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Public Relations Revised

Action Plan
2010- 2011

Krista Scarbrough
Marketing & Outreach Assistant

Table of Contents

Executive Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------Pg. 3

S.W.O.T. Analysis ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Pg. 4

Goals and Objectives -----------------------------------------------------------------------Pg. 5

Targeted Demographics -------------------------------------------------------------------Pg. 5

Strategy Overview --------------------------------------------------------------------------Pg. 6

Strategy Outline -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Pg. 6

Performing Arts Center ----------------------------------------------------------Pg. 9

College Students ---------------------------------------------------------Pg. 9

General SLO Community -----------------------------------------------Pg. 9

K- 12 Students and YOPAC Performers -----------------------------Pg. 9

Overlapping Tactics and Tools ----------------------------------------Pg. 10

Budget ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pg. 11

Timeline Draft --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pg. 12

Bibliography -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pg. 13

Executive Summary

Our intention is to increase the number of attendees for events at the Performing Arts
Center (PAC). The Four C’s of Integrated Marketing Communication will serve as a basis for the
PAC public relations campaign rather than the former Four P approach [product, price, place,
and promotion[ CITATION The10 \l 1033 ]] of traditional marketing. This will allow for a more
personalized public relations campaign. The Four C’s include Consumer, Cost, Convenience, and
Communication. Consumer refers to a customer’s personal buying experience, including their
needs and wants. Cost “focuses on what it costs a customer to own/use a product/service
instead of pricing the product to make a profit” [ CITATION Smi03 \l 1033 ]. Convenience
relates to the ease for a customer to obtain the product versus the ease for a company to
distribute the product. Lastly, communication is directed toward a two-way communication
model of “listening and learning” opposed to “telling and selling” [ CITATION Smi03 \l 1033 ].
We will listen to what the consumers want and respond accordingly.
This public relations action plan outlines foreseen challenges, intended tactics and tools,
and possible measurements of success. An S.W.O.T. analysis was completed as a starting point
to develop an appropriate strategy. Upon completion of the public relations action plan, a
public relations campaign will be put into place. Following the campaign, a final analysis will be
comprised, reviewing the strategies implemented. This will help determine the most efficient
public relations tactics used, enabling future public relations strategies to better reach targeted
demographics. This public relations action plan should be continued by future Marketing and
Outreach Assistants.

S.W.O.T. Analysis Performing Arts Center

Internal Strengths: Weaknesses:

 Unique program  Fewer students in SLO
 Family Friendly during summer
 Well-known  Fewer events during
performing arts center summer
 Offers a variety of  Some tickets
events expensive
External Opportunities: Threats:
 Expand publics  Other event venues
through demographic-  Other performing arts
specific PR tactics programs
 New Cal Poly students  Budget cuts
arrive every year  Economy: people are
 Reach audiences not spending as much
throughout Central

Goals and Objectives
There are two primary goals for the PAC campaign. These objectives will be achieved through
innovative as well as proven methods of communication.

1. Increase PAC awareness and participation through innovative PR strategies.

2. Increase PAC audiences through innovative PR strategies.

Targeted Demographics
Targeted demographics will be divided into three segments, including college students,
the general San Luis Obispo community, and K-12 students. By creating this division, we can
more effectively utilize the public relations tactics that will be most effective for each segment
of our target markets.

1. General SLO community, including families, educators, donors, etc….

2. K-12 students and YOPAC performers
3. College students, including Cal Poly and Cuesta

Strategy Overview
The PAC should be approached in a slightly different manner than YOPAC. To best target
appropriate demographics, the public relations plan will be divided into two by organization.
Also, each demographic will be targeted through separate PR strategies, to increase the success
of reaching those audiences. There will be some overlap of tools between the three
demographics, as well as the two organizations. Creating a timeline draft will assist with timely
completion of tasks.

Strategy Outline
College Students
 Publicity
 Cal Poly Portal Announcements: Advertise performances on the portal to
increase student attendance at PAC events.
 Direct attention toward theatre, dance, and music majors.
 Cal Poly Events
 Cal Poly Open House: booth, promotional materials, raffle
 Cal Poly WOW Block Party: booth, promotional materials, raffle
 Cal Poly Clubs
 Approach College of Liberal Arts and College of Science and Mathematics
 Solicit clubs for volunteers if needed at events in return for tours of PAC

General SLO Community

 Media Kit
 Fact Sheet providing an overview of PAC and what it offers.
 Statement from Coordinator to personalize the package.
 News releases for any special events.
 Applicable promotional materials mentioned throughout PR plan; also provide a
CD of files.
 Newsletters/Mailers: Send to local community members, primarily client groups and

K-12 students/ YOPAC performers

 Social Media
 MySpace: Create MySpace page for PAC. This is possibly a valuable tool to reach
K-12, since MySpace is largely catered to those ages.

Overlapping Tactics/Tools
 Surveys can be conducted through, The Tribune and Mustang Daily
website, Facebook page, My Cal Poly Portal, as well as traditional print versions to
hand out at events. The surveys can range from gauging audience demographics, to
ideas for improvement of the program, or level of PAC awareness. A system will be
determined regarding the logistics of print surveys. The print surveys will be roughly ¼
page in size, for more convenient distribution.
 Publicity
 Photography Project
 Panoramic image of PAC facility for use on website and promotional
 Virtual tours: Make slideshow of images to use on PAC website.
 People in building, photographed either staged or during events.
 Broadcast (PSAs and ticket give-away)
 TV: KSBY 6, KCOY 12, KEYT 3
 Radio: KSTT 103.1, KKJG 98.1, KWWV 106.1, KSLY 96.1; KIQO 104.5, KCPR
 Promotional Materials (budget permitting)
 Brochure
 Posters and Flyers (¼ page to hand out)
 Postcards with photographs and calendar of performances
 Banners: for display at events and large banners downtown
 Magnets with website and social media information

 Farmers’ Market Booth: pass out promotion materials; if possible, have PAC
performers or theatre/dance/music majors there to answer questions; raffle
with prizes; sell T-shirts from design competition
 Print advertisements: Ads can be both for specific events or PAC as a whole.
 New Times, Mustang Daily, The Tribune
 Online Media
 Maintain online community calendars with upcoming events.
 Update PAC website on consistent basis; Link all other related PAC sites,
including YOPAC, to the new PAC website.
 Facebook: update status daily, create event advertisements, list events on page,
weekly or monthly updates to fans
 Twitter: update status daily

Promotional Materials:
 Magnets:
xnav=pricingdetails (business)
 (business)
 (calendars)
 Postcards:

2010-2011 Timeline Draft
July ‘10:
 Fact Sheet [completed]
 Create surveys (print and [completed]
August ‘10:
 Design postcards
 Design flyers (¼ page and full page)
 Compile media kit
 Make CD with associated files
September ‘10:
 Distribute surveys
 Order magnets
 Farmers’ Market Booth (during WOW week preferably)
October ‘10:
November ‘10:
December ‘10:
January ‘11:
February ‘11:
March ‘11:
April ‘11:
May ‘11:
June ‘11:

10 | P a g e
Smith, K. T. (2003, April 30). The Marketing Mix of IMC: A Move From the Four P's to the Four C's.
Retrieved June 21, 2010, from

The Marketing Mix: The Four P's of Marketing. (2002- 2010). Retrieved June 22, 2010, from NetMBA:

11 | P a g e

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