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John Locke — tabularasa , empiricism:"Father of Liberalism"

Francis Bacon — "Father of scientific method" "Father of empiricism"
Jean Jacques Rousseau -- "Hollistic education"(physical, moral, intellectual): nature of child.
Edgar Dale - "Cone of Experience" aka "Father of Modern Media in Education"
Erik Erickson — Psychosocial development Theory
Edward Lee Thorndike =Theory of Connectionsim “satisfaction” “the law of effect, readiness
and exercise”." Father of Modern Educational psychology;
Friedrich Frobel — "Father of kindergarten"
Johann Herbart — founder of pedagogy as an academic discipline.
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi — symmetrical and harmonious devt of child: motto " Learning by
head, hand and heart"
Sigmund Freud — psychosexual , psychoanalytic; “father of modern psychology”
Wilhelm Woundt = german psycologist “father of psychology’.
John Dewey – Learning by doing: education for all.
David Froebel – Father of kinder garten
Ivan Pavlov = classical conditioning: involuntary behavior
Burrhus Frederic Skinner — operant cond.
Jean Piaget —cognitivist/ Cognitive dev’t Theory, info processing , dynamic interrelation.
David Ausubel — meaningful learning envronment theory, graphic organizer, assumption
William Kohler — insight learning theory
Lawrence Kohlberg — moral dev’t theory
Albert Bandura —Modeling/Imitate: Social learning Theory,"bobo doll" experiment, neo –
Robert Gagne — Cumulative Learning Theory: sequence of instruction
Abraham Maslow — hierarchy of needs , motivation theory
Brofenbrenner's - Ecological System Theory (microsystem, mesosystem, exo, macro and
Benjamin Bloom — bloom’s cognitive taxonomy
David Krathwohl — affective domain
Simpsons / Anita Harrow — psychomotor domain
Jerome Bruner — Discovery Learning Theory/Inquiry method: Scaffolding Theory
:constructivist, spiral curr, instrumental conceptualism
Lev Vygotsky — constructivist :Social Constructivism; Zond of Proximal Development
(ZPD) : More knowledgeable others (MKO)
Edgar Dale — cone of exp. (20% remember)
John Locke — tabularasa , empiricism:"Father of Liberalism"
Howard Gardner — multiple int.
John Flavel — metacognition
John Watson — behaviorial theory: “Father of Behaviorism”, psychological school of
Kurt Lewin - The Father of Social Psychology; his work pioneered the use of scientific
methods to study social behavior.
Charles darwin = theories to mental characteristics as human think, feel & behave(”
evolutionary psychology”)
William Sheldon – Physiological
Max Wertheimer = gestalt psychology
Wolfgang Ratke — used vernacular for approaching the class.
Edward Tolman — purposive behaviorism and goal oriented
Plato --- Idealist/Idealism(own ideas) nothing exist except in the mind of a man.
Aristotle-- Realist/Realist (experience) mastery of organized subject matter.
Cunfucios – Great philosopher, analects, golden rule, society, name (essence) rule.
Mencius — idealistic wing of confucianism; love covers all (good, right)
Hzun tzu — realistic wing of confusianism
Lao tzu — taoism: Go with the flow.
Bowlby — attachment theory

1. Idealism – spiritual, values, ideal
2. realism- science
3. empiricism- senses
4. naturalism- innate
5. existentialism- choice,decision,unique
6. essentialism- specialization, basic, fundamental
7. perrenialism- classic, literature, traditional
8. pragmatism- activation of skills
9. progressivism-child-centered
10. Epicureanism- perfection
11. Agnosticism- aetheist, unknown
12. stoicism- passionate emotions
13. hedonism- pleasure
14. humanism- humans
15. constuctivism- prior knowledge activation
16. reconstructionism- solution to problem
17. scholasticism- rationalization of church
1.Stages of development- jean piaget, thinking
2. Cognitivism- discovery learning, Jerome bruner,
concrete to abstract
3. behaviourism- environment, watson
4. connectionism- classroom environment, thorndike
5. humanism- carl rogers, child centered
6. operant conditioning- reinforcement/punishment,
7. Classical conditioning- habit and stimuli
8. Meaningful learning- taxonomy al, graphic organizers,
9. Insightful learning- Activation of prior knowledge,
problem solving, kohler
10. Moral development- value formation, Kohlberg
11. need theory- needs, maslow
12. attachment theory- caregiver, john Bowlby
13. identity statuses- jame marcias, confusion
14. field theory- internal and external environment
15. bioecological- system of environment,
16. choice theory- glasser, decision
17. social learning- bandura, modelling
18. socio-cultural- Vygotsky, scaffolding more
knowledgeable other(mko)
Commonly used terms
Metacognition- thinking about thinking
Recitation- thinking aloud
Schooling- system controlled by teacher
Rebus- making a poem out of a concept
Indoctrination- religion, without addition nor
KCAASE - Blooms taxonomy


● Psychosexual Theory/Psychoanalysis - Sigmund Freud

● Psychosocial Theory - Erik Erikson's Theory of Personality
● Ecological Theory - Eric Brofenbrenner's Theory of Development
● Sociohistoric Cognitive Linguistic Theory - Lev Semanovich Vygotsky
● Cognitive Development - Jean Piaget; John Dewey; Jerome Brunner
● Phenomenology - Abraham Maslow; Carl Rogers; Louis Raths
● Behaviorism - Edward Thorndike; Ivan Pavlov; Burrhus Frederick Skinner
● Moral Development - Lawrence Kohlberg
● Ivan Pavlov - classical conditioning
● Edward Thorndike - connectionism
● B.F. Skinner - operant conditioning & reinforcement
● Albert Bandura - "bobo doll" experiment; modelling; self eficacy
● David Ausubel - Meaningful Reception Theory
● Jerome Bruner - Discovery Learning Theory/Inquiry method
● Wolfgang Kohler's - Insight Learning Problem
● Richard Atkinson & Richard Shiffrin's - Information Processing Theory
● Robert Gagne's - Cumulative Learning Theory
● Howard Gardner - Multiple Intelligence
● Kurt Lewin's - Field Theory/ his concept of life space
● Brofenbrenner's - Ecological System Theory
● Lev Vygotsky - Social Constructivism; Zond of Proximal Development (ZPD) * gap b/w
actual and potential development
● Hilda Taba - Grassroots Approach
● Max Wertheimer - Gestalt Psychology
● Wilhelm Wundt - "Father of Modern Psychology"
● William James - wrote the "Principles of psychology"/ consciousness
● hypothalamus - brain's stress center
● Abraham Maslow - physiological needs; "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs" ; safety&security;
love & belongingness; self-esteem; self-actualization
● John B. Watson - (behaviorist approach) an American psychologist who established the
psychological school of behaviorism.


1.Criterion reference test
-the students mastery of objectives
2.Define the instructional objective
-first step in planning an achievement test
3. Standard deviation
4.Central tendency
-mean,median and mode
5.Positively skewed score distribution
-most of the scores are low
6.Normal distribution
- mean,median and mode are equal
7.Negatively skewedu
means that students perform well in the said examination or the scores of the students
concentrated on the right part of the curve.
good performance of the students
8.Normal distribution curve, a T-score or 70
two SDsabove the mean
T score=10z+50
9. Mean is to measure of central tendency as quartile deviation
10. Skewed to the right
-most of the students got scores below the mean,which means that the examinees performed very
11. Median
-equivalent to the 50th percentile
12. Skewed score distribution
-scores are concentrated more at one
end or the other end.
13.Skewed to the left
-if the class is composed of bright students .High scores concentrated at the right part of the
14. -2SD and +2SD in the normal curve
- 95.44
From mean to 1SD is 34.13%
From mean to -1SD is also 34.13%
From 1SD to 2SD is 13.59%
From -ISD to -2SD is 13.59%
The are under the normal curve is
34.13%+34.13%+13.59%+ 13.59%=95.44%
15. Generousity error
if a teacher gives additional grade to the students who performed well in the class or in the
examination,then he commits generousity error.
16. Mode
defines as the number that occured most in the distribution most.The distribution is also
classified as unimodal.
17. Formative test
is done after or during discussion.Feedback from the said exam can be used to determined
whether the students have mastery of the subject matter.
18. Positive discrimination index
more from the upper group got the item correctly.
19.Norm-referenced statements
you are comparing the performance of a certain students with the performance of other
20.Negatively skewed score distribution
the student consist of academically good
most of the scores of the students
concentrated at the right part of curve
21.Content validity
validation that refers to the relationships between a test and the instructional objectives.
establishes the test measures what it is
supposed to measure.
22. Measures of Variability
standard deviation
interquartile range
mean deviation
If teacher gets the difference between
the highest score and the lowest score.
Formula=highest score-Lowest score
24.Positively skewed
left side of the curve
25.Normal curve distribution -1SD to +1SD
because -1SD to mean is 34.13%
and from mean to 1SD is also 34.13%
Thus the sum is 68.26%
The scores of the students is a tutorial
class are as follows 82,82,85,86,87,94,98
the score 86 is the median
it is the middle most score in the
27. 0-.20
difficulty index range
28. -0.46 discrimination index
more students from the lower group
answered item correctly
29. Multimodal
is a score distribution that consist of
more than modes.
30. Median is the most appropriate measure of central tendency to used when the distribution is
31.Negatively skewed distribution
most of the scores of the test-takers
above the mean
32.Positively skewed distribution
the mean is greater than the median
Table of Specification
34. Range(types of variation)
is easily affected by the extreme scores,if there is a change in either the highest score or lower
score the value of the range easily change.
35. Mean(types pf central tendency)
easily affected by the extreme scores.
if there is a changes in highest score
the mean vallue pulled up
while if the lowest score become
smaller,the valueis pulled down.
36. Sentence completion test
word association test and thematic
appreciation test are all projective test.
37.Anecdotal report
are notes written by the teacher regarding incdents at the classroom that might be needs
special attention in the future.
38.Sinforoso Padilla
father of counselling in the Philippines
39.Authentic assessment
assessment applying real life situation
40. Standardized test
to engage in easy scoring
41.Scoring rubric
very important and indespensable
42.Assessment for learning
emphasis on grades and honors
43.Difficulty index of 1
the test is very easy
44.Split half method and Kuder Richardson
measure internal consistency of the
test scores of the students.
45. Test-retest measures method
stability of the test scores
46.Parallel method
measures equuvalence
47.Grading on the curve/norm referenced
the performance of a certain student
compared to the performance of other
students in the group

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