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A Qualitative Research Proposal Presented to the
Faculty and Staff of Lower Bala National High School
Bala Magsaysay Davao del Sur

In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements in
Practical Research 1



March 2020


Technology and gadgets are now indispensible in our daily lives, in recent
years, it has become a common place to carry a miniature computer and a smart
phone in a pocket. Technology helps advance the human race forward and makes
doing mundane things more efficient and repeatable. Technology has created the
information revolution. With technological advances, devices have evolved to be
so powerful and smart that it feels like having a super-computer on one’s hands.
Humans now have an insatiable appetite for information at their fingertips. When
gadget makes this happen, the natural tendency is for this to become an
expectation. Technology and gadgets would have become an integral part of
human lifestyle, and will only continue to increase with years to come. The form
factors of gadgets and how humans interact with them may change. However,
fundamentally as a human society we should continue to be aware and make sure
we do live a fulfilling life by not becoming addicted to machines and continue to
emphasize and cherish the human connection in our lives

Technology has a negative effects in the lives of the user, and his/ her
friends and family members. It affects the individual’s personal health, family,
social, financial and academic life. Overusing gadget affects the mind of an
individual. The individual loses focus as she/he only concentrates on using
gadgets or technology. He/she tends to forget other aspects of life that is
important, concentration reduces and the individual cannot focus on other issues
for long enough.

(Vadim Emilin, AlexanderTkhostov, Elena Rasskazova, 10 October 2013,

Pages 530-535). The role of two factors – change in needs (the need for
development of image making by technology, the need for convenience and
functionality)and transformation of psychological boundaries (subjective
extension and subjective violation) – in the excessive use of technologies in the
normative population (N=254, 17-77 years old). Hierarchical regressions were
used to predict the two aspects of the excessive use – subjective feeling of
dependence and subjective readiness of refusing from technologies.  Both
technology-related changes in needs (especially need for “cool”, stylish or expensive
gadgets) and psychological boundaries extension affect the excessive use of
technology although the contribution of each factor depends o technology in
question. Data allows suggesting possible psychological mechanisms participating in
the development of the excessive use of gadgets. Some studies have shown that
students find it difficult not to use their cell phones, leading to be an
‘’addict’’ to mobile phones or gadgets.

Although the use of gadgets has many positive impacts, they are short
lived. In long run it has negative impacts on the individuals. The digital activities
make the youth strong in technical skills but make them weak in real life practical
skills. It takes the young mass away from the reality helping them to live in their
imaginary world. Due to the time spent on the devices the youth are refrained
from some outdoor activities with friends and family. The indulgence in violent
games may create more violence in their mind. The more they use the gadgets,
the more they are crazy about it which may distract them from study. During the
time of playing games when they can’t achieve the set target, it may raise their
anxious level higher. After all addiction to the devices may develop unhealthy
lifestyle, poor time management and poor eating habits among the youth.
Following studies highlight some of the negative effects of the tech-devices and
services. It would have been a lot better if the drawbacks or the negative impacts
of the use of the digital services would have been known before some years. As
the use of the digital services has negative impacts students should minimize the
use of these tools and should aware about its use (Walsh, 2012).
Overexposure does not only affect a person’s social skills but also his/her
critical thinking ability. In Central Visayas, 3% of children are overweight and
obese, based on NNC data as of 2016. Mission said nutrition officials are expecting
the percentage of overweight and obese children in the region to increase this
year due to the popularity of gadgets.



Although gadgets and related mobile technologies are recognized as

versatile and effective resources that can increase human cognition when used
with prudence, there is also an increasing perception that repetitive interaction
with these devices can have a negative and lasting impact on the ability of users
to think, recall, pay attention and regulate emotion. The present review considers
cognitive impacts of gadget-related habits, and seeks to determine in which
domains of functioning there is accruing evidence of a significant relationship
between gadgets and cognitive performance, and in which domains the scientific
literature is not yet mature enough to endorse any firm conclusions. We focus our
review primarily on three facets of cognition that are clearly implicated in public
discourse regarding the impacts of gadgets – attention, memory, and delay of
gratification – and then consider evidence regarding the broader relationships
between mobile phone habits and everyday cognitive functioning. Along the way,
we highlight compelling findings, discuss limitations with respect to empirical
methodology and interpretation, and offer suggestions for how the field might
progress toward a more coherent and robust area of scientific inquiry.(Henry H.
Wilmer, Lauren E. Sherman, and Jason M. Chein 2017).

A concern that pre-dates mobile devices is the rising incidence in the

diagnosis of intentional difficulties, most specifically ADHD, in children and
adolescents (e.g., Visser et al., 2014). Considered together with the rise of the
prevalence of mobile devices, this correlation may perceived by the public to be
evidence of a causative relationship. Opportunities and motive to interact with
digital technologies are especially compelling for today’s adolescents, for whom
many social interaction takes online. Such trends have spurred the fear that
regular engagement with these devices can lead to diminished intentional
capacity – producing shorter attention spans and ‘’scatter- brained’’ tendencies
among those who are not invested with the devices (e.g., Egan 2016).One specific
manifestation of this concern is that current generation of children and
adolescents are developing increasingly shorter attention spans due to their
increased contact with gadgets, and use onset at younger ages (Nikken and
Schols, 2015)

One study intimating that mobile devices related-habits diminished

sustained attentional abilities was conducted by Lee et al (2015). The specific
focus of their work was on focus on individuals degree of ‘’addiction’’ to gadget to
achieve ‘’flow’’ .A flow state relates to sustained attention in that it is ‘’a state of
concentration so focused that it amount absolute absorption in an activity’’.
(Csikszentmihalyi et al.,2014). Lee et al.(2015) investigated whether ones specific
pattern of gadget usage could have long term effects on the ability to achieved
state of flow .The researchers administered three questionnaires to a large
sample of university students, measuring the level of gadget addiction, tendency
for self regulated learning, and capacity for learning flow. The results showed that
the individuals who scored low highest on gadget addiction scale scored
significantly lower on the self have regulated ability to achieved flow and to self-
regulated learners. It is equally possible that individuals who are able to be self
regulated and more easily achieved flow are also more capable controlling their
impulses with respect to gadget usage, and thus scored lower on the gadget
addiction questionnaire, or that gadget use and learning flow exert bidirectional
influences on one another. Given the correctional nature of the data, we cannot
infer any directionally for the relationship, but the data at least hint that excessive
gadget usage could have negative impact on the ability to maintain the form of
sustained focused attention assessed by flow index.


This study aims to:
1. To investigate and evaluate their perception on the impact of gadget overuse
towards physical, emotional, mental and social aspects of G-11 students.
2. To find out the possible changes of G-11 student in their attitude during/after
using gadget excessively.
3. To determine their strategies in making their length of time on using gadgets
becomes lesser.


Gadget is a simple thing but it can make a big changes to a particular

students especially when used excessively. Gadget overuse of the G-11 students is
a challenging problem which is hard to be eradicated. As a researcher we have
chosen this study to determine their perception towards gadget overuse

Hence, there are some question are shown below.

1. How does gadget overuse affects the physical, emotional, mental and social
aspects of G-11 students?
2. What is/are the possible changes of students in their attitude during/after using
gadget too much?
3. What is/are the student’s strategy in order to make their length of time on
using gadgets becomes lesser?

The purpose of this study is to evaluate an develop a deeper understanding

of the impact of gadget overuse towards G-11 senior high school students.
It also seeks to determine the impact of gadget over use of G-11 students
towards physical, emotional, mental and social aspects of the students and the
changes during/after using gadget excessively.


This study sorts to figure out the impact of gadget overuse towards
physical, emotional, mental and social aspects of G-11 senior high school students
who use gadget excessively. Subsequently, this study will help the researchers to
have firsthand knowledge as the impact of gadget overuse towards G-11
students. This study is significant to the following

School Administrator. This study will not necessarily include the use of
gadget in class room in non-educational purpose and shall used be if needed.

Teachers. This will give awareness to teachers in not allowing students

bringing gadget on school and gadgets will be used if needed.

Parents. They will know the negative effects of using gadgets too much and
they will monitor and discipline their children from gadget overuse.

Students. They will know the impact of gadget overuse towards their
physical, emotional, mental and social aspects .
Future Researchers. This study will help the future researchers on their
own research. They may widen the scope in their own study or improve this
research study.


This study is mainly focused on the perception of the G-11 students

towards gadget overuse in G-11 GAS, EPAS, BPP, Hair Dressing and Horticulture
,of LBNHS . It is delimited to the G-11 two sections namely Egypt and Uganda.


Gadget . An often small mechanical or electronic device with a practical use but
often through as a novelty

Perception. The way you understand someone or something

Impact. To have a strong and often bad effect on (something or someone)

Overuse. Too much or too great.


The related studies helped the researchers understand from different point of

Smartphone addiction is considered to be rooted on internet addiction due
to the similarity of symptoms and negative effects on user. Internet is defined as
an impulse control disorder, characterized by pathological internet use (Goldberg,
1996; Young, 1998). Smartphone addiction could be categorized as a behavioral
addiction. Behavioral addiction have seven core symptoms in common, that is
salience, tolerance, mood modification, conflict, withdraw problems, and
relaps(Grant et al., 2010; Griffiths 2005). These common points are not integrally
researched, but each symptom has been found smart phone addiction studies.
For instance, (Lin et al., 2014) reported four features of Smartphone addiction
that is compulsion, functional impairment, tolerance and withdrawal. Bianchi and
Philips (2005) suggest that smartphone overuse associated with psychological
symptoms constitutes a form f behavioral addiction. Smartphone addiction that
involves human-machine interactions (Griffiths, 1995).

In the Philippines, the Department of Education (DepEd) issued in 2003 an

order banning cellular phones during class hours. Bureau and regional directors,
heads of school divisions, city superintendents and heads of public elementary
and secondary schools were aware of this ban, but whether or not it is strictly
implemented in all schools remains a question. In her memorandum, Regional
Director May Eclar said text messaging, gaming, watching videos and chatting
through social media applications were distracting students and could sometimes
stir disturbance in class. The use of cell phones within the school premises has
various negative effects not only to the students, but [to the] teachers as well.
Using cellular phones inside the classroom does not only affect the academic
performance of the students, but also their behavior inside and outside the
classroom,” she said. All schools should implement the ban on cell phones and
other mobile gadgets for the benefit of students. There are enough distractions in
and out of campuses, school officials and teachers should see to it that students,
especially the younger ones, are focused on their lessons when they are in their

STO. TOMAS, Davao del Norte – Academic institutions here have raised a
red flag after they reported that the number of minors—of which majority are
either elementary pupil or secondary student—addicted in massive multi-user
online role playing games (MMORPGs) continuously rising as manifested in the
low turned out of attendance in school. In a public hearing Thursday held at the
municipal gymnasium, school administrators of both public and private schools
echoed the same dilemma, saying that “more and more minor students skipped
classes in schools and preferred to stay in various internet cafes to play online
games.”“The internet has had negative ramifications especially to our minor
students who have been lured intensely in online games. The concept of “online
gaming addiction” has been proposed as an explanation for uncontrollable,
damaging use of technology,” Ramon Lanzaderas, a public school principal, said
during the public hearing. The group of school administrators likewise urged the
local government officials present during Thursday’s public hearing to regulate
the operation and use of internet cafes in the town.“They must also regulate the
entry of minors in these internet shops as it already caused a toll on the minor
student’s academic performance in schools,” the group said. Lotus Bancale, a
private school teacher, said that a group of her pupils addicted to online games
manifested poor attendance and interest in class discussions, adding that “these
pupils are frequently sleeping only and unable to submit class works at the end of
the class period.”While Grade 5 elementary teacher, Eva Pondelaylac, said that
“addiction to online games caused gaming addicts to forgo sleep, and real human
contact just to experience more time in the virtual world. Gaming addicts
sometimes play for ten or fifteen hours straight in a single session, everyday.”
That, she said, explains why these students end up sleeping rather being attentive
to class.

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