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aod 40g eag—juvjsoguy HLIVAA GNV SATT ANHNdODS HO MV'T 'TVUOLVN VOOUOMS AHL Copyrighted 1921, by Alois P. Swoboda TAL OW to Naturally Increase to a Maximum the Iron and Vitamines in Your Blood and at the Same Time Acquire Natural Deep Breathing by an Evolution- ary Principle, Without Exercise, Without Conscious Deep Breath- ing, Without Drugs or Dieting, Without Inconvenience, Waste of Time or Active Practice of Any Kind. By ALOIS P. SWOBODA 21 West 44th Street : New York City @ @ This principle or secret positively creates unconscious, natural, automatic deep breath- ing. Copyright, 1921, by Alois P. Swoboda Copyright, 1921, by ALOIS P. SWOBODA [Printed in the United States of America] Gepyright Under the Articles of the Copyright Csaveation of the Pan-Americas Republics and the United Stetes, August 11, 1910. Copyrighted 1921, by Alia P. Swoboda How to Establish Natural, Unconscious and Automatic Deep Breathing Permanent- ly, Without Exercise, Without Conscious Deep Breathing and Without Active Effort or Action of Any Character. By Alois P. Swoboda Copyrighted 1921, by Aleis P. Swoboda ALL SUCCESSFUL EVOLUTION IS IN RESPONSE TO RESIS- TANCE—ORGANIC STRESS Ty breathing system of the hu- JJ an organism—not only the 4 lungs and the muscles of the ab- domen and chest, but also the breathing nerve center in the nervous system—is governed in its evolution and function- ing by the same laws of evolution that govern the evolution and development and functioning of the entire body. @ The breathing system becomes only as efficient as it must, as determined by demand, as expressed in terms of stress or evolutionary resistance. q If the breathing system is assisted con- sciously and deliberately by conscious deep breathing, or by an extra amount of oxygen in the air, the breathing sys- tem deteriorates and stagnates, as deter- mined and made necessary by law of economy, which rules every function and every process and every develop- ment or evolution. @ If the breathing system is resisted— if, in other words—the breathing sys- tem is stressed by a new demand—a higher demand for oxygen—or by some condition which interferes through a purely normal and physiological proc- ess with the supply of oxygen and which thus automatically acts as an intensi- fier of the demand, the breathing sys- Copyrighted 1921, by Alois P. Swoboda tem, under the influence of the princi- ples and laws of evolution, in its every part, is compelled to assert itself ag- gressively and to thus establish greater automatic power for its successful functioning. @ Evolutionary resistance intensifies the evolution of characteristics and powers of the human organism by in- creasing the necessity for higher evolution. Successful Evolution is the enly panacea @ Assistance of any character reduces the necessity for higher evolution, and where the necessity for higher evolu- tion recedes, evolution recedes, for evo- lution is never higher than necessity demands. If you will accept and use the simple suggestion [ am about to ex- plain and give to you, you will compel your breathing system to establish greater power within itself, for the pur- pose of performing the function of breathing, for you will place a physio- logical as well as evolutionary obstacle in its path and thus, instead of assist- ing it and leading it to deterioration, you will resist it and drive it into higher evolution. Successful Evolution is the key to freedom from disease, weak- ness, failure and negative- ness—inferiority Copyrighted 1921, by Alois P. Swobads @ Before explaining the nature of the method or secret, I want you to prove to yourself now, immediately, that as- sistance leads to stagnation. Merely as an experiment for this time only, I want you to take ten long, forceful, full and complete breaths in rapid succes- sion, and at the end of the ten breaths, IT want you te observe that you will practically have no desire to breathe for a period of from fifteen to thirty seconds. In other words, you will so assist your breathing system as to make it possible for it to remain practically silent or inactive by reaction. In other words, the reaction to assistance is stagnation. The reaction to resistance is power. @ Now, then, in order to create auto- matic, natural, unconscious and inevit- able deep and full breathing, you must apply a principle which is opposite of conscious deep breathing. You must resist your breathing, you must inter- fere with your breathing and thus you must inhibit or delay your breathing consciously so that the unconscious and final reaction is more breathing, greater breathing, natural breathing and deep breathing. This is accom- plished by holding the breath just when you have exhaled—never hold your breath when you have inhaled—hold your breath just after the breath has left your lungs, and thus check the air from entering your lungs. In other words, you should hold your breath so Gopyrighted 1921, by Alois P. Swoboda as to interfere with the entry of the air. Do not, and never, hold your breath so as to interfere with the ex- haust of air from the lungs. Successful Evolution through or- ganic stress is unlimited —always satisfying the demand @ Wait until your chest has exhaled the air, then put a stop to your breath- ing and hold your breath at this point until you are no longer comfortably able to hold it, and then simply let na- ture take its course and do as it pleases, and you will observe that your chest will rise and that your entire breathing system will become vigorously active and that you will take in several long and full breaths without in any way as- sisting your breathing system—do not, under any conditions, assist your breathing system when it is breathing of its own accord after you have held your breath, as described above. @ After you have regained normal breathing you may repeat this process. You may practice this at any time and at any place and under the most con- venient conditions. You may practice it in the morning, in the forenoon, in the afternoon, during the evening and before retiring. You may hold your breath as many times as you wish, but you should not hold your breath less Copyrighted 1921, by Alois P. Swoboda than three times in succession, as de- seribed above, nor more than twenty- five times at one time. It would be un- profitable to do it less than three times, and a waste of time to do so more than twenty-five times. Successful Evolution is the key to health, power, pleasure, youth and success—supremacy @ The effect of holding your breath, as described above, will be to increase the vitamine and iron content in your blood. In other words, the amount of organic iron and vitamines in the blood is determined by demand. Holding the breath increases the demand for higher efficiency of the blood for carrying oxygen, and inasmuch as the blood car- ries oxygen through the use of organic iron, it follows that increasing the de- mand ‘for higher efficiency increases the demand for organic iron, and your organism, in turn, will extract more iron from the foods you eat, many of which contain iron but which do not enter your organism freely because the demand for the iron is not sufficiently great or intense at present, @ By holding your breath, according to the above instructions, you will in- tensify the aggressiveness of the organ- ism in extracting iron and vitamines from the foods you eat. You need not select your foods specifically for the iron they contain for the reason that Copyrighted 1921, by Alois P. Swoboda many of the foods you eat contain iron and vitamines, and for the -further reason that even if you were to eat pure organic iron and vitamines, if that were possible, your system would not gain iron and vitamines unless there existed in your blood an actual and a higher demand for it. Your organism takes only as extensively and abundantly of oxygen, iron and vitamines, on the one hand, as it is stressed into taking, and on the other hand, as it is efficient for this function of appropriation. This is the key to the understanding of human functioning and human evolution. Successful Evolution is the cure- all—the only real cure-all @ Remember that the human organ- ism does not take more oxygen, more vitamines, or more iron than the or- ganism, through necessity, is compelled to take. : @ More iron in your blood, placed there by the demand of your system, will mean better color for you. It is the iron plus oxygen that gives color to the complexion. More organic iron in your blood will give you greater nu- tritional power in your every cell, tis- sue, gland and organ, if your life de- mands more power. Remember that demand rules evolution and every pro- cess of mind and body. The manifes- tations of life—physical, physiological, nutritional, protoplasmic and mental— represent the flow of life through the Copyrighted 1921, by Alois P. Swoboda organism in the direction of demand. Life can never be higher in any pro- cess than the demand determines. q If you want higher life, you must create a higher demand—organic, phy- siological or mental. @ There is nothing more simple than this inhibitory breathing, which I have described above. It is nothing more nor less than placing your will in the path of your breathing system and waiting for your breathing system to push your will out of the way and breathing in spite of the resistance you have offered. It is the effort of your breathing system to increase its power and its efficiency so that it may supply your organism fully with oxygen easily and freely, in spite of the resistance you place in its path, Successful Evolution is the only positive, permanent and pro- ductive means of obtaining supreme powers of mind and body—supreme personality @ You may easily demonstrate the correctness of my statements and there- fore immediately do so. Demonstrate first the effect of forced breathing—the effect of assistance—when rendered by your will to your breathing system, learning that the reaction from assist- ance is inaction. Capyrighted 1921, by Alois P. Sweboda @ This method, instead of being an active practice like exercise or con- scious deep breathing, is, in reality, a refusal to act and thus is really the op- posite of exercise, or wilful and delib- erate deep breathing, etc., etc. @ This method of interfering with the breathing process creates a stress upon the Conscious Energy, and this stress gives rise to a creative reaction in the Conscious Energy, not only in the di- rection of your breathing system, in- cluding the nervous system, but also in the direction of your other desires, for every stress of the Conscious Energy is expressed along the lines of desire—real desire—demand and ne- cessity, be the demand mental or phys- iological. Successful Evolution is Natural Law § Evolutionary, resistance leads to higher evolution. Evolutionary assist- ance leads to degeneration, inferiority and weakness. This is true in muscle, mind, digestion, breathing and in every process and function. @ By placing evolutionary resistance in the path of any function of mind or body, you intensify and increase its power. This principle, through in- creasing the power of the breathing system, increases the healing power of the human organism and this increases Copyrighted 1921, by Alois P, Swoboda the power of the organism to resist dis- ease and to heal and cure itself. There is a very great advantage for the or- ganism through evolutionary _resist- ance. If you try to suppress any phys- iological process or function, you cause that function or process to in- tensify your desires to function. AloisPSwoboda 24 West 44th Street, New York City. Ps” @ Special Note:—Do not hold your breath while your lungs are filled with air. Hold your breathing while your lungs are empty or almost empty of air. In this way you will not increase your blood pressure; whereas if you hoid your breath while your lungs are filled, you will increase the pressure of air in your lungs, which, in turn, will increase your blood pressure unfavorably. G If you wish to make this process more interesting, you may try count- ing while holding your breath, and thus endeavor to see if you can hold it a little longer each time. In the begin- ning you will find that you will hold it only ten or fifteen seconds, but ulti- Geoyrighted 1921, by Alois P. Swobeds mately you may be able to hold it for one hundred seconds, or even longer, before the physiological desire for breath becomes stronger than your mental inhibition or resistance. GSuccessful evolution, being basic and fundamental, attacks the cause and automatically— eradicates the effect— weakness, disease, inferiority, etc. CAUTION! You will obtain the best results through keeping the Swoboda Natural Law of Su- preme Life and Health a secret. You will deprive yourself and others of benefit if you permit them to share in this secret. After you have read the Swoboda Natural Law of Supreme Life and Health, it may be best for you to place it in a sealed en- velope. In other words, try to keep the Swoboda Natural Law of Supreme Life and Health in an envelope always, except- ing when you want to recharge your mind with it. You will cater to your greatest gratification, happiness and success through sincerely and honestly following my instructions. You will appreciate the importance of acting secretly in connection with this mat- ter, when you become acquainted with the Subtle Principle of Success, concerning which you will soon receive information from me. Try to understand thoroughly the Swo- boda Natural Law of Supreme Life and Health in its relation to the evolutionary principle. It will not only prove exceed- ingly interesting, but tremendously helpful to you in every way—in every action of life. It will enable you to understand much in every day life that now seems confusing. An understanding of the evolutionary principle and law acts as a stimulus and kev to higher intelligence. AloisP Swoboda. 21 West 44th Street, New York City.

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