
­deformity correction, relieve pain, and diminish or tory deformity to correct valgus alignment of the hindfoot.
relieve functional disability. 2. Perform a plantar–medial soft tissue release of the subta-
lar joint (see Chapter 7) rather than posterior calcaneal
These include skewfoot, recurrent and overcorrected con- lateral displacement osteotomy (see Chapter 8) for varus/­
genital clubfoot and vertical talus, idiopathic equinus, flexible inversion deformity of the hindfoot. The former procedure
flatfoot with short tendo-Achilles, tarsal coalition, accessory corrects subtalar joint inversion at the site of deformity,
navicular, juvenile hallux valgus, spastic and ­paralytic foot whereas the latter procedure creates a compensatory
deformities. ­deformity to correct varus alignment of the hindfoot.
3. Perform a medial cuneiform opening wedge osteotomy
(see Chapter 8) rather than 1st metatarsal osteotomy (see
MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLE #10 Chapter 8) for cavus deformity (plantar flexion deformity
Provide clear, accurate, and reasonable expectations of the 1st ray). The foot-CORA (center of rotation of an-
to the patient and family of the short- and long-term gulation) for cavus (see Assessment Principle #18, Chap-
outcomes of nonoperative and operative management. ter 3) is in the medial cuneiform.
4. Perform a medial cuneiform opening wedge osteotomy
Foot deformities and malformations are rarely “cured,” i.e.,
(see Chapter 8) and cuboid closing wedge osteotomy (see
made normal. But long-term comfort and function can
Chapter 8) rather than metatarsal osteotomies or tarso-
be anticipated for many or most of them. Deformities at-
metatarsal capsulotomies for metatarsus adductus. The
tributable to neuromuscular disorders are the result of the
foot-CORA for metatarsus adductus (see Assessment
problems and not the primary problems. Recurrence of de-
Principle #18, Chapter 3) is in the medial cuneiform.
formity and the need for future treatment can be anticipated
When Willie Sutton was asked why he robbed banks, he said:
in many of these cases. Normal growth and development of
“…because that’s where the money is!” Go where the money is!
a foot with a primary deformity can have an anticipated or
unanticipated effect on the long-term outcome of the inter-
vention. Share your predictions about future comfort and
function and about the need for future treatment with the
patient and family. That way there should be few surprises Preserve joint motion (particularly subtalar
down the line. joint motion) in the feet of children and adoles-
cents by utilizing soft tissue releases/plications and
­osteotomies instead of arthrodeses.
MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLE #11 Arthrodesis of the subtalar joint results in debilitating stress
A ­surgical plan for each of the segmental transfer to adjacent joints, particularly the ankle joint, lead-
­deformities and muscle imbalances needs to be ing to premature degenerative arthritis. Arthrodesis also has
­established before proceeding with surgery. a detrimental effect on future growth and development of the
foot. The subtalar joint is the shock absorber of the foot and,
This means creating a list of the multiple related and un-
in fact, the entire lower extremity. Preserve its function at all
related procedures that are to be performed either during
costs (Figure 4-6).
a single operative session or sequentially in cases of staged
procedures. Some deformities are not evident until others
are corrected. This needs to be anticipated before the start of
the operation, based on one’s knowledge and understanding
of deformities, with a surgical plan ready for each additional Use ­biologic, rather than technologic, interventions;
deformity that might be identified intraoperatively. Be pre- i.e., rearrange and/or reshape anatomic parts rather
pared, rather than surprised. than replace or interfere with them.
The overall reported short term complication rate of subtalar
arthroereisis (“pseudoarthrodesis”) with synthetic implants
is 3.5% to 30%, with more recent reports of 3.5% to 11%.
Correct deformity at the site of the deformity. If However, the actual rates are much higher if one includes
that is not possible, use compensatory bone and soft the inappropriate implantation of these devices into normal
tissue procedures. physiologic flexible flatfeet, a practice employed by some
44 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Figure 4-6.  Degenerative

­arthrosis of the ankle joint
­several years after triple
­arthrodesis. A. AP x-ray.
B. Lateral x-ray.

health care providers. Complications can be categorized as complete correction of varus/inversion. The subtalar joint is
surgeon error, problems with biomaterials, biologic prob- inverted in a cavovarus foot deformity, just as it is in a club-
lems, and inappropriate implantations. Long term outcome foot. On the basis of the segmental deformities, one could
studies have not been reported. consider an (equino-)cavovarus foot deformity an “acquired”
clubfoot. One would never consider performing compensa-
tory osteotomies or arthrodeses before attempting subtalar
MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLE #15 joint release and alignment in a clubfoot. The same approach
Correct deformities and balance muscle forces. should be used for a cavovarus deformity.
1. Deformity correction will not correct muscle 2. Perform osteotomies to correct residual bone
imbalance. deformities.
Deformity correction without muscle balancing can re- Depending on the severity and rigidity of the subtalar
sult in recurrent deformity. If muscle imbalance created the joint inversion deformity, plantar–medial soft tissue release
deformity, as is usually the case in cavovarus foot deformi- might not be sufficient to realign the subtalar joint. In those
ties, persistence of the muscle imbalance will recreate the cases, one or more hindfoot osteotomies (see Chapter 8) are
deformity despite adequate initial deformity correction. required to correct the residual varus deformity. They should
not, however, be used primarily in place of the plantar–­
2. Tendon transfers will not correct structural medial soft tissue release.
deformities. Furthermore, alignment of the hindfoot does not correct
Muscle balancing without deformity correction will cre- the forefoot pronation deformity, which is a separate defor-
ate a balanced deformity. That is not the goal (see Manage- mity that requires its own treatment (see Basic Principle #5,
ment Principle #22-2, this Chapter). Chapter 2), specifically a dorsiflexion osteotomy of the me-
dial cuneiform (see Chapter 8).

MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLE #16 3. Reserve arthrodesis of the subtalar joint as a sal-

Principles of cavovarus deformity correction: vage procedure.

1. Release the plantar–medial soft tissues to realign Most cavovarus deformities can be corrected with a com-
bination of soft tissue releases and osteotomies. Arthrodesis
the subtalar joint.
of the subtalar joint can and should be avoided in children
The default position of the subtalar joint is valgus/everted and adolescents (see Management Principle #13, this chap-
(see Basic Principle #9, Chapter 2); release of the plantar– ter) unless there is advanced arthritis in that joint, a rare
medial soft tissues (see Chapter 7) will result in partial or finding in children and adolescents.
CHAPTER 4/Management Principles 45

anteromedial extent of the acetabulum pedis. As such, the na-

vicular, along with the rest of the acetabulum pedis, rotates
Principles of planovalgus deformity correction: around the axis of the subtalar joint, i.e., “down and in” for
inversion and “up and out” for eversion (see Basic Principles
1. Perform osteotomies to correct bone deformities
#6 and 7, Chapter 2). The calcaneocuboid joint, on the other
and/or align the subtalar joint. hand, is a fairly nonmobile joint within the acetabulum pe-
The default position of the subtalar joint is valgus/everted dis, analogous to the transverse limb of the triradiate cartilage
(see Basic Principle #9, Chapter 2). Therefore, release of within the acetabulum in the ilium (see Basic Principle #7,
the lateral soft tissues will result in no change in the ever- Figure 2-11, Chapter 2). The body of the cuboid, on the other
sion deformity, and plication of the plantar–medial soft tis- hand, is distal to Chopart joints and the acetabulum pedis.
sues will not maintain deformity correction. The calcaneal Plantar–medial soft tissue release of a varus/inverted
­lengthening osteotomy (see ­Chapter 8) corrects all compo- hindfoot will produce partial-to-complete eversion of the
nents of valgus/eversion deformity of the subtalar joint at the subtalar joint with realignment of the talonavicular joint. In
site of deformity. The posterior calcaneus medial displace- a long-standing deformity, full correction and realignment
ment osteotomy (see Chapter 8) corrects valgus alignment might not be possible because secondary bone deformity,
of the hindfoot without correcting the other components manifest as a long lateral column of the foot, has developed.
of eversion deformity. Specifically, it does not correct the In such a case, there is residual inversion following a deep
­dorsiflexion and external rotation malalignment at the talo- plantar-medial release (see Chapter 7). The long lateral
navicular joint. The posterior calcaneus medial displacement ­column of the foot can be shortened to pull the navicular
osteotomy, when combined with other procedures, has a role dorsolaterally to align with the talar head. Three procedures
in the correction of some specific planovalgus deformities. are effective in accomplishing this: the Evans calcaneocuboid
Alignment of the hindfoot does not correct the joint resection/arthrodesis, the Lichtblau anterior calcaneus
forefoot ­
­ supination deformity, which is a separate defor- resection, and an anterior calcaneus lateral closing wedge
mity that ­requires its own treatment (see Basic Principle #5, osteotomy (see Chapter 8 for a description of each proce-
­Chapter 2), specifically a plantar flexion osteotomy of the me- dure). They are most commonly employed to treat resistant,
dial ­cuneiform (see Chapter 8). residual, or recurrent hindfoot varus in clubfoot deformities
in older children. A closing wedge osteotomy of the cuboid
2. Plicate soft tissues to further stabilize the subtalar (see Chapter 8) is too far distal to affect the relationship be-
joint. tween the navicular and the head of the talus. Its primary
action is to help correct metatarsus adductus, particularly
Following correction of the eversion deformity of the sub- when combined with a medial opening wedge osteotomy of
talar joint with the CLO, the plantar–medial talonavicular the medial cuneiform (see Chapter 8) (Figure 4-7).
joint capsule and the posterior tibialis tendon are lax. They In contrast to a foot with a varus/inverted hindfoot defor-
should be tightened by means of a plantar–medial plication mity, the lateral column of a foot with a valgus/everted hind-
(see Chapter 7) to take up the redundancy in the capsule and foot deformity is too short. The CLO (see Chapter 8) corrects
to reset the muscle tension. valgus/eversion deformity of the hindfoot at the site of defor-
mity and realigns the entire subtalar joint complex, including
3. Reserve arthrodesis of the subtalar joint as a salvage
the talonavicular joint. An opening wedge osteotomy of the
procedure. cuboid is too far anterior to affect bone relationships within
Most planovalgus deformities can be corrected with a com- the subtalar joint complex. Its primary action is to help cor-
bination of osteotomies and soft tissue plications. Arthrodesis rect metatarsus abductus (if, in fact, there exists such a de-
of the subtalar joint can and should be avoided in children formity), particularly when combined with a medial closing
and adolescents (see Management Principle #13, Chapter 4) wedge osteotomy of the medial cuneiform ­(Figure 4-8).
unless there is advanced arthritis in that joint, a rare finding in
children and adolescents.
When con­sidering a dorsiflexion or plantar flex-
ion osteotomy of the medial cuneiform for the cor-
The calcaneocuboid joint is the most distal site at rection of forefoot pronation or supination, one
which the lateral column of the foot can be short- should also consider the alignment in the transverse
ened or lengthened to realign the talonavicular plane (adduction or abduction).
joint/acetabulum pedis in a foot with a varus/
The medial cuneiform has been recognized for some time as
inverted or a valgus/everted hindfoot deformity.
being the ideal site for correcting metatarsus adductus (see
The body of the cuboid is too far distal.
Chapter 5) with a medially-based opening wedge osteotomy,
The talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joints are collectively often combined with a closing wedge osteotomy of the cuboid.
known as Chopart joints. The talonavicular joint is the It is the foot-CORA for that deformity (see  Assessment
46 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Closing wedge osteotomy

of cuboid
Evans Calcaneocuboid joint
calcaneocuboid joint

anterior calcaneus

Anterior calcaneus lateral Calcaneocuboid joint

closing wedge osteotomy

Figure 4-7.  Lateral column shortening in a cavovarus foot. A. Following a deep plantar-medial re-
lease (wavy red line) (see Chapter 7), there may be residual inversion of the subtalar joint. The Evans
calcaneocuboid resection/arthrodesis, the Lichtblau anterior calcaneus resection, and the anterior
calcaneus lateral closing wedge osteotomy (see Chapter 8 for a description of each procedure) are
all capable of shortening the lateral column of the foot and, thereby, correcting residual inversion of
the subtalar joint with realignment of the navicular on the head of the talus (curved purple arrow).
The black dot in the head of the talus represents the foot-CORA of the subtalar joint (see Assessment
Principle #18, Chapter 3) around which the acetabulum pedis rotates following each of these three os-
teotomies. B. A closing wedge osteotomy of the cuboid (see Chapter 8) does not affect bone relation-
ships in the subtalar or talonavicular joints ( ). Its foot-CORA (black dot) is the medial cortex of the
cuboid. In this foot, a closing wedge osteotomy of the cuboid would not realign the navicular on the
head of the talus, but merely create a compensatory abduction deformity (curved purple arrow) distal
to the true deformity in the subtalar joint (see Management Principle #12, this chapter).

Principle #18, Figure 3-21, Chapter 3). Less well recognized only the rotational deformity (pronation or supination), but
or acknowledged is the fact that the ­medial cuneiform is the also the angular deformity (adduction or abduction), or at
foot-CORA for forefoot pronation (i.e. ­cavus) and supination least avoid exaggerating the deformity in that second plane.
(see Assessment Principle #18, Figure 3-22, Chapter  3). The medial cuneiform is bordered laterally by two bones
The base of the 1st MT is not the site of deformity (foot- (the base of the second metatarsal and the middle cunei-
CORA) for any forefoot or midfoot deformity. form) and a joint (the second metatarsal–middle cuneiform
Osteotomies in the medial cuneiform can, in fact, be used joint) with interosseous ligaments along its entire border.
to correct forefoot pronation and supination, midfoot ad- The medial border is merely covered by soft tissues (skin,
duction and abduction, as well as combinations of those de- fat, and the anterior tibialis tendon). These features of the
formities (see Medial Cuneiform Osteotomies, Chapter 8). local anatomy of the medial cuneiform create four biplanar
The medial cuneiform is, therefore, the workhorse of the osteotomy scenarios (Figure 4-9).
­medial column of the foot. 1. A medial cuneiform dorsiflexion plantar-based opening
When treating pronation (plantar flexion of the 1st ray) wedge osteotomy (MC-DF-OWO) will always addition-
and supination (dorsiflexion of the 1st ray) deformities of the ally create slight abduction, because the lateral ligaments
forefoot, it is important to recognizing the alignment of the create a tether on the two bone fragments that is not cre-
midfoot, i.e., adduction or abduction. Knowledge of this sec- ated medially. This would be best for forefoot pronation
ond plane alignment can help determine whether an open- in cavovarus and skewfoot deformities. The base of the
ing or closing wedge osteotomy should be used to correct not wedge is positioned plantar–medially in a skewfoot.
CHAPTER 4/Management Principles 47


Calcaneocuboid joint Calcaneocuboid joint

Opening wedge osteotomy Calcaneal lengthening

of cuboid osteotomy

Figure 4-8.  Lateral column lengthening in a flatfoot. A. An opening wedge osteotomy of the cuboid
does not affect the relationship between the navicular and the talus ( ) or correct eversion deformity
of the subtalar joint. Its foot-CORA (black dot) is the medial cortex of the cuboid. It merely creates a
compensatory adductus deformity (curved purple arrow) anterior to the true deformity in the subtalar
joint. B. The calcaneal lengthening osteotomy (see Chapter 8) lengthens the lateral column of the foot
and, thereby, corrects all components of eversion deformity of the subtalar joint with realignment of
the navicular on the head of the talus. The black dot in the head of the talus represents the foot-CORA
of the subtalar joint (see Assessment Principle #18, Chapter 3) around which the acetabulum pedis ro-
tates following a CLO (curved purple arrow). This can also be accomplished by a distraction arthrod-
esis of the calcaneocuboid joint, which is unnecessary in children and adolescents, but preferred by
some surgeons for the correction of the painful adult flatfoot.

2. A medial cuneiform plantar flexion plantar-based closing with midfoot abduction, a combination rarely seen, except
wedge osteotomy (MC-PF-CWO) will always additionally perhaps as an iatrogenic deformity. It should not be used for
create slight adduction, because the lateral ligaments cre- typical cavovarus with neutral to slight adduction deformity
ate a tether on the two bone fragments that is not created of the midfoot. The additional adduction is undesirable.
medially. This may be best for forefoot supination with no
midfoot adduction deformity in flatfoot and dorsal bun-
ion deformities. MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLE #20
3. A medial cuneiform plantar flexion dorsally-based opening Principles for distal tibia and fibula deformity
wedge osteotomy (MC-PF-OWO) will always additionally c­ orrection osteotomies (see Distal Tibia and Fibula
create slight abduction, because the lateral ligaments cre- Varus, Valgus, Flexion, Extension, Rotational
ate a tether on the two bone fragments that is not created ­Osteotomies, Chapter 8):
medially. This would be best for forefoot supination with
mild-to-severe midfoot adduction in flatfoot, skewfoot, 1. The fibula must be cut in conjunction with all
and dorsal bunion deformities. It should not be used for distal tibial deformity correcting osteotomies. The
typical flatfoot with neutral to slight abduction deformity
reasons are based on geometry and the CORA
of the midfoot. The additional abduction is undesirable.
principles (Figures 4-10 and 4-11).
4. A medial cuneiform dorsiflexion dorsally-based closing
wedge osteotomy (MC-DF-CWO) will always additionally When correcting angular and/or rotational deformities of
create slight adduction, because the lateral ligaments cre- the tibia and fibula, the goal is to align the central axes of the
ate a tether on the two bone fragments that is not created proximal and distal tibial fragments, thereby centering the
medially. This may be best for forefoot pronation (cavus) ankle directly under the knee. This means that the central
48 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

Unintentional slight

Unintentional greater
plantar-medial opening
than plantar-lateral


Intentional abduction

Intentional greater
plantar-medial opening
than plantar-lateral
4.9 A’ opening

Unintentional slight adduction

Unintentional greater
plantar-medial than
plantar-lateral closing


Figure 4-9.  Medical cunieform dorsiflexion and plantar flexion osteotomies. Curved purple
arrows on AP images show unintentional and intentional changes that occur in the frontal
plane (adduction or abduction) when these osteotomies are performed (see text). Curved black
arrows on the lateral images show the intentional dorsiflexion and plantar flexion changes
that occur. A. Medial cuneiform (dorsi-flexion) plantar-based opening wedge osteotomy
­(MC-DF-OWO). This is best for a cavovarus deformity, as it corrects forefoot pronation (plan-
tar flexion of the 1st ray) and adds some unintentional, yet acceptable, midfoot abduction
to the abduction/eversion that is being achieved in the hindfoot with the plantar-medial soft
tissue release. This frontal plane deviation is due to the tethering effect of the bones and liga-
ments on the lateral side of the medial cunieform fragments, an effect that is observed with
all medical cunieform osteotomies despite attempts to create pure sagittal plane correction.
A’. ­Consideration of both planes and tha lateral tethering effects are also useful for a skewfoot
with adduction/pronation deformities of the forefoot/midfoot. Intentional plantar-medial align-
ment of the base of the wedge will correct both deformities simultaneously. B. Medial cunei-
form (plantar flexion) plantar-based closing wedge osteotomy (MC-PF-CWO). This is best for a
flatfoot, as it corrects forefoot supination (dorsiflexion of the 1st ray) and adds some uninten-
tional, yet acceptable, midfoot adduction to the adduction/inversion that is being achieved in
the hindfoot with the calcaneal lengthening osteotomy. It is also useful for a dorsal bunion with
no midfoot angular deformity.
CHAPTER 4/Management Principles 49

Unintentional slight abduction

with base of wedge dorsal, or
intentional abduction with
base of wedge dorso-medial

Unintentional or intentional greater

dorso-medial than dorso-lateral


Unintentional slight adductiion with

base of wedge dorsal, or intentional
adduction with base of wedge

Unintentional or intentional greater dorso-medial

than dorso-lateral closing


Figure 4-9. (continued) C. Medial cuneiform (plantar flexion) dorsal-based opening wedge
osteotomy (MC-PF-OWO). This is best for: a skewfoot with adduction/supination deformities
(align the base of the wedge dorsomedially); a dorsal bunion with midfoot adduction; and pos-
sibly a flatfoot with forefoot supination and mild midfoot adduction (if neutral or abducted, the
additional abduction might be undesirable). D. Medial cuneiform (dorsi-flexion) dorsal-based
closing wedge osteotomy (MC-DF-CWO). This is best for forefoot pronation (cavus) and midfoot
­abduction, a combination rarely seen, except perhaps as an iatrogenic deformity. If used for a
typical cavus deformity with neutral or slight adduction deformity, the unintentional additional
adduction might be undesirable.

axes of the proximal and distal fibula fragments can never 2. Consider the intended direction of movement of
be aligned. Therefore, without an osteotomy, the fibula will the distal tibial fragment to determine the proper
resist tibial deformity correction. plane for the fibula osteotomy (Figures 4-12
More specifically, for angular deformity correction, the and 4-13).
tibial osteotomy is rarely performed at the CORA, which in
children is usually the growth plate. Therefore, translation of The fibula should be cut obliquely to create broad surfaces
the fragments is required and, geometrically, the fibula must for rapid healing because, as discussed above, the ends will not
translate even further than the tibia. be in exact or direct contact and fixation will not be used. The
Furthermore, the lateral tibial cortex is never the apex or plane of obliquity should be designed to allow the fragments
base of the angular deformity. It is the intended apex or base to move in the intended direction(s) without obstructing that
of the deformity correction. The lateral cortex of the fibula movement. For varus or valgus tibial deformity correction,
is the apex or base of the deformity. Without a fibula oste- make an oblique coronal plane fibula osteotomy. For rota-
otomy, the tibial osteotomy surfaces will not meet. tional deformity correction as well as flexion or extension tibial
50 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

Apex of deformity

Apex of
deformity 1 2 3


Figure 4-10.  A. For angular deformity correction at the ankle in children, the tibial osteotomy is
rarely performed at the CORA, which is usually at the growth plate, as in this case. Therefore, trans-
lation (small yellow arrow) in addition to angulation (curved yellow arrows) is required. Without
translation, the axis of the distal fragment (oblique blue line) would be parallel with (dotted vertical
blue line) the axis of the shaft fragment (solid vertical blue line), but the axes would not be colinear,
as they should be. The lateral cortex of the tibia is the apex of the deformity correction, whereas the
lateral cortex of the fibula is the apex of the deformity. B. A fibula osteotomy is required to enable
both angulation and lateral translation of the distal fragments, and it must be made in the proper
plane, in this example, the oblique coronal plane (1). The axes of the fragments have become ana-
tomically aligned (solid blue line). If the osteotomy were made in the oblique sagittal plane from
distal/lateral to proximal/medial (2), the fragments would abut each other and prevent angular de-
formity correction. If the osteotomy were made in the oblique sagittal plane from proximal/lateral to
distal/medial (3), the fragments would separate and lose contact with each other, thereby possibly
delaying healing.

deformity correction, make an oblique sagittal plane fibula 5. For closing wedge angular deformity correction
o­ steotomies, make the first tibial cut parallel with
3. Achieve control of the distal tibial fragment ­before the the ankle (while you can still see parallel), and
osteotomy is performed, if at all possible (Figure 4-14). make the second tibial cut perpendicular to the
shaft on the shaft fragment (Figure 4-16).
After the osteotomy is performed, it is difficult (or even
impossible) to appreciate the complex three-dimensional If the second tibial cut is not perpendicular to the axis of
shape and alignment of the distal tibial fragment. Fixation the shaft, any desired (or undesired) change in rotation will
on the “anticipated” distal fragment will make it easy to result in undesired flexion, extension, varus, valgus, or com-
move it to the intended new location after the osteotomy is binations of these deformities.
completed. It is always easy to see the shaft fragment.
4. Cut the tibia perpendicular to the shaft for a pure MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLE #21
rotational osteotomy (Figure 4-15).
Iliac crest is the ideal bone graft material for foot
If the tibia is not cut perpendicular to the axis of the shaft, deformity correction surgery in children and
rotation will result in undesired flexion, extension, varus, adolescents. Allograft has advantages over
valgus, or combinations of these deformities. autograft (Figure 4-17).
CHAPTER 4/Management Principles 51


Right ankle


Left ankle

Figure 4-11.  A. Bilateral severe external tibia and fibula rotational deformities in a child with
­myelomeningocele. B. For pure rotational deformity correction at the ankle in children, the fibula
must be cut, because the central axis of rotational deformity correction is that of the tibia (green line).
Two adjacent solid objects cannot rotate on the axis of one of them without the other resisting rota-
tion. C. If a fibula osteotomy is not performed, the fibula will restrict rotation of the tibial fragments
and the medial articular surface of the lateral malleolus (purple line) will flex or extend in relation to
the lateral articular surface of the talus, thereby, creating incongruity. An oblique sagittal plane oste-
otomy of the fibula will enable the adjacent articular surfaces of the lateral malleolus and the talus to
remain congruous and the axes of the distal fragments to remain parallel (blue and green lines) when
the distal fragments are rotated around the central axis of the tibia (green line). D. and E. Forty-five
degrees of rotational correction was achieved in this example. The obliquity of the fibula osteotomy
ensured maintenance of some contact between the fragments (yellow circles) which, combined with
the subperiosteal exposure of the fibula, ensured rapid healing in this extreme case of rotational
deformity correction. An oblique coronal plane osteotomy of the fibula would have either created an
­obstruction to rotation or led to separation of the fibula fragments.


Figure 4-12.  For varus and valgus correcting osteotomies, the fibula osteotomy should be made
in the oblique coronal plane. A. This AP x-ray of the leg of an adolescent with achondroplasia shows
the CORA in her tibia, which became the site of her varus correcting osteotomy. The fibula osteotomy
was performed in the oblique coronal plane. B. The fibula osteotomy enabled frontal (coronal) plane
deformity correction of the tibia at the CORA (straight green line). The fibula fragments slid past each
other. C. The lateral x-ray before deformity correction with the site and direction of the fibula osteot-
omy indicated. D. The fibula osteotomy enabled coronal plane deformity correction of the tibia at the
CORA (with no change in the straight green line). The fibula fragments slid past each other.


Figure 4-13.  For rotational osteotomies, the fibula osteotomy should be made in the oblique sagit-
tal plane (also see Figure 4-11). A. This AP x-ray of the ankle of a child with myelomeningocele shows
the oblique sagittal plane of the fibula osteotomy. B. The lateral x-ray after rotational deformity correc-
tion shows the anterior displacement of the distal fibula fragment that enabled the tibial fragments to
52 rotate on their common central axes.

CHAPTER 4/Management Principles 53

Figure 4-14.  For this varus deformity correction, the plate Figure 4-15.  For a pure rotational osteotomy, the plate is
was bent and the screws were inserted distally before the os- ­attached distally with two screws, then removed; the ­osteotomy
teotomy was performed to ensure proper alignment on, and is performed perpendicular to the axis of the shaft; the plate is re-
good control of, the distal fragment while the alignment of the attached to the distal fragment; it is then attached to the shaft with
distal fragment could still be determined. The plate and screws three screws after the rotational deformity has been corrected. If
were then removed, the plate was straightened, the osteotomy the osteotomy is not perpendicular to the axis of the shaft, rota-
was performed, and the plate and screws were reattached. The tion of the distal fragment will result in undesired flexion, exten-
plate could have been attached anteriorly, thereby obviating sion, varus, valgus, or combinations of these deformities.
the need to pre-bend it. For correction of a valgus deformity,
pre-bending of the plate would not have been necessary re-
gardless of where it was positioned. worst, scenario exists when there are both strong and weak
muscles across a joint, as these muscle imbalances create de-
The thick cortices of corticocancellous iliac crest bone grafts formities. This last scenario is typically seen in foot defor-
provide immediate structural support, and the abundant mities of neuromuscular origin. It is important to improve
cancellous bone provides rapid early healing. We have shown muscle balance at the time of deformity correction; other-
that there is no difference between freeze dried iliac crest wise the deformities will recur. Muscle/tendon balancing is
allograft and iliac crest autograft in the rate of healing, the part science and part art. Attention to the following prin-
quality of healing, and complications, based on allograft ob- ciples will improve surgical outcomes.
tained from a reliable and reputable bone bank. The costs are
comparable, i.e., the charge for the allograft and the surgical 1. Move the right tendon to the right location at the
fee for obtaining autograft. The use of allograft obviates the right tension.
time needed to obtain autograft and the need for an addi- The right muscle/tendon unit is expendable, strong, and
tional surgical site, one that is reported to be associated with in phase. Moving a tendon attachment to a new location
significant pain. Finally, autograft is only bicortical in chil- is predicated on the premise that its muscle power will no
dren and young adolescents. Allograft is tricortical, thereby longer be needed at its original site of attachment, thereby
making it more structurally sound and able to withstand making it expendable. The muscle should be of normal or
forceful impaction into the osteotomy site. near normal strength because, in most tendon transfers,
the muscle loses strength due to a change in vector and le-
MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLE #22 ver arm. It is unknown whether a muscle can reliably and
predictably change its phase of activity during the gait cycle
Principles of tendon transfers:
based on its site of attachment. For example, it has not been
The best muscle balance across a joint exists when all of the shown conclusively that the posterior tibialis can change
muscles that cross the joint have normal strength. The next from a stance phase muscle to a swing phase muscle follow-
best muscle balance scenario exists when all of the muscles ing transfer to the dorsum of the foot, a procedure designed
that cross a joint are equally weak or absent. The third, and to substitute for a weak anterior tibialis. It might merely act


Figure 4-16.  A and B. For a closing wedge and rotational osteotomy, the first cut (black line) must
be the distal one and it must be parallel with the ankle joint (black dotted line). The second cut (green
line) must be on the shaft fragment and it must be perpendicular to the axis of the shaft (blue line) or
else rotation will result in undesired flexion, extension, varus, valgus, or combinations of these deformi-
ties. The crossed wires were inserted retrograde up to, but not across, the anticipated site of the distal
osteotomy before the osteotomy was performed. This provided control of the distal fragment (see Man-
agement Principle #20-3, Figure 4-14, this chapter). The blue line is the axis of the tibia and the axis of ro-
tation. C and D. If the shaft cut (green line) is anything other than perpendicular to the shaft, the axis of
rotation is changed to a line perpendicular to that cut (blue line) and rotation of the distal fragment will
create an undesired deformity: extension/varus with internal rotation, flexion/valgus with external rota-
tion. The dashed black line represents the first (distal) cut in apposition with the second cut (green line).

CHAPTER 4/Management Principles 55

Normal electromyoraphic data

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Rectus femoris
Adductor longus
Adductor brevis
Adductor magnus
Vastus intermedius
Vastus lateralis
Vastus medialis
Tensor fasciae latae
Gluteus maximus
Figure 4-17.  Tricortical iliac crest allograft is the ideal graft
material for structural deformity correction surgery of the foot Semimembranosus
in children and adolescents. Gluteus medius
Gluteus minimus

as a tenodesis which, in some cases, could be sufficient. But, L.H. Biceps femoris
as a rule, ­in-phase transfers should be sought (Figure 4-18). S.H. Biceps femoris
The right location for a tendon transfer is based on several Anterior tibialis
factors, including the axis of motion of the joint to be crossed Extensor digitorum
(which in most cases means the subtalar joint), the presence
Extensor hallucis
and strength of all other agonist and antagonist muscles that longus
cross the joint, the desired anchor structure (which could be
a bone or the tendon of a weak or nonfunctioning muscle),
and the ease with which the tendon can directly reach the de-
sired location without curving around structures and losing
Flexor digitorum longus
additional strength (straight vector if possible).
Flexor hallucis longus
The right tension is less about science and more about art.
Posterior tibialis
The tension is set statically with the assumption that the de-
Peroneus longus
sired function will follow the new form, not unlike the way a
Peroneus brevis
puppeteer sets tension on the strings. The foot and ankle are
held in a slightly overcorrected position with firm tension set Heel strike Toe-off Heel strike
on the tendon when anchored.
Figure 4-18.  Chart of the timing of muscle activity during the
2. Tendon transfers will not correct structural gait cycle. The anterior tibialis contracts during the swing phase
and at heel strike. The posterior tibialis contracts during the stance
deformities. phase. It has not been shown conclusively that the phase of activ-
Muscle-balancing tendon surgery will correct dynamic ity of a muscle can change if its tendon attachment site is changed.
deformities and will likely prevent or delay the development
of structural deformities (see Management ­Principle #6, will help determine some of the subtleties of tendon transfers
this chapter). Balanced muscles will also maintain defor- and releases. Nevertheless, the rate of progression of a defor-
mity correction, though perhaps for only a limited time mity that is due to muscle imbalance is rarely predictable.
in progressive neuromuscular disorders (see Management Correct the existing muscle imbalance and do your best to
­Principle #7, this chapter). Importantly, balancing muscle plan for the future.
forces by means of tendon transfers without concurrently
correcting structural deformities creates structural de- 4. Tendon transfers are much more challenging with
formities with good muscle balance. That is not the goal joint preserving reconstructions.
(see ­Management Principle #15-2, this chapter).
But the challenge must be met. Following subtalar and tri-
ple arthrodeses, tendon transfers across the subtalar joint are
3. Tendon transfers are based on existing and antici-
of no value, because inversion and eversion motions are elim-
pated patterns of muscle imbalance. inated. The shock-absorbing function of the foot is likewise
Knowledge of the underlying condition is important. eliminated by those procedures, which is why they should be
­Differentiation of static vs. progressive neurologic conditions avoided (see Management Principle #13, this chapter).
56 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLE #23 The justification for this recommendation has to do with the
number of contracted tissues at the respective sites. The con-
It is important to correct individual deformities tracted soft tissues in a cavus or cavovarus deformity include
in a complex multisegmental foot/ankle deformity plantar skin, plantar fascia, short toe flexor muscles, lowest
in the proper order. muscle belly of the abductor hallucis muscle, posterior tibial
In some cases, the deformities are corrected sequentially in the neurovascular structures, long plantar ligament, posterior tib-
same operative session, and sometimes sequential ­operations ial tendon, and the midfoot plantar joint capsules. In acquired
are required, either in close or remote proximity ­(Figure 4-19). equinus, the only significantly contracted structure is the tendo-
1. Cavovarus Achilles. The only structures that can be easily released in the
Correct the forefoot deformity before the hindfoot. The plantar midfoot of a cavus deformity are the plantar fascia, short
forefoot becomes rigidly pronated (with plantar flexion of the toe flexors, abductor hallucis, posterior tibial tendon, and plan-
1st ray) before the hindfoot becomes rigidly inverted. That is tar capsule of the talonavicular joint. By delaying tendo-Achilles
the justification for performing the Coleman block test. If lengthening for 2 to 3 weeks, the other contracted plantar soft
the forefoot is corrected before the hindfoot becomes rigidly tissues can be stretched into dorsiflexion against the unyielding
deformed, no hindfoot deformity correction procedures are calcaneus, which is being held in position by the tendo-­Achilles.
required. If the hindfoot is already rigidly deformed, it is still Once the plantar structures are stretched, the tendo-Achilles
important to correct the forefoot first because the severity can be lengthened with less risk of converting an equinocavus
of forefoot deformity is most often greater than that of the deformity into a calcaneocavus deformity.
hindfoot. Incomplete forefoot deformity correction results The exception to the rule is in congenital equinocav-
in the need for compensatory, rather than primary, hindfoot ovarus, i.e., congenital clubfoot. Cavus and equinus can be
deformity correction procedures. released concurrently because there are multiple posterior as
2. Equinocavovarus well as plantar soft tissue contractures.
Correct the cavus deformity at the first of two fairly closely 3. Planovalgus
staged operations. Correct the equinus at the second operation. Correct the hindfoot deformity before the forefoot. In con-
This principle applies primarily to acquired deformities, though trast to the cavovarus foot, the hindfoot in a flatfoot becomes
it should be considered in some congenital deformities as well. structurally deformed before the forefoot. Following hindfoot


Figure 4-19.  A. Correct the forefoot pronation (yellow oval) before the hindfoot varus in a cav-
ovarus foot deformity. B. Correct the cavus (yellow circle) before the equinus in an acquired equi-
nocavovarus foot deformity. Wait at least 2 weeks before correcting the equinus. There are multiple
layers of plantar soft tissue contractures (thin black lines), only some of which can be released. The
rest must be stretched against the calcaneus that is being held back firmly by the Achilles contracture.
Concurrent release of the plantar fascia (thick black plantar line) and lengthening of the tendo-Achilles
(thick black posterior ankle line) could convert an equinocavus deformity to a calcaneocavus defor-
mity (follow the blue arrow). The lateral x-ray to the right of the foot image shows hyperdorsiflexion
of the calcaneus with severe cavus, i.e., calcaneocavus. C. Correct the hindfoot valgus before the
forefoot supination in a flatfoot deformity.
CHAPTER 4/Management Principles 57

deformity correction with the calcaneal lengthening oste- tethering of the tendons. If the external tibial torsion proximal
otomy, forefoot rotation is assessed intraoperatively. In most to a structurally well-corrected and muscularly well-­balanced
cases, particularly in younger children and adolescents, the foot is later noted to be a problem, isolated derotational oste-
forefoot supination deformity corrects spontaneously follow- otomies of the tibia and fibula can be carried out safely.
ing hindfoot deformity correction. The plane of the metatar- 6. Coincident subtalar joint and ankle joint valgus
sal heads aligns perpendicular to the axis of the hindfoot and Valgus deformity can exist in the ankle joint and in the
tibia. However, if the plane of the metatarsal heads is supi- subtalar joint. The frontal plane axis of the normal ankle
nated in relation to the axis of the hindfoot and tibia following joint is roughly perpendicular to the tibia and parallel to the
hindfoot deformity correction, a plantar flexion osteotomy of floor in weight-bearing after the age of 3 to 4 years, except
the medial cuneiform is required to correct that second struc- in children with myelomeningocele, lipomeningocele, early
tural deformity. The degree of plantar flexion is determined onset poliomyelitis, other early onset flaccid paralytic condi-
after the hindfoot deformity has been fully corrected. tions, and approximately 66% of limbs with a clubfoot (see
4. Equinoplanovalgus Assessment Principle#11, Figure 3-12, and Assessment
It is extremely uncommon for surgery to be required for a Principle #21, Figure 3-27, Chapter 3). This is easy to ­assess
planovalgus deformity without contracture of the gastrocne- radiographically. There is a wide range of normal values for
mius or the entire triceps surae (tendo-Achilles). It is the heel subtalar joint alignment from neutral to valgus. If valgus
cord contracture that usually creates the pain which is the in- ­deformity exists at both levels in a symptomatic hindfoot, the
dication for surgery. In contrast to the equinocavovarus foot, ankle valgus should be corrected first. Correction is techni-
lengthening of the gastrocnemius or tendo-Achilles must be cally easy (guided growth or supramalleolar osteotomy), and
performed at the time of correction of the foot deformities. there is only one easy-to-assess anatomically normal correct
5. Planovalgus or cavovarus deformity with real or apparent alignment. Once an orthogonal ankle platform is established,
ipsilateral tibial torsion correction of subtalar valgus can be undertaken at the time
External rotation of the calcaneus/acetabulum pedis is of hardware removal, if it is still deemed necessary.
a major component of eversion, the hindfoot deformity in 7. Coincident subtalar joint varus and ankle joint valgus
a ­ planovalgus/flatfoot deformity. Internal rotation of the This combination of deformities is often seen in a recurrent/
­calcaneus/­acetabulum pedis is a major component of inversion, residual clubfoot and in a cavovarus foot deformity in a child
the hindfoot deformity in a cavovarus deformity (see ­Basic with myelomeningocele. In contrast to the situation in which
Principles #6 and 7, Chapter 2). There is only one easy to valgus deformity exists at both levels (see preceding point), the
document normal rotational alignment of the subtalar joint/ac- subtalar joint deformity should be corrected first. This will ex-
etabulum pedis, i.e., essentially straight alignment of the axis of pose the ankle valgus deformity that can subsequently be cor-
the talus and the axis of the 1st metatarsal on a weight-bearing rected either acutely or by guided growth. The time between
AP radiograph (average 4° abducted, range of normal 12° ab- procedures can be considered an opportunity for valgus weight-
ducted to 10° adducted [see Assessment Principle #18, Chap- bearing to help maintain subtalar joint deformity correction,
ter 3]). Assessment of tibial torsion is less precise, both clinically which is sometimes a challenge for a corrected varus hindfoot.
and radiographically. Therefore, the inversion (internal rotation)
or eversion (external rotation) deformity of the subtalar joint
should be corrected to anatomic alignment first. Then any iden- MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLE #24
tified residual excessive rotation of the foot in relation to the leg Surgical efficiency and clinical outcomes can be im-
(positive or negative thigh–foot angle) is due to tibial torsion. proved by adhering to a specific order of events during
Significant tibial torsion can be corrected subsequently, if neces- complex foot reconstruction surgery:
sary, during the same anesthetic or at a later date. If a tibial rota-
tional osteotomy is inappropriately performed in an attempt to 1. Expose and prepare everything before completing
avoid correction of the hindfoot rotational deformity, the axis
of flexion and extension of the ankle will become mal-oriented.
This could result in abnormal stresses in the ankle that could Many exposures are gentle and nontraumatic, but some
eventually lead to ­premature degenerative arthritis of that joint. are vigorous and forceful. Osteotomies, for example, can be
If significant external tibial torsion is identified/­uncovered forceful and could potentially disrupt an already stabilized
after a flatfoot deformity has been corrected by a CLO osteotomy at another site or a tensioned tendon transfer. Re-
(a rare occurrence), distal tibia and fibula internal rotation lease all contracted soft tissues, perform all osteotomies, and
­osteotomies can be performed under the same anesthetic. move tendons to their intended sites of attachment before in-
If significant external tibial torsion is identified/­uncovered serting bone grafts, internally fixing osteotomies, plicating
after complex reconstruction of a cavovarus foot deformity soft tissues, or tensioning tendon transfers.
(a very common occurrence) (see Assessment Principle
2. Perform and stabilize deformity corrections.
#7, Chapter 3), distal tibia and fibula rotational osteotomies
should not be performed under the same anesthetic. The ten- The foot needs to look like a foot before tendons are ten-
don transfers could potentially bind down in the scar tissue sioned. The proper tensions will be different after the defor-
and fracture callus around the osteotomies, thereby causing mities are corrected. Therefore, the next step is to insert bone
58 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

grafts or align osteotomy surfaces and stabilize the sites with the weeks after surgery to avoid initial excessive tension on
internal fixation, if needed. a wound closure, as in a Cincinnati incision after a clubfoot
operation in a severely deformed foot. Such a foot will have
3. As you proceed, close incisions that no longer need achieved full deformity correction before wound closure, but
to be accessed. cannot assume that position after wound closure without
This is particularly true for incisions in which there has blanching the wound edges or pulling the wound apart. The
been minimal dissection and/or minimal expectation of the incision should be approximated with nonabsorbable verti-
need for complete hemostasis. By so doing, there will be cal mattress sutures and the foot casted in mild equinovarus.
more rapid progress to cast application after the final tendon The cast can be changed weekly under anesthesia and the
transfer incision is closed. skin stretched slowly (to avoid necrosis) until the foot as-
sumes the fully corrected position. The final result should
4. Set proper tension on tendon lengthenings/ then be a thin cosmetic scar.
plications/transfers. The other role for a nonabsorbable skin closure is in the
This is the last step, as it requires complete deformity correc- first of a two-stage reconstruction, in which the second stage
tion for accuracy. Tendon transfers should then be performed involves utilization of an incision created in the first stage. An
in the order of most stable and secure to least stable and secure. example is the medial foot incision used for a plantar-medial
An example is performing a peroneus longus to peroneus bre- release in a cavovarus foot deformity. It is used again 2 weeks
vis transfer (using a Pulvertaft weave) before a Jones transfer. later in the second stage for a medial cuneiform opening
wedge osteotomy. A running 3-0 monofilament subcuticular
suture will create less reaction and scar tissue than an ab-
MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLE #25 sorbable suture, making it easier to close the wound in the
routine fashion the second time around.
It is safe, reliable, and cosmetic to use absorb-
The final point regarding suture material pertains to ten-
able subcuticular sutures for wound closures and no
don lengthenings and transfers. Absorbable sutures work
drains. Corollary: It is safe and reliable to use absorb-
quite well in both situations in children, healing reliably
able sutures for tendon lengthenings and transfers.
as long as the foot and ankle are immobilized for at least
Operate carefully, but not slowly, achieving hemostasis along 6 weeks; 8 weeks for adolescents. Tendon weaves (Pulvertaft)
the way. Even complex foot reconstructions with one or heal faster and more securely than side-to-side transfers.
more osteotomies and tendon transfers should take less than
2 hours of tourniquet time. Obtain final hemostasis after re-
lease of the tourniquet and before wound closure. It is rarely, MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLE #26
if ever, necessary to use a drain. Use interrupted 3-0 absorb-
able sutures in the subcutaneous tissues and a running 4-0
It is safe to apply a well-padded, bivalved fiber-
absorbable subcuticular suture. Healing will be reliable and
glass cast at the end of an even complex foot recon-
cosmetic. There is no need for cross-hatched scars. And
struction that involves multiple bone and soft tissue
avoiding ever having to remove sutures from children should
procedures (Figure 4-21).
be a professional goal and aspiration ­(Figure 4-20). Fiberglass casts should be bivalved, rather than univalved,
There are two exceptions to this principle. Nonabsorbable for the best circumferential relief of pressure and accom-
sutures should be used when serial casting will be required in modation of swelling. The cuts should be medial and lat-
eral at the opposite tangents of the cylinder. The bivalved
cast is overwrapped with a loosely applied elastic bandage.
Excessive swelling is rarely a problem. If it occurs, it is usu-
ally within the first 24 hours postoperatively and can often
be managed by slight further spreading of the anterior and
posterior shells of the cast. The bivalved cast is overwrapped
with fiberglass before the child is discharged from the hos-
pital. In most cases, there should be no reason to remove the
cast and examine the foot for as long as 6 weeks.
A less desirable alternative immobilization device is
a bulky overpadded splint. In most cases, a splint will not
hold the foot in the ideal corrected position. Therefore, it
will be necessary to change the splint into a cast in the first
few weeks postoperatively. It may be unnecessarily painful
to change the splint into a cast in the clinic in those first few
weeks and it will be unnecessarily costly to make the change
Figure 4-20.  Cosmetic appearance of a healed Cincinnati
incision that was used for a clubfoot operation years earlier
in the OR.
(between the white and black arrows). A running 4-0 absorb- As a general rule, bivalve the cast if an osteotomy was per-
able subcuticular suture was utilized. formed, but not if only soft tissue procedures were performed.
CHAPTER 4/Management Principles 59


Figure 4-21.  A. This short-leg cast was applied and immedi-

ately bivalved at the completion of a complex foot reconstruc-
tion operation that involved osteotomies and tendon transfers.
B. The cast was loosely overwrapped with an elastic bandage.
The following day, the elastic bandage was removed, the cast
was overwrapped with fiberglass, and the patient was dis-
charged from the hospital.
Figure 4-22.  A. A short-leg (below the knee) cast is applied
first with attention focused on the position of each of the seg-
mental foot deformities. B. The cast is then extended above
MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLE #27 the 90° flexed knee. Care can be taken to ensure no bunch-
ing of the cast padding or cast material in the popliteal fossa.
Long-leg casts should be applied in two sections The ­appropriate thigh–foot angle can also be set.
to ensure appropriate molding of the foot and pro-
tection of the soft tissues at the knee following both worthwhile for some children. A good home program that
nonoperative and operative treatments (Figure 4-22). is supplied by a therapist and monitored by parents is ideal.
The short-leg cast component is applied first, with attention
focused on each of the segmental deformities of the foot. The
cast is then extended above the knee after the short-leg com- When it is not possible to make a malformed or
ponent has hardened. It is too distracting to simultaneously deformed foot as comfortable and functional as a
focus on the position of the foot/ankle and the knee. With prosthesis, consider an amputation.
one-stage long-leg cast application, there is great risk that the
The technology of prosthetic design and function has ad-
foot molding will be inferior or that the cast padding and/or
vanced dramatically in the last two decades, particularly in
casting material will wrinkle in the popliteal fossa, creating
very recent years. This has been influenced, in large part, by
skin ulceration. This principle applies to all long-leg casts,
government-sponsored research stimulated by injuries sus-
not just long-leg clubfoot casts.
tained in wars abroad. Amputation, and Syme amputation
in particular, is an almost routinely successful reconstructive
MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLE #28 procedure that can enable a high level of function, especially
when performed early in life. Competitive sprinting, mara-
Formal phys­ical therapy is appropriate for the
thon running, triathlon participation, basketball, football, and
successful rehabilitation of some, but not all, foot
other sports are all possible, even when the “disabled” athlete
reconstructions in children and adolescents.
competes against able-bodied athletes. And the cosmetic ap-
Children play for a living and are, therefore, their own very pearance of a prosthetic can be, and usually is, better than a
effective therapists. A few therapy sessions for instructions malformed or deformed limb, especially if the limb has under-
on gait retraining and strengthening are beneficial and gone many operative reconstructive procedures (Figure 4-23).



Figure 4-23.  A–F. Completely rigid, severely deformed clubfoot in an otherwise normal, healthy
4-year-old girl. She had undergone five operative attempts by multiple surgeons to correct the defor-
mity, including 6 months of gradual deformity correction in a three-dimensional external fixator. The
deformity was overcorrected and held statically in the external fixator for several months. Following
removal of the frame, the foot was casted in the overcorrected position for several weeks and then
held in an AFO that she wore 23 hours per day. The deformity recurred within months after removal
of the final cast, despite the use of the brace. G and H. Following a Syme amputation, she is now
comfortable, happy, and participating in soccer, gymnastics, skiing, and other sports.


Foot and Ankle

I. ANKLE 4. Natural history
a. Although never formally studied, congenital contrac-
Congenital and Acquired Short Heel Cord ture of the gastrocnemius muscle or the triceps surae
probably persists
1. Definition—Deformity b. Acquired contractures generally increase in severity or
a. Congenital or acquired contracture of the gastrocne- persist at an unacceptable degree
mius or triceps surae (gastrocnemius and soleus) in an 5. Nonoperative treatment
otherwise normal child with normal nerves, muscles, a. Accept it
and bones (Figure 5-1) b. Wear high heels
b. Acquired contracture of the gastrocnemius or triceps c. Twice (or more) daily heel cord stretching exercises
surae (gastrocnemius and soleus) in a child with a neu- along with nighttime dorsiflexion maintenance bracing
romuscular disorder d. Serial short-leg stretching casts—for children up to
c. Often associated with other idiopathic and acquired around 5 years of age—followed by nighttime dorsiflex-
deformities ion maintenance bracing
2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities 6. Operative indications
a. Ankle—plantar flexed (equinus) a. Failure of nonoperative treatment to achieve and main-
i. Inability to dorsiflex the ankle to at least 10° above tain at least 10° of ankle dorsiflexion above neutral with
neutral with the subtalar joint held in neutral align- the subtalar joint in neutral alignment and the knee
ment (see Assessment Principle #12, Figure 3-13, extended, if this lack of flexibility causes:
Chapter 3) i. pain under the metatarsal (MT) heads,
• If it is possible to achieve 10° of dorsiflexion with ii. pain along the Achilles musculotendinous contin-
the knee flexed but not with it extended, the gas- uum, and/or
trocnemius alone is contracted. iii. functional disability with gait disturbance.
• If it is not possible to achieve 10° of dorsiflex- 7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech-
ion regardless of whether the knee is flexed or niques section of the book for each individual procedure
extended, the triceps surae (gastrocnemius and a. Gastrocnemius recession (see Chapter 7)—perform this
soleus) is contracted. for an isolated contracture of the gastrocnemius, based
3. Imaging on the Silfverskiold test (see Assessment Principle #12,
a. None absolutely necessary Figure 3-13, Chapter 3)
b. Standing anteroposterior (AP) and lateral of foot b. Tendo-Achilles Lengthening (TAL) (see four tech-
(optional) niques in Chapter 7)—perform this for contracture of
c. Standing AP, lateral, and mortis of ankle (optional)

62 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

Figure 5-1.  Toe-standing/walking due to congenital contracture of the gastrocnemius muscles in

an otherwise normal child.

the triceps surae (gastrocnemius and soleus), based on 4. Natural history

the Silfverskiold test (see Assessment Principle #12, a. 100% of these correct completely without intervention
Figure 3-13, Chapter 3). The considerations for which 5. Nonoperative treatment
technique to use are elucidated in Chapter 7. a. None
i. Percutaneous triple cut b. Parents can be instructed to perform daily plantar
ii. Mini-open double cut slide flexion stretching exercises. It might not make any
iii. Open double cut slide difference in the rate of correction of the deformity,
iv. Open Z-lengthening but it does no harm. Formal physical therapy is not
Positional Calcaneovalgus Deformity 6. Operative indications
a. None
1. Definition—Deformity 7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical
a. Congenital positional hyperdorsiflexion and valgus techniques section of the book for each individual
deformity of the hindfoot (Figure 5-2A) procedure
b. Differential diagnosis is (Figure 5-2): a. Not applicable
i. Congenital vertical/oblique talus
ii. Posteromedial tibial bowing
Acquired Calcaneus Deformity
iii. Paralytic calcaneus deformity
2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities 1. Definition—Deformity
a. Forefoot—neutral a. Calcaneus (hyperdorsiflexion) deformity of the ankle
b. Midfoot—neutral due to a weak triceps surae and a strong anterior tibialis
c. Hindfoot—valgus/everted or neutral (Figure 5-3)
d. Ankle—dorsiflexed (calcaneus) b. Due to:
3. Imaging i. static muscle imbalance
a. None, unless physical examination findings are • myelomeningocele, lipomeningocele,
equivocal postpoliomyelitis
CHAPTER 5/Foot and Ankle Deformities 63



Figure 5-2.  Differential diagnosis for positional calcaneovalgus deformity. A. Positional cal-
caneovalgus. The longitudinal arch is present and the forefoot can be further plantar flexed on
the hindfoot with gentle manipulation. Full passive ankle plantar flexion is not possible at birth.
B. CVT. The longitudinal arch cannot be created by passive plantar flexion of the forefoot on the
hindfoot. C. Posteromedial tibial bowing photo and x-ray. The deformity is actually in the tibia. The
foot is well-shaped and flexible. D. Paralytic calcaneovalgus in a child with ­myelomeningocele.
Weak/absent plantar ­flexors are noted, and there is the obvious lesion at the base of the spine.

ii. acquired muscle imbalance 2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities

• tethered cord in myelomeningocele, a. Ankle—dorsiflexion (calcaneus)
lipomeningocele 3. Imaging
iii. surgical overlengthening and/or weakening of the a. Standing AP and lateral of foot (Figure 5-3)
triceps surae, as in cerebral palsy and multiply oper- b. AP, lateral, and mortis of ankle
ated clubfoot


Figure 5-3.  A. Medial view of a calcaneus foot deformity in a child with myelomeningocele. The
heel pad is large, thick, and callused from excessive load-bearing. B. Matching lateral x-ray. C. Plantar
view of the foot showing the large, thick, and callused heel pad, but less than normal callus formation
under the MT heads.
64 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

4. Natural history 5. Nonoperative treatment

a. Persistence of deformity, with a. Body weight reduction
i. progressive increase in callus formation on the plan- b. Increase rigidity of the AFO
tar aspect of the heel 6. Operative indications
ii. eventual fissuring of the hypertrophic and callused a. Failure of nonoperative attempts to maintain walking
skin of the heel pad endurance and heel skin integrity
iii. ultimately, plantar heel ulceration 7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech-
iv. Pain is rarely a clinical problem because this defor- niques section of the book for each individual procedure
mity occurs most commonly in children with a. Anterior tibialis tendon transfer to the tendo-Achilles
myelomeningocele and lipomeningocele, who have (see Chapter 7, Figure 7-27; Figure 5-4)
insensate skin.
b. Progressive increase in crouched gait with gradual
Valgus Deformity of the Ankle Joint
decrease in walking endurance. The underlying triceps
surae muscle weakness, compounded by increased body 1. Definition—Deformity
weight with advancing age, leads to lever arm dysfunc- a. Persistence of neonatal valgus orientation of the ankle
tion (see Basic Principle #7, Figure 2-10, Chapter 2). joint after age 4 to 5 years (see Assessment Principle
c. Poor brace integrity with rapid failure of the plastic at #11, Figure 3-12, and Assessment Principle #21,
the ankle of the ankle-foot-orthotic (AFO) ­Figure 3-27, Chapter 3)



Figure 5-4.  Child with L5 level myelomeningocele and calcaneus foot deformities. A. Preop lateral
photos. Note the large, callused heel pads. B. She can easily heel stand, but cannot toe stand. C. One
year after transfer of her anterior tibialis tendons to her tendo-Achilles, her heel pads are smaller
and less callused. The peroneus tertius was released through the dorsolateral incision (not usu-
ally ­required). D. She was able to toe stand, though in only slightly greater than 5° of active plantar
flexion. This transfer usually functions as a tenodesis that does not eliminate the need for ankle-foot
­orthoses, but it improves or eliminates the crouched gait and increases the useful life of the AFOs.
CHAPTER 5/Foot and Ankle Deformities 65

2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities 6. Operative indications

a. Ankle—valgus a. Failure of nonoperative treatment to relieve the:
i. Greater than 4° of valgus orientation of the articular i. lateral ankle/hindfoot pain from impingement of the
surface of the distal tibia compared with the axis of lateral malleolus, peroneal tendons, and calcaneus
the tibial shaft after the age of 4 to 5 years ii. medial ankle/hindfoot pain from stretch of the
3. Imaging medial ankle joint and subtalar joint ligaments
a. AP, lateral, and mortis of the ankle (see Assessment iii. skin pressure irritation and/or pain under the medial
Principle #21, Figure 3-27, Chapter 3) malleolus due to weight-bearing on the shoe coun-
4. Natural history ter or the hard plastic of an AFO (in a child with an
a. Valgus orientation of the ankle joint is normal from underlying paralytic condition)
birth (actually, from the time of in utero joint forma- b. Progressive valgus deformity due to injury to the lateral
tion at 7 to 9 weeks’ gestation) until approximately age distal tibial physis and/or distal fibula physis
4 to 5 years. The valgus alignment gradually corrects to 7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech-
neutral by that age in most normal children. niques section of the book for each individual procedure
b. Valgus orientation of the ankle joint is reclassified as a a. Medial distal tibia guided growth with retrograde
deformity if it persists after approximately age 4 to 5 years medial malleolus screw (see Chapter 8)—perform this
i. The average lateral distal tibia angle (LDTA) after in a skeletally immature child
age 4 to 5 years is 89° (1° of valgus), with the normal b. Distal tibia and fibula valgus-correction osteotomies
range of 86° to 92° (4° of valgus to 2° of varus); there- (see Management Principle #20, Figures 4-10 and
fore, >4° of valgus is abnormal. 4-12, Chapter 4), (see Chapter 8)—perform this in a
c. Congenital valgus orientation of the ankle joint persists skeletally mature adolescent
as a deformity in: c. Resection and fat grafting of the physeal bar (if appro-
i. up to 66% of limbs with clubfoot deformity priate) with or without concurrent distal tibia and
ii. fibula hemimelia, often as a ball-and-socket joint fibula valgus-correction osteotomies (see Chapter 8)—
iii. essentially all limbs affected by myelomeningocele, perform this in a skeletally immature child with a small
lipomeningocele, poliomyelitis, spinal cord tumor physeal bar
or injury, and other lower extremity paralyzing d. Completion of the distal tibial and fibula growth arrests
conditions (not cerebral palsy) that affect young (epiphysiodeses) with concurrent distal tibia and fibula
children valgus-correction osteotomies (see ­Chapter 8)—​­perform
d. Valgus deformity of the ankle can develop following: this in a skeletally immature child with a large, irresect-
i. injury to the lateral distal tibial physis and/or distal able physeal bar
fibula physis
ii. fibula pseudarthrosis in congenital anterolat-
Valgus Deformity of the Ankle Joint
eral bowing of the tibia and fibula, with or with-
and the Hindfoot
out tibial pseudarthrosis and with or without
neurofibromatosis 1. Definition—Deformities
e. Persistent and developmental valgus deformities of the a. Valgus orientation of the ankle joint after age 4 to
ankle joint can cause: 5  years (see Assessment Principle #11, Figure 3-12,
i. lateral ankle/hindfoot pain from impingement of the and Assessment Principle #21, Figure 3-27, Chap-
lateral malleolus, peroneal tendons, and calcaneus ter 3) and
ii. medial ankle/hindfoot pain from stretch of the b. Valgus deformity of the hindfoot, with or without ever-
medial ankle joint and subtalar joint ligaments sion of the subtalar joint, as seen in:
iii. plantar–medial heel pain due to excessive loading on i. Idiopathic flatfoot
that area of the heel pad ii. Congenital vertical talus (CVT)
iv. skin pressure irritation and/or pain under the iii. Congenital oblique talus (COT)
medial malleolus due to weight-bearing on the firm iv. Skewfoot
shoe counter or on the hard plastic of an AFO (in v. Tarsal coalition
children with paralytic conditions) vi. Congenital talocalcaneal synostosis associated with
5. Nonoperative treatment • fibula hemimelia
a. None indicated for asymptomatic cases • tibial hemimelia
b. Over-the-counter, cushioned, semirigid arch supports • lower extremity hemiatrophy
(Figure 5-31) to invert the neutral subtalar joint into • other syndromes and chromosome abnormalities
varus to compensate for the valgus deformity of the vii. Overcorrected clubfoot
ankle joint. These are contraindicated if the gastrocne- • translational
mius or entire triceps surae is contracted. • rotational
c. Adjust or modify the padding in an AFO in a child with 2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities
an underlying paralytic condition a. Hindfoot—valgus or valgus/eversion
66 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

b. Ankle—valgus 5. Nonoperative treatment

i. Greater than 4° of valgus orientation of the articular a. None indicated for asymptomatic cases
surface of the distal tibia compared with the axis of b. Over-the-counter, cushioned, semirigid arch supports
the tibial shaft after the age of 4 to 5 years ­(Figure 5-31) to invert the subtalar joint into varus to
3. Imaging correct the subtalar valgus and to attempt to compen-
a. Standing AP, lateral, and Harris axial views of the foot sate for the valgus deformity of the ankle joint. These
(see Assessment Principle #18, Figures 3-20, and are contraindicated if the gastrocnemius or entire ­triceps
3-24, Chapter 3) surae is contracted.
b. AP, lateral, and mortis of the ankle (see Assessment c. Adjust or modify the padding in an AFO in a child with
Principle #21, Figure 3-27, Chapter 3) an underlying paralytic condition
4. Natural history 6. Operative indications
a. Valgus orientation of the ankle joint is normal from a. Failure of nonoperative treatment to relieve the:
birth (actually, from the time of in utero joint forma- i. lateral ankle/hindfoot pain from impingement of the
tion at 7 to 9 weeks’ gestation) until approximately age lateral malleolus, peroneal tendons, and calcaneus
4 to 5 years. The valgus alignment gradually corrects to ii. medial ankle/hindfoot pain from stretch of the
neutral by that age in most normal children. medial ankle joint and subtalar joint ligaments
i. Valgus orientation of the ankle joint is reclassified as iii. skin pressure irritation and/or pain under the medial
a deformity if it persists after approximately age 4 to malleolus due to weight-bearing on the shoe coun-
5 years ter or the hard plastic of an AFO (in a child with an
• The average LDTA after age 4 to 5 years is 89° underlying paralytic condition)
(1° of valgus), with the normal range of 86° to 92° iv. axial loading pain under the head of the talus and/or
(4° of valgus to 2° of varus); therefore, >4° of val- impingement-type pain in the sinus tarsi area
gus is abnormal. b. Progressive valgus deformity due to injury to the lateral
ii. Congenital valgus orientation of the ankle joint per- distal tibial physis and/or distal fibula physis
sists as a deformity in: 7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech-
• up to 66% of limbs with clubfoot deformity niques section of the book for each individual procedure
• fibula hemimelia, often as a ball-and-socket a. Correct the ankle valgus first. There is only one, easy-
joint to-assess, stable anatomic alignment of the ankle joint
• essentially all limbs affected by myelomeningocele, (see Management Principle #23-6, Chapter 4).
lipomeningocele, poliomyelitis, spinal cord tumor i. Medial distal tibia guided growth with retrograde
or injury, and other lower extremity paralyzing medial malleolus screw (see Chapter 8)—perform
conditions (not cerebral palsy) that affect young this in a skeletally immature child
children ii. Distal tibia and fibula valgus-correction osteotomies
iii. Valgus deformity of the ankle can develop following: (see Chapter 8)—perform this in a skeletally mature
• injury to the lateral distal tibial physis and/or distal adolescent
fibula physis iii. Resection and fat grafting of the physeal bar (if
• fibula pseudarthrosis in congenital anterolat- appropriate) with or without concurrent distal
eral bowing of the tibia and fibula, with or with- tibia and fibula valgus-correction osteotomies (see
out tibial pseudarthrosis and with or without ­Chapter 8)—perform this in a skeletally immature
neurofibromatosis child with a small physeal bar
iv. Persistent and developmental valgus deformities of iv. Completion of the distal tibial and fibula growth
the ankle joint can cause: arrests (epiphysiodeses) with concurrent distal
• lateral ankle/hindfoot pain from impingement tibia and fibula valgus-correction osteotomies (see
of the lateral malleolus, peroneal tendons, and ­Chapter 8)—perform this in a skeletally immature
calcaneus child with a large, irresectable physeal bar
• medial ankle/hindfoot pain from stretch of the b. Once the ankle joint is anatomically aligned, correct the
medial ankle joint and subtalar joint ligaments subtalar joint valgus according to the type of valgus present
• plantar–medial heel pain due to excessive loading i. Idiopathic flatfoot—calcaneal lengthening osteot-
on that area of the heel pad omy (see Chapter 8)
• skin pressure irritation and/or pain under the ii. CVT (in the older child)—naviculectomy (see
medial malleolus due to weight-bearing on the Chapter 8)
firm shoe counter or on the hard plastic of an AFO iii. COT (in the older child)—calcaneal lengthening
(in children with paralytic conditions) osteotomy (see Chapter 8)
b. Valgus deformity of the hindfoot, with or without ever- iv. Skewfoot—calcaneal lengthening osteotomy (see
sion of the subtalar joint, can cause axial loading pain Chapter 8)
under the head of the talus and/or impingement-type v. Tarsal coalition—calcaneal lengthening osteotomy
pain in the sinus tarsi area (see Chapter 8)
CHAPTER 5/Foot and Ankle Deformities 67

vi. Congenital talocalcaneal valgus synostosis asso- be in dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, or neutral. It is the
ciated with fibula hemimelia, tibial hemimelia, manifestation of a neuromuscular disorder, rather
lower extremity hemiatrophy, other syndromes and than a primary d ­ eformity, unless proven otherwise
chromosome abnormalities—posterior calcaneus (Figure 5-5).
­displacement osteotomy (see Chapter 8) 2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities
vii. Overcorrected clubfoot a. Forefoot—pronated
• Translational—posterior calcaneus displacement b. Midfoot—adducted or neutral
osteotomy (see Chapter 8) c. Hindfoot—varus/inverted
• Rotational—calcaneal lengthening osteotomy d. Ankle—plantar flexed, neutral, or dorsiflexed
(see Chapter 8) i. NOTE: It is uncommon for there to be contracture
of the tendo-Achilles or the gastrocnemius in a cav-
ovarus foot in a child with Charcot–Marie–Tooth
II. CAVUS (CMT) disease. The apparent ankle equinus (plantar
Cavovarus Foot (Excluding Those Due flexion of the foot at the ankle) is, in fact, usually
forefoot equinus, i.e., cavus (plantar flexion of the
to Cerebral Palsy—See Below)
forefoot on the hindfoot) (see Assessment Princi-
1. Definition—Deformity ple #12, Figure 3-14, Chapter 3). The ankle is often
a. Acquired and usually progressive pronation defor- hyperdorsiflexed with an exaggerated calcaneal
mity of the forefoot on the hindfoot that creates pitch.
cavus deformity of the medial midfoot. There is e. Tibia—external torsion
secondary acquired and usually progressive varus/­ i. In most children with cavovarus foot deformities,
inversion deformity of the hindfoot. The ankle can regardless of the etiologic underlying neuromuscular


Figure 5-5.  Cavovarus foot deformities in a young boy with CMT disease. A. Top/front view shows
cavus with varus heels, visible medially. B. Side views show cavus of right foot and adductus of left
foot. C. Posterior view shows varus heels and forefoot adductus.
68 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

disorder, there is coincident external tibial t­orsion h. Cavovarus Flexibility Classification System (Hindfoot–
(see Assessment Principle #7, Chapter 3). Forefoot) (unpublished)
f. Muscle imbalances (opposite those seen in dorsal i. Flexible–Flexible
­bunion deformities) (Figure 5-6) ii. Stiff–Flexible
i. Weak anterior tibialis iii. Rigid–Flexible
ii. Strong peroneus longus iv. Rigid–Stiff
iii. Recruited and, therefore, stronger extensor hallucis v. Rigid–Rigid
longus (EHL) than flexor hallucis longus (FHL) vi. Late Rigid–Rigid
g. “Flexibility” classification for the forefoot and hindfoot 3. Imaging
(unpublished) a. Standing AP and lateral of foot (see Assessment
i. Flexible = ­Principle #18, Figures 3-20 and 3-22, Chapter 3)
• dynamic deformity of the forefoot or hindfoot that b. Standing AP block x-ray with 2.5-cm block under lat-
corrects with tendon transfers eral forefoot (4th and 5th MT heads) (see Assessment
• dynamic and flexible deformity of the hindfoot Principle #19, Figure 3-24, Chapter 3)
that corrects following correction of the forefoot c. Standing AP, lateral, and mortis of ankle
­deformity and with tendon transfers d. Standing AP and lateral thoracolumbar spine
ii. Stiff = structural deformity of the forefoot or hind- e. AP pelvis (in patients with CMT or suspected CMT)
foot that corrects with soft tissue releases 4. Natural history
iii. Rigid = structural deformity of the forefoot or hind- a. Progressive increase in the severity and rigidity of the
foot that requires osteotomies and/or arthrodeses segmental deformities with pain, gait instability, and



Anterior tibialis
Anterior tibialis

Extensor hallucis

Peroneus longus
Peroneus longus
Flexor hallucis longus

Figure 5-6.  A. Cavovarus foot. B. Cavovarus foot muscle imbalances: weak anterior tibialis, rela-
tively stronger peroneus longus, recruited extensor hallucis longus to compensate for weak anterior
tibialis. C. Dorsal bunion deformity. D. Dorsal bunion muscle imbalances: strong anterior tibialis,
weak peroneus longus, recruited FHL to compensate for weak peroneus longus.
CHAPTER 5/Foot and Ankle Deformities 69

skin pressure injuries (inflammation, callus formation, d. Rigid–Stiff

blistering, ulceration) under the 1st and 5th MT heads i. Stage 1
and at the base of the 5th MT (see Assessment Prin- • Deep plantar-medial release (see ­Chapter 7)
ciple #9, Figure 3-5, Chapter 3). • Percutaneous tenotomy of FHL and FDL to toes
5. Nonoperative treatment 2 to 5 (see Chapter 7)
a. Accommodative shoe wear with over-the-counter ii. Stage 2—2 weeks later
soft arch supports pending results of neuromuscular • Medial cuneiform (dorsiflexion) plantar-based
workup—then operate. opening wedge osteotomy (see Chapter 8)
6. Operative indications • Peroneus longus to peroneus brevis transfer
a. Pain, gait instability, skin pressure injuries, and/or pro- (see Chapter 7)
gressive deformity • Possible posterior calcaneus lateral displacement
i. following completion of a neuromuscular workup, with osteotomy (see Chapter 8)
treatment of the underlying condition if treatment exists • Possible split anterior tibialis tendon transfer
7. Operative treatment, based on the Cavovarus Flexibility (see  Chapter 7)
Classification System, with reference to the surgical tech- • Possible Jones transfer of extensor hallux longus
niques section of the book for each individual procedure to 1st MT neck with hallux IP joint tenodesis (see
(see Management Principles #13, 15, 16, 22, 23-1, and Chapter 7) or arthrodesis (see Chapter 8)
24, Chapter 4). NOTE: If a gastrocnemius recession or a • Possible Hibbs transfer of extensor digitorum
tendo-Achilles lengthening is needed, it should be per- communis to peroneus tertius or cuboid (see
formed in the second stage of a 2-stage procedure (see Chapter 7)
Management Principle #23-2, Chapter 4). e. Rigid–Rigid
a. Flexible–Flexible i. Stage 1
i. Peroneus longus to peroneus brevis transfer (see • Deep plantar-medial release (see ­Chapter 7)
Chapter 7) • Percutaneous tenotomy of FHL and FDL to toes
ii. Posterior tibialis tendon lengthening—Z-­lengthening 2 to 5 (see Chapter 7)
or intramuscular recession (see Chapter 7) ii. Stage 2—2 weeks later
b. Stiff–Flexible • Medial cuneiform (dorsiflexion) plantar-based
i. Superficial plantar-medial release (see Chapter 7) opening wedge osteotomy (see Chapter 8)
ii. Posterior tibialis tendon lengthening—Z-­lengthening • Peroneus longus to peroneus brevis transfer (see
or intramuscular recession (see Chapter 7) Chapter 7)
iii. Peroneus longus to peroneus brevis transfer (see • Posterior calcaneus lateral displacement osteot-
Chapter 7) omy (see Chapter 8)
iv. Percutaneous tenotomy of FHL and FDL to toes 2 • Possible split anterior tibialis tendon transfer (see
to 5 (see Chapter 7) Chapter 7)
c. Rigid–Flexible • Possible Jones transfer of extensor hallux longus
i. Stage 1 to 1st MT neck with hallux IP joint tenodesis (see
• Superficial plantar-medial release (see Chapter 7) Chapter 7) or arthrodesis (see Chapter 8)
• Posterior tibialis tendon lengthening—Z-­lengthening • Possible Hibbs transfer of extensor digitorum com-
or intramuscular recession (see Chapter 7) munis to peroneus tertius or cuboid (see Chapter 7)
• Percutaneous tenotomy of FHL and FDL to toes f. Late Rigid–Rigid
2 to 5 (see Chapter 7) i. Stage 1
ii. Stage 2—2 weeks later • Deep plantar-medial release (see ­Chapter 7)
• Medial cuneiform (dorsiflexion) plantar-based • Percutaneous tenotomy of FHL and FDL to toes
opening wedge osteotomy (see Chapter 8) 2 to 5 (see Chapter 7)
• Peroneus longus to peroneus brevis transfer (see ii. Stage 2—2 weeks later or concurrent
Chapter 7) • Midfoot wedge resection/arthrodesis (see Chapter 8)
• Possible posterior calcaneus lateral displacement • or, Triple arthrodesis (see Chapter 8 and Man-
osteotomy (see Chapter 8) agement Principle #13, Chapter 4)
• Possible split anterior tibialis tendon transfer (see • Possible split anterior tibialis tendon transfer (see
Chapter 7) Chapter 7)
• Possible Jones transfer of extensor hallux longus • Possible Jones transfer of extensor hallux longus
to 1st MT neck with hallux interphalangeal (IP) to 1st MT neck with hallux IP joint tenodesis (see
joint tenodesis (see Chapter 7) or arthrodesis (see Chapter 7) or arthrodesis (see Chapter 8)
Chapter 8) • Possible Hibbs transfer of extensor digitorum
• Possible Hibbs transfer of extensor digitorum com- communis to peroneus tertius or cuboid (see
munis to peroneus tertius or cuboid (see Chapter 7) Chapter 7)
70 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

• Possible posterior tibialis tendon transfer through e. Tibia—external torsion.

the interosseous membrane to the dorsum of i. In most children with cavovarus foot deformities,
the foot. Best indication is a strong posterior including those with cerebral palsy, there is coinci-
tibialis and no other functional muscle power dent external tibial torsion (see Assessment Prin-
(see ­Chapter 7) ciple #7, Chapter 3).
f. Muscle imbalances
i. Greater spasticity in the anterior tibialis and poste-
Cavovarus Foot (Due to Cerebral Palsy)
rior tibialis than in the peroneal muscles
1. Definition – Deformity ii. Occasionally, the peroneus longus is overpowering
a. Acquired and progressive varus deformity of the the anterior tibialis
hindfoot with secondary pronation of the forefoot 3. Imaging
on the hindfoot creating a cavus midfoot deformity. a. Standing AP and lateral of foot (see Assessment
The ankle is plantar flexed, because there is always ­Principle #18, Figures 3-20 and 3-22)
associated contracture of the gastrocnemius or the b. Standing AP block x-ray is not reliable in children with
entire triceps surae. The deformities are the result of cerebral palsy, because the spastic inverters often do not
muscle imbalances due to the cerebral injury rather relax sufficiently to allow the subtalar joint to evert (to
than being primary deformities. Cavovarus is most reveal the true flexibility of the subtalar joint)
commonly seen in children with spastic hemiplegia c. Standing AP, lateral, and mortis of ankle
­(Figure 5-7). 4. Natural history
2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities a. Progressive increase in the severity and rigidity of the
a. Forefoot—pronated segmental deformities with pain, gait instability, and
b. Midfoot—adducted or neutral skin pressure injuries (inflammation, callus formation,
c. Hindfoot—varus/inverted blistering, ulceration) at the base of the 5th MT, over the
d. Ankle—plantar flexed (equinus) dorsolateral aspect of the talar head in the sinus tarsi
region (related to rubbing in the AFO), and o ­ ccasionally
under the 1st MT head
5. Nonoperative treatment
a. Physical therapy—stretching
b. Bracing—AFO
c. Injection of botulinum toxin (BOTOX) into the most
spastic muscles
d. Serial below-the-knee (short-leg) stretching casts
e. Tone-reducing medications, such as baclofen
6. Operative indications
a. Pain, gait instability, skin pressure injuries, and/or pro-
gressive deformity that are not controlled with nonop-
erative modalities
i. Ideally, in children over the age of 6 to 7 years
7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech-
niques section of the book for each individual procedure
a. Rancho procedure
i. Split anterior tibialis tendon transfer (see Chapter 7)
ii. Posterior tibialis tendon lengthening
iii. Strayer gastrocnemius recession (see Chapter 7)
• Rarely, if ever, a tendo-Achilles lengthening. The
soleus is rarely contracted in children with cere-
bral palsy, and so a TAL should not be neces-
sary. Overlengthening the tendo-Achilles results
in a decrease/weakening of the ground reaction
force and leads to lever arm dysfunction with an
increased crouched gait (see Basic Principle #7,
Figure 2-10, Chapter 2).
b. If rigid, severe forefoot pronation and hindfoot varus
exist, those deformities must be corrected (see Manage-
Figure 5-7.  An 8-year-old girl with left hemiplegic cerebral ment Principles #15, 16, and 22-2, Chapter 4) concur-
palsy and with an equinocavovarus foot deformity. rent with muscle balancing procedures, as the latter will
CHAPTER 5/Foot and Ankle Deformities 71

not correct the former (see Management Principles

#15 and 22-2, Chapter 4). A
i. If the hindfoot varus is flexible: superficial plantar-
medial release (S-PMR) (see Chapter 7) plus poste-
rior tibialis tendon lengthening—Z-lengthening or
intramuscular recession (see Chapter 7)
ii. If the hindfoot varus is not flexible: Deep plantar-
medial release (D-PMR) (see Chapter 7)
iii. If rigid forefoot pronation persists after S-PMR or
• Medial cuneiform (dorsiflexion) plantar-based
opening wedge osteotomy (see Chapter 8)
• Peroneus longus to peroneus brevis transfer (see
Chapter 7) rather than a split anterior tibialis ten-
don transfer, as the latter will potentiate the forefoot
pronation in the face of a strong peroneus longus

Calcaneocavus (Transtarsal Cavus) Foot

1. Definition—Deformity
a. Plantar flexion of the entire forefoot on the hindfoot
with hyperdorsiflexion of the hindfoot
i. due to muscle imbalance with weakness of the tri-
ceps surae, but preservation of strength in the poste-
rior tibialis and peroneal muscles Figure 5-8.  Calcaneocavus foot deformity in a teenager with
ii. seen in some children with myelomeningocele, S1 level myelomeningocele. A. Medial photo of foot shows
postpoliomyelitis, and other paralytic conditions exaggerated arch height across the entire midfoot. Though not
visible in this photo, the hindfoot/subtalar joint is in neutral
(Figure 5-8) alignment. The soft tissues under the MT heads and the cal-
2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities caneus are thick and callused. B. Standing lateral radiograph
a. Forefoot—plantar flexed shows transtarsal cavus with relative parallelism of all MTs. In
i. plantar flexion of the entire forefoot on the hindfoot, a cavovarus foot by contrast, the 1st MT would be hyperplantar
creating a transtarsal cavus flexed in relation to the 5th MT (Figure 3-25). The calcaneus, in
this foot, is hyperdorsiflexed.
ii. MTs are parallel with each other in the sagittal
b. Midfoot—neutral b. Ulceration, or skin at risk of ulceration, under the heel
c. Hindfoot—usually neutral with exaggerated calcaneal and/or the MT heads (if the skin is insensate)
pitch 7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical
d. Ankle techniques section of the book for each individual
i. Dorsiflexed procedure
ii. often, valgus orientation a. Posterior calcaneus dorsal and posterior displacement
3. Imaging osteotomy (see Chapter 8)
a. Standing AP and lateral of foot i. with plantar fasciotomy (see Chapter 7)
b. Standing AP, lateral, and mortis of ankle ii. with possible anterior tibialis tendon lengthening
c. Standing AP and lateral thoracolumbar spine b. Midfoot wedge resection/arthrodesis—perform this for
4. Natural history the most severe and rigid cases (see Chapter 8)
a. Progressive increase in the severity and rigidity of the
cavus deformity with increasing crouched gait along with
pain and skin pressure injuries (inflammation, callus for- III. CLUBFOOT
mation, blistering, ulceration) under the calcaneus and
Congenital Clubfoot (Talipes Equinovarus)
the MT heads as the weight-bearing pressures are concen-
trated under a progressively smaller plantar surface area 1. Definition—Deformity
5. Nonoperative treatment a. Congenital cavus, adductus, varus, and equinus defor-
a. Tall arch support mities that are not passively correctable (Figure 5-9)
6. Operative indications b. Most are idiopathic, though some are associated
a. Pain under the heel and/or the MT heads with weight- with myelomeningocele, arthrogryposis, and other
bearing (if the skin is sensate) ­syndromes and disorders.
72 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Figure 5-9.  A. An infant with congenital clubfeet with the obvious deformities of cavus, adductus,
varus/inversion, and equinus. (From Mosca VS. The Foot. In: Morrissy RT, Weinstein SL, eds. Lovell and
Winter’s Pediatric Orthopaedics. 5th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2001:1153, Figure
29-1.) B. AP radiograph shows the severe inversion and adductus. C. Lateral radiograph shows the severe
­equinus, cavus, and adductus. The hindfoot is pointing to the left and the forefoot is ­pointing to the right.

2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities c. Hip screening imaging for idiopathic clubfoot is not
a. Forefoot—pronated indicated—no documented association of the two
b. Midfoot—adducted deformities
c. Hindfoot—varus/inverted 4. Natural history
d. Ankle—plantar flexed (equinus) a. Persistence of deformity with pain, functional disability,
3. Imaging and inability to wear normal shoes
a. Not necessary for diagnosis 5. Nonoperative treatment
b. Maximum dorsiflexion/abduction/eversion AP and a. Ponseti method of serial manipulation and long-leg
­lateral of foot (see Figure 5-9)—indicated to: casting, along with percutaneous Achilles tenotomy in
i. confirm residual deformities preoperatively after most cases (well described in Clubfoot: Ponseti Man-
failing nonoperative treatment agement, LT Staheli, editor.
ii. confirm apparent or obvious recurrent deformities monograph)
after nonoperative or operative treatment, particu- i. It should be successful in at least 85% of idiopathic
larly when contemplating further nonoperative or cases.
operative treatment ii. It should be successful in a smaller percentage of
iii. confirm deformity correction following operative nonidiopathic (arthrogryposis, myelomeningocele)
treatment cases, but definitely worth the effort.
CHAPTER 5/Foot and Ankle Deformities 73

6. Operative indications ii. In non-idiopathic clubfoot (myelomeningocele,

a. Failure to achieve full deformity correction with non- arthrogryposis), the tendons are released rather than
operative treatment lengthened, because of the very high recurrence rate
7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical in these feet.
techniques section of the book for each individual
a. Percutaneous tendo-Achilles tenotomy (see ­Chapter  7)—
Neglected Clubfoot
perform this when there is less than 10° of ankle dorsiflexion
after the cavus, adductus, and varus have been fully cor- 1. Definition—Deformity
rected with serial casting in an infant or very young child a. Untreated congenital equino-cavo-adducto-varus in an
i. This is a complete tenotomy, not a lengthening. older child or adolescent (Figures 5-10 and 5-11)
ii. It should be performed when there is little (or no) 2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities
expectation that a posterior ankle capsulotomy will a. Forefoot—pronated
be required, which is the assumption in most babies b. Midfoot—adducted
up to at least 2 years of age. c. Hindfoot—varus/inverted
• If a percutaneous tendo-Achilles tenotomy is con- d. Ankle—plantar flexed (equinus)
currently converted to an open ankle capsulotomy, 3. Imaging
the gap in the tendon may not heal and remodel as a. Standing AP and lateral of foot
well, and with as good preservation of excursion, b. Standing AP and lateral of ankle
as with percutaneous Achilles tenotomy alone. 4. Natural history
iii. If the need for a posterior capsulotomy is anticipated, a. Persistence of deformity with pain, functional disability,
an open tendo-Achilles lengthening should be per- and inability to wear normal shoes
formed. If a capsulotomy is then deemed unneces- 5. Nonoperative treatment
sary, there is no measureable disability from having a. Ponseti method of serial manipulation and long-leg
performed a formal tendo-Achilles lengthening. casting, along with percutaneous Achilles tenotomy in
b. Posterior release (see Chapter 7)—perform this in an most cases (well described in Clubfoot: Ponseti Man-
older child in whom there is less than 10° of dorsiflex- agement, LT Staheli, editor.
ion after the cavus, adductus, and varus have been fully monograph), starting in children up to at least 5 to
corrected with serial casting and in whom there is less 6 years of age (and possibly older)
than 10° of dorsiflexion after TAL i. Should be successful less often than when initiated
c. À la carte partial-to-complete circumferential release in infants, with the rate of success inversely propor-
(see Chapter 7)—perform this if there are residual tional to age at initiation
cavus, adductus, and/or varus deformities in addition 6. Operative indications
to an equinus deformity a. Failure or age-inappropriateness of serial casting
i. The McKay procedure is the surgical analog of the to correct one or more of the clubfoot segmental
Ponseti method, in that it embraces the pathoanat- deformities
omy ascribed to by Ponseti. b. Pain, shoe-fitting difficulties, dysfunction


Figure 5-10.  Untreated clubfeet in a 2-year-old boy who was adopted from a developing country by
­parents in the United States.
74 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

procedures—perform one or more of these additional

procedures if there are residual cavus, adductus, and/or
varus deformities in addition to an equinus deformity,
and structural metatarsus adductus (MA), fixed hind-
foot varus with a long lateral column of the foot, and/or
muscle imbalance
i. Medial column lengthening for structural MA
• Medial cuneiform opening wedge osteotomy (see
Chapter 8)
ii. Lateral column shortening for structural MA (see
Management Principle #18, Chapter 4)
• Closing wedge osteotomy of the cuboid (see
­Chapter 8)

iii. Lateral column shortening for resistant hindfoot
Figure 5-11.  Neglected clubfeet in an 18-year-old immigrant varus/inversion with a long lateral column of the
to the United States. The natural history of clubfoot is clear: foot (see Management Principle #18, Chapter 4)
persistence of deformities, inability to wear shoes, ostracism, • Calcaneocuboid resection/fusion (see Chapter 8)
poverty, and eventual pain. • Lichtblau resection of the anterior calcaneus (see
Chapter 8)
7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech- • Closing wedge osteotomy of the anterior calcaneus
niques section of the book for each individual procedure (see Chapter 8)
a. Percutaneous tendo-Achilles tenotomy (see ­Chapter 7)— iv. Posterior calcaneus lateral displacement osteotomy
perform this when there is less than 10° of ankle dorsiflex- (see Chapter 8)
ion after the cavus, adductus, and varus have been fully v. Anterior tibialis tendon transfer to lateral (3rd)
corrected with serial casting in a young child cuneiform (see Chapter 7)
i. This is a complete tenotomy, not a lengthening. e. Triple arthrodesis (see Chapter 8)—perform this if
ii. It should be performed when there is little (or no) there are no other options for correcting the deformi-
expectation that a posterior ankle capsulotomy will ties because of severity and/or rigidity, or because of
be required. existing degenerative arthritis of the subtalar joint (see
• If a percutaneous tendo-Achilles tenotomy is Management Principle #13, Chapter 4)
concurrently converted to an open ankle cap- f. Gradual deformity correction with external fixation
sulotomy, the gap in the tendon may not heal (not elucidated in this book)
and remodel as well, and with as good preserva-
tion of excursion, as with percutaneous Achilles
Severe, Rigid, Resistant Arthrogrypotic
­tenotomy alone.
Clubfoot in an Infant or Young Child
iii. If the need for a posterior capsulotomy is anticipated,
an open tendo-Achilles lengthening should be per- 1. Definition—Deformity
formed. If a capsulotomy is then deemed unneces- a. Severe, rigid, resistant congenital clubfoot in an infant
sary, there is no measureable disability from having with arthrogryposis (Figure 5-12)
performed a formal tendo-Achilles lengthening. b. More flexible congenital clubfoot deformities in
b. Posterior release (see Chapter 7)—perform this if there infants with arthrogryposis should be treated
is less than 10° of dorsiflexion after the cavus, adductus, exactly like idiopathic congenital clubfoot (see this
and varus have been fully corrected with serial casting chapter).
and the tendo-Achilles has been lengthened 2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities
c. À la carte partial-to-complete circumferential release a. Forefoot—pronated
(see Chapter 7)—perform this if there are residual b. Midfoot—adducted
cavus, adductus, and/or varus deformities in addition c. Hindfoot—varus/inverted
to an equinus deformity d. Ankle—plantar flexed (equinus)
i. The McKay procedure is the surgical analog of the 3. Imaging
Ponseti method, in that it embraces the pathoanat- a. Maximum dorsiflexion/abduction/eversion AP and
omy ascribed to by Ponseti. ­lateral of foot—indicated to:
ii. In non-idiopathic clubfoot, the tendons are released i. confirm residual deformities preoperatively after
rather than lengthened, because of the high recur- failing nonoperative treatment
rence rate in these feet. 4. Natural history
d. À la carte partial-to-complete circumferential release a. Persistence of deformity with pain, functional disability,
(see Chapter 7) along with one or more of the following and inability to wear normal shoes
CHAPTER 5/Foot and Ankle Deformities 75

5. Nonoperative treatment the foot in the ankle mortis even if a talectomy were
a. Ponseti method of serial manipulation and long-leg performed (Figure 5-12).
casting i. The expectation is that, following surgery, the deformi-
6. Operative indications ties will be improved (Figure 5-13) and serial casting will
a. Little (or no) improvement in the severe, rigid clubfoot be reinitiated. The deformities might then be corrected
deformities in an infant with arthrogryposis after a long with further serial casting or improved enough with fur-
series of casts, with the presumption that it would be ther serial casting that conventional á la carte partial-to-
challenging to stretch the posterior ankle skin and align complete circumferential release will be successful.



Figure 5-12.  Severe, rigid, resistant arthrogrypotic clubfoot. A–D after 14 casts: A. Top photo. B. AP
x-ray. C. Medial photo with maximum dorsiflexion. D. Lateral x-ray with maximum dorsiflexion.
76 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical Corrected Congenital Clubfoot (Talipes
techniques section of the book for each individual Equinovarus) with Anterior Tibialis Overpull
a. Limited, minimally invasive soft tissue releases for 1. Definition—Deformity
clubfoot (see Chapter 7), as an incidental event a. Structurally corrected clubfoot with stronger anterior
to enable more effective ongoing serial casting tibialis than peroneus tertius and relatively weak pero-
(Figure 5-13) neus longus resulting in a dynamic supination defor-
i. Percutaneous tendo-Achilles tenotomy mity of the foot (Figure 5-14)
ii. Limited open plantar fasciotomy 2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities
iii. Limited open posterior tibialis tenotomy a. None
iv. Percutaneous tenotomies of FHL and FDL to toes 2-to 5 3. Imaging
b. Talectomy—perform this for failure of “a” (see a. Standing AP and lateral of foot
Chapter 8) i. to confirm full correction of deformities



Figure 5-13.  A. One week after percutaneous tenotomies of tendo-Achilles and long toe flexors,
as well as mini-open plantar fasciotomy and posterior tibialis tenotomy in the foot in Figure 5-12.
B to E after four more casts: B. Simulated standing top photo. C. Simulated standing AP x-ray.
D. ­Medial photo with maximum dorsiflexion. E. Lateral x-ray with maximum dorsiflexion. F to H one
year later, following two serial casts for minor recurrence: F. Standing top photo. G. Medial photo
with maximum dorsiflexion. H. Lateral x-ray with maximum dorsiflexion.
CHAPTER 5/Foot and Ankle Deformities 77


Figure 5-13.  (continued)

ii. to ensure adequate size of the ossification center of 6. Operative indications

the lateral (3rd) cuneiform to accept the anterior a. Exaggerated dynamic supination of a well-corrected
tibialis tendon and flexible clubfoot during the swing phase of the gait
4. Natural history cycle
a. Instability of gait with frequent inversion injuries i. that creates instability of gait and/or excessive
b. Pain and exaggerated callus formation along the weight-bearing on the plantar–lateral aspect of the
­plantar–lateral border of the foot foot
5. Nonoperative treatment ii. after failure of strengthening exercises to balance the
a. Peroneus tertius strengthening exercises. Efficacy is not strength of the anterior tibialis and peroneus tertius
documented. muscles
b. Serial casting to correct any residual or recurrent iii. in which there is a large ossification center of the
­deformities prior to tendon transfer surgery. ­lateral (3rd) cuneiform
78 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Figure 5-14.  Assess muscle balance in a clubfoot by asking the child to dorsiflex the foot, or by stim-
ulating the plantar aspect of the foot. A. Normal muscle balance between the anterior tibialis and the
peroneus tertius. The plane of the MT heads is perpendicular to the tibial shaft. B. Relative overpull of
normal anterior tibialis vs. weak peroneus tertius and longus in a child with a clubfoot that has excellent
deformity correction and flexibility. The plane of the MT heads is supinated in relation to the tibial shaft.

7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech- most cases (well described in Clubfoot: Ponseti Man-
niques section of the book for each individual procedure agement, LT Staheli, editor.
a. Anterior tibialis tendon transfer to lateral (3rd) cunei- monograph), starting in children up to at least 5 to
form (see Chapter 7) 6 years of age (and possibly older)
i. Should be successful less often than when initi-
ated in infants, with the rate of success inversely
Recurrent/Persistent Clubfoot Deformity
­proportional to age at initiation
1. Definition—Deformity 6. Operative indications
a. Recurrence or persistence of one or more of the club- a. Failure or age-inappropriateness of serial casting to cor-
foot segmental deformities following nonoperative or rect one or more of the clubfoot segmental deformities
operative initial treatment (Figure 5-15). b. Pain, shoe-fitting difficulties, dysfunction
2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities 7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech-
a. Forefoot—pronated niques section of the book for each individual procedure
b. Midfoot—adducted a. Percutaneous tendo-Achilles tenotomy (see
c. Hindfoot—varus/inverted ­Chapter 7)—perform this when there is less than 10° of
d. Ankle—plantar flexed (equinus) ankle dorsiflexion after the cavus, adductus, and varus
3. Imaging have been fully corrected with serial casting in an infant
a. Maximum dorsiflexion/abduction/eversion AP and lat- or very young child
eral of foot—for younger children i. This is a complete tenotomy, not a lengthening.
b. Standing AP and lateral of foot—for older children ii. It should be performed when there is little (or no)
c. AP, lateral, mortis of ankle expectation that a posterior ankle capsulotomy will
4. Natural history be required, which is the assumption in most babies
a. Persistence of deformity with pain, functional disability, up to at least 2 years of age.
and inability to wear normal shoes • If a percutaneous tendo-Achilles tenotomy is con-
5. Nonoperative treatment currently converted to an open ankle capsulotomy,
a. Ponseti method of serial manipulation and long-leg the gap in the tendon will not heal and remodel as
casting, along with percutaneous Achilles tenotomy in well, and with as good preservation of excursion,
CHAPTER 5/Foot and Ankle Deformities 79

Figure 5-15.  Left clubfoot in a 10-month-old boy who was treated from birth with serial cast-
ing. He apparently achieved full correction of all segmental deformities, but was lost to follow-up
and ­returned with recurrence of all segmental deformities. A. Foot at rest. B. Maximum passive
­dosiflexion and eversion.

as occurs with percutaneous Achilles tenotomy • Closing wedge osteotomy of the cuboid (see
alone. ­Chapter 8)
iii. If the need for a posterior capsulotomy is anticipated,
iii. Lateral column shortening for resistant hindfoot
an open tendo-Achilles lengthening should be per- varus/inversion with a long lateral column of the
formed. If a capsulotomy is then deemed unneces- foot (see Management Principle #18, Chapter 4)
sary, there is no measureable disability from having • Calcaneocuboid resection/fusion (see Chapter 8)
performed a formal tendo-Achilles lengthening. • Lichtblau resection of the anterior calcaneus (see
b. Posterior release (see Chapter 7)—perform this if there Chapter 8)
are less than 10° of dorsiflexion after the cavus, adduc- • Closing wedge osteotomy of the anterior calcaneus
tus, and varus have been fully corrected with serial cast- (see Chapter 8)
ing in an older child, particularly if there is suspicion iv. Posterior calcaneus lateral displacement osteotomy
that the posterior ankle joint capsule is contracted in (see Chapter 8)
addition to the tendo-Achilles v. Anterior tibialis tendon transfer to lateral (3rd)
c. À la carte partial-to-complete circumferential release cuneiform (see Chapter 7)
(see Chapter 7)—perform this if there are residual e. Triple arthrodesis (see Chapter 8)—perform this if
cavus, adductus, and/or varus deformities in addition there are no other options for correcting the deformi-
to an equinus deformity ties because of severity and/or rigidity, or because of
i. The McKay procedure is the surgical analog of the existing degenerative arthritis of the subtalar joint (see
Ponseti method in that it embraces the pathoanat- Management Principle #13, Chapter 4)
omy ascribed to by Ponseti f. Gradual deformity correction with external fixation
ii. In non-idiopathic clubfoot, the tendons are released (not elucidated in this book)
rather than lengthened, because of the high recur-
rence rate in these feet
d. À la carte partial-to-complete circumferential release
Rotational Valgus Overcorrection
(see Chapter 7) along with one or more of the follow-
of the Subtalar Joint
ing procedures—perform one or more of these additional
procedures if there are residual cavus, adductus, and/or 1. Definition—Deformity
varus deformities in addition to an equinus deformity, a. Iatrogenically acquired flatfoot in an operatively treated
and structural MA, resistant hindfoot varus with a long clubfoot with excessive external rotation of the subtalar
lateral column of the foot, and/or muscle imbalance joint (Figure 5-16)
i. Medial column lengthening for structural MA i. due to excessive release of the subtalar joint, but
• Medial cuneiform opening wedge osteotomy (see without release of the talocalcaneal interosseous
Chapter 8) ligament
ii. Lateral column shortening for structural MA (see ii. with all components of eversion of the subtalar joint.
Management Principle #18, Chapter 4) Essentially, an acquired “physiologic” flatfoot
80 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Figure 5-16.  Previously operated club-

Medial foot with rotational valgus overcorrection
of the subtalar joint. A. Posterior view of
C D severe valgus deformity of the hindfoot,
similar to that seen in translational val-
gus overcorrection of the subtalar joint
(see Figure 5-17A). B. Standing top image
showing external rotation of the foot. Pain
is typically experienced under the me-
dial midfoot (similar to a flexible flatfoot
with a tight tendo-Achilles), and there is
often impingement-type pain in the sinus
tarsi area or between the calcaneus and
the ­lateral malleolus. C. Eversion of the
­subtalar joint is evident, with the navicular
­laterally positioned on the head of the talus.
The abducted foot-CORA (see Assessment
­Principle #18, Figure 3-19, Chapter 3) is
in the talar head-neck, as in an idiopathic
flexible flatfoot. D. ­Example of an outward
(positive) thigh–foot angle, as seen in this

2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities 7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech-
a. Forefoot—supinated niques section of the book for each individual procedure
b. Midfoot—neutral, abducted, or adducted a. Calcaneal lengthening osteotomy (see Chapter 8)
c. Hindfoot—valgus/everted i. with possible tendo-Achilles lengthening (see
i. Positive thigh–foot angle ­Chapter 7) or gastrocnemius recession (see
d. Ankle—plantar flexed (equinus) ­Chapter 7)
e. Looks like an idiopathic flatfoot, clinically and ii. with possible medial cuneiform plantar-based clos-
radiographically ing wedge (or dorsal opening wedge) osteotomy (see
3. Imaging Chapter 8)
a. Standing AP, lateral, Harris view of foot b. If there is coexisting ankle valgus (often present), cor-
b. AP, lateral, and mortis of ankle rect the ankle valgus first (see Management Principle
4. Natural history #23-6, Chapter 4), either by guided growth (see Medial
a. Persistence of deformity with pain under the medial Distal Tibia Guided Growth with Retrograde Medial
midfoot and/or in the sinus tarsi area and/or in the lat- Malleolus Screw, Chapter 8) or by distal tibia and
eral hindfoot—in some cases ­fibula osteotomies (see Chapter 8)
5. Nonoperative treatment
a. Over-the-counter soft arch support or gel cushion insert Translational Valgus Overcorrection
b. Accommodative shoe
of the Subtalar Joint
6. Operative indications
a. Activity-related pain under the medial midfoot and/or 1. Definition—Deformity
in the sinus tarsi area and/or in the lateral hindfoot that a. Iatrogenically acquired flatfoot in an operatively treated
is not relieved with prolonged attempts at nonoperative clubfoot with excessive lateral translation of the calca-
treatment neus under the talus (Figure 5-17)
CHAPTER 5/Foot and Ankle Deformities 81



Figure 5-17.  Previously operated clubfoot with translational valgus overcorrection of the sub-
talar joint. A. Posterior view of severe valgus deformity of the hindfoot, similar to that seen in
rotational valgus overcorrection of the subtalar joint (see Figure 5-16A). Impingement-type pain is
typically ­experienced between the calcaneus and the lateral malleolus. B. Standing top image of the
foot showing lateral translation of the heel (black arrow). C. The talonavicular joint is well-aligned
(black oval). The talus and 1st MT are parallel, but can have a foot-CORA (see Assessment Principle
#18, Figure 3-18, Chapter 3) in the talar head that is usually abducted less than 12°. D. Example of a
neutral thigh-foot angle, as seen in this deformity.

i. due to excessive release of the subtalar joint with 3. Imaging

release of the talocalcaneal interosseous ligament a. Standing AP, lateral, Harris view of foot
ii. often, with acceptable alignment at the talonavicular b. AP, lateral, and mortis of ankle
joint 4. Natural history
2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities a. Persistence of deformity with pain in the lateral hind-
a. Forefoot—neutral or supinated foot and/or in the sinus tarsi and occasionally under the
b. Midfoot—neutral, abducted, or adducted medial midfoot—in some cases
c. Hindfoot—valgus without eversion, i.e., with well- 5. Nonoperative treatment
aligned talonavicular joint a. Over-the-counter soft arch support or gel cushion insert
i. Neutral thigh–foot angle b. Accommodative shoe
d. Ankle—neutral or plantar flexed (equinus) 6. Operative indications
e. Looks somewhat like an idiopathic flatfoot clinically, a. Activity-related pain in the lateral hindfoot and/or
but not radiographically in the sinus tarsi and occasionally under the medial
82 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

midfoot that is not relieved with prolonged attempts at d. Ankle—neutral, plantar flexed (equinus), or dorsiflexed
nonoperative treatment (calcaneus)
7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical 3. Imaging
techniques section of the book for each individual a. Standing AP, lateral, oblique of foot
procedure b. Consider CT scan of the foot and ankle in all three
a. Posterior calcaneus medial displacement ± medial planes and with 3D reconstruction in older children
closing wedge osteotomy (see Chapter 8) and adolescents
i. with possible tendo-Achilles lengthening (see Chap- 4. Natural history
ter 7) or gastrocnemius recession (see Chapter 7) a. Persistence of deformity with pain over the dorsum of
ii. with possible medial cuneiform plantar-based clos- the midfoot and/or shoe-fitting problems related to the
ing wedge (or dorsal opening wedge) osteotomy (see tall instep and relatively short toe-to-heel length of the
Chapter 8) foot—in some cases
b. If there is coexisting ankle valgus (often present), cor- 5. Nonoperative treatment
rect the ankle valgus first (see Management Principle a. Accommodative shoe
#23-6, Chapter 4), either by guided growth (see Medial 6. Operative indications
Distal Tibia Guided Growth with Retrograde Medial a. Pain over the dorsum of the midfoot and/or shoe-fitting
Malleolus Screw, Chapter 8) or by distal tibia and fib- problems related to the tall instep and relatively short
ula osteotomies (see Chapter 8) toe-to-heel length of the foot.
b. Painful anterior ankle impingement between the navic-
ular and the anterior distal tibial epiphysis
Dorsal Subluxation/Dislocation
7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical
of the Talonavicular Joint
techniques section of the book for each individual
1. Definition—Deformity procedure
a. Iatrogenically acquired dorsal subluxation or dislo- a. 3rd street procedure (see Chapter 7)—perform this in
cation of the navicular on the head of the talus in an children up to around age 6 years
operatively treated clubfoot (Figure 5-18) b. Talonavicular joint arthrodesis—perform this in older
i. due to overly extensive release of the talonavicular children and adolescents
joint, usually with failure to release a contracted c. Resection of impinging portion of dorsally subluxated
plantar fascia navicular (see Chapter 8)—perform this for isolated
2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities painful anterior ankle impingement in an older child or
a. Forefoot—pronated, neutral, or supinated adolescent
b. Midfoot—dorsal, and often lateral, subluxation or dis- d. Triple arthrodesis (see Chapter 8)—perform this in an
location of the navicular on the head of the talus with older child or adolescent if the subluxation/dislocation
appearance of cavus is associated with severe deformities and degenerative
c. Hindfoot—neutral, varus, or valgus arthritis of the other joints of the subtalar complex


Figure 5-18.  Previously operated clubfoot with dorsal subluxation of the talonavicular joint.
A. Clinical image shows a tall instep (cavus) and short toe-to-heel length. B. Lateral radiograph shows
dorsal subluxation of the navicular on the head of the talus and exaggerated plantar flexion of the
first ray, including the MT, cuneiform, and navicular.
CHAPTER 5/Foot and Ankle Deformities 83

Figure 5-19.  Postsurgical clubfoot in a 15-year-old girl with anterior ankle impingement pain.
A. Flattop talus with shallow/absent dorsal talar neck concavity (and small heterotopic ossicle)
­causing anterior ankle impingement and pain. B. Sagittal CT scan image confirming the pathology.

Anterior Ankle Impingement 2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities

a. Flattop talar dome with shallow or flat dorsal neck of
1. Definition—Deformity talus
a. Iatrogenically acquired impingement between the dor- b. Or, rarely, procurvatum deformity of distal tibia with
sal talar neck (or the navicular) and the anterior distal flexion mal-orientation of the ankle joint
tibial epiphysis that limits dorsiflexion c. Or, dorsal subluxation of the navicular on the head of
i. Causes include: the talus
• iatrogenic flattop talus from casting-induced and/ 3. Imaging
or surgery-related crush injury to the dome of the a. Standing AP and lateral of foot
talus (Figure 5-19) b. Standing AP, lateral, and mortis of ankle
• iatrogenic flattop talus from surgery-related avas- c. CT scan of foot and ankle in all three planes and with
cular necrosis (Figure 5-20) 3D reconstruction in older children and adolescents
• iatrogenic posterior distal tibial growth arrest with 4. Natural history
progressive procurvatum deformity and flexion a. Persistence or progression of deformity with anterior
mal-orientation of the ankle joint (Figure 5-21) ankle pain that is exacerbated by dorsiflexion of the
• iatrogenic dorsal subluxation of the talonavicular ankle—in some cases
joint (see Dorsal Subluxation/Dislocation of the 5. Nonoperative treatment
Talonavicular Joint, above) a. High heel shoes
b. Heel wedge orthotics
6. Operative indications
a. Failure of nonoperative treatment to relieve the anterior
ankle impingement-type pain that is exacerbated by
dorsiflexion of the ankle.
7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical
techniques section of the book for each individual
a. Debridement/reshaping of dorsal talar neck (see
Chapter 8)—perform this if there is a dorsally promi-
nent talar neck and a relatively normally shaped
talar dome in a skeletally mature adolescent (see
Figure 5-20.  Avascular necrosis of the talus after clubfoot
Figure 5-19)
surgery with anterior impingement-type pain due to flattening b. Anterior distal tibia and fibula closing wedge/­
of the dome and neck of the talus. posterior translational dorsiflexion osteotomies (see
84 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations



Figure 5-21.  Postsurgical clubfoot in a 5-year-old boy who had progressive loss of dorsiflexion
and accompanying anterior ankle impingement-type pain. A. Lateral radiograph shows large pos-
terior arrest of distal tibial physis, between arrow heads. Black line is Park–Harris growth arrest line.
Resultant procurvatum deformity of the distal tibia created secondary anterior ankle impingement,
despite normal anatomy of the talus. B. AP radiograph shows the arrest, roughly between the arrow
heads. C. Sagittal MRI scan image shows the large, solid posterior physeal bar, between arrow heads.
D. Coronal MRI scan image of the pathology. E. Lateral radiograph immediately after resection and
fat grafting of the physeal bar (purple oval) and concurrent posterior distal tibia opening wedge oste-
otomy (purple wedge). F. AP image of the same. G. and H. Lateral and AP images 9 years later show-
ing black Park–Harris line parallel with, and far from, the physis. The normal sagittal 10° ­extension tilt
of the distal tibial articular surface has been restored.

­ hapter 8)—perform this in a skeletally mature adoles-

C hallux at the 1st metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint
cent with a flat talar dome (Figure 5-22)
c. Anterior distal tibia guided growth with anterior plate– i. Iatrogenic, usually following surgical treatment of
screw construct to orient the joint into recurvatum (see clubfoot deformity
Chapter 8)—perform this in a skeletally immature child ii. Occasionally seen in a child with severe spastic
with a flat talar dome quadriplegia as the result of primary muscle imbal-
d. Posterior distal tibial physeal bar resection with fat ance or after surgical treatment
grafting and concurrent posterior distal tibial opening 2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities
wedge osteotomy (see above) a. Forefoot—supinated
e. Do not lengthen tendo-Achilles! It will only increase the i. Dorsiflexed medial (1st) ray of the forefoot—flexible
impingement. or rigid
ii. Hyper-plantar flexed hallux at 1st MTP joint—­
flexible or fixed
Dorsal Bunion
b. Midfoot—neutral, abducted, or adducted
1. Definition—Deformity c. Hindfoot—neutral or valgus (laterally translated)
a. Dorsal prominence of the distal end of the 1st MT i. Stiff or rigid
associated with dorsiflexion of the medial (1st) ii. with good or fairly good alignment at the talonavic-
ray of the forefoot and hyperplantar flexion of the ular joint
CHAPTER 5/Foot and Ankle Deformities 85



Figure 5-22.  Dorsal bunion in a teenager. A. Standing lateral radiograph shows dorsiflexion of the
1st ray/MT and plantar flexion of the hallux at the 1st MTP joint. The hindfoot and midfoot are reason-
ably well-aligned. B. Matching clinical picture. The 1st MT head does not touch the ground in weight-
bearing. There is redness, callus formation, and pain over the dorsal aspect of the 1st MT head and
under the distal tip of the hallux. C. Standing AP radiograph shows good hindfoot/midfoot alignment,
but malalignment at the 1st MTP joint with apparent plantar flexion. D. Matching clinical picture.

d. Muscle imbalances (opposite those seen in cavovarus MT head (where it contacts the shoe) and/or at the tip
foot deformities) (see Cavovarus Foot, Figure 5-6, this of the hallux (where it contacts the ground)
chapter) 7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical
i. Strong anterior tibialis techniques section of the book for each individual
ii. Weak peroneus longus procedure
iii. Recruited and, therefore, stronger FHL than EHL a. Combination of procedures (Figure 5-23):
3. Imaging i. Medial cuneiform (plantar flexion) plantar-based
a. Standing AP and lateral of foot closing wedge osteotomy, or medial cuneiform
b. Standing AP, lateral, and mortis of ankle (plantar flexion) dorsal-based opening wedge oste-
c. Consider CT scan of foot and ankle in all three planes and otomy (see Chapter 8)—based on the coexistence
with 3D reconstruction in older children and adolescents of abduction or adduction of the midfoot (see Man-
4. Natural history agement Principle #19, Chapter 4)
a. Persistence of deformity with pain and skin pressure ii. Transfer anterior tibialis to the 2nd (middle) cunei-
injuries (inflammation, callus formation, blistering, form (see Chapter 7)
ulceration) on the dorsum of the 1st MT head and/or at iii. Reverse Jones transfer of the FHL to the 1st MT neck
the tip of the hallux—in some cases (see Chapter 7)
5. Nonoperative treatment iv. Possible plantar capsulotomy of the 1st MTP
a. Accommodative shoe wear joint
6. Operative indications b. Often, the hindfoot is stiff, but well-aligned. If not, cor-
a. Failure of nonoperative treatment to relieve the pain rect the hindfoot deformity with the appropriate oste-
and skin pressure irritation on the dorsum of the 1st otomy (see Chapter 8)
86 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations





Figure 5-23.  A. AP x-ray shows good alignment of the talonavicular joint. B. Lateral x-ray shows
good alignment of the subtalar joint, but hyperdorsiflexion of the 1st ray. Purple triangle represents
a plantar-based closing wedge osteotomy of the medial cuneiform that was used to correct the fore-
foot deformity. The black line represents a capsulotomy of the contracted plantar capsule of the 1st
MTP joint. C and D. Matching preop clinical photos. E. Post-op AP x-ray shows the internal fixation
staple used for the medial cuneiform osteotomy. The purple dots represent the original and transfer
locations for the anterior tibialis tendon. F. Ten years post-op lateral x-ray shows the internal fixa-
tion staple used for the medial cuneiform osteotomy. The purple dots represent the original and
transfer locations for the FHL (reverse Jones transfer). G. and H. Matching clinical photos of the foot
10 years later.

IV. CONGENITAL VERTICAL/ 2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities

a. Forefoot—supinated
b. Midfoot
Congenital Vertical Talus i. Abducted
1. Definition—Deformity ii. Medial column—dislocated
a. Congenital dorsolateral dislocation of the navicular • dorsolateral dislocation of the navicular on the
on the talus with severe eversion of the subtalar joint talus
and rigid plantar flexion of the talus, creating a rocker- iii. Lateral column—subluxated (or mal-oriented)
bottom appearance of the foot. The talus is vertically • dorsolateral subluxation and/or mal-orientation of
aligned with the tibia (Figure 5-24). the calcaneocuboid joint
b. Idiopathic etiology or associated with an underlying c. Hindfoot—valgus/everted
neuromuscular or chromosomal abnormality d. Ankle—plantar flexed (equinus)
CHAPTER 5/Foot and Ankle Deformities 87

Figure 5-24.  A. Medial-side photo of a CVT, the so-called

“Persian slipper foot” deformity. B. Lateral radiograph shows
the talus to be vertically aligned with the axis of the tibia. The Figure 5-25.  AP radiograph of a CVT. The midfoot is
calcaneus is plantar flexed. The axis of the 1st MT aligns with ­abducted, as indicated by the calcaneus–4th MT angle, which
the dome of the talus, rather than the head. is straight in a normal foot and also in most flexible flatfoot
deformities. The subtalar joint is severely everted, as indicated
by the talus–1st MT angle. The foot-CORA (see Assessment
3. Imaging Principle #18, Chapter 3) in CVT is often not in the talar head,
a. Simulated standing AP of foot (Figure 5-25) whereas it is always in the talar head in a flexible flatfoot. The
two possible reasons for that observation are (1) a projectional
b. Maximum dorsiflexion lateral of foot (Figure 5-26B)
artifact created by the dorsal dislocation at the talonavicular
i. The talus does not dorsiflex more than a few degrees joint and (2) a long medial column of the foot.
from its colinear vertical alignment with the tibia.
The calcaneus barely dorsiflexes to a right angle to
the tibia. The axis of the 1st MT is dorsally translated pinning (Dobbs method)—perform this if the talonavicu-
onto the body of the talus, indicating dorsal disloca- lar joint has become aligned with reverse Ponseti (Dobbs)
tion of the navicular. casting, but there is persistent equinus. This is not a plica-
c. Maximum plantar flexion lateral of foot (Figure 5-26D) tion of the medial soft tissues, but merely a capsulotomy
i. The navicular does not align with the talus with for visualization while pinning the talonavicular (TN)
forced plantar flexion. This is manifest by persis- joint.
tence of dorsal translation and angulation of the axis b. Dorsal approach release for CVT and COT (see
of the 1st MT in relation to the axis of the talus ­Chapter 7)—perform this for failure of the reverse
4. Natural history Ponseti (Dobbs) nonoperative method to align the
a. Persistence of deformity with pain, functional disability, ­talonavicular joint
and inability to wear normal shoes
5. Nonoperative treatment
Congenital Oblique Talus
a. Reverse Ponseti (Dobbs) casting
6. Operative indications 1. Definition—Deformity
a. Failure to achieve full deformity correction with non- a. There is no consensus definition
operative treatment b. Congenital dorsolateral subluxation of the navicular on the
7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech- talus with moderately severe eversion of the subtalar joint
niques section of the book for each individual procedure and moderately rigid plantar flexion of the talus, creating
a. Tendo-Achilles tenotomy (see Chapter 7) and limited a mild rocker-bottom appearance of the foot. Complete
open talonavicular joint capsulotomy with retrograde inversion of the subtalar joint is not possible (Figure 5-27).


Normal CVT

Figure 5-26.  Maximum dorsiflexion and plantar flexion lateral radiographs of a normal foot and
a foot with CVT. A. Maximum dorsiflexion lateral of a normal foot. The talus is perpendicular to the
tibia. The talus–1st MT angle is 0°, though several degrees of dorsiflexion of the forefoot on the
hindfoot are normal. The calcaneus is dorsiflexed well above perpendicular to the tibia. B. Maximum
dorsiflexion lateral of a CVT. The talus rotates very slightly from its full plantar flexed position. The
calcaneus is merely perpendicular to the tibia. The axis of the first MT is translated dorsally with
the foot-CORA (see Assessment Principle #18, Chapter 3) in the body of the talus, indicating dorsal
dislocation of the navicular at the talonavicular joint. C. Maximum plantar flexion lateral of a normal
foot. The talus plantar flexes to no more than about 45°. The calcaneus plantar flexes slightly beyond
perpendicular to the tibia. The axis of the 1st MT is slightly plantar flexed in relation to the axis of the
talus with the foot-CORA in the talonavicular joint. D. Maximum plantar flexion lateral of a CVT. The
talus is vertically in line with the axis of the tibia. The calcaneus is plantar flexed well beyond perpen-
dicular to the tibia. The axis of the 1st MT remains dorsally translated with the foot-CORA in the body
of the talus, confirming fixed dorsal dislocation of the navicular at the talonavicular joint.

Figure 5-27.  Right COT. As with CVT, there is

often a single posterior heel crease. There is only
one deep posterior crease on the right ankle, but
a deep and multiple shallow creases on the left
ankle. The right foot longitudinal arch is slightly
convex ­plantar, i.e., rocker-bottom.
CHAPTER 5/Foot and Ankle Deformities 89

c. Idiopathic etiology or associated with an underlying c. Hindfoot—valgus/everted

neuromuscular or chromosomal abnormality d. Ankle—plantar flexed (equinus)
2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities 3. Imaging (Figure 5-28)
a. Forefoot—supinated a. Simulated standing AP of foot
b. Midfoot b. Maximum dorsiflexion lateral of foot (Figure 5-28C)
i. Abducted i. The talus dorsiflexes partially, though never com-
ii. Medial column—subluxated pletely, while the calcaneus hyper-dorsiflexes past
• dorsolateral subluxation of the navicular on the the talus through eversion. These are also features
talus of a flexible flatfoot with a short tendo-Achilles,
iii. Lateral column—subluxated (or mal-oriented) but in COT, the axis of the 1st MT is dorsally
• dorsolateral subluxation and/or mal-orientation of translated, creating a foot-CORA (center of rota-
the calcaneocuboid joint tion of angulation) (see Assessment Principle #18,


Figure 5-28.  COT radiographs. A. AP radiograph of an apparent flatfoot, but with the foot-CORA
(see Assessment Principle #18, Chapter 3) distal to the head of the talus. B. Weight-bearing lateral
radiograph shows dorsal translation of the axis of the 1st MT intersecting the neck/body of the talus.
This indicates dorsal subluxation at the talonavicular joint. C. With maximum dorsiflexion of the foot,
the talus does not fully dorsiflex, while the calcaneus dorsiflexes around the talus through exag-
gerated eversion. The axis of the 1st MT appears to be even further dorsally translated than in the
weight-bearing view. D. With maximum plantar flexion of the foot, the talus assumes a nearly verti-
cal alignment with the tibia and the calcaneus plantar flexes well. However, the axis of the 1st MT
remains slightly dorsally translated in relation to the talus, confirming incomplete reduction of the
navicular on the head of the talus. The lateral foot-CORA should be in the head of the talus with a
convex dorsal angle between the lines (see Figure 5-26A, C).
90 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

Chapter 3) in the neck/body of the talus rather is not a plication of the medial soft tissues, but merely
than in the head. a capsulotomy for visualization while pinning the TN
c. Maximum plantar flexion lateral of foot (Figure 5-28D) joint.
i. The navicular does not completely align with the b. Deep plantar–medial plication (see Chapter 7),
talus. The axis of the 1st MT remains dorsally trans- tendo-Achilles tenotomy (see Chapter 7), ± pero-
lated in relation to the axis of the talus neus brevis tendon lengthening—perform this in
4. Natural history an infant or young child for failure of the reverse
a. Persistence of deformity with pain and, possibly, func- Ponseti (Dobbs) nonoperative method to align the
tional disability (see Basic Principle #10, Chapter 2) ­talonavicular joint
5. Nonoperative treatment
a. Reverse Ponseti (Dobbs) casting
Neglected/Recurrent/Residual CVT
6. Operative indications
a. Failure to achieve full deformity correction with non- 1. Definition—Deformity
operative treatment a. Untreated, recurrent, or residual congenital dorso-
7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical lateral dislocation of the navicular on the talus with
techniques section of the book for each individual
­ severe eversion of the subtalar joint and rigid plantar
procedure flexion of the talus, creating a rocker-bottom appear-
a. Tendo-Achilles tenotomy (see Chapter 7) and limited ance of the foot in an older child. There is suggestive
open talonavicular joint capsulotomy with retrograde evidence that the medial column of the foot grows
pinning (Dobbs method)—perform this if the talona- faster and is longer than the lateral column in neglected
vicular joint has become aligned with reverse Ponseti (untreated), recurrent, and residual CVT deformities
(Dobbs) casting, but there is persistent equinus. This (Figure 5-29)



Figure 5-29.  Example of a residual CVT in a recently operated 3-year-old child. A. Following cir-
cumferential release and realignment surgery in this older child, there is severe residual abduction/
valgus deformity in both feet. B. Though not always the case, the talonavicular joints are well-aligned
(yellow arrows) despite severe residual deformities. The foot-CORA is in the navicular bone (crossing
of the blue axis lines of the 1st MT and talus), indicating that the deformity is not primary eversion
of the subtalar joint (in which case the foot-CORA would be in the head of the talus). Instead, the
foot-CORA indicates that the residual deformity is, at least in part, related to a longer medial than
lateral column in each foot. This has implications for treatment, such as the possible/probable need to
shorten the medial column by naviculectomy. C. Lateral photos show a concave, short lateral column
of the left foot, and a convex, long medial column of the right foot. D. Standing lateral radiograph
shows moderate residual hindfoot equinus with sag at the talonavicular joint. The foot-CORA is in the
head of the talus, indicating no residual dorsal subluxation or dislocation at the talonavicular joint.
E. Posterior views of the feet show severe hindfoot valgus and midfoot abduction.
CHAPTER 5/Foot and Ankle Deformities 91

b. Idiopathic etiology or associated with an underlying a. Posterolateral soft tissue release and plantar–medial
neuromuscular or chromosomal abnormality plication (see Chapter 7) and tendo-Achilles length-
2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities ening (see Chapter 7) ± peroneus brevis tendon
a. Forefoot—supinated ­lengthening—perform this in an infant or young child
b. Midfoot for failure of the reverse Ponseti (Dobbs) nonoperative
i. Abducted method to align the talonavicular joint
ii. Medial column—dislocated b. Naviculectomy (see Chapter 8)—perform this:
• dorsolateral dislocation of the navicular on the talus i. if the talonavicular joint is well-aligned (Figure 5-29)
iii. Lateral column—subluxated (or mal-oriented) or becomes well-aligned with serial casting or pos-
• dorsolateral subluxation and/or mal-orientation of terolateral release, yet the deformity persists
the calcaneocuboid joint ii. or, if the talonavicular joint cannot be aligned with
c. Hindfoot—valgus/everted a posterolateral soft tissue release because of resis-
d. Ankle—plantar flexed (equinus) tance of the lateral soft tissues or too short a lateral
3. Imaging column of the foot (too long a medial column)
a. Simulated standing or standing AP of foot
b. Maximum dorsiflexion lateral of foot
i. The talus is vertically and rigidly aligned with the V. FLATFOOT
tibia in untreated cases, and dorsiflexes incompletely Flexible Flatfoot
in recurrent and residual cases
c. Maximum plantar flexion lateral of foot 1. Definition—Anatomic variation
i. The navicular does not align with the talus a. Congenital physiologically normal foot shape with
4. Natural history valgus alignment of the hindfoot, supination of the
a. Persistence of deformity with pain, functional disability, forefoot, a low or depressed longitudinal arch, and no
and inability to wear normal shoes contracture of either the gastrocnemius or the entire
5. Nonoperative treatment triceps surae (Figure 5-30).
a. Reverse Ponseti (Dobbs) casting b. The arch elevates and the hindfoot valgus changes to
6. Operative indications varus with toe-standing and with the Jack toe-raise test
a. Failure to achieve full deformity correction with non- (see Assessment Principle #9, Figures 3-6A, B and
operative treatment 3-7, Chapter 3).
7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech- c. The ankle dorsiflexes at least 10° above neutral with the
niques section of the book for each individual procedure subtalar joint inverted to neutral (locked) and the knee


Figure 5-30.  Flatfoot. A. Top view shows the outward (external) rotation of the foot in relation to
the lower extremity that takes place in the subtalar joint (see Basic Principle #6, Figure 2-7, Chapter 2).
The patella is facing directly forward (toward the bottom of the picture) in this image. B. Back view
shows valgus alignment of the hindfoot and “too many toes” seen laterally. C. Medial view shows de-
pression of the longitudinal arch and a convex medial border of the foot. Supination of the forefoot in
relation to the hindfoot is apparent because all MT heads are on the ground despite valgus a­lignment
of the hindfoot (see Assessment Principle #8, Figure 3-2, Chapter 3).
92 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

extended, based on the Silfverskiold test (see Assess-

ment Principle #12, Figure 3-13, Chapter 3) A
2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities
a. Forefoot—supinated
b. Midfoot—neutral or abducted
c. Hindfoot—valgus/everted
d. Ankle—plantar flexed (equinus)
3. Imaging
a. None
4. Natural history
a. Gradual elevation of the longitudinal arch in most chil-
dren through normal growth and development from
birth until early adolescence (see Basic Principle #4,
Figure 2-1, Chapter 2)
b. For those flatfeet that remain flat, comfort and function are
equal to that of feet with average height longitudinal arches
5. Nonoperative treatment
a. None indicated for the typical asymptomatic physi- B
ologic flexible flatfoot
b. For activity-related diffuse nonspecific foot/ankle/leg
pain, prescribe over-the-counter, cushioned, semirigid
arch supports (Figure 5-31). These are contraindicated
if the gastrocnemius or entire triceps surae is contracted
(see Flexible Flatfoot with Short (Tight) Achilles or
Gastrocnemius Tendon, this chapter).
6. Operative indications Figure 5-32.  Flatfoot (with mild midfoot adductus) x-rays.
a. None A. Standing AP of a flatfoot with abduction at the talona-
7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech- vicular joint. B. Standing lateral of a flatfoot with a sag at the
niques section of the book for each individual procedure ­talonavicular joint and a low calcaneal pitch.
a. Not applicable.
c. The tendo-Achilles or gastrocnemius tendon is con-
Flexible Flatfoot with Short (Tight) Achilles tracted, thereby limiting ankle dorsiflexion—accurately
or Gastrocnemius Tendon tested with the subtalar joint in neutral alignment and
the knee extended (see Assessment Principle #12,
1. Definition—Deformity ­Figure 3-13, Chapter 3).
a. Congenital physiologically normal foot shape with valgus 2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities
alignment of the hindfoot, supination of the forefoot, a low a. Forefoot—supinated
or depressed longitudinal arch, and contracture of either the b. Midfoot—neutral or abducted
gastrocnemius or the entire triceps surae (see Figure 5-30). c. Hindfoot—valgus/everted
b. The arch elevates and the hindfoot valgus changes to d. Ankle—plantar flexed (equinus)
varus with toe-standing and with the Jack toe-raise test 3. Imaging
(see Assessment Principle #9, Figures 3-6A, B and a. Standing AP, lateral, (and oblique) of the foot
3-7, Chapter 3) (Figure 5-32).
b. AP, lateral, and mortis of the ankle
4. Natural history
a. Pain under the head of the talus and/or impingement-
type pain in the sinus tarsi area in many/most cases
occurring with, or exacerbated by, weight-bearing
­(Figure 5-33)
b. It is unknown whether the heel cord contracture is con-
genital or developmental
5. Nonoperative treatment
a. Heel cord stretching exercises performed with the sub-
talar joint inverted to neutral and the knee extended
Figure 5-31.  Over-the-counter inexpensive firm, but not (see Management Principle #5, Figure 4-1, Chapter 4)
rigid, shoe inserts/arch supports. b. Soft, cushioned FLAT orthotics/shoe inserts (Figure 5-34)


Figure 5-33.  A. FFF-STA with most weight-bearing pain under the medial midfoot due to forced
plantar flexion of the talus caused by the heel cord contracture. B. There may also be pain in the si-
nus tarsi area due to impingement of the lateral process of the talus with the beak of the calcaneus.
Lateral hindfoot pain can also be caused by impingement of the soft tissues between the calcaneus
and the tip of the lateral malleolus. C. The finger points to the focal site of pain and tenderness.
D. ­Callused skin under the head of the talus (circled).


Figure 5-34.  Flat over-the-counter gel shoe insert

for a FFF-STA. This design provides extra cushioning
without increasing pressure under the plantar flexed
talar head. A firm or hard elevated arch support causes
increased pressure under the rigidly plantar flexed
talar head and amplifies the pain. That design is, there-
fore, contraindicated. A. Bottom view. B. Top view.

94 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

6. Operative indications
a. Failure of prolonged nonoperative treatment to relieve
the pain under the head of the talus and/or in the sinus
tarsi area (Figure 5-33)
7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech-
niques section of the book for each individual procedure
a. Combination of procedures
i. Calcaneal lengthening osteotomy (see Chapter 8)
with medial soft tissue plications (see Chapter 7)
ii. Gastrocnemius recession (see Chapter 7) or tendo-
Achilles lengthening (see Chapter 7), based on the
result of the Silfverskiold test (see Assessment Prin-
ciple #12, Figure 3-13, Chapter 3), and
iii. Possible medial cuneiform (plantar flexion) plantar-
based closing wedge osteotomy (MC-PF-CWO) (see
Chapter 8)—perform this if rigid forefoot supina-
tion deformity is identified intraoperatively after the
hindfoot deformity is corrected
b. Isolated gastrocnemius (see Chapter 7) or tendo-­
Achilles lengthening (see Chapter 7), based on the result
of the Silfverskiold test (see Assessment ­Principle #12, Figure 5-35.  Plantar view of an infant foot with c­ ongenital
MA. The lateral border of the foot is convex and the ­medial
Figure 3-13, Chapter 3).
border is concave. There may be a vertical skin crease along
i. Perform this rarely, except perhaps in very young the medial midfoot. The hindfoot is in neutral alignment.
children with FFF-STA with “mild” valgus/eversion There is normal ankle dorsiflexion.
deformity. With “moderate” and “severe” eversion
deformities, this could lead to lever arm dysfunction
(see Basic Principle #7, Figure  2-10, Chapter 2) 3. Elucidation of the segmental deformities
and unacceptable weakness in push-off and jumping. a. Forefoot—neutral or supinated
Unfortunately, there are no meaningful definitions b. Midfoot—adducted
for “mild,” “moderate,” and “severe” valgus/eversion. c. Hindfoot—neutral
d. Ankle—neutral
4. Imaging
VI. METATARSUS ADDUCTUS/ a. None initially for congenital MA
SKEWFOOT b. Standing AP and lateral of the foot for persistent defor-
mity when surgery is being considered in an older child
Metatarsus Adductus (Figure 5-39)
1. Definition—Anatomic variation
a. Congenital adductus of the forefoot on the hindfoot
through the midfoot (Figure 5-35)
b. Classification of congenital MA according to severity,
using the “heel bisector method,” is not prognostic, but
can be used to help document initial alignment and the
change in alignment that occurs both spontaneously
and with intervention (Figure 5-36).
c. Classification of congenital MA according to flexibility
has been shown to have prognostic value (Figure 5-37).
2. Alternate definition—Deformity
a. Congenital adductus of the forefoot on the hindfoot
through the midfoot that does not spontaneously cor- Figure 5-36.  The “heel bisector method” for assessing
rect (Figure 5-38) the severity of MA assumes that, in a normal foot, the line
b. Congenital adductus of the forefoot on the hindfoot that bisects the heel extends to the interspace between the
through the midfoot as a residual segmental deformity 2nd and 3rd toes. The dashed lines represent the medial and
of a clubfoot lateral borders of the heel. The solid lines represent the heel
bisectors. The heel bisector of the foot shown on the left (right
c. Congenital adductus of the forefoot on the hindfoot foot) intersects with the 4th toe, whereas that on the right (left
through the midfoot as the forefoot deformity in a foot) intersects with the 3rd toe. The left foot is, therefore, less
skewfoot deformed.
CHAPTER 5/Foot and Ankle Deformities 95


Metatarsus adductus Rigid Partly flexible Flexible

Figure 5-37.  The flexibility method for assessing MA. A. MA. B. Rigid MA—the forefoot cannot be eas-
ily passively abducted to create a straight lateral border. C. Partly flexible MA—the forefoot can be easily
passively abducted to create a straight lateral border. D. Flexible MA—the forefoot can be easily passively
abducted beyond a straight lateral border. Obviously, the definition of easy has not been quantified.

c. There is no definitive association with hip dysplasia, so border) and partly flexible (the forefoot can be eas-
routine imaging of the hips is not indicated. A careful ily passively abducted to create a straight lateral bor-
hip examination should be performed along with an der) deformities (Figure 5-37)—90% to 95% of the
assessment for the true risk factors for developmental total
dysplasia of the hip (DDH), which are a positive family b. Serial long-leg casting for rigid (the forefoot cannot be
history and breech presentation. easily passively abducted to create a straight lateral bor-
5. Natural history der) deformities
a. Most congenital MA deformities (perhaps 90% to 95%) i. best initiated between 6 and 12 months—after per-
spontaneously correct in the first 1 to 3 years of life (see sistence of deformity is confirmed and before the
Basic Principle #4, Figure 2-2, Chapter 2). foot becomes too stiff
b. For those with persistence of significant deformity, ii. cast the foot with the ankle in slight plantar flex-
there may be pain and tenderness along the lateral mid- ion and the subtalar joint in slight inversion to
foot and/or medial to the head of the 1st MT and the avoid inadvertent valgus stress on the subtalar
hallux. joint. Dr. Ponseti described this casting tech-
6. Nonoperative treatment nique as well as that for clubfoot and stressed the
a. None indicated—for flexible (the forefoot can be important differences between the two methods
easily passively abducted beyond a straight lateral (Figure 5-40).


Figure 5-38.  Persistent MA in a

toddler. A. Top view shows adduc-
tus of the forefoot on the hindfoot
through the midfoot. B. Posterior view
shows neutral alignment of the hind-
foot and adductus of the forefoot.
96 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Figure 5-39.  A. AP x-ray of a

foot in an older child with persis-
tent MA. The MTs are normally
shaped, but are mal-oriented
at the tarsometatarsal joints
(Lisfranc joints). B. The medial
cuneiform is rectangular in shape
in a normal foot (black rectangle).
In a foot with MA, the medial
cuneiform is ­trapezoid-shaped
(purple line indicates distal ar-
ticular surface of the bone) which
creates mal-­orientation of the
1st MT–medial cuneiform joint,
i.e., MA. The other cuneiform
bones and the cuboid are also, no
doubt, trapezoid-shaped, but it is
more difficult to appreciate their
shapes on plane x-rays. There is
mild abduction of the navicular
on the head of the talus, suggest-
ing that this foot could, in fact,
be classified as a mild skewfoot.
The forefoot/midfoot deformity is
the same in the two conditions.

7. Operative indications 1st MT physeal injury and lesser MT malunions and

a. Failure of nonoperative treatment to relieve pain and nonunions.
tenderness located along the lateral midfoot and/or
medial to the head of the 1st MT and the hallux, despite
prolonged attempts to modify and adjust shoe wear
(Figure 5-41) 1. Definition—Deformity (some unknown percentage are
8. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech- Anatomic variations)
niques section of the book for each individual procedure a. Congenital or acquired valgus deformity of the hindfoot
a. Cuboid closing wedge osteotomy (see Chapter 8) and with adductus deformity of the forefoot (Figure 5-42)
distal abductor hallucis recession (see Chapter 7) and b. Idiopathic, iatrogenic (following clubfoot treatment), or
medial capsulotomy 1st MT/medial cuneiform joint— associated with an underlying neuromuscular or chro-
perform this in young children before there is adequate mosomal abnormality (syndromic)
ossification of the medial cuneiform (under around age 2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities
4 years) a. Forefoot—pronated and plantar flexed at Lisfranc joints
b. Medial cuneiform (medial) opening wedge osteotomy b. Midfoot—adducted
(see Chapter 8) and cuboid closing wedge osteotomy c. Hindfoot
(see Chapter 8) and possible distal abductor hallucis i. Valgus/everted in older children and adolescents
recession (see Chapter 7)—perform this in older chil- ii. often Neutral in the coronal plane with Abduction at
dren and adolescents the talonavicular joint in young children, but can be
c. NOTE: The foot-CORA for MA (see Assessment valgus/everted
Principle #18, Figure 3-21, Chapter 3) is the medial d. Longitudinal arch
cuneiform on the medial column of the foot and the i. Normal height in most young children with idio-
cuboid on the lateral column. Therefore, tarsometatar- pathic deformity
sal capsulotomies (the Heyman–Herndon procedure) ii. Flat in many/most older children and adolescents
and base MT osteotomies are distal to the foot-CORA with idiopathic and acquired deformity
for this deformity and are not indicated. Additionally, iii. Normal or flat in syndromic cases
tarsometatarsal capsulotomies have been shown to e. Ankle
lead to premature degenerative arthritis in those joints, i. Neutral in most young children with idiopathic
and base MT osteotomies have been associated with deformity
CHAPTER 5/Foot and Ankle Deformities 97

Metatarsus adductus Normal

Normal Metatarsus adductus Club foot

25˚ 50˚ 5˚



Figure 5-40.  A. When manipulating a foot with MA, three points of pressure are applied, as if one
were straightening out a bent twig. The black arrows show the three pressure points. B. The pressure
points for MA manipulation are the medial side of the head of the 1st MT, the cuboid/lateral midfoot,
and the medial side of the posterior calcaneus (three black arrows). Manipulation of a clubfoot is
quite different, because the primary goal is to evert, or spin, the acetabulum pedis around the talus.
The distal pressure point is the same for both deformities, i.e., the medial side of the 1st MT head.
Importantly, the midfoot pressure point in a clubfoot is the dorsolateral aspect of the head of the ta-
lus (blue arrow). The 1st MT is, effectively, a handle that is used to evert the acetabulum pedis around
the fulcrum that is the head of the talus. In so doing, the cavus and MA deformities in a clubfoot
are concurrently corrected. The posterior calcaneus must rotate away from the lateral malleolus in a
clubfoot, so the posterior pressure point is the medial malleolus, not the calcaneus. (From Ponseti IV.
Congenital Clubfoot: Fundamentals of Treatment. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1996:73, with per-
mission.) C. During the manipulation and casting of a foot with MA, the subtalar joint is inverted to
slight varus to help avoid inadvertent eversion of that joint. The latter could potentially convert MA to
a skewfoot. A long-leg cast is recommended, as for clubfoot, but without the external rotation. D. The
ankle is also slightly plantar flexed to further help avoid eversion stress on the subtalar joint.

ii. Plantar flexed (equinus) in many/most older chil- iii. The hindfoot does not appear to be in valgus.
dren and adolescents with idiopathic and acquired iv. The AP and lateral x-rays do not seem to rep-
deformity resent the same foot. On the basis of the lateral
iii. Neutral or plantar flexed (equinus) in syndromic position of the navicular on the head of the talus
cases seen on the AP x-ray, one would expect a flat-
f. In the first decade of life, foot deformity both clinically and radiographi-
i. Children have the obvious skew deformity in the fron- cally, but the lateral x-ray often looks normal
tal plane, i.e., adduction of the forefoot on the midfoot (Figure 5-43).
and abduction of the midfoot on the hindfoot. g. In the second decade of life,
ii. The longitudinal arch is often average or higher than i. The frontal plane deformities persist, i.e., adduction
average in height and there is full flexibility of the of the forefoot on the midfoot and abduction of the
tendo-Achilles. midfoot on the hindfoot.
98 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Figure 5-41.  Photos of a foot from an older child with ­residual MA. He has pain, tenderness, callus
formation, and erythema (A) along the lateral midfoot and (B) medial to the head of the 1st MT and
the hallux.



Figure 5-42.  Idiopathic infant skewfoot. A. Forefoot adductus with a medial midfoot concav-
ity ­immediately anterior to a convexity. The convexity is the head of the talus, and the concavity is
the medially displaced navicular/midfoot. B. Medial midfoot crease at the junction of the medial
­concavity and convexity. C. Hindfoot valgus. D. The radiographic forefoot adductus and hindfoot val-
gus deformities (see Assessment Principle #18, Figure 3-23) match the clinical appearance of the foot.
E. Lateral x-ray.
CHAPTER 5/Foot and Ankle Deformities 99

Figure 5-43.  Skewfoot in a young

child. A. The lateral x-ray looks
essentially normal with a nearly
straight talus–1st metatarsus angle
and a normal calcaneal pitch. B. The
AP x-ray clearly shows the skew
deformities of hindfoot valgus/­
eversion and forefoot adductus.

ii. But the longitudinal arch drops, the hindfoot everts b. There is no known association between skewfoot and
to valgus, and the tendo-Achilles becomes con- hip dysplasia; so routine imaging of the hips is not
tracted in some/all affected feet. indicated.
iii. It looks like a flatfoot. 4. Natural history
iv. The AP x-ray looks the same as in the younger chil- a. Unknown, at least in part due to the lack of a strict defi-
dren, but the lateral x-ray shows the flatfoot appear- nition. It is not known how much forefoot adductus is
ance that one would expect to see (Figure 5-44). necessary to reclassify a flatfoot as a skewfoot, or how
3. Imaging much hindfoot valgus is necessary to reclassify a MA
a. Standing AP and lateral of foot (see Assessment Princi- deformity as a skewfoot. Lack of a strict definition also
ple #18, Figure 3-23, Chapter 3) (Figures 5-42 to 5-44) prevents an estimation of prevalence.

Figure 5-44.  Adolescent skewfoot: valgus/eversion deformity of the hindfoot with a flat longitu-
dinal arch and adduction of the forefoot on the midfoot. The medial cuneiform is trapezoid-shaped.
A and B. Clinical photographs. C and D. Radiographs. (From Mosca VS. The Foot. In: Morrissy RT,
Weinstein SL, eds. Lovell and Winter’s Pediatric Orthopaedics, 5th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott
­Williams & Wilkins; 2001; page 1166, Figure 29-13, with permission.)
100 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

Figure 5-44.  (continued)

b. Some young children develop pain, callosities, and 5. Nonoperative treatment

shoe-fitting problems that are related to the forefoot a. Serial casting of the forefoot adductus in young children.
adductus, with pain and tenderness along the lateral Casting of hindfoot valgus is never indicated or successful.
midfoot and/or medial to the head of the 1st MT and i. Best initiated between 6 and 12 months—after per-
the hallux (Figures 5-41 and 5-45A). sistence of deformity is confirmed and before the
c. Some older children and adolescents develop pain forefoot becomes too stiff
and callosities under the head of the plantar flexed ii. Cast the forefoot in the same manner as in a foot
talus or in the sinus tarsi that are related to the hind- with MA with the ankle in slight plantar flexion and
foot valgus and contracture of the gastrocnemius the subtalar joint in slight inversion (to avoid inad-
or tendo-Achilles (similar to the signs and symp- vertent further valgus stress on the already valgus
toms in flexible ­flatfoot with tight tendo-Achilles) subtalar joint) (see Figure 5-40).
(Figure 5-45B). b. Accommodative shoe wear

Figure 5-45.  A. The forefoot
­adductus component of a skewfoot
may contribute to the ­development
of pain, tenderness, and callus
formation along the lateral midfoot
(black arrow) and/or medial to the
head of the 1st MT (yellow arrow)
and the hallux in young children.
B. The hindfoot valgus deformity
and contracture of the gastroc-
nemius or ­tendo-Achilles more
commonly contribute to the devel-
opment of pain, tenderness, and
­callus formation under the head
of the plantar flexed talus (black
oval) or in the sinus tarsi in older
­children and adolescents.
CHAPTER 5/Foot and Ankle Deformities 101

6. Operative indications b. Calcaneal lengthening osteotomy (see Chapter 8)

a. Failure of nonoperative treatment to relieve: and medial cuneiform opening wedge osteotomy (see
i. pain, callosities, and shoe-fitting problems in ­Chapter 8) and gastrocnemius recession (see ­Chapter 7)
young children that are usually related to the fore- or tendo-Achilles lengthening (see Chapter  7), as
foot adductus, with pain lateral to the base of the determined by the intraoperative Silfverskiold test (see
5th MT and/or medial to the head of the 1st MT Assessment Principle #12, Figure 3-13, Chapter 3)—
(Figure 5-45A) perform this in older children and adolescents who have
ii. pain and callosities under the head of the plantar pain and callosities under the head of the plantar flexed
flexed talus or in the sinus tarsi in older children and talus or in the sinus tarsi (Figures 5-46 and 5-47)
adolescents that are related to the hindfoot valgus and
contracture of the gastrocnemius or tendo-Achilles
(similar to the signs and symptoms in flexible flat- VII. TARSAL COALITION
foot with tight tendo-Achilles) (Figure 5-45B)
Talocalcaneal Tarsal Coalition
7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech-
niques section of the book for each individual procedure 1. Definition—Developmental mal-deformation
a. Medial cuneiform opening wedge osteotomy (see a. Autosomal dominant failure of mesenchymal differenti-
Chapter 8) with or without a cuboid closing wedge ation and segmentation that leads to a progressive, post-
osteotomy (see Chapter 8)—perform this in young chil- natal synchondrosis-to-synostosis of the middle facet
dren with pain lateral to the base of the 5th MT and/ (usually, but can be posterior facet) of the subtalar joint
or medial to the head of the 1st MT. If the arch has not i. with the gradual development of a rigid flatfoot
dropped yet, it will not—at least not right away. The TN (though neutral and varus hindfoot alignments have
joint and posterior tibialis tendon can be plicated for been reported) usually between the ages of 8 and
partial correction of the abduction at the TN joint. 16 years

Figure 5-46.  A. Artist sketch of D

an AP x-ray of an adolescent skew-
foot. B. Sketch of the lateral x-ray
of the same foot. C. Sketch of the
actual AP x-ray taken after a calca-
neal lengthening osteotomy and a
medial cuneiform opening wedge
osteotomy. D. Sketch of the actual
lateral x-ray taken after the op-
eration. (From Mosca VS. Calcaneal
lengthening for valgus deformity of
the hindfoot. Results in children who
had severe, symptomatic flatfoot and
skewfoot. J Bone Joint Surg. 1995;

Figure 5-47.  Painful skewfoot in a 13-year-old boy. A. AP view showing skew, or zig-zag, deformity.
B. Laminar spreader in anterior calcaneus osteotomy showing good correction of talonavicular joint
subluxation. Note apparent exaggeration of forefoot adductus. Medial cuneiform is trapezoid-shaped
with proximal and distal joints converging medially. A transverse osteotomy has been made at the
waist of the medial cuneiform. C. Hatched area highlights calcaneal graft. Medial cuneiform graft is
well seen. Talus and first MT lines are now parallel. D. Lateral preoperative radiograph showing skew,
or zig-zag, deformity in this plane as well. E. Postoperative correction of midfoot sag and low calca-
neal pitch. Slight residual dorsal translation of MT line is due to mild midtarsal cavus. (From Mosca
VS. Flexible Flatfoot and Skewfoot. In: Drennan JC, ed. The Child’s Foot and Ankle. New York: Raven;
1992:373, Figure 17.18.) (From the private collection of Vincent S. Mosca, MD.)

CHAPTER 5/Foot and Ankle Deformities 103

ii. and, in many cases, associated with secondary iii. in the sinus tarsi area
hypermobility of Chopart joints that can give the iv. in or around the ankle joint
false impression of subtalar joint mobility when v. in Chopart joints
none exists (see Assessment Principle #10, Figures c. Recurrent ankle sprains, with or without any of the
3-10 and 3-11, Chapter 3) above, in some cases
2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities 5. Nonoperative treatment
a. Forefoot—supinated a. For asymptomatic coalitions (at least 75% of cases)—
b. Midfoot—neutral or abducted None indicated
c. Hindfoot—valgus/everted or neutral (less common) or b. For activity-related pain
varus/inverted (rarely) i. Activity modification, including temporary discon-
d. Ankle—plantar flexed (equinus) or neutral tinuation of the pain-inducing activity
3. Imaging ii. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
a. Standing AP, lateral, oblique, and Harris axial of foot iii. Immobilization in a CAM boot or cast for at least
(Figure 5-48) 6 weeks
b. CT scan in sagittal, coronal, and transverse planes, and 6. Operative indications
with 3D reconstruction (see Assessment Principle a. Failure of nonoperative treatment to relieve pain
#22, Figure 3-28, Chapter 3) that can be located at one or more of the following
i. The coronal image is most important (Figure 5-49). locations:
4. Natural history i. the site of the coalition
a. Gradual development of a rigid flatfoot (though neu- ii. under the head of the talus
tral and varus hindfoot alignments have been reported) iii. in the sinus tarsi area
usually between the ages of 8 and 16 years iv. in or around the ankle joint
b. Pain, in less than 25% of cases, that can be located at one v. in Chopart joints
or more of the following locations: b. Failure of nonoperative treatment to prevent recurrent
i. the site of the coalition ankle sprains
ii. under the head of the talus

Figure 5-48.  Standing radio-

graphs of a foot with a middle A
facet talocalcaneal tarsal coalition.
A. AP radiograph shows a flatfoot, B
indicated by lateral positioning of
the navicular on the head of the
talus and with the foot-CORA in
the head of the talus (see Assess-
ment Principle #18, Figure 3-19,
­Chapter 3). B. Lateral radiograph
shows a dorsal talar beak (white
arrow), which is often found in a
foot with a talocalcaneal tarsal
coalition. It represents a traction
spur, not degenerative arthritis of
the talonavicular or subtalar joint.
The C-sign of Lateur (white semi-
circular bone density just inside C
the yellow “C”) is a radiographic
shadow that strongly indicates a
middle facet talocalcaneal tarsal
coalition. It is created by the con-
tinuity of the subchondral bone of
the talar dome (talus) with the pos-
terior aspect of the middle facet
coalition (talus and calcaneus)
and the bony roof of the susten-
taculum tali (calcaneus). C. Harris
axial radiograph shows a narrow,
down-sloping, and ­irregular mid-
dle facet (white arrow), which are
characteristics of a coalition.
104 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

<16° of hindfoot valgus

No narrowing of posterior facet

Ratio of surface area of coalition

to surface area of posterior facet < 50%

Figure 5-49.  Coronal slice CT scan image shows the three criteria for resectability of a talocalcaneal
tarsal coalition according to Wilde, Torode, et al. (1994): (1) the ratio of the surface area of the coalition of
the middle facet (yellow oval) to the surface area of the posterior facet should be less than 50%; (2) there
should be no narrowing of the posterior facet (short green arrow) when compared to the cartilage height
of the ankle joint (long green arrow); (3) there should be less than 16° of hindfoot valgus measured
­between the axis of the calcaneus and the line perpendicular to the ankle joint (indicated by the yellow
arc). None of the three criteria for resectability are met on this image.

7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech- or in the sinus tarsi (due to impingement) and/or
niques section of the book for each individual procedure under the talar head in the midfoot (due to the flat-
(according to Mosca and Bevan, JBJS 2012) foot deformity combined with a tight heel cord)
a. Middle facet talocalcaneal tarsal coalition resection c. Calcaneal lengthening osteotomy (see Chapter 8) and gas-
with interposition fat grafting (see Chapter 8) trocnemius recession (see Chapter 7) or tendo-Achilles
i. Perform this for a resectable coalition (defined as a lengthening (see Chapter 7), as determined by the intra-
middle facet coalition that is less than 50% the sur- operative Silfverskiold test (see Figure 3-13, Chapter 3)
face area of the posterior facet in a foot with a normal i. Perform this for an irresectable coalition (defined as
posterior facet) in a foot with less than 16° hindfoot a middle facet coalition that is greater than 50% the
valgus and with pain at the site of the coalition surface area of the posterior facet and with a narrow
b. Middle facet talocalcaneal tarsal coalition resection posterior facet) in a foot with more than 16° hind-
with interposition fat grafting (see Chapter 8) and foot valgus and with pain under the talar head in the
concurrent (preferred) or staged calcaneal lengthening midfoot (due to the flatfoot deformity combined
osteotomy (see Chapter 8) and gastrocnemius reces- with a tight heel cord) and/or in the sinus tarsi (due
sion (see Chapter 7) or tendo-Achilles lengthening to impingement) It does not make sense to resect a
(see  Chapter 7), as determined by the intraoperative middle facet coalition if there is “significant” nar-
Silfverskiold test (see Figure 3-13, Chapter 3) rowing of the posterior facet. The histologic and
i. Perform this for a resectable coalition (defined as a radiographic manifestations of arthritis (degen-
middle facet coalition that is less than 50% the sur- erative joint disease) are thinning of the articular
face area of the posterior facet in a foot with a normal cartilage. Resection of a middle facet coalition will
posterior facet) in a foot with more than 16° hindfoot reestablish motion in a painless (because of immo-
valgus and with pain at the site of the coalition and/ bility) posterior facet and, potentially, create pain.
CHAPTER 5/Foot and Ankle Deformities 105

Calcaneonavicular Tarsal Coalition 3. Imaging

a. Standing AP, lateral, oblique, and Harris axial of foot
1. Definition—Developmental mal-deformation (Figure 5-50)
a. Autosomal dominant failure of mesenchymal differ- b. CT scan in sagittal, coronal, and transverse planes, and
entiation and segmentation that leads to a progressive, with 3D reconstruction (Figure 5-51)
postnatal synchondrosis-to-synostosis between the 4. Natural history
navicular and the beak of the calcaneus a. Gradual development of a stiff/rigid flatfoot (though neu-
i. with the gradual development of a stiff/rigid flatfoot tral and varus hindfoot alignments have been reported)
(though neutral and varus hindfoot alignments have usually between the ages of 8 and 16 years
been reported) usually between the ages of 8 and b. Pain, in less than 25% of cases, that can be located at one
16 years or more of the following locations:
2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities i. the site of the coalition
a. Forefoot—supinated ii. under the head of the talus
b. Midfoot—neutral or abducted iii. in the sinus tarsi area
c. Hindfoot—valgus/everted or neutral (less common) or iv. in or around the ankle joint
varus/inverted (rarely) v. in Chopart joints
d. Ankle—plantar flexed (equinus) or neutral c. Recurrent ankle sprains with or without any of the above



Figure 5-50.  Radiographs of feet with CN tarsal coalitions. A. Fibrocartilaginous coalition (yellow
arrow). B. Ossified coalition (yellow arrow). C. “Anteater nose” sign (bracketed by yellow arcs), repre-
senting radiographic appearance of the conjoined navicular and anterior calcaneus. D. AP view, often
minimally helpful with diagnosis, because the coalition is out of the plane of the x-ray beam. E. Harris
axial view shows normal middle facet of the talocalcaneal joint (dashed yellow arrow). Black dashed
arrow identifies normal posterior facet. This is important information to ascertain, because both coali-
tions may exist in one foot. A CT scan is necessary for definitive confirmation of the preliminary x-ray
evaluation of the subtalar joint.
106 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Transverse Sagittal Coronal





Figure 5-51.  CT scan images of a CN tarsal coalition. In a normal foot, there is no bone or cartilage
connection between the calcaneus and navicular. In this foot with a CN tarsal coalition, there is a nar-
row, sclerotic, and irregular pseudo-articulation between those bones that is composed of fibro-cartilage
(circled). A. Transverse view. B. Sagittal view. C. Coronal view. D. and E. 3D reconstructions. F. Coronal
view of subtalar joint confirming that there is not a coincident talocalcaneal middle facet coalition.

5. Nonoperative treatment iv. in or around the ankle joint

a. For asymptomatic coalitions (at least 75% of cases)— v. in Chopart joints
none indicated b. Failure of nonoperative treatment to prevent recurrent
b. For activity-related pain ankle sprains
i. Activity modification, including temporary discon- 7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech-
tinuation of the pain-inducing activity niques section of the book for each individual procedure
ii. NSAIDs a. Calcaneonavicular (CN) tarsal coalition resection with
iii. Immobilization in CAM boot or cast for at least interposition fat grafting (see Chapter 8)
6 weeks i. Perform this for a resectable coalition (defined as a
6. Operative indications fibrocartilaginous coalition) in a foot with minimal
a. Failure of nonoperative treatment to relieve pain that (or no) hindfoot valgus and with pain at the site of
can be located at one or more of the following locations: the coalition
i. the site of the coalition b. CN tarsal coalition resection with interposition fat
ii. under the head of the talus grafting (see Chapter 8) and staged (or concurrent)
iii. in the sinus tarsi area calcaneal lengthening osteotomy (see Chapter 8) and
CHAPTER 5/Foot and Ankle Deformities 107

gastrocnemius recession (see Chapter 7) or tendo- b. Often associated with tight cordlike structure in
Achilles lengthening (see Chapter 7), as determined by place of,  or in addition to, the abductor hallucis
the intraoperative Silfverskiold test (see Figure 3-13, (Figure 5-52B)
Chapter 3) c. Idiopathic or associated with an underlying chromo-
i. Perform this for a resectable coalition (defined as a some abnormality—Pierre Robin syndrome, others
fibrocartilaginous coalition) in a foot with “significant” d. Often associated with 1st MT longitudinal epiphyseal
hindfoot valgus and with pain at the site of the coali- bracket (see Chapter 6; and Figure 5-53)
tion and/or in the sinus tarsi (due to impingement) 2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities
and/or under the talar head in the midfoot (due to the a. Hallux and metatarsophalangeal joint
flatfoot deformity combined with a tight heel cord) i. Varus deformity of the hallux in relation to the 1st
c. Calcaneal lengthening osteotomy (see Chapter 8) and MT—i.e., hallux varus
gastrocnemius recession (see Chapter 7) or tendo- ii. Varus deformity of the distal end of the 1st MT with
Achilles lengthening (see Chapter 7), as determined by medial positioning of the articular cartilage creating
the intraoperative Silfverskiold test (see Figure 3-13, medial deviation/mal-orientation of the 1st MTP
Chapter 3) joint—i.e., “reverse,” or varus, distal MT articular
i. Perform this for an irresectable coalition (defined angle (DMAA; see Figure 5-56, this chapter)
as an osseous coalition) in a foot with “significant” iii. Medial subluxation of the hallux on the 1st MT
hindfoot valgus and with pain under the talar head head—i.e., 1st MTP joint incongruity
in the midfoot (due to the flatfoot deformity com- b. Forefoot
bined with a tight heel cord) and/or in the sinus tarsi i. Neutral
(due to impingement). ii. Often associated with a 1st MT longitudinal epiphy-
seal bracket (see Chapter 6) with relative shortening
and widening of the MT
VIII. TOE DEFORMITIES c. Midfoot—neutral
d. Hindfoot—neutral
Congenital Hallux Varus
e. Ankle—neutral
1. Definition—Deformity 3. Imaging
a. Congenital varus alignment of the hallux on the 1st MT a. Simulated standing or standing AP and lateral of the
(Figure 5-52) foot (Figure 5-53)


Figure 5-52.  A. Clinical appearance of CHV. B. Fibrous band (in button hook) that is occasionally
seen between the hallux and a cartilaginous duplicate tarsal anlage (From Mosca VS. The Foot. In:
Morrissy RT, Weinstein SL, eds. Lovell and Winter’s Pediatric Orthopaedics, 5th ed. Philadelphia,
PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2001:1187, Figure 29-34.)
108 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

­ hapter 8)—perform this along with any of these pro-

cedures if the skin is under excessive stretch following
deformity correction

Juvenile Hallux Valgus

1. Definition—Deformity
a. Greater than 15° of valgus alignment of the hallux on
the 1st MT, with medial prominence of the 1st MT head
(Figure 5-54)
b. Age at onset less than 16 years, regardless of when it is
c. No arthritis of the 1st MTP joint
d. Other features
i. Maternal inheritance in over 70% of cases
ii. 3:1 female: male ratio
iii. The prevalence of juvenile hallux valgus (JHV) is
unknown, but it is believed to be high.
2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities, not all necessar-
ily present in every case
a. Hallux and metatarsophalangeal joint
Figure 5-53.  AP x-ray of an infant’s foot with CHV and a 1st
i. Valgus deformity of the hallux in relation to the 1st
MT longitudinal epiphyseal bracket (see Chapter 6). Note the MT—i.e., hallux valgus (HV)—always present.
straight-to-slightly concave dense lateral diaphyseal cortex and ii. Valgus deformity of the distal end of the 1st MT with
the convex hypodense medial diaphyseal cortex of the 1st MT. lateral positioning of the articular cartilage creating
lateral deviation/mal-orientation of the 1st MTP
4. Natural history joint—i.e., high DMAA—see below—not always
a. Increasing or persistent varus deformity of the hallux present, but more common in JHV than in adult
causing shoe-fitting difficulties onset HV.
b. If a 1st MT longitudinal epiphyseal bracket (see Chap- iii. Lateral subluxation of the hallux on the 1st MT
ter 6) coexists, there will be increasing length discrep- head—i.e., 1st MTP joint incongruity—not always
ancy between the 1st and 2nd MTs, resulting in stress present. Can exist with a normal or high DMAA, but
overload and pain under the 2nd MT head (see Longi- more common with a normal DMAA.
tudinal Epiphyseal Bracket, Figure 6-4, Chapter 6) iv. Valgus deformity of the distal end of the hallux
5. Nonoperative treatment proximal phalanx creating lateral deviation/mal-­
a. None orientation of the interphalangeal joint—i.e., hal-
6. Operative indications lux valgus interphalangeus (HVIP)—not always
a. The presence of this deformity present.
7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech- b. Forefoot—neutral, but may be pronated or supinated,
niques section of the book for each individual procedure based on any coexisting hindfoot deformity
a. Distal release of abductor hallucis (see Chapter 7) and
release of medial 1st MTP joint capsule and resection of
tight cordlike medial band (if present)—perform this for
isolated congenital hallux varus (CHV)
b. Distal release of abductor hallucis (see Chapter 7) and
release of medial 1st MTP joint capsule and resection
of tight cordlike medial band (if present) and resec-
tion of 1st MT longitudinal epiphyseal bracket (see
­Chapter  8)—perform this if a 1st MT longitudinal
epiphyseal bracket coexists
c. Distal 1st MT opening wedge varus-correcting ±
lengthening osteotomy (see Chapter 8)—perform this
if varus mal-orientation of a congruous 1st MTP joint
persists in an older child or adolescent
d. Z-plasty medial skin of the forefoot (see ­Longitudinal
Epiphyseal Bracket Resection, Figure 8-8, Figure 5-54.  A. Bilateral JHV in a 15-year-old girl.
CHAPTER 5/Foot and Ankle Deformities 109

c. Midfoot c. The local environment of the foot, i.e., the shoe, clearly
i. Adducted 1st MT—i.e., metatarsus primus varus relates to the comfort of the foot with JHV
(MPV)—always present d. An unknown percentage of individuals with JHV expe-
ii. Varus/medial-deviation/mal-orientation of 1st MT– rience unacceptable pain, tenderness, and callus forma-
medial cuneiform joint—always present tion on the medial surface of the 1st MT head
iii. Adduction of all MTs—i.e., MA—rarely present 5. Nonoperative treatment
d. Hindfoot—neutral, valgus/everted, or varus/inverted. a. Foot wear accommodations
e. Ankle—neutral or plantar flexed (equinus) i. Ensure that there is adequate width of the shoe at
3. Imaging the level of the MT heads. Apply the sole of the shoe
a. Standing AP and lateral of foot (Figures 5-55 and 5-56) from one foot to the plantar surface of the other.
4. Natural history If  the shoe cannot be seen extending beyond the
a. MPV is most likely a congenital deformity. It is unknown borders of the foot, it is too narrow (Figure 5-58).
whether the angle between the 1st and 2nd MTs changes ii. Recommend a low heel height to prevent the foot
during growth. According to the law of triangles, the from sliding forward into the narrow toe box (Fig-
distance between the MT heads will increase as the foot ure 5-59)
grows, even if the exaggerated angle between the MTs iii. Recommend that girls wear boys’ athletic shoes.
remains the same (Figure 5-57). They are made wider at the level of the MT heads for
b. When the width of the forefoot at the level of the MT the equivalent length
heads is greater than the width of the shoe, the exag- iv. Recommend a bunion stretcher, available at shoe
gerated medial–lateral pressures experienced by the soft repair stores (Figure 5-59)
tissues over the 1st and 5th MT heads create pain, ten- 6. Operative indications
derness, and callus formation at those sites. If the 1st a. Failure of nonoperative treatment to relieve the pain:
MT head is particularly prominent because of MPV and i. on the medial side of the 1st MT head and/or in the
HV, the smaller surface area on the medial side of the 1st MTP joint
1st MT head creates even greater stresses. ii. and/or associated with under-overlapping of the hal-
lux and 2nd toe that is often associated with toenail
ingrowth problems and skin irritation between the toes.
7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech-
niques section of the book for each individual procedure.
There are too many to show. By admission, this is not
DMAA the definitive work on JHV, a frustratingly complex and
poorly understood group of deformities. All JHVs are not
the same. By following the principles of assessment and
management, your surgical results should be good (Fig-
HVA ures 5-60 and 5-61).
a. Medial cuneiform medial opening wedge osteotomy
(see Chapter 8) or 1st MT base osteotomy (see Chapter
8)—perform one of these to correct MPV
b. Distal 1st MT osteotomy (see Chapter 8)—perform this
IMA when there is a high DMAA
c. Resection of the exostosis on the medial aspect of 1st
Figure 5-55.  Standing AP x-ray of bilateral JHV. MPV is MT head and plication of the medial 1st MTP joint cap-
defined as an increased 1st to 2nd intermetatarsal angle sule (see pertinent description in 1st Metatarsal Dis-
(IMA)— normal is <9°. MPV is due to varus/medial-deviation/
mal-orientation of the 1st MT–medial cuneiform joint with a
tal Osteotomy, Chapter 8)—perform this in essentially
trapezoid-shaped medial cuneiform (black trapezoid). HV is all cases, regardless of the other procedures being per-
defined as a hallux valgus angle (HVA) > 15°. This can be due formed concurrently. Create or maintain a congruous
to valgus/lateral-deviation/mal-orientation of a congruous and 1st MTP joint.
stable 1st MTP joint with a high DMAA, or to lateral sublux- d. Release the adductor hallucis and lateral 1st MTP joint
ation and incongruity of the hallux on a 1st MT with normally
positioned articular cartilage. DMAA defines the position of
capsule—perform this for lateral subluxation of the 1st
the articular cartilage on the distal end of the 1st MT, which is MTP joint. Do not perform this concurrent with a distal
variable in humans (see Figure 5-56). The proximal phalanx 1st MT osteotomy (see Technique “e” under 1st Meta-
articular angle (PPAA) defines the shape of the hallux proximal tarsal Distal Osteotomy, Chapter 8)
phalanx, which may be rectangular or trapezoidal in shape. If e. Possible calcaneal lengthening osteotomy (see Chapter 8)
the proximal and distal articular surfaces are not parallel, but
instead converge laterally, the interphalangeal joint will deviate
and gastrocnemius recession (see Chapter 7)—perform
laterally, creating HVIP. The latter deformity is much easier to these if severe hindfoot valgus with a gastrocnemius con-
treat than HV. tracture coexist
110 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

B Tibia



Figure 5-56.  The DMAA defines the position of the articular cartilage on the distal end of the 1st
MT. In most individuals, the articular cartilage is centered at the distal end of the bone. In around 50%
of adolescents and 10% of adults with HV, the articular cartilage is laterally positioned on the end of
the 1st MT. A. The DMAA is determined by measuring the angle between the shaft of the MT and the
line that is perpendicular to the line representing the articular surface. The reliability of accurately
drawing the line that represents the articular surface has been questioned, but it can be drawn accu-
rately in many feet. The normal DMAA is <9°. A high DMAA means that there is valgus deformity of
the distal end of the 1st MT. (From Coughlin M. Juvenile hallux valgus. In: Coughlin M, Mann R, eds.
Surgery of the Foot and Ankle. 7th ed. St Louis, MO: Mosby; 1999:270, with permission.) B. The anal-
ogy to a high DMAA is valgus deformity of the distal femur, as is seen in many conditions, including
fibula hemimelia. This image is the upside down AP x-ray of a knee in a child with fibula hemimelia.
The anatomic distal femoral articular angle is exaggerated, creating a congrous, but malaligned,
joint with genu valgum. Consider how this might be treated. One would never consider releasing the
lateral joint capsule and creating joint incongruity by positioning the tibia under the medial femoral
condyle. C. Sketch of a MT with a normal DMAA and a laterally subluxated hallux. (Redrawn from
Coughlin M. Juvenile hallux valgus. In: Coughlin M, Mann R, eds. Surgery of the Foot and Ankle. 7th
ed. St Louis, MO: Mosby; 1999:270, with permission.) D. Sketch of a MT with a high DMAA and a con-
gruous 1st MTP joint. (Redrawn from Coughlin M. Juvenile hallux valgus. In: Coughlin M, Mann R,
eds. Surgery of the Foot and Ankle. 7th ed. St Louis, MO: Mosby, 1999:270, with permission.)

Bunionette (Tailor’s Bunion) d. Hindfoot—neutral

e. Ankle—neutral
1. Definition—Deformity 3. Imaging
a. Lateral prominence of the 5th MT head with varus a. Standing AP, lateral, and oblique of foot (Figure 5-62)
alignment of the 5th toe at the 5th MTP joint 4. Natural history
(Figure 5-62) a. Abduction/valgus of the 5th MT in relation to the
b. The prevalence of tailor’s bunions is unknown. cuboid and the 4th MT is most likely a congenital
2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities deformity. It is unknown whether the angle between the
a. Fifth toe 4th and 5th MTs changes during growth. According to
i. Varus deformity of the 5th toe in relation to the 5th the law of triangles, the distance between the MT heads
MT—i.e., 5th toe varus will increase as the foot grows, even if the exaggerated
ii. DMAA for the 5th MT has not been reported angle between the MTs remains the same (analogous
b. Forefoot—neutral, but may be pronated or supinated, with JHV—see Figure 5-57).
based on any coexisting hindfoot deformity b. When the width of the forefoot at the level of the MT
c. Midfoot heads is greater than the width of the shoe, the exag-
i. Abducted 5th MT—i.e., metatarsus 5th valgus gerated medial–lateral pressures experienced by the soft
ii. Valgus/lateral-deviation/mal-orientation of the 5th tissues over the 1st and 5th MT heads create pain, ten-
MT–cuboid joint (Figure 5-62) derness, and callus formation at those sites. If the 5th
CHAPTER 5/Foot and Ankle Deformities 111

Figure 5-58.  To ensure that there is adequate width of the

shoe for the width of the foot at the level of the MT heads,
place the shoe from one foot upside down under the other. If
the shoe can be seen on both sides, it has adequate width.

5. Nonoperative treatment
a. Foot wear accommodations (same as for JHV)
i. Ensure that there is adequate width of the shoe at
the level of the MT heads. Apply the sole of the shoe
from one foot to the plantar surface of the other.
If  the shoe cannot be seen extending beyond the
borders of the foot, it is too narrow (Figure 5-58).
ii. Recommend a low heel height to prevent the foot
Figure 5-57.  Standing AP x-ray of a foot in a 5-year-old girl from sliding forward into the narrow toe box
with symptomatic JHV and MPV (IMA 11.5°). As her foot grows, ­(Figure 5-59)
the distance between the MT heads will increase, according to iii. Recommend that girls wear boys’ athletic shoes.
the law of triangles, even if the IMA does not increase. This geo- They are made wider at the level of the MT heads for
metric principle explains the reason that JHV looks worse and
may cause more problems with shoe fitting as children age.
the equivalent length
iv. Recommend a bunion stretcher, available at shoe
repair stores (Figure 5-59)
6. Operative indications
MT head is particularly prominent because of valgus a. Failure of nonoperative treatment to relieve the pain:
deformity of the 5th MT and varus deformity of the 5th i. on the lateral side of the 5th MT head
toe, the smaller surface area on the lateral side of the 5th ii. and/or associated with under-overlapping of the
MT head creates even greater stresses. 5th and 4th toes that may be associated with toenail
c. The local environment of the foot, i.e., the shoe, ingrowth problems and skin irritation between the
clearly relates to the comfort of the foot with a tailor’s toes.
bunion. 7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech-
d. An unknown percentage of individuals with a tailor’s niques section of the book for each individual procedure
bunion experience unacceptable pain, tenderness, and a. Fifth MT osteotomy (see Chapter 8)
callus formation on the lateral surface of the 5th MT b. Possible resection of exostosis on lateral aspect of 5th
head. MT head and plication of lateral 5th MTP joint capsule

Figure 5-59.  A. A lower heel height will

prevent the foot from sliding down into the
toe box of the shoe, where the width will be
narrower. B. Shoe repair stores offer bunion
stretching shoe services.


C D Figure 5-60.  A. JHV with increased DMAA

(valgus deformity of the distal end of the 1st
MT), congruous 1st MTP joint, and increased
1st–2nd MT angle. B. It is not appropriate to
make the 1st MTP joint incongruous by ad-
ducting the hallux on the 1st MT. Instead, a
valgus-correction distal 1st MT closing wedge
osteotomy (see Chapter 8) is performed to cor-
rect the DMAA and reorient the 1st MTP joint.
The medial prominence on the 1st MT head is
resected and the medial capsule of the 1st MTP
joint is repaired, without creating incongruity
of the already congruous joint. The vascularity
to the 1st MT head could be compromised by
performing a concurrent release of the adduc-
tor hallucis and lateral joint capsule. A medial
cuneiform medial opening wedge osteotomy
(purple line) is used to correct the metatarsus
primus varus (see Chapter 8). C. Immediately
after surgery, the deformity corrections can be
appreciated. The triangular bone graft in the me-
dial cuneiform is identified by the black arrow
D. Deformity corrections have been maintained
long term.


Figure 5-61.  A. JHV with normal DMAA, incongruous/subluxated 1st MTP joint, and increased
1st–2nd MT angle. B. The hallux must be repositioned on the distal end of the 1st MT by release of
the adductor hallucis and the lateral capsule of the 1st MTP joint (dotted pink line). The medial promi-
nence on the 1st MT head is resected (straight pink line) and the medial capsule of the 1st MTP joint
is plicated, thereby creating congruency of the joint. An oblique rotational 1st MT base osteotomy
(see Chapter 8) is used to correct the MPV. C. Lateral view of the 1st MT base osteotomy (purple line).
D and E. Long-term follow-up AP and lateral x-rays.

114 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

b. Congenital overriding affects the 5th toe almost exclu-

A B sively, though I have seen a congenital overriding 4th
toe in two syndromic children.
2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities
a. Fifth toe—dorsiflexed and varus
i. dorsomedial angulation of the 5th toe at the MTP
3. Imaging
a. None required, though AP, lateral, and oblique x-rays of
the forefoot should be obtained before surgery
4. Natural history
a. Persistence of the deformity throughout life
b. Reportedly, approximately 50% do well with careful
shoe selection and the rest experience unacceptable
pain from rubbing in the shoe
5. Nonoperative treatment
a. Accommodative shoe wear
6. Operative indications
Figure 5-62.  A. Standing top view of a foot with a prominent a. Pressure-induced pain from shoes that is not relieved
tailor’s bunion. B. Standing AP x-ray of the foot. Lateral deviation
by accommodative shoe wear
of the 5th MT in relation to the cuboid and the 4th MT (metatar-
sus 5th valgus) and 5th toe varus deformity at the MTP joint can 7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical
be seen. techniques section of the book for each individual
a. Butler procedure for congenital overriding 5th toe (see
Congenital Overriding 5th Toe Chapter 7)
1. Definition—Deformity
a. Congenital dorsomedial angular alignment of the 5th Curly Toe
toe at the MTP joint. The malalignment at the MTP
joint is associated with a capsular contracture as well 1. Definition—Deformity
as an extensor tendon contracture. The web space skin a. Congenital flexion, adduction, and external rota-
between the 4th and 5th toes is “malformed,” as evi- tion of one or more toes, most commonly the 4th toe
denced by its excessively proximal position. The toe (Figure 5-64)
appears to have erupted from the fetal mitten more dor- b. Usually, an idiopathic deformity that may be bilateral
sal and medial in relation to its MT than the other toes and asymmetric
in relation to their MTs (Figure 5-63). 2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities
a. Flexion, adduction, and external rotation of one or more
toes with contracture of the FDL, and occasionally the
flexor digitorum brevis, to the affected toe

Figure 5-63.  Congenital overriding 5th toe. The toe is Figure 5-64.  Curly toe defined as congenital flexion,
­dorsomedially angulated over the 4th toe. ­adduction, and external rotation of the 4th toe.
CHAPTER 5/Foot and Ankle Deformities 115

3. Imaging 6. Operative indications

a. None indicated in infants. a. Failure of the flexion/adduction/external rotation
b. In an older child with a persistent symptomatic defor- deformities to correct sufficiently through natural his-
mity, x-rays of the toe can be obtained preoperatively, tory and/or with stretching exercises to avoid:
though they are not absolutely indicated i. pain and callosities on the dorsal or plantar aspect of
4. Natural history the affected toe and/or the overlapping adjacent toe.
a. Most spontaneously correct either completely or suffi- ii. pain associated with ingrowth or irritation of the
ciently so as to avoid pain and long-term disability nail plate on the curly toe.
i. In many cases, the flexion deformity corrects com- 7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech-
pletely, and the mild residual adduction and external niques section of the book for each individual procedure
rotation deformities are of no clinical significance. a. Percutaneous tenotomy of the FDL (and possibly the flexor
b. A very small percentage of curly toe deformities do not digitorum brevis [FDB]) to the affected toe (see Chapter 7)
spontaneously correct adequately, resulting in pain and i. Be aware that the toe will immediately extend fully, but
callosities on the dorsal or plantar aspect of the affected the adduction/varus and external rotation deformities
toe and/or the overlapping adjacent toe. There may also will persist. Often, these two additional deformities
be pain associated with ingrowth or irritation of the nail will partially correct gradually over time (Figure 5-65).
plate on the curly toe.
5. Nonoperative treatment
Mallet Toe
a. Stretching exercises for the long toe flexor tendon,
although the efficacy of stretching, taping, and strap- 1. Definition—Deformity
ping have not been demonstrated a. Contracture of the FDL to a lesser toe creating a flex-
b. Accommodative shoe wear ible, and eventually rigid, flexion deformity of the distal



Figure 5-65.  A. Curly 4th toe in a 4-year-old. B. Percutaneous FDL tenotomy was performed
­because of pain and irritation caused by the complete overlapping of the 3rd toe on the tip of the 4th
toe. C. Immediately following the FDL tenotomy, the 4th toe elevated completely, but the adductus/
varus and external rotation deformities remained. It is anticipated that, in time, those deformities will
improve. D. Webril and Coban dressing.
116 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Figure 5-66.  A. Right foot of a young teenager with

2nd and 3rd mallet toes and 4th and 5th curly toes.
B. Left foot of the same child as in A. C. Unilateral 2nd
mallet toe in a teenager.

interphalangeal (DIP) joint, without coincident exten- b. Poor shoe fitting is considered a risk factor for the
sion deformity of the MTP joint (Figure 5-66) development of mallet and hammer toes in adults, but
b. The etiology is usually unknown, but most are the risk factors for the few that develop in adolescents
idiopathic and not the result of a neuromuscular are unknown
disorder. c. Pain/tenderness over the dorsum of the affected joint
c. One or more toes may be affected in one foot, and the and/or at the tip of the plantar flexed toe, and/or toenail
deformity may be unilateral or bilateral (Figure 5-66). growth disturbances occur in many cases
2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities d. Flexible deformities become rigid over time
a. Flexion deformity of the DIP joint of a lesser toe without 5. Nonoperative treatment
coincident extension deformity of the MTP joint a. Stretching exercises for the long toe flexor tendons
i. The deformity is flexible at first. Plantar flexion of b. Accommodative shoe wear
the ankle and toe will relax tension on the FDL and 6. Operative indications
allow full extension of the DIP joint. a. Pain/tenderness over the dorsum of the affected joint
ii. With time, the volar capsule of the DIP joint and/or at the tip of the plantar flexed toe, and/or toenail
becomes contracted and will not allow the joint to growth disturbances despite attempts at nonoperative
extend fully, despite relaxing tension on the FDL by treatment
plantar flexion of the ankle and toe 7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical
3. Imaging techniques section of the book for each individual
a. Standing AP, lateral, and oblique of the toes/forefoot procedure
4. Natural history a. Percutaneous (see Chapter 7) or open tenotomy of the
a. Mallet toes are most common in adults (with a female FDL to the affected toe—perform this when no capsular
predominance), increasing in prevalence almost expo- contracture exists and the DIP joint rests in the fully
nentially with age extended position following tenotomy
CHAPTER 5/Foot and Ankle Deformities 117

b. Percutaneous (see Chapter 7) or open tenotomy of joint(s) to extend fully despite relaxing tension on
the FDL to the affected toe with temporary longitu- the FDB and FDL by plantar flexion of the ankle
dinal K-wire fixation—perform this when no capsular and toe.
contracture exists, but the DIP joint rests in flexion 3. Imaging
­immediately following tenotomy due to skin or other a. Standing AP, lateral, and oblique of the toes/forefoot
soft tissue contractures 4. Natural history
c. Volar DIP joint capsulotomy along with tenotomy and a. Hammer toes are most common in adults (with a
temporary longitudinal wire fixation—perform this in female predominance), increasing in prevalence almost
cases with early DIP joint capsular contracture exponentially with age.
d. DIP joint arthrodesis—perform this in long standing b. Poor shoe fitting is considered a risk factor for the
cases with severe deformity and/or degenerative arthri- development of hammer and mallet toes in adults, but
tis of the joint the risk factors for the few that develop in adolescents
are unknown.
c. Pain/tenderness over the dorsum of the affected joint
Hammer Toes
and/or at the tip of the plantar flexed toe, and/or toenail
1. Definition—Deformity growth disturbances occur in many cases.
a. Contracture of the (FDB and FDL to a lesser toe cre- d. Flexible deformities become rigid over time.
ating a flexible, and eventually rigid, flexion deformity 5. Nonoperative treatment
of the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint, with occa- a. Stretching exercises for the long toe flexor tendons
sional flexion deformity of the DIP joint, but with- b. Accommodative shoe wear
out coincident extension deformity of the MTP joint 6. Operative indications
­(Figure 5-67) a. Pain/tenderness over the dorsum of the affected joint
b. The etiology is usually unknown, but most are and/or at the tip of the plantar flexed toe, and/or toenail
idiopathic and not the result of a neuromuscular growth disturbances despite attempts at nonoperative
disorder. treatment
c. One or more toes may be affected in one foot and the 7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech-
deformity may be unilateral or bilateral (Figure 5-67) niques section of the book for each individual procedure
2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities a. Percutaneous (see Chapter 7) or open tenotomy of the
a. Flexion deformity of the PIP joint, and often the DIP FDL and FDB to the affected toe—perform this when no
joint, of a lesser toe without coincident extension defor- capsular contractures exist and the IP joints rest in the
mity of the MTP joint fully extended position following tenotomy
i. The deformity is flexible at first. Plantar flexion of b. Percutaneous (see Chapter 7) or open tenotomy of
the ankle and toe will relax tension on the FDB and the FDL and FDB to the affected toe with temporary
FDL and allow full extension of the PIP and DIP longitudinal K-wire fixation—perform this when no
joints. capsular contractures exist, but one or both IP joints
ii. With time, the volar capsule of the PIP and/or DIP rest in flexion immediately following tenotomy due to
joints become contracted and will not allow the skin or other soft tissue contractures


Figure 5-67.  A. Unilateral 2nd hammer toe in a young teenager. B. Bilateral hammer toes 2 to 5 in
a teenager.
118 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

c. Volar DIP joint capsulotomy along with tenotomy and b. Also, see Cavovarus Foot—Elucidation of the seg-
temporary longitudinal wire fixation—perform this in mental deformities—this chapter.
cases with early PIP joint capsular contracture 3. Imaging
d. PIP joint arthrodesis—perform this in long standing a. Standing AP and lateral of foot
cases with severe deformity and/or degenerative arthri- b. Standing AP and lateral thoracolumbar spine
tis of the joint 4. Natural history
a. The clawing increases in severity and rigidity with time
because of the progressive nature of the underlying neu-
Claw Toe
romuscular disorder.
1. Definition—Deformity b. Pain/tenderness over the dorsum of the IP joint(s) and/
a. Contracture of the flexors and extensors of a toe creat- or at the tip of the plantar flexed toe, and/or toenail
ing a flexible, and eventually rigid, extension (dorsiflex- growth disturbances occur in many cases.
ion) deformity of the MTP joint and flexion deformity c. Pain/tenderness under the adjacent MT head occurs in
of the interphalangeal (IP) joint(s) of a toe (Figure 5-68) many cases due to the associated cavus deformity.
b. Claw toes are most often associated with a cavus foot 5. Nonoperative treatment
deformity, both of which are due to an underlying neu- a. None
romuscular abnormality until proven otherwise. CMT 6. Operative indications
disease is the most common cause. a. Pain/tenderness over the dorsum of the flexed IP joint(s)
c. Usually all 5 toes are affected. b. Pain/tenderness at the tips of the plantar flexed toe
d. When the underlying neuromuscular condition is sys- c. Pain/tenderness under the adjacent MT head
temic (CMT) or central (myelomeningocele, tethered 7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech-
cord), the toes of both feet are affected. niques section of the book for each individual procedure
2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities a. Jones transfer of the extensor hallucis longus to the 1st
a. Extension deformity of the MTP joint and Flexion defor- MT neck (see Chapter 7) with percutaneous tenotomy
mity of the IP joint(s) of the hallux or any lesser toe of the FHL (see Chapter 7)—perform this for a clawed
i. The deformities are flexible at first. Plantar flexion and hallux
dorsiflexion of the ankle and toe will selectively relax b. Hibbs transfer of the extensor digitorum longus to
tension on the flexors and extensors and allow full exten- the cuboid or the peroneus tertius (see Chapter 7)
sion of the IP joint(s) and full flexion of the MTP joint. with percutaneous tenotomy of the FDL tendons (see
ii. With time, the dorsal capsule of the MTP joint and the ­Chapter 7)—perform this for clawed lesser toes
volar capsule of the IP joint(s) become contracted and c. Correct all coincident cavovarus foot deformities (see
will not allow the joints to flex or extend fully despite Cavovarus Foot—Operative Treatment, this chapter;
relaxing tension on the extensors and flexors by dorsi- Individual Soft Tissue Procedures, Chapter 7; and
flexion and plantar flexion of the ankle and toe. bony procedures, Chapter 8)

Figure 5-68.  A. Claw toes coincident with a cavus foot in a young teenager with CMT disease. The MTP
joints are extended (dorsiflexed) and the IP joints are flexed. B. Claw toes coincident with a cavovarus foot in
another teenager with CMT disease. The MTP joints are extended (dorsiflexed) and the IP joints are flexed.

Foot Malformations
c. Midfoot
i. Abducted lateral ray(s)
Cleft Foot ii. Adducted 1st ray
1. Definition—Malformation (most often, Congential mal- d. Hindfoot
deformation), “Too few” (see Table 1-1, Chapter 1) i. Neutral or valgus
a. Congenital deficiency (failure of formation) of one or • Occasionally with synchondrosis/synostosis of the
more central rays (toe or toe and metatarsal [MT]) of hindfoot/midfoot bones
the foot (Figure 6-1) e. Ankle
b. The most extreme form is absence of all but the lateral i. Possible ball-and-socket
ray of the foot. 3. Imaging
c. The most subtle form is a soft tissue cleft between the a. Simulated standing or standing anteroposterior (AP),
1st and 2nd MT heads, with no bone deficiency. lateral, and oblique of the foot
2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities b. AP, lateral, and mortis of the ankle
a. Toes 4. Natural history
i. Absence of 0–4 toes a. Comfort and function are satisfactory in most cases
• In the most subtle presentation, there is a soft tis- with the use of modified shoe wear
sue cleft between the 1st and 2nd MT heads, with b. Shoe-fitting problems and pain are experienced in the
no toe deficiency or mere deficiency of the distal more severely deficient forms because the splaying
phalanx of the 2nd toe. of the MTs results in excessive width of the forefoot in
• 5th toe and MT are always present, or the diagno- relation to the length of the foot.
sis would be congenital transverse deficiency of 5. Nonoperative treatment
the midfoot. a. Accommodative shoe wear, including custom shoes if
ii. Hallux valgus and 5th toe varus—typically seen in necessary
feet with 3 or fewer rays (Figure 6-1) 6. Operative indications
b. Forefoot a. Inability to provide shoe-fitting comfort even with
i. Dorsiflexed (and often hypermobile) 1st ray—­ ­custom-made shoes and inserts/orthotics
typically seen in feet with 3 or fewer rays 7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech-
ii. Absence of 0 to 3 central rays (toes and associated niques section of the book for each individual procedure
MTs, and occasionally cuneiforms) of the foot, and a. Individualize treatment
including the 1st ray in the most extreme form i. Be creative
iii. Splaying of the border rays ii. Opening or closing wedge osteotomies of the midtarsal
iv. Soft tissues envelop the formed medial and lat- bones or MTs should be performed to narrow an exces-
eral bony rays, thereby creating a central cleft sively wide and painful forefoot. Supplement the osse-
(Figure 6-1). ous reconstruction by resecting some of the redundant

120 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

Figure 6-1.  Bilateral cleft foot, class IV according to the

Blauth and Borisch classification.

soft tissues in the cleft and approximating the dorsal

and plantar skin edges without tension (Figure 6-2).
b. Soft tissue procedures and even distal MT osteotomies
that are used to correct hallux valgus and 5th toe varus
are rarely successful.

Longitudinal Epiphyseal Bracket

1. Definition—Congenital mal-deformation, “Too large”
(see Table 1-1, Chapter 1)
a. “Delta phalanx” of a MT
b. Almost exclusively the 1st MT, though I have seen it in
the 5th MT in two syndromic children.
c. The epiphysis and physis wrap around the medial side
of the 1st MT diaphysis connecting the normal proxi-
mal epiphysis with a distal pseudoepiphysis. This leaves
only the lateral side of the diaphysis without an overly-
ing epiphysis (Figure 6-3).
d. Longitudinal epiphyseal bracket (LEB) is always associ-
ated with either preaxial polydactyly (see this chapter)
or congenital hallux varus (see Chapter 5), though both
conditions may exist without an LEB.
2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities
a. Short, wide 1st MT with varus orientation of the 1st
metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint and varus alignment
of the hallux on the 1st MT
i. Always associated with either congenital hallux Figure 6-2.  A. Preoperative AP x-ray of painful cleft feet.
varus or preaxial polydactyly B. Postoperative AP x-ray of the right foot following medial
3. Imaging and lateral column midfoot osteotomies and MTP joint cap-
a. Simulated standing AP and lateral of the foot sulotomies. As anticipated, the toes returned to their original
­positions after the pins were removed, but the midfoot defor-
(Figure 6-3)
mity correction persisted long term. (From Mosca VS. The foot.
b. Although it is not necessary if the plain x-rays are char- In: Weinstein SL, Flynn JM, eds. Lovell and Winter’s Pediatric
acteristically diagnostic, an MRI will show the patho- Orthopaedics. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams &
anatomy well (Figure 6-3). Wilkins; 2013:1411, Figure 29-27.)
4. Natural history
a. Increasing or persistent varus deformity of the hallux, 5. Nonoperative treatment
causing shoe-fitting difficulties a. None
b. Increasing length discrepancy between the 1st and 2nd 6. Operative indications
MTs, resulting in stress overload and pain under the a. Presence of the malformation—it is best to operate
2nd MT head (Figure 6-4) when the child is over 6 months of age (due to technical
CHAPTER 6/Foot Malformations 121

Figure 6-3.  A. AP x-ray of a first MT LEB associated with preaxial polydactyly in an infant. The lat-
eral cortex of the diaphysis is concave and has the normal density of cortical bone. The medial cortex
is convex and does not have normal cortical bone density. It has the density more characteristic of
metaphyseal bone adjacent to a normal physis. B. The LEB is outlined wrapping around the medial
side of the 1st MT diaphysis connecting the normal proximal epiphysis with a distal pseudoepiphysis.
C. An MRI of the same foot shows the LEB wrapping around the 1st MT shaft from proximal to distal
(green arrows outline it). The two adjacent proximal phalanges (dark rectangular shadows indicated
by yellow dashed arrows) can be seen distal and distal-medial to the LEB. NOTE: An MRI is not
­required if the plain x-rays are characteristically diagnostic.

considerations associated with the small size of the

­ athology) but under 1 year.
7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical 1. Definition—Malformation, “Too large” (see Table 1-1,
techniques section of the book for each individual Chapter 1)
procedure a. Congenital enlargement of all tissue types in a ray (toe
a. Resection of the LEB (see Chapter 8), with preserva- and MT) in a linear and circumferential array, starting
tion of the normal proximal epiphysis and the distal distally at the tip of a toe and extending proximally to a
pseudoepiphysis variable extent along a ray (Figure 6-5)
i. Concurrent soft tissue release of the congenital hal- b. Occasionally, enlargement is present in adjacent rays to
lux varus, if present the same or a lesser extent, always starting distally at
ii. Concurrent resection of a duplicate hallux, if the tip of a toe and extending to a variable extent proxi-
present mally along a ray (Figure 6-6).

Figure 6-4.  A. AP x-ray of preaxial polydactyly associated with a LEB of the 1st MT. B. The duplicate
hallux was resected, but the LEB was not. Years later, there is a short 1st MT with varus deformity,
hallux varus with toe pain when wearing shoes, and pain under the 2nd MT head due to stress
­transfer. Note the hypertrophy of the 2nd MT caused by the stress transfer.

Figure 6-5.  Typical macrodactyly of the 2nd ray in a foot. Figure 6-6.  Macrodactyly of the 1st and 2nd rays in a foot.

CHAPTER 6/Foot Malformations 123




Figure 6-7.  Macrodactyly or local gigantism (I have treated four of these). A. Medial view of the
foot. B. Top view of the foot. C. Plantar view of the foot. Note the fairly sharp transverse demarcation
between the enlarged forefoot soft tissues and the normal hindfoot soft tissues. D. Lateral view of the
foot. Standard incision for a Syme amputation is indicated. It happens to cross the plantar surface of
the foot immediately posterior to the pathologically enlarged soft tissues. E. Comparison view of feet
confirms the need for ablation. F. Front view immediately after the Syme amputation. G. Front view of
the residual limb 9 months later. Desirably bulbous, though not pathologic, heel pad is well centered
under tibia. H. Side view of residual limb with heel pad well centered, i.e., slightly anterior to directly
distal to the end of the tibia, anticipating slight posterior migration over time.

2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities requiring subsequent and perhaps sequential soft tissue
a. Linear and circumferential enlargement of the bones debulking operations (Figure 6-8).
and soft tissues along one or more adjacent rays of the 5. Nonoperative treatment
foot, usually including or exclusive to the 2nd ray a. Accommodative shoe wear. This is rarely, if ever, an
b. The enlargement of the bones and soft tissues is greatest ­acceptable option.
distally, decreases in a gradual fashion proximally, and 6. Operative indications
rarely extends proximal to the tarsometatarsal joint(s) a. Anticipated and actual difficulty in fitting comfortably
c. Enlargement of the entire forefoot or the entire foot is into normal shoes
perhaps best called localized gigantism (Figure 6-7) b. Objectionable appearance
d. There is medial–lateral splaying and dorsal–plantar i. The appearance of the foot after surgery is never
thickening of the forefoot due to a mass effect normal, but it is usually better than the original
3. Imaging appearance. More importantly, more normal shoe
a. Simulated standing or standing AP and lateral of the foot wear is possible.
4. Natural history 7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech-
a. Progressive enlargement of the affected bones and soft niques section of the book for each individual procedure
tissues, either proportionately or disproportionately a. Individualized treatment
faster than the normal adjacent tissues i. Be creative
b. It is impossible to remove all of the abnormal soft tis- ii. Be aggressive
sues, as there is no distinct line of demarcation. Fur- • It is impossible to remove all of the pathologic soft
thermore, it might be impractical to do so even if it tissues with a segmental resection, even with a ray
were possible. Any remaining abnormal soft tissues will resection. There is no demarcation between the
grow faster than the adjacent normal tissues, possibly pathologic and normal soft tissues.
124 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations



Figure 6-8.  Macrodactyly. A. Top view and AP x-ray of the right foot in a 1-year-old girl. B. Top view
and AP x-ray after 2nd ray resection and 3rd toe distal interphalangeal disarticulation. C. Top view and
AP x-ray at age 17 years. There has been no change in the width of the foot. D. Remaining pathologic
soft tissues at the margins of the resection site on the plantar surface of the forefoot grew faster than
the adjacent normal soft tissues. This created a painful and callused “keel” that required resection.
Painful enlarged soft tissues on the lateral side of the hallux were resected concurrently.

• The residual pathologic soft tissues will continue d. MT epiphysiodesis

to grow disproportionately larger circumferen- i. It is challenging to calculate the timing for this
tially than the adjacent normal soft tissues. procedure.
• It is almost guaranteed that a second operation will ii. Does not address the main disability of macrodac-
be required in the future to debulk the progres- tyly, which is the circumferential enlargement of the
sively enlarging/enlarged soft tissues (Figure 6-8). soft tissues
b. Ray resection (Figure 6-8; see Chapter 8)—perform e. MT shortening—perform this after skeletal maturity for
this for enlargement of an entire ray. This is the most a painful transfer stress lesion under the MT head of an
important and successful of the proposed procedures elongated metatarsal.
used to treat macrodactyly. i. Does not address the circumferential enlargement of
c. Interphalangeal joint disarticulation ­(Figure  6-8)— the soft tissues
­perform this if there is no enlargement of the MT or the f. Subsequent and sequential soft tissue debulking (Figure
soft tissues around the MT. 6-8)—perform this for pain and progressive difficulty
i. Disarticulate at the interphalangeal (IP) joint that with shoe fitting due to circumferential enlargement of
will make the length of the residual toe equal to that the soft tissues
of the adjacent lesser toe. g. Syme amputation (see Chapter 7)—perform this for en-
ii. Do not perform an MTP joint disarticulation, be- largement of the entire forefoot (Figure 6-7)
cause the adjacent toes will drift toward each other, h. Below-the-knee (transtibial and fibular) amputation—
creating joint incongruity. perform this for gigantism of the entire foot
CHAPTER 6/Foot Malformations 125

Figure 6-9.  The extreme presentations of

polydactyly. A. Postaxial polydactyly with
only soft tissue and no bone or joint connec-
tion to the rest of the foot. B. Both feet have
five well-formed lesser toes and MTs along
with preaxial simple polysyndactyly consist-
ing of complete duplication of the hallux and
1st MT bones.

Polydactyly f. There may be conjoined or separate duplicated toenails

with syndactylized toes.
1. Definition—Malformation, “Too many” (see Table 1-1, g. Preaxial (great toe or medial border)—9% of the total
Chapter 1) (Figure 6-12)
a. More than 5 complete toes per foot (Figure 6-9) i. often associated with LEB of the 1st MT (see this
b. Foot polydactyly is associated with hand polydactyly in Chapter)
34% of cases h. Central—6% of the total.
c. Sporadic (most common) and hereditary types exist i. These occur most commonly between the normal
d. More than 1 extra digit per foot, especially if combined 4th and 5th rays. There is a partially formed MT with
with syndactyly, is often the manifestation of a syn- a synchondrosis to the 4th MT. And in many cases,
drome, such as Greig cephalopolysyndactyly (autoso- there is osseous syndactyly/synostosis of the proximal
mal dominant) (Figure 6-10) phalanx to the 5th toe proximal phalanx (Figure 6-11)
2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities i. Postaxial (5th toe or lateral border)—85% of the total
a. Duplication of all or part of a toe, starting distally, and i. A commonly seen presentation is polysyndactyly.
with or without segmentation/separation of the dupli- There is often duplication of the toenails (with or
cate part(s) without segmentation), duplication of the distal
b. There may be widening and partial duplication without and middle phalanges, but with a single proximal
separation (double scoop) of the distal MT epiphysis, with phalanx. All parts are contained within a single soft
one toe articulating with each half (Figure 6-10). This is tissue envelope that has simple syndactyly to the
frequently seen in the 5th MT with postaxial polydactyly. normal 4th toe. Neither middle phalanx lines up axi-
c. There may be complete duplication and separation of ally with the proximal phalanx (Figure 6-13).
the distal end of the “normal” MT, creating a Y or T 3. Imaging
shape with each limb articulating with a toe. a. Simulated standing or standing AP and lateral of foot
d. The duplicated toe may be associated with, and 4. Natural history
­articulate with, a partially or completely duplicated MT a. Difficulty fitting comfortably in normal shoes due to ex-
­(Figure 6-11). cessive width of the toes in relation to the width of the shoe
e. The duplicated toe may be separate or conjoined to an 5. Nonoperative treatment
adjacent toe by soft tissue (simple syndactyly) or bone a. Wide shoes
(complex syndactyly).
126 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Figure 6-10.  Greig cephalopolysyndactyly. A. The feet of mother and affected daughter with this
autosomal dominant condition when the girl was 5 years old. B. AP x-rays of the girl’s feet taken
when she was an infant. At 10 months of age, she underwent resection of the left duplicate hallux
and shaving of the enlarged 1st MT head, and resection of the right duplicate hallux and the 1st MT
longitudinal epiphyseal bracket. C. AP x-rays of her feet taken at age 6 years, showing nearly normal
appearances of both feet, including normal growth of the right 1st MT.


Figure 6-11.  A. AP x-ray of a foot

in a 3-year-old child with isolated
central polysyndactyly between the
4th and 5th rays. There is a congeni-
tal synchondrosis of the partially
formed duplicate MT to the normal
4th MT shaft, and a congenital syn-
ostosis of the duplicate proximal
phalanx to the normal proximal
phalanx of the 5th toe. This is one
of the most common patterns of
polydactyly that I have seen in re-
cent years. B. Normal radiographic
appearance of the foot 3 years after
a ray resection. Separation of the
proximal phalanges did not injure
the physis of the 5th toe.
CHAPTER 6/Foot Malformations 127


Figure 6-12.  A. Preaxial polysyndactyly with a normal 1st MT. B. Appearance immediately after
resection of the duplicate distal and proximal phalanges and toenail. A medial nail fold was carefully
re-created with 4-0 chromic sutures.


Figure 6-13.  Postaxial polysyn-

dactyly. A. This is one of the most
common patterns of polydactyly.
The duplicate toenails are seg-
mented (adjacent, but separate)
in this case. The planned ellipti-
cal incision is marked. B. X-ray
shows a single proximal phalanx
and 2 middle phalanges, neither
of which is aligned axially with
the proximal phalanx. C. Intraop-
erative mini-fluoroscopy image
shows the longitudinal osteotomy
that was performed in the lateral
duplicate middle phalanx. If the D
entire duplicate middle phalanx
were removed, there would be
instability at the proximal inter-
phalangeal joint. D. Appearance
of the toe after wound closure.
4-0 chromic sutures were used
to enable the creation of a lateral
nail fold that will prevent toenail
ingrowth in the future. E. A soft
tissue dressing is used following
this short-duration day-surgery
procedure. The child can bear
weight immediately. The dressing
is removed after 1 week.
128 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

6. Operative indications
a. Difficulty or anticipated difficulty fitting comfortably in
normal shoes
b. Objectionable appearance
7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech-
niques section of the book for each individual procedure
a. Remove/disarticulate the abnormal (least well-aligned)
toe through an elliptical skin incision
i. It is both important and safe to create a Salter–Harris
IV fracture-type resection of a partially duplicated
and nonsegmented 5th MT head when removing
an associated duplicated lateral toe (and certainly
safe to resect the wide portion of a partially dupli-
cated and nonsegmented 1st MT head (Figure 6-10)
where no physis exists).
b. Perform a ray resection (see Chapter 8) if an associ-
ated partially or completely duplicated MT is present
(Figure 6-11)
c. Remove the limb of a Y- or T-shaped MT along with the
toe with which it articulates
i. Perform a concurrent angular deformity corrective os-
teotomy of the residual MT for severe angular deformity Figure 6-14.  Excellent cosmetic appearance of postaxial
ii. or delay/avoid the osteotomy if only a minor angular polysyndactyly several years following resection of the duplicate
deformity exists, as it might correct spontaneously lateral middle and distal phalanges and toenail, with maintenance
over time of the simple syndactyly to the 4th toe. Also note the excellent
d. For polysyndactyly, remove the abnormal (least well- cosmetic appearance of the surgically constructed lateral nail fold.
aligned) toe/toe parts/toenail through a dorsal ellipti-
cal incision; create a soft tissue lateral nail fold (Figures
6-12 and 6-13) Syndactyly
i. When neither duplicated middle phalanx aligns with 1. Definition—Malformation, “Joined together (failed to
a single proximal phalanx, it is appropriate to longitu- separate)” (see Table 1-1, Chapter 1)
dinally split the middle phalanx that is being removed, a. Congenital failure of segmentation/separation of adja-
leaving the articular portion in the proximal interpha- cent toes or of extra toes (polysyndactyly)
langeal joint rather than destabilizing the joint by re- b. Simple
moving the entire middle phalanx (Figure 6-13). i. Congenital failure of segmentation/separation of the
e. Concurrently resect a LEB (see Chapter 8), if one exists soft tissues of adjacent toes or of extra toes.
f. Perform a percutaneous tenotomy of a contracted flexor ii. As an isolated malformation, it occurs most often
digitorum longus tendon slip to the 4th and/or 5th toe if between the 2nd and 3rd toes in normal children
one exists (see Chapter 7); a common finding in post- (Figure 6-15).
axial polydactyly
g. Do not separate 4th–5th toes syndactyly when associ-
ated with 5th toe polydactyly for the following reasons:
i. It is dangerous to the vascularity of the remaining
digit when both sides of the digit are operated on
ii. There are no functional or cosmetic advantages (the
scar is less cosmetic than the syndactyly) achieved
with separation of any toes, particularly the lateral
toes (Figure 6-14).
iii. Finally, there is a reasonably high risk of lateral drift
of the lateral toe, which would cause pain and shoe-
fitting difficulties—for which the treatment would
be to re-create the syndactyly (Figure 6-14)!
h. If a complete duplicate lateral 6th ray is resected, ­attach Figure 6-15.  Simple syndactyly between the 2nd and 3rd
the peroneus brevis to the base of the 5th MT with toes of both feet. These are a cosmetic difference and rarely, if
­sutures through drill holes. ever, a cause of pain or disability.
CHAPTER 6/Foot Malformations 129

Figure 6-16.  A. Typical appear-

ance of the toes of a child with
Apert syndrome. There is syndac-
tyly of all toes. B. X-ray shows
simple (soft tissue) and complex
(osseous) polysyndactyly. Mul-
tiple synostoses and tarsal coali-
tions are seen in the forefoot,
midfoot, and hindfoot.

• may be shallow (very close to the normal web posi- c. Complex

tion), intermediate, or complete (out to the tips of i. Congenital failure of segmentation/separation of the
the toes) soft tissues and bones of adjacent toes or of extra toes
• often bilateral ii. Most often found in Apert syndrome or other syn-
• often familial dromes (Figure 6-16)
iii. If more than 1 syndactyly per foot, the syndac- d. Differentiate syndactyly from acrosyndactyly (acro
tylies are often manifestations of a syndrome, means end or tip), a postseparation, acquired distal
such as Greg cephalopolysyndactyly (autosomal connection between toes that is due to an amniotic
dominant). band (Streeter dysplasia) (Figure 6-17)


Figure 6-17.  A. Acrosyndactyly due to amniotic band syndrome, a.k.a. Streeter dysplasia.
B. ­Proximal separation is confirmed with a swizzle stick. Congenital syndactyly is a failure of sepa-
ration. Acrosyndactyly, by way of contrast, is acquired and represents an injury to toes that have
already separated in utero. The amniotic constriction band causes the developing fetal toes to unite
or “spot weld” at the site of the band with amputation of the distal parts. Acrosyndactyly is neither a
deformity nor a malformation, but instead an injury comparable to a burn.
130 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities over the dorsum of the flexed IP joint(s) of the longer
a. Simple toe in the clinical scenario in which the syndactylized
i. Partial to complete (proximal to distal) failure of toes have grown at different rates and to different
segmentation/separation of the soft tissue between 2 lengths.
usually otherwise normal adjacent toes with normal i. The alternative, and perhaps preferred, treatment in
bones, joints, tendons, neurovascular (NV) struc- this clinical scenario is to resect and fuse the painful,
tures (though may be shared on the adjacent sides of flexed IP joint(s).
the 2 toes), skin, nails. b. Anecdotally, I have seen a few children who had un-
b. Complex dergone syndactyly release between the hallux and 2nd
i. Failure of segmentation/separation of the bones toe with the goal of wearing thong-type sandals. The
and soft tissues of 2 usually abnormal adjacent toes. scars, in all cases, were too hypersensitive to enable the
The bones are frequently malformed as well as con- children to wear thong sandals comfortably. There was
joined. Frequently, the joints are fused or ankylosed. also web creep that re-created much of the syndactyly
The NV structures on adjacent sides of the toes over time.
are absent or malformed. Toenails are frequently
3. Imaging II. MIDFOOT
a. None for simple syndactyly
Accessory Navicular
b. Simulated standing or standing AP and lateral of foot
for complex syndactyly 1. Definition—Malformation, “Too large” (see Table 1-1,
4. Natural history Chapter 1)
a. Simple a. Medial/plantar–medial enlargement of the tarsal na-
i. No pain or functional disability. The 2nd and 3rd vicular bone with a secondary ossification center that
toes typically grow at the same rate and achieve eventually coalesces with the main body of the navicu-
equal length. They perform identical tasks simulta- lar in most affected individuals (Figure 6-18).
neously that do not require independence. b. Prevalence is 10% to15% of the population. Most do not
ii. Rarely, if ever, pain may develop if differential hurt.
growth in length of the toes causes joint flexion of c. Accessory navicular may be coincident with a flexible
the longer toe, with painful callus formation over the flatfoot. Both conditions have high individual preva-
dorsum of the flexed IP joint(s). lence rates. A cause and effect relationship has not been
• This can perhaps be anticipated in the unusual established between the two conditions.
case of syndactyly between the hallux and 2nd toe. 2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities
b. Complex a. Firm/bony prominence on the medial/plantar–medial
i. Rarely a cause of pain or functional disability aspect of the navicular/midfoot
5. Nonoperative treatment b. Forefoot—neutral or supinated (if associated with a val-
a. None needed or indicated for simple syndactyly gus/everted hindfoot)
b. Accommodative shoes for complex syndactyly and c. Midfoot—neutral
polysyndactyly which are often associated with other d. Hindfoot—neutral or valgus/everted
foot malformations, as in children with Apert syndrome e. Ankle—neutral or plantar flexed (equinus)
6. Operative indications 3. Imaging
a. Simple a. Standing AP, lateral, and both obliques of foot
i. None i. The lateral (nonstandard) oblique is the best view for
ii. Except perhaps if differential growth in length of the revealing an accessory navicular (Figure 6-19).
toes causes joint flexion of the longer toe and ­painful cal- ii. Three types of accessory naviculars
lus formation over the dorsum of the flexed IP joint(s) • Type I—small, separate ossicle in the posterior
b. Complex tibialis tendon adjacent to the main body of the
i. Pain that is directly related to the bony syndactyly. navicular
Occasionally, the joints spontaneously fuse in poor • Type II—bullet-shaped ossification center on the
alignment (often plantar flexion of the 2nd MTP proximal medial/plantar–medial aspect of the na-
joint), creating poor plantar pressure distribution vicular with a synchondrosis to the main body of
and soft tissue overload. the navicular
7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech- • Type III—cornuate-shaped navicular—either a
niques section of the book for each individual procedure primary malformation or the result of metaplasia
a. Syndactyly release (separation of the toes)—perform of a type II synchondrosis to a synostosis with the
this rarely, and only if there is painful callus formation main body of the navicular
CHAPTER 6/Foot Malformations 131

Figure 6-18.  An accessory navicular (black

arrows) creates a bony prominence on the
medial/plantar–medial aspect of the midfoot.
It moves with the navicular/acetabulum pedis
during inversion and eversion of the subtalar
joint. That is in contrast to the bony promi-
nence on the medial/plantar–medial aspect
of the midfoot in a flatfoot. The bony promi-
nence in a flatfoot is the head of the talus. It
does not move with inversion and eversion
of the subtalar joint. In fact, the prominence
of the head of the talus becomes obscured by
the navicular when the subtalar joint in a flat-
foot is inverted.

4. Natural history leads to painful inflammation at the site. In these cases,

a. All three types create a bony prominence along the me- maximum tenderness is elicited by plantar-to-dorsal
dial/plantar–medial midfoot that presses the overlying (upward) pressure under the accessory navicular, rather
skin against the shoe or the ground, with the possible than by direct medial-to-lateral pressure on the ossicle
development of painful callus formation. (Figure 6-20).
b. The incidence of pain is not known, but is low. 5. Nonoperative treatment
c. Pain can also be experienced in a type II accessory na- a. Accommodative shoe wear
vicular if a crack develops in the synchondrosis. Such b. Over-the-counter arch supports to move the navicu-
cracks typically result from repetitive stress rather than lar to a different position in relation to the shoe, and
from an acute injury. Cartilage has poor vascularity. thereby decrease the pressure on the overlying skin,
If a crack develops, it might not heal. The cyclic ten- as well as to decrease tension stress on the posterior
sion stress on the synchondrosis during weight-bearing tibialis–­accessory navicular complex


Figure 6-19.  An accessory navicular is best seen on the lateral (nonstandard) oblique x-ray, as in
A and B. A. Type I. B. Type II. Dashed black line is the site of resection of the accessory navicular and
the enlarged medial body of the navicular. C. Type III.
132 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Figure 6-20.  Adolescent male with a painful type II accessory navicular. A. Maximum tenderness
to palpation is elicited by plantar-to-dorsal (upward) pressure under the accessory navicular. B. There
is less tenderness to direct medial-to-lateral pressure over the ossicle.

c. If particularly inflamed and painful, temporary immo- • Hypoplasia of the entire lower extremity in rela-
bilization in a cast or CAM boot with or without non- tion to the other lower extremity
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs • Genu valgum
6. Operative indications • Often, cruciate ligament deficiency
a. Pain at the site of the accessory navicular that is not re- • Valgus-oriented ball-and-socket ankle joint
lieved by prolonged attempts at nonoperative treatment • Often, lateral ray deficiency of the foot (Figure 6-21)
7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech- 2. Elucidation of the segmental deformities
niques section of the book for each individual procedure a. Forefoot—supinated or neutral (if neutral in relation to
a. Accessory navicular resection (see ­Chapter 8)—­perform the valgus hindfoot, the entire foot is pronated and the 5th
this for a painful accessory navicular in a well-aligned MT head does not touch the ground in weight-­bearing.
foot with normal ankle dorsiflexion. see Basic Principle #13, Figure 2-18B, Chapter 2)
b. Accessory navicular resection (see Chapter 8) and i. There is usually complete absence of 1 to 3 lateral
gastrocnemius recession (see Chapter 7)—perform rays of the foot with associated absence of cuneiform
this combination of procedures for a painful accessory bones.
navicular in a well-aligned foot with a gastrocnemius b. Midfoot—neutral
contracture i. Absence of cuneiform bones if lateral rays of the
c. Accessory navicular resection (see Chapter 8) and forefoot are absent
calcaneal lengthening osteotomy (see Chapter 8) and ii. The cuboid is always present, though sometimes
gastrocnemius recession (see Chapter 7)—perform fused to the calcaneus.
this combination of procedures for a painful acces- c. Hindfoot—translational valgus (without eversion)
sory navicular in a severe flatfoot with a gastrocnemius i. There is a synchondrosis (that eventually undergoes
contracture metaplasia to a synostosis) between the talus and
calcaneus, with the calcaneus laterally positioned
under the talus, thereby creating a congenital trans-
III. HINDFOOT lational valgus deformity of the hindfoot. There is no
rotational deformity of the foot. The talonavicular
Congenital Subtalar Synostosis
joint is usually well-aligned. The thigh–foot angle
1. Definition—Congenital mal-deformation, “Joined to- is neutral (see similarities to translational valgus
gether (failed to separate)” (see Table 1-1, Chapter 1) overcorrection of the subtalar joint in clubfoot,
a. Congenital failure of segmentation/separation of the ta- Chapter 5).
lus and calcaneus ii. The synchondrosis/synostosis sometimes extends to
i. with translational valgus alignment of the calcaneus the calcaneocuboid joint ± the talonavicular joint.
under the talus d. Ankle—valgus
ii. usually associated with fibula hemimelia synd­ i. Ball-and-socket ankle joint in valgus alignment/­
rome with orientation (Figure 6-22)
CHAPTER 6/Foot Malformations 133


Figure 6-21.  A. Type I fibula hemimelia syndrome with severe translational valgus alignment of
a congenital subtalar synostosis and coincident severe valgus orientation of a ball-and-socket ankle
joint. B. Absence of the lateral ray is apparent. C. Severe pes planus is seen.

3. Imaging to a ball-and-socket joint later in life, or even later in

a. Simulated standing or standing AP, lateral, and Harris childhood.
axial views of the foot (Figure 6-23) b. In cases with exaggerated valgus alignment of the
b. AP,  lateral, and mortis of the ankle (Figures 6-22 and 6-23) “talocalcaneal” bone, pain is related to the deformity.
4. Natural history There may be lateral hindfoot impingement pain, me-
a. Most often, there is no pain or functional disability. dial collateral ligament stretch pain, and/or pain under
The associated congenital ball-and-socket ankle joint the plantar–medial surface of the laterally displaced
malformation is an excellent adaptation to congenital heel pad.
lack of subtalar motion, which is why a congenital sub- 5. Nonoperative treatment
talar synostosis does so much better than a surgically a. Accommodative shoe wear, often with a shoe filler if
created subtalar arthrodesis. The ankle cannot convert there are absent rays


Figure 6-22.  Incomplete fibula deficiency with

congenital subtalar synostosis. A. Valgus deformity
of the hindfoot. The scar was created by surgery to
lengthen the peroneal tendons, obviously without
benefit. B. AP x-ray of the ankle shows partial fibula
hemimelia and a ball-and-socket ankle joint in valgus Medial
alignment. Congenital subtalar synostosis is always
associated with a ball-and-socket ankle joint.
134 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Figure 6-23.  A. Harris axial x-ray showing a congenital synchondrosis of the subtalar joint (white
arrow) undergoing metaplasia to a synostosis in a 16-year-old boy with hypoplasia of the lower
extremity. The subtalar synchondrosis/synostosis is in valgus alignment. B. AP ankle x-ray shows a
ball-and-socket joint with severe valgus orientation. The laterally translated calcaneus articulates with
the lateral malleolus (white arrow). C. AP x-ray of the foot shows that the subtalar synostosis extends
to the navicular (white arrow indicates the site of the talonavicular synostosis). There is normal axial
alignment of the medial column of the foot. The lateral ray of the foot is absent, and there are only
2 cuneiform bones adjacent to the cuboid. D. Lateral x-ray shows a flatfoot and a dramatic C-sign of
Lateur (yellow C) (see Talocalcaneal Tarsal Coalition, Figure 5-48, Chapter 5).

6. Operative indications impingement pain, medial collateral ligament stretch

a. Failure of nonoperative treatment to relieve pain, and/or pain under the plantar–medial surface of
i. lateral hindfoot impingement pain the laterally displaced heel pad if the ball-and-socket
ii. medial collateral ligament stretch pain ankle joint is in severe valgus alignment.
iii. pain under the plantar–medial surface of the later- i. If the forefoot is pronated in relation to the hindfoot,
ally displaced heel pad the posterior calcaneus displacement osteotomy (see
7. Operative treatment with reference to the surgical tech- Chapter 8) is performed after the ankle deformity is
niques section of the book for each individual procedure improved and the plane of the forefoot is perpen-
a. Posterior calcaneus displacement osteotomy (see dicular to the tibia.
Chapter 8)—perform this for lateral hindfoot impinge- ii. If the forefoot is supinated in relation to the hindfoot,
ment pain, medial collateral ligament stretch pain, and/ the posterior calcaneus displacement osteotomy
or pain under the plantar–medial surface of the laterally (see Chapter 8) is performed in conjunction with
displaced heel pad a medial cuneiform plantar flexion osteotomy (see
b. Preliminary correction of the ankle valgus deformity Chapter 8) after the ankle deformity is improved.
with medial distal tibia guided growth with a screw (see c. Possible Syme amputation (see Chapter 7, and
Chapter 8) or a distal tibial valgus corrective osteot- ­Figure 6-7 in this chapter)—perform this as treatment
omy (see Chapter 8)—perform this for lateral hindfoot for ­severe fibula hemimelia syndrome

Soft Tissue Procedures

I. APONEUROTIC AND g. Identify the sural nerve in the fat on the posterior
­surface of the gastrocnemius, elevate it off the tendon,
retract it, and protect it during the tenotomy
PRINCIPLE: Aponeurotic and intramuscular recessions of h. Using finger-dissection or scissor spreading, elevate a
contracted musculotendinous units can be carried out wher- short segment of the distal musculotendinous unit of the
ever there is an aponeurotic tendon that surrounds a muscle gastrocnemius off the soleus from medial to lateral until
or a tendon that extends deep into a muscle. There is a limit the muscle of the soleus can be visualized lateral to the
to the amount of lengthening that can be achieved with an aponeurotic tendon of the soleus
aponeurotic or an intramuscular recession, but overlength- i. Avoid extensive proximal-to-distal separation of the
ening and permanent weakness are unlikely. two aponeurotic tendons to prevent excessive retraction
of the gastrocnemius muscle
j. Cut the gastrocnemius aponeurosis as far distally as
Gastrocnemius Recession (Strayer Procedure)
possible. Do not be concerned about cutting the distal-
1. Indications most fibers of the gastrocnemius. The gastrocnemius
a. Contracture of the gastrocnemius but not the soleus and soleus aponeurotic tendons are not always separate
(see Chapter 5), as determined by the Silfverskiold structures distal to all gastrocnemius muscle fibers. The
test (see Assessment Principle #12 and Figure 3-13, last few fibers do not matter.
­Chapter 3), that is creating pain, functional disability, k. Recheck the Silfverskiold test to ensure that the ankle can
and/or gait disturbance now be dorsiflexed at least 10° above neutral with the sub-
i. The ankle joint can be dorsiflexed more than 10° talar joint in neutral alignment and the knee extended (see
with the subtalar joint locked in neutral alignment Assessment Principle #12 and Figure 3-13, Chapter 3).
(see Basic Principle #7, Chapter 2) and the knee There should be no difference in the degree of ankle dorsi-
flexed, but less than 10° with the knee extended. flexion whether the knee is flexed or extended.
2. Technique (Figure 7-1) l. There is no need to suture the gastrocnemius tendon to
a. Make a 4- to 5-cm longitudinal incision approximately the soleus muscle as long as the blunt separation of the
halfway between the knee and the ankle 2 finger- two aponeurotic tendons is limited to a few centimeters.
breadths posterior to the posterior edge of the medial m. There is no need to repair the compartment fascia.
face of the tibia n. Close the deep fat with a few 2-0 absorbable sutures to
b. Avoid and protect the long saphenous vein prevent adherence of the skin to the muscle
c. Open the facia longitudinally o. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta-
d. Identify the plantaris tendon along the medial edge of neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu-
the gastrocnemius tendon and divide it lar 4-0 absorbable suture
e. Identify the musculotendinous junction of the p. Apply a short-leg walking cast with a neutral to 5° dor-
gastrocnemius siflexed ankle
f. Clear all soft tissues off the posterior surface of the q. Maintain the cast for 5 to 6 weeks, or longer if needed
­aponeurotic tendon of the gastrocnemius for other concurrently performed procedures
136 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

A B Gastrocnemius C
Plantaris tendon musculo-tendinous junction

Sural nerve
Gastrocnemius Separate gastrocnemius
musculo-tendinous junction from the soleus

Complete division of Exposed soleus
the aponeurotic tendon aponeurotic tendon

Divide the gastrocnemius Divided gastrocnemius

aponeurotic tendon aponeurotic tendon

Figure 7-1.  Strayer procedure (posteromedial left leg). A. Division of the plantaris tendon.
B. Exposure and elevation of the sural nerve off the posterior surface of the gastrocnemius.
C. Separation of the aponeurotic tendons of the gastrocnemius and the soleus. D. Initiation of the
division of the gastrocnemius aponeurotic tendon. E. Completion of the division of the ­gastrocnemius
aponeurotic tendon. F. Exposed soleus aponeurotic tendon.

3. Pitfalls • Also see Reverse Jones Transfer of FHL to 1st

a. Inadequate deformity correction due to incorrect de- MT Neck, this chapter
termination of the appropriateness for a gastrocnemius iii. Metatarsus adductus (see Chapter 5)
recession when, in fact, the soleus is also contracted 2. Technique (Figure 7-2)
b. Release of both the gastrocnemius and the soleus apo- a. Make a 2-cm longitudinal incision medial to the distal
neuroses, due to failure to separate them before release end of the 1st metatarsal (MT)
4. Complications
a. Injury to the sural nerve
i. Avoid by isolating and protecting it before tenotomy
b. Adherence of the skin to the muscle, creating an obvi-
ous tethering effect with muscle contraction
i. Avoid by closing the deep fat with a few 2-0 absorb- Abductor hallucis Abductor hallucis
able sutures before closing the subcutaneous layer muscle tendon
with interrupted 3-0 absorbable sutures
c. Excessive migration of the gastrocnemius muscle with

unusually prominent ball-like contours of the two


heads of the muscle Recession site

i. Avoid by limiting the extent of proximal-to-distal
blunt separation of the two aponeurotic tendons

Distal Abductor Hallucis Recession

1. Indications Figure 7-2.  The abductor hallucis muscle is exposed distally
a. Contracture of the abductor hallucis in: through an incision that, in this photo, is longer than necessary
for a simple recession, as it was being used for a concurrent
i. Congenital hallux varus (see Chapter 5)
­reverse Jones transfer of the flexor hallucis longus (FHL) to
• Also see Longitudinal Epiphyseal Bracket Resec- the 1st metatarsal (MT) neck. The tendon is divided proximally
tion, Chapter 8 within the substance of the muscle belly to avoid complete
ii. Dorsal bunion (see Chapter 5) separation of the musculotendinous unit.
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 137

b. Identify the musculotendinous junction on the medial

superficial surface of the abductor hallucis
c. Cut the tendon at its proximal end within the substance
of the muscle, thereby creating a recession, and not a Z-lengthened
tenotomy peroneus brevis Peroneal tubercle
d. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta-
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu-
lar 4-0 absorbable suture
e. Apply a short-leg or long-leg weight-bearing or non–
weight-bearing cast based on the requirements for the
other concurrently performed procedures Calcaneus
3. Pitfalls
a. The use of this recession rather than proximal release Transverse cut in
of the three origins of the abductor hallucis for correc- abductor digiti minimi
tion of cavovarus deformity (see Superficial Medial aponeurosis Retracted
Release, Deep Medial Release, Superficial Plantar- peroneus longus
Medial Release, and Deep Plantar-Medial Release,
this chapter)
4. Complications
a. Complete tenotomy Figure 7-3.  The abductor digiti minimi has been exposed
through the plantar extent of a modified Ollier incision (used
i. Avoid by releasing the tendon at a level where there
for a CLO) by retracting the peroneus longus (and sural nerve)
is adequate overlapping muscle, i.e., not too far laterally. The peroneus brevis has been Z-lengthened, and the
distal soft tissue contents of the sinus tarsi have been elevated from
the isthmus of the calcaneus in preparation for the osteotomy.
The peroneal tubercle is seen on the lateral surface of the
Abductor Digiti Minimi Recession calcaneus. After scraping the fat (held in the forceps) off the
dorsal surface of the aponeurosis of the abductor digiti minimi
1. Indications with a Key elevator, a transverse cut is made in this 1-mm-thick
a. Performed in conjunction with a calcaneal lengthen- layer of collagen. It is only necessary to release the aponeuro-
ing osteotomy (CLO; see Chapter 8) for correction of sis and not the muscle. Small veins immediately deep to the
symptomatic flatfoot deformity (see Chapter 5) aponeurosis should be coagulated. The aponeurosis should
also be released from the lateral edge of the calcaneus 1 cm
i. Necessary to release the lateral soft tissue tether that
anterior and 1 cm posterior to the aponeurotomy.
would otherwise impede distraction of the osteot-
omy fragments
2. Technique (Figure 7-3)
Posterior Tibialis Tendon Recession
a. This procedure is rarely, if ever, performed in
isolation, but always performed in conjunction
­ 1. Indications
with a CLO. a. Mild, flexible hindfoot varus and cavovarus deformities
b. The incision is, therefore, a modified Ollier incision in (see Chapter 5) with muscle imbalance; performed in
a Langer’s line over the sinus tarsi used for the CLO. conjunction with
c. Clear the fat off the dorsal aponeurosis of the abductor i. a split anterior tibial tendon transfer (SPLATT) in
digiti minimi with a Key elevator 1 to 3 cm proximal to CP (see this chapter)
the calcaneocuboid joint ii. a superficial plantar-medial release (S-PMR) in mild
d. Using a scalpel and/or scissors, divide the 1-mm-thick forms of Charcot–Marie–Tooth (CMT) disease (see
aponeurosis transversely starting medially at its attach- this chapter)
ment on the calcaneus and extending to its most lateral 2. Technique
extent. Also release the aponeurosis from the lateral a. Make a 4-cm longitudinal incision along the posterior
edge of the calcaneus 1 cm anterior and 1 cm posterior edge of the medial face of the tibia approximately 8 to
to the transverse aponeurotomy 10 cm proximal to the tip of the medial malleolus
e. Immobilization is based on the concurrently performed b. Release the fascia from the edge of the tibia
CLO—8 weeks in a non–weight-bearing short-leg cast, c. The first muscle encountered is the flexor digitorum
with a cast change at 6 weeks (see Chapter 8) longus. Confirm its identity by pulling proximally on
3. Pitfalls its intramuscular tendon and observing flexion of the
a. There is no need to divide the muscle of the abductor lesser toes. Retract it posteriorly.
digiti minimi. There are a few small veins immediately d. The next muscle/tendon unit identified is the posterior
deep to the aponeurosis. By merely cutting the thin apo- tibialis. Confirm its identity by pulling proximally on its
neurosis, the veins can often be avoided. tendon and observing inversion of the foot. Divide the
4. Complications tendon within the substance of the muscle, cutting as
a. None few muscle fibers as possible.
138 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

e. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta- Percutaneous Tenotomies of the Flexor
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu- Hallucis Longus and Flexor Digitorum
lar 4-0 absorbable suture
Longus to Toes 2 to 5
f. Immobilization is based on the concurrently performed
procedures, generally a short-leg non–weight-bearing 1. Indications
cast for 6 weeks, followed by a short-leg walking cast for a. Contracture of the flexor hallucis longus (FHL) and/or
2 weeks. the FDL to one or more of the lesser toes
3. Pitfalls i. in mallet, hammer, and curly toes (see Chapter 5
a. Recession of the flexor digitorum longus (FDL) rather and Figure 5-65, Chapter 5)
than the posterior tibialis ii. in cavus, clubfoot, and equinus deformities (see
4. Complications Chapter 5)
a. Complete tenotomy iii. applicable for infants through adolescents and young
i. Avoid by releasing the tendon at a level where there adults
is adequate overlapping muscle, i.e., not too far distal 2. Technique (Figures 7-4 and 7-5)
b. Division of tibial nerve a. Ask your assistant to dorsiflex the ankle to tension the
i. Avoid by identifying the anatomy as described ear- long toe flexor tendons
lier and ensuring that the dense white cord-like b. Maximally dorsiflex and release one toe at a time
structure has muscle fibers approaching it at oblique c. Using a #11 scalpel, cut the long flexor tendon to each
angles and firmly attached to it toe using short-arc sweeping movements starting in the
center of the toe at the proximal plantar flexion crease.
The tip of the scalpel should be used both as a probe and
II. TENDON LENGTHENINGS/RELEASES a scalpel. The incision should be no more than about 3
PRINCIPLE: There is an almost unlimited amount of to 4 mm. There will be a sudden release of tension and
lengthening that can be achieved with a tendon lengthening, the interphalangeal (IP) joints will extend
but overlengthening and permanent weakness are possible. d. If the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint extends but the
Lengthening the tendon of a contracted musculotendinous proximal interphalangeal (PIP) does not, the flexor bre-
unit can be carried out when there is a long bare tendon dis- vis is also contracted and should be released by probing
tal to the muscle belly. These lengthenings are frequently em- with the tip of the scalpel and cutting deeper and wider
ployed in foot deformity corrections. It is important to set the as the bone is approached.
proper tension on the musculotendinous unit when repairing e. If the IP joints of the toe extend fully in the relaxed
the tendon. The proper tension is established by placing the ­position, there is no further treatment needed, except
foot and ankle (and knee, when indicated) at the extent of the for immobilization.
desired range of motion and repairing the overlapping limbs f. If the IP joints of the toe can be fully extended, but are
of the tendon under slight tension in that position. flexed in the relaxed position due to skin or other soft


Figure 7-4.  A. Percutaneous tenotomy of the FHL in an infant clubfoot. The ankle is dorsiflexed
by the surgical assistant to tension the FHL. The surgeon further tensions the FHL by dorsiflexing
the ­hallux while inserting the tip of a #11 scalpel in the medial-lateral center of the toe in the proxi-
mal plantar flexion crease. The scalpel is used as both a probe and a knife to first palpate and then
divide the FHL using well-controlled short-arc sweeping movements (the NV bundles are very close
by). There is a sudden and dramatic extension of the hallux when the FHL is completely released.
Note the ­unrelated medial midfoot incision through which a plantar fasciotomy was performed.
B. The same technique is used for each lesser toe with a contracted FDL tendon slip.
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 139


Figure 7-5.  A. Four-year-old child with a
­severe, symptomatic curly 3rd toe. The assistant
surgeon is dorsiflexing the ankle with a thumb
under the MT heads to tension the FDL tendon.
B. The ­surgeon dorsiflexes the toe. Using a #11
scalpel as both a probe and a cutting device, the
FDL tendon is completely divided using short-
arc sweeping motions after percutaneous inser-
tion of the blade in the proximal plantar flexion
crease of the toe. C. The release is dramatic as
the toe suddenly extends. The tiny incision is
seen. D. There is minimal (or no) bleeding if the
scalpel is maintained in the midline of the toe.
The associated varus and external rotation of the
toe will gradually correct partially with time.

tissue contractures, insert a small gauge wire retrograde and cannot act as a probe to determine the position and
from the tip of the toe across the IP joints to the base of ­limits of the tendon
the proximal phalanx. 4. Complications
g. If the IP joints of the toe cannot be fully extended, a a. Laceration of a digital nerve or artery
volar capsulotomy and pinning, or an arthrodesis, is i. Avoid by inserting the tip of the scalpel in the proxi-
indicated. mal plantar flexion crease centrally and carefully,
h. No wound closure is required (unless an open capsu- ­using it both as a probe and a scalpel.
lotomy is performed). ii. Avoid excessive medial and/or lateral excursion of
i. Use a soft dressing with Coban extending above the an- the tip of the scalpel
kle for a curly toe release. Remove the dressing in 1 week.
j. Use a soft dressing with an Ace bandage and an open-
Percutaneous Tendo-Achilles Tenotomy (TAT)
toed post-op shoe for mallet and hammer toes that do
not require pinning. 1. Indications
i. Return to clinic in 2 weeks for dressing removal and a. Isolated residual tendo-Achilles contracture in an i­ nfant
to initiate twice daily extension stretching exercises with a clubfoot (see Chapter 5) treated by the Ponseti
k. Use a short-leg walking cast for mallet and hammer toes casting method
that require pinning b. Applicable for a residual tendo-Achilles contracture
i. Return to clinic in 4 to 6 weeks for cast and pin removal in an infant with a congenital vertical talus (CVT; see
and to initiate twice daily extension stretching exercises Chapter 5) treated by the reverse Ponseti (Dobbs) cast-
l. For toe flexor tenotomies performed as part of com- ing method or the dorsal open reduction surgical tech-
plex foot reconstruction surgery, immobilize based on nique (see this chapter)
the requirements of the other concurrently performed i. in combination with other procedures
procedures c. A component of a limited, minimally invasive soft
3. Pitfalls ­tissue release (see this chapter) for a severe, rigid, resis-
a. Inserting the tip of the scalpel too rapidly and too tant arthrogrypotic clubfoot in an infant or young child
deeply into the tendon so that it engages the tendon (see Chapter 5)
140 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Figure 7-6.  A. A small amount of lidocaine cream is placed over the intended site for the tenotomy­
and covered with a clear adhesive dressing. B. It is then covered with a loosely applied elastic
­bandage to prevent it from displacing during the 30 minutes it takes to penetrate the soft tissues.

d. Upper age limit for tendo-Achilles tenotomy (TAT) is iii. Ask your assistant to hold the forefoot with one
unknown, but it is at least age 2 years hand and the thigh with the other hand while posi-
2. Technique (Figures 7-6 to 7-10) tioning the foot and leg parallel with the procedure
a. In the clinic, for clubfoot table
i. Place a small amount of lidocaine cream over the iv. Prep the hindfoot and ankle with iodine prep
hindfoot and ankle and cover with an occlusive solution
dressing v. Using a narrow Beaver scalpel, completely divide
ii. Wipe off the cream after approximately 30 minutes. the tendo-Achilles 1 cm proximal to its insertion


Figure 7-7.  A. The foot and leg are all held parallel with the procedure table in a secure fashion
by the surgical assistant. The hindfoot is prepped with iodine solution. B. Sterile gloves and scalpel
are opened on a Mayo stand. C. A narrow scalpel is used. I prefer the shape shown in this image,
rather than a pointed tip, because the former can be used as a probe to palpate the tendon and move
around it without impaling it prematurely.
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 141



Figure 7-8.  A and B. Random insertion of the scalpel on the medial side of the ankle can result in
injury to the posterior tibial NV bundle. There are only a few millimeters of space between the NV
bundle and the tendo-Achilles in infants and young children. C. To avoid injury to the NV bundle, in-
sert the scalpel aimed directly at the medial side of the tendo-Achilles with the face of the blade paral-
lel with the axis of the tendon and perpendicular to the long axis of the foot, i.e., in the coronal plane
(black arrow). There can then only be skin and a little fat before the tip of the scalpel encounters the
tendon. D. Once through the skin, use the scalpel as a probe to slowly translate anteriorly on the ten-
don (black arrow 1). When it reaches the anterior margin of the tendo-Achilles, slide it into the fat that
is immediately anterior to the tendon (green arrow 2). Turn the scalpel 90° posteriorly and translate it
in that direction (blue angled arrow 3) to cut the tendo-Achilles that is being held under dorsiflexion
tension by the surgical assistant. Maintain control of the scalpel to avoid enlarging the skin incision
(which should be no longer than the height of the blade).

on the calcaneus (and the deep posterior heel through the skin directly medial to the tendo-
crease) from an anteromedial approach Achilles and perpendicular to the foot in the coro-
vi. In order to avoid injury to the posterior tibial nal plane with the face of the blade parallel with the
neurovascular (NV) structures, insert the scalpel fibers of the tendo-Achilles
142 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations



Figure 7-9.  Different views of the

technique shown in Figure 7-8. See

vii. Using the tip of the scalpel as a probe, slowly c. In the OR for congenital vertical and oblique talus
advance it anteriorly until it falls into the fat
­ treated by the reverse Ponseti (Dobbs) casting method,
­immediately anterior to the tendon i. Eliminate the initial lidocaine cream step
viii. Rotate the scalpel blade 90° and translate it posteri- ii. Perform a full sterile prep and draping of the lower
orly to divide the tensioned tendo-Achilles extremity
ix. The release will be experienced by the surgeon and iii. Perform a TAT as described
the assistant (and often by observers). iv. Then make a 3-cm longitudinal incision medial to
x. Acceptable dorsiflexion is 15° to 20°. the talonavicular (TN) joint
xi. Inject a small volume of 1% lidocaine locally v. Release the TN joint capsule medially for visual
xii. Apply a pressure dressing for several minutes inspection and confirmation that the joint reduces
­before applying a long-leg clubfoot cast with the anatomically with inversion of the subtalar joint
ankle dorsiflexed at least 10° and a 70° external vi. Under direct vision and with mini-fluoroscopic
thigh–foot angle guidance, insert a 0.062″ smooth Steinmann pin
xiii. The children rarely require more than acetamino- retrograde across the TN joint starting dorsal to
phen for pain control, though one to two doses of a the 1st MT
liquid narcotic medication can be prescribed safely. vii. Insert a second 0.062″ smooth Steinmann pin ret-
xiv. Have the child return to clinic in 3 weeks for rograde across the TN joint starting medially
cast removal and application of a foot abduction viii. Cut the pins and bury the ends under the skin
brace (FAB) ix. Use a 3-0 absorbable suture in the subcutaneous
b. In the OR for clubfoot, merely eliminate the initial lido- tissues and a running 4-0 subcuticular suture in
caine cream step the skin
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 143


Figure 7-10.  A. After the tenotomy is completed, apply direct pressure. There should be no more
than a few drops of capillary bleeding, and there should be excellent perfusion of the foot and toes.
B. Inject a small amount of lidocaine at the site. I prefer not to inject before the tenotomy, because the
infusion will dilate the soft tissues, making it difficult to palpate the tendo-Achilles. C. Loosely wrap
the ankle with a sterile gauze pad, cast padding, and an elastic wrap. Maintain the wrap for several
minutes while the lidocaine takes effect. D and E. Apply a long-leg clubfoot cast with the ankle dorsi-
flexed 10° and a thigh–foot angle of 70° external.

x. Apply adhesive strips, a gauze dressing, and a long- release residual uncut tendon fibers using the same
leg cast with inversion molding of the subtalar steps used initially. Incomplete tenotomy occurs per-
joint, neutral to 5° of dorsiflexion at the ankle, and haps more frequently if the scalpel is inserted directly
a 0° thigh–foot angle from posterior to anterior in the sagittal plane in line
xi. Return to clinic in 2 weeks for a long-leg cast with the axis of the foot. The tendo-Achilles is quite
change, this time with inversion molding of the wide as it approaches its calcaneal insertion, making
subtalar joint, 10° to 15° of ankle dorsiflexion, and complete tenotomy difficult with this approach. The
a 0° thigh–foot angle tendon is much thinner from anterior to posterior
xii. Return to clinic in 3 weeks for another long-leg at that level, so it is easier to release it completely using
cast change—same foot and ankle position as the the technique described earlier. Additionally, it is chal-
last cast change lenging to know how deep to insert the scalpel when
xiii. Return to clinic in 3 weeks for the final long-leg using a direct p ­ osterior-to-anterior technique. This
cast change—same foot and ankle position as the uncertainty puts the posterior tibial NV bundle at risk,
last two cast changes particularly when the tendon is closer than average to
xiv. Return to the OR in 1 to 2 weeks for pin removal the NV bundle and when there is more than normal
and to initiate FAB wear with parallel shoes subcutaneous fat in the area (Figures 7-11 and 7-12).
3. Pitfalls b. Unanticipated posterior ankle joint contracture
a. Incomplete tenotomy i. In an older child, the posterior ankle joint capsule
i. This occurs infrequently with the described technique, may have become contracted, thereby limiting dorsi-
but should be addressed by reinserting the scalpel to flexion following a TAT. If inadequate dorsiflexion is
144 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

Figure 7-11.  A. Lateral x-ray of a left clubfoot

in a 7-month-old boy who underwent attempted
percutaneous Achilles tenotomy from a direct
posterior to anterior sagittal approach at age
3 months (yellow arrow). The incomplete te-
notomy was unrecognized, and he was placed in
an FAB, which he wore 23 hours per day for sev-
B C eral months. A severe and rigid rocker-bottom
deformity resulted from the abnormally applied
pressures. A series of plantar flexion (CVT-type)
casts were applied. The forefoot became aligned
with the hindfoot, but the ankle could not be
dorsiflexed. B. Photo of the scar from the previ-
ous percutaneous midline TAT incision (black
circle) obtained at the time of an open TAL and
posterior capsulotomy. C. There was scar tissue
in the center of the tendo-Achilles (small black
circle), but the medial and lateral margins of
the tendon had never been cut (black arrows).
Another potential pitfall/complication that could
have occurred in this case was division of the
calcaneal apophysis, due to the distal position
of the tenotomy in the posterior heel crease. The
tendon should be cut at least 1 cm proximal to
the posterior heel crease.

achieved after the TAT, consider further serial casting. young child. But the local environment is disrupted
It is not reasonable to proceed with an open posterior by an open exposure and release of the posterior ankle
ankle capsulotomy immediately after a TAT. The lo- capsule. The tendo-Achilles cannot repair itself in the
cal environment is favorable for scar tissue to create same way. If the possibility of a capsular contracture is
a new, “normal” tendo-Achilles segment to fill the anticipated in an older child, perform an open tendo-
gap following a percutaneous TAT in an infant or very Achilles Z-lengthening (see this chapter) through a


Figure 7-12.  A. Two-and-a-half-year follow-up of a well-executed coronal plane percutaneous TAT

that was performed at age 3 months. The black line represents the original size and location of the
tenotomy incision. It is normal for the scar to migrate proximally. Note its present location (within the
black circle). B. Excellent dorsiflexion is appreciated.
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 145

short segment Cincinnati incision. Proceed with the Basic Principle #7, Chapter 2) and the knee flexed
capsulotomy, if necessary, followed by repair of the 90° (with an even greater lack of ankle ­dorsiflexion
tendon at the appropriate tension. If a capsulotomy is with the knee extended) (see Assessment Principle
not deemed necessary, merely repair the Z-­lengthened #12 and Figure 3-13, Chapter 3)
tendo-Achilles at the appropriate tension. 2. Technique
4. Complications a. There are several ways to lengthen the tendo-Achilles and
a. Nerve injury each has its advantages and disadvantages. Some are per-
i. Avoid by following the technique exactly as de- formed open or semi-open (for more control) and others
scribed earlier percutaneously. Some consider and take advantage of the
b. Vascular injury 90° of internal rotation of the tendo-Achilles fibers that
i. Avoid by following the technique exactly as de- takes place in the distal 6 to 8 cm of the tendon, whereas
scribed earlier others disregard the rotation of the tendon fibers.
c. Laceration of cartilaginous calcaneal apophysis
i. Avoid by following the technique exactly as described b. Percutaneous Triple-Cut Tendo-Achilles
earlier, inserting the scalpel at least 1 cm above the Lengthening (TAL), a.k.a. Hoke Procedure
posterior heel crease (Figure 7-13)
i. The advantages of this technique are speed and
Tendo-Achilles Lengthening (TAL)
1. Indications ii. The disadvantage/risk with this technique is that
a. Contracture of the entire triceps surae/tendo-Achilles a complete tenotomy can be inadvertently cre-
(see Chapter 5), as determined by the Silfverskiold ated; therefore, use it:
test (see Assessment Principle #12 and Figure 3-13, • with a thick tendo-Achilles (easier to feel the
­Chapter 3), that is creating pain, functional disability, edges), and
and/or gait disturbance • when the ankle can be dorsiflexed to approxi-
i. The ankle joint cannot be dorsiflexed at least 10° with mately neutral (90°) with the knee flexed. Us-
the subtalar joint locked in neutral alignment (see ing this technique to correct greater degrees of

A Left foot B C

Figure 7-13.  Triple cut TAL. A. Insert a #15 scalpel through the skin from posterior to anterior (in
the sagittal plane) just proximal to the calcaneus with the face of the blade parallel with the direction
of the tendon fibers. Then use it as a probe to identify the sagittal midline of the tendon. Rotate it 90°
and translate it medially (for a varus hindfoot deformity) or laterally (for a valgus hindfoot deformity)
to cut the desired half of the tendon’s fibers. Avoid making the percutaneous incision any larger than
is required for the scalpel to pass through the skin. B. Reinsert the scalpel in the same manner ap-
proximately 10 to 15 mm more proximally (depending on the length of the tendon), rotate it 90° in the
opposite direction, and translate it until the opposite half of the tendon is released (ignoring the ana-
tomic rotation of the fibers). C. Reinsert the scalpel in the same manner approximately 10 to 15 mm
more proximally (depending on the length of the tendon), rotate it 90° in the direction of the first cut,
and translate it until the same half of the tendon is released as was released with the first cut. Dorsi-
flex the ankle with the knee extended until a noticeable, and often dramatic, release is appreciated.
Check the Thompson test to ensure that continuity of the musculotendinous unit persists.
146 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

contracture risks the loss of contact between the c. Open Double Cut Slide TAL (Figure 7-14)
tendon segments, i.e., a complete tenotomy.
iii. This technique disregards the 90° rotation of the i. The advantage of this technique is that there is little
tendon fibers that takes place as they approach risk for overlengthening or complete tenotomy
their insertion on the calcaneus. ii. The disadvantages/risks with this technique are:
iv. Use a standard lower limb prep and drape • With extensive lengthenings, it may be hard to
v. Ask your assistant to hold the forefoot with one identify the opposite fibers. Release of additional
hand and the leg with the other hand while posi- fibers, even under direct vision, could inadver-
tioning the foot and leg parallel with the OR table tently result in complete tenotomy.
vi. Place your nondominant thumb and index finger • This technique requires an incision that is larger
on either side of the tendo-Achilles immediately and, therefore, less cosmetic than the incisions
proximal to its insertion on the calcaneus used for the mini-open double cut slide TAL and
vii. Insert a #15 scalpel through the skin from poste- the percutaneous triple-cut technique.
rior to anterior in the midsagittal plane with the iii. This technique considers and takes advantage of
face of the blade in line with the direction of the the 90° of internal rotation of the tendon fibers that
tendon fibers just proximal to the calcaneus takes place as they approach their insertion on the
viii. Use the scalpel as a probe to find the sagittal mid- calcaneus (Figures 7-15 and 7-16).
line of the tendon by dragging the skin medial iv. Use a standard lower limb prep and drape with the
and lateral until the midpoint is determined patient in the supine position
ix. Insert the scalpel through the tendon in the sagit- v. Make a 5- to 7-cm longitudinal incision anterome-
tal midline to the presumed thickness of the ten- dial to the tendo-Achilles in the concavity between
don (at least 1 cm), turn it 90° (medially for a varus the tendo-Achilles and the posterior edge of the tibia.
hindfoot and laterally for a valgus hindfoot), and Never make the incision directly posterior where
cut the fibers by translating the blade in the desired the shoe counter will later rub and cause irritation.
direction. The skin incision should not enlarge ­Directly posterior incisions also tend to be uncos-
x. Remove the scalpel and reinsert it 10 to 15 mm metic, as they often heal thick and wide (­ Figure 7-17).
more proximally finding the sagittal midline in vi. Incise the anteromedial aspect of the tendon sheath
the same way from proximal to distal
xi. This time, cut the opposite half of the tendon vii. Avoid disruption of the posterior tendon sheath
xii. Remove the scalpel and reinsert it 10 to 15 mm and subcutaneous fat. By so doing, there will be
more proximally finding the sagittal midline in less adherence of the tendon to the skin.
the same way viii. Divide the plantaris tendon distally—if an inadver-
xiii. This time, cut the same half of the tendon that was tent tenotomy occurs, the plantaris can be used as
cut distally an intercalary graft
xiv. With the knee extended and the subtalar joint in ix. Insert a #15 scalpel into the tendon from posterior
neutral alignment, dorsiflex the ankle to approxi- to anterior with the face of the blade in line with
mately 10°. There should be a sudden release of the direction of the tendon fibers and in the sagittal
tension to allow the ankle to dorsiflex, but also a midline of the tendon immediately proximal to the
sense of resistance to excessive dorsiflexion insertion on the calcaneus
• Perform the Thompson test, by squeezing the x. Insert the scalpel through the tendon to the pre-
calf musculature and watching the ankle plantar sumed thickness of the tendon (at least 1 cm), turn
flex, to confirm maintenance of musculotendi- it 90° medially, and cut the medial half of the fibers
nous continuity by translating the blade in that direction
xv. If the ankle does not dorsiflex, palpate each inci- xi. Insert a #15 scalpel into the tendon from medial to
sional site to determine which one(s) requires re- lateral with the face of the blade in line with the di-
insertion of the scalpel to release additional fibers rection of the tendon fibers and in the midcoronal
• Perform the Thompson test again plane of the tendon approximately 4 to 6 cm more
xvi. Apply adhesive strips, a gauze dressing, and a proximal than the first cut
short-leg walking cast with the ankle dorsiflexed xii. Insert the scalpel through the tendon, turn it 90°
no more than 10° posteriorly, and cut the posterior half of the fibers
xvii. Remove the cast at 6 weeks and prescribe daily by translating the blade in that direction
strengthening and stretching exercises to be per- xiii. With the knee extended and the subtalar joint in neu-
formed indefinitely tral alignment, dorsiflex the ankle to approximately
xviii. If both tendo-Achilless are lengthened, consider 10°. There should be a sudden release of tension to
providing CAM boots to help with mobility during allow the ankle to dorsiflex, and also a sense of re-
the time it takes to get strong and stable on both legs sistance to excessive dorsiflexion. The overlapping
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 147


Sagittal plane Plantaris


D E Coronal plane
Medial half

Posterior half

G Ankle dorsiflexion H Further ankle dorsiflexion


Figure 7-14.  Open double cut slide TAL. A. Wide exposure of Achilles and plantaris tendons
through a posteromedial incision. B. Distal release of plantaris tendon. C. Scalpel is inserted distally
in the midsagittal plane of the tendo-Achilles. D. The scalpel is rotated 90° medially and translated
until the hemitendon is released. E. Scalpel inserted proximally in the midcoronal plane of the ten-
don. F. The scalpel is rotated 90° posteriorly and translated until the hemitendon is released. G. As the
ankle is dorsiflexed, the tendon halves begin to slide past each other. H. Even further dorsiflexion of
the ankle results in further longitudinal translation of the tendon halves relative to each other. I. Ten
degrees of ankle dorsiflexion with the knee extended should be sought—not less and not much more.
Ensure that there is enough distance between the proximal and distal cuts that the tendon halves will
maintain some side-to-side contact at the final lengthened position. Though not intuitive, translation/
lengthening of even 3 to 4 cm can take place without loss of “stable” side-to-side contact between
the tendon halves (black oval). Reinforcing sutures can be used, but are often unnecessary.

halves of the tendon should maintain side-to-side xvi. Remove the cast at 6 weeks and prescribe daily
contact even with lengthenings of 3 to 4 cm or more. strengthening and stretching exercises to be
Reinforcing sutures are rarely required. ­performed indefinitely
• Perform the Thompson test, by squeezing the calf xvii. If both tendo-Achilless are lengthened, consider

musculature and watching the ankle plantar flex, providing CAM boots to help with mobility during
to confirm maintenance of musculotendinous the time it takes to get strong and stable on both legs
xiv. If the ankle does not dorsiflex, carefully release d. Mini-Open Double Cut Slide TAL
only the fibers that appear to be resisting deformity (Figure 7-18)
• Perform the Thompson test again i. The advantages of this technique are:
xv. Use a 3-0 absorbable suture in the subcutaneous • There is little risk for overlengthening or complete
­tissues and a running 4-0 subcuticular suture in tenotomy.
the skin of the proximal incision. Apply adhesive • The incisions are smaller and, therefore, more cos-
strips, a gauze dressing, and a short-leg walking metic than the incision used for the open double
cast with the ankle dorsiflexed no more than 10° cut slide TAL.
148 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

90° spin of the fibers: OPPOSITE FIBERS are:
Proximal/anterior become Proximal/posterior
Distal/medial and

Left foot
Left foot Left foot medial
medial medial

90° spin of the fibers:

Proximal/posterior become

Figure 7-15.  A. The tendo-Achilles fibers internally rotate 90° in their terminal few inches as they
approach their insertion on the calcaneus. In this lateral view of a left foot model, it can be appreci-
ated that the proximal/anterior tendon fibers become distal/medial at the calcaneus. B. The proximal/
posterior fibers become distal/lateral at their insertion. C. Therefore, the opposite fibers are the poste-
rior ones proximally and the medial fibers distally.

Double cut slide TAL:

Cut distal/medial and proximal/posterior


Left foot

Left foot

Figure 7-16.  A. Medial view of a left foot model showing the 90° rotation of the tendo-Achilles.
The medial half of the tendon is cut distally. B. The posterior half of tendon, which contains the
opposite half of the fibers, is cut proximally. C. Posterior view of the foot model showing the
medial half of the tendo-Achilles being cut distally. D. The posterior half of the tendon is cut
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 149

xii. Insert a #15 scalpel into the tendon from medial

to lateral with the face of the blade in line with the
direction of the tendon fibers and in the midcoro-
nal plane of the tendon approximately 4 to 6 cm
more proximal than the first cut
xiii. Insert the scalpel through the tendon, turn it 90°
posteriorly, and cut the posterior half of the fibers
by translating the blade in that direction
xiv. With the knee extended and the subtalar joint in
neutral alignment, dorsiflex the ankle to approxi-
mately 10°. There should be a sudden release of
tension to allow the ankle to dorsiflex, and also a
sense of resistance to excessive dorsiflexion. The
Figure 7-17.  The incision for an open tendo-Achilles length- overlapping halves of the tendon should maintain
ening should be along the posteromedial aspect of the ankle. side-to-side contact even with lengthenings of 3
Avoid directly posterior incisions. to 4 cm or more. Reinforcing sutures are rarely
• Perform the Thompson test, by squeezing the
calf musculature and watching the ankle plantar
ii. The disadvantages/risks with this technique are: flex, to confirm maintenance of musculotendi-
• With extensive lengthenings, it may be hard nous continuity
to identify the opposite fibers. Release of ad- xv. If the ankle does not dorsiflex, carefully release
ditional fibers, even under direct vision, could only the fibers that appear to be resisting defor-
inadvertently result in complete tenotomy. mity correction
• The incisions are larger than those used for the • Perform the Thomson test again
percutaneous triple-cut technique. xvi. Use a 3-0 absorbable suture in the subcutaneous
iii. This technique considers and takes advantage of tissues and a running 4-0 subcuticular suture in
the 90° of internal rotation of the tendon fibers the skin of the proximal incision. Apply adhesive
that takes place as they approach their insertion strips, a gauze dressing, and a short-leg walking
on the calcaneus (Figures 7-15 and 7-16). cast with the ankle dorsiflexed no more than 10°
iv. Use a standard lower limb prep and drape with xvii. Remove the cast at 6 weeks and prescribe daily
the patient in the supine position strengthening and stretching exercises to be per-
v. This procedure is identical to the open double cut formed indefinitely
slide, except that it is performed through a percu- xviii. If both the tendo-Achilless are lengthened, consider
taneous distal incision and a short proximal inci- providing CAM boots to help with mobility during
sion (that is the upper portion of the incision used the time it takes to get strong and stable on both legs.
for the open technique).
vi. Place your nondominant thumb and index finger
e. Open Z-lengthening TAL (Figure 7-19)
on either side of the tendo-Achilles immediately
proximal to its insertion on the calcaneus i. The advantage of this technique is its ability to
vii. Insert a #15 scalpel through the skin from poste- correct the most severe contractures that require
rior to anterior in the midsagittal plane with the the greatest amount of lengthening without risk
face of the blade in line with the direction of the of running out of tendon ends to overlap, as long
tendon fibers just proximal to the calcaneus as adequate length is considered at the time of
viii. Use the scalpel as a probe to find the sagittal mid- release.
line of the tendon by dragging the skin medial ii. The disadvantages/risks with this technique are:
and lateral until the midpoint is determined • Overlengthening
ix. Insert the scalpel through the tendon to the pre- • This technique requires an incision that is larger
sumed thickness of the tendon (at least 1 cm), and, therefore, less cosmetic than the incisions
turn it 90° medially, and cut the medial half of the used for the mini-open double cut slide TAL and
fibers by translating the blade in that direction the percutaneous triple-cut technique.
x. Make a 1.5- to 2.0-cm longitudinal incision iii. This technique disregards the 90° rotation of the
slightly anteromedial to the tendo-Achilles start- tendon fibers that takes place as they approach
ing at least 5 cm proximal to the distal cut their insertion on the calcaneus.
xi. Under direct vision, release the plantaris tendon iv. Make a 5- to 7-cm longitudinal incision anterome-
and open the tendo-Achilles sheath dial to the tendo-Achilles in the concavity between
150 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Scalpel in midsagittal
plane of tendo-Achilles


Plantaris Scalpel in midcoronal plane

tendon of tendo-Achilles


Scalpel turned 90° medially

G H Anterior half of
I Ankle dorsiflexion
Scalpel turned 90° posteriorly

of posterior
half of

Figure 7-18.  Mini-open double cut slide TAL. A. Medial view of the distal midsagittal percutane-
ous incision and the proximal mini-posteromedial incision marked on the skin. B. Posterior view.
C. Scalpel is inserted percutaneously distally in the midsagittal plane of the tendo-Achilles. D. The
scalpel is rotated 90° medially and translated until the hemitendon is released. E. The plantaris and
tendo-­Achilless are exposed through a short posteromedial incision, which is the upper portion of the
long incision used for an open tendo-Achilles lengthening (Figure 7-17). The plantaris is divided (not
shown). F. The scalpel is inserted in the midcoronal plane of the tendon with the blade parallel with
the tendon fibers (black line). G. The scalpel is rotated 90° posteriorly and translated until the hemi-
tendon is released. H. Tenotomy of the posterior half of the tendon fibers is evident. I. As the ankle is
dorsiflexed, the ends of the divided posterior half of the tendon begin to separate from each other
(double-ended arrow). Ten degrees of ankle dorsiflexion with the knee extended should be sought—
not less and not much more. Ensure that there is enough distance between the proximal and distal
cuts that the tendon halves will maintain some side-to-side contact at the final lengthened position.
Though not intuitive, translation/lengthening of even 3 to 4 cm can take place without loss of “stable”
side-to-side contact between the tendon halves. If reinforcing sutures are deemed necessary, the pos-
teromedial incision should be extended distally for visualization.

tendo-Achilles and the posterior edge of the tibia. vi. Avoid disruption of the posterior tendon sheath
Never make the incision directly posterior where and subcutaneous fat. By so doing, there will be
the shoe counter will later rub and cause irrita- less adherence of the tendon to the skin.
tion. Directly posterior incisions also tend to be vii. Divide the plantaris tendon distally—if an inadver-
uncosmetic, as they often heal thick and wide tent tenotomy occurs, the plantaris can be used as
­(Figure 7-17). an intercalary graft
v. Incise the anteromedial aspect of the tendon sheath
viii. Split the tendo-Achilles longitudinally in the
from proximal to distal (Figure 7-16) ­sagittal plane
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 151

Plantaris tendon




Figure 7-19.  Open Z-lengthening TAL. A. Severe tendo-Achilles contracture with inability to dor-
siflex the ankle. The planned posteromedial incision site is marked. B. The Achilles and plantaris
tendons are exposed. C. The plantaris tendon is released distally and reflected away. D. The scalpel
is inserted into the tendo-Achilles in the midsagittal plane proximal to its insertion on the calcaneus.
Midcoronal plane lengthening is also possible. E. The scalpel is advanced distally to the insertion site
on the calcaneus and turned 90° medially. F. The medial half of the tendon fibers are released from
the calcaneus and the free end is elevated. G. The tendon division is continued proximally. H. The lat-
eral half of the ­tendon is divided approximately 5 to 6 cm. proximal to the distal cut. I. With the ankle
dorsiflexed 10° and the knee extended, the lead sutures are pulled in opposite directions to create
moderate tension on the overlapping halves of the tendon. J. Figure-of-8 2-0 absorbable sutures are
used for the repair. K. Final position of 5° to 10° of dorsiflexion.

ix. For a varus hindfoot, release the medial half of xi. Place tagging sutures in both tendon ends
the fibers distally and the lateral half proximally— xii. Extend the knee, dorsiflex the ankle to 10°, and
this will shift the vector of pull on the calcaneus repair the overlapping ends of the tendon under
laterally moderate tension with 2-0 absorbable sutures
x. For a valgus hindfoot, release the lateral half of the xiii. Use a 3-0 absorbable suture in the subcutane-
fibers distally and the medial half proximally— ous tissues and a running 4-0 subcuticular su-
this will shift the vector of pull on the calcaneus ture in the skin of the proximal incision. Apply
medially adhesive strips, a gauze dressing, and a short-leg
152 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

walking cast with the ankle dorsiflexed no more Anchoring techniques—it is not known if a tendon can
than 10° reliably anchor/heal into a cartilage anlage of a bone. The re-
xiv. Remove the cast at 6 weeks and prescribe daily liable anchoring techniques are:
strengthening and stretching exercises to be per- 1. Pulvertaft weave into another tendon
formed indefinitely 2. Drill hole in a bone with lead sutures tied over a button
xv. If both the tendo-Achilless are lengthened, consider and felt pad on the plantar aspect of the foot
providing CAM boots to help with mobility during a. Commercial tendon anchor (rarely indicated in
the time it takes to get strong and stable on both legs children)
3. Pitfalls for all Achilles lengthening techniques
a. Underlengthening Jones Transfer of Extensor Hallucis
b. Overlengthening Longus to 1st MT Neck
c. Failure to appreciate the rotation of tendon fibers in the
double cut techniques, resulting in complete tenotomy 1. Indications
after additional fibers are cut a. Claw deformity of the hallux (see Chapter 5) that
4. Complications for all Achilles lengthening techniques causes pain and skin irritation over the dorsum of the
a. Complete tenotomy, rather than a lengthening, due to: IP joint and/or under the 1st MT head
i. Inadequate distance between cuts in both the open i. usually associated with a cavovarus foot deformity,
and percutaneous techniques as in CMT or other neuromuscular disorder (see
• Avoid by becoming expert at the open Z-­lengthening Cavovarus Foot, Chapter 5)
technique and then the open double cut slide tech- b. Can be performed as an isolated procedure, but is most
nique before attempting the other techniques often performed during the second stage of a two-stage
ii. Excessive release of fibers in the percutaneous reconstruction for cavovarus deformity with clawing of
technique the hallux
• Avoid by practicing the technique open, and then c. Combine with percutaneous tenotomy of the FHL (see
by using it only with thick tendo-Achilless in older this chapter)
children and adolescents 2. Technique (Figure 7-20)
a. If this is an isolated procedure, perform a percutaneous
tenotomy of the FHL (see this chapter)
b. If this procedure is being performed in conjunction
III. TENDON TRANSFERS with other procedures during the second-stage recon-
PRINCIPLE: Transfer the right tendon to the right location at struction of a cavovarus foot, the FHL was already re-
the right tension (see Management Principle #22-1, ­Chapter 4). leased in stage 1.


Split extensor hallucis longus Drill hole in 1st MT

Figure 7-20.  Jones transfer. A. Extensor hallucis longus is released from the hallux asymmetri-
cally. B. The long lateral slip is passed transversely through a drill hole in the distal metaphysis of
the 1st MT. C. The transferred EHL slip is brought back firmly into the split in the tendon and sutured
securely. Ensure that the FHL has been released.
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 153

back upon itself, thereby extending the IP and MTP

C joints, and suture the afferent and efferent limbs to each
other with 2-0 absorbable sutures. This creates an ex-
tension tenodesis (Figure 7-21).
n. The alternative is a hallux IP joint arthrodesis (see
Chapter 8), which is not indicated in children with
open growth plates. The described tenodesis works very
well in most cases.
o. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta-
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu-
lar 4-0 absorbable suture
p. Apply a short-leg non–weight-bearing cast
q. Change to a short-leg walking cast after 6 weeks and
maintain it until 8 weeks postoperatively
3. Pitfalls
a. Insufficient tension on the distal tenodesis of the EHL to
the extensor hallucis brevis to create an extension tenodesis
b. Insufficient tension on the transfer of the EHL to the 1st MT

Figure 7-20.  (Continued)

c. Make a longitudinal incision dorsal to the extensor

halluces longus (EHL) starting just distal to the hallux
IP joint and extending proximally to the base of the
1st MT
d. Release the EHL from its tendon sheath and release all
soft tissue attachments to it
e. Split the EHL longitudinally Distally-based
f. Release the lateral half of the tendon from its insertion medial slip of EHL
on the distal phalanx and insert a Bunnell-type 2-0 ab-
sorbable suture in its end
g. Divide the medial half of the tendon immediately proxi-
mal to the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint and insert
a tagging 2-0 absorbable suture in both ends
h. Make a transverse tunnel in the 1st MT neck with a
small-diameter power drill
i. Pass the long lateral half of the EHL through the tunnel Ext hallucis
from lateral to medial brevis
j. Complete all other bone and soft tissue procedures. Im-
portantly, complete the medial cuneiform plantar-based
opening wedge osteotomy. Setting the tension on this
transfer should be the last procedure performed (or sec-
ond to last if a SPLATT [see this chapter] is being per-
formed concurrently) before final wound closure and cast
application (see Management Principle #24, Chapter 4).
k. With the foot and ankle in anatomic alignment, pull the
lateral half of the EHL through the tunnel in the 1st MT
and firmly back upon itself
l. Position the transferred half of the EHL in the proxi-
mal extent of the split in the EHL and suture the 3 half
tendons together with 2-0 absorbable sutures. This ef-
fectively simulates a Pulvertaft weave. Figure 7-21.  EHL tenodesis. The long medial distally-based
slip of the asymmetrically cut split EHL is passed transversely
m. Pass the long medial distally-based slip of the EHL through a slit in the extensor hallucis brevis/dorsal capsule
through a transverse slit in the extensor hallucis brevis/ of the MTP joint. It is pulled back firmly to extend the IP joint
dorsal capsule of the MTP joint. Pull the tendon firmly and then sutured securely to itself to create a tenodesis.
154 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

c. Failure to release the FHL k. With the foot and ankle in anatomic alignment, pull the
d. Failure to release the volar capsule of the IP joint and transferred slip of the FHL (that was passed through the
longitudinally pin across the joint if it does not fully ex- tunnel in the 1st MT) firmly back upon itself
tend following FHL tenotomy l. Position the transferred slip in the proximal extent of
e. Assuming that the EHL transfer will correct forefoot the split in the FHL and suture the 3 half tendons to-
pronation deformity. It will not. A medial cunei- gether with 2-0 absorbable sutures. This effectively sim-
form osteotomy is needed to correct the deformity, ulates a Pulvertaft weave.
whereas the EHL transfer will help prevent recur- m. Tension the anterior tibialis tendon transfer to the mid-
rent deformity by supplementing the weak anterior dle (2nd) cuneiform, if applicable
tibialis (see M­ anagement Principles #5, 6, 15, 22-2, n. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta-
­C hapter 4). neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu-
4. Complications lar 4-0 absorbable suture
a. Drop toe due to insufficient tension, rupture, or stretch- o. Apply a short-leg non–weight-bearing cast
ing out of the tenodesis p. Change to a short-leg walking cast after 6 weeks and
i. Avoid by maintain it until 8 weeks postoperatively
• setting exaggerated tension initially 3. Pitfalls
• cautioning against barefoot walking a. Failure to release a contracted volar capsule of the 1st
MTP joint
b. Insufficient tension placed on the transfer
Reverse Jones Transfer of FHL to 1st MT Neck c. Assuming that the transfer will correct forefoot supi-
1. Indications nation deformity. It will not. A medial cuneiform oste-
a. Dorsal bunion (see Chapter 5) otomy is needed to correct the deformity, whereas the
i. Often combined with transfer of the anterior tibialis FHL transfer will help prevent recurrent deformity by
to the middle (2nd) cuneiform (see this chapter) substituting for the weak peroneus longus (see Manage-
and a medial cuneiform plantar flexion osteotomy ment Principles #5, 6, 15, 22-2, Chapter 4).
(see Chapter 8) 4. Complications
2. Technique (Figure 7-22) a. None
a. Make a longitudinal incision along the medial border of the
forefoot from the 1st MTP joint to the base of the 1st MT Hibbs Transfer of Extensor Digitorum
b. Perform an intramuscular recession of the tendon of
Communis to Cuboid or Peroneus Tertius
the abductor hallucis
c. Retract the abductor hallucis plantarward 1. Indications
d. Isolate and release the FHL tendon sheath under the 1st a. Claw deformity of the lesser toes (see Chapter 5) that
MT from the distal phalanx to the base of the 1st MT. causes pain and skin irritation over the dorsum of the
Hyperflex the IP and MTP joints to aid with exposure IP joints and/or under the MT heads
of the FHL insertion on the distal phalanx i. usually associated with a cavovarus foot deformity,
e. Release the FHL from the distal phalanx and split it as in CMT or other neuromuscular disorder (see
longitudinally Cavovarus Foot, Chapter 5)
f. Insert a Bunnell-type 2-0 absorbable suture in the end b. Can be performed as an isolated procedure, but is most
of one slip of the FHL, leaving long tails on both limbs often performed during the second stage of a two-stage
of the suture; and insert a tagging 2-0 absorbable suture reconstruction for cavovarus deformity with clawing of
in the other slip the lesser toes
g. If it is not possible to easily dorsiflex the MTP joint past c. Combine with percutaneous tenotomy of the FDL to all
neutral, release the plantar capsule sharply from medial affected toes (see this chapter)
to lateral 2. Technique (Figure 7-23)
h. Make a vertical tunnel in the 1st MT neck with a drill bit a a. If this is an isolated procedure, perform a percutaneous
little larger than the thickness of the split half of the FHL tenotomy of the FDL to toes 2 to 5 (see this chapter)
i. Pass the FHL slip with the Bunnell suture through the b. If this procedure is being performed in conjunction
tunnel from plantar to dorsal with other procedures during the second-stage recon-
j. Importantly, complete the medial cuneiform plantar struction of a cavovarus foot, the FDL to toes 2 to 5 was
flexion osteotomy before setting the tension on the already released in stage 1.
transfer. Setting the tension on this transfer should be c. Make a longitudinal incision over the dorsolateral mid-
the second to last procedure performed before final foot following the course of the extensor digitorum
wound closure and cast application. The last procedure communis (EDC) and peroneus tertius. Avoid/retract
should be setting the tension on the anterior tibialis ten- the superficial peroneal nerve.
don transfer to the middle (2nd) cuneiform (see Man- d. Isolate the peroneus tertius if one exists (approximately
agement Principle #24, Chapter 4). 15% of people do not have a peroneus tertius)
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 155


Recession site in
abductor hallucis



Tunneled slip of FHL

pulled back upon itself

1 slip of FHL passing through

drill hole in 1st MT


Medial cuneiform
wedge resection
Wire staple

Figure 7-22.  Reverse Jones transfer. A. The site of the abductor hallucis intramuscular recession
is marked. The FHL is ­exposed, retracted, and released from its insertion on the distal phalanx of the
hallux. B. The FHL is split longitudinally and a tagging suture is inserting in both ends. C. One slip
of the FHL is passed through a vertical drill hole in the 1st MT from plantar to dorsal. D. The slip is
pulled back on itself. E. A plantar-based wedge of bone has been removed from the medial cunei-
form. Plantar flexion of the 1st ray brings the osteotomy surfaces into apposition. F. A wire staple has
been inserted from plantar to dorsal to internally fixate the osteotomy. The tendon slip of the FHL that
was passed through the drill hole is firmly pulled back upon itself and sutured to itself as well as the
other slip of the tendon.
156 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

e. Release the EDC slip to the 5th toe as far distal as pos- ii. thread one of the long suture tails into each of two
sible and insert a Bunnell-type #0 absorbable suture in large Keith needles. Pass one of the needles through
its end, leaving long tails on both limbs of the suture the hole until the tip pierces the plantar skin, but do
f. Resect a 2-cm section from the EDC slips to toes 2 to 4 not pull it through yet. Leave the needle shaft in the
g. If there is a peroneus tertius: hole. Pass the other needle, exiting 5 to 7 mm away
i. pass the EDC slip #5 through a slit in the tertius from the first on the plantar surface of the midfoot.
ii. complete all other bone and soft tissue procedures. If the first suture were left bare in the hole, the sec-
Setting the tension on this transfer should be the ond Keith needle would almost certainly pierce and
last, or second to last (before the Jones transfer), weaken it. Pull both needles and sutures through the
procedure performed before final wound closure hole and out the plantar surface of the foot.
and cast application (see Management Principle iii. pass the needles through a thick felt pad and through
#24, ­Chapter 4). different holes in a large button
iii. with the foot and ankle in anatomic alignment, pull iv. complete all other bone and soft tissue procedures.
the EDC slip #5 firmly through the slit in the pero- Setting the tension on this transfer should be the last,
neus tertius while the latter tendon is pulled proxi- or second to last (before the Jones transfer), procedure
mally with a button hook performed before final wound closure and cast appli-
iv. repair this Pulvertaft weave with figure-of-8 2-0 ab- cation (see Management Principle #24, Chapter 4).
sorbable sutures v. with the foot and ankle in anatomic alignment, pull
h. If there is no peroneus tertius: the EDC slip #5 firmly into the hole in the cuboid
i. drill a hole in the cuboid from dorsal to plantar that and tie the sutures over a button and thick felt pad
is slightly larger in diameter than the EDC slip #5 on the plantar aspect of the midfoot


C# EDC EDC #2–4
ED #2–4

Heel Toes


#5 EDC
EDC #2–4

Figure 7-23.  Hibbs transfer. A. The EDC slip to the 5th toe was released distally. Other three EDC
slips are ­exposed. B. Kocher clamps are placed on the EDC slips to toes 2 to 4 approximately 2 cm
apart. C. Those three slips are divided immediately proximal to the proximal clamp. D. The three slips
are divided immediately distal to the distal clamp to complete the segmental resections. E. For feet in
which there is no peroneus tertius (~15%), the lead sutures on EDC slip #5 are passed through a drill
hole in the cuboid on Keith needles. F. They exit 5 to 7 mm apart on the plantar surface of the midfoot.
G. The tendon is pulled into the hole and the sutures are tied under tension over a thick felt pad and
button. H. For feet with a peroneus tertius (~85%), EDC slip #5 is passed through a slit in that tendon
for repair as a Pulvertaft weave.
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 157


EDC #5 exi ad su
g p tures
Lead sutures lan
in drill hole

Drill hole
in cuboid


EDC #5
in drill hole

Figure 7-23.  (continued)

vi. supplement the button fixation by suturing the ten- supplemental suture between the tendon and the
don to the dorsal periosteum of the cuboid with a dorsal periosteum of the cuboid
2-0 absorbable suture • immobilizing in a cast for at least 6 weeks
i. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta-
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu- Anterior Tibialis Tendon Transfer
lar 4-0 absorbable suture
to the Lateral (3rd) Cuneiform (ATTTx)
j. Apply a short-leg non–weight-bearing cast
k. Change to a short-leg walking cast after 6 weeks and 1. Indications
maintain it until 8 weeks postoperatively a. Clubfoot (see Chapter 5) with full correction of all defor-
3. Pitfalls mities and with good flexibility, but with muscle imbalance
a. Insufficient tension on the transfer of the EDC to the that is characterized by overpull of the anterior tibialis in
peroneus tertius or the cuboid relation to the peroneus longus and peroneus tertius
b. Failure to release the FDL to toes 2 to 5 i. If residual or recurrent deformities coexist, preop-
c. Failure to longitudinally pin the toes temporarily if they erative serial casting should be performed to correct
do not fully passively extend following release of the FDL them.
d. Assuming that the EDC transfer will correct foot defor- ii. If any of the segmental deformities cannot be cor-
mity. It will not (see Management Principles #5, 6, 15, rected by a series of preoperative casts, they can be
22-2, Chapter 4). surgically corrected concurrent with the tendon
4. Complications transfer (see Management Principles #5, 6, 15, ­22-2,
a. Injury to the superficial peroneal nerve Chapter 4).
i. Avoid by careful dissection, identification, and 2. Technique (Figure 7-24)
retraction a. If any residual deformities exist despite preoperative se-
b. Pull-out of the tendon from the bone rial casting, they should be corrected before perform-
i. Avoid by: ing the tendon transfer. For example, a TAT (see this
• anchoring the tendon securely with the #0 lead chapter) or plantar fasciotomy (PF) (see this chapter)
suture tied over a plantar button and adding a should be performed first.
158 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

Anterior Tibialis Transfer

Transfer is indicated if the child has persistent varus and supi-
nation during walking. The sole shows thickening of the lateral
plantar skin. Make certain that any fixed deformity is corrected
by two or three casts before performing the transfer. Transfers
are best performed when the child is between 3 and 5 years
of age.
Often, the need for transfer is an indication of poor compli-
ance with brace management.

Mark the sites for incisions

The dorsolateral incision is marked on the mid-dorsum of the
foot [A].
C D Make medial incision
The dorsomedial incision is made over the insertion of the an-
terior tibialis tendon [B].

Expose anterior tibialis tendon

The tendon is exposed and detached at its insertion [C]. Avoid
extending the dissection too far distally to avoid injury to the
growth plate of the first metatarsal.

Place anchoring sutures

Place a #0 dissolving anchoring suture [D]. Make multiple
passes through the tendon to obtain secure fixation.
Transfer the tendon
E F Transfer the tendon to the dorsolateral incision [E]. The ten-
don remains under the extensor retinaculum and the extensor
tendons. Free the subcutaneous tissue to allow the tendon a
direct course laterally.

Option: localize site for insertion

Using a needle as a marker, radiography may be useful in ex-
actly localizing the site of transfer in the third cuneiform [F].
Note the position of the hole in the radiograph (arrow).

Identify site for transfer

This should be in the mid-dorsum of the foot and ideally into
the body of the third cuneiform. Make a drill hole large enough
to accommodate the tendon [G].

Thread sutures
Thread a straight needle on each of the securing sutures.
Leave the first needle in the hole while passing the second
needle to avoid piercing the first suture [H]. Note that the nee-
G H dle penetrates the sole of the foot (arrow).

Figure 7-24.  Anterior tibialis tendon transfer to the lateral (3rd) cuneiform. See text within figures. (From
Mosca VS. In: Lynn Staheli, ed. Clubfoot: Ponseti Management, 3rd ed.,, 2009.)
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 159

Pass two needles

A B Place the needles through a felt pad and then through differ-
ent holes in the button to secure the tendon [A].

Secure tendon
With the foot held in dorsiflexion, pull the tendon into the
drill hole by traction on the fixation sutures and tie the fixa-
tion sutures with multiple knots [B].

Supplemental fixation
Supplement the button fixation by suturing the tendon to the
periosteum at the site where the tendon enters the cunei-
form [C], using a heavy absorbable suture.

Neutral position without support

Without support, the foot should rest in approximately
5–10 degrees of plantar flexion [D] and neutral valgus-varus.

Local anesthetic
A long-acting local anesthetic is injected into the wound [E] to
reduce immediate postoperative pain.

Skin closure
Close the incisions with absorbable subcutaneous sutures [F].
Tape strips reinforce the closure.
Cast immobilization
A sterile dressing is placed [G], and a long leg cast is
applied [H].

Postoperative care
This patient was discharged on the same day of the proce-
dure. Usually, the patients remain hospitalized overnight. The
sutures absorb. Remove the cast at 6 weeks. No bracing is nec-
essary after the procedure. See the child again in 6 months to
assess the effect of the transfer.


Figure 7-24.  (continued)

160 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

b. Make a 4-cm longitudinal incision over the dorsome- 3. Pitfalls

dial midfoot in line with the anterior tibialis tendon a. Failure to correct residual or recurrent deformities e­ ither
c. Expose and isolate the anterior tibialis tendon from the before surgery with serial casting or during the operation
distal edge of the extensor retinaculum to the base of with the appropriate surgical procedure(s) (see Manage-
the 1st MT. Carefully expose the distal end of the ten- ment Principles #5, 6, 15, 22-2, Chapter 4)
don without injuring the 1st MT physis b. Incorrect destination for transfer, because of failure to
d. Taper the flared end of the tendon to the thickness of confirm the site with mini-fluoroscopy
the more proximal visible portion and release it from c. Insufficient tension placed on the transfer
the 1st MT far distally. 4. Complications
e. Insert a Bunnell-type #0 absorbable suture in its end, a. Injury to the superficial peroneal nerve
leaving long tails on both limbs of the suture i. Avoid by careful dissection, identification, and
f. Make a 4-cm longitudinal incision over the central mid- retraction
foot in line with the 3rd MT/lateral (3rd) cuneiform. b. Pull-out of the tendon from the bone
Avoid/retract the superficial peroneal nerve. i. Avoid by:
g. Bluntly expose the lateral cuneiform between the EDC • waiting to operate until there is a large ossification
and the peroneus tertius center in the lateral cuneiform. Tendon likely heals
h. Using a 25G needle and mini-fluoroscopy, identify the better to bone than to cartilage, though this has not
lateral cuneiform been proven
i. Make a cruciate incision in the periosteum and • anchoring the tendon securely with the #0 lead
elevate  the four triangular corners with a Freer
­ suture tied over a plantar button and adding a
elevator supplemental suture between the tendon and the
j. Make a drill hole through the lateral cuneiform, includ- dorsal periosteum of the lateral cuneiform
ing the plantar cortex, aimed somewhat lateral to the • immobilizing in a cast for at least 6 weeks
mid-arch. The diameter of the hole should be slightly
greater than the diameter of the tendon. Anterior Tibialis Tendon Transfer
k. Transfer the tendon laterally from the dorsomedial
to the Middle (2nd) Cuneiform
incision to the central incision remaining deep to the
extensor tendons, and certainly deep to the extensor 1. Indications
retinaculum. Release fatty or fibrous bands that prevent a. Dorsal bunion (see Chapter 5)
the tendon from assuming a reasonably straight vector i. Often combined with a reverse Jones transfer of
from proximal to distal in its new location. the FHL to the 1st MT (see this chapter) and a
l. Thread one of the long suture tails into each of two large medial cuneiform plantar flexion osteotomy (see
Keith needles. Pass one of the needles through the hole Chapter 8)
until the tip pierces the plantar skin, but do not pull it 2. Technique (see Figure 7-24, above)
through yet. Leave the needle shaft in the hole. Pass the a. Make a 4-cm longitudinal incision over the dorsome-
other needle, exiting 5 to 7 mm away from the first on dial midfoot in line with the 2nd MT/middle (2nd)
the plantar surface of the midfoot. If the first suture were cuneiform
left bare in the hole, the second Keith needle would al- b. Expose and isolate the anterior tibialis tendon from the
most certainly pierce and weaken it. Pull both needles distal edge of the extensor retinaculum to the base of
and sutures through the hole and out the plantar surface the 1st MT. Carefully expose the distal end of the ten-
of the foot. don without injuring the 1st MT physis
m. Pass the needles through a thick felt pad and through c. Taper the flared end of the tendon to the thickness of
different holes in a large button the more proximal visible portion and release it from
n. With the foot held in at least 10° of dorsiflexion, pull the the 1st MT far distally.
tendon firmly into the drill hole and tie the sutures over the d. Insert a Bunnell-type #0 absorbable suture in its end,
felt pad and button on the plantar surface of the midfoot leaving long tails on both limbs of the suture
o. Supplement the button fixation by suturing the tendon e. Bluntly expose the dorsum of the middle (2nd) cunei-
to the dorsal periosteum of the lateral cuneiform with a form and confirm its location using a 25G needle and
2-0 absorbable suture mini-fluoroscopy
p. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta- f. Make a cruciate incision in the periosteum and elevate
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu- the four triangular corners with a Freer elevator
lar 4-0 absorbable suture g. Make a drill hole through the middle cuneiform, includ-
q. Apply a long-leg, bent knee clubfoot cast with maxi- ing the plantar cortex. The diameter of the hole should
mum dorsiflexion and abduction/eversion molding be slightly greater than the diameter of the tendon
r. Remove the cast 6 weeks later h. Shift the tendon laterally releasing any fatty or fibrous
s. A CAM boot can be used for an additional 2 weeks in bands that prevent the tendon from assuming a straight
children over 4 years of age vector from proximal to distal in its new location
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 161

i. Thread one of the long suture tails into each of two large b. Expose and isolate the anterior tibialis tendon from the
Keith needles. Pass one of the needles through the hole distal edge of the extensor retinaculum to the base of
until the tip pierces the plantar skin, but do not pull it the 1st MT. Carefully expose the distal end of the ten-
through yet. Leave the needle shaft in the hole. Pass the don without injuring the 1st MT physis
other needle, exiting 5 to 7 mm away from the first on c. Split the anterior tibialis tendon longitudinally (there is
the plantar surface of the midfoot. If the first suture were often a natural longitudinal cleft/split in the tendon, as
left bare in the hole, the second Keith needle would al- if there are two adjacent adherent tendons, that can be
most certainly pierce and weaken it. Pull both needles used to easily create the split)
and sutures through the hole and out the plantar surface d. Release one of the slips from the 1st MT
of the foot. e. Insert a Bunnell-type #0 absorbable suture in its end,
j. Pass the needles through a thick felt pad and through leaving long tails on both limbs of the suture
different holes in a large button f. Without releasing the extensor retinaculum, split the an-
k. Complete all other bone and soft tissue procedures, in- terior tibialis as far proximal as possible while removing
cluding the medial cuneiform osteotomy and the reverse all soft tissue connections, including vinculae. Dorsiflex-
Jones transfer of the FHL to the first MT, and close all other ion of the ankle and distal traction on the 2 limbs of the
incisions (see Management Principle #24, Chapter 4) tendon will help with proximal exposure of the tendon
l. With the foot held in at least 10° of dorsiflexion, pull g. Make a 5- to 6-cm longitudinal incision anterior to the
the tendon firmly into the drill hole and tie the sutures crest of the distal tibial metaphysis
over the felt pad and button on the plantar aspect of the h. Release the anterior compartment fascia longitudinally
midfoot i. The anterior tibialis is the thick tendon immediately lat-
m. Supplement the button fixation by suturing the tendon eral to the tibial crest. Release all soft tissue attachments
to the dorsal periosteum of the middle cuneiform with to the tendon.
a 2-0 absorbable suture j. Dorsiflex the ankle while pulling the anterior tibialis
n. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta- tendon proximally into the anterior ankle incision us-
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu- ing a button hook. The split in the tendon should be-
lar 4-0 absorbable suture come visible just proximal to the extensor retinaculum.
o. Apply a short-leg non–weight-bearing cast with neutral Retrieve the split half and pull it retrograde into the an-
positioning of the ankle and subtalar joints and with terior ankle wound
forefoot pronation k. Continue splitting the tendon proximally to the level of
p. Change the cast to a short-leg walking cast after 6 weeks the musculoskeletal junction
and remove that 1 to 2 weeks later l. At that level, place a simple 2-0 absorbable suture on
3. Pitfalls both corners of the limit of the split. This will prevent
a. Incorrect destination for transfer, because of failure to the tendon from splitting any further, thereby ensuring
confirm the site with mini-fluoroscopy that the tension that is set will persist
b. Insufficient tension placed on the transfer m. Make a longitudinal incision over the dorsolateral mid-
4. Complications foot following the course of the peroneus tertius. Avoid/
a. Pull-out of the tendon from the bone retract the superficial peroneal nerve
i. Avoid by: n. Isolate the peroneus tertius, if one exists (approximately
• anchoring the tendon securely with the #0 lead 15% of people do not have a peroneus tertius)
suture tied over a plantar button and adding a o. Using a retrograde tonsil clamp, pull the lead sutures on
supplemental suture between the tendon and the the split half of the anterior tibialis antegrade deep to the
dorsal periosteum of the middle cuneiform extensor retinaculum and adjacent to the peroneus tertius
• immobilizing in a cast for at least 6 weeks from the anterior ankle incision to the dorsolateral incision
p. If there is a peroneus tertius:
i. pass the split half of the anterior tibialis through a slit
Split Anterior Tibial Tendon Transfer (SPLATT)
in the tertius
1. Indications ii. complete all other procedures and close all other in-
a. Varus or cavovarus foot deformity in a child with cere- cisions. Setting the tension on this transfer should
bral palsy (see Chapter 5) be the last procedure performed before final wound
b. Cavovarus foot deformity in a child with other neuro- closure and cast application (see Management Prin-
muscular disorder, such as CMT (see Chapter 5) ciple #24, Chapter 4)
c. Often combined with a posterior tibialis tendon reces- iii. with the ankle in slight dorsiflexion and the subtalar
sion or lengthening with or without a medial or plantar- joint everted, pull the split half of the anterior tibialis
medial release (see this chapter) firmly through the slit in the peroneus tertius while
2. Technique (Figure 7-25) the latter tendon is pulled proximally with a button
a. Make a 4-cm longitudinal incision over the dorsome- hook. Repair this Pulvertaft weave with figure-of-8
dial midfoot in line with the anterior tibialis tendon 2-0 absorbable sutures
Split anterior
tibialis tendon
B Split half of C
anterior tibialis

Peroneus tertius

D E F Split half of
Split half of anterior tibialis
anterior tibialis

Peroneus tertius
Peroneus tertius

Peroneus tertius

Peroneus tertius

Split half of
Split half of
anterior tibialis
anterior tibialis

Figure 7-25.  Split anterior tibialis tendon transfer. A. The anterior tibialis has been exposed through
a dorsomedial incision, split longitudinally, and one of the slips has been released from the 1st MT. That
slip has been retracted retrograde (blue arrow) to an incision anterior to the distal tibial metaphysis.
B. The peroneus tertius is exposed through a dorsolateral incision. For the approximately 15% of indi-
viduals without a peroneus tertius, the cuboid can be exposed through this incision for transfer of the
tendon into a drill hole in that bone. C. Absorbable 2-0 sutures are placed at the proximal extent of the
split in the tendon (at the musculoskeletal junction—black circle) to prevent further inadvertent splitting
of the tendon. D. A tonsil clamp is passed retrograde deep to the peroneus tertius and extensor retinac-
ulum to the anterior ankle incision (black arrow). E. There, it captures the sutures on the split half of the
anterior tibialis for antegrade delivery (blue arrow) of the tendon to the dorsolateral incision. F. The an-
terior tibialis tendon is passed through a slit in the peroneus tertius for later tensioning. G. The pathway
for the split transfer is indicated by the blue arrows. H. With the subtalar joint everted and the ankle dor-
siflexed, the Pulvertaft weave is being tensioned and secured with 2-0 absorbable sutures. Note that the
other incisions have already been sutured closed. Securing the tendon transfer and closing that incision
are the last procedures performed before cast application (see Management Principle #24, Chapter 4).
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 163

q. If there is no peroneus tertius: Peroneus Longus to Peroneus Brevis

i. drill a hole in the cuboid from dorsal to plantar Transfer (PL to PB tx)
ii. thread one of the long suture tails into each of two
large Keith needles. Pass one of the needles through 1. Indications
the hole until the tip pierces the plantar skin, but do a. Cavovarus foot deformity with pronation of the fore-
not pull it through yet. Leave the needle shaft in the foot in a child with CMT or other neuromuscular dis-
hole. Pass the other needle, exiting 5 to 7 mm away order, including some with CP (see Chapter 5)
from the first on the plantar surface of the midfoot. i. This is the most important tendon transfer for most
If the 1st suture were left bare in the hole, the sec- cavovarus foot deformities. The primary deformity
ond Keith needle would almost certainly pierce and in a cavovarus foot is plantar flexion of the 1st ray
weaken it. Pull both needles and sutures through the (pronation of the forefoot). The peroneus longus
hole and out the plantar surface of the foot plantar flexes the 1st ray. The second deformity in
iii. complete all other procedures and close all other in- a cavovarus foot is inversion of the hindfoot be-
cisions. Setting the tension on this transfer should cause of relative weakness of the evertor (peroneus
be the last procedure performed before final wound brevis) compared with the invertor (posterior tibi-
closure and cast application (see Management Prin- alis). Transfer of the peroneus longus to the pero-
ciple #24, Chapter 4) neus brevis removes the p ­ rimary deforming forces
iv. with the ankle in slight dorsiflexion and the subtalar and enhances the power of hindfoot eversion (see
joint everted, pull the split half of the anterior tibialis Management Principle #22, Chapter 4).
firmly into the hole in the cuboid and tie the sutures b. Often performed as one of several concurrent or
over a button and thick felt pad on the plantar aspect staged procedures to correct cavovarus deformity,
of the midfoot including plantar-medial release (see this chapter),
v. supplement the button fixation by suturing the ten- medial cuneiform dorsiflexion osteotomy (see Chap-
don to the dorsal periosteum of the cuboid with a ter 8), SPLATT (see this chapter), Jones transfer (see
2-0 absorbable suture this chapter), Hibbs transfer (see this chapter), and
r. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta- posterior calcaneus displacement osteotomy (see
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu- Chapter 8)
lar 4-0 absorbable suture 2. Technique (Figure 7-26)
s. Apply a short-leg non–weight-bearing cast with neutral a. This transfer is usually performed along with one or
rotation of the forefoot, eversion of the subtalar joint, more other procedures during the second stage of a
and slight dorsiflexion of the ankle two-stage cavovarus foot reconstruction.
t. Change the cast to a short-leg walking cast after 6 weeks b. Make a slightly curved incision on the lateral aspect of
and remove that one 2 weeks later the calcaneus following the course of the peroneal ten-
3. Pitfalls dons starting posterior to the lateral malleolus and end-
a. Insufficient tension placed on the transfer ing at the glabrous skin plantarward. This is the same
b. Failure to recognize and concurrently correct structural incision used for a posterior calcaneus displacement
deformities of the foot, such as fixed inversion of the sub- osteotomy (see Chapter 8).
talar joint, severe cavus, and rigid pronation of the forefoot c. Isolate and protect the sural nerve
(see Management Principles #5, 6, 15, 22-2, Chapter 4) d. Release the peroneus longus and brevis from their ten-
c. If there is severe pronation of the forefoot (plantar flexion don sheaths
of the 1st ray), a SPLATT will further weaken dorsiflexion e. Resect the septum (the conjoined tendon sheaths) that
of the 1st ray and potentiate the power of the peroneus separates them. Resect the peroneal tubercle if it is large
longus (the plantar flexor of the 1st ray), resulting in fur- f. Make a long Z-cut in the peroneus longus and place
ther pronation of the forefoot. In this scenario, one should a tagging 2-0 absorbable suture in the free end of the
consider a PF (see this chapter), a medial cuneiform dor- proximal slip. Pass this slip through a slit in the pero-
siflexion osteotomy (see Chapter 8), and/or a peroneus neus brevis for later tensioning
longus to peroneus brevis transfer (see this chapter). g. The exposed portion of the distal slip of the peroneus
4. Complications longus can be resected. If there is concern that the fore-
a. Injury to the superficial peroneal nerve foot might overcorrect to supination, this slip can be
i. Avoid by careful dissection, identification, and retraction sutured to the periosteum on the lateral surface of the
b. Pull-out of the tendon from the bone calcaneus, thereby changing the tendon into a ligament
i. Avoid by: and creating a tenodesis.
• anchoring the tendon securely with the #0 lead h. Complete all other procedures and close all other inci-
suture tied over a plantar button and adding a sions. If a posterior calcaneus displacement osteotomy
supplemental suture between the tendon and the (see Chapter 8) is being performed concurrently, dis-
dorsal periosteum of the cuboid place and internally fixate the posterior bone fragment
• immobilizing in a cast for at least 6 weeks before setting the tension on the tendon transfer. Setting
164 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Peroneus brevis

Peroneus longus
Peroneus longus

Proximal split half
of peroneus longus

Distal split half

of peroneus longus


Peroneus brevis
Peroneus brevis

t ha
a l spli gus
im on
Prox oneus l Proximal split half of
p e r peroneus longus

Figure 7-26.  Peroneus longus to brevis transfer. A. The peroneus longus is plantar to the peroneus
brevis tendon along the lateral surface of the calcaneus. Both are released from their tendon sheaths.
Ensure that they are appropriately identified by observing the effect of traction on each one using a
button/tendon hook. B–D. The peroneus longus is cut in a Z-fashion. E. A lead suture is placed in the
end of the proximal slip as a handle. F. The proximal slip of the peroneus longus is passed through a
slit in the peroneus brevis. E. A lead suture is placed in the end of the proximal slip as a handle. F. The
proximal slip of the peroneus longus is passed through a slit in the peroneus brevis. G. This Pulvertaft
weave is secured under firm tension with figure-of-8 sutures of 2-0 absorbable sutures.
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 165

b. Expose and isolate the anterior tibialis tendon from

G the distal edge of the extensor retinaculum to the base
of the 1st MT. Carefully expose the distal end of the
Proximal s
pli ­tendon without injuring the 1st MT physis
of peroneu t half
s longus c. Taper the flared end of the tendon to the thickness of
the more proximal visible portion and release it from
the 1st MT far distally.
d. Insert a Bunnell-type #0 absorbable suture in its end,
b revis leaving long tails on both limbs of the suture
e. Make a 5- to 6-cm longitudinal incision anterior to the
crest of the distal tibial metaphysis
f. Release the anterior compartment fascia longitudinally.
Pulvertaft weave The anterior tibialis is the thick tendon immediately
­lateral to the tibial crest.
g. Release all soft tissue attachments from the tendon and
Figure 7-26.  (continued) pull the entire tendon retrograde from the foot to this
incision on the lower leg.
the tension on this transfer should be the last (or one of h. Expose the interosseous membrane by retracting the
the last) procedure performed before final wound clo- soft tissues laterally away from the tibia. Gently retract
sure and cast application (see Management Principle the NV bundle.
#24, Chapter 4) i. Approximately 5 to 7 cm proximal to the ankle joint,
i. Dorsiflex the ankle to neutral and fully evert the subta- make a window in the interosseous membrane that is
lar joint. Firmly pull the proximal slip of the peroneus the full width of the membrane and at least 1.5 cm long
longus tendon distally through the slit in the peroneus j. Make a longitudinal incision along the posteromedial
brevis while the latter tendon is pulled proximally with aspect of the ankle half way between the tendo-Achilles
a button hook. Repair this Pulvertaft weave with mul- and the tibia. Expose and isolate the tendo-Achilles
tiple figure-of-8 2-0 absorbable sutures k. Pass a tonsil clamp through the window in the inter-
j. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta- osseous membrane from anterior/proximal (in the an-
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu- terior ankle incision) to posteromedial/distal (in the
lar 4-0 absorbable suture posteromedial incision). Keep the tonsil clamp adjacent
k. Apply a short-leg cast with weight-bearing status and to the tibia while spreading the soft tissues without clos-
duration of casting dependent the other procedures that ing the clamp in the depths of the wound.
were performed concurrently. Generally, a short-leg l. The tonsil clamp should emerge in the distal aspect
non–weight-bearing cast is used for 6 weeks followed of the posteromedial incision lateral to the pos-
by 2 weeks in a short-leg weight-bearing cast terior tibial NV bundle and anteromedial to the
3. Pitfalls tendo-Achilles.
a. Failure to recognize and concurrently correct structural m. Perform a reverse passage of a second tonsil clamp
deformities of the foot, such as fixed inversion of the (clamped to the first clamp). Use it to clamp the lead su-
subtalar joint, severe cavus, and rigid pronation of the ture on the anterior tibialis tendon and pull the tendon
forefoot (see Management Principles #5, 6, 15, 22-2, distally into the posteromedial wound
Chapter 4) n. Confirm that the path of the tendon is fairly straight
b. Insufficient tension placed on the transfer and not bound or deviated by the window in the inter-
4. Complications osseous membrane
a. Injury to the sural nerve o. Pass the anterior tibialis tendon through a slit in the
i. Avoid by careful dissection, identification, and retraction tendo-Achilles
p. Ensure that the ankle can be plantar flexed beyond neu-
Anterior Tibialis Tendon Transfer to the  tral. If not, release any tethering anterior and dorsal soft
Tendo-Achilles (AT to TA tx)
q. Plantar flex the ankle 10° by pulling the tendo-­Achilles
1. Indications proximally with a button hook, while pulling the
a. Acquired calcaneus foot deformity (see Chapter 5) due ­anterior tibialis firmly through the slit in the tendo-
to a strong anterior tibialis and a weak triceps surae, Achilles and back upon itself. Repair this Pulvertaft
typically in a child with myelomeningocele weave with multiple figure-of-8 #0 absorbable sutures
2. Technique (Figure 7-27) r. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta-
a. Make a 4-cm longitudinal incision over the dorsomedial neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu-
midfoot in line with the anterior tibialis tendon lar 4-0 absorbable suture
166 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


io rt

Anterior tibialis

Outline of window
in interosseous


Posterior tibial
NV bundle

Lead sutures
through membrane

Figure 7-27.  Anterior tibialis tendon transfer to tendo-­Achilles. A. Through a dorsomedial foot
incision, the anterior tibialis is released from the 1st MT and a tagging suture is placed in its distal
end. Through an incision anterior to the distal tibial metaphysis, the tendon is again identified. B. The
anterior tibialis anterior tendon is retracted proximally. While protecting the anterior tibial NV bundle,
the interosseous membrane is exposed. An adequate size window is made in the membrane at least
5 to 7 cm proximal to the ankle joint (green U). C. The lead sutures are passed from anterior/proximal
to posteromedial/distal through the window in the membrane, exiting through a longitudinal incision
anteromedial to the tendo-Achilles. D. The anterior tibialis is pulled through the window. The sutures/
tendon pass lateral to the posterior tibial NV bundle. E. The anterior tibialis is passed through a slit in
the tendo-Achilles. The tendo-Achilles is pulled proximally to place the ankle in slight plantar flexion
while the anterior tibialis is pulled distally. This Pulvertaft weave is sutured under tension with 2-0
­absorbable sutures. F. The anterior tibialis is pulled back upon itself where additional sutures are
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 167


tendo-Achilles tendo-Achilles

Anterior tibialis
Post tib
NV bundle

Anterior tibialis

Figure 7-27.  (continued)

s. Apply a short-leg non–weight-bearing cast with the deformities. In most cases, this transfer acts as
ankle in 10° of plantar flexion a tenodesis (see Management Principle #22-1,
t. Remove the cast after 6 weeks and take a mold for an ­Chapter 4).
ankle-foot-orthotic (AFO) 2. Technique (Figure 7-28)
u. Apply a short-leg walking cast that will be worn for the a. Make a longitudinal incision along the medial border of
1 to 2 weeks needed to fabricate the AFO the midfoot/hindfoot over the posterior tibialis tendon
3. Pitfalls extending posteriorly to the posterior tibial NV bundle
a. Failure to release a dorsiflexion contracture at the b. Release the posterior tibialis tendon sheath from the tip
ankle that is due to structures other than the anterior of the medial malleolus distally
tibialis c. Release the tendon from the navicular as far plantar-
b. Insufficient tension placed on the transfer distally as possible, so as to have enough tendon length
4. Complications for transfer
a. Injury to the anterior tibial NV bundle d. Insert a Bunnell-type #0 absorbable suture in its end,
i. Avoid by careful dissection, identification, and leaving long tails on both limbs of the suture
retraction e. Make a 5- to 6-cm longitudinal incision anterior to the
b. Injury to the posterior tibial NV bundle crest of the distal tibial metaphysis
i. Avoid by careful dissection, identification, and pas- f. Release the anterior compartment fascia longitudinally
sage of the tendon posterior to the bundle g. Expose the interosseous membrane by retracting the
soft tissues laterally away from the tibia. Gently retract
Posterior Tibialis Tendon Transfer the anterior tibial NV bundle.
h. Approximately 5 to 7 cm proximal to the ankle
to the Dorsum of the Foot (PT tx dorsum)
joint, make a window in the interosseous membrane
1. Indications that is the full width of the membrane and at least
a. Cavovarus foot (see Chapter 5) in which the posterior 1.5 cm long
tibialis is the only functioning muscle, i.e., not cav- i. Make a 5-cm longitudinal incision along the posterior
ovarus due to CMT edge of the medial face of the tibia approximately 8 to
i. This is an out of phase transfer, so it should not 10 cm proximal to the tip of the medial malleolus
be a transfer of first choice in most cavovarus foot j. Release the fascia from the edge of the tibia
168 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

k. The first muscle encountered is the FDL. Confirm its closing the clamp in the depths of the wound. Also, keep
identity by pulling proximally on its intramuscular ten- the clamp anterior to the posterior tibial NV bundle
don and observing flexion of the lesser toes. Retract it o. Clamp the lead sutures on the posterior tibialis tendon
posteriorly. and pull them through the interosseous membrane
l. The next muscle/tendon unit identified is the posterior from posteromedial to anterolateral. By staying anterior
tibialis. Confirm its identity by pulling distally on the to the posterior tibial NV bundle, the tendon will not
released tendon in the foot wrap around and compress the NV bundle.
m. Pull the tendon retrograde to the proximal wound p. Make a longitudinal incision on the dorsolateral
n. Pass a tonsil clamp or tendon passer through the window ­midfoot. Avoid/retract the superficial peroneal nerve.
in the interosseous membrane from anterolateral to pos- q. Expose the dorsum of the cuboid or the lateral cunei-
teromedial. Remain strictly adjacent to the posterior sur- form depending on your assessment of the degree of
face of the tibia while spreading the soft tissues, without lateral positioning required

Posterior tibialis C


B Outline of
window in
NV bundle

Released/tagged Interosseous
posterior tibialis membrane

Figure 7-28.  Posterior tibialis tendon transfer to the dorsum. A. The posterior tibialis tendon is
exposed through a longitudinal midfoot/hindfoot incision. B. It is released from its distal/plantar-most
insertion on the navicular. A tagging Bunnell-type #0 absorbable lead suture is inserted. The tendon
remains anterior to the posterior tibial NV bundle at all times. C. Through a longitudinal incision an-
terior to the distal tibial metaphysis, the anterior compartment fascia is released. The interosseous
membrane is exposed by retracting the soft tissues laterally and protecting the anterior tibial NV bun-
dle. An adequate size window is made in the membrane at least 5 to 7 cm proximal to the ankle joint
(green U). D. A longitudinal incision is made along the posteromedial edge of the tibia approximately
8 to 10 cm proximal to the tip of the medial malleolus. The posterior tibialis is pulled retrograde to
that incision. A tonsil clamp is passed from anterior to posteromedial through the window in the
interosseous membrane staying strictly adjacent to the posterior surface of the tibia and anterior to
the posterior tibial NV bundle. The lead sutures on the tendon are grasped. E. The sutures are pulled
through the window from posteromedial to anterior. F. The posterior tibialis follows. G. The tendon
should have free excursion and a straight line vector through the window in the interosseous mem-
brane. H. A tonsil clamp is passed retrograde (dashed black arrow) from an incision on the dorsolat-
eral midfoot staying deep to the extensor retinaculum and ending in the anterior compartment that
was previously exposed. The lead sutures are grasped. I–K. The sutures are pulled antegrade (dashed
black arrow) until the tip of the tendon is exposed in the dorsolateral midfoot incision. L. A drill hole
is made in the bone that is to accept the transfer (typically the lateral cuneiform). In adolescents, it is
appropriate to supplement fixation with a suture anchor. M and N. The tendon has been pulled into
the hole in the bone by the lead sutures that are tied under tension over a thick felt pad and button.
O. The supplemental suture anchor has been used.
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 169

D Posterior




Tip of
posterior tibialis

Tonsil clamp

Figure 7-28.  (continued)

r. Drill a hole through the entire bone that is chosen the first on the plantar surface of the midfoot. If the first
s. Pass a tonsil clamp or a tendon passer retrograde from suture were left bare in the hole, the second Keith nee-
the dorsal foot wound to the anterior leg wound staying dle would almost certainly pierce and weaken it. Pull
deep to the extensor retinaculum both needles and sutures through the hole and out the
t. Pull the lead sutures on the posterior tibialis and, plantar surface of the foot.
thereby, the end of the posterior tibialis tendon into the v. Pass the needles through a thick felt pad and through
dorsal foot wound different holes in a large button
u. Thread one of the long suture tails into each of two large w. Complete all other procedures and close all other inci-
Keith needles. Pass one of the needles through the hole sions. Setting the tension on this transfer should be the
in the bone until the tip pierces the plantar skin, but last procedure performed before final wound closure
do not pull it through yet. Leave the needle shaft in the and cast application (see Management Principle #24,
hole. Pass the other needle, exiting 5 to 7 mm away from Chapter 4)
170 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Drill hole in
lateral cuneiform Tendon in
lateral cuneiform

Suture anchor


Bunnell lead suture

tied over felt/button

Suture anchor

Figure 7-28.  (continued)

x. With the foot held in at least 10° of dorsiflexion and full 3. Pitfalls
eversion, pull the tendon firmly into the drill hole and a. Failure to recognize and concurrently correct structural
tie the sutures over the felt pad and button on the plan- deformities of the foot, such as fixed inversion of the
tar surface of the midfoot subtalar joint, severe cavus, and rigid pronation of the
y. Supplement the button fixation by suturing the tendon forefoot (see Management Principles #5, 6, 15, 22-2,
to the dorsal periosteum of the bone with a 2-0 absorb- Chapter 4)
able suture b. Insufficient tension placed on the transfer
i. A suture anchor can also be used in older children 4. Complications
and adolescents a. Injury to the anterior tibial NV bundle
z. Apply a short-leg non–weight-bearing cast i. Avoid by careful dissection, identification, and
aa. Convert to a short-leg walking cast 6 weeks later after retraction
taking a mold for an AFO b. Injury to the posterior tibial NV bundle
ab. Remove the final cast 2 weeks later and transition to i. Avoid by careful dissection, identification, and pas-
the AFO sage of the tendon anterior to the bundle
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 171

c. Pull-out of the tendon from the bone b. Combined with superficial and/or deep medial releases
i. Avoid by: (S-PMR, D-PMR) (see this chapter) as well as osteoto-
• anchoring the tendon securely with the #0 lead mies and tendon transfers for cavovarus deformities
suture tied over a plantar button and adding a (see ­Chapter 5)
supplemental suture between the tendon and the 2. Technique
dorsal periosteum of the bone a. Plantar fasciotomy (PF) for mild transtarsal cavus
• supplementing the tendon fixation to the bone with ­(Figure 7-29):
a suture anchor in older children and adolescents i. Make a 4-cm longitudinal incision along the me-
• immobilizing in a cast for at least 6 weeks dial border of the midfoot/hindfoot just dorsal to
the edge of the glabrous skin
ii. Retract the lowest origin of the abductor hallucis
OF APONEUROTIC AND/OR iii. Isolate the plantar fascia on its plantar and dorsal
INTRAMUSCULAR RECESSIONS, surfaces from medial to lateral using Metzenbaum
DIVISIONS/RELEASES, AND iv. Divide the plantar fascia transversely directly plan-
tar to the head/neck of the talus
v. The muscles of the short toe flexors create a layer
PRINCIPLE: A combination of two or more soft tissue pro- of protection to prevent inadvertent injury to the
cedures is often needed to correct specific deformities. posterior tibial plantar NV structures.
vi. Release the tourniquet and achieve good hemostasis
vii. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted sub-
Plantar Fasciotomy/Release (PF/PR)
cutaneous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running
1. Indications subcuticular 4-0 absorbable suture
a. Isolated cavus foot deformity (see Chapter 5) without viii. Apply a short-leg non–weight-bearing cast with
significant hindfoot varus or forefoot pronation the neutrally rotated forefoot dorsiflexed against


Plantar fascia

Flexor digitorum brevis


Figure 7-29.  Plantar release. A. The plantar fascia is exposed plantar and lateral to the abductor
hallucis muscle. B. The plantar fascia is isolated on its dorsal and plantar surfaces from medial to
lateral using Metzenbaum scissors. C. Following release of the plantar fascia (double-headed white
arrow), the short toe flexor muscles are visible as a layer of safety between the released plantar fascia
and the NV bundles. D & E. Artist’s sketches of plantar fasciotomy.
172 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Plantar fascia

Figure 7-29.  (continued)

the resistance of the ankle/heel cord. There is no viii. Release the tourniquet and achieve good hemostasis
need to bivalve the cast. ix. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted sub-
ix. Remove the cast after 6 weeks cutaneous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running
b. Plantar release for moderate-to-severe transtarsal cavus subcuticular 4-0 absorbable suture
and cavovarus deformities (see Superficial Plantar- x. Apply a short-leg non–weight-bearing cast with
Medial Release, Figure 7-31, below) the neutrally rotated forefoot dorsiflexed against
i. Make a longitudinal incision along the medial bor- the resistance of the ankle/heel cord. There is no
der of the midfoot/hindfoot more dorsal than for need to bivalve the cast.
an isolated PF (almost to the distal tip of the medial xi. Remove the cast after 6 weeks
malleolus) and extending posteriorly to the poste- 3. Pitfalls
rior tibial NV bundle a. Uncertainty regarding the location of the posterior tib-
ii. Isolate the posterior tibial NV bundle posterior to ial NV bundles, thereby creating unnecessary caution,
the medial malleolus and proximal to the postero- concern, and slow progress. Find the NV structures first
superior border of the flexor retinaculum to improve confidence, accuracy, and speed.
iii. Release the flexor retinaculum (laciniate ligament) 4. Complications
vertically in line with the NV bundle for full expo- a. Injury to the posterior tibial NV structures
sure of these important structures i. Avoid by isolating them proximally and trace them
iv. Release the lowest and largest origin of the abduc- through the plantar tunnel
tor hallucis muscle from its origin on the calcaneus
while protecting the lateral plantar NV bundle. Limited, Minimally Invasive Soft Tissue
In moderate-to-severe cavus deformity, the low-
Releases for Clubfoot
est origin of the abductor hallucis muscle is so far
plantar that its contracture is similar to that of the 1. Indications
plantar fascia, so it must be released. a. Little (or no) improvement after a long series of clubfoot
v. Expose the tunnel through which the lateral plan- casts in an infant or young child (and perhaps an older
tar NV bundle travels across the foot deep to the child) with a severe, rigid, resistant, non-­surgically treated
flexor digitorum brevis arthrogrypotic (or idiopathic) clubfoot (see Chapter 5)
vi. Bluntly and carefully develop some space between i. The presumption is that it would be challenging to
the lateral plantar NV bundle and the plantar roof stretch the posterior ankle skin and align the foot in
of this tunnel, which is made up of the flexor digi- the ankle mortis even if a talectomy were performed
torum brevis and the plantar fascia ii. The operative expectation is that, following surgery,
vii. Release the plantar fascia and flexor digitorum the deformities will be improved and serial casting
brevis from medial to lateral while visualizing and will be reinitiated. The deformities might then be
protecting the lateral plantar NV bundle corrected with further serial casting or improved
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 173

enough with further serial casting that subsequent b. Inserting the tip of the scalpel too rapidly and too deeply
conventional á la carte partial-to-complete circum- into the toe flexor tendon so that it cannot act as a probe
ferential release will be successful. to determine the position and limits of the tendon
2. Technique (Figure 7-30) 4. Complications
a. Percutaneous tendo-Achilles tenotomy (TAT) (see this a. Posterior tibial NV injury
chapter) i. Avoid by following the TAT technique exactly as
b. Limited open plantar fasciotomy (PF) (see this chapter) ­described (see this chapter)
c. Limited open posterior tibialis tenotomy ii. Avoid by releasing the plantar fascia but not the short
i. Dissect dorsally between the abductor hallucis and toe flexor muscles
the subcutaneous fat to expose the posterior tibialis b. Laceration of a digital nerve or artery
tendon sheath i. Avoid by inserting the tip of the scalpel centrally and
ii. Open the sheath and release the posterior tibialis carefully into the plantar base of the toe, using it
from the navicular both as a probe and a scalpel (see this chapter).
d. Percutaneous tenotomies of FHL and FDL to toes 2 to 5 ii. Avoid excessive medial and/or lateral excursion of
(see this chapter) the tip of the scalpel
e. Release the tourniquet and achieve good hemostasis c. Laceration of cartilaginous calcaneal apophysis
f. Approximate the skin edges of the plantar–medial inci- i. Avoid by following the TAT technique exactly as de-
sion with interrupted subcutaneous 3-0 absorbable su- scribed, inserting the scalpel at least 1 cm above the
tures and a running subcuticular 4-0 absorbable suture posterior heel crease (see this chapter)
g. Apply a long-leg clubfoot cast without excessive correc-
tive forces on the foot. Allow the tissues to relax
Superficial Medial Release (S-MR)
h. Reinitiate serial long-leg clubfoot casting in clinic in 1
to 2 weeks 1. Indications
3. Pitfalls a. Pain and/or gait instability due to flexible hind-
a. Incomplete TAT (see this chapter) foot varus, i.e., corrects with the Coleman block test



Figure 7-30.  Limited, minimally invasive soft tissue releases. A. Medial image of maximum dorsiflexion of
a severe, rigid, resistant clubfoot in an infant with arthrogryposis that had undergone eight serial Ponseti-type
long-leg casts. The concern was that either (1) a Cincinnati incision might be under too much tension to close at
the completion of a circumferential clubfoot release, or (2) a talectomy would be used unnecessarily (and it still
might not be possible to bring the foot to a neutral position). B. Limited, minimally invasive soft tissue releases
were carried out starting with a percutaneous TAT. C. Improvement following the TAT, but equinus persisted.
D. Mini-open PF and posterior tibialis tenotomy. E. Percutaneous tenotomy of FHL. F. Percutaneous tenotomy of
FDL to toe 2 (FDL to toes 3 to 5 were subsequently released). Serial casting was reinitiated for this child’s foot.
Two months later, a simple posterior release was performed and there was full and lasting deformity correction.
174 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

(see Assessment Principles #9 and 19, Chapter 3), and f. Release from the calcaneus the most dorsal origin of the
without forefoot pronation or cavus abductor hallucis, which is the dorsal edge of the tunnel
i. Seen in some clubfeet and in some spastic varus feet through which the medial plantar NV bundle travels
• Often used as an adjunct procedure with tendon within the abductor hallucis muscle
transfers in these feet g. This completes the release of the three origins of the ab-
2. Technique (see Superficial Plantar-Medial Release ductor hallucis muscle.
­[Figure 7-31], but do not perform the plantar release) h. Release the tourniquet and achieve good hemostasis
a. Make a longitudinal incision along the medial border i. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta-
of the midfoot/hindfoot just dorsal to the edge of the neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu-
glabrous skin and extending posterior to the posterior lar 4-0 absorbable suture
tibial NV bundle j. Apply a short-leg non–weight-bearing cast with the
b. Isolate the posterior tibial NV bundle posterior to the ankle joint at neutral and the subtalar joint everted
medial malleolus and proximal to the posterosuperior k. Remove the cast after 6 weeks
border of the flexor retinaculum 3. Pitfalls
c. Release the flexor retinaculum (laciniate ligament) ver- a. Uncertainty regarding the location of the posterior tib-
tically in line with the NV bundle for full exposure of ial NV bundles, thereby creating unnecessary caution,
these important structures concern, and slow progress. Find the NV structures first
d. Release the lowest and largest origin of the abductor to improve confidence, accuracy, and speed.
hallucis muscle from its origin on the calcaneus while b. Failure to recognize the need for a D-MR, i.e., the sub-
protecting the lateral plantar NV bundle. talar joint does not fully evert
e. Expose and release the very thin interfascicular septum 4. Complications
(the middle origin of the abductor hallucis on the calca- a. Injury to the posterior tibial NV structures
neus) that separates the medial and lateral plantar NV i. Avoid by isolating them proximally and tracing them
bundles. It is only 1 to 2 mm long and 1 to 2 mm wide between the three origins of the abductor hallucis

Posterior tibial
NV bundles


Abductor hallucis




Plantar fascia 1 AH1

Figure 7-31.  Superficial plantar-medial release. A. The abductor hallucis muscle has three origins
on the medial surface of the calcaneus (labeled 1, 2, and 3 from plantar to dorsal). The posterior tibial
NV bundle (with white vessel loop around it) divides into medial and lateral plantar NV bundles im-
mediately before passing into the muscle. The laciniate ligament (flexor retinaculum) has been incised
vertically in line with the NV bundles to expose the bundles. The plantar fascia is seen as a white band
of dense collagen plantar-lateral to the abductor hallucis. It is sharply separated from the thick layer of
plantar fat. B. Metzenbaum scissors are used to enter the tunnel through which the lateral plantar NV
bundle passes obliquely across the plantar aspect of the foot. The NV bundle is gently swept away from
the muscles on the plantar–medial surfaces of the tunnel. C. The lowest/largest origin of the abductor
hallucis muscle (AH 1) and the plantar fascia and short toe flexors are divided. Release of those soft
tissues using the tunnel of the NV bundle for guidance obviates injury to those important structures.
D. The lateral plantar NV bundle can be seen traversing the foot in a distal–lateral direction. E. The thin
septum, and 2nd origin, of the abductor hallucis (AH 2) that separates the medial and lateral plantar
NV bundles is exposed. F. It is divided under direct vision. G. The most dorsal origin of the abductor
hallucis (AH 3), which is dorsal to the medial plantar NV bundle, is released. H. The three origins of the
abductor hallucis muscle have been released from the calcaneus while carefully protecting the medial
and lateral plantar posterior tibial NV bundles. The plantar fascia and the flexor digitorum brevis have
been released. This completes the S-PMR for a cavovarus foot deformity with flexible hindfoot varus.
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 175

a nt
l e
l p dl
e ra un ed
t b
La NV pos
AH 1

Plantar fascia
and FDB

AH 2
being released

NV les
AH 2 l nd
dia bu
Me al


AH 3 dia
being released Me eral
3 La

Figure 7-31.  (continued)

Deep Medial Release (D-MR) 2. Technique (see Superficial Plantar-Medial Release

­[Figure 7-31] and Deep Plantar-Medial Release [Figure
1. Indications 7-32], but do not perform the plantar release)
a. Pain and/or gait instability due to stiff/rigid hindfoot a. Make a longitudinal incision along the medial border
varus, i.e., does not correct with the Coleman block test of the midfoot/hindfoot just dorsal to the edge of the
(see Assessment Principles #9 and 19, Chapter 3), and glabrous skin and extending posterior to the posterior
without forefoot pronation or cavus tibial NV bundle
i. Seen in some clubfeet and in some spastic varus feet b. Perform a superficial medial release exactly as described
• Often used as an adjunct procedure with tendon previously
transfers in these feet
176 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Does not correct

with block

C S-PMR D Talonavicular joint

ste Z-cut Z-cut
rio poste
r ti rior tib
bia ialis

Figure 7-32.  Deep plantar-medial release. A. Standing AP x-ray of a cavovarus foot. The foot-CORA
is in the TN joint, confirming that the deformity is hindfoot varus and not midfoot adductus (see
Assessment Principle #18, Figure 3-20, Chapter 3). B. The varus deformity does not correct fully, as
confirmed by a standing Coleman-type block test x-ray. The foot-CORA is still in the TN joint, but the
forefoot axis (and acetabulum pedis) is still medially deviated. This is the indication for a D-PMR. The
subtalar joint inversion requires release, just as it would if this were a clubfoot. C. The S-PMR is per-
formed first (see above). Besides providing the necessary release of the contracted more superficial
structures, it provides access to the deep structures. D. The posterior tibialis tendon is Z-lengthened
and the TN joint is released dorsal to plantar, including release of the spring (calcaneonavicular)
­ligament. Again consider the analogy to a clubfoot release.

c. Release the posterior tibialis tendon sheath from the tip to wound edge necrosis, especially in feet that were se-
of the medial malleolus distally verely deformed. There is no need to bivalve the cast.
d. Z-lengthen the posterior tibialis, releasing the plantar j. Remove the cast after 6 weeks
limb from the navicular 3. Pitfalls
e. Release the TN joint capsule medially and plantar-medi- a. Uncertainty regarding the location of the posterior tib-
ally, including release of the spring (calcaneonavicular) ial NV bundles, thereby creating unnecessary caution,
ligament, to enable passive eversion of the subtalar joint concern, and slow progress. Find the NV structures first
beyond neutral—confirmed with mini-fluoroscopy to improve confidence, accuracy, and speed.
f. Repair the overlapping limbs of the posterior tibialis 4. Complications
under minimal tension using 2-0 absorbable sutures a. Injury to the posterior tibial NV bundles
with the ankle in maximum dorsiflexion and the subta- i. Avoid by isolating them proximally and tracing
lar joint fully everted them between the three origins of the abductor
g. Release the tourniquet and achieve good hemostasis hallucis
h. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta-
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu-
Superficial Plantar-Medial Release (S-PMR)
lar 4-0 absorbable suture.
i. Apply a short-leg non–weight-bearing cast with the 1. Indications
ankle in unforced dorsiflexion, the subtalar joint in a. Pain and/or gait instability due to cavovarus foot defor-
unforced eversion, and the forefoot in neutral rotation mity (see Chapter 5) with flexible hindfoot varus, i.e.,
and angulation. Excessive corrective forces could lead corrects with the Coleman block test (see Assessment
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 177

Principles #9 and 19, Chapter 3), and with stiff/rigid p. The cast will be removed (in most cases) 2 weeks later
forefoot pronation and cavus at the start of the second-stage reconstruction of the ca-
2. Technique (Figure 7-31) vovarus foot deformity.
a. Make a longitudinal incision along the medial border q. If this is the only procedure to be performed, remove
of the midfoot/hindfoot just dorsal to the edge of the the cast after 6 weeks.
glabrous skin and extending posterior to the posterior 3. Pitfalls
tibial NV bundle a. Uncertainty regarding the location of the posterior tib-
b. Isolate the posterior tibial NV bundle posterior to the ial NV bundles, thereby creating unnecessary caution,
medial malleolus and proximal to the superior edge of concern, and slow progress. Find the NV structures first
the flexor retinaculum. Tag it with a vessel loop. to improve confidence, accuracy, and speed.
c. Release the flexor retinaculum (laciniate ligament) ver- b. Failure to recognize the need for a D-MR, i.e., the sub-
tically in line with the NV bundle for full exposure of talar joint does not fully evert
these important structures 4. Complications
d. Release the lowest and largest origin of the abductor a. Wound edge necrosis
hallucis muscle from its origin on the calcaneus while i. Avoid by using good tissue handling techniques and/
protecting the lateral plantar NV bundle. or by limiting exaggerated corrective forces in the cast
e. Expose the tunnel through which the lateral plantar NV b. Injury to the posterior tibial NV bundles
bundle travels across the foot deep to the flexor digito- i. Avoid by isolating them proximally and tracing them
rum brevis between the three origins of the abductor hallucis
f. Bluntly and carefully develop some space between the and through the plantar tunnel under direct vision
lateral plantar NV bundle and the plantar roof of this
tunnel, which is made up of the flexor digitorum brevis
Deep Plantar-Medial Release (D-PMR)
and the plantar fascia
g. Elevate the plantar fat off the plantar fascia 1. Indications
h. Release the plantar fascia and flexor digitorum brevis a. Pain and/or gait instability due to cavovarus foot defor-
from medial to lateral while visualizing and protecting mity (see Chapter 5) with stiff/rigid hindfoot varus, i.e.,
the lateral plantar NV bundle (see Plantar release, this does not correct with the Coleman block test (see As-
Chapter) sessment Principles #9 and 19, Chapter 3), and with
i. Expose and release the very thin interfascicular sep- stiff/rigid forefoot pronation and cavus
tum (the middle origin of the abductor hallucis on the 2. Technique (Figure 7-32)
calcaneus) that separates the medial and lateral plan- a. Make a longitudinal incision along the medial border
tar NV bundles. It is only 1 to 2 mm long and 1 to of the midfoot/hindfoot just dorsal to the edge of the
2 mm wide glabrous skin and extending posterior to the posterior
j. Release from the calcaneus the most dorsal origin of the tibial NV bundle
abductor hallucis, which is the dorsal edge of the tunnel b. Perform a S-PMR exactly as described previously
through which the medial plantar NV bundle travels c. Release the FDL tendon sheath plantar-medial to the
within the abductor hallucis muscle talus and navicular starting from the medial malleolus
k. This completes the release of the three origins of the and progressing anteriorly
abductor hallucis muscle, the plantar fascia, and flexor d. Retract the FDL plantarward
digitorum brevis from the calcaneus. e. Release the posterior tibialis tendon sheath plantar-­
l. Release the tourniquet and achieve good hemostasis medial to the talus between the tip of the medial mal-
m. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta- leolus and the navicular
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu- f. Z-lengthen the posterior tibialis, releasing the plantar
lar 4-0 absorbable suture limb from the navicular
n. If this is the first of a two-stage reconstruction for a g. Release the TN joint capsule medially and plantar-­
cavovarus foot deformity, use a running subcuticular medially, including release of the spring (calcaneo-
pull-out 3-0 Proline suture. This will decrease the soft navicular) ligament, to enable passive eversion of the
tissue reaction that might otherwise complicate wound subtalar joint slightly beyond neutral—confirmed with
closure at the completion of the second stage procedure mini-fluoroscopy. Avoid circumferential release of the
2 weeks later TN capsule as excessive instability of the joint could
o. Apply a short-leg cast with the ankle in unforced dorsi- result
flexion, the subtalar joint in unforced eversion, and the h. Repair the overlapping limbs of the posterior tibialis
forefoot in unforced supination and abduction. Exces- under minimal tension using 2-0 absorbable sutures
sive corrective forces could lead to wound edge necro- with the ankle in maximum dorsiflexion and the subta-
sis, especially in feet that were severely deformed. There lar joint fully everted
is no need to bivalve the cast. i. Release the tourniquet and achieve good hemostasis
178 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

j. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta- g. The posterior tibial NV bundle is quite plantar and
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu- should be considered and avoided when dissecting far
lar pull-out 3-0 Proline suture. A deep plantar-medial plantarward.
release (D-PMR) is almost always the first of a two-stage h. Release the posterior tibialis tendon from its sheath.
reconstruction. Using the Proline will decrease the soft The tendon can be used to help identify the location of
tissue reaction that might otherwise complicate wound the dorsally dislocated navicular
closure at the completion of the second stage procedure i. Release the peroneus brevis and longus from their
2 weeks later ­tendon sheaths laterally and transect them.
k. Apply a short-leg cast with the ankle in unforced dorsi- j. The very contracted dorsal “tibio-talo-navicular” joint
flexion, the subtalar joint in unforced eversion, and the capsule can now be appreciated by dorsiflexing and
forefoot in unforced supination and abduction. Exces- plantar flexing the foot and observing as it slightly
sive corrective forces could lead to wound edge necro- ­relaxes and tightens
sis, especially in feet that were severely deformed. There k. Release the capsule between the navicular and tibia
is no need to bivalve the cast. transversely, starting medial to the TN joint and ex-
l. The cast will be removed (in most cases) 2 weeks later tending laterally into the sinus tarsi. The dome and neck
at the start of the second-stage reconstruction of the ca- of the talus will be exposed. The head of the talus is not
vovarus foot deformity readily visible initially because the talus is so plantar
3. Pitfalls flexed.
a. Uncertainty regarding the location of the posterior tib- l. Release the dorsal capsule of the calcaneocuboid joint
ial NV bundles, thereby creating unnecessary caution, if the cuboid is dorsally subluxated (check preoperative
concern, and slow progress. Find the NV structures first lateral x-ray and intraoperative lateral mini-fluoroscopy
to improve confidence, accuracy, and speed. image)
4. Complications m. Perform a percutaneous TAT (see this chapter).
a. Wound edge necrosis ­Consider releasing this initially.
i. Avoid by using good tissue handling techniques n. Using a Freer or Joker elevator with a dorsal-to-­plantar
and/or by limiting exaggerated corrective forces in trajectory between the navicular and talus, lever and el-
the cast evate the head of the talus while depressing the navicular
b. Injury to the posterior tibial NV bundles o. While maintaining this position, insert a 0.062″
i. Avoid by isolating them proximally and tracing them smooth Steinmann pin retrograde from the anatomic
between the three origins of the abductor hallucis center of the talar head, along the central axis of the
and through the plantar tunnel under direct vision talus, exiting through the skin of the posterior ankle.
Use mini-­fluoroscopy to ensure that this pin is in the
Dorsal Approach Release for Congenital proper position three-dimensionally, repositioning it if
Vertical Talus and Congenital Oblique
p. With the drill transferred to the exposed wire posteri-
Talus (DR)
orly, pull it back until the anterior sharpened tip is flush
1. Indications with the articular surface of the talar head
a. Failure of the reverse Ponseti (Dobbs) nonopera- q. Align the TN joint/subtalar joint anatomically
tive method to align the TN joint and, thereby, cor- r. If the dorsal capsule is adequately released and the sub-
rect a CVT or congenital oblique talus deformity (see talar joint will not invert, the problem could be con-
­Chapter 5) tracted soft tissues in the sinus tarsi.
2. Technique (Figure 7-33) s. Use the wire to dorsiflex the talus while inserting it an-
a. Make a transverse incision in the anterior ankle crease tegrade across the TN joint. Advance it until it exits the
from the tip of the medial malleolus to the tip of the skin on the dorsal forefoot. Confirm anatomic align-
lateral malleolus ment of the foot with mini-fluoroscopy. Realign the
b. Isolate and protect the superficial peroneal nerve and foot and reinsert the wire if necessary.
the anterior tibialis NV bundle t. Add a second wire across the TN joint from anterior-
c. Z-lengthen the anterior tibialis and the EHL tendons in medial to posterior-lateral. In my experience, a single
idiopathic cases. Perform tenotomies of those tendons wire has been known to migrate out of the foot prema-
in children with arthrogryposis and myelomeningocele turely, so having a backup wire is wise
d. Retract the EDC tendons unless they are too contracted u. Cut the wires flush with the skin and allow them to
to retract—in which case they can be released retract subcutaneously (for anticipated removal under
e. Release the peroneus tertius anesthesia) or bend them at the insertion sites and cut
f. Bluntly elevate the fat from the dorsal and medial sur- them long (for easy removal in clinic).
faces of the tibio-navicular joint capsule, extending v. Repair the anterior tibialis and the EHL tendons
plantar-medially with 2-0 absorbable sutures in idiopathic cases. Do
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 179

not repair them in children with arthrogryposis and neutral-to-slight dorsiflexion. Flex the knee 90° and set
myelomeningocele the thigh–foot angle at neutral (0°)
w. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta- y. Change to a new long-leg cast in clinic in 3 weeks
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu- z. Remove the cast and the two buried pins in the OR, or
lar 4-0 absorbable suture the exposed pins in the clinic, 6 weeks postoperatively
x. Apply a long-leg cast with slight inversion molding of i. Idiopathic cases: apply a short-leg cast. Three weeks
the subtalar joint, pronation molding of the forefoot, later, remove the cast in clinic and initiate a Ponseti-
a well-molded longitudinal arch, and with the ankle at type FAB with the shoes parallel to each other on the

D Joker elevator

Steinmann pin

Figure 7-33.  Dorsal release for CVT. A. Transverse anterior ankle incision. B. Exposed extensor ten-
dons and superficial peroneal nerve. C. Following release of the dorsal tibio-navicular joint capsule, a
Freer elevator (thin black line) is inserted and used as a lever to elevate/dorsiflex the talus. D. A 0.062″
smooth Steinmann pin is inserted retrograde into the center of the articular surface of the talar head.
A Joker elevator can be used to maintain elevation of the talar head during insertion of the pin. E. The
pin is advanced retrograde through the center of the body of the talus and out the back of the ankle.
F. The pin is then inserted antegrade across the anatomically aligned TN joint and out the dorsum of
the forefoot. G. Dorsal appearance of the anatomically aligned foot. H. Medial side appearance of
the anatomically aligned foot. I. AP fluoroscopic image. The pin does not have to be in the exact axis
of the medial column of the foot, but the talus and the first MT should be aligned, as they are in this
foot. J. Lateral fluoroscopic image of the foot showing anatomic alignment.
180 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Figure 7-33.  (continued)

bar. Request that the child wear the FAB 23 hours per 3rd Street Procedure (Barnett Procedure)
day for 3 months and at night/naps till age 2 years
aa. Arthrogryposis and myelomeningocele cases: mold for an 1. Indications
AFO with neutral ankle, varus hindfoot, pronated forefoot, a. Iatrogenically acquired dorsal subluxation or disloca-
and well-molded arch in clinic at 6 weeks. Apply a short- tion of the navicular on the head of the talus in an oper-
leg cast. Three weeks later, remove the cast and buried pins atively treated clubfoot (see Chapter 5) in a child under
in the OR and fit the AFO, to be worn 23 hours per day the age of 6 to 7 years
3. Pitfalls i. In children with this iatrogenic deformity, simple TN
a. Inadequate release of the anterior capsule and/or pero- joint release and realignment are rarely successful
neus brevis and/or tendo-Achilles, thereby preventing 2. Technique (Figures 7-34 and 7-35)
full deformity correction a. Make a longitudinal incision along the medial border of
b. Nonanatomic alignment of the TN and subtalar joints the midfoot. Incision through the scar from the original
before pinning clubfoot release is ideal.
4. Complications b. Release the posterior tibialis tendon from the dense scar
a. Injury to the posterior tibial NV bundle tissue surrounding it and cut it in a Z-fashion
i. Avoid by careful medial dissection and soft tissue re- c. Release the TN joint capsule circumferentially as com-
traction before capsulotomy pletely as possible from this approach. Release intra-
b. Migration of a single pin out from across the TN joint, articular adhesions with a Freer elevator.
resulting in subluxation of the joint with recurrent d. Attempt to align the joint anatomically. If it does not
deformity easily realign, proceed with the 3rd street procedure.
i. Avoid by e. Make a longitudinal incision on the dorsum of the mid-
• having a backup second pin foot starting proximally over the navicular–cuboid joint
• cutting the pins immediately subcutaneously, and extending distally over the interval between the
rather than leaving them exposed is very small base of the 3rd and 4th MTs (the “3rd street”)
feet. f. Identify and protect the superficial peroneal nerve
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 181


et e
rd str
The 3

Figure 7-34.  3rd Street procedure. A. Standing AP x-ray shows severe forefoot adductus in this
5-year-old boy who underwent a circumferential clubfoot release at age 6 months. The relationship
of the talus to the calcaneus is normal. B. Standing lateral x-ray shows dorsal subluxation of the
navicular on the head of the talus (arrow). The cartilaginous anlage of the navicular is outlined. The
relationships of the tibia, talus, and calcaneus are normal. The 1st ray of the foot (including the 1st
MT, medial cuneiform, and navicular) is dorsally translated and plantar flexed. C. The “3rd street,”
according to Barnett, is the interval between the 3rd MT–3rd cuneiform–navicular bones and the 4th
MT–cuboid bones. D. Barnett suggested correcting iatrogenic dorsal subluxation of the navicular on
the head of the talus by performing a circumferential release of the TN joint and extending the cap-
sulotomies distally along the dorsal surface of the 3rd street (indicated by the black curved line). The
dotted line represents the closing wedge osteotomy of the cuboid that was indicated in this foot to
correct the additional rigid adductus deformity of the midfoot that existed. The medial white line is
the Steinmann pin that was used for temporary internal fixation of the TN joint. The lateral white line
is the Steinmann pin that was used for temporary internal fixation of the lateral column, including the
cuboid osteotomy. Correction of the talus–1st MT alignment is shown with the axis lines. E. Lateral
intraoperative radiograph shows the reestablished anatomic alignment of the talus and 1st MT (black
lines) held in place by the Steinmann pins (white lines). The location of the cuboid closing wedge
osteotomy (dotted line) is indicated. F. Standing lateral x-ray obtained 3.9 years later shows main-
tenance of anatomic alignment. Note the straight alignment of the axes of the 1st MT and the talus.
The dorsal surface of the navicular is slightly dorsal to the dorsal surfaces of the medial cuneiform
and talus, suggesting dorsal overgrowth of the navicular but with good alignment at the TN joint. The
wire staple was inserted during the operation for additional internal fixation of the cuboid after the
Steinmann pins were inserted, but before the previous intraoperative x-rays were obtained. G. Stand-
ing lateral x-ray taken 13 years after the operation showing good maintenance of alignment in this
asymptomatic 18-year-old young man. H. Standing AP x-ray taken at the same time.

3.9 y f/u

13 y f/u 13 y f/u
Figure 7-34.  (continued)






3.9 y f/u

Figure 7-35.  A–D. Preoperative standing images of the foot of the 5-year-old boy, shown in
Figure 7-34, with iatrogenic acquired dorsal subluxation of the navicular on the head of the talus
­following clubfoot surgery in infancy. E–H. Standing images of his foot 3.9 years after he underwent a
3rd street procedure and concurrent closing wedge osteotomy of the cuboid. I–L. Standing images of
his foot 13 years later at age 18 years. He was asymptomatic at the time, despite marked restriction
of subtalar motion.

CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 183



13 y f/u

Figure 7-35.  (continued)

g. Release the lateral TN joint capsule to complete the cir- 2. Technique (Figure 7-36)
cumferential release of that joint a. Make an elliptical V-shaped dorsomedial and
h. Release the dorsal capsule of the navicular–cuboid joint ­Y-shaped plantar–lateral incision around the base of
i. Release the dorsal capsule of the lateral cuneiform– the 5th toe passing through the 4th and 5 web space
cuboid joint medially.
j. Release the dorsal capsule and ligaments between the b. After incising the skin, carefully spread the soft tissues
base of the 3rd and 4th MTs with iris or tenotomy scissors to free the skin from the
k. There is now a continuous capsular release from the fat that contains the NV bundles, thereby keeping the
medial TN joint to the interval between the base of the NV bundles with the toe
3rd and 4th MTs. c. Expose and Z-lengthen the EDC tendon to the toe
l. The navicular will easily align anatomically with the d. Release the dorsal and dorsomedial portions of the
head of the talus by pronating the medial forefoot on MTP joint capsule
the hindfoot e. Release the tourniquet, assess vascularity of the toe, and
m. Insert 1 to 2 smooth 0.062″ Steinmann pins retrograde achieve hemostasis.
across the TN joint. Use mini-fluoroscopy to confirm f. Gently pronate the toe and reposition it plantar-laterally
TN joint alignment and appropriate position of the pins. in line with the 5th MT head/shaft, advancing it into
n. Bend the pins at their insertion sites on the dorsum of the longitudinal portion of the Y-shaped plantar–lateral
the foot and cut them long for easy retrieval in clinic skin incision
o. Perform a deep plantar–medial plication (see this g. Reposition the toe slowly and gently so as not to over-
chapter) stretch the NV bundles. If the toe loses vascularity,
p. Apply a long-leg non–weight-bearing cast return it to the deformed position and try again more
q. Change to a short-leg walking cast with exaggerated slowly
cavovarus molding after removal of the pins in clinic h. Using 4-0 chromic simple sutures, convert the plantar–
6 weeks later. The second cast is worn for 3 weeks lateral incision from a Y-shape to a V-shape to hold the
3. Pitfalls toe in the proper position
a. Incomplete deformity correction because of inadequate i. Using 4-0 chromic simple sutures, convert the dorso-
capsular releases. medial incision from a V-shape to a Y-shape to hold the
4. Complications toe in the proper position
a. Injury to the superficial peroneal nerve j. Wire fixation should not be necessary
i. Avoid by careful dissection, identification, and k. Apply a short-leg cast over dressings and cast padding
retraction that are applied in a way so as to maintain the proper
b. Recurrent deformity position of the toe. Check the vascularity of the toe by
i. Avoid by casting no less than 9 weeks as prescribed viewing it through the end of the cast
above l. Remove the cast after 4 to 6 weeks, based on the age of
the patient
Butler Procedure for Congenital
3. Pitfalls
Overriding 5th Toe
a. Inaccurate positioning of the handles of the longitudi-
1. Indications nal incisions, thereby resulting in less than ideal final
a. Congenital overriding 5th toe (see Chapter 5) position of the toe
184 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations



Figure 7-36.  Butler procedure. A. Top view of a congenital overriding 5th toe in a 7-year-old child
with pain and callus formation over the dorsum of the toe from shoe pressure. B. Side view. C. Double
racket handle (V-Y, Y-V) incision is marked with plantar–lateral position of the Y-V racket handle. This will
ensure plantar–lateral translation and pronation of the toe to correct the dorsomedial malposition and
supination. D. Top view after correction. The translational and rotational deformities have been cor-
rected. 4-0 absorbable simple sutures were used. E. Side view shows excellent correction of the defor-
mities and no need for fixation. Comparison with image C reveals the conversion of the dorsal V-shaped
incision into a Y-shaped scar. (From Mosca VS. The foot. In: Weinstein S, Flynn J, eds. Lovell and Winter’s
­Pediatric Orthopaedics, 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2013:1493, Figure 29-71.)

4. Complications Posterior Release (Post-R)

a. Vascular compromise to the toe
i. Avoid by: 1. Indications
• careful dissection around the base of the toe a. Clubfoot (see Chapter 5) with full correction of cavus,
• releasing the tourniquet before repositioning the toe adductus, and varus, but with residual or recurrent
• assuring good blood supply to the toe after it is re- equinus due to contractures of the tendo-Achilles and
positioned and before/after the incisions are closed the posterior ankle joint capsule
and the dressing is applied b. Long-standing acquired equinus deformity
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 185

2. Technique (Figure 7-37) to, but not including, the distal-most fibers of the deep
a. Make a Cincinnati incision 1 cm proximal to, and paral- deltoid ligament and the distal talofibular ligament
lel with, the posterior heel crease k. Do not release the talocalcaneal interosseous ligament
b. Isolate the posterior tibial NV bundle posterior to the located anterior to the posterior facet
medial malleolus and proximal to the superior edge of l. Confirm full dorsiflexion of the hindfoot clinically and
the flexor retinaculum. Tag it with a vessel loop. radiographically
c. Z-lengthen the tendo-Achilles, releasing its medial fi- i. on mini-fluoroscopy, the talus should dorsiflex
bers from the calcaneus and its lateral fibers proximally to within 10° of perpendicular to the tibia and the
i. In the rare situation in which a posterior release is calcaneus to at least 15° above perpendicular to the
performed for an equinovalgus deformity, release tibia
the lateral fibers from the calcaneus and the medial m. Repair the overlapping limbs of the tendo-Achilles with
fibers proximally 2-0 absorbable sutures under moderate tension with the
d. Identify the FHL posteromedially as the tendon with knee extended and the ankle dorsiflexed 10°
the most distal musculotendinous junction in the field. n. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta-
It is immediately lateral to the PT NV bundle neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu-
e. Release the tendon sheath of the FHL from proximal lar 4-0 absorbable suture
to distal, following the tendon until it disappears under o. Apply a short-leg cast with 10° dorsiflexion. Use a long-
the sustentaculum tali leg cast in infants and young children in whom the cast
f. The sustentaculum tali is directly medial to the poste- might otherwise slip off. There is no need to bivalve the
rior facet of the subtalar joint and is, therefore, a good cast.
reference point for identifying that joint 3. Pitfalls
g. The posterior facet of the subtalar joint can be partially a. Inappropriate release of the subtalar joint rather than
or completely released posteriorly, based on the severity the ankle joint, because of inaccurate identification.
of deformity at that level Tracing the FHL to the subtalar joint for orientation will
h. Release the calcaneofibular ligament and the adjacent prevent this error.
short section of the peroneal tendon sheath from the b. Incomplete release of the ankle joint, because of fail-
calcaneus. Do not release the peroneal tendon sheath ure to release around both corners of the dome of the
from the fibula as that could result in anterolateral sub- talus
luxation of the tendons 4. Complications
i. Identify the ankle joint proximal/cephalad to the sub- a. Heel pad slough due to dysvascularity
talar joint taking care not to injure the perichondrial i. Avoid by ensuring that the Cincinnati incision is at
ring of the distal tibial physis, a particular risk in very least 1 cm proximal to, and parallel with, the deep
young children with severe equinus deformity in which posterior heel crease (the crease is usually at the in-
the ankle and subtalar joints are essentially unified by a sertion of the tendo-Achilles on the calcaneus)
single posterior joint capsule b. Posterior distal tibial physeal injury with progressive
j. Release the tibiotalar (ankle) joint capsule posteriorly procurvatum deformity, due to imprecise identifica-
and around both corners of the dome of the talus down tion of the ankle joint and resultant direct trauma to the
physis (see Figure 5-21, Chapter 5)
i. Avoid by tracing the FHL to the subtalar joint and
then carefully probing more proximally for the ankle
joint. If the ankle joint is incorrectly thought to be
the subtalar joint, the more proximal probing for the
“ankle joint” could result in damage to the perichon-
Flexor hallucis longus Ankle joint drial ring of the distal tibial physis
Posterior tibial
Subtalar joint
neurovascular Circumferential Clubfoot Release (Postero-
bundle (with Calcaneo-fibular Plantar-Medial Release)—á la Carte (Post-PMR)
vessel loop) ligament
Sustentaculum tali 1. Indications
Z-lengthened a. Failure to achieve full correction of some or all of the
tendo-Achilles clubfoot deformities with serial casting (see Chapter 5)
b. An á la carte approach is used starting posterolaterally
and progressing posteromedially and then plantar-
medially, releasing only those soft tissue structures that
Figure 7-37.  Posterior release. The anatomic structures are have not fully corrected with the preoperative serial
labeled. casting
186 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

2. Technique h. Release the calcaneofibular ligament and the adjacent

a. Make a Cincinnati incision 1 cm proximal to, and paral- short section of the peroneal tendon sheath from the
lel with, the posterior heel crease. Start at the distal tip calcaneus. Do not release the peroneal tendon sheath
of the lateral malleolus and pass distal to the tip of the from the fibula as that could result in anterolateral
medial malleolus before progressing anteriorly along ­subluxation of the tendons
the medial border of the hindfoot and midfoot ending i. Identify the ankle joint proximal/cephalad to the sub-
adjacent to the medial cuneiform. talar joint taking care not to injure the perichondrial
ring of the distal tibial physis, a particular risk in very
Posterior release (see Post-R Technique b–k [repeated young children with severe equinus deformity in which
here for convenience and continuity], Figure 7-37) the ankle and subtalar joints are essentially unified by a
b. Isolate the posterior tibial NV bundle posterior to the single posterior joint capsule
medial malleolus and proximal to the superior edge of j. Release the tibiotalar (ankle) joint capsule posteriorly
the flexor retinaculum. Tag it with a vessel loop. and around both corners of the dome of the talus down
c. Z-lengthen the tendo-Achilles, releasing its medial fi- to, but not including, the distal-most fibers of the deep
bers from the calcaneus and its lateral fibers proximally deltoid ligament and the distal talofibular ligament
d. Identify the FHL posteromedially as the tendon with the k. Do not release the talocalcaneal interosseous ligament
most distal musculotendinous junction in the field. It is located anterior to the posterior facet
immediately lateral to the posterior tibial NV bundle
e. Release the tendon sheath of the FHL from proximal Plantar-medial clubfoot release (also see S-PMR Tech-
to distal, following the tendon until it disappears under nique c–j and D-PMR Technique c-g [repeated here
the sustentaculum tali for convenience and continuity], Figure 7-38)
f. The sustentaculum tali is directly medial to the poste- l. Release the flexor retinaculum (laciniate ligament) ver-
rior facet of the subtalar joint and is, therefore, a good tically in line with the NV bundle for full exposure of
reference point for identifying that joint. these important structures
g. The posterior facet of the subtalar joint can be partially m. Release the lowest and largest origin of the abductor
or completely released posteriorly, based on the severity hallucis muscle from its origin on the calcaneus while
of deformity at that level. protecting the lateral plantar NV bundle.


Posterior tibial
NV bundle

Tunnel for lateral plantar

NV bundle

Laciniate ligament

Figure 7-38.  Plantar-medial release for clubfoot. Following a posterolateral release, a plantar-
medial release is performed through the medial extent of the Cincinnati incision. A. The posterior
tibial NV bundle is isolated behind the medial malleolus and tagged with a vessel loop. The laciniate
ligament (flexor retinaculum) is released. B. The tunnel through which the lateral plantar NV bundle
travels under the hindfoot/midfoot is carefully and bluntly exposed. C. The lowest and largest origin
of the abductor hallucis muscle, which makes up the plantar–medial roof of the tunnel, is released
from the calcaneus. D. The plantar fascia and the short toe flexors, which make up the plantar roof
of the tunnel, are released from the calcaneus. The lateral plantar NV bundle is now completely ex-
posed. E. The middle and thinnest origin of the abductor hallucis muscle, that separates the medial
and lateral plantar NV bundles, is released from the calcaneus. F. The highest (most dorsal) origin of
the abductor hallucis, that is dorsal to the medial and lateral plantar NV bundles, is released from the
calcaneus. G. An S-PMR has been completed (also see Superficial Plantar-Medial Release, this chap-
ter). The ­posterior tibialis and FDL tendons have been released from their respective tendon sheaths.
H. A D-PMR is completed by Z-lengthening the posterior tibialis tendon and performing a TN joint
capsulotomy (also see Deep Plantar-Medial Release, this chapter).
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 187


nd l
bu ra
Lowest origin (1)

V te
of abductor hallucis

N La

Plantar fascia

Middle origin (2)
n dl Highest origin (3)
of abductor hallucis bu of abductor hallucis
lN le
a nd le
e bu nd
M NV b u
al V le
t er 3 al N und
i b
2 La d
Me al N
te r

Tib post Talonavicular joint Tib post
FDL released lengthened

Fully released Tib post

abductor hallucis lengthened L
and plantar fascia

Fully exposed
PT NV bundle

Figure 7-38.  (continued)

n. Expose the tunnel through which the lateral plantar NV r. Expose and release the very thin interfascicular septum
bundle travels across the foot deep to the flexor digito- (the middle origin of the abductor hallucis on the calca-
rum brevis neus) that separates the medial and lateral plantar NV
o. Bluntly and carefully develop some space between the bundles. It is only 1 to 2 mm long and 1 to 2 mm wide.
lateral plantar NV bundle and the plantar roof of this s. Release from the calcaneus the most dorsal origin of the
tunnel, which is made up of the flexor digitorum brevis abductor hallucis, which is the dorsal edge of the tunnel
and the plantar fascia through which the medial plantar NV bundle travels
p. Elevate the plantar fat off the plantar fascia within the abductor hallucis muscle
q. Release the plantar fascia and flexor digitorum brevis from t. Release the FDL tendon sheath plantar-medial to the
medial to lateral while visualizing and protecting the lat- talus and navicular starting from the medial malleolus
eral plantar NV bundle (see Plantar release, this chapter) and progressing anteriorly.
188 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

u. Retract the FDL plantarward ii. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta-
v. Release the posterior posterior tibialis tendon sheath neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu-
plantar-­medial to the talus between the tip of the ­medial lar 4-0 absorbable suture
malleolus and the navicular jj. First, apply a short-leg cast with 10° of ankle dorsiflex-
w. Z-lengthen the posterior tibialis, releasing the plantar ion, full eversion of the subtalar joint, midfoot abduc-
limb from the navicular tion, and slight forefoot supination—only if the skin
x. Release the TN joint capsule medially and plantar-­ edges remained pink following wound closure and
medially, including release of the spring (calcaneo- assumption of this position (see Complication “e”
navicular) ligament, to enable passive eversion of the below). Then extend it to a long-leg cast with the knee
subtalar joint slightly beyond neutral—confirmed with flexed 90° and a thigh–foot angle of approximately 45°
mini-fluoroscopy. Avoid circumferential release of the external. There is no need to bivalve the cast.
TN capsule as excessive instability of the joint could 3. Pitfalls
result. a. Uncertainty regarding the location of the posterior tib-
ial NV bundles, thereby creating unnecessary caution,
Percutaneous tenotomies of FHL and FDL to toes 2 to 5 concern, and slow progress. Find the NV structures first
(see Perc. FHL/FDL Technique a–d [repeated here for to improve confidence, accuracy, and speed.
convenience and continuity], Figure 7-4, this chapter) b. Inappropriate posterior release of the subtalar joint
y. Dorsiflex the ankle to tension the long toe flexor tendons rather than the ankle joint, because of inaccurate iden-
z. Maximally dorsiflex one toe at a time tification. Tracing the FHL to the subtalar joint will pre-
aa. Using a #11 scalpel, cut the long flexor tendon to each vent this error.
toe using short-arc sweeping movements starting in the c. Incomplete release of the ankle joint, because of failure
center of the toe at the proximal plantar flexion crease. to release around both corners of the dome of the talus
The tip of the scalpel should be used both as a probe and d. Inserting the tip of the scalpel too rapidly and too
a scalpel. The incision should be no more than about deeply into the FHL or FDL tendon so that it cannot act
3 to 4 mm. There will be a sudden release of t­ ension and as a probe to determine the position and limits of the
the IP joints will extend. tendon during percutaneous tenotomy
bb. If the DIP joint extends but the PIP does not, the flexor e. Excessive release of joint capsules and/or the interos-
brevis is also contracted and should be released using seous talocalcaneal ligament, which will often result in
the same technique. overcorrection of deformities
4. Complications
Final assessment and closure a. Heel pad slough due to dysvascularity
cc. Confirm full dorsiflexion of the hindfoot clinically and i. Avoid by ensuring that the Cincinnati incision is at
radiographically least 1 cm proximal to, and parallel with, the deep
i. on mini-fluoroscopy, the talus should dorsiflex posterior heel crease (the crease is usually at the in-
to within 10° of perpendicular to the tibia and the sertion of the tendo-Achilles on the calcaneus)
calcaneus to at least 15° above perpendicular to b. Injury to the posterior tibial NV bundles
the tibia i. Avoid by isolating them proximally and tracing them
dd. Confirm full eversion of the subtalar joint clinically and between the three origins of the abductor hallucis
radiographically and through the plantar tunnel under direct vision
i. on mini-fluoroscopy, there should be straight axial c. Posterior distal tibial physeal injury with progressive
alignment of the axis of the 1st MT with the axis of procurvatum deformity, due to imprecise identifica-
the talus on the lateral image, and straight axial align- tion of the ankle joint and resultant direct trauma to the
ment to slight abduction of the axis of the 1st MT physis (see Figure 5-21, Chapter 5)
with the axis of the talus on the anteroposterior (AP) i. Avoid by tracing the FHL to the subtalar joint and
image then carefully probing more proximally for the ankle
ee. Repair the overlapping limbs of the posterior tibialis joint. If the ankle joint is incorrectly thought to be
under minimal tension using 2-0 absorbable sutures the subtalar joint, the more proximal probing for the
with the subtalar joint fully everted and the ankle dorsi- “ankle joint” could result in damage to the perichon-
flexed 10° drial ring of the distal tibial physis
ff. Repair the overlapping limbs of the tendo-Achilles with d. Laceration of a digital nerve or artery during percuta-
2-0 absorbable sutures under moderate tension with the neous tenotomy of the FHL or FDL
knee extended and the ankle dorsiflexed 10° i. Avoid by
gg. There is no need for pins across the joints unless the • inserting the tip of the scalpel centrally and care-
joint capsules have been released excessively, rather fully, using it both as a probe and a scalpel
than sufficiently. Try to avoid that. • limiting medial and/or lateral excursion of the tip
hh. Release the tourniquet and achieve good hemostasis of the scalpel
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 189

e. Wound edge necrosis spring ligament. Resect a 5- to 7-mm-wide strip of cap-

i. Avoid by sule from the medial and plantar aspects of this redun-
• using good tissue handling techniques dant tissue.
• limiting exaggerated corrective forces in the cast d. Perform other concurrent procedures, such as a CLO
• Achieve full correction of all deformities (see Chapter 8), TAL (see this chapter), TAT (see this
• Close the incision chapter), 3rd street procedure (see this chapter)
• Dorsiflex the ankle and evert the subtalar joint to e. Plicate the TN joint capsule plantar-medially, but not
the point at which the wound edges blanch dorsally, with multiple figure-of-8 2-0 absorbable sutures
• The position for cast molding is slightly less than f. Advance the proximal slip of the posterior tibialis ten-
that. don approximately 5 to 7 mm through a slit in the distal
• If that position is less than the full deformity cor- stump of the tendon. Secure this Pulvertaft weave with
rection position achieved with the incision open, multiple figure-of-8 2-0 absorbable sutures.
serial postoperative casting is required. g. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta-
• The skin will stretch by creep and stress relaxation. neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu-
• For slight limitation from the fully corrected po- lar 4-0 absorbable sutures
sition, serial casting can be performed in clinic 3. Pitfalls
starting in 2 to 3 weeks. a. Plication without complete deformity correction
• For severe limitation from the fully corrected po- b. Substitution of plantar–medial plication for osseous
sition, serial casting should be performed in the deformity correction in a valgus hindfoot. The default
OR starting in 1 to 2 weeks. position of the hindfoot is valgus (see Basic Principle
#9, Chapter 2). Therefore, except in babies with CVT
and congenital oblique talus, a PMP is supplemental to
V. PLICATIONS—TENDON a CLO in valgus hindfoot deformity correction, but not
SHORTENINGS AND CAPSULAR an alternative to a CLO (see Management Principle
TIGHTENINGS #17, Chapter 4).
4. Complications
PRINCIPLE: A combination of two or more soft tissue pro-
a. None
cedures is often needed to correct specific deformities.

Plantar–Medial Plication (PMP) VI. DISARTICULATIONS

1. Indications PRINCIPLE: A good disarticulation/amputation can pro-
a. In combination with a calcaneal lengthening osteotomy vide better comfort and function than some deformity and
(CLO) (see Chapter 8) in a flatfoot (see Chapter 5) malformation reconstructions. (see Management Principle
b. In combination with a CLO (see Chapter 8) in a skew- #29, Chapter 4).
foot (see Chapter 5)
c. In combination with a CLO (see Chapter 8) for de-
Syme Ankle Disarticulation
formity correction in certain tarsal coalitions (see
Chapter 5) 1. Indications
d. In combination with a circumference release for resis- a. Severe malformations, deformities, and injuries of the
tant congenital vertical talus (see Chapter 5) foot and/or leg, in which a good heel pad ­exists (see
e. In combination with a circumference release for resis- Management Principle #29, Chapter 4).
tant congenital oblique talus (see Chapter 5) b. Forefoot gigantism (transverse macrodactyly) with a
f. In combination with the 3rd street procedure (see this normal heel pad (see Macrodactyly, Chapter 6)
chapter) 2. Technique (see Figure 6-7, Chapter 6) (Figure 7-40)
2. Technique (Figure 7-39) a. Make a fishmouth incision at the ankle/hindfoot
a. Make a longitudinal incision along the medial border of i. Incise across the anterior ankle from the tip of the
the foot dorsal to the edge of the glabrous skin starting medial malleolus to the tip of the lateral malleolus
at a point just distal to the medial malleolus and con- (or the lateral hindfoot if there is no lateral malleo-
tinuing to the base of the first MT. Release the posterior lus, as in the case of fibula hemimelia)
tibialis from its tendon sheath. ii. Create a U-shaped flap extending across the plantar
b. Cut the posterior tibialis tendon in a Z-fashion, releas- midfoot starting at the medial extent of the anterior
ing its dorsal one-third to half from the navicular. The ankle incision and ending at the lateral extent of the
stump of the tendon remaining attached to the navicular anterior ankle incision
contains the plantar one-half to two-thirds of the fibers. b. Dorsally, isolate the superficial peroneal nerve branches,
c. Incise the TN joint capsule from dorsal-lateral to pull them distally, sharply transect them, and allow
­plantar-lateral around the medial side, including the them to retract proximally
190 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations




Figure 7-39.  Plantar-medial plication. A. The posterior tibialis is cut in a Z-fashion releasing the dorsal
slip from the navicular. B. The TN joint capsule is released from dorsolateral to plantar-lateral around the
medial side, including release of the spring ligament. A 5- to 7-mm-wide strip of redundant capsule is re-
sected from its plantar–medial aspect. C. The strip of redundant capsule has been resected. D. The plantar
and medial aspects of the TN joint capsule are repaired anterior to posterior with large-gauge dissolving
suture material (outlined by purple oval), having already resected the redundant capsule. The proximal slip
of the posterior tibialis is advanced distally through a slit in the distal stump of the tendon. E. This Pulvertaft
weave is repaired under firm tension with large-gauge dissolving sutures. F. A very cosmetic and sound re-
pair is achieved. By performing the plications in this way, one can avoid creating excessive soft tissue bulk
that might otherwise be as prominent as the head of the talus was initially. (From Mosca VS. Calcaneal
lengthening osteotomy for valgus ­deformity of the hindfoot. In: Skaggs DL and Tolo VT, editors. Master
Techniques in Orthopaedic ­Surgery: Pediatrics. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008; 263–276.)

c. Isolate the anterior tibialis, extensor hallucis longus, ex- e. Release the anterior ankle capsule from the medial mal-
tensor digitorum communis, and peroneus tertius, pull leolus to the lateral malleolus
them distally, sharply transect them, and allow them to f. Release the medial and lateral collateral ligaments
retract proximally g. Release the anterior edge of the flexor retinaculum
d. Isolate the anterior tibial NV bundle. Isolate the deep (laciniate ligament) on the medial side of the hindfoot
peroneal nerve, pull it distally, sharply transect it, and h. Bluntly elevate the soft issues, including the posterior
allow it to retract proximally. Ligate the artery and vein. tibial NV bundle, from the flexor tendons and the
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 191

peroneal nerve



Medial plantar E
NV bundle

Lateral plantar
NV bundle

Figure 7-40.  Syme amputation. A. Foot malformation in an infant with Streeter dysplasia (amni-
otic band syndrome). The deep band on the lower leg was previously reconstructed by Z-plasty and
time has passed to ensure establishment of good vascularity and lymphatic flow to and from the
distal part. B. The planned fishmouth incision is marked. C. All dorsal tendons and nerves are pulled
distally, cut proximally, and allowed to retract. Vascular structures are ligated. D. The posterior tibial
NV bundle is carefully protected and retracted with the heel pad away from the hindfoot bones.
After the foot is disarticulated from the ankle, the plantar soft tissues are transected transversely at
the midfoot. The medial and lateral plantar nerves are pulled distally, cut proximally, and allowed to
retract. The arteries and veins are ligated/coagulated. E. Medial view of the limb after disarticulation
of the foot. F. Appearance of the residual limb after repair of the midfoot soft tissues to the anterior
ankle soft tissues. A Penrose drain is visible laterally.

talus and calcaneus. The NV bundle remains with the p. At the plantar midfoot, in line with the previously cre-
heel pad. ated transverse skin incision, sharply transect the plan-
i. Release the posterior tibialis (PT) tendon sheath, pull tar soft tissues. Identify and coagulate/ligate the medial
the PT distally, sharply transect it, and allow it to retract and lateral plantar posterior tibial vascular structures.
proximally Pull the medial and lateral plantar posterior tibial
j. Release the flexor digitorum longus (FDL) tendon nerves distally, cut them proximally, and allow them to
sheath, pull the FDL distally, sharply transect it, and al- retract.
low it to retract proximally q. Finally, pull the foot distally, isolate the tendo-Achilles far
k. Release the flexor hallucis longus (FHL) tendon from proximally, and transect the tendo-Achilles as far proxi-
the sustentaculum tali, pull the FHL distally,  sharply mally as possible. Remove the foot from the surgical site.
transect it, and allow it to retract proximally r. The cartilaginous malleoli can be shaved off with a
l. Release the peroneus longus and brevis tendon sheaths, scalpel
pull the peroneal tendons distally, sharply transect s. Release the tourniquet and achieve complete hemosta-
them, and allow them to retract proximally sis, while also confirming excellent vascularity to the
m. Release the posterior ankle capsule entire heel pad
n. Pull the foot anteriorly out of the ankle joint with a t. Place a small Penrose drain transversely in the poste-
towel clip rior aspect of the resection cavity exiting through a stab
o. Sharply resect all soft tissues off the calcaneus wound through the skin on the lateral side
192 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

u. Adjust the length of the plantar flap to ensure that the x. Apply a single hip spica cast in an infant (to prevent the
heel pad can be pulled slightly anteriorly, thereby po- cast from falling off), and a long-leg, bent knee cast in
sitioning the posteroplantar corner of the heel pad di- an older child (Figure 7-42)
rectly distal to the tibial shaft. In case of posterior heel y. Maintain the cast for 6 weeks, then use a stump shrinker
pad migration, there will still be heel pad distal to the for at least one week before molding for the Syme
tibia (Figure 7-41). prosthesis
v. Suture the plantar fascia to the anterior ankle capsule 3. Pitfalls
with #0 absorbable sutures a. Shaving unossified cartilage off the calcaneus that will
w. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta- eventually ossify
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu- b. Poor design of the fishmouth incision resulting in ex-
lar 4-0 absorbable suture cessive tension on the wound closure



Figure 7-41.  Syme amputation in a 4-year-old boy with complex malformations of the left lower
extremity. A. Lateral view of the fishmouth incision marked on the skin. B. Medial view of the fish-
mouth incision marked on the skin. C. Disarticulation of the foot at the ankle is near completion.
D. The foot has been disarticulated. The large cartilaginous medial and lateral malleoli have been
shaved off with a scalpel to provide a flat weight-bearing surface. E. Lateral view of the residual limb
after removal of the foot. F. The plantar flap is pulled proximally to determine whether the appropriate
amount of soft tissue has been resected to place the posteroplantar corner of the heel pad in line with
the axis of the tibial shaft. If not, more needs to be resected. G. The closure has been completed with
layers of absorbable sutures. H. Lateral view of the repair with the heel pad appropriating aligned
and with the Penrose drain exposed.
CHAPTER 7/Soft Tissue Procedures 193



Figure 7-41.  (continued)

Figure 7-42.  A. Single hip spica cast applied following Syme amputation in an infant.
B. ­Long-leg bent knee cast applied following Syme amputation in a 4-year-old child.
194 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

c. Excessive posterior positioning of the heel pad under calcaneus. Transect the NV bundles at the edge of
the tibia that may contribute to posterior migration of the plantar incision.
the heel pad b. Posterior migration of the heel pad
4. Complications i. Avoid by
a. Damage to the posterior tibial NV structures resulting • transecting the tendo-Achilles as far proximally as
in necrosis and/or loss of sensation of the heel pad possible
i. Avoid by careful isolation and retraction of the NV • positioning the posteroplantar corner of the heel
bundle with the heel pad before releasing the flexor pad directly distal to the tibial shaft, anticipating
tendons and resecting the soft tissues off the slight posterior migration over time

Bone Procedures
I. GUIDED GROWTH c. Insert the guide pin parallel with, and immediately
­adjacent to, the medial cortex of the tibial metaphy-
Medial Distal Tibia Guided Growth with sis. The more medial the screw, the more medial the
Retrograde Medial Malleolus Screw ­mechanical center of rotation of angulation (CORA),
1. Indications and the more rapid will be the deformity correction.
a. Pain due to lateral hindfoot impingement and/or medial d. Use the cannulated reamer up to, but not across, the
hindfoot soft tissue strain caused by exaggerated con- physis
genital or acquired valgus deformity of the ankle joint e. Insert a fully threaded cannulated 4.5-mm screw.
(see Assessment Principles #11 and 21, ­Chapter  3; ­Generally, a 52-mm-long screw is a good length.
Valgus Deformity of the Ankle Joint, Chapter 5) f. Countersink the head of the screw into the medial
b. If there is coincident valgus deformity of the ankle ­malleolus. Be aware that the tip of the medial malleo-
joint and the subtalar joint, the ankle deformity should lus might be cartilaginous and, therefore, not visible on
be corrected first (see Management Principle #23-6, fluoroscopy.
Chapter 4; Valgus Deformity of the Ankle Joint and g. Use a 4-0 absorbable subcuticular suture
the Hindfoot, Chapter 5). h. No immobilization is required.
2. Technique (Figure 8-1) 3. Pitfalls
a. Make a 7-mm longitudinal incision immediately distal a. Correction of subtalar/hindfoot valgus deformity before
to the medial malleolus in the midcoronal plane of the correction of ankle valgus
tibia b. Failure to countersink the head of the screw, thereby
b. Insert a guide pin for the 4.5-mm cannulated screws ret- leaving a metallic prominence under the medial
rograde from the intersection of the medial-to-­lateral malleolus
center of the medial malleolus with the midcoronal c. Anterior screw placement resulting in the development
plane of the tibia, using mini-fluoroscopy for guidance. of recurvatum while correcting the valgus deformity
Anterior placement could result in recurvatum and d. Posterior screw placement resulting in the development
posterior placement in procurvatum. of procurvatum while correcting the valgus deformity
i. Ensure placement in the midcoronal plane of the e. Lateral screw placement across the physis. The more
tibia by visualizing a true lateral image of the ankle lateral the screw crosses the physis, the more lateral the
on mini-fluoroscopy, i.e., the posterior cortex of the CORA and the longer the time to deformity correction.
fibula and the posterior cortex of the tibia are colin- If the screw crosses the center of the physis, it could
ear. Using the “dome of the talus” as the alignment ­result in epiphysiodesis. Crossing the physis lateral to
guide for a true lateral image of the ankle is unreli- the midline will result in increasing the valgus deformity.
able in children because of immature ossification of f. Failure to account for rebound valgus deformity. S­ everal
the talus and/or malformations/deformities of the degrees of recurrent valgus deformity develop after
talus. The midcoronal plane of the tibia is typically screw removal in most cases. Therefore, overcorrect a
in line with the anterior cortex of the fibula. few degrees before removing the screw.


196 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Park–Harris line


Figure 8-1.  Medial malleolus screw hemiepiphysiodesis for guided growth correction of ankle
valgus deformity. A. Preoperative AP ankle x-ray showing 9° of valgus deformity. B. 3° of valgus de-
formity persist 6 months after retrograde insertion of a screw across the medial side of distal tibial
physis with a starting point in the center of the medial malleolus. The Park–Harris line (dashed black
lines with white P–H line visible between them) confirms deformity correction. The yellow arrows in-
dicate the differential growth of the physis from the P–H line following screw insertion months earlier.
C. Lateral radiograph shows that the screw is in the midcoronal plane. This is a true lateral projection
of the ankle joint, confirmed by colinear alignment of the posterior cortices of the tibia and fibula at
the level of the tibial meta-epiphysis. (see Assessment Principle #20, Chapter 3).

4. Complications 2. Technique (Figure 8-2)

a. Broken screw a. Make a 4- to 5-cm longitudinal incision over the anterior
i. Avoid by using a large enough screw, which is aspect of the ankle joint lateral to the anterior tibialis tendon
4.5 mm in diameter in all but the youngest children. b. Avoid or retract the superficial peroneal nerve
The screw must bend as the angular deformity is c. Release the proximal portion of the extensor retinacu-
corrected. Larger screws resist fracture. lum longitudinally
b. Continued physeal growth d. Incise the anterior ankle joint capsule longitudinally
i. Avoid by using a fully threaded screw. The threads of and retract the edges medially and laterally to expose
a fully threaded and a partially threaded screw are the distal tibial metaphysis and epiphysis
stable in the metaphysis. The head of the screw and e. Apply a guided growth plate–screw construct across the
the smooth shank of a partially threaded screw are physis in the midsagittal plane of the tibia using mini-
not sufficient to keep the distal portion of the screw fluoroscopy for assistance.
stable in the epiphysis of the medial malleolus. The i. Insert the epiphyseal screw half way between the
physis will continue to grow, effectively dragging physis and the articular cartilage
the head of the screw into the medial malleolus. The ii. Insert the metaphyseal screw perpendicular to the
threads of a fully threaded screw maintain stable shaft of the tibia
fixation in the medial malleolus. f. Repair the capsule over the plate with 2-0 absorbable
c. Exaggerated overcorrection sutures, if possible
i. Avoid by ensuring timely patient follow-up with g. Repair the extensor retinaculum with 2-0 absorbable
radiographs. Anticipate deformity correction at ap- sutures
proximately 1° per month. h. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta-
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu-
lar 4-0 absorbable suture
Anterior Distal Tibia Guided Growth
i. Do not lengthen the tendo-Achilles. That would
with Anterior Plate–Screw Construct
­increase the anterior ankle impingement. Reorientation
1. Indications of the ankle joint into recurvatum will improve painless
a. Failure of non-operative management to relieve the an- ankle dorsiflexion.
terior ankle impingement pain that is most often due to j. Immobilize the ankle in a CAM boot for 1 week to allow
a flat-top talus in a treated clubfoot (see Chapter 5) the soft tissues to heal
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 197




Figure 8-2.  Guided growth for anterior ankle impingement. A. Plate/screw construct is seen bridg-
ing the anterior distal tibial physis. B. Several months later, the joint has reoriented and grown into
recurvatum, thereby increasing dorsiflexion and decreasing the painful anterior ankle impingement.

k. Remove the plate and screws after the joint has II. RESECTIONS
­reoriented and the pain has been resolved for a few
months Accessory Navicular Resection
3. Pitfalls
1. Indications
a. Using a plate so large or poorly positioned that it
a. Pain at the site of the accessory navicular that is not
­impinges on the dorsal talar neck more than the offend-
­relieved by prolonged attempts at nonoperative treat-
ing anterior distal tibial epiphysis already was
ment (see Chapter 6)
b. Concurrent lengthening of the tendo-Achilles. The
2. Technique (Figure 8-3)
goal is to move the anterior distal tibial epiphysis away
a. Make a 4-cm longitudinal incision along the medial
from the dorsal talar neck. Therefore, first reorient
border of the midfoot from the medial cuneiform to
the joint into recurvatum/dorsiflexion with guided
the talar neck along the course of the posterior tibialis
growth. Then determine if a heel cord lengthening is
b. Incise the soft tissues on the medial surface of the
4. Complications
navicular/accessory navicular longitudinally in line
a. Overcorrection
with the fibers of the distal extension of the posterior
i. Avoid by ensuring patient follow-up
tibialis tendon
b. Screw insertion into the physis or the joint
c. Continue the incision into the posterior tibialis tendon
i. Avoid by inserting the epiphyseal screw first and
in the transverse plane for 1 cm
­using mini-fluoroscopy for guidance
d. Sharply elevate the periosteum/posterior tibialis ten-
c. Injury to the superficial peroneal nerve
don fibers dorsally and plantarward from the navicu-
i. Avoid by isolating and retracting/protecting it
lar/accessory navicular, exposing the entire accessory
198 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Tib p





Figure 8-3.  Accessory navicular resection (toes to the left and heel to the right of the images). A. The pathology
is exposed through a 4-cm longitudinal skin incision directly medial to the bony prominence. An incision is made
in the soft tissues on the medial surface of the navicular and accessory navicular in line with the posterior tibialis
tendon fibers (dotted blue line). The division of the tendon fibers extends 1 to 2 cm proximally into the posterior
tibialis tendon. The button hook is around the tendon as it approaches the navicular from the right side of the
­image. The green arrows indicate the directions that the dorsal and plantar soft tissue flaps will be elevated. B. The
periosteum/tendon fiber flaps (curved green lines) have been sharply elevated both dorsally and plantarward
off the navicular and the accessory navicular without detaching them transversely from the navicular. The small
four-pronged hooks are shown retracting these soft tissue flaps. The black line indicates the location of the syn-
chondrosis of the accessory navicular with the main body of the navicular. The dotted green line indicates the
longitudinal axis of the accessory navicular. The forceps are shown rotating the accessory navicular dorsally at
the synchondrosis. C. The forceps are shown rotating the accessory navicular plantarward, thereby demonstrating
hypermobility of the accessory navicular at the synchondrosis. D. The accessory navicular has been resected at
the synchondrosis. E. The enlarged medial extension of the main body of the navicular is resected flush with the
medial surface of the medial cuneiform using an osteotome. F. Forceps are holding the resected bone. G. Multiple
vest-over-pants imbrication-type 2-0 absorbable sutures are placed in the flaps in preparation for plantar-to-dorsal
plication and tubularization of the tendon. H. Sutures are pulled dorsally to close the dead space that was created
by the bone resection. I. The vest-over-pants sutures have been tied. J. A running 2-0 absorbable suture is initiated
between the free edge of the plantar flap and the adjacent fibers of the dorsal flap of the posterior tibialis tendon
at the proximal (heel) end of the plicated tissues. K. The suture is run along the free edge to smooth the repair.
L. Final, smooth imbricated repair.
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 199


Enlarged medial
body of navicular



Figure 8-3.  (continued)

200 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Figure 8-3.  (continued)

navicular and the enlarged medial extension of the A nonsterile tourniquet can be used if the fat graft will
main body of the navicular. Preserve these flaps for later be taken from the posteromedial distal thigh
repair. Do not release them transversely. b. Make an oblique incision over the midfoot from the
e. Identify the synchondrosis, incise it, and remove the dorsal midline of the navicular to the midlateral point
­accessory navicular of the anterior calcaneus in a Langer’s line
f. Using an osteotome, resect the enlarged medial exten- c. Isolate, retract, and protect the superficial peroneal nerve
sion of the navicular flush with the medial surface of the d. Elevate the extensor muscles from the sinus tarsi and
medial cuneiform. Confirm adequate resection with the coalition from posterior to anterior, tagging the
mini-fluoroscopy proximal margin for ease of reattachment
g. Plicate the soft tissue flaps over the resection site ­using e. Place Joker elevators posterior and anterior to the coali-
a dorsal–plantar vest-over-pants technique with 2-0 tion with the tips meeting under the coalition, which is
­absorbable sutures usually around 2.5 cm in depth
h. Finish the free edge of the superficial flap with a ­running f. Using a 10-mm osteotome, cut the navicular from
2-0 absorbable suture ­dorsolateral to plantar-medial in line with the head and
i. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta- neck of the talus
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu- g. Using a 10-mm osteotome, cut the calcaneus from
lar 4-0 absorbable suture dorsolateral to plantar-medial in line with the cuboid/­
j. Apply a short-leg non–weight-bearing cast lateral cuneiform joint, trying to preserve as much
k. Remove the cast after 6 weeks and initiate weight-bearing ­normal calcaneocuboid joint articulation as possible
3. Pitfalls h. The two cuts should be approximately 10 to 12 mm
a. Failure to resect the enlarged medial/plantar–medial apart and parallel to nearly parallel
extension of the main body of the navicular i. The coalition will be in the resected specimen.
4. Complications j. If necessary, use a Kerrison rongeur to remove bone and
a. Weakening, stretching, or rupture of the posterior tibi- bone fragments from the depths of the resection cavity
alis tendon attachment on the navicular k. The spring (calcaneonavicular) ligament should be
i. Avoid by preserving the dorsal and plantar soft t­ issue ­visible at the base of the resection cavity.
flaps as described earlier l. Cover the exposed bone surfaces with bone wax
m. Obtain a large fat graft from the posterior–medial
­aspect of the distal thigh or from the posterior buttock
Calcaneonavicular Tarsal Coalition Resection
crease and overfill the resection cavity
1. Indications n. Replace the short toe extensors to their origin with 2-0
a. Activity-related pain in the sinus tarsi region, and occasion- absorbable sutures, covering the fat graft
ally under the medial midfoot, caused by a calcaneona- o. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta-
vicular tarsal coalition (see Chapter 5) that is not relieved neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu-
despite prolonged attempts at nonoperative treatment lar 4-0 absorbable suture
2. Technique (Figure 8-4) p. Apply a short-leg non–weight-bearing cast. The cast is
a. Use a sterile tourniquet and hindquarter prep if the fat worn for 2 weeks to allow the soft tissues to heal before
graft will be taken from the posterior buttock crease. initiating range-of-motion exercises
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 201


Ex Navicular
ns Osteotomy sites
ev Coalition


C D Navicular

10–12 mm



Spring ligament

Figure 8-4.  Resection of a calcaneonavicular tarsal coalition. A. The EHB is elevated from the sinus
tarsi and reflected anteriorly. B. The synchondrosis and adjacent portions of the calcaneus and the
navicular are exposed. C. Ten-millimeter osteotomes are positioned 10 to 12 mm apart and parallel to
each other for the osteotomies. D. A resected coalition has been bisected to reveal the pathoanatomy.
E. The 3D rectangle-shaped resection cavity is visualized with the spring ligament exposed at its base.
F. The resection cavity is large enough to accept the surgeon’s index finger. G. The cavity is 2.5 cm
deep. H. After the osteotomy surfaces are coated with bone wax, a large free fat graft is inserted to
completely fill the cavity. The EHB is pulled over the fat graft and reattached to its origin in the sinus
tarsi. I. Preresection oblique intraoperative fluoroscopy image with osteotome in place. J. Postre-
section oblique image. The navicular osteotomy is made in line with the head/neck of the talus. The
calcaneus osteotomy is made in line with cuboid/lateral cuneiform joint.
202 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


2.5 cm
Fat graft
Extensor hallucis
brevis (EHB)


Figure 8-4.  (continued)

q. Prescribe a dosage of a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory i. Avoid by:

drug (NSAID) for 4 weeks • ensuring that the coalition is completely resected,
r. Remove the cast after 2 weeks, but continue non– including at its plantar extent
weight-bearing for an additional 4 weeks while the • Visualize the spring (calcaneonavicular) ligament.
­patient regains comfortable range of motion • Probe the depths of the resection cavity with a
s. Initiate gradual return to weight-bearing after 6 weeks, Freer elevator.
using crutches at first to ensure comfort • Obtain an intraoperative oblique fluoroscopic or
3. Pitfalls radiographic image.
a. Excessive resection of the articular surface of the c. Recurrence of the coalition
­calcaneus, resulting in instability at the calcaneocuboid i. Avoid by:
joint • applying bone wax to the resection surfaces
b. Excessive resection of the articular surface of the • inserting a large free fat graft to completely fill the
­navicular resulting in instability at the talonavicular resection cavity and covering it with the EHB
(TN) joint
4. Complications
Talocalcaneal Tarsal Coalition Resection
a. Injury to the superficial peroneal nerve
i. Avoid by: 1. Indications
• isolating, retracting, and protecting it a. Activity-related pain in the medial hindfoot, the si-
b. Persistence of the coalition nus tarsi region, and occasionally under the medial
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 203

midfoot, caused by a talocalcaneal tarsal coalition b. Make a longitudinal incision medial to the subtalar joint
(see ­Chapter 5) that is not relieved despite prolonged from the posterior tibial (PT) neurovascular bundle to
­attempts at nonoperative treatment the TN joint
b. A coalition of the middle facet in which the size of the coali- c. Incise the laciniate ligament (flexor retinaculum) lon-
tion is less than 50% the surface area of the posterior facet gitudinally directly over the middle facet. Tag the edges
c. And with a normal posterior facet, defined as “normal” with 2-0 absorbable sutures for later identification and
thickness on coronal CT scan images repair
2. Technique (Figure 8-5) d. Retract the flexor digitorum longus (FDL) dorsally or
a. Use a sterile tourniquet and hindquarter prep if the fat plantarward, depending on the dorsal–plantar location
graft will be taken from the posterior buttock crease. of the coalition and the ease of exposure
A nonsterile tourniquet can be used if the fat graft will e. Retract the flexor hallucis longus (FHL) plantarward
be taken from the posteromedial distal thigh from the sustentaculum tali

lon Sustentaculum




Flexor hallucis allu
Middle facet



tarsal coalition
Middle facet coalition-
Posterior facet –

Figure 8-5.  Resection of a talocalcaneal tarsal coalition. A. The FDL is retracted dorsally to expose
the middle facet, though it might be easier to retract it plantarward in some feet. B. The FHL is re-
tracted plantarward from the sustentaculum tali. C. The periosteum is sharply elevated from the medial
surfaces of the talus and calcaneus at the middle facet. The synchondrosis is exposed. D. The middle
facet coalition has been resected. The posterior facet is visualized at the base of the resection cavity.
A smooth-toothed laminar spreader in the resected middle facet cavity has been used to distract the
posterior facet to ensure that there are no remaining bony or cartilaginous connections between the
talus and calcaneus. E. Steinmann pins are inserted in the talus and calcaneus from medial to lateral
before resection of the coalition. There is no motion between them with attempted inversion and ever-
sion of the subtalar joint. F. Following resection, convergence and divergence of the pins confirms
restoration of subtalar motion. G and H. Direct visualization of the resection cavity during eversion and
inversion of the subtalar joint, with widening and narrowing of the resection ­cavity, further confirms
complete resection of the coalition. I. Bone wax is applied to the resected bone surfaces. J. A large free
fat graft is inserted. K. The fat graft completely fills the cavity. L. The periosteum is repaired over the fat.
The flexor retinaculum is subsequently repaired over the graft and the flexor tendons.

Talus wire
Talus w


Eversion Inversion



Figure 8-5.  (continued)
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 205

f. Bluntly identify the posterior edge of the middle facet. s. Apply a short-leg non–weight-bearing cast. The cast is
Place a baby Hohman retractor there to both identify worn for 2 weeks to allow the soft tissues to heal before
the posterior extent of the pathologic facet and retract initiating range-of-motion exercises
and protect the FHL and PT neurovascular bundle t. Prescribe a dosage of an NSAID for 4 weeks
g. Bluntly identify the anterior edge of the middle facet. u. Remove the cast after 2 weeks, but continue non–
Place a baby Hohman retractor there weight-bearing for an additional 4 weeks while the
h. Longitudinally (from anterior to posterior) incise the ­patient regains comfortable range of motion
periosteum in the center of the medial face of the mid- v. Initiate gradual return to weight-bearing after 6 weeks,
dle facet using crutches at first to ensure comfort
i. Sharply elevate the periosteum from the middle facet 3. Pitfalls
dorsally and plantarward. Try to preserve it for later a. Inappropriate resection in a foot with an unresectable
­repair, if possible coalition characterized by an ankylosed and narrow
j. Identify the synchondrosis posterior facet and/or an extremely large middle facet
k. Using a high-speed 3- to 4-mm burr, remove the syn- coalition
chondrosis from anterior to posterior and medial to b. Failure to correct severe associated valgus hindfoot
lateral. The height of the resection cavity should be ­deformity ­either concurrently or staged
6 to 8 mm 4. Complications
l. The resection is complete when: a. Persistence of the coalition
i. the healthy posterior facet is visualized. i. Avoid by:
ii. the talocalcaneal interosseous ligament and sur- • ensuring complete resection. See “l” above in the
rounding fat are visualized. Technique section.
iii. the healthy anterior facet is visualized. b. Recurrence of the coalition
iv. the posterior and anterior facets can be distracted i. Avoid by:
easily with a smooth-toothed laminar spreader in • making a large resection cavity
the resection cavity of the middle facet. • applying bone wax to the resection surfaces
v. the subtalar joint can be inverted and everted. Do • inserting a large free fat graft to completely fill the
not expect dramatic improvement in range of resection cavity and covering it with the perios-
­motion in long-standing cases, but ensure that there teum and flexor retinaculum
are no pathologic bony or cartilaginous connections c. Injury to the PT neurovascular bundle
remaining between the talus and calcaneus i. Avoid by retracting and protecting it from the burr
• Insert parallel 0.062″ smooth Steinmann pins
from medial to lateral in the talus and calcaneus
Lichtblau Distal Calcaneus Resection
adjacent to the resection cavity. Invert and evert
the subtalar joint to confirm that there is res- See under Lateral Column Shortening Procedures later.
toration of motion by observing the movement
between the pins. If there is limited or no subta-
Longitudinal Epiphyseal Bracket Resection
lar motion despite confirmed distraction of the
posterior facet with the laminar spreader, release 1. Indications
the dorsolateral TN joint capsule through a dor- a. The presence of a longitudinal epiphyseal bracket (LEB;
solateral incision. In long-standing coalitions, a see Chapter 6)
contracture/­ synchondrosis sometimes develops i. LEB is always associated either with congenital hal-
at that location between a dorsal talar beak and a lux varus (see Chapter 5) or with preaxial polydac-
dorsal navicular osteophyte. tyly (see Chapter 6)
m. Cover the exposed bone surfaces with bone wax 2. Technique (Figures 8-6 and 8-7)
n. Obtain a large fat graft from the posterior–medial a. Make a longitudinal incision along the medial border
­aspect of the distal thigh or from the posterior buttock of the forefoot extending from the hallux to the medial
crease and use it to overfill the resection cavity cuneiform
o. Replace the FHL under the sustentaculum tali b. If preaxial polydactyly exists, continue the incision
p. Repair the periosteum over the fat graft, if possible ­distally as an ellipse around the duplicate hallux on the
q. Replace the FDL to its normal position medial to the medial side. Resect the duplicate hallux
middle facet, and repair the laciniate ligament (flexor c. The abductor hallucis is contracted and often exists
retinaculum) with 2-0 absorbable sutures over the fat as a fibrous cord/band in a foot with either congenital
graft ­hallux varus or preaxial polydactyly. Release it distally
r. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta- (or excise it) (see Chapter 7).
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu- d. Expose the 1st metatarsal (MT) shaft extraperiosteally
lar 4-0 absorbable suture on its dorsal, medial, and plantar surfaces
206 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Figure 8-6.  A. AP x-ray of a 1st MT LEB associated with congenital hallux varus in an infant. The
lateral cortex of the diaphysis is concave, whereas the medial cortex is convex and poorly ossified.
The hallux is in varus alignment. B. The purple and black arc represents the LEB. The black central sec-
tion represents the abnormal portion of the LEB along the medial side of the 1st MT shaft. The con-
vergent black lines are the 25G needles that were inserted to mark the planned extent of resection.
C. One year later, the medial cortex of the 1st MT diaphysis is concave and has the normal density of
cortical bone. Longitudinal growth of the MT has been established. It is unknown at this time if catch
up longitudinal growth will take place.



Figure 8-7.  A. Preaxial polydactyly with a 1st MT LEB in a newborn infant. B. Intraoperative x-ray
obtained when the child was 9 months old. The two 25G needles mark the proximal and distal limits
of the planned LEB resection (the distal needle was moved further distally before resection). C. The
shiny cartilage of the LEB along the medial surface of the MT shaft can be seen between the needles.
D. The 1-cm-thick (medial to lateral) abnormally positioned epiphyseal cartilage (held in the forceps)
was resected, sharply exposing metaphyseal-type bone where cortical bone should be (purple oval).
E. Normal-appearing medial cortex on the 1st MT shaft 2 years later. F. At 4 years postoperatively, the
1st MT appears normal in length and shape, and the mild residual varus alignment of the 1st MTP 207
joint has corrected to physiologic alignment.
208 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

e. Using mini-fluoroscopy for guidance, insert a 25G nee- joint is generally congruous. After establishing longitu-
dle from medial to lateral at the transverse level of the dinal growth of the MT, the joint tends to reorient itself.
normal physis proximally and another at the level of the n. Use a long-leg cast (to prevent it from slipping off the
normal articular cartilage distally infant) for 4 weeks
f. Use a scalpel to incise the thick, abnormally placed 3. Pitfalls
epiphyseal cartilage on the medial side of the shaft, cut- a. Failure to release the abductor hallucis contracture
ting from dorsal to plantar immediately distal to the b. Failure to resect the proximal-to-distal and dorsal-­
proximal needle and immediately proximal to the distal to-plantar full extent of the abnormal epiphysis. Whereas
needle. The epiphyseal cartilage extends dorsomedially taking too much of the epiphysis is not good for the
and plantar-medially approximately to the midsagittal ­remaining bone ends, resecting too little might result in
plane of the MT. incomplete establishment of normal growth of the MT.
g. Identify the junction between the abnormal epiphyseal c. Performing a concurrent angular deformity correction
cartilage and the normal periosteum on the dorsal and osteotomy in infants. In most cases, the varus d ­ eformity
plantar surfaces of the 1st MT and the varus orientation of the 1st MTP
h. Incise the periosteum longitudinally on the dorsal and joint correct spontaneously. If they do not, an ­osteotomy
plantar surfaces immediately adjacent to the LEB can be performed later in childhood.
i. Use a Freer elevator to separate, or “pop off,” the abnor- 4. Complications
mal epiphyseal cartilage from the shaft of the MT. The a. Incomplete resection of the abnormal epiphysis with
technique is similar to separating the iliac apophysis persistent deformity
from the iliac crest during hip surgery in children. The i. Avoid by ensuring that the dorsomedial and ­plantar–
exposed bone on the MT shaft is not cortex, but instead medial extensions of the abnormal epiphysis are
juxtaphyseal metaphyseal bone as seen at the iliac crest ­resected along with the medial portion. Periosteum
or during operative treatment of a physeal injury. Make must be seen on the dorsal and plantar surfaces of
sure all abnormal cartilage is removed, leaving only the MT shaft.
normal periosteum on the dorsal and plantar surfaces b. Incision wound edge necrosis
of the MT shaft. i. Avoid by performing a Z-plasty if the skin appears to
j. The subcutaneous fat and abductor hallucis muscle fall be excessively tight upon wound closure and passive
into the gap upon closure of the wound, though a deep abduction of the hallux to approximately neutral
fat stitch of a 3-0 absorbable material can be used to alignment on the 1st MT
ensure that soft tissues fill the gap.
k. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta- Resection of Impinging Portion
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu-
of Dorsally Subluxated Navicular
lar 4-0 absorbable suture
l. If the skin is particularly contracted, the incision can be 1. Indications
converted to a Z-plasty (Figure 8-8). a. Painful anterior ankle impingement (see Chapter 5)
m. It is uncommon to require pin fixation of the metatar- from dorsal subluxation of the navicular on the head of
sophalangeal (MTP) joint. The articular cartilage of the the talus in an adolescent/young adult who underwent
1st MT is medially deviated (essentially a reverse, or surgical treatment for a clubfoot early in life and does
negative, distal metatarsal articular angle [DMAA]— not have evidence for arthritis in the TN joint
see Juvenile Hallux Valgus, Chapter 5) and the MTP 2. Technique (Figure 8-9)
a. Make a 4- to 5-cm longitudinal incision over the
­anterior aspect of the ankle joint lateral to the anterior
tibialis tendon
b. Avoid or retract the superficial peroneal nerve
c. Release the extensor retinaculum longitudinally
d. Incise the anterior ankle joint capsule longitudinally
and retract the edges medially and laterally
e. Reshape the prominent dorsal portion of the navicular
with an osteotome
f. Debride surrounding thick abnormal callus tissue, if
g. Maximally dorsiflex the ankle to confirm, under direct
visualization, that there is no residual contact between
Figure 8-8.  Z-plasty of the skin on the medial side of the fore- the navicular and the tibia
foot may be necessary when correcting congenital hallux varus or h. Repair the ankle joint capsule with 2-0 absorbable
preaxial polydactyly with or without resection of a 1st MT LEB. sutures
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 209


Figure 8-9.  A. Standing lateral x-ray of the ankle and hindfoot in a skeletally mature adolescent
who underwent clubfoot surgery as an infant and presented at age 16 with intractable impingement-
type anterior ankle pain. Her symptoms were not consistent with TN joint arthritis; therefore, TN joint
arthrodesis was not indicated. Her overall foot shape was acceptable and, although her foot was very
stiff, she had no other symptoms. Black line indicates the level of resection of the dorsally subluxated
navicular. B. This x-ray image was taken several months later at which time she was asymptomatic
and had improved dorsiflexion.

i. Repair the extensor retinaculum with 2-0 absorbable 4. Complications

sutures a. Injury to the superficial peroneal nerve
j. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta- i. Avoid by isolating and retracting/protecting it
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu-
lar 4-0 absorbable suture
Debridement of Dorsal Talar Neck
k. Apply a non–weight-bearing CAM boot for 2 to 3 weeks
to provide comfort during the early healing phase 1. Indications
l. Then initiate active range-of-motion exercises and con- a. Painful anterior ankle impingement (see Chapter 5)
tinue non–weight-bearing for an additional 4 weeks; from a flat-top talar dome with a shallow or flat dorsal ta-
use of the CAM boot is optional for comfort during this lar neck, typically found in a previously treated clubfoot
time. 2. Technique (Figure 8-10)
3. Pitfalls a. Make a 4- to 5-cm longitudinal incision over the
a. Inadequate resection of bone ­anterior aspect of the ankle joint lateral to the anterior
b. Failure to repair the extensor retinaculum with resul- tibialis tendon
tant bow-stringing of the extensor tendons b. Avoid or retract the superficial peroneal nerve


Figure 8-10.  Multiply operated, stiff clubfoot in a 15-year-old girl with pain from anterior ankle
impingement. A. Flat-top talus with shallow/absent dorsal talar neck concavity (and small heterotopic
ossicle) causing anterior ankle impingement and pain. B. Sagittal CT scan image confirming the de-
formity. C. Three-dimensional CT scan image confirming the deformity. D. Lateral x-ray with purple
markings indicating the resections to be performed. E. Lateral x-ray of the ankle in plantar flexion
following resection of heterotopic ossicle and reshaping of the dorsal talar neck. F. Lateral x-ray of the
ankle in dorsiflexion following resection of heterotopic ossicle and reshaping of dorsal talar neck.
210 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Figure 8-10.  (continued)

c. Release the extensor retinaculum longitudinally m. Then initiate active range-of-motion exercises and con-
d. Incise the anterior ankle joint capsule longitudinally tinue non–weight-bearing for an additional 4 weeks;
and retract the edges medially and laterally use of the CAM boot is optional for comfort during this
e. Reshape the dorsal talar neck with an osteotome and time.
high-speed burr 3. Pitfalls
f. Resect osteophytes from the anterior distal tibial epiph- a. Inadequate resection of bone
ysis, if present b. Failure to repair the extensor retinaculum with resul-
g. Debride surrounding thick abnormal callus tissue, if tant bow-stringing of the extensor tendons
present 4. Complications
h. Maximally dorsiflex the ankle to confirm, under direct a. Injury to the superficial peroneal nerve
visualization, that there is no residual contact between i. Avoid by isolating and retracting/protecting it
the talus and the tibia
i. Repair the ankle joint capsule with 2-0 absorbable sutures
Ray Resection
j. Repair the extensor retinaculum with 2-0 absorbable
sutures 1. Indications
k. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta- a. Macrodactyly (see Chapter 6)
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu- b. Polydactyly (see Chapter 6)
lar 4-0 absorbable suture 2. Technique (Figure 8-11)
l. Apply a non–weight-bearing CAM boot for 2 to 3 weeks a. Make a V-shaped incision on both the dorsal and plantar
to provide comfort during the early healing phase surfaces of the foot with the apices at the tarsometatarsal


Figure 8-11.  A. AP x-ray of a 1-year-old with macrodactyly of the 2nd ray of the foot. B. V-shaped
incision is marked on the dorsum. C. V-shaped incision is marked on the plantar aspect. D. Dorsal
view after the ray has been resected. E. Plantar view after the ray has been resected. F. AP x-ray after
the resection. G. Intraoperative appearance of the dorsum of the foot immediately after the resection.
Note the markedly improved appearance of the foot and the cosmetic appearance of the subcuticular
suture wound closure. H. Intraoperative appearance of the plantar surface of the foot immediately
after the resection. I. Dorsal appearance of the foot 18 months later. Note the cosmetic appearance of
the scar (disregard the small recent abrasion at the proximal end). J. Plantar appearance of the foot
18 months later. The scar is barely noticeable.
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 211


Figure 8-11.  (continued)

joint level and connecting distally in the web spaces on demarcation between normal and abnormal. That
both sides of the ray to be removed said, be aggressive and remove all of the soft tissues
b. From the dorsal approach, incise sharply and directly to that appear safe to remove. Prepare the family for the
the intermetatarsal spaces on both sides of the MT to be possible need for a debulking procedure (or two) in the
removed future (see Management Principle #10, ­Chapter 4).
c. Expose the common digital neurovascular bundles in
the web spaces and transect the branches to the toe
­being removed
d. Expose the MT shaft extraperiosteally on its dorsal, 1. Indications
­medial, and lateral surfaces a. Neglected/recurrent/residual congenital vertical talus
e. Transect the MT at the proximal meta-diaphysis, rather (see Chapter 5) in which:
than disarticulating the MT Removing the entire MT i. the TN joint is well-aligned or becomes well-aligned
risks upsetting the congruity of the remaining MTs and in the frontal plane yet the deformity persists (see
tarsometatarsal joints Figure 5-29, Chapter 5)
f. Divide the plantar soft tissues in line with the V-shaped ii. or, the TN joint cannot be aligned with a posterolateral
skin incision soft tissue release because of resistance of the lateral
g. Release the tourniquet and achieve hemostasis soft tissues or too short a lateral column of the foot
h. Approximate the distal intermetatarsal ligaments of the 2. Technique (Figures 8-12 and 8-13)
adjacent MTs with 2-0 absorbable sutures a. Perform a posterior/posterolateral release (see Chapter
i. Resect any excess skin and fat 7) if indicated
j. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta- b. Make a longitudinal incision along the medial border of
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu- the midfoot from the base of the 1st MT to a point just
lar 4-0 absorbable suture distal to the medial malleolus
k. Use a long-leg cast (to prevent it from slipping off the c. Retract the abductor hallucis plantarward
infant) for 4 to 6 weeks d. Release the posterior tibialis tendon sheath and expose
3. Pitfalls the tendon from the medial malleolus to its insertion on
a. Inadequate soft tissue resection, particularly on the the navicular
plantar surface e. Z-lengthen the posterior tibialis tendon to expose the
4. Complications TN joint capsule
a. Necrosis of the lateral toes f. Release the TN joint circumferentially
i. Avoid by limiting the plantar muscle resection to g. If the navicular is dorsolaterally displaced, try to reduce
that under the distal two-third of the MT being it onto the head of the talus. If it cannot be reduced, or
resected (the lateral plantar neurovascular bundle if the TN joint is already reduced but severe deformity
travels ­lateral to the 2nd ray). Resecting plantar persists, elevate the distally based Z-lengthened slip of
­subcutaneous fat is generally safe. the posterior tibialis off the navicular while maintaining
b. Progressive overgrowth of residual macrodactyly soft its connections with the cuneiform bones.
tissues at the resection site h. Release the joint capsules between the navicular and the
i. Avoid by—it is almost impossible to remove all of the medial, middle, and lateral cuneiforms
pathological soft tissues because there is no clear i. Remove the navicular from the foot
212 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

posterior tibialis

Talonavicular joint Naviculocuneiform joint

Medial and middle

Posterior tibialis
Navicular tendon plication


Figure 8-12.  Naviculectomy in a 6-year-old girl with arthrogryposis who was previously treated
unsuccessfully with a circumferential release. A. The posterior tibialis is Z-lengthened and the TN joint
capsule is released circumferentially. B. The naviculocuneiform joints are released. C. The navicular
has been removed from the foot. The articular surfaces of the cuneiform bones are exposed. D. The
posterior tibialis tendon is plicated. E. Preoperative standing top image of the foot. F. Intraoperative
top image of the foot following naviculectomy. The first of two Steinmann pins is in place across
the talocuneiform joint. G. Preoperative standing medial image of the foot. H. Intraoperative medial
image of the foot following naviculectomy, plantar–medial soft tissue plication, and Steinmann pin
fixation. The incision for the posterior release is visualized.

Figure 8-12.  (continued)


C E 1 y f/u G 3 y f/u




Figure 8-13.  A. Preoperative standing top images of recurrent/residual congenital vertical talus defor-
mities in a 3-year-old with arthrogryposis. B. Preoperative standing posterior images. C. AP x-ray of the
right foot immediately following naviculectomy, with Steinmann pin fixation in place. The thick arc repre-
sents the navicular. The thin arc represents the talocuneiforms joint that resulted from the naviculectomy.
D. Lateral x-ray with Steinmann pin in place. E and F. AP and lateral x-rays 1 year post-op. G and H. AP and
lateral x-rays 3 years following naviculectomy. I–K. Top, side, and back views of the feet 3 years post-op.
214 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

j. Align the proximal articular surfaces of the 3 cuneiform 4. Complications

bones with the articular surface of the talar head. They a. Recurrence of deformity
should be fairly congruous and match fairly well. i. Avoid by plicating the plantar–medial soft tissues
k. With the foot deformity corrected, insert two crossed (see Plantar–Medial Plication, Chapter 7) at the
0.062″ smooth Steinmann pins retrograde across the resection site and maintaining cast immobilization
­resection site, using mini-fluoroscopic guidance for at least 9 weeks
l. Bend the pins at the insertion sites and cut them long b. Overcorrection of deformity
for easy retrieval in clinic in larger feet, or cut the pins i. Avoid by ensuring that the navicular cannot be
short and bury them under the skin in smaller feet (to ­anatomically positioned on the head of the talus
prevent spontaneous dislodgement) ­before resecting it
m. If there is adequate capsular tissue remaining on the c. Incomplete removal of the navicular
medial cuneiform and the talus, repair this tissue i. Avoid by careful dissection using fluoroscopic
­plantar-medially with 2-0 absorbable sutures ­guidance if necessary
n. Advance and plicate the two slips of the posterior tibi-
alis tendon with figure-of-8 2-0 absorbable sutures. The
tendon can also be sutured to the capsule, thereby creat-
ing additional scar at the talocuneiform joint 1. Indications
o. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta- a. Severe, rigid clubfoot in an infant or young child with
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu- arthrogryposis that has not responded adequately to
lar 4-0 absorbable suture serial casting and limited, minimally invasive soft tis-
p. Apply a long-leg, bent knee, non–weight-bearing cast sue releases, followed by ongoing serial casting (see
if the child will not be compliant with non–weight-­ ­Severe, Rigid, Resistant Arthrogrypotic Clubfoot in
bearing in a short-leg cast an ­Infant or Young Child, Chapter 5)
q. At 6 weeks, remove the exposed pins in clinic or the 2. Technique (Figures 8-14 and 8-15)
buried pins in the OR and apply another non–weight- a. First perform a percutaneous tendo-Achilles tenotomy
bearing cast that will be worn for an additional 3 weeks (see Chapter 7)
r. If the child has arthrogryposis or myelomeningocele, an b. There are several possible incisions to choose from.
ankle-foot-orthotic (AFO) can be molded at the 6-week My  recent personal favorite is a curved incision
cast change and fitted at the 9-week post-op visit over  the dorsum of the midfoot from posterolateral
3. Pitfalls to  anteromedial coursing over the prominent talar
a. Incomplete removal of the navicular head.
b. Incomplete posterolateral release c. Isolate and retract the superficial peroneal nerve
c. Inaccurate alignment of the talocuneiform joints d. Transect all extensor tendons to the foot and toes



Figure 8-14.  A. A curved dorsal incision is centered over the prominent head of the talus. B. The
­talus is exposed by transection of the extensor tendons and retraction of the superficial peroneal
nerve. C. The TN joint is released circumferentially. D. The ankle and subtalar joints are released
­circumferentially and the talus is extracted from the foot.
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 215


Talonavicular joint

Figure 8-14.  (continued)



Figure 8-15.  A. Top view of bilateral clubfoot deformities in a 1-year-old boy with Freeman–­
Sheldon syndrome. The cavus, adductus, and varus deformities have been corrected after 20 casts.
B. But the navicular is plantar to the head of the talus in both feet and the talus is in extreme and rigid
plantar flexion, despite two percutaneous Achilles tenotomies in both feet. C. Following talectomy,
the calcaneus is positioned in the ankle mortis and a Steinmann pin is inserted retrograde for tempo-
rary fixation. D. The foot is dorsiflexed to 90° or higher.
216 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

e. Bluntly elevate the soft tissues from the medial side of III. Osteotomies
the hindfoot bones (talus and calcaneus)
f. Isolate and retract the PT neurovascular bundle Calcaneal Lengthening Osteotomy (CLO)
posteriorly 1. Indications
g. Incise the posterior tibialis tendon sheath distal and a. A flexible or rigid valgus/eversion deformity of the
­anterior to the medial malleolus and follow the tendon hindfoot that
to the TN joint i. is almost always associated with an tendo-Achilles
h. Transect the posterior tibialis tendon or gastrocnemius tendon contracture, and that
i. Transect the FHL and FDL tendons immediately ­plantar ii. has resulted in intractable pain under the medial
to the posterior tibialis tendon midfoot and/or in the sinus tarsi area that
j. Release the TN joint circumferentially • has not been relieved despite prolonged attempts at
k. Release the ankle joint anteriorly and medially with nonoperative management
­release of the deep deltoid ligament b. Perform a calcaneal lengthening osteotomy (CLO) for
l. Release the lateral collateral ligaments of the ankle joint the signs and symptoms presented in “a” in
m. Release the subtalar joint medially, laterally, and cen- i. flexible flatfoot with a short (tight) Achilles or
trally (release the talocalcaneal interosseous ligament) ­gastrocnemius tendon (see Chapter 5)
n. Finally, release the posterior ankle joint and subtalar ii. skewfoot (see Chapter 5)
joint capsules iii. tarsal coalition (see Chapter 5)
o. Remove the talus from the operative field iv. rotational valgus overcorrection of the subtalar joint
p. Inset the calcaneus into the ankle joint mortis, moving in a surgically treated clubfoot (see Chapter 5)
it posteriorly until the navicular abuts the anteromedial c. The CLO, in isolation, does not correct flatfoot defor-
aspect of the distal tibial epiphysis mity (or the other named complex multisegment foot
q. Dorsiflex the calcaneus 5° to 10° from perpendicular deformities, such as skewfoot, that include valgus/­
to the tibia and insert a 0.062″ smooth Steinmann pin eversion deformity of the hindfoot as one of the seg-
retrograde from the center of the heel pad up into the mental deformities). It corrects all components of
central canal of the tibial shaft valgus/eversion deformity of the hindfoot (see Basic
r. Bend the pin at the insertion site for easy retrieval in Principle #6, Chapter 2) at the site of the deformity in
clinic the named complex multisegment foot deformities. The
s. Resect a strip of excessively redundant skin from the success of the osteotomy for hindfoot deformity correc-
wound edges if necessary tion is significantly increased by appropriate manage-
t. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta- ment of the soft tissues and concurrent correction of
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu- the other segmental deformities of the foot (see Basic
lar 4-0 absorbable suture Principle #5, Chapter 2; Assessment Principle #8,
u. Apply a long-leg bent knee cast with 5° to 10° of ankle ­Table  3-1, Chapter 3). Therefore, the CLO is usually
dorsiflexion and a neutral thigh–foot angle combined with other concurrently performed proce-
v. Change to a fresh long-leg cast at 3 weeks dures, including:
w. Change the cast again at 6 weeks, at which time the pin i. plantar–medial plication (see Chapter 7)
can be removed from the heel and a mold can be taken ii. medial cuneiform osteotomy (see this Chapter)
for a 5° to 10° dorsiflexed solid AFO iii. tendo-Achilles lengthening (see Chapter 7)
x. Apply a short-leg cast with 5° to 10° of ankle dorsiflex- iv. gastrocnemius recession (see Chapter 7)
ion and maintain it for 2 to 3 more weeks v. resection of tarsal coalition (see this chapter)
y. Remove the cast at that time and replace it with the AFO 2. Technique
3. Pitfalls Background: In 1961, Dillwyn Evans proposed shortening
a. Incomplete removal of the talus the lateral column of the foot by means of a calcaneocu-
4. Complications boid joint arthrodesis to correct cavovarus deformity in the
a. Recurrence of equinus deformity older child with a residual or recurrent clubfoot. It was his
i. Avoid by: concept that one element of clubfoot deformity was rela-
• first, achieving full deformity correction with 5° to tive overgrowth of the lateral column of the foot. This is
10° of dorsiflexion held with a retrograde-inserted the original Evans procedure. He apparently removed too
Steinmann pin much bone from the lateral column in some feet and cre-
• maintaining deformity correction with full-time ated valgus deformities. He proposed that varus and valgus
use (23 hours per day) of a dorsiflexed AFO of the hindfoot are opposite deformities based on the rela-
b. Incomplete removal of the talus tive length of the medial and lateral columns of the foot. In
i. Avoid by carefully identifying the ankle and sub- 1975, he proposed lengthening the lateral column of the
talar joints with the aid of a Freer elevator and foot by means of a CLO to correct so-called calcaneoval-
mini-fluoroscopy gus ­(flatfoot) deformity. This would then best be labeled
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 217

the reverse Evans procedure. The surgical description in his talus, thereby eliminating impingement and its associated
­article was terse, stating only: pain at that site. The osteotomy ends medially between the
anterior and middle facets of the calcaneus/subtalar joint.
“An incision is made over the lateral surface of the calca-
neus parallel with, and just above, the peroneal tendons, In 2003, Ragab et al. published a study of cadaver feet ­in
avoiding the sural nerve lest it be involved in the scar. The which they found that 54% of the feet (67% of whites and
anterior half of the bone is exposed and the calcaneocuboid 40% of blacks) had separate anterior and middle facets or no
joint is identified. The anterior end of the calcaneus is then anterior facet. Forty-six percent of the feet (33% of whites
divided through its narrow part in front of the peroneal and 60% of blacks) had conjoined anterior and middle facets.
tubercle by an osteotome, the line of division being parallel Bunning and Barnett, in 1963, first reported on the anatomy
with and about 1.5 cm behind the calcaneocuboid joint. of the subtalar joint. They reported separate facets in 67% of
The cut surfaces of the calcaneus are then prised apart by whites and 36% of blacks, remarkably similar findings. The
means of a spreader and a graft of cortical bone taken from authors of the recent study raised a theoretic concern that the
the tibia is inserted between the blades of the spreader to CLO could lead to early degenerative arthritis in the subtalar
maintain separation of the two pieces of the calcaneus.” joint if performed in feet with conjoined facets, because the
Evans D. Calcaneo-valgus deformity. osteotomy in those feet would be intra-­articular. Arguments
J Bone Joint Surg Br. 1975;57:270–278 in favor of the CLO for valgus deformity of the hindfoot, de-
spite the apparent anatomy of the subtalar joint, are many:
The intermediate-term surgical results in his patients, as re- a. There are no published clinical studies of the CLO in
ported by Phillips in 1983, indicate that Evans was consistently which subtalar joint arthritis was identified. Phillips
successful in achieving his goals. I have come to learn that many did not identify subtalar joint arthritis in his average
orthopedic surgeons in the United States attempted to perform ­13-year follow-up study of Evans’s patients. That is sig-
the procedure after reading Evans’s article and had variable, nificant because Evans very likely cut into the middle
but generally poor, results. They, therefore, abandoned it. Re- facet in most of his patients by cutting “parallel with and
call Management Principle #2 in Chapter 4: A less-than-ideal about 1.5 cm behind the calcaneocuboid joint.” Phillips
surgical outcome can be due to a poor technique, a poor tech- reported arthritis in some calcaneocuboid joints, but
nician, or both. A corollary might be: A less-than-ideal surgical those joints were not protected from subluxation by
outcome can be due to a poor description of a good concept. pinning, as I have recommended.
Encouraged by Phillips’s report, dissatisfied with other b. There is no evidence that the same ratio of separate to
proposed surgical treatments for painful flatfoot deformi- conjoined anterior and middle calcaneal facets exists in
ties, and using my “developing” principles of assessment and flatfeet as in other foot shapes. In the referenced stud-
management of foot deformities in children, I attempted to ies, there were significant racial differences found in
interpret what Evans meant and probably did, but did not the facet anatomy. Variation in anatomy based on foot
elaborate upon. The result, published in 1995, was a treat- shape with either a higher or lower percentage of sepa-
ment method for complex multisegment foot deformities rate facets is certainly conceivable.
that include valgus/eversion deformity of the hindfoot as one c. The subtalar joint complex is unlike any other joint in
of the segmental deformities. the body, except the hip joint, and it is more open and
My contributions to Evans’s concept include: unconstrained than the hip. The anterior facet acts as
1. Strict indications for surgery—A flexible or rigid valgus/ a small platform that partially supports the plantar–­
eversion deformity of the hindfoot that is almost always lateral aspect of the head of the talus in a foot with
associated with an tendo-Achilles or gastrocnemius ten- neutral hindfoot alignment, though its primary func-
don contracture, and that has resulted in intractable pain tion might, in fact, be as the lateral attachment point
under the medial midfoot and/or in the sinus tarsi area for the spring ligament which actually supports the ta-
that has not been relieved despite prolonged attempts at lar head (see Basic Principle #6, Chapter 2). In a flat-
nonoperative management. foot, the anterior facet is rotated dorsolaterally around
2. Use of an Ollier incision—It is more cosmetic and extensile the talar head and the support is lost. The CLO rotates
than the longitudinal incision proposed by Evans. the so-called acetabulum pedis (including the anterior
3. Location of the osteotomy—It starts laterally at the “isthmus” facet) plantar-medially around the head of the talus in
of the calcaneus. For lack of a better term, I have defined the axis of the subtalar joint. This replaces it to its ana-
the isthmus as the narrowest dorsal–plantar site of this tomic alignment where it can again provide the needed
bone. It is the anatomic manifestation of the radiographic ­support for the head of the talus.
“critical angle of Gissane” that is located where the down- d. The actual separation of the calcaneal fragments along
ward slope of the beak of the calcaneus meets the reverse the medial column of the calcaneus is small, perhaps 1 to
downward slope of the posterior facet/lateral process of the 3 mm. As long as the fragments do not translate verti-
talus. It is approximately 2 cm posterior to the calcaneo- cally, the linear separation should be well tolerated as a
cuboid joint. That starting point ensures that the beak of simple, small enlargement of the platform that follows the
the calcaneus is moved away from the lateral process of the shape and contour of the talar head and subtalar joint.
218 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

e. The alternatives of arthroereisis, arthrodesis, and soft deformity into a painful deformity. Therefore, it must be
tissue plications have higher reported complication eliminated at the time of hindfoot deformity correction with
rates than calcaneal lengthening in clinical studies. The the CLO. The CLO eliminates the pathologic dorsiflexion
posterior calcaneal displacement osteotomy creates a of the subtalar joint by converting “up (dorsiflexion) and
compensating deformity rather than correcting the pri- out” to “down (plantar flexion) and in” (see Basic Principle
mary deformity. It does not have the power to correct #6, Chapter 2). It does not create ankle joint equinus, it un-
severe deformities and to realign the TN joint. covers it. The Silfverskiold test (see Assessment Principle
4. Shape of the bone graft—It should be trapezoidal, rather #12, Chapter 3) is used to determine whether the tendo-
than triangular, because the foot-CORA (see Assessment Achilles or the gastrocnemius tendon alone is contracted so
Principle #18, Chapter 3) is in the center of the head of the appropriate site of lengthening can be chosen.
the talus (Dumontier et al. 2005), not at the medial cortex 9. Identification and correction of forefoot deformity—­
of the calcaneus. Therefore, it is a distraction wedge oste- Forefoot supination deformity exists in all flatfoot defor-
otomy rather than an opening wedge osteotomy. mities. It is initially flexible and corrects spontaneously
5. Management of the lateral soft tissue restraints—The per- immediately following insertion of the graft into the cal-
oneus brevis (PB) tendon should be lengthened and the caneal osteotomy. In long-standing deformities, the fore-
abductor digiti minimi aponeurosis should be released, foot supination deformity is rigid and does not correct
because they are lateral soft tissue restraints that will spontaneously. A medial cuneiform osteotomy (MCO) is
otherwise impede distraction of the calcaneal bone frag- required to correct this independent segmental deformity
ments. The peroneus longus (PL) should be retracted and or else the hindfoot deformity will likely recur. The CLO
not lengthened. It is the pronator of the forefoot. As the does not create forefoot supination deformity, it uncovers
lateral column of the foot is lengthened, the PL is effec- it (see Basic Principle #5, Chapter 2; Assessment Prin-
tively shortened, thereby pronating the supinated forefoot. ciple #8, Figure 3-2, Chapter 3).
And because its insertion is on the medial column of the
foot, it does not impede calcaneal lengthening. a. Attention to all of the details of the technique is critical
6. Management of the medial soft tissue redundancy—The for consistently good results. There are only two intraop-
posterior tibialis tendon and the talonavicular joint cap- erative decisions that need to be made: (1) whether rigid
sule should be plicated plantar-medially to eliminate the forefoot supination deformity exists and requires a MCO
redundancy of those tissues that develops following hind- for correction, and (2) whether the heel cord contracture
foot deformity correction with the CLO. This soft tissue is in the gastrocnemius alone or in the entire triceps surae.
plication reinforces and further stabilizes the primary b. Special equipment: sagittal saw, smooth Steinmann
bony structural deformity correction. pins, straight osteotomes, laminar spreader with
7. Stabilization of the calcaneocuboid joint—One or two smooth teeth, Joker elevators and narrow Crego retrac-
Steinmann pins should be inserted retrograde across that tors (Figure 8-16), and a mini-fluoroscope
joint before distraction of the osteotomy to prevent sub- c. Place the patient supine with a folded towel under the ipsilat-
luxation that would otherwise compromise the outcome. eral buttock and put a cushioned ramp under the extremity
8. Lengthening of the Achilles or gastrocnemius tendon—­ d. Prep and drape from the iliac crest to the toes and use a
Contracture of the heel cord is usually the deformity sterile tourniquet if using autograft. If using allograft, prep
that converts a painless flexible valgus/eversion hindfoot the lower extremity only and use a nonsterile tourniquet.

A Supine position B
• Folded towel under ipsilateral buttock
• Cushioned ramp under the limb

Figure 8-16.  A. The patient is placed supine on the operating table with the deformed lower ex-
tremity on a cushioned ramp. A folded towel is placed under the ipsilateral buttock. B. Steinmann
pins are used for internal fixation. C. Narrow Crego retractors (left), Joker elevators (center), and
laminar spreader with smooth teeth (right). D. Sagittal saw.
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 219

C Joker elevators D

AO laminar

Figure 8-16.  (continued)

e. Make a modified Ollier incision in a Langer’s skin line f. Release the PL and the PB from their tendon sheaths on
from the superficial peroneal nerve to the sural nerve the lateral surface of the calcaneus. Resect the interven-
half way between the beak of the calcaneus and the tip ing septum. Resect the peroneal tubercle if it is large
of the lateral malleolus (Figure 8-17) g. Z-lengthen the PB tendon

n ea
ero Lateral
lp malleolus
f i cia rve Peroneus
er ne brevis

Calcaneal beak
ve Peroneus
l ner
Sura longus

Figure 8-17.  A. A modified Ollier incision is marked in a Langer’s line half way between the tip of
the lateral malleolus and the beak of the calcaneus. It extends from the superficial peroneal nerve to
the sural nerve. B. The PB and PL tendons are released from their sheaths. The septum between them
is resected. A very large peroneal tubercle should be resected. C. The PB is Z-lengthened. The PL is
retracted. The aponeurosis of the abductor digiti minimi is divided transversely 2 cm posterior to the
calcaneocuboid joint (yellow line). D. The soft tissue contents of the sinus tarsi are elevated from the
dorsum of the calcaneus. A Freer elevator is inserted perpendicular to the lateral surface of the calca-
neus at the isthmus of the calcaneus (see Technique Background, Location of the osteotomy—earlier),
which is approximately 2 cm posterior to the calcaneocuboid (CC) joint. The Freer is inserted until it
makes contact with the middle facet. E. The Freer is then externally rotated (purple curved arrow) and
advanced (yellow arrow) until the tip falls into the interval between the anterior and middle facets.
F. The position of the Freer is confirmed with mini-fluoroscopy. (From Mosca VS. Calcaneal lengthen-
ing osteotomy for valgus deformity of the hindfoot. In: Skaggs DL and Tolo VT, editors. Master Tech-
niques in Orthopaedic Surgery: Pediatrics. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2008; 263–276.)
220 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

C Z-lengthened peroneus brevis D

Elevated soft tissue
contents of sinus tarsi

peroneus longus

Aponeurotomy site of Freer elevator perpendicular

abductor digiti minimi to lateral border of foot


Middle facet
Anterior facet
Freer elevator inserted between
anterior and middle facets

Figure 8-17.  (continued)

h. Do not lengthen the PL a­ spect of the calcaneus in an extraperiosteal plane in

i. Divide the aponeurosis of the abductor digiti minimi line with the dorsally placed Joker. Remove the retrac-
transversely at a point approximately 2 cm proximal to tors and prepare the other surgical sites before perform-
the calcaneocuboid (CC) joint (see Chapter 7) ing the calcaneal osteotomy
j. Elevate the soft tissues from the dorsal surface of the
anterior calcaneus in the sinus tarsi. Avoid exposure of, o. Make a longitudinal incision along the medial border of
or injury to, the capsule of the calcaneocuboid joint the midfoot and hindfoot to perform the plantar–medial
k. Insert a Freer elevator in the sinus tarsi perpendicular plication (see Chapter 7). Start at a point just plantar to
to the lateral surface of the calcaneus at the lowest (most the medial malleolus and continue anteriorly to the me-
plantar) point of the dorsal surface of the calcaneus, the dial cuneiform. This incision can be extended to the base
so-called “isthmus” of the calcaneus (see Technique Back- of the 1st MT if an MCO is determined to be necessary.
ground, Location of the osteotomy—earlier). The Freer p. Release the posterior tibialis from its tendon sheath
is inserted until it makes contact with the middle facet. from the medial malleolus to the navicular
l. Externally rotate and advanced the Freer until the tip falls q. Cut the posterior tibialis tendon in a Z-fashion, releasing
into the interval between the anterior and middle facets its dorsal one-third to one-half from the navicular. The
m. Although there are not separate anterior and middle stump of tendon that remains attached to the navicular
facets in a large percentage of calcaneus bones (see contains the plantar one-half to two-third of the fibers
above), this interval is very easy to identify in all feet, (see Plantar–Medial Plication, Figure 7-39, Chapter 7)
in my experience. The interval and the position of the r. Incise the TN joint capsule from dorsal-lateral around
Freer can be readily confirmed with an oblique image medially to plantar-lateral, including release of the spring
obtained on mini-fluoroscopy. ligament. Resect a 5- to 7-mm-wide strip of redundant
n. Replace the Freer with a curved Joker elevator. Place capsule from the medial and plantar aspects of the joint
a narrow curved Crego retractor around the plantar (see Plantar–Medial Plication, Figure 7-39, Chapter 7)
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 221

s. In a foot with a long-standing talocalcaneal tarsal a gastrocnemius recession (see Chapter 7) if 10° of
­coalition, the dorsolateral TN joint capsule may become ­ orsiflexion can be achieved with the knee flexed, but
tightly contracted. In some cases, adjacent dorsolateral not with the knee extended. Perform an open or per-
osteophytes on the talus and navicular may become cutaneous tendo-Achilles lengthening (see Chapter 7)
partially fused together. Release and/or resect this con- if 10° of dorsiflexion cannot be obtained even with the
nection with Mayo scissors or an osteotome. knee flexed
t. Assess the equinus contracture by the Silverskiold u. Replace the Joker elevator and Crego retractor respec-
test (see Assessment Principle #12, Figure 3-13, tively dorsal and plantar to the isthmus of the calcaneus
­Chapter  3) with the subtalar joint inverted to neu- meeting in the interval between the anterior and middle
tral and the knee both flexed and extended. Perform facets of the subtalar joint (Figure 8-18)

A r B
ke tor Anterior Middle facet
J va facet

Peroneus brevis

Peroneus brev

Peroneus longus
2 cm
Cr act
eg or


CC joint
2 mm Sm
ooth Stein
mann pin

CC joint
Hindfoot in full eversion
when pinning

Figure 8-18.  A. A Joker elevator is inserted above the isthmus of the calcaneus and a narrow Crego retractor is inserted extraperi-
osteally from below. They meet in the interval between the anterior and middle facets. A sagittal saw is used to create the osteotomy
in line with the retractors. B. The osteotomy (black dashed line) begins laterally at the isthmus of the calcaneus (at or near the “critical
angle of Gissane”), which is approximately 2 cm posterior to the calcaneo-cuboid (CC) joint, and ends between the anterior and middle
facets medially (see Technique Background, Location of the osteotomy—earlier). The acetabulum pedis is indicated here (see Basic
­Principle #6, Chapter 2). C. A 2-mm smooth Steinmann pin is inserted retrograde from the dorsolateral forefoot across the anatomic cen-
ter of the CC joint while holding the foot in the fully everted/flat position. D and E. Mini-fluoroscopy is used to ensure that the pin (purple
line) crosses the anatomic center of the CC joint and is advanced to the osteotomy. 0.062″ smooth Steinmann pin joy sticks are inserted
from lateral to medial in the anterior and posterior calcaneal fragments (blue lines). They are inserted in a divergent pattern, so they
will become more parallel after the fragments are distracted. F. Smooth-toothed laminar spreader is inserted in the osteotomy to deter-
mine the size of graft that is ­required to correct the deformity three-dimensionally, as confirmed by mini-fluoroscopy. G. An iliac crest
corticocancellous bone graft is fashioned into a trapezoid shape with its lateral length based on direct measurement of the distracted
bone fragments and the medial length approximately 2 to 4 mm. H. The trapezoid-shaped allograft is being inserted while using the joy
sticks to open the space. I. The cortical surfaces are axially aligned with the dorsal, lateral, and plantar cortical surfaces of the calcaneus.
The graft is firmly impacted (black arrow over the tamp), making it inherently stable. J. Artist’s sketch of a foot with the graft inserted.
K. Same intraoperative image as in D, but with the foot-CORA (see Assessment Principle #18, Chapter 3) indicated. L. The laminar
spreader has distracted the osteotomy, thereby rotating the acetabulum pedis into anatomic alignment (purple curved arrow). M. With
the graft partially inserted, the deformity is almost completely corrected, as confirmed by the correction of deformity at the foot-CORA.
Following full insertion of the graft, the 2-mm Steinmann pin (purple line) is inserted retrograde through the graft and into the posterior
calcaneus. N. The foot is in the fully everted (up and out/flat) baseline position with the Steinmann pin joy sticks in place and the osteot-
omy completed. O. The laminar spreader has been opened in the osteotomy thereby creating full inversion (down and in/arched) of the
acetabulum pedis/subtalar joint. (From Mosca VS. Calcaneal lengthening osteotomy for valgus deformity of the hindfoot. In: Skaggs DL
and Tolo VT, editors. Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: Pediatrics. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2008; 263–276.)
222 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations


Steinm mooth
ann pin
nn oth
ma mo
ein S
St 62″


Laminar spreader allograft


0.062″ Smooth
h Steinmann pin
2 ″ Sm pin
0.06 mann



laminar spreader

Figure 8-18.  (continued)

v. Perform an osteotomy of the calcaneus using a sagittal saw the downward slope of the beak of the calcaneus meets
w. It is an oblique osteotomy from posterolateral to an- the reverse downward slope of the posterior facet/lateral
teromedial that starts at the “isthmus” of the calcaneus, process of the talus. It is approximately 2 cm posterior to
defined as the narrowest dorsal–plantar site of this the calcaneocuboid joint. The osteotomy exits medially
bone. It is the anatomic manifestation of the radio- between the anterior and middle facets (see Technique
graphic “critical angle of Gissane” that is located where Background, Location of the osteotomy—earlier).
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 223


“Up & out” eversion “Down & in” inversion

Figure 8-18.  (continued)

x. It is a complete osteotomy through the medial cortex of cc. The CLO is a distraction wedge rather than a simple
the calcaneus. Cut the plantar periosteum and long plan- opening wedge, as the center of rotation for angular de-
tar ligament, a.k.a. lateral plantar fascia (not the plantar formity correction is within the talar head, rather than
fascia) under direct vision if necessary, i.e., if these soft the medial cortex of the calcaneus.
tissues resist distraction of the bone fragments. dd. Measure the distance between the lateral cortical mar-
y. Insert a 2-mm smooth Steinmann pin retrograde from gins of the calcaneal fragments. This is the lateral length
the dorsum of the foot passing through the cuboid, dimension of the trapezoid-shaped iliac crest graft that
across the anatomic center of the calcaneocuboid joint, will be obtained either from the child’s iliac crest or from
stopping at the osteotomy. This is performed with the the bone bank. There is no difference in healing rate or
foot in the original fully everted, deformed position complication rate between tricortical iliac crest allograft
­before the osteotomy is distracted. By so doing, the pes and bicortical (in a young child) or tricortical (in the
acetabulum (navicular, spring ligament, anterior facet adolescent) iliac crest autograft, though there is unnec-
of calcaneus) will remain intact and the distal frag- essary added pain morbidity when autograft is used.
ment of the calcaneus will not subluxate dorsally on the ee. The length of the medial edge of the trapezoid should
cuboid during distraction of the osteotomy. Take time be 20% to 30% of the length of the lateral edge.
on this step and use mini-fluoroscopy to ensure that the ff. Remove the laminar spreader and use the Steinmann
calcaneo-cuboid joint is perfectly aligned and that the pin joysticks free-hand to distract the calcaneal frag-
pin crosses the anatomic center of the joint to prevent ments. Do not use a fixed angle distractor, such as a mini-
subluxation lengthening rail. This is not a pure linear lengthening
z. Insert a 0.062″ smooth Steinmann pin from lateral to osteotomy. It is a three-dimensional distraction wedge.
medial in both of the calcaneal fragments immediately The acetabulum pedis must be allowed to follow the axis
adjacent to the osteotomy. These will be used as joy sticks of the subtalar joint “down and in” (see Basic Principles
to distract the osteotomy at the time of graft insertion. #6 and 7, Chapter 2) as it rotates around the head of the
aa. Place a smooth-toothed laminar spreader in the oste- talus. A fixed distractor can/will subluxate the TN joint,
otomy and distract maximally, trying to avoid crushing whereas manual distraction of the osteotomy with Stein-
the bone mann pins will maintain articular contact as the acetabu-
bb. Assess deformity correction of the hindfoot clinically lum pedis naturally inverts around the head of the talus.
and using mini-fluoroscopy. The deformity is corrected gg. Insert and impact the graft with the cortical surfaces
when the axes of the talus and 1st MT are collinear in aligned with those of the calcaneal fragments from an-
both the anteroposterior (AP) and lateral planes terior to posterior in the long axis of the foot. This will
224 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

place the cancellous bone of the graft in direct contact

with the cancellous bone of the calcaneal fragments.
hh. Use mini-fluoroscopy to confirm that there is full three-
dimensional correction of all components of hindfoot
eversion and that there is no subluxation at the CC
joint. If CC joint subluxation is identified, the joint has
not been adequately stabilized. Remove the bone graft,
reposition the pin more centrally across the joint, and/
or add another pin! It is impossible for the CC joint to
subluxate if the pin is properly positioned. That is a ba-
sic orthopedic principle of bone/joint internal fixation.
  ii. Advance the previously inserted 2-mm Steinmann pin
retrograde through the graft and into the posterior cal-
caneal fragment. Bend the pin at its insertion site on
the dorsum of the foot for ease of retrieval in clinic. No
additional fixation is required. In fact, were the pin not
needed to prevent subluxation at the calcaneocuboid
joint, no graft fixation would be needed.
jj. Repair the PB tendon with a 2-0 absorbable suture after
a 5- to 7-mm lengthening

kk. Plicate the TN joint capsule plantar-medially, but not

dorsally, with multiple figure-of-8 2-0 absorbable su-
tures (see Figure 7-39, Chapter 7)
ll. Advance the proximal slip of the posterior tibialis tendon
approximately 5 to 7 mm through a slit in the distal stump
of the tendon. Secure this tensioned Pulvertaft weave Figure 8-19.  The rotational alignment of the forefoot is
­assessed following correction of the hindfoot deformity and
with a 2-0 absorbable suture (see Figure 7-39, Chapter 7)
the heel cord contracture. If, as in this case, the forefoot is
rigidly ­supinated, an osteotomy of the medial cuneiform is
mm. Assess the forefoot for structural supination deformity required (see Medial Cuneiform Plantar Flexion Plantar-Based
by cupping the heel in one hand, while maintaining neu- Closing Wedge Osteotomy [MC-PF-CWO], this chapter). (From
tral ankle dorsiflexion, and visually sighting down the Mosca VS. Calcaneal lengthening osteotomy for valgus defor-
mity of the hindfoot. In: Skaggs DL and Tolo VT, editors. Master
long axis of the foot from toes to heel. If the plane of
Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: Pediatrics. Philadelphia:
the  MT heads is supinated in relation to the long axis Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2008; 263–276.)
of the tibia or there is dorsal–plantar hypermobility of
the 1st MT–medial cuneiform joint, a plantar flexion simulated standing AP and lateral radiographs of the
­plantar-based closing wedge osteotomy of the medial foot are obtained. Over-the-counter arch supports are
cuneiform is needed (see this chapter, and Figure 8-19). used initially and indefinitely to provide added cush-
ioning and comfort for the “new” weight-bearing sur-
nn. Approximate the skin edges of all incisions with inter- faces of the foot. Physical therapy is rarely needed.
rupted subcutaneous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a run- 3. Pitfalls
ning subcuticular 4-0 absorbable suture a. Failure to pay attention to all of the details of the
oo. Apply a well-padded short-leg fiberglass non–weight- ­technique as described.
bearing cast and immediately bivalve it to allow for b. Failure to create the osteotomy between the anterior
swelling overnight. Obtain final radiographs of the foot and middle facets of the calcaneus. Try to find the
in the cast in the recovery room (Figure 8-20) ­interval between the anterior and middle facets of the
pp. Discharge the patient from the hospital the following day subtalar joint to create an extra-articular osteotomy,
after the bivalved cast is overwrapped with fiberglass (see ­acknowledging that perhaps only approximately 54% of
Management Principle #26, Figure 4-20, Chapter 4) individuals have separate facets.
qq. Postoperative management: c. Failure to lengthen the PB and the aponeurosis of the
i. The patient is immobilized in a below-the-knee cast abductor digiti minimi, while preserving the PL
and is not permitted to bear weight on the operated d. Failure to prevent subluxation of the CC joint by predis-
extremity for 8 weeks. At 6 weeks, the cast is removed traction retrograde pinning
to obtain simulated standing AP and lateral radio- e. Failure to appreciate and correct rigid supination defor-
graphs of the foot and to remove the Steinmann pin. mity of the forefoot
Another below-the-knee non–weight-bearing cast is f. Failure to lengthen a contracted gastrocnemius or
applied. Upon removal of this cast 2 weeks later, final tendo-Achilles
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 225

Figure 8-20.  A and B. Preoperative AP and lateral radiographs of the foot. C. Postoperative AP view
in the bivalved cast. Note the correction of the external rotation component of eversion deformity
of the subtalar joint with alignment of the TN joint and correction of the talo–1st MT angle. D. Postop-
erative lateral view demonstrates dorsiflexion of the talus, alignment of the TN joint, correction of the
talo–1st MT angle, and normalization of the calcaneal pitch. (From Mosca VS. Calcaneal lengthening
osteotomy for valgus deformity of the hindfoot. In: Skaggs DL and Tolo VT, editors. Master Techniques in
­Orthopaedic Surgery: Pediatrics. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2008; 263–276.)

4. Complications the fully everted position, after the osteotomy is cre-

a. Subluxation of the CC joint, with resultant incomplete ated but before the osteotomy is distracted
deformity correction and the eventual development of b. Incomplete deformity correction
premature arthritis i. Avoid by:
i. Avoid by retrograde insertion of a pin across the ana- • releasing the lateral soft tissues (PB and abductor
tomic center of the CC joint, with the foot held in digiti minimi aponeurosis)
226 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

• releasing the dorsolateral aspect of the TN joint tendons starting posterior to the lateral malleolus and
capsule in long-standing cases and in feet with ending at the glabrous skin plantarward. This is the same
­talocalcaneal tarsal coalitions incision used for a PL to PB transfer (see Chapter 7).
• pinning the CC joint before distraction of the d. Isolate and protect the sural nerve
osteotomy e. Expose the tuber of the calcaneus extraperiosteally on its
• inserting the proper size graft dorsal, lateral, and plantar surfaces using blunt dissection
• confirming adequate correction intraoperatively f. Use a Joker elevator to elevate the soft tissues extraperi-
with mini-fluoroscopy osteally off the dorsal aspect of the tuber calcanei im-
c. Persistent equinus mediately posterior to the posterior facet of the subtalar
i. Avoid by lengthening the Achilles or gastrocnemius joint, continuing around the medial side of the calca-
tendon, based on the Silfverskiold test, and confirm- neus deep to the PT neurovascular bundles
ing adequacy of ankle dorsiflexion with the knee ex- g. Use a Joker elevator to elevate the soft tissues extraperi-
tended after deformity correction osteally off the plantar aspect of the tuber calcanei ap-
d. Persistent forefoot supination proximately 1.5 to 2 cm anterior to the dorsally placed
i. Avoid by assessing forefoot supination intraopera- Joker, continuing around the medial side of the calca-
tively after the calcaneus and the heel cord have been neus deep to the PT neurovascular bundles
lengthened. Correct it with an MCO if identified h. Replace the Jokers with narrow Crego retractors. They
e. Recurrence of deformity will overlap on the medial side of the calcaneus deep
i. Avoid by paying attention to all of the details of the to the neurovascular bundles. The Crego retractors
procedure as outlined. define the plane of the planned osteotomy in relation
to the plantar aspect of the foot. Prepare for a more ver-
tical osteotomy if planning some dorsal displacement
Posterior Calcaneus Displacement
(to correct cavus) or plantar displacement (to correct
Osteotomy (PCDO)
planus/flatfoot) in addition to the lateral or medial
1. Indications displacement.
a. Lateral hindfoot impingement pain and/or medial hind- i. Insert a 2-mm threaded Steinmann pin from medial to
foot soft tissue strain due to exaggerated valgus deformity lateral through the posteroplantar corner of the calca-
of the hindfoot without eversion of the subtalar joint neus in the plane of the MT heads. This pin will be used
i. This deformity is most often due to lateral transla- as a joy stick. More importantly, it defines the transla-
tional overcorrection of the subtalar joint in a surgi- tional plane of the osteotomy, which is not perpendicu-
cally treated clubfoot (see Chapter 5). lar to the lateral cortex of the calcaneus.
ii. Also indicated for symptomatic hindfoot valgus i. An osteotomy perpendicular to a varus calcaneus
malformation in congenital synostosis of the subta- will result in plantar displacement of the posterior
lar joint (see Chapter 6) fragment during lateralization and may prevent full
b. Residual varus deformity of the subtalar joint in a cav- lateral displacement
ovarus foot (see Chapter 5) that does not correct fully with ii. An osteotomy perpendicular to a valgus calcaneus
a deep plantar-medial release (D-PMR; see Chapter 7) will result in plantar displacement of the posterior
i. The usual reason for incomplete deformity correc- fragment during medialization and may prevent full
tion after a D-PMR is that the deformity has been medial displacement
present for too long and the tissues are unyielding. j. Cut the calcaneus with a sagittal saw in line with
c. Because the foot-CORA (see Assessment Principle the Crego retractors (more or less vertically—see
#18, Chapter 3) is the nearby subtalar joint, translation “h”  above) and parallel with the threaded Steinmann
of the posterior fragment is more powerful and effective pin. With the Crego’s in place, there should be little con-
than angulation in deformity “correction”. cern for injury to the medial soft tissues (Figure 8-22)
2. Technique (Figure 8-21) k. Use a wide, straight osteotome to lever the posterior cal-
a. The posterior calcaneus displacement osteotomy can be caneal fragment away from the body of the calcaneus
used to correct valgus, varus, planus, cavus, and com- and, thereby, elevate the periosteum on the medial side
binations of these deformities, depending on the direc- of the bone fragments
tion of displacement. l. Translate the posterior fragment in the desired direc­
b. If the only procedure being performed under the anes- tion(s). Plantar flex the ankle to relax the tension on the
thetic is the posterior calcaneus displacement osteotomy, tendo-Achilles and to facilitate movement of the fragment
place the patient prone to improve visual confirmation m. If, despite adequate elevation of the periosteum on the
of the deformity correction. If other procedures are to medial side and maximum displacement of the poste-
be performed concurrently, it is generally easier to carry rior fragment, the deformity does not fully correct, a
out all procedures with the patient supine. wedge of bone can be removed from the medial side of
c. Make a slightly curved incision on the lateral aspect the posterior fragment in a valgus deformity or the lat-
of the calcaneus following the course of the peroneal eral side of the posterior fragment in a varus deformity
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 227



D E Threaded Steinmann
guide pin/joy stick


Figure 8-21.  Posterior calcaneus displacement osteotomy. A. Posterior view of a symptomatic lateral
translational valgus hindfoot deformity. B. Curved lateral incision over the peroneal tendons and sural
nerve. Protect all three structures. C. Radiographic appearance of Crego retractors passed extraperioste-
ally around the tuber of the calcaneus deep to the PT neurovascular bundles on the medial side. D. Clinical
appearance of the Crego retractors in place. E. A 2-mm threaded Steinmann pin has been inserted trans-
versely in the calcaneus in the plane of the MT heads to act as a guide pin defining the true transverse
plane. A sagittal saw is used to create the osteotomy in the plane defined by the Steinmann pin and angled
approximately 45° from the plantar surface of the foot. The Crego retractors protect the medial soft tissues.
i. When correcting a varus deformity, a plantar fasciot- q. The cast is changed to a walking cast at 6 weeks postop-
omy is frequently necessary. This can be performed eratively after obtaining simulated standing lateral and
in the standard manner as described in Chapter 7. Harris x-rays
n. Internally stabilize the osteotomy (Figure 8-23) i. and removing the Steinmann pin in the young children
i. In a skeletally immature child, use a 2.4- to 2.8-mm 3. Pitfalls
smooth Steinmann pin that aligns with the posterior a. Inability to adequately displace the posterior calcaneus
surface of the os calcis apophysis and exits on the fragment due to
dorsolateral midfoot/forefoot. Bend the pin at the i. insufficient elevation of the periosteum on the
skin penetration site on the dorsum of the foot for ­medial side of the bone fragments
ease of removal in clinic. ii. obliquity of the plane of the osteotomy
ii. In a skeletally mature adolescent, use a cannu- iii. contracture of the plantar fascia in a cavovarus foot
lated 6.5-mm or larger partially threaded screw deformity
inserted antegrade into the anterior calcaneus and b. Incomplete deformity correction because of poor
with the screw head countersunk into the posterior ­visualization of the hindfoot. Prone positioning obvi-
calcaneus. ates this problem, but is not possible if other procedures
o. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta- are being performed concurrently
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu- 4. Complications
lar 4-0 absorbable suture a. Injury to the PT neurovascular bundles
p. A short-leg non–weight-bearing fiberglass cast is ap- i. Avoid by:
plied and bivalved. It is overwrapped with fiberglass • careful extraperiosteal dissection on the medial
before discharge from the hospital the following day side of the tuber calcanei with a Joker elevator


Figure 8-22.  A. Lateral x-ray shows completed osteotomy. Threaded Steinmann guide pin/joy stick
is seen. B. Harris axial x-ray shows completed osteotomy and threaded Steinmann guide pin/joy
stick. C. The osteotomy is visualized with the posterior calcaneal fragment displaced slightly medially.
D. A broad, straight osteotome is used as a lever (black curved arrow) to elevate the periosteum on the
medial side of the fragments and to displace the posterior calcaneal fragment further medially. E. Initial
medial displacement of the posterior fragment can be seen. F. The posterior fragment is displaced using
pressure on the lateral side of the fragment and with assistance of the Steinmann pin joy stick. Plantar
flexion of the ankle will facilitate movement of the fragment medially by relaxing the tendo-Achilles.



Figure 8-23.  A. The posterior calcaneal fragment is being pushed medially with a thumb and
pulled medially with a Kocher clamp on the Steinmann pin joy stick. B and C. A 6.5-mm partially
threaded, cannulated screw is being inserted. D. Harris axial mini-fluoroscopy image with cannulated
screw guide pin in place. E and F. Harris and lateral mini-fluoroscopy images with cannulated screw
in place (before removal of guide pins).
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 229

• placement of narrow Crego retractors around the and midfoot abduction (see Assessment Principle #18,
tuber calcanei in the line of the osteotomy that act Figures 3-21 and 3-22, Chapter 3). Osteotomies in this
as targets for the saw blade bone can be used to correct all of these individual defor-
b. Injury to the sural nerve mities as well as combinations of them. The medial cune-
i. Avoid by careful identification, dissection, and retraction iform is, therefore, the workhorse of the medial column
of the foot (see Management Principle #19, Chapter 4).
Medial Cuneiform Osteotomy— 2. Technique—This technique section is the basis for all types
“Generic” (MCO) of medial cuneiform osteotomies and will be so-referenced in
the subsequent operative procedure outlines. (Figure 8-24)
1. Indications a. Make a longitudinal incision along the medial midfoot
a. The medial cuneiform contains the foot-CORA for fore- centered on the medial cuneiform
foot pronation, forefoot supination, midfoot adduction,


hallu tor


Figure 8-24.  A. Through a longitudinal medial midfoot incision, the abductor hallucis is retracted
plantarward. The anterior tibialis is released from its tendon sheath and elevated from the dorsal and
medial surfaces of the proximal half of the medial cuneiform without detaching it from the distal half
of the bone. Baby Hohmann or Langenbeck (shown) retractors can be used for exposure. An osteo-
tome is used to identify the proper starting point for the osteotomy. A Steinmann pin can be inserted
under mini-fluoroscopy as a guide pin for the direction of the osteotomy, but is not necessary. B. The
starting point for the osteotomy is confirmed by mini-fluoroscopy to be half way between the distal
and proximal ends of the bone. It is directed slightly distal-lateral to end adjacent to the 2nd MT–­
middle cuneiform joint. C. The completed osteotomy is in line with the 2nd MT–middle cuneiform
joint, thereby creating a “joint” next to a joint (see Assessment Principle #18, Figure 3-21, Chapter 3).
230 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

b. Retract the abductor hallucis plantarward is not located there, the recommended position for the
c. Release the anterior tibialis tendon sheath to expose the osteotomy will improve the mobility of the fragments
tendon. Retract the tendon dorsally and the ability to achieve the desired outcome.
d. Expose the medial cuneiform extraperiosteally on its c. Failure to cut the dorsal cortex. It is hidden under the
dorsal, medial, and plantar surfaces anterior tibialis and much more dorsal than expected. It
e. Identify the midpoint (from distal to proximal) of the must be cut or the fragments will resist repositioning.
medial cuneiform along its medial surface. It is typically 4. Complications
at the proximal edge of the anterior tibialis tendon as it a. Creating the osteotomy too far distal or proximal,
crosses the medial cuneiform and also where a dorsal– ­resulting in the smaller fragment being unstable and/or
plantar ridge in the bone exists. Confirm this position subject to dysvascularity.
with mini-fluoroscopy. i. Avoid by using mini-fluoroscopy for guidance
f. Using a sagittal saw and starting at the medial surface
midpoint, cut the medial cuneiform from medial to Medial Cuneiform (Medial) Opening Wedge
slightly distal-lateral, i.e., angle the saw blade slightly
Osteotomy (MC-Medial-OWO)
distal-lateral, aiming at the 2nd MT–middle cuneiform
joint. Make the osteotomy in the coronal plane perpen- 1. Indications
dicular to the long axis of the 1st ray. a. Metatarsus adductus—as an isolated idiopathic defor-
i. By starting the osteotomy at the medial midpoint, mity (see Chapter 5) or as a component of recurrent or
both bone fragments will be large. This will provide persistent clubfoot deformity (see Chapter 5)
for better control of the fragments and more room i. most often performed in combination with a closing
for fixation, if needed. cuboid wedge osteotomy (see Assessment Principle
ii. By cutting the lateral cortex of the medial cuneiform #18, Figure 3-21, Chapter 3; Closing cuboid wedge
adjacent to the 2nd MT–middle cuneiform joint, the osteotomy, this chapter)
fragments of the medial cuneiform will have greater b. Metatarsus primus varus, in juvenile hallux valgus
mobility than they would if the lateral cortex were (JHV; see Figure 5-60, Chapter 5)
cut adjacent to the medial cortex of the middle cu- 2. Technique
neiform (see Assessment Principle #18, Figure a. See Medial cuneiform osteotomy “generic,” Tech-
3-21, Chapter 3). nique a–f
3. Pitfalls g. Insert 0.062″ smooth Steinmann pin joy sticks from me-
a. Failure to identify the ideal medial starting point for the dial to lateral in the distal and proximal bone fragments
osteotomy. Mini-fluoroscopy will provide the desired h. In metatarsus adductus (Figure 8-25):
assistance. i. release the plantar fascia and/or the distal tendon
b. Failure to cut the lateral cortex adjacent to the 2nd MT– of the abductor hallucis in severe deformities (see
middle cuneiform joint. Though not a disaster if the cut Chapter 7 for both procedures)


Figure 8-25.  A. AP and lateral x-rays of a former clubfoot in a 7-year-old boy with symptomatic
residual metatarsus adductus. The foot-CORA (red dot) is in the medial cuneiform (see Assessment
Principle #18, Figure 3-21, Chapter 3). B. X-rays taken 6 weeks after medial cuneiform medial open-
ing wedge osteotomy with bone graft from the cuboid closing wedge osteotomy (see this chapter).
C. ­X-rays taken 2 weeks later. The foot-CORA has been corrected to physiologic abduction. D. X-rays
taken 8 years later. The deformity correction has been maintained.
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 231


Figure 8-25.  (continued)

ii. perform the cuboid closing wedge osteotomy (see iii. fashion a tricortical iliac crest allograft or autograft
this chapter) into a triangle of the appropriate size and shape.
iii. abduct the 1st ray and open the osteotomy with the ­Often, the length of the medially-based wedge is
joy sticks 5 to 8 mm
iv. insert the bone wedge from the cuboid (Figure 8-26) iv. insert and impact the wedge—base medial and apex
i. In metatarsus primus varus: lateral
i. initiate all other procedures that are being per- j. The graft will, in most cases, be inherently stable and
formed concurrently not require fixation.
ii. abduct the 1st ray and open the osteotomy with the k. If the graft is not inherently stable, insert a 0.062″
joy sticks smooth Steinmann pin retrograde across the site from

Medial cuneiform osteotomy
Steinmann pin
joy stick Removed cuboid


Plantar fasciotomy

Figure 8-26.  Medial cuneiform opening wedge and cuboid closing wedge osteotomies for meta-
tarsus adductus. A. The plantar fasciotomy can be seen (see Chapter 7). A Steinmann pin has been
inserted as a joy stick from medial to lateral into the distal fragment of the medial cuneiform after the
osteotomy has been performed. A proximal pin was not used in this case. B. A laterally-based wedge
of bone has been resected with a sagittal saw from the middle of the cuboid (see this chapter). C. The
wedge of bone is inserted into the MCO. D. The osteotomy surfaces of the cuboid are brought into
­apposition by abducting the forefoot on the hindfoot. A wire staple is used for internal fixation.
232 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

Closed cuboid
Opened medial osteotomy
cuneiform osteotomy

Wire staple
internal fixation

Cuboid wedge
for insertion LATERAL SIDE

Steinmann pin
joy stick

Figure 8-26.  (continued)

the dorsal forefoot. Add a supplemental wire or a staple Medial Cuneiform (Dorsiflexion) ­Plantar-
if necessary. Bend the wire(s) at the insert site(s) and Based Opening Wedge Osteotomy
leave long for easy retrieval in clinic. (MC-­DF-OWO)
l. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta-
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu- (see Assessment Principle #18, Figure 3-22, Chapter 3; and
lar 4-0 absorbable suture Management Principle #19, Figure 4-9A, Chapter 4)
m. Apply a short-leg non–weight-bearing cast 1. Indications
n. Six weeks later, obtain simulated standing AP and lat- a. Rigid pronation deformity (plantar flexion of the 1st
eral x-rays of the foot out of the cast, remove the wire(s) ray) of the forefoot in a cavovarus foot (see Chapter 5)
if present, and replace the cast with a short-leg walking b. Adduction/pronation (plantar flexion of the 1st ray)
cast that will be worn for 2 weeks ­deformities of the forefoot in a skewfoot (see Chapter 5)
3. Pitfalls 2. Technique (Figures 8-27 and 8-28)
a. Failure to identify the ideal medial starting point for the a. See Medial cuneiform osteotomy “generic,” Tech-
osteotomy. Mini-fluoroscopy will provide the desired nique a–f
assistance. g. Complete other structural deformity corrections of the
b. Failure to cut the lateral cortex adjacent to the 2nd MT– foot and, in the case of a cavovarus foot, prepare the
middle cuneiform joint. Though not a disaster if the cut tendons for transfer (without setting the tension on
is not located there, the recommended position for the them until after the MCO)
osteotomy will improve the mobility of the fragments h. Insert 0.062″ smooth Steinmann pin joy sticks from
and the ability to achieve the desired outcome. plantar to dorsal in the proximal and distal bone
c. Failure to cut the dorsal cortex. It is hidden under the fragments
anterior tibialis and much more dorsal than expected. It i. Dorsiflex the 1st ray with the distal joy stick and open
must be cut or the fragments will resist repositioning. the osteotomy to determine the size of bone graft
4. Complications ­required. A laminar spreader may be helpful.
a. Creating the osteotomy too far distal or proximal, re- j. Fashion a tricortical iliac crest allograft or autograft into
sulting in the smaller fragment being unstable and/or a triangle of the appropriate size and shape. The length
subject to dysvascularity of the base of the wedge is 7 to 10 mm in severe
i. Avoid by using mini-fluoroscopy for guidance deformities.
b. Extrusion of the graft k. For cavovarus (see Chapter 5)
i. Avoid by using internal fixation if there is any con- i. insert and impact the wedge of bone into the medial
cern about the stability of the graft in the osteotomy cuneiform with the base plantar and apex dorsal.
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 233

The dorsal cortices of the 2 medial cuneiform frag- • insert and impact the wedge of bone into
ments will automatically remain in contact. the  ­
medial  cuneiform with the base plantar-
l. For skewfoot (see Chapter 5) medial.
in the young child without severe hindfoot ii. in the older child and adolescent with severe, symp-
equinovalgus tomatic hindfoot equinovalgus




Figure 8-27.  A. Standing lateral x-ray of a cavovarus foot deformity. The foot-CORA for the cavus
deformity is in the medial cuneiform (see Assessment Principle #18, Figure 3-22, Chapter 3). B. An
osteotome is used to site the osteotomy, using mini-fluoroscopic guidance. C. Fluoroscopic image
shows the starting point for the osteotomy half way between the distal and proximal ends of the
bone, which is usually at the proximal edge of the anterior tibialis tendon as it crosses the medial sur-
face of the medial cuneiform. The osteotomy is angled slightly distal-lateral to end adjacent to the 2nd
MT–middle cuneiform joint. D. Fluoroscopic image shows the completed osteotomy in the ideal posi-
tion. It was performed with a sagittal saw. E. Steinmann pin joy sticks, that were inserted from plantar
to dorsal, are used to open the osteotomy on the plantar surface. A freeze-dried tricortical iliac crest
allograft is fashioned into a triangle. F. The graft is inserted and impacted into the osteotomy with the
base plantar and the apex dorsal. G. The graft is usually inherently stable and, therefore, does not re-
quire internal fixation. There will be slight abduction through the osteotomy despite attempts to place
the base of the graft directly plantar, which is actually a desirable effect in a cavovarus foot deformity
(see Management Principle #19, Figure 4-9A, Chapter 4).

Figure 8-27.  (continued)



Figure 8-28.  Skewfoot in a 7-year-old girl with pain along the medial side of the 1st MT and hallux
when wearing shoes. A and B. Standing AP and lateral x-rays show skew deformities in both planes,
but without severe hindfoot equinus (this is typical for a skewfoot in a young child [see Skewfoot,
Chapter 5]). There are adductus and cavus deformities at the midfoot-forefoot-CORAs based on the
tarsal–1st MT angles (see Assessment Principle #18, Figure 3-23, Chapter 3). C and D. Following an
MC-DF/abduction-OWO (the base of the wedge was aligned plantar-medially [yellow dashed triangles]
to correct both deformities concurrently (see Management principle #19, Figure 4-9A’ Chapter 4),
both deformities were improved and her symptoms were relieved. By stretching the plantar–medial
234 soft tissues, there was incidental improvement in eversion of the subtalar joint. This is manifest by
improved alignment of the navicular on the head of the talus (note talotarsal angles) in both planes.
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 235

Figure 8-28.  (continued)

• first perform a CLO (see this chapter) and a gas- c. Failure to cut the dorsal cortex. It is hidden under
trocnemius recession (see Chapter 7) or tendo- the anterior tibialis and much more dorsal than ex-
Achilles lengthening (see Chapter 7), based on the pected. It must be cut or the fragments will resist
results of the Silfverskiold test (see Assessment repositioning.
Principle #12, Chapter 3) 4. Complications
• insert and impact the wedge of bone into the a. Creating the osteotomy too far distal or proximal,
­medial cuneiform with the base plantar-medial. ­resulting in the smaller fragment being unstable and/or
m. The graft will, in most cases, be inherently stable and subject to dysvascularity
not require fixation. i. Avoid by using mini-fluoroscopy for guidance
n. If the graft is not inherently stable, insert a 0.062″ b. Extrusion of the graft
smooth Steinmann pin retrograde across the site from i. Avoid by using internal fixation if there is any con-
the dorsal forefoot. Add supplemental wire fixation if cern about the stability of the graft in the osteotomy
necessary. Bend the wire(s) at the insert site(s) and leave
them long for easy retrieval in clinic. Medial Cuneiform (Plantar Flexion) Plantar-
o. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta-
Based Closing Wedge Osteotomy (MC-PF-CWO)
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu-
lar 4-0 absorbable suture (see Management Principle #19, Figure 4-9B, Chapter 4)
p. Apply a short-leg non–weight-bearing cast 1. Indications
q. Six weeks later, obtain simulated standing AP and lat- a. Structural supination deformity of the forefoot with a
eral x-rays of the foot out of the cast, remove the wire(s) normal rectangle-shaped medial cuneiform and no ad-
if present, and replace the cast with a short-leg walking duction deformity of the midfoot (including absence of
cast that will be worn for 2 weeks. If a CLO is performed metatarsus primus varus) as seen in most
concurrently for a skewfoot in an older child, maintain i. flatfoot deformities (see Chapter 5) and
non–weight-bearing in the ­final cast. ii. dorsal bunion deformities (see Chapter 5)
3. Pitfalls 2. Technique (Figure 8-29)
a. Failure to identify the ideal medial starting point for the a. See Medial cuneiform osteotomy “generic,” Tech-
osteotomy. Mini-fluoroscopy will provide the desired nique a–f
assistance. g. Complete the structural correction of the hindfoot
b. Failure to cut the lateral cortex adjacent to the 2nd MT– deformity in a flatfoot using a CLO (see this chapter)
middle cuneiform joint. Though not a disaster if the cut and lengthen the gastrocnemius (see Chapter 7) or the
is not located there, the recommended position for the tendo-Achilles (see Chapter 7), based on the results of
osteotomy will improve the mobility of the fragments the Silfverskiold test (see Assessment Principle #12,
and the ability to achieve the desired outcome. Chapter 3)

Medial cuneiform



Figure 8-29.  A. Artist sketch of a flatfoot with supination deformity of the forefoot in relation to the
valgus deformity of the hindfoot (see Basic Principle #5, Chapter 2). B. This is better appreciated after
the hindfoot valgus has been corrected to neutral, as after a CLO. The black arrow indicates the need
to pronate the forefoot (plantar flex the 1st ray) to establish a balanced tripod (see Basic ­Principle
#5, Chapter 2; Assessment Principle #8, Figure 3-2, Chapter 3; and Management Principle #23-3,
­Chapter 4). C. A clinical photo of a flatfoot taken intraoperatively after a CLO reveals rigid, structural
supination deformity of the forefoot. The white line indicates the plane of the MT heads. The CLO did
not create the forefoot supination, it exposed it. D. The MCO in its ideal position is identified on the
mini-fluoroscopic image. E. A plantar-based closing wedge osteotomy of the medial cuneiform is indi-
cated by the dashed lines. F. X-ray representation of the osteotomy. G. The wedge has been removed
from the medial cuneiform. H. The forefoot is pronated, which plantar flexes the 1st ray and brings the
osteotomy surfaces into apposition. I. A wire staple fabricated from a 0.062″ smooth ­Steinmann pin
is inserted from plantar to dorsal across the osteotomy while the forefoot is held in forced pronation.
J. The forefoot and hindfoot deformities are now corrected. (From Mosca VS. Calcaneal lengthening
236 osteotomy for valgus deformity of the hindfoot. In: Skaggs DL and Tolo VT, editors. Master Techniques
in Orthopaedic Surgery: Pediatrics. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008; 263–276.)
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 237

h. Prepare the tendon transfers for a dorsal bunion recon- 2. Technique

struction, but do not set their tensions until the MCO is a. See Medial cuneiform osteotomy “generic,” Tech-
completed nique a–f
i. Remove a plantar-based wedge of bone from the cut g. Complete the structural correction of the hindfoot
surfaces of both fragments of the previously osteoto- deformity in a flatfoot or skewfoot using a CLO (see
mized medial cuneiform, or simply remove a plantar- this chapter) and lengthen the gastrocnemius (see
based wedge of bone initially ­Chapter 7) or the tendo-Achilles (see Chapter 7), based
j. Plantar flex the 1st ray to bring the cut surfaces into on the results of the Silfverskiold test (see Assessment
apposition Principle #12, Chapter 3)
k. Keep taking small wedges of bone until the supination h. Prepare the tendon transfers for a dorsal bunion recon-
deformity (dorsiflexion of the 1st ray) is fully corrected. struction, but do not set their tensions until the MCO is
Often, the total length of resected bone from the plantar completed
cortex is 5 to 8 mm i. Insert 0.062″ smooth Steinmann pin joy sticks from
l. The osteotomy is closed and internally fixed with a 0.062″ dorsal to plantar in the distal and proximal bone frag-
smooth wire staple (fabricated from a Steinmann pin in- ments of the medial cuneiform
traoperatively) that is inserted from plantar to dorsal. j. Plantar flex the 1st ray with the joy stick in the distal
m. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta- fragment and open the osteotomy to determine the size
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu- of the required bone graft
lar 4-0 absorbable suture k. Fashion a tricortical iliac crest allograft or autograft into
n. Apply a short-leg non–weight-bearing cast a triangle of the appropriate size and shape. Often, the
o. Six weeks later, obtain simulated standing AP and length of the base of the wedge is 5 to 8 mm
­lateral x-rays of the foot out of the cast, and replace the l. Insert and impact the wedge of bone into the osteot-
cast with a short-leg walking cast that will be worn for omy with its base dorsal and apex plantar. Adjust the
2 weeks. If a CLO is performed concurrently, maintain position of the base of the wedge more or less medially
non–weight-bearing in the final cast. depending on the amount of adductus deformity to be
3. Pitfalls corrected concurrently.
a. Failure to identify the ideal medial starting point for the m. This is a challenging osteotomy because the anterior
osteotomy. Mini-fluoroscopy will provide the desired tibialis acts like a dorsal tension band that resists dorsal
assistance. distraction of the bone fragments. Maintenance of con-
b. Failure to cut the lateral cortex adjacent to the 2nd MT– tact between the plantar cortices of the bone fragments
middle cuneiform joint. Though not a disaster if the cut is also difficult, but very important.
is not located there, the recommended position for the n. Plantar flex the 1st ray to keep the plantar cortices of
osteotomy will improve the mobility of the fragments the 2 medial cuneiform fragments in contact while
and the ability to achieve the desired outcome. inserting a 0.062″ smooth Steinmann pin retrograde
c. Failure to cut the dorsal cortex. It is hidden under the across the site from the dorsal forefoot. Add supple-
anterior tibialis and much more dorsal than expected. It mental wire fixation if necessary. Bend the wire(s) at
must be cut or the fragments will resist repositioning. the insert site(s) and leave long for easy retrieval in
4. Complications clinic.
a. Creating the osteotomy too far distal or proximal, re- o. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta-
sulting in the smaller fragment being unstable and/or neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu-
subject to dysvascularity lar 4-0 absorbable suture
i. Avoid by using mini-fluoroscopy for guidance. p. Apply a short-leg non–weight-bearing cast
b. Loss of fixation q. Six weeks later, obtain simulated standing AP and lat-
i. Avoid by using two staples if the first one has tenu- eral x-rays of the foot out of the cast, remove the wire(s),
ous purchase. and replace the cast with another short-leg non–­weight-
bearing cast that will be worn for 2 weeks
3. Pitfalls
Medial Cuneiform (Plantar Flexion) ­
a. Failure to identify the ideal medial starting point for the
Dorsal-Based Opening Wedge Osteotomy
osteotomy. Mini-fluoroscopy will provide the desired
­(MC-PF-OWO) assistance.
(see Management Principle #19, Figure 4-9C, Chapter 4) b. Failure to cut the lateral cortex adjacent to the 2nd
1. Indications MT–middle cuneiform joint. Though not a disas-
a. Structural supination deformity of the forefoot with a ter if the cut is not located there, the recommended
trapezoid-shaped medial cuneiform and mild-to-severe ­position for the osteotomy will improve the mobility
adduction deformity of the midfoot as seen in of the fragments and the ability to achieve the desired
i. some flatfoot deformities outcome.
ii. some skewfoot deformities c. Failure to cut the entire dorsal cortex. It is hidden un-
iii. some dorsal bunion deformities der the anterior tibialis and much more dorsal than
238 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

expected. It must be cut or the fragments will resist 4. Complications

repositioning. a. Creating the osteotomy too far distal or proximal,
d. Incomplete deformity correction, because of failure ­resulting in the smaller fragment being unstable and/or
to maintain contact between the plantar cortices of subject to dysvascularity
the 2 medial cuneiform fragments at the time of wire i. Avoid by using mini-fluoroscopy for guidance
fixation b. Loss of fixation
4. Complications i. Avoid by using two staples if the first one has tenu-
a. Creating the osteotomy too far distal or proximal, ous purchase
­resulting in the smaller fragment being unstable and/or
subject to dysvascularity
Cuboid Closing Wedge Osteotomy (CCWO)
i. Avoid by using mini-fluoroscopy for guidance
b. Loss of fixation. 1. Indications
i. Avoid by using one or two well-positioned and ­stable a. Lateral column shortening for midfoot adduction
smooth Steinmann pins deformity
i. often performed in combination with a MC-Medial-
Medial Cuneiform (Dorsiflexion) Dorsal-Based OWO (see Figure 8-25 in this chapter, and Assess-
Closing Wedge Osteotomy (MC-DF-CWO) ment Principle #18, Figure 3-21 in Chapter 3) to treat
• metatarsus adductus—as an isolated idiopathic
(see Management Principle #19, Figure 4-9D, Chapter 4) deformity (see Chapter 5) or as a component of
1. Indications recurrent or persistent clubfoot deformity (see
a. Pronation/abduction deformity of the forefoot (extre­ Chapter 5)
mely rare, and probably only seen as an iatrogenic • skewfoot (see Chapter 5)
deformity) ii. This osteotomy is too far distal to have an effect on
2. Technique TN joint alignment (see Management Principle
a. See Medial cuneiform osteotomy “generic,” Tech- #18, Figure 4-7, Chapter 4)
nique a–f 2. Technique (Figure 8-30)
g. Complete other structural deformity corrections a. Make a longitudinal incision along the lateral border of
h. Remove a dorsally-based wedge of bone from the cut the midfoot centered on the cuboid
surfaces of both fragments b. Isolate and retract, or avoid, the sural nerve
i. Dorsiflex the 1st ray to bring the cut surfaces into c. Release the PB from its tendon sheath and retract it
apposition plantarward
j. Keep taking small wedges of bone until the pronation d. Expose the cuboid extraperiosteally on its dorsal,
deformity (plantar flexion of the 1st ray) is fully cor- ­lateral, and plantar surfaces
rected. The total length of resected bone from the dorsal e. Insert two 25G hypodermic needles in the cuboid in the
cortex may be 5 to 8 mm desired locations of the osteotomy cuts that will result
k. The osteotomy is closed and internally fixed with a in removal of a wedge of bone large enough to correct
0.062″ smooth wire staple (fabricated from a Steinmann the adduction deformity of the lateral border of the
pin intraoperatively) that is inserted from dorsal to foot. The proximal needle should be perpendicular to
plantar the axis of the calcaneus and the distal needle should
l. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta- be perpendicular to the axis is of the 5th MT. Use mini-
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu- fluoroscopy for guidance.
lar 4-0 absorbable suture f. Resect the wedge of bone with a small sagittal saw
m. Apply a short-leg non–weight-bearing cast by cutting between and immediately adjacent to the
n. Six weeks later, obtain simulated standing AP and needles
­lateral x-rays of the foot out of the cast, and replace the g. Preserve the bone for insertion in the medial cuneiform
cast with a short-leg walking cast that will be worn for h. Perform a medial cuneiform osteotomy “generic”
2 weeks technique a–f and MC-medial-OWO technique g, h, j,
3. Pitfalls and k (this chapter)
a. Failure to identify the ideal medial starting point for the i. Abduct the forefoot on the hindfoot to approximate the
osteotomy. Mini-fluoroscopy will provide the desired cut surfaces of the cuboid. Remove more bone, if neces-
assistance. sary, to align the axis of the forefoot on the hindfoot.
b. Failure to cut the lateral cortex adjacent to the 2nd MT– Use mini-fluoroscopy for guidance.
middle cuneiform joint. Though not a disaster if the cut j. Insert a staple made from a 0.062″ smooth Steinmann
is not located there, the recommended position for the pin across the osteotomy while holding the forefoot
osteotomy will improve the mobility of the fragments firmly abducted on the hindfoot. Alternatively, insert
and the ability to achieve the desired outcome. a 0.062″ smooth Steinmann pin retrograde across the
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 239



Figure 8-30.  A. AP intraoperative mini-fluoroscopy image showing a 25G needle marking the site
of the MCO (left ) and another marking the lateral cuneiform (central ) through which a drill hole will
be made for a anterior tibialis tendon transfer. The two thick black lines (right ) represent the locations
for the 25G needles that are inserted in the cuboid to mark the location of the closing wedge oste-
otomy. B. The distal osteotomy is created with a microsagittal saw. C. The proximal osteotomy is cre-
ated with the microsagittal saw. The lateral base length of the wedge is at least 4 to 5 mm. D. With the
forefoot abducted on the hindfoot, the wedge of bone removed from the cuboid was inserted into the
MCO. A wire staple (made from a 0.062″ smooth Steinmann pin) was inserted across the osteotomy
site in the cuboid for internal fixation.

resection site of the cuboid from the dorsolateral aspect 4. Complications

of the foot. Bend the wire at the insertion site and cut it a. Injury to the sural nerve
long for ease of removal in clinic. i. Avoid by isolating and protecting it
k. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta-
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu-
Calcaneocuboid Joint Resection/Arthrodesis
lar 4-0 absorbable suture
l. Apply a short-leg non–weight-bearing cast (the “original” Evans procedure; see Calcaneal Lengthen-
m. Six weeks later, obtain simulated standing AP and l­ ateral ing Osteotomy Technique Background, this chapter)
x-rays of the foot out of the cast, remove the wire(s), 1. Indications
and replace the cast with a short-leg walking cast that a. Lateral column shortening for resistant subtalar joint
will be worn for 2 weeks inversion in a recurrent, persistent, or neglected club-
3. Pitfalls foot (see Chapter 5), typically in a child with arthrogry-
a. Inadequate resection of bone resulting in posis who is at least 8 years old
i. persistence of deformity 2. Technique (Figure 8-31)
ii. inadequate graft size/strength for correction of the a. Perform a D-PMR (see Chapter 7). The soft tissues
medial cuneiform deformity along the plantar–medial midfoot/hindfoot, including
240 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

l. Internally fixate the arthrodesis using one of several

i. Insert one or two 0.062″ smooth Steinmann pin(s)
retrograde across the fusion site from the dorsolat-
eral aspect of the forefoot. Bend the wire(s) at the in-
sertion site(s) and cut them long for ease of removal
in clinic.
ii. Insert one or two wire staples made from a 0.062″
smooth Steinmann pin across the fusion site from
lateral to medial
iii. Insert crossed screws
m. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta-
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu-
lar 4-0 absorbable suture
n. Apply a well-padded short-leg non–weight-bearing cast
with the ankle at neutral, the subtalar joint everted, and
the midfoot abducted
Calcaneocuboid joint o. At 6 weeks, remove the cast (and exposed pin(s) if used
for fixation) in the clinic and apply a short-leg walking
cast that will be worn for an additional 3 to 6 weeks
Figure 8-31.  The articular surfaces of the calcaneus and 3. Pitfalls
cuboid were resected at the CC joint. Crossed screws were a. Inadequate resection of the bones, resulting in persis-
used for internal fixation in this teenager.
tence of the deformity
b. Inadequate D-PMR
4. Complications
the TN joint capsule, must be released in an effort to a. Injury to the sural nerve
align the navicular with the head of the talus. i. Avoid by isolating and protecting it
b. If the subtalar joint does not evert completely and the b. Excessive resection of the bones, thereby creating a
navicular remains medially positioned on the head of ­flatfoot or creating a large gap that leads to nonunion
the talus in a child who is at least 8 years old, a calca- i. Avoid by removing a little bone at a time
neocuboid joint resection/arthrodesis is indicated to
pull the navicular laterally (see Management Principle
Lichtblau Anterior Calcaneus Resection
#18, Figure 4-7, Chapter 4).
c. Make a longitudinal incision along the lateral border of 1. Indications
the midfoot centered on the calcaneocuboid joint a. Lateral column shortening for resistant subtalar joint in-
d. Isolate and retract, or avoid, the sural nerve version in a recurrent, persistent, or neglected clubfoot
e. Release the PB from its tendon sheath and retract it (see Chapter 5), typically in a child with arthrogryposis
plantarward who is between 3 and 8 years of age
f. Release/resect the calcaneocuboid joint capsule 2. Technique (Figure 8-32)
g. Place a Freer or Joker elevator over the dorsum of the a. Perform a D-PMR (see Chapter 7). The soft tissues
calcaneocuboid joint along the plantar–medial midfoot/hindfoot, including
h. Place a Joker elevator or narrow Crego retractor plantar the TN joint capsule, must be released in an effort to
to the calcaneocuboid joint align the navicular with the head of the talus.
i. Using a sagittal saw, cut the calcaneus perpendicular b. If the subtalar joint does not evert completely and the
to the longitudinal axis of the bone starting 3 to 5 mm navicular remains medially positioned on the head of
proximal to the distal articular surface of the bone the talus in a child between the ages of 3 and 8 years, a
j. Using a sagittal saw, cut the cuboid perpendicular to the Lichtblau procedure is indicated to pull the navicular
longitudinal axis of the 5th MT starting 3 to 5 mm distal laterally (see Management Principle #18, Figure 4-7,
to the proximal articular surface of the bone Chapter 4).
k. Abduct the forefoot/midfoot on the hindfoot to approx- c. Make a longitudinal incision along the lateral border of
imate the cut surfaces of the bones and to pull the navic- the midfoot centered on the anterior calcaneus
ular laterally to align it with the talar head. Remove d. Isolate and retract, or avoid, the sural nerve
more bone from either or both of the bones, if neces- e. Release the PB from its tendon sheath and retract it
sary, to align the axis of the forefoot with that of the plantarward
hindfoot. Use mini-fluoroscopy for guidance. f. Release the calcaneocuboid joint capsule
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 241

Calcaneocuboid joint

Calcaneocuboid joint

Articular cartilage of resected Osteotomy surface of
anterior calcaneus resected anterior calcaneus

fixation pin

Cuboid Calcaneus osteotomy site


TN joint air


Figure 8-32.  A. Simulated standing AP x-ray of a severe, recurrent clubfoot deformity in a 6-year-
old child with distal arthrogryposis. Varus malorientation/subluxation of the calcaneocuboid joint
can be seen. B. Simulated standing lateral x-ray of the same foot. C. The anterior calcaneus has been
resected. The articular cartilage surface of the fragment is shown. The longitudinal internal fixation
wire has been inserted up to, but not yet across, the resection site. D. The osteotomy surface of the
fragment is shown. E. An intraoperative mini-fluoroscopy image shows the osteotomy site after the
fragment was removed. F. The Steinmann pin has been advanced across the resection site. An air
arthrogram was created at the TN joint following the capsular release. G. AP x-ray of the foot 1 year
later shows improved alignment and a pseudo-calcaneo-cuboid joint. H. The lateral x-ray from that
clinic visit shows the pseudo-joint even better than the AP image does.
242 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

Calcaneocuboid pseudo-joint

CC pseudo-joint
Figure 8-32.  (continued)

g. Place a Freer or Joker elevator over the dorsum of the Anterior Calcaneus Closing Wedge
anterior calcaneus proximal to the anterior facet Osteotomy
h. Place a Joker elevator or narrow Crego retractor plantar
to the anterior calcaneus (Reverse Calcaneal Lengthening Osteotomy)
i. Using a sagittal saw, cut the calcaneus perpendicular 1. Indications
to the longitudinal axis of the bone starting 5 to 8 mm a. Lateral column shortening for resistant subtalar joint
proximal to the distal articular surface of the bone inversion in a recurrent, persistent, or neglected id-
j. Abduct the forefoot/midfoot on the hindfoot to iopathic clubfoot (see Chapter 5), typically in a 3- to
approximate the articular cartilage surface of the
­ 8-year-old child
cuboid with the cut surface of the calcaneus and to pull 2. Technique (Figure 8-33)
the ­navicular laterally to align it with the talar head. a. Perform a D-PMR (see Chapter 7). The soft tissues
Remove more bone from the calcaneus, if necessary, to along the plantar–medial midfoot/hindfoot, including
align the axis of the forefoot with that of the hindfoot. the TN joint capsule, must be released in an effort to
Use mini-fluoroscopy for guidance align the navicular with the head of the talus.
k. Insert one or two 0.062″ smooth Steinmann pin(s) ret- b. If the subtalar joint does not evert completely and the
rograde across the resection site from the dorsolateral navicular remains medially positioned on the head of
aspect of the forefoot. Bend the wire(s) at the insertion the talus in a child between the ages of 3 and 8 years,
site(s) and cut them long for ease of removal in clinic an anterior calcaneus closing wedge osteotomy is indi-
l. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta- cated to pull the navicular laterally (see Management
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu- ­Principle #18, Figure 4-7, Chapter 4).
lar 4-0 absorbable suture c. Make a longitudinal incision along the lateral border of
m. Apply a well-padded long-leg cast (to ensure non– the hindfoot centered on the anterior calcaneus
weight-bearing in these young children) with the ankle d. Isolate and retract, or avoid, the sural nerve
at neutral, the subtalar joint everted, and the midfoot e. Release the PL and the PB from their tendon sheaths
abducted and retract them plantarward
n. At 6 weeks, remove the cast and pin(s) in the clinic and f. Avoid exposure of, or injury to, the capsule of the calca-
apply a short-leg walking cast that will be worn for an neocuboid joint.
additional 2 weeks g. Elevate the soft tissues from the sinus tarsi
3. Pitfalls h. Insert a Freer elevator into the sinus tarsi perpendicular
a. Inadequate resection of the distal calcaneus resulting in to the lateral cortex of the calcaneus at the level of the
persistence of the deformity “isthmus,” the narrowest dorsal–plantar site of this bone
b. Inadequate D-PMR that is located immediately anterior to the posterior
4. Complications facet and posterior to the calcaneal beak (see Calcaneal
a. Injury to the sural nerve Lengthening Osteotomy, this chapter). Rotate the
i. Avoid by isolating and protecting it Freer anteriorly until it falls into the interval between
b. Excessive resection of the distal calcaneus, thereby the anterior and middle facets of the subtalar joint
­creating a flatfoot or creating a large gap i. Place a Joker elevator plantar to the dorsally placed
i. Avoid by removing a little bone at a time Freer elevator

D Closing wedge osteotomy

Closing wedge

Figure 8-33.  A. Simulated
standing AP x-ray of a severe,
rigid, recurrent idiopathic club-
foot. B. Simulated standing lateral
x-ray of the same foot. C. Simu-
lated standing AP x-ray taken 6
weeks after having undergone a
D-PMR and a closing wedge oste-
otomy of the anterior calcaneus.
D. Simulated standing lateral x-ray
taken the same day. E. Simulated
standing AP x-ray taken 3 years
later shows excellent alignment of
the foot and a remodeled anterior
calcaneus. F. Simulated standing
lateral x-ray taken 3 years later
shows the same excellent align-
ment and remodeling.

244 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

j. Using a microsagittal saw and starting at the isthmus, deformity correction is occurring away from the
cut the calcaneus in line with the retractors, exiting foot-CORA.
­medially between the anterior and middle facets iv. 1st MT base osteotomies for cavus deformity cor-
k. Remove a laterally-based wedge of bone from one or rection have a greater likelihood of creating stress
the other of the calcaneal fragments. Keep removing transfer to the 2nd MT head than medial cuneiform
small wedges of bone until the lateral border of the foot osteotomies.
is straight (and the TN joint is confirmed to be aligned 2. Technique (see Figure 5-61, Chapter 5)
using mini-fluoroscopy) a. There are many techniques for creating a 1st MT base
l. Insert one or two 0.062″ smooth Steinmann pin(s) ret- osteotomy, but I prefer the oblique rotational osteotomy
rograde across the resection site from the dorsolateral b. Make a longitudinal incision along the medial border of
aspect of the forefoot. Bend the wire(s) at the insertion the midfoot centered on the base of the 1st MT
site(s) and cut them long for ease of removal in clinic c. Expose the proximal half of the 1st MT extraperiosteally
m. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta- d. Insert a 0.045″ smooth Steinmann pin from medial
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu- to lateral through the MT heads and in the transverse
lar 4-0 absorbable suture plane of the MT heads. This is a guide pin that will be
n. Apply a well-padded long-leg cast (to ensure non– referenced to ensure that the osteotomy is performed in
weight-bearing in these young children) with the ankle the proper plane. If the osteotomy is rotated from the
at neutral, the subtalar joint everted, and the midfoot plane of the MT heads, it will create either dorsiflexion
abducted or plantar flexion of the 1st MT when the shaft frag-
o. At 6 weeks, remove the cast and pin(s) in the clinic and ment is rotated on the base fragment.
apply a short-leg walking cast that will be worn for an e. Begin the osteotomy as far proximal as possible in the
additional 2 weeks 1st MT using a small sagittal saw cutting from medial to
3. Pitfalls lateral. It should be rotated at least 45° from perpendic-
a. Inadequate wedge resection of the anterior calcaneus ular to the MT shaft and inclined from dorsal/proximal
resulting in persistence of the deformity to plantar/distal. Importantly, it should be in the trans-
b. Inadequate D-PMR verse plane defined by the guide pin in the MT heads.
4. Complications f. Before completing the osteotomy, create a lag screw
a. Injury to the sural nerve hole for a 2.8- to 3.5-mm-diameter cortical screw that
i. Avoid by isolating and protecting it crosses the osteotomy at a right angle. Create a counter-
sink recess in the dorsal cortex to prevent prominence
of the screw head.
1st Metatarsal Base Osteotomy
g. Complete the osteotomy, remove the guide pin from the
1. Indications MT heads, rotate the shaft fragment laterally, and insert
a. Metatarsus primus varus in a skeletally mature adoles- the proper length screw in the prepared hole. Fixation
cent with juvenile hallux valgus (see Chapter 5) should be excellent with the single screw.
b. NOTE: h. Complete the other procedures that are being per-
i. The base of the 1st MT is NOT the foot-CORA (see formed concurrently
Assessment Principle #18, Chapter 3) for any fore- i. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta-
foot or midfoot deformity. The medial cuneiform is neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu-
the foot-CORA for cavus (plantar flexion of the 1st lar 4-0 absorbable suture
ray, pronation of the forefoot), supination of the fore- j. Apply a short-leg non–weight-bearing cast. It will take
foot (dorsiflexion of the 1st ray), metatarsus adductus approximately 6 weeks to heal.
(midfoot adductus), and metatarsus primus varus. 3. Pitfalls
ii. Therefore, a medial cuneiform osteotomy (see this a. Failure to ensure proper alignment of the 1st MTP joint
Chapter) is preferred over a 1st MT base osteotomy by failing to perform the appropriate associated proce-
to correct dures for correction of hallux valgus
• pronation of the forefoot (plantar flexion of the 4. Complications
1st ray) in a cavovarus foot a. Performing a 1st MT base osteotomy before skeletal
• supination of the forefoot (dorsiflexion of the maturity and, thereby, either damaging the growth plate
1st ray) in a flatfoot or performing the osteotomy far from the foot-CORA
• adduction of the midfoot in metatarsus adductus for metatarsus primus varus which, as in metatarsus
and skewfoot ­adductus (see Assessment Principle #18, Chapter 3),
• adduction of the 1st ray in some cases of metatar- is in the medial cuneiform.
sus primus varus. i. Avoid by delaying surgery for JHV until skeletal ma-
iii. If a 1st MT base osteotomy is used to correct cavus turity. Then one can perform a 1st MT base oste-
deformity, the shaft fragment must be dorsally otomy or a medial cuneiform medial opening wedge
translated as well as dorsally angulated, because the osteotomy (see this chapter)
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 245

b. Rotational malinclination of the osteotomy, thereby 5th Metatarsal Osteotomy

creating plantar flexion or dorsiflexion of the 1st MT
i. Avoid by inserting a Steinmann pin from med­ 1. Indications
ial to lateral through the MT heads in the trans- a. Bunionette (Tailor’s bunion) (see Chapter 5)
verse plane of the MT heads to act as a guide 2. Technique (Figure 8-34)
pin that  ­defines the true transverse plane of the a. Make a longitudinal incision lateral to the 5th MT
forefoot ­extending distal to the MTP joint
c. Prominence of the screw head requiring a second b. Expose the 5th MT shaft extraperiosteally
­operation to remove it c. Insert a 0.045″ smooth Steinmann pin from lateral
i. Avoid by countersinking the screw head to medial within the MT heads and in the transverse


Figure 8-34.  A. Clinical photo of a bunionette deformity in a teenage girl. B. Standing AP x-ray of
her foot. C. Standing AP x-ray taken 1 year after an oblique, rotational osteotomy of the 5th MT. The
blue curved arrow shows the effect of the rotation around the screw. The lateral exostosis of the MT
head was resected and the lateral capsule was plicated. D. An intraoperative mini-fluoroscopic image
shows the position of the oblique transverse plane osteotomy (black line).
246 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

plane of the MT heads. This is the guide pin that will Gently curve the incision dorsally over the bunion (1st
be referenced to ensure that the osteotomy is in the MT head). The incision can be continued proximally
proper plane. If the osteotomy is rotated from the to concurrently perform a 1st MT base osteotomy (see
plane of the MT heads, it will create either dorsiflex- this chapter) or a MCO (see this chapter).
ion or plantar flexion of the 5th MT when the shaft is c. Create a U-shaped capsular flap, sharply elevating the
­rotated on the base. thick capsule off the medial side of the 1st MT head and
d. Begin the osteotomy at the CORA of the bone defor- reflecting it distally on its proximal phalanx attachment
mity or as far proximal as possible in the 5th MT using d. Using an osteotome or small sagittal saw, resect the
a small sagittal saw cutting from lateral to medial. The ­medial exostosis of the 1st MT head retrograde from
blade should be rotated at least 45° from perpendicular the sulcus on the medial edge of the articular surface in
to the MT shaft and inclined from dorsal/posterior to line with the medial cortex of the MT shaft
plantar/anterior. It is, therefore, an oblique transverse e. Do not release the adductor hallucis or the lateral
plane osteotomy in which the transverse plane is de- ­capsule of the 1st MTP joint. The joint is congruous but
fined by the guide pin in the MT heads. maloriented in most cases, so lateral capsular release is
e. Before completing the osteotomy, create a lag screw not indicated. There is a risk of devascularizing the MT
hole for a 2.0- to 3.5-mm-diameter cortical screw that head when lateral soft tissue release is combined with a
crosses the osteotomy at a right angle. Create a coun- distal 1st MT osteotomy.
tersink in the dorsal cortex to avoid prominence of the f. Start to create an osteotomy with a small sagittal saw
screw head that is parallel with and 1 to 1.5 cm proximal to the
f. Complete the osteotomy, remove the MT heads guide ­articular surface of the 1st MT head
pin, rotate the shaft medially, and insert the proper length g. Before completing the first cut, start a second oste-
screw. Fixation should be excellent with the ­single screw. otomy that is perpendicular to the 1st MT shaft and
g. Complete the other procedures that are being per- designed to intersect with the more distal cut at the lat-
formed concurrently, such as medial 5th MTP capsu- eral cortex
lotomy, lateral 5th MT head shaving, and lateral 5th h. Insert a 0.045″ or 0.062″ smooth Steinmann pin from
MTP joint capsular plication distal/medial to proximal/lateral in the head fragment
h. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta- stopping at the distal osteotomy
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu- i. Insert a 0.045″ or 0.062″ smooth Steinmann pin from
lar 4-0 absorbable suture proximal/medial to distal/lateral in the shaft fragment
i. Apply a short-leg non–weight-bearing cast. It will take stopping at the proximal osteotomy
approximately 6 weeks to heal. j. Complete both osteotomies
3. Pitfalls k. Adduct and laterally displace the MT head fragment
a. Failure to ensure proper alignment of the 5th MTP joint (the CORA is distal to the osteotomy) to bring the
by failing to perform the appropriate associated proce- osteotomy surfaces into apposition with the proper
dures for correction of a tailor’s bunion ­axial alignment of the head on the shaft
4. Complications l. Advance the pins across the osteotomy capturing the far
a. Rotational malinclination of the osteotomy, thereby cortices for stable fixation
creating plantar flexion or dorsiflexion of the 5th MT m. Advance the capsular flap proximally on the medial
i. Avoid by inserting a Steinmann pin in the MT heads surface of the MT shaft and repair it with multiple
to act as a guide pin that defines the true transverse ­figure-of-8 2-0 absorbable sutures
plane of the forefoot n. Confirm correction of all deformities with
b. Prominence of the screw head requiring a second mini-fluoroscopy
­operation to remove it o. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta-
i. Avoid by countersinking the screw head neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu-
lar 4-0 absorbable suture
p. Apply a short-leg non–weight-bearing cast. It will take
1st Metatarsal Distal Osteotomy
approximately 6 weeks to heal.
1. Indications 3. Pitfalls
a. High DMAA of the 1st MT, usually with a congruent a. Failure to ensure proper alignment of the 1st MTP joint
1st MTP joint, in JHV (see Figures 5-55 and 5-56, by failing to perform the appropriate associated proce-
­Chapter 5) dures for correction of hallux valgus. There are many.
2. Technique (see Figure 5-60, Chapter 5) Treatment must be individualized.
a. There are many techniques for creating a distal 1st MT 4. Complications
osteotomy, but I prefer a simple medially-based closing a. Avascular necrosis of the 1st MT head
wedge osteotomy. i. Avoid by performing either a distal 1st MT oste-
b. Make a longitudinal incision along the medial border otomy or a lateral 1st MTP joint capsular release.
of the proximal phalanx and distal half of the 1st MT. The former is indicated if there is a congruent joint
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 247

and a high DMAA. The lateral is indicated if there is a reminder of the rotational alignment of the bone
an incongruent joint and a normal DMAA. before the osteotomy was performed
b. The list of complications following surgery for hallux vi. Remove the plate and two screws
valgus is exceedingly high vii. With narrow Crego retractors surrounding the tibia
i. Avoid by: subperiosteally at the level of the notch, perform an
• avoiding hallux valgus surgery, except when pro- osteotomy with a sagittal saw that is perpendicular
longed attempts at nonoperative treatment fail to to the shaft of the tibia (see Management Princi-
relieve the pain ple #20-4, Figure 4-15, Chapter 4)
• studying the unique anatomic variations and de- viii. Reattach the plate and two screws to the distal
formities in the patient’s foot and lower extremity fragment
and having a surgical plan for each one. Individu- ix. Rotate the foot/distal fragment until the thigh–foot
alize treatment. angle is neutral (0°). Hold that position with a Ver-
brugge clamp
x. Fasten the plate to the tibial shaft with three fully
Distal Tibia and Fibula Varus, Valgus, Flexion,
threaded cortical screws, dynamizing at least one
Extension, Rotational Osteotomies
of them
1. Indications j. For a valgus-correcting, or a valgus-correcting and
a. Distal tibia and fibula varus, valgus, extension, flexion, ­rotational osteotomy:
and/or rotational deformities i. Make sure the fibula osteotomy is in the oblique cor-
2. Technique (see Management Principle #20, Figures 4-10 onal plane (see Figures 4-10 and 4-12, Chapter 4)
to 4-16, Chapter 4) ii. A plate and screws can be used on the tibia, but the
a. Prep the entire lower extremity and use a sterile tour- angular deformity can make it difficult to properly
niquet. This will enable accurate assessment of the align and fix the plate distally before the osteotomy
thigh–foot angle, which is particularly important when is performed.
correcting rotational deformities iii.  Measure and mark the approximate distance
b. Make a 3- to 4-cm longitudinal incision along the pos- needed on the tibia for the osteotomy to be per-
terolateral edge of the distal fibula meta-diaphysis, i.e., formed between what would/will be the second
adjacent to the intended site of the tibial osteotomy and third holes on the plate.
c. Incise the periosteum and expose the fibula iv. Insert a 0.062″ smooth Steinmann pin retrograde
subperiosteally from the medial malleolus stopping short of the in-
d. Place Joker elevators around the fibula as tissue protectors tended distal osteotomy site
e. Using a small sagittal saw, create an oblique osteotomy v. Insert a second 0.062″ smooth Steinmann pin
in the predetermine proper plane (see Management retrograde from the anterolateral corner of the
Principle #20-2, Chapter 4) epiphysis stopping short of the intended distal
f. Irrigate and then close this incision with interrupted ­osteotomy site
subcutaneous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running vi. Make sure both pins are parallel with the longitu-
subcuticular 4-0 absorbable suture dinal axis of the tibia in the coronal plane. They
g. Make a 5- to 7-cm longitudinal incision 1 cm lateral to provide assessment of alignment and control of the
the anterior crest of the distal tibial metaphysis distal tibial fragment (see Management Principle
h. Incise the periosteum along the crest and expose the #20-3, Figure 4-14, Chapter 4).
tibial metaphysis subperiosteally to no closer than 1 cm vii.  With narrow Crego retractors surrounding the
from the growth plate tibia subperiosteally at the level of the notch, per-
i. For a pure rotational tibial osteotomy: form an osteotomy with a sagittal saw that is paral-
i. Make sure the fibula osteotomy is in the oblique sag- lel with the ankle joint
ittal plane (see Figures 4-11 and 4-13, Chapter 4) viii. Then perform the second and more proximal oste-
ii. Precontour a five-hole dynamic compression plate otomy on the shaft fragment. It is perpendicular to
or locking plate to the flair of the tibial metaphysis the shaft and designed to meet the first osteotomy
iii. With the distal end of the plate approximately 1 cm at the lateral cortex (see Management Principle
from the physis and the plate axially aligned with #20-5, Figure 4-16, Chapter 4).
the shaft of the tibia, insert fully threaded cortical ix. Bring the osteotomy surfaces into apposition and
screws in the two distal holes (see Management translate the distal fragment laterally until the me-
Principle #20-3, Figure 4-14, Chapter 4) dial cortices of the two fragments align. That is usu-
iv. Make a notch in the tibia with an osteotome half ally sufficient to centralize the ankle under the tibia
way between screw holes 2 and 3, the planned site (see Management Principle #20-1, Figure 4-10,
for the osteotomy ­Chapter 4).
v. Also make a longitudinal score with the osteotome x. Rotate the distal fragment to correct rotational de-
along the cortex adjacent to the plate. This will be formity, if indicated
248 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

xi. Advance the Steinmann pins retrograde across the k. For a varus-correcting osteotomy in a skeletally ma-
osteotomy and into the opposite tibial cortices of the ture (or nearly mature) adolescent, as following a
shaft. Check the thigh–foot angle and adjust rotation, if medial malleolus fracture with medial growth arrest
indicated (Figure 8-35):
xii. Either use these pins as definitive fixation or apply a i. Make sure the fibula osteotomy is in the oblique cor-
plate and screws on the smoothest surface onal plane (see Figures 4-10 and 4-12, Chapter 4)


growth arrest line

Figure 8-35.  A. AP x-ray of a Salter–Harris IV medial malleolus fracture in an 8-year-old girl.

B. AP and lateral x-rays after open reduction internal fixation. C. AP and lateral x-rays after failing to
follow-up for 4 years and 4 months. Medial distal tibial growth arrest is apparent. The Park–Harris
growth arrest line and the physis converge medially. The distal fibula and lateral distal tibial growth
plates are still open (inside the yellow circle). D. Distal fibula and lateral distal tibia epiphysiodeses
(purple ovals) were performed at the same time as the deformity correction osteotomies. An oblique
coronal plane fibula osteotomy was performed. The lateral extent of the oblique distal tibial oste-
otomy was located at the CORA (the lateral margin of the physis), so translation was not required.
Fairly minimal fixation was required because of the significant compression forces across the ­medial
aspect of the opening wedge osteotomy and the inherent stability of the structural bone grafts.
E. Early postoperative lateral x-ray. F. AP x-ray taken 6 months later shows excellent healing and
deformity correction. The center of the talus is directly in line with the mid-axis of the tibia. G. Lateral
x-ray obtained the same day shows excellent sagittal plane correction.
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 249



Figure 8-35.  (continued)

ii. If the distal fibula and lateral distal tibial growth viii. Insert large tricortical iliac crest bone grafts to fill
plates are not yet closed, perform epiphysiodesis of the space symmetrically from anterior to posterior.
both with a drill Beware not to create a procurvatum or recurvatum
iii. Make the tibial incision on the medial surface of the deformity
epimetaphysis rather than anteriorly • If a procurvatum or recurvatum deformity exists
iv. Expose the tibia subperiosteally as far distal as possible along with the varus deformity, place the base
v. Retract and protect the PT neurovascular bundle of the graft(s) more posteromedial or antero-
vi. With curved retractors anterior and posterior to the medial to simultaneously correct both planes of
distal metaphysis, make an oblique osteotomy from deformity.
proximal-medial to distal-lateral starting 3-4 cm ix. Insert one to two fully threaded 4.5-mm-diameter
proximal to the tip of the medial malleolus and end- cannulated screws retrograde from the tip of the
ing at the lateral edge of the growth plate medial malleolus across the osteotomy and graft,
vii. Open the osteotomy medially, hinging on the lateral capturing the lateral metaphyseal cortex with
periosteum screw threads
250 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

1 2 3

Figure 8-36.  A. Lateral x-ray shows the location of the osteotomies of the distal tibia (black lines)
needed to reorient the ankle joint and create increased dorsiflexion (green curved arrow) to elimi-
nate anterior ankle impingement. In this skeletally immature child, guided growth with a screw/
plate construct (see this chapter) is preferable. This x-ray is used merely for conceptualization of the
osteotomy. The distal cut is plantar flexed approximately 10° in relation to the plantar surface of the
foot (yellow line). The proximal cut is perpendicular to the tibia shaft. A trapezoid of bone is removed,
because the apex of the deformity is the tendo-Achilles, not the posterior tibial cortex. The distal frag-
ment is dorsiflexed and posteriorly translated (blue arrow) to respect the CORA. The anterior cortices
of the two fragments should be aligned. The fibula osteotomy should be in the oblique sagittal plane,
as shown under number 1, to enable deformity correction of the tibia while maintaining contact be-
tween the fibula fragments. The plane of the oblique coronal fibula osteotomy under number 2 would
create impingement of the fragments and disallow deformity correction of the tibia. The plane of the
oblique coronal fibula osteotomy under number 3 would separate the fragments completely and lead
to delayed healing of the fibula. B. A reminder that neither the tendo-Achilles nor the gastrocnemius
should be lengthened, because that would only increase ­anterior ankle impingement.

l. For correction of anterior ankle impingement in a skel- m. For all types of tibial osteotomies discussed above, close
etally mature adolescent (Figure 8-36): or attempt to close the periosteum over the plate with
i. Make sure the fibula osteotomy is in the oblique 2-0 absorbable sutures
­sagittal plane n. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta-
ii. Insert a 0.062″ smooth Steinmann pin retrograde neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu-
from the medial malleolus stopping short of the lar 4-0 absorbable suture
­intended distal osteotomy site o. Apply a short-leg non–weight-bearing fiberglass cast
iii. Insert a second 0.062″ smooth Steinmann pin retro- and bivalve it. Overwrap the cast with fiberglass before
grade from the anterolateral corner of the epiphysis discharge from the hospital
stopping short of the intended distal osteotomy site p. Total cast immobilization is 8-12 weeks, with one or
(see Management Principle #20-3, Chapter 4). two cast changes and no weight-bearing until at least
iv. With narrow Crego retractors surrounding the 6 weeks.
tibia subperiosteally, perform an osteotomy with a 3. Pitfalls (see Management Principle #20, Chapter 4)
sagittal saw that is 10° plantar flexed in relation to a. Failure to achieve control of the distal tibial fragment
the plantar surface of the foot with the foot held in before the osteotomy is performed
­maximum dorsiflexion b. Failure to make the single cut of a pure rotational
v. Then perform the second and more proximal oste- ­tibial  osteotomy or the shaft side (2nd) cut of an
otomy perpendicular to the shaft (see Management ­angular tibial osteotomy perpendicular to the shaft of
Principle #20-5, Chapter 4) such that a trapezoid of the tibia
bone is removed. The (usually scarred) heel cord is c. Failure to perform a fibula osteotomy
the true CORA, and it will often prevent deformity d. Failure to cut the fibula in the proper oblique plane
correction if a simple wedge is removed. e. Failure to correct the translational deformity along with
vi. Bring the osteotomy surfaces into apposition and the angulation deformity
translate the distal fragment posteriorly (see Man- f. Performing an tendo-Achilles lengthening or gastroc-
agement Principle #20-1, Chapter 4) nemius recession
vii. Advance the Steinmann pins retrograde across os- 4. Complications
teotomy and into the tibial metaphyseal cortices op- a. Injury to the distal tibial growth plate
posite the side of entry. Additional internal fixation i. Avoid by limiting distal subperiosteal exposure to no
can be with anterior staples or a plate and screws. closer than 1 cm from the physis
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 251

b. Delayed or nonunion of the tibia extending proximally to the base of the proximal pha-
i. Avoid by: lanx or, if performed in conjunction with a Jones trans-
• keeping a cool saw blade fer, to the base of the 1st MT.
• alternatively, making the osteotomy(s) with drill i. see Jones transfer of EHL to 1st MT neck,
holes and an osteotome ­Technique d–g, Chapter 7.
• creating good apposition of the osteotomy surfaces d. Make a Z-lengthening type cut in the EHL for later ten-
and compressing/dynamizing the osteotomy don plication.
e. Release the interphalangeal joint capsule transversely
IV. Arthrodeses on the dorsal, medial, and lateral surfaces, and elevate
the volar capsule off the adjacent ends of the phalanges
Hallux Interphalangeal Joint Arthrodesis with a Freer elevator
1. Indications f. Using a microsagittal saw, remove the condyles of the prox-
a. As a component part of a Jones transfer of the extensor imal phalanx by cutting perpendicular to the dorsal cortex
hallucis longus (EHL) to the 1st MT neck (see Chap- of the bone and to the longitudinal axis of the phalanx.
ter 7) for claw deformity of the hallux in a skeletally ma- g. Sharply elevate the capsule from the proximal end of
ture adolescent, if tenodesis of the distal stump of the the distal phalanx to expose the articular surface
EHL to the EHB is unsuccessful or not possible h. Using a microsagittal saw, remove the articular cartilage
i. Usually performed during the second stage of a surface of the distal phalanx perpendicular to the dorsal
­two-stage reconstruction for cavovarus deformity cortex of the bone
with clawing of the hallux (see Chapter 5) i. Drill the guide pin for a 4.0- to 4.5-mm cannulated
b. Degenerative arthritis of the hallux IP joint. screw antegrade from the center of the cut surface of
2. Technique (Figure 8-37) the distal phalanx out the end of the toe
a. If this is an isolated procedure, perform a percutaneous j. Cut the proximal end of the pin obliquely to make a point
tenotomy of the FHL (see Chapter 7) k. Bring the cut surfaces of the bones into apposition and
b. If this procedure is being performed in conjunction with drill the guide pin retrograde into the proximal phalanx
other procedures during the second-stage reconstruction l. Insert a partially threaded 4.0- to 4.5-mm cannulated
of a cavovarus foot, the FHL was already ­released in stage 1. screw and countersink the head of the screw into the
c. Make a longitudinal incision dorsal to the EHL start- tuft of the distal phalanx
ing just distal to the hallux interphalangeal joint (avoid- m. Confirm alignment of the bones and position of the
ing injury to the germinal cells of the toe nail) and screw with mini-fluoroscopy

Figure 8-37.  A. Intraoperative AP x-ray of a hallux interphalangeal joint arthrodesis with a can-
nulated screw and guide wire in place. There is straight axial alignment of the phalanges. All of the
screw threads are in the proximal phalanx which helps with compression at the fusion site. B. Intra-
operative lateral x-ray shows the ideal position of the phalanges and the screw. The screw head is
countersunk in the tuft of the distal phalanx to prevent a painful prominence at the tip of the toe.
252 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

n. With the ankle and the hallux MTP joints at neutral 4. Complications
dorsiflexion, plicate the overlapping ends of the EHL a. Injury to the neurovascular bundles
side-to-side with figure-of-8 2-0 absorbable sutures. i. Avoid by staying central with the dissection and
i. When performed as part of a Jones transfer, teno- maintaining extracapsular retractors
dese the distal EHL stump to the EHB (see Jones b. Injury to the germinal cells of the nail plate
transfer, Chapter 7) i. Avoid by limiting distal dissection to only that
o. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta- required to see the proximal end of the distal
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu- phalanx
lar 4-0 absorbable suture c. Pain distal to the screw head resulting in the need to
p. Complete any other procedures being performed remove it
concurrently i. Avoid by countersinking the screw head
3. Pitfalls
a. Difficulty in finding the proper axial alignment for the
Hallux Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthrodesis
screw. Inserting the guide pin antegrade from the cut
surface of the distal phalanx and then retrograde into 1. Indications
the proximal phalanx diminishes this challenge a. Hallux valgus in a child with cerebral palsy



Figure 8-38.  A. Severe, painful hallux valgus (without metatarsus primus varus or flatfoot) in a teen-
age girl with cerebral palsy, Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) level II. B. Standing
AP x-ray of her foot. C. Standing AP photograph of her foot taken 6 weeks postoperatively. D. Standing
AP x-ray taken 6 months postoperatively. E. Standing lateral photograph of her foot at 6 weeks ­post-op.
F. Standing lateral x-ray at 6 months.
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 253

2. Technique (Figure 8-38) c. For a very severe deformity, it will be easier to use
a. Correct other foot deformities, which usually in- parallel dorsomedial and dorsolateral longitudinal
clude valgus deformity of the hindfoot (see Calcaneal incisions
Lengthening Osteotomy, Chapter 8), gastrocnemius d. Isolate and retract the superficial peroneal and sural
contracture (see Gastrocnemius Recession, Chap- nerves
ter 7), and metatarsus primus varus (see 1st MT Base e. Bluntly elevate all soft tissues off the dorsum of the mid-
­Osteotomy, or MC-Medial-OWO, Chapter 8) tarsal bones
b. Make a longitudinal incision dorsal to the hallux proxi- f. Insert a 0.062″ smooth Steinmann pin from medial to
mal phalanx and the distal half of the 1st MT lateral through the proximal bodies of the navicular and
c. Release or retract the EHL cuboid perpendicular to the long axis of the hindfoot in
d. Incise the 1st MTP joint capsule on the medial, dorsal, the frontal plane
and lateral sides g. Insert a second 0.062″ smooth Steinmann pin from
e. Using a microsagittal saw, resect the proximal articular medial to lateral through the distal bodies of the
surface of the proximal phalanx of the hallux perpen- 3 cuneiform bones and the cuboid perpendicular to the
dicular to the shaft of the bone long axis of the forefoot in the frontal plane
f. Using a microsagittal saw, remove the distal articular h. Insert a third 0.062″ smooth Steinmann pin from dorsal
cartilage and a portion of the epiphysis of the 1st MT to plantar in the proximal body of the cuboid perpen-
with an osteotomy that is approximately 10° valgus dicular to the desired plantar surface of the hindfoot
from the long axis of the 1st MT in the frontal plane i. Insert a fourth 0.062″ smooth Steinmann pin from dor-
and angled approximately 15° to 20° extended from the sal to plantar in the distal body of the cuboid perpen-
long axis of the 1st MT in the sagittal plane. This will dicular to the desired plantar surface of the forefoot
create a 10° hallux valgus angle and 15° to 20° of fixed j. With retractors dorsal and plantar to the midfoot bones
dorsiflexion at the arthrodesis site of the MTP joint. and using a sagittal saw, make one osteotomy immedi-
This assumes an average height longitudinal arch. Less ately proximal to the two anterior pins and a second
dorsiflexion is required in a flatfoot that is not undergo- osteotomy immediately distal to the two posterior pins
ing reconstruction, and more dorsiflexion is required in k. Remove the large wedge of bone
a cavus foot that is not undergoing reconstruction. l. Bring the cut surfaces together and rotate the forefoot
g. Fixation can be with crossed smooth Steinmann pins, and hindfoot until the rotational deformities are cor-
staples, a mini-fragment plate and screws, or a retro- rected. The small joints of the midtarsal bones will not
grade large diameter screw inserted from the plantar align anatomically, but will be sacrificed as an alterna-
flair of the proximal phalanx across the fusion site and tive to sacrificing the more important subtalar joint
up the 1st MT medullary cavity. (which takes place in a triple arthrodesis)
h. Approximate the skin edges with interrupted subcuta- m. Fix the forefoot on the hindfoot with large gauge,
neous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a running subcuticu- smooth, crossed Steinmann pin inserted retrograde and
lar 4-0 absorbable suture left exposed distally for removal in clinic
i. Apply a short-leg non–weight-bearing cast n. Apply a very well-padded short-leg non–weight-­
j. Maintain cast immobilization for at least 6 weeks, based bearing fiberglass cast that is immediately bivalved
on the other concurrent procedures performed o. Overwrap the cast with fiberglass before hospital
3. Pitfalls discharge
a. Failure to correct the other foot deformities concurrently p. Change the cast and remove the wires in clinic at
b. Failure to create the appropriate dorsiflexion at the ar- 6 weeks and apply a final partial weight-bearing cast for
throdesis site 4 to 6 weeks
4. Complications 3. Pitfalls
a. Wound dehiscence over the plate a. Failure to improve the severe and rigid deformity with a
i. Avoid by careful tissue handling first-stage D-PMR (see Chapter 7)
b. Failure to use the Steinmann pins as guides for the com-
plex bone cuts
Midfoot Wedge Resection/Arthrodesis
4. Complications
1. Indications a. PT neurapraxia
a. Severe, rigid, long-standing cavovarus foot deformity i. Avoid by gentle serial stretching casts after the
(see Chapter 5) in an older adolescent or young adult, ­D-PMR and before the wedge resection/arthrodesis
as an alternative to a triple arthrodesis in very severe, rigid deformities
2. Technique (Figure 8-39) b. Wound edge necrosis
a. Perform a plantar release (see Chapter 7) i. Avoid by gentle serial stretching casts after the
b. Make a longitudinal incision over the dorsum of the ­D-PMR and before the wedge resection/arthrodesis
midfoot from the ankle to the 3rd MT shaft in very severe, rigid deformities
254 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

c. Pin tract infection foot deformity in an older child or adolescent, typically

i. Avoid by relieving skin tension at the insertion site one with an underlying severe neuromuscular disorder.
before applying the felt pledget around the pin The talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joints should be
free of degenerative arthrosis.
Calcaneocuboid Joint Arthrodesis 2. Technique (Figure 8-40)
a. Make a modified Ollier incision in a Langer’s skin line
See earlier in this Chapter.
from the superficial peroneal nerve to the sural nerve
half way between the beak of the calcaneus and the tip
Subtalar Arthrodesis
of the lateral malleolus (Figure 8-17A).
1. Indications (see Management Principle #13, Chapter 4) b. Elevate the soft tissues from the dorsal surface of the
a. Painful degenerative arthrosis in the talocalcaneal joint anterior calcaneus in the sinus tarsi. Avoid exposure of,
associated with severe, rigid, long-standing plano-valgus or injury to, the capsule of the calcaneocuboid joint


Figure 8-39.  A. The midfoot osteotomy operation may be performed through either one long
midline incision or two separate incisions, one over the dorsomedial aspect of the navicular and first
cuneiform bone and the second over the cuboid bone in line with the 4th MT. In the severe cavus
foot, the single incision makes it difficult to reach the lateral extent of the cuboid bone. The incision
must extend from the dorsal aspect of the talar neck distally as far as the middle of the MTs. Through
this incision the entire area of the osteotomy can be exposed extraperiosteally without interference
from the anterior or PT tendons. It is also easier to see the osteotomy through this single incision.
It is important that the operation be preceded by a plantar release. B. After the skin and subcutane-
ous tissues are divided, the interval between the extensor tendons to the second and third toes is
­developed. The neurovascular bundle lies between the extensor tendons to the second and great
toes. In developing this interval, care should be taken to interrupt as few vessels as possible. The ar-
cuate artery coming off the dorsalis pedis artery runs laterally at the level of the tarsal–MT joints.
If this is identified, an effort to preserve it should be made.
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 255

C Proximal dorsi-plantar
Steinmann pin

Distal dorsi-plantar
Steinmann pin
Steinmann pin

Steinmann pin

Figure 8-39.  (continued) C. After this interval is developed, the midtarsal bones should be
­exposed extraperiosteally between Chopart joints proximally and Lisfranc joints distally, while pre-
serving and protecting those joint capsules. Medially, the dissection should go completely around
the navicular first cuneiform joint; laterally, it should go completely around the cuboid bone. Most
of the cuboid bone should be exposed, but the joints proximal and distal to it do not need to be en-
tered. Steinmann pins can be used as guide wires to mark the proximal and distal limits of the bone
wedge that is to be removed. Insert one from medial to lateral parallel with, and immediately distal
to, Chopart joints through the navicular and cuboid. Insert another one from dorsal to plantar at the
level of this transverse pin perpendicular to the desired longitudinal axis of the hindfoot. Insert a third
pin parallel with, and immediately proximal to, Lisfranc joints through the three cuneiforms and the
cuboid. A fourth pin is inserted from dorsal to plantar at the level of the third pin perpendicular to the
desired longitudinal axis of the forefoot.
256 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

Steinmann pins

Figure 8-39.  (continued) D. The osteotomy is performed using a large half-inch osteotome, chisel,
or sagittal saw. The plantar soft tissues are protected with wide, curved Crego retractors. The proxi-
mal cut is made immediately distal to, and parallel with, the plane created by the two proximal guide
pins. It passes through the mid-body of the navicular and the proximal end of the cuboid. This cut is
estimated to be perpendicular to the hindfoot axis. The distal osteotomy is made immediately proxi-
mal to, and parallel with, the plane created by the two distal guide pins. It passes through the mid-
body of each of the three cuneiform bones and the distal end of the cuboid. It is made perpendicular
to the axis of the forefoot. It is to be noted that unlike the medial half of the osteotomy, the joints
on either side of the cuboid bone are not entered. Rather, the wedge is removed entirely from the
cuboid bone. To avoid excessive shortening of the foot, the osteotomies should be fashioned so that
no gap of bone is present at the plantar apex of the wedge. The osteotomy is closed by elevating the
forefoot (E).
CHAPTER 8/Bone Procedures 257


Figure 8-39.  (continued) (E). It is possible to rotate the distal segment, if needed, to correct prona-
tion deformity of the fore foot. Often the 1st MT will be more depressed than the others. This can be
corrected by ­supinating the forefoot; however, care should be taken not to produce an unintended
malrotation. Much depends on the angulation and flexibility of the hindfoot. The osteotomy can be
fixed with either two Steinmann pins or multiple staples. The dorsal surface of the cuneiform bones
is usually higher than the navicular, and this may make staple fixation more difficult. Secure fixation
with Steinmann pins is not as easy as it may first appear (F) as the medial pin may pass too far plan-
tarward. The ­medial pin is inserted first. It must start in the 1st MT at an oblique angle directed dorsally
and laterally. This pin should engage the 1st MT, the first cuneiform bone, the navicular, and the talus.
The lateral pin is started distal to the flare at the base of the 5th MT and is aimed medially and slightly
dorsally, crossing the cuboid bone and entering the calcaneus. The ends of the pins are left protruding
outside the skin. A well-padded, non–weight-bearing short-leg cast is applied. The foot is kept elevated
for the first few days. The patient is then ambulated with a three-point, non–weight-bearing crutch gait
for 6 weeks. After 6 weeks the cast and the pins are removed in the office. A short-leg walking cast is
­applied, and the patient is permitted partial weight-bearing for an additional 4 to 6 weeks, at which
time healing should be complete. (From Mosca VS. The Foot. In: Weinstein S, Flynn J, eds. Lovell and
Winter’s Pediatric Orthopaedics. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2013.)

c. Partially decorticate the exposed non-articular surfaces e. Insert a fully threaded 4.5 mm cannulated screw
of the talus and the calcaneus in the sinus tarsi with a percutaneously in an oblique trajectory from the
high speed burr antero-dorso-medial head/neck of the talus  to  the
d. Invert the subtalar joint to neutral alignment, and never posteroplantar-lateral calcaneus using mini-­fluoroscopic
to varus guidance
f. Insert and impact morselized cancellous bone graft into
the sinus tarsi until the cavity is filled
g. Lengthen the tendo-Achilles or the gastrocnemius
tendon (see Chapter 7) if contracted, based on the
Silfverskiold test (see Assessment Principle #12,
Chapter 3).
h. Assess the forefoot for structural supination deformity
by cupping the heel in one hand, while maintaining
neutral ankle dorsiflexion, and visually sighting down
the long axis of the foot from toes to heel. If the plane
of the metatarsal heads is supinated in relation to the
long axis of the tibia or there is dorsal-plantar hypermo-
Figure 8-40.  Subtalar Arthrodesis. bility of the first metatarsal-medial cuneiform joint, a
258 Principles and Management of Pediatric Foot and Ankle Deformities and Malformations

plantar flexion plantar-based closing wedge osteotomy Triple Arthrodesis

of the medial cuneiform is needed (see this Chapter)
(Figure 8-19). 1. Indications (see Management Principle #13, Chapter 4)
i. Approximate the skin edges of all incisions with inter- a. Painful degenerative arthrosis in the talocalcaneal and
rupted subcutaneous 3-0 absorbable sutures and a run- talonavicular joints associated with severe, rigid, long-
ning subcuticular 4-0 absorbable suture standing cavovarus foot deformity in an older adoles-
j. Apply a well-padded short leg fiberglass non-weight- cent or young adult
bearing cast and immediately bivalve it to allow for b. Painful degenerative arthrosis in the talocalcaneal and
swelling overnight. Obtain final radiographs of the foot talonavicular joints associated with severe, rigid, long-
in the cast in the recovery room standing plano-valgus foot deformity in an older ado-
k. Over-wrap the cast with fiberglass the following day lescent or young adult, typically one with an underlying
­before hospital discharge severe neuromuscular disorder
1. At 6 weeks, the cast is removed to obtain simulated 2. Technique (Figure 8-41)
standing AP, lateral, and oblique radiographs of the a. Because of intentional and gratifying inexperience with this
foot. technique, I am not expert and have no “tricks of the trade”
i. An AFO mold is obtained in most cases. (see Management Principle #13, ­Chapter 4). Therefore,
ii. A below the knee weightbearing cast is applied. the technique is not discussed in detail, but images and leg-
m. Upon removal of this cast 6 weeks later, final simulated ends from Mosca VS. The Foot. In: Weinstein SL and Flynn
standing AP, lateral, and oblique radiographs of the foot JM, editors. Lovell and Winter’s Pediatric Orthopaedics,
are obtained. The AFO is fitted. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins;
3. Pitfalls 2013:1441–45 have been borrowed for this chapter.
a. Failure to fully correct the deformity 3. Pitfalls
b. Failure to identify and concurrently correct rigid fore- a. Failure to fully correct the hindfoot deformity
foot supination deformity b. Failure to identify and concurrently correct rigid fore-
c. Failure to identify and concurrently correct equinus foot supination or pronation deformity
deformity c. Failure to identify and concurrently correct equinus
4. Complications deformity
a. Over-correction to varus 4. Complications
i. Avoid by confirming appropriate correction intraop- a. Over-correction to varus in a valgus hindfoot or persis-
eratively with minifluoroscopy tence of varus in a varus hindfoot
b. Non-union i. Avoid by_confirming appropriate correction intra-
i. Avoid by operatively with minifluoroscopy
• adequate decortication of the exposed non-­ b. Non-union
articular surfaces of the talus and the calcaneus in i. Avoid by
the sinus tarsi with a high speed burr • adequate resection of all articular surfaces and
• complete filling of the sinus tarsi with morselized subchondral bone
cancellous bone graft • stable fixation with trans-articular screws, staples,
• stable fixation with the trans-articular screw wires, etc.
• adequate immobilization based on post-operative • adequate immobilization based on post-operative
radiographs radiographs
c. Persistent equinus b. Persistent equinus
i. Avoid by lengthening the Achilles or gastrocnemius i Avoid by lengthening the Achilles or gastrocnemius
tendon, based on the Silfverskiold test, and confirm- tendon, based on the Silfverskiold test, and confirm-
ing adequacy of ankle dorsiflexion with the knee ing adequacy of ankle dorsiflexion with the knee
extended after subtalar joint stabilization extended after joint stabilizations
d. Persistent forefoot supination c. Persistent forefoot supination or pronation
i. Avoid by assessing forefoot supination intraopera- i Avoid by assessing forefoot supination or pronation
tively after the subtalar joint has been stabilized and intraoperatively after the joints have been stabilized
the heel cord has been lengthened. Correct it with a and the heel cord has been lengthened. Correct it
medial cuneiform osteotomy if identified with a medial cuneiform osteotomy if identified


Figure 8-41.  Before beginning the triple arthrodesis operation, the surgeon should give some
thought and planning regarding the wedges of bone to be removed and, in particular, the amount of
bone to be removed. Simplify the cuts to parallel and perpendicular in relation to obvious large bony
landmarks. It is not particularly beneficial to preoperatively plan precise wedges with cutouts, since
the three-dimensional nature of the deformities makes such planning imprecise. Visualizing the foot
at surgery and making the osteotomy cuts to create the wedges, as described in the subsequent dis-
cussion, seems much more practical and accurate. The most common deformity for which triple ar-
throdesis is performed is fixed cavovarus deformity. To correct this deformity, a laterally-based wedge
of bone is removed from each of the joints to be resected. Conceptually, two wedges of bone at right
angles to each other are removed. The wedge that will allow correction of the forefoot will excise the
TN and calcaneocuboid joints. To achieve correction to a neutral position, the distal cut is perpendicu-
lar to the long axis of the forefoot and the proximal cut is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the
calcaneus (A). When these two surfaces are opposed, the forefoot should be straight. To correct the
varus of the hindfoot, a laterally based wedge must be removed from the subtalar joint. To correct
the heel to a neutral position, the proximal cut from the undersurface of the talus should be perpen-
dicular to the long axis of the tibia (or parallel with the ankle mortise), whereas the distal cut from the
superior surface of the calcaneus should be parallel to the bottom of the heel (B). When these two
surfaces are apposed, the heel should be in neutral. A triple arthrodesis for fixed valgus deformity is
extremely difficult. This is because the medially-based wedges that are created using the espoused
principles must be removed from the lateral side (C). This task is simplified if all the joints are widely
released by extensive capsulotomies and the interosseous ligament of the subtalar joint is sectioned.
A laminar spreader can be used to hold the joints open. Calcaneocavus deformity is the most uncom-
mon indication for triple arthrodesis. In this circumstance a posteriorly based wedge is removed from
the subtalar joint, which allows correction of the calcaneus deformity. A dorsal wedge is removed
from the TN and calcaneocuboid joints to allow the forefoot to be dorsiflexed (D).



Figure 8-41.  (continued) A slightly different technique is used for mild deformities. The joint surfaces
are simply removed with osteotomes and curettes until there is sufficient resection to gain the desired
correction (E). The triple arthrodesis operation is illustrated for the most common deformity: cavovarus.
The patient is placed on the operating table with a sandbag under the hip on the side to be operated,
thus bringing the lateral side of the foot into better position. The incision is a straight lateral incision
that crosses the lateral side of the TN joint and the distal end of the calcaneus. It should extend from
just medial to the most lateral extensor tendons dorsally to just past the peroneal tendons volarly.
There should be no undermining of the skin edges. The superficial peroneal and sural nerves are re-
tracted and protected. After the fascia over the extensor brevis muscle is incised, the proximal insertion
of this muscle is identified and the muscle is elevated to expose the lateral capsules of the calcaneocu-
boid and TN joints. The fibrofatty tissue is removed from the sinus tarsi, exposing the lateral aspect of
the subtalar joint (F). The TN and calcaneocuboid joint capsules are incised circumferentially, exposing
the joint surfaces. It will assist removal of the bone wedges from the subtalar joint if the capsule of the
subtalar joint is also nearly circumferentially released. This can be done by sliding a curved periosteal
elevator (e.g., a Crego elevator) around the posterior and then medial aspect of the subtalar joint until it
rests along the medial side of the joint. At this point, almost the entire capsule of the subtalar joint can
be visualized and incised, the interosseous ligament can be divided, and a large bone skid can be used
to pry the joint open. This will give the surgeon an excellent view of the two bony surfaces of the subta-
lar joint that are to be excised. The wedges of bone are now excised. The subtalar joint is resected first.
Most of the bone for the correction should be removed from the calcaneus. It is better to use a chisel
than an osteotome for these cuts. The chisel, with its flat surface as opposed to the double-beveled
surface of an osteotome, is easier to keep on a straight course (G). The cut in the bottom of the talus
should be parallel with the ankle mortise from lateral to medial (H). The cut into the dorsal surface of
the calcaneus should be parallel to the bottom of the heel (I).



Figure 8-41.  (continued) It is best to make the most proximal and distal aspects of these cuts first
and the middle portion in between them last. This is because the middle part will be the most dif-
ficult to remove with remaining capsule attached to the prominent sustentaculum tali and the most
worrisome to cut through with the neurovascular bundle in close proximity. If these cuts are made
correctly, the heel will be in neutral alignment regarding varus and valgus when the two cut surfaces
are apposed. The same principle is used in aligning the forefoot. The cuts in the navicular and the
cuboid should be perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the forefoot (J, K), whereas the cuts in the
distal talus and calcaneus should be perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the hindfoot or calca-
neus (L). When the wedges are removed, the foot is placed in the corrected position and the surfaces
are inspected. Good coaptation should be present to ensure prompt healing. Trim additional bone
as needed. The external contour of the foot should be inspected to ascertain that the desired three-
dimensional alignment of the foot has been achieved. If so, the resected joint surfaces are held to-
gether with staples, screws, wires, or combinations of these internal fixation devices. A well-­padded
short-leg non–weight-bearing cast is applied and bivalved to allow for the expected significant
swelling that will occur over the next few days. Radiographs are obtained, and the cast is changed
to a weight-bearing cast at 6 weeks. At 12 weeks, healing is usually complete, and no further cast
protection is needed (M). (From Mosca VS. The Foot. In: Weinstein S, Flynn J, eds. Lovell and Winter’s
P­ediatric Orthopaedics. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2013.)

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A Anatomy, knowledge of, 5

Abductor digiti minimi recession, 137, 137f Angular alignment assessment, 18
Accessory navicular, 130–132, 131f, 132f Ankle deformities, 61–67
resection, 197–200, 198–200f acquired calcaneus deformity, 62–64, 63f, 64f
Acetabulum pedis, 7, 8f, 10f, 11f, 23f congenital and acquired short heel cord, 61–62
eversion motion, 7, 9f, 10 positional calcaneovalgus deformity, 62, 63f
inversion motion, 7, 9f, 10 segmental deformities, 19, 19f, 19t
Achilles tendon valgus deformity of ankle joint, 64–67
anterior tibialis tendon transfer to, valgus deformity of hindfoot, 65–67
165–167, 166–167f Ankle joint deformity, 25, 25f
contracture, 26, 26f, 27f Ankle joint valgus, coincident subtalar
flexible flatfoot with short (tight), joint varus, 57
92–94, 92–93f Ankle radiographs, 36, 36f
lengthening, 218, 221 Anterior ankle impingement, 83–84, 83f, 84f
for congenital clubfoot, 73 Anterior calcaneus closing wedge osteotomy,
for congenital deformities, 17 242–244, 243f
for developmental deformities, 17 Anterior calcaneus lateral closing wedge
for distal tibia osteotomies, 250 osteotomy, 45, 46f
equinocavovarus deformities, 56 Anterior distal tibia guided growth with anterior
for neglected clubfoot, 74 plate–screw construct, 196–197, 197f
Acquired calcaneus deformity, 62–64, 63f, 64f, 65f Anterior tibialis overpull, corrected congenital
Acquired short heel cord, 61–62, 62f ­clubfoot (talipes equinovarus) with, 76–78, 77f
Acrosyndactyly, 129, 129f Anterior tibialis tendon transfer. See also
Age-related anatomic variations, 5 Tendon transfers
À la carte partial-to-complete circumferential to Achilles tendon, 165–167, 166–167f
release, 185–189, 186–187f to lateral (3rd) cuneiform, 157–160, 158–159f
for congenital clubfoot, 73 to middle (2nd) cuneiform, 160–161
for neglected clubfoot, 74 Anteroposterior (AP) talus–1st metatarsal (MT)
for recurrent/persistent clubfoot deformity, 79 angle, 18
for severe, rigid, resistant arthrogrypotic Apert syndrome, 2, 17, 129, 129f, 130
clubfoot, 75, 173 Aponeurotic recessions, 135–138
Alignment, defined, 19 Arthrodeses
Amniotic band syndrome, 129, 129f, 191f calcaneocuboid joint, 239–240, 240f, 254
Amputation, 59 for dorsal subluxation/dislocation of
Syme, 59, 60f, 123f, 124, 134, 191f, 192, 192f talonavicular joint, 82
transtibial, 124 Evans calcaneocuboid joint, 45, 46f
Anatomic variations, 3 hallux interphalangeal joint,
age-related, 5 251–252, 251f

276 Index

Arthrodeses (Continued ) Calcaneocuboid joints, 10, 11f, 23f, 24f, 45

hallux metatarsophalangeal joint, arthrodesis, 45, 46f, 239, 240f, 254
252–253, 252f resection, 45, 46f, 74, 79, 216, 240, 240f
midfoot wedge, 253–254, 254–257f stabilization of, 218
pseudoarthrodesis, 43 Calcaneonavicular tarsal coalition
of subtalar joint, 43, 254, 257, 257f, 258 resection, 105–107, 105–106f, 200–202, 201–202f
triple, 69, 74, 79, 82, 258, 259–261f Calcaneovalgus (flatfoot) deformity, 216
Arthrogryposis, 16, 17, 41, 71, 72–75, 173f, Capsular tightenings, 189
178–180, 212f, 213f, 214, 239, 240, 241f Cavovarus foot deformity, foot-CORA for, 31f
Average normal foot shape, 5 Casting
Dobbs. See Ponseti casting, reverse
B fiberglass, 58, 59f, 224, 227, 250, 253, 258
Baclofen, for cavovarus foot due to long-leg. See Long-leg casts
cerebral palsy, 70 Ponseti. See Ponseti casting
Balanced muscles, 41, 55 serial. See Serial casts
Barnett procedure. See 3rd Street Cavovarus foot deformities, 15f, 67–70, 67f, 118
procedure correction of, 56
Biologic interventions, for foot due to cerebral palsy, 70–71, 70f
deformities, 43–44 physical examination for, 18
Biomechanics of foot, 7–11 with real or apparent ipsilateral tibial torsion, 57
BOTOX. See Botulinum toxin Cavovarus sagittal plane deformity, 32f
Botulinum toxin (BOTOX) Cavus deformity, 14, 14f, 15
for cavovarus foot due to cerebral palsy, 70 CCWO. See Cuboid closing wedge osteotomy
for muscle spasticity or weakness, 40 Cerebral palsy (CP), 15, 65, 137, 163
Braces, for foot deformities, 41 cavovarus foot due to, 70–71, 70f
Bunionette (Tailor’s bunion), 110–114, 114f Charcot–Marie–Tooth (CMT) disease, 16,
Butler procedure for congenital overriding 18, 42f, 67, 67f, 68, 118, 118f, 137, 152, 154,
5th toe, 114, 183–184, 184f 161, 163, 167
Chopart joints, 10, 21, 23f, 24f, 45, 103, 105,
C 106, 255f. See also Calcaneocuboid joints;
Calcaneal lengthening osteotomy (CLO), Talonavicular joint
137, 216–226, 218–226f hypermobility of, 21, 24f, 103
for calcaneonavicular tarsal coalition, 104 CHV. See Congenital hallux varus
for congenital oblique talus, 66 Circumferential clubfoot release (postero-
for flatfoot, 30f plantar-medial release) – à la carte,
for flexible flatfoot with short (tight) 185–189, 186–187f
Achilles or gastrocnemius tendon, 94 for congenital clubfoot, 73
for idiopathic flatfoot, 66 for neglected clubfoot, 74
for juvenile hallux valgus, 109 for recurrent/persistent clubfoot deformity, 79
for overcorrected clubfoot, 67 for severe, rigid, resistant arthrogrypotic
for rotational valgus overcorrection of clubfoot, 75, 173
subtalar joint, 80 Claw toe, 42f, 118, 118f
for skewfoot, 66, 101, 101f, 102f Cleft foot, 119, 120f
for talocalcaneal tarsal coalition, Clinical assessment, of foot deformities, 17
103, 106 CLO. See Calcaneal lengthening osteotomy
for tarsal coalition, 66 Clubfoot, 17
for valgus/eversion deformity of anterior ankle impingement, 83–84, 83f, 84f
hindfoot, 43, 45 circumferential release, 185–189, 186–187f
Calcaneocavovalgus deformity, 15f congenital (talipes equinovarus), 71–73, 72f
Calcaneocavus (transtarsal cavus) corrected congenital clubfoot with anterior tibialis
foot, 15f, 71, 71f overpull, 76–78, 78f
Index 277

dorsal bunion, 84–85, 85f, 86f Crego retractor, 218, 218f, 219f, 220, 221, 221f,
dorsal subluxation/dislocation of talonavicular 226, 227f, 229, 240, 242, 247, 250, 256f
joint, 82, 82f CT scan. See Computed tomography scan
idiopathic congenital, 17, 74 Cuboid closing wedge osteotomy (CCWO),
limited, minimally invasive soft tissue releases for, 76, 238–239, 239f
139, 172–173, 173f for metatarsus adductus, 43, 96
neglected, 73–74, 73f, 74f for skewfoot, 101
recurrent/persistent, 78–79, 79f Curly toe, 114–115, 114f, 115f
rotational valgus overcorrection of subtalar CVT. See Congenital vertical talus
joint, 79–80, 80f
severe, rigid, resistant arthrogrypotic, 74–76, 75–77f D
translational valgus overcorrection of subtalar joint, D-MR. See Deep medial release
80–82, 81f D-PMR. See Deep plantar-medial release
CMT disease. See Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease Debridement of dorsal talar neck, 209–210, 209–210f
Coleman block test, 19, 20, 56, 173, 175, 176, 177 Decision to foot deformity operation, 39
modified, 19, 21f, 30, 31f, 33f Deep medial release (D-MR), 175–176
Complex foot reconstruction surgery, order of events Deep plantar-medial release (D-PMR), 45, 69,
during, 57–58 176f, 177–178, 226, 239, 240, 242, 243f, 244, 253
Complex regional pain syndrome, bone scan Deep plantar–medial plication, for congenital
for, 37–38, 38f oblique talus, 90
Computed tomography (CT) scan Deformity(ies)/deformation. See also
for foot deformities, 36, 37f individual entries
Congenital clubfoot (talipes equinovarus), 71–73, 72f clinical assessment of, 17
Congenital deformities defined, 2
defined, 17 as primary problem, 14–15, 15f
nonoperative treatment for, 42, 42f radiographic assessment of, 17
surgery for, 42–43 at the site, correcting, 43
Congenital hallux varus (CHV), 107–108, 107f, 108f Degenerative arthrosis, of ankle joint, 44f
Congenital hip dislocations, 16 Developmental deformities, defined, 17
Congenital mal-deformation, 2, 3, 120, 132 Developmental mal-deformation, 3, 12, 101, 105
Congenital oblique talus (COT), 12, 14f, 87–90, 88f, 89f Diastematomyelia, 18
dorsal approach release for, 178–180, 179–180f DIP joints. See Distal interphalangeal joints
Congenital overriding 5th toe, 114, 114f Disarticulation
Butler procedure for, 182–183, 184f interphalangeal, 124
Congenital short heel cord, 61–62, 62f Syme ankle, 189–194, 191–193f
Congenital subtalar synostosis, 3, 132–134, 133–134f Distal abductor hallucis recession, 136–137, 136f
incomplete fibula deficiency with, 133f for metatarsus adductus, 96
Congenital talipes equinocavovarus, 17 Distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints, 138
Congenital talonavicular joint dislocations, 16 Distal metatarsal articular angle (DMAA),
Congenital translational valgus deformity, 107, 108, 109, 109f, 110, 110f, 112f, 113f, 208,
of hindfoot, 132 246, 247
Congenital vertical talus (CVT), 12, 14f, 16, Distal tibia osteotomy, 47–50, 50–54f, 247–251, 250f
86–87, 87f, 88f, 139 DMAA. See Distal metatarsal articular angle
dorsal approach release for, 178–180, 179–180f Dorsal bunion, 84–85, 85f, 86f
neglected/recurrent/residual, 90–91, 90f Dorsal subluxation/dislocation of talonavicular
Contracture of gastrocnemius, 23f joint, 82, 82f
Contracture of tendons, 17 Dorsal talar neck debridement, 209–210, 209–210f
Corrected congenital clubfoot (talipes equinovarus) Dorsally subluxated navicular impingement,
with anterior tibialis overpull, 76–78, 78f 208–209, 209f
COT. See Congenital oblique talus Dorsiflexion osteotomy, of medial cuneiform, 45–47
CP. See Cerebral palsy Dorsolateral peritalar dislocations, 16
278 Index

Dorsolateral peritalar positioning, 16 Flexible deformities, 2

Dorsolateral peritalar subluxation, 16 Flexible flatfoot (FFF), 91–92, 91f
Down syndrome, 16, 17 with gastrocnemius tendon, 92–94, 92–93f
pain in, 12, 14f
E physiologic, 14f, 16f
EDC. See Extensor digitorum communis Flexible flatfoot with short Achilles (FFF-STA),
EHB. See Extensor hallucis brevis 12, 14f, 15, 92–94, 92–93f
EHL. See Extensor hallucis longus Flexor digitorum brevis (FDB), 114, 115, 171, 172, 177, 187
Equinocavovarus deformity, 15f, 56 Flexor digitorum longus (FDL), 203, 205
Equinocavus deformity, 15f percutaneous tenotomy to toes 2 to 5, 138–139, 139f
Equinus deformity, 17, 18, 72f, 73, 74, 79, 138, for curly toe, 114–115, 115f
184, 185, 186, 216, 258 for hammer toe, 117–118
Evans calcaneocuboid joint resection/ for mallet toe, 115–117
arthrodesis, 45, 46f for severe, rigid, resistant arthrogrypotic clubfoot, 76
Evans, Dillwyn, 216–217 Flexor hallucis longus (FHL), 203, 205
Eversion motion, of acetabulum pedis, 7, 9f, 10 percutaneous tenotomy of, 138–139, 139f
Exaggerated genu valgum, physical examination for, 19 for cavus foot, 67–70
Exaggerated genu varum, physical for claw toe, 118
examination for, 19 for severe, rigid, resistant arthrogrypotic clubfoot, 76
Extension osteotomy, 249–253 to 1st MT neck, reverse Jones transfer of, 154, 155f
Extensor digitorum communis (EDC) for severe, rigid, resistant arthrogrypotic clubfoot, 76
to cuboid or peroneus tertius, Hibbs transfer Foot-CORA, 28–30, 29–32f, 218, 229
of, 118, 154–157, 156–157f for cavovarus deformity, 31f, 32f
Extensor hallucis brevis (EHB), 153, 153f, 201f, 252 for cavus deformity, 233f
Extensor hallucis longus (EHL), 253 for flatfoot, 30f
to 1st MT neck, Jones transfer of, 118, for metatarsus adductus, 31f, 43, 96
152–154, 152–153f for skewfoot, 32f
Foot malformations, 119–134
F hindfoot, 132–134
FDB. See Flexor digitorum brevis longitudinal epiphyseal bracket, 120–121, 121f, 122f
FDL. See Flexor digitorum longus macrodactyly, 121–124, 122–124f
FFF. See Flexible flatfoot midfoot, 130–132
FFF-STA. See Flexible flatfoot with short Achilles polydactyly, 125–128, 125–128f
FHL. See Flexor hallucis longus syndactyly, 128–130, 128–129f
Fiberglass casts, 58, 59f, 224, 227, 250, 253, 258 toes/forefoot, 119–130
Fibula deformity correction osteotomies, Footprints, 6f
47–50, 50–54f Forefoot
Fibula hemimelia syndrome, Syme amputation adductus, 6, 6f
for, 132, 134 malformation, 119–130
type I, 133f segmental deformities in, 19, 19f, 19t
Fibula varus osteotomy, 247–251 Freeman–Sheldon syndrome, 215f
5th Metatarsal osteotomy, 245–246, 245f Freer elevator, 160, 179f, 180, 202, 208, 216, 219f,
1st Metatarsal osteotomy 220, 220f, 242, 251
base, 244–245
for cavus deformity, 43 G
distal, 246–247 Gastrocnemius contracture, 23f, 26, 26f
Flatfoot Gastrocnemius recession (Strayer procedure),
flexible, 12, 14f, 91–94, 91–93f 135–136, 136f, 216
lateral column lengthening in, 47f for calcaneonavicular tarsal coalition, 107
terminology, 15–16 for flexible flatfoot with short (tight) Achilles or
Flexibility, of foot segment, 19–20, 21f gastrocnemius tendon, 94
Index 279

for skewfoot, 101 Infant

for talocalcaneal tarsal coalition, 104 severe, rigid, resistant arthrogrypotic clubfoot,
Gastrocnemius tendon 75–76, 75–77f
flexible flatfoot with, 92–94, 92–93f Intramuscular recessions, 135–138
lengthening, 218 Inversion motion, of acetabulum pedis, 7, 9f, 10
Greig cephalopolysyndactyly, 125, 126f, 129 Isolated gastrocnemius lengthening, for
Guided growth flexible flatfoot with short (tight) Achilles or
anterior distal tibia, with anterior plate–screw gastrocnemius tendon, 94
construct, 196–197, 197f
medial distal tibia, with retrograde medial malleolus J
screw, 195–196, 196f Jack toe raise test, 20, 23f, 91, 92
JHV. See Juvenile hallux valgus
H Joints
Hallux interphalangeal joint arthrodesis, ankle, 25, 25f
251–252, 251f calcaneocuboid, 10, 11f, 23f, 24f, 45, 46f, 74, 79,
Hallux metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis, 216, 218, 240, 240f, 259f
252–253, 252f Chopart, 10, 21, 23f, 24f, 45, 103, 105, 106, 255f
Hallux valgus interphalangeus (HVIP), 108 distal interphalangeal, 138
Hammer toes, 117–118, 117f hip, 8f, 9
Heel bisector method, 94, 94f metatarsophalangeal, 84, 107, 108, 120, 153, 208,
Heyman–Herndon procedure, 96 252–253, 252f
Hibbs transfer proximal interphalangeal, 117, 128, 138
of EDC to cuboid or peroneus tertius, 118, 154–157, subtalar, 6–12, 8–10f
157–158f rotational valgus overcorrection of, 79–80, 79f
Hindfoot translational valgus overcorrection of,
congenital subtalar synostosis, 3, 132–134, 80–82, 81f
133–134f talonavicular, 10, 45
congenital translational valgus deformity of, 132 dorsal subluxation/dislocation of, 82, 82f
dorsiflexion in cavovarus foot, 27f tarsometatarsal, 11
flexibility in cavovarus foot deformity, Joker elevator, 178, 179f, 200, 218, 219f, 220, 221, 221f,
assessment of, 30 226, 227, 240, 242, 247
segmental deformities in, 19, 19f, 19t Jones transfer
valgus deformity of, 12, 12f, 65–67 of EHL to 1st MT neck, 118, 152–154, 152–153f
everted, 12, 26, 33–36, 34f, 35f, 45 Juvenile hallux valgus (JHV), 108–109, 108–113f
inverted, 26, 33–36, 34f, 35f, 45
plantar–medial soft tissue release of, 45 K
Hip joint vs. subtalar joint, 8f, 9 Keith needles, 156, 156f, 160, 161, 163, 169
Hohman retractor, 205 Knowledge of anatomy, 5
Hoke procedure, 145–146, 145f Kocher clamp, 156f, 228f
HVIP. See Hallux valgus interphalangeus
I LEB resection. See Longitudinal epiphyseal bracket
Idiopathic clubfoot, 16 resection
congenital, 17, 74 Lever arm
Idiopathic deformity, 15 deficiency, 10, 11f
Iliac crest bone grafts, 53, 55f function, 10
Impingement Lichtblau anterior calcaneus resection, 45, 46f,
anterior ankle, 83–84, 83f, 84f 240–242, 241–242f
dorsally subluxated navicular, 208–209, 209f Lichtblau distal calcaneus resection, 205
Incomplete fibula deficiency, with congenital subtalar Lipomeningocele, 17, 18, 25, 36, 36f, 57, 62, 63,
synostosis, 135f 64, 65, 66
280 Index

Long-leg casts, 59, 142, 143, 143f, 179, 183, 208, 211, Medial cuneiform (medial) opening wedge osteotomy
214, 216, 242, 244 (MC-Medial-OWO), 96, 230–232, 231–232f
for anterior tibialis tendon transfer to lateral (3rd) Medial cuneiform (plantar flexion) plantar-based
cuneiform, 160 closing wedge osteotomy (MC-PF-CWO), 47, 48f,
circumferential clubfoot release (postero-plantar- 235–237, 236f
medial release) – à la carte, 188 for flexible flatfoot with short (tight) Achilles or
for congenital clubfoot (talipes equinovarus), 72 gastrocnemius tendon, 94
for distal abductor hallucis recession, 137 Medial cuneiform (dorsiflexion) plantar-based
limited, minimally invasive soft tissue releases for opening wedge osteotomy (MC-DF-OWO), 46,
clubfoot, 173, 173f 48f, 232–235, 233–235f
for metatarsus adductus, 95, 97f Medial cuneiform opening wedge osteotomy. See also
for neglected clubfoot, 73 MC-DF-OWO; MC-Medial-OWO; MC-PF-OWO
for recurrent/persistent clubfoot deformity, 78 for cavus deformity, 43
for severe, rigid, resistant arthrogrypotic clubfoot, 75 for metatarsus adductus, 43
for Syme ankle disarticulation, 192, 193f for neglected clubfoot, 74
Longitudinal epiphyseal bracket (LEB) resection, for recurrent/persistent clubfoot deformity, 79
120–121, 121f, 122f, 205–208, 206–208f for skewfoot, 101, 101f
Medial cuneiform osteotomy (MCO), 216, 218. See
M also Medial cuneiform opening wedge osteotomy;
Macrodactyly, 121–124, 122–124f MC-DF-OWO; MC-Medial-OWO; MC-PF-CWO;
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) MC-PF-OWO
for foot deformities, 36–37, 37f for dorsal bunion, 86f
Mal-deformation generic, 229–230, 229f
congenital, 2, 3, 120, 132 Medial distal tibia guided growth
developmental, 3, 12, 101, 105 for congenital subtalar synostosis, 134
Malformations with retrograde medial malleolus screw,
defined, 2 195–196, 196f
foot, 119–134 for valgus deformity of ankle joint, 65, 66
nonoperative treatment for, 42 for valgus deformity of hindfoot, 66
surgery for, 42 Medial soft tissue plications, for flexible flatfoot
Mallet toe, 115–117, 116–117f with short (tight) Achilles or gastrocnemius
MC-DF-CWO. See Medial cuneiform (dorsiflexion) tendon, 94
dorsal-based closing wedge osteotomy Metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint, 107, 108, 120,
MC-DF-OWO. See Medial cuneiform (dorsiflexion) 153, 208, 252–253, 252f
plantar-based opening wedge osteotomy Metatarsus adductus (MA), 17, 94–96, 94–98f
MC-Medial-OWO. See Medial cuneiform (medial) foot-CORA for, 31f, 43, 96
opening wedge osteotomy Metatarsus primus varus (MPV), 109
MC-PF-CWO. See Medial cuneiform (plantar flexion) Middle facet talocalcaneal tarsal coalition resection, for
plantar-based closing wedge osteotomy talocalcaneal tarsal coalition, 104
MC-PF-OWO. See Medial cuneiform (plantar flexion) Midfoot
dorsal-based opening wedge osteotomy accessory navicular, 130–132, 131f, 132f
McKay procedure, 73, 74, 79 segmental deformities in, 19, 19f, 19t
MCO. See Medial cuneiform osteotomy wedge resection/arthrodesis, 253–254, 254–257f
Medial closing wedge osteotomy, for translational valgus MPV. See Metatarsus primus varus
overcorrection of subtalar joint, 82 MRI. See Magnetic resonance imaging
Medial cuneiform (dorsiflexion) dorsal-based MTP. See Metatarsophalangeal joint
closing wedge osteotomy (MC-DF-CWO), Muscle-balancing tendon surgery, 40–41, 55
47, 49f, 238 Muscle imbalance, 17–18
Medial cuneiform (plantar flexion) dorsal-based deformity correction and, 44
opening wedge osteotomy (MC-PF-OWO), 47, surgery for, 43
49f, 237–238 tendon transfer for, 55
Index 281

Muscular activity of normal foot, 11–12 medial cuneiform (dorsiflexion) dorsal-based closing
Muscular dystrophy, 18 wedge, 47, 49f, 238
Myelomeningocele, 16–18, 22f, 25, 36, 36f, 51f, medial cuneiform (plantar flexion) dorsal-based
52f, 57, 62–66, 63f, 64f, 71–73, 71f, 118, 165, opening wedge, 47, 49f, 237–238
178–180, 214 medial cuneiform (medial) opening wedge, 96,
230–232, 231–232f
N medial cuneiform (plantar flexion) plantar-based
Natural history, of foot deformities, 40 closing wedge, 47, 48f, 94, 235–237, 236f
Naviculectomy, 211–214, 213f, 214f medial cuneiform (dorsiflexion) plantar-based
for neglected/recurrent/residual CVT, 90f, 91 opening wedge, 46, 48f, 232–235, 233–235f
Neglected clubfoot, 73–74, 73f, 74f medial cuneiform osteotomy, generic,
Nonoperative treatment, for foot deformities 229–230, 229f
congenital deformities, 42, 42f for planovalgus deformity, 45
malformations, 42 posterior calcaneus displacement osteotomy, 67, 134,
outcome of, 39–40, 43 163, 226–229, 227–228f
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for residual bone deformities, 44
calcaneonavicular tarsal coalition, 106, 202 rotational, 247–251
for talocalcaneal tarsal coalition, 103, 205 valgus, 247–251
NSAIDs. See Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
O Pain
Ollier incision, modified, 137, 137f, 217, 219, 219f, 254 assessment of, 18
Open double cut slide tendo-Achilles lengthening, history of, 18
146–147, 147–148f site identification, 27, 27f
Open plantar fasciotomy Park–Harris line, 84f, 196f, 248f
for limited, minimally invasive soft tissue releases for PCDO. See Posterior calcaneus displacement
clubfoot, 173 osteotomy
for severe, rigid, resistant arthrogrypotic Percutaneous tendo-Achilles tenotomy, 139–145,
clubfoot, 76 140–144f, 214
Open tibialis posterior tenotomy for congenital clubfoot, 73
for severe, rigid, resistant arthrogrypotic for neglected clubfoot, 74
clubfoot, 76 for recurrent/persistent clubfoot deformity, 78
Open Z-lengthening tendo-Achilles lengthening, for severe, rigid, resistant arthrogrypotic
149–152, 151f clubfoot, 76
Orthotics, 40, 41, 119 Percutaneous tenotomies of FHL and FDL to
flat, 92 toes 2-to 5, 138–139, 138f, 139f, 188
heel wedge, 83 limited, minimally invasive soft tissue releases for
Osteotomies clubfoot, 173
anterior calcaneus closing wedge, 242–244, 243f for severe, rigid, resistant arthrogrypotic clubfoot, 76
anterior calcaneus lateral closing wedge, 45, 46f Peroneus brevis tendon lengthening
calcaneal lengthening, 137, 216–226, 218–226f for congenital oblique talus, 90
cuboid closing wedge, 43, 96, 101, 238–239, 239f with CLO, 219, 220f
distal tibia, 47–50, 50–54f, 247–251, 250f for neglected/recurrent/residual CVT, 91
extension, 247–251 Peroneus longus to peroneus brevis transfer, 58,
fibula deformity correction, 47–50, 50–54f 163–165, 164–165f
fibula varus, 247–251 for cavovarus foot (due to cerebral palsy), 71
5th metatarsal, 245–246, 245f for cavovarus foot, 69
1st metatarsal base, 244–245 PF. See Plantar fasciotomy
1st metatarsal distal, 246–247 PF/KE. See Plantar flexion/knee extension
flexion, 247–251 Physical examination, for foot deformities, 18–28
medial closing wedge, 82 Physical stretching, for foot deformities, 40, 41
282 Index

Physical therapy, 59 Posterior calcaneal medial displacement osteotomy, for

for cavovarus foot (due to cerebral palsy), 71 valgus/eversion deformity of hindfoot, 43
PIP joint. See Proximal interphalangeal joint Posterior calcaneus displacement osteotomy
Planovalgus deformity (PCDO), 163, 226–229, 227–228f
correction of, 45 for congenital subtalar synostosis, 134
with real or apparent ipsilateral tibial for valgus deformity of ankle joint, 67
torsion, 57 for valgus deformity of hindfoot, 67
Plantar fasciotomy (PF), 138, 157, 171–172, 173f Posterior calcaneus medial displacement, 45
for calcaneocavus (transtarsal cavus) foot, 71 for translational valgus overcorrection of
for metatarsus adductus, 231f subtalar joint, 82
for mild transtarsal cavus deformity, 171–172 Posterior release (Post-R), 184–185, 185f
for severe, rigid, resistant arthrogrypotic for congenital clubfoot (talipes equinovarus), 73
clubfoot, 76, 76f limited, minimally invasive soft tissue releases for
Plantar flexion osteotomy, of medial clubfoot, 173f
cuneiform, 45–47 for neglected clubfoot, 74
Plantar flexion/knee extension (PF/KE), 11f for recurrent/persistent clubfoot deformity, 79
Plantar release, 171–172, 171–172f. See also Posterior tibialis tendon recession, 137–138
Plantar–medial soft tissue release Posterior tibialis tendon transfer to dorsum of foot,
Plantar–medial plication, 183, 189, 190f, 214, 167–171, 168–170f
216, 220, 224 Postero-plantar-medial release, 185–189, 186–187f
for congenital oblique talus, 90 Postinfectious poliomyelitis, 18
with CLO, 190f, 224 PPAA. See Proximal phalanx articular angle
for neglected/recurrent/residual CVT, 91 Principle, defined, 5
for subtalar joint stabilization, 45 Procurvatum deformity, 25, 83, 185, 188
Plantar–medial soft tissue release. See also Progressive foot deformities, 17–18
Plantar release Projectional radiographic artifacts, 33–36, 34f, 35f
for subtalar joint deformities, 43, 44 Proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint, 117, 128, 138
for varus/inverted hindfoot deformities, 45 Proximal phalanx articular angle (PPAA), 109f
Polydactyly, 125–128, 125–128f Pseudoarthrodesis, 43
Ponseti casting, 39, 41f, 42, 73,
139, 173f, 179 R
for congenital clubfoot (talipes Radiographic assessment, of foot deformities,
equinovarus), 72, 73 17, 27–28
for metatarsus adductus, 95 ankle radiographs, 36, 36f
for neglected clubfoot, 73, 74 foot-CORA. See Foot-CORA
for recurrent/persistent clubfoot projectional artifacts, 33–36, 34f, 35f
deformity, 78, 79 signs and symptoms associated with, 27
reverse, 42, 139, 142, 178 valgus/everted hindfoot deformity, 33, 34f, 35f
for congenital oblique talus, 90 varus/inverted hindfoot deformity, 33, 34f, 35f
for congenital vertical talus, 87 Ray resection, 123, 124, 124f, 128, 210–211,
for neglected/recurrent/residual CVT, 91 211–212f
for severe, rigid, resistant arthrogrypotic Recessions
clubfoot, 75 abductor digiti minimi, 137, 137f
Positional calcaneovalgus deformity, 17, 62, 63f aponeurotic, 135–138
Post-R. See Posterior release distal abductor hallucis, 96, 136–137, 136f
Posterior ankle capsulotomy, 17, 144 gastrocnemius, 94, 101, 104, 107, 135–136, 136f, 216
for congenital clubfoot (talipes equinovarus), 73 intramuscular, 135–138
for neglected clubfoot, 74 posterior tibialis tendon, 137–138
for recurrent/persistent clubfoot deformity, 78 Recurrent/persistent clubfoot deformity, 78–79, 79f
Posterior calcaneal lateral displacement osteotomy, for Recurvatum deformity, 25, 249
varus/inversion deformity of hindfoot, 43 Reflexes, evaluation of, 26
Index 283

Resections for severe, rigid, resistant arthrogrypotic clubfoot,

accessory navicular, 130–132, 131f, 132f, 75, 76, 76f
197–200, 198–200f for skewfoot, 100
calcaneocuboid joint, 45, 46f, 74, 79, 216, Severe, rigid, resistant arthrogrypotic clubfoot,
240, 240f 74–76, 75–77f
calcaneonavicular tarsal coalition, 105–107, Shape
105–106f, 200–202, 201–202f of foot segment, 19–20, 21f
of impinging portion of dorsally subluxated of normal foot, 10–11
navicular, 208–209 Shoes, for foot deformities, 40
Lichtblau anterior calcaneus, 45, 46f, 240–242, Short (tight) Achilles tendon, flexible flatfoot
241–242f with, 92–94, 92–93f
Lichtblau distal calcaneus, 205 Silfverskiold test, 26, 26f, 226, 235, 237
longitudinal epiphyseal bracket, 120–121, 121f, 122f, for acquired short heel cord, 61, 62
205–208, 206–208f for calcaneonavicular tarsal coalition, 107
midfoot wedge, 253–254, 254–257f for congenital short heel cord, 61, 62
ray, 123, 124, 124f, 128, 210–211, 211–212f for contracture of entire triceps surae/Achilles
talocalcaneal tarsal coalition, 21, 24f, 36, 101–104, tendon, 145
103f, 104f, 202–205, 203–204f, 226 for contracture of gastrocnemius, 135
of tarsal coalition, 216 for contracture of heel cord, 218
Residual bone deformities, osteotomies for, 44 for flexible flatfoot, 92
Retrograde medial malleolus screw, medial distal tibia for flexible flatfoot with short (tight) achilles or
guided growth with, 65, 66, 195–196, 196f gastrocnemius tendon, 94
Reverse calcaneal lengthening osteotomy, for skewfoot, 101
242–244, 243f for talocalcaneal tarsal coalition, 104
Reverse Jones transfer of FHL to 1st MT neck, Skewfoot, 17, 96–101, 98–102f
85, 136f, 154, 155f Skin integrity, in foot segment, 19, 22–23f
Rotational osteotomy, 247–251 Spinal cord tumors, 18
Rotational valgus overcorrection of subtalar joint, SPLATT. See Split anterior tibial tendon
79–80, 80f transfer
Split anterior tibial tendon transfer (SPLATT),
S 137, 161–163, 162f
S-MR. See Superficial medial release Static foot deformities, 17–18
S-PMR. See Superficial plantar-medial release Streeter dysplasia, 129, 129f
Salter–Harris IV medial malleolus fracture, 128, 248f Strength evaluation, 26
Segmental deformities, 6 Structural/rigid deformities, 2
physical examination for, 19f, 19–20, 19t Subtalar joint
surgery for, 43 arthrodesis of, 43, 133, 254, 257, 257f, 258
Sensation evaluation, 26 axis of, 9f
Serial casts, 40, 58, 144, 157, 160, 185, 189, 214, 253 biomechanics of, 7–11
for cavovarus foot (due to cerebral palsy), 70 coincidence with ankle joint valgus, 57
for congenital and acquired short heel cord, 61 comparison with hip joint, 8f, 9
for congenital clubfoot (talipes equinovarus), 73 during gait, unlocking and locking, 10f
for corrected congenital clubfoot (talipes equinovarus) plantar–medial soft tissue release of, 43, 44
with anterior tibialis overpull, 77 positions and motions of, 6–7, 7f
limited, minimally invasive soft tissue releases for reserve arthrodesis of, as salvage procedure, 44
clubfoot, 172–173, 173f rotational valgus overcorrection of, 79–80, 80f
for metatarsus adductus, 95 stabilization, plicating soft tissues for, 45
for neglected clubfoot, 73, 74 translational valgus overcorrection of,
for neglected/recurrent/residual congenital vertical 80–82, 81f
talus, 91 valgus/everted, 12, 12f
for recurrent/persistent clubfoot deformity, 78, 79f varus, coincidence with ankle joint valgus, 57
284 Index

Subtalar motion assessment, 20–21, 23–24f open double cut slide, 146–147, 147–148f
Superficial medial release (S-MR), 173–174, open Z-lengthening, 149–152, 151f
174–175f percutaneous triple-cut, 145–146, 145f
Superficial plantar-medial release (S-PMR), 69, for recurrent/persistent clubfoot deformity, 79
137, 174f, 176–177 for rotational valgus overcorrection of subtalar joint, 80
Surgery for skewfoot, 101
for foot deformities, 40 for talocalcaneal tarsal coalition, 104
congenital deformities, 42–43 for translational valgus overcorrection of
malformations, 42–43 subtalar joint, 82
outcome of, 39–40, 43 Tendo-Achilles stretching, 41f
muscle-balancing tendon, 41 Tendo-Achilles tenotomy (TAT), 157, 173, 178
for muscle imbalance, 41, 43 for congenital clubfoot, 73
for segmental deformities, 43 for congenital oblique talus, 90
Syme amputation, 59, 60f, 192, 192f for congenital vertical talus, 87
congenital subtalar synostosis, 134 for neglected clubfoot, 74
for fibula hemimelia syndrome, 134 percutaneous, 139–145, 140–144f, 214
for macrodactyly, 123f, 124 for recurrent/persistent clubfoot deformity, 78–79
for streeter dysplasia, 191f for severe, rigid, resistant arthrogrypotic
Syme ankle disarticulation, 189–194, 191–193f clubfoot, 76
Syndactyly, 128–130, 128–129f Tendon lengthenings/releases, 138–152
Tendon shortenings, 189
T Tendon transfers, 53–55, 152–171
Tailor’s bunion. See Bunionette anterior tibialis tendon transfer to Achilles tendon,
TAL. See Tendo-Achilles Lengthening 165–167, 166–167f
Talectomy, 214–216, 214–215f anterior tibialis tendon transfer to lateral (3rd)
for severe, rigid, resistant arthrogrypotic cuneiform, 157–160, 158–159f
clubfoot, 75, 76 anterior tibialis tendon transfer to middle (2nd)
Talipes equinovarus, 71–73, 72f cuneiform, 160–161
with anterior tibialis overpull, 76–78, 78f based on muscle imbalance patterns, 55
Talocalcaneal tarsal coalition resection, 21, 24f, 36, Hibbs transfer of EDC to cuboid or peroneus tertius,
101–104, 103f, 104f, 202–205, 203–204f, 226 154–157, 157–158f
Talonavicular joints, 10, 26f, 45 joint preserving reconstructions and, 55
dorsal subluxation/dislocation of, 82, 82f Jones transfer of extensor hallucis longus to 1st MT
Tarsal coalition neck, 152–154, 152–153f
calcaneonavicular, 105–107, 105–106f, 200–202, peroneus longus to peroneus brevis transfer,
201–202f 163–165, 164–165f
talocalcaneal, 21, 24f, 36, 101–104, 103f, 104f, posterior tibialis tendon transfer to dorsum of
202–205, 203–204f, 226 foot, 167–171, 168–170f
Tarsometatarsal joints, 11 reverse Jones transfer of FHL to 1st MT
TAT. See Tendo-Achilles tenotomy neck, 154, 155f
Tendo-Achilles lengthening (TAL), 145–152, 145f, right location, 53, 55
147–151f, 216 split anterior tibial tendon transfer, 137, 161–163, 162f
for calcaneonavicular tarsal coalition, 107 and structural deformities, 44, 55
for congenital and acquired short heel cord, 61–62 Tethered cord, 18
for congenital clubfoot (talipes equinovarus), 73 TFA. See Thigh–foot angle
for flexible flatfoot with short (tight) Achilles or Thigh–foot angle (TFA), 18, 57, 59f, 80, 80f, 81, 81f,
gastrocnemius tendon, 94 132, 142, 143, 143f, 179, 188, 216, 247, 248
mini-open double cut slide, 147–149, 150f 3rd Street procedure (Barnett procedure), 180–183,
for neglected clubfoot, 74 181–183f, 189
for neglected/recurrent/residual congenital for dorsal subluxation/dislocation of talonavicular
vertical talus, 91 joint, 82
Index 285

Thompson test, 145f, 146, 147, 149 for dorsal subluxation/dislocation of talonavicular
Tibialis tendon transfer. See also Tendon joint, 82
transfers for neglected clubfoot, 74
to Achilles tendon, anterior, 165–167, 166–167f for recurrent/persistent clubfoot deformity, 79
to dorsum of foot, posterior, 167–171, 168–170f
to lateral (3rd) cuneiform, anterior, V
157–160, 158–159f Valgus, defined, 6
to middle (2nd) cuneiform, anterior, 160–161 Valgus deformity
split anterior, 137, 161–163, 162f of ankle joint, 64–67
TMA. See Transmalleolar axis everted hindfoot deformity, radiograph of,
Toe deformities 33–36, 34f, 35f
bunionette (Tailor’s bunion), 110–114, 114f everted subtalar joint, 12, 12f
claw toe, 42f, 118, 118f of hindfoot, 65–67
congenital hallux varus, 107–108, 107f, 108f planovalgus deformity, 45, 57
congenital overriding 5th toe, 114, 114f, positional calcaneovalgus deformity, 62, 63f
183–184, 184f Valgus osteotomy, 247–251
curly toe, 114–115, 114f, 115f Varus, defined, 6
hammer toes, 117–118, 117f Varus/inverted hindfoot deformity, radiograph of,
juvenile hallux valgus, 108–109, 108–113f 33–36, 34f, 35f
mallet toe, 115–117, 116–117f Vascularity, evaluation of, 26
Toes, malformation, 119–130 Visual gait analysis, 18
“Too many toes” sign, 22f, 24f, 91f
Torsional profile analysis, 18 W
Translational valgus overcorrection of subtalar Weight-bearing assessment, 26–27
joint, 80–82, 81f Wound closure, absorbable subcuticular sutures for, 58, 58f
Transmalleolar axis (TMA), 18
Transtarsal cavus. See Calcaneocavus foot Y
Transtarsal joint. See Calcaneocuboid joints Young child
Triple arthrodesis, 258, 259–261f severe, rigid, resistant arthrogrypotic clubfoot,
for cavovarus, 67–70, 67f, 69f 74–76, 75–77f

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