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Pasig Catholic College

School Year 2021-2022
PCC@109: Missio et Evangelizatio

Practical Research 2 – Quantitative Research

Performance Task Guidelines

Prepared by:

Ms. Princess Camil DR. Madronio

Subject Teacher

Checked by:

Ms. Maria Katrina E. Josef

Communication Arts Coordinator

Noted by:

Dr. Leovir O. Quiogue

Academic Coordinator

Approved by:

Dr. Melinda V. Segismundo

Senior High School Principal
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In collaboration with _______________

Performance Scenario:
The Research Planning, Development, Quality Assurance and Extension Office (RDQAE) of Pasig Catholic College has approved your
Research to feature your Quantitative Research that highlights the essential and pressing problems related to your Track/Strand and to create
workable solutions on today’s pandemic. As a social media influencer, you and your team are tasked to produce an Informative Vlog presenting
the content of your Chapter 1 as a proposal with a minimum of 5 minutes and a maximum of 10 minutes of the video’s length. The output will
be evaluated by RDQAE representatives of PCC based on the following criteria: content, quality of informative vlog (script),
creativity/originality, clarity and organization of the artistic performance, and fidelity to the technical aspects of the medium used.
Goal: Feature your Quantitative Research that highlights the essential and pressing problems related to your Track/Strand and to create
workable solutions.
Role: Social Media Influencer
Audience: RDQAE representatives of Pasig Catholic College
Situation: Today’s Pandemic
Product/Performance and Purpose: Informative Vlog of Chapter 1
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Standards & Criteria for Success: content, quality of informative vlog (script), creativity/originality, clarity and organization of the artistic
performance, and fidelity to the technical aspects of the medium used.

The product will be rated using the Performance Task Rubric- Informative Vlog:

Mastery Partial Mastery Progressing Emerging

15 pts. 11 pts. 7 pts. 3 pts.
The Informative Vlog
The Informative Vlog
demonstrated a good The Informative Vlog
demonstrated some
The Informative Vlog showed an understanding of the subject. demonstrated poor
understanding. There was an
excellent understanding of the The parts of the Chapter 1 were understanding of the subject.
attempt to discuss parts of the
Content subject. All the parts of the discussed fairly well. One or There was either no attempt to
Chapter 1. However, either
Chapter 1 were discussed and more important parts may have discuss parts of the Chapter 1, or
important aspects were missing,
presented well. been left out though. There could if there was an attempt, it was
or discussion needed further
have also been further highly inaccurate.
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The Informative Vlog through its

The Informative Vlog through its script highlights
The Informative Vlog through its The Informative Vlog through its
script exceptionally highlights the essential and pressing problems
script does not include any script does not include any
essential and pressing problems somewhat related to their
essential and pressing problems essential and pressing problems
related to their Track/Strand and Track/Strand and to create
related to their Track/Strand and related to their Track/Strand and
to create workable solutions on workable solutions on today’s
to create workable solutions on to create workable solutions on
Quality of Informative today’s pandemic which are pandemic which are relevant and
today’s pandemic. today’s pandemic and does not
Vlog (script) relevant and timely. timely.
present any context.
The script lacks the number of
The script also excellently The script also presents a good
expected textual evidence in the The script does not present any
presents the parts of Chapter 1 number of textual evidence in the
parts of Chapter 1 which only evidence in the parts of Chapter
in an exemplary manner which is parts of Chapter 1 and presented
shows that it lacks research. 1 from research.
grounded from research. in an accepted/ manner which is
grounded from research.
The Informative Vlog
The Informative Vlog
demonstrates more than 5 The Informative Vlog
demonstrates less than 3 unique The Informative Vlog relies on
unique and surprising vlog demonstrates 3 or 4 unique vlog
vlog conventions. existing models, ideas, or
conventions. conventions.
directions; not new or unique.
Showcases an average personal
Showcases an excellent Showcases some personal
Creativity/Originality expression, a few original Showcases little creativity,
personal expression, expression, clever at times in
touches enhance the project to originality and/or effort, only uses
exceptionally clever and original showing understanding through
show some understanding materials and ideas in typical
in showing deep understanding personal experiences and
through personal experiences ways in understanding the
through personal experiences thoughtful observations based on
and observations based on the Chapter 1.
and thoughtful observations the on the Chapter 1.
Chapter 1.
based on the Chapter 1.
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The Informative Vlog lacks the

The Informative Vlog shows an The Informative Vlog shows a The Informative Vlog does not
progression of ideas and
excellent progression of ideas good progression of ideas and show a progression of ideas and
presents an incomplete
and presents an exceptionally presents a complete and clear does not present a research.
Clarity and research.
complete and clear research. research.
Organization of the
Elements needed in the
Artistic Performance Few elements needed in the
All elements needed in the All elements needed in the Informative Vlog were not put
informative vlog were presented
informative vlog are put together informative vlog are put together together and the organization is
and put together but organization
in an outstanding manner. in an acceptable manner. poorly evident.
is fairly evident.
The camera work is smooth, and The camera work is generally The camera work may be The camera work is choppy, and
the focus is crisp. Sound and smooth, and the focus is usually choppy, or panning is too fast. the scenes are blurry, or panning
visual files are distortion free. crisp. Sound and visual files are Sound and visual files may have is too fast. Sound and visual files
Fidelity to the mostly distortion free. some distortion, but it does not contain significant distortion.
technical aspects of
Transitions are timed for smooth distract the viewer.
the medium used. movement between scenes. Transitions provide a smooth Technical difficulties seriously
Titles are legible. There are few movement between scenes. There are some technical interfere with the viewer's ability
technical problems, and none of Titles are mostly legible. There problems, but the viewer can to see, hear, or understand
a serious nature. are few technical problems. follow the presentation. content.
Total Score: _____/60 points
Performance Task Guidelines:
1. The Performance Task is a group work. Groupings will be the same with the assigned Thesis Groupings of the class.
2. The students are to situate themselves in the Performance Scenario provided by the Teacher and is expected to submit the output on or
before the date of submission presented above.
3. The Informative Vlogs are to be uploaded in YouTube and the link for the Informative Vlog are to be shared by all the members using their
own Facebook Account. Since the purpose of this PETA is to inform, thus sharing the output of the Research Group will be highly
appreciated and the teacher must be tagged accordingly for proper checking of outputs.
4. All outputs are to be graded using the Rubrics presented above.
5. The Informative Vlog must contain all the sections of Chapter 1: Title; Statement of the Problem; Introduction and Background of the
study; Statement of Hypothesis (if there is any); Scope and Delimitation of the Study; Significance of the Study; and Definition of Terms.
6. The names of the group members must be listed in the last part of the Vlog.
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7. All group members including the leader are to accomplish the self-assessment rubric regarding their participation in the production of the Informative
Vlog to be submitted in the Assignment Tab of MS Teams on the same day of the submission of the Performance Task.


Criterion 4 3 2 1
Consistently and actively
Contribution Works toward group goals without
works toward group goals;
occasional prompting; accepts and Works toward group goals with Works toward group goals
to Group willingly accepts and fulfills
fulfills individual roles within the occasional prompting. only when prompting.
individual roles within the
Goals group.
Shows sensitivity to the
Consideration Shows and expresses sensitivity
feelings and learning needs Needs occasional
to the feelings of others; Show sensitivity to the feelings
of of others; values the reminders to be sensitive
encourages the participation of of others.
knowledge, opinion, and to the feelings of others.
Others others.
skills of all group members.
Contribution Consistently and actively
Contributes knowledge, opinions, Contributes information to the Contribute information to
contributes knowledge,
of and skills without prompting or group with occasional the group only when
opinions, and skills without
reminding. prompting and reminding. prompted.
Knowledge prompting or reminding.
Extra work put into the
assignment. Met criteria for Work done carefully, following Failed to follow rubric for
Quality of Work Work done in a rush.
an outstanding assignment guidelines of rubric. assignment.
by guidelines of rubric.
Helps the group identify Participates in needed
Working and Willingly participates in needed Participates in needed changes
necessary changes and changes when prompted
changes; usually does the with occasional prompting;
Sharing with encourages group for and encouraged; always
assigned work and rarely needs often needs reminding to do
change; does assigned or often relies on others to
Others reminding. the assigned work.
work without reminders. do the work.
Individual Role Worked well with the group. Worked reasonably well with the Failed to work well with the Failed to pull fair load or
Did a fair share of work and group. Did a fair share of work. interfered with other
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helped others in the group May have needed a reminder or groups.

be successful. two from the leader.

TOTAL: Comments (Required)!

In collaboration with _______________
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Performance Scenario:
The Research Planning, Development, Quality Assurance and Extension Office (RDQAE) of Pasig Catholic College is inviting you and your
team members to present the Chapters 1-3 of your Quantitative Research that highlights the essential and pressing problems related to your
Track/Strand and to create workable solutions on today’s pandemic through an Online Pre-Oral Presentation. As a young researcher, you and
your team are tasked to present your thesis before a group of Research Panelists. The Pre-oral Defense will begin with a 30-minute presentation
of the content of the Chapters 1-3 and the remaining 30 minutes will be allotted for the Question and Answer of the Research Panelists. The
output will be evaluated by RDQAE representatives of PCC as the Research Panelists based on the following criteria: Content; Quality of
Answers; Research Purpose; Organization; and Presenters Attitude.
Goal: Present the Chapters 1-3 of your Quantitative Research that highlights the essential and pressing problems related to your Track/Strand
and to create workable solutions.
Role: Young Researchers
Audience: RDQAE representatives of Pasig Catholic College as Research Panelists
Situation: Today’s Pandemic
Product/Performance and Purpose: Pre-Oral Defense
Standards & Criteria for Success: Content; Quality of Answers; Research Purpose; Organization; and Presenters Attitude.

The product will be rated using the Performance Task Rubric- Pre-Oral Defense:
Group # ______ Passed and candidate for top theses 70-66
Research Title: Passed with High recommendation 65-59
Passed 58-54
Passed with reservation 53-48
Re-defense/failed 47 and below


Precise and persuasive demonstration of exemplar knowledge.
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Quality of Answers:
Masterfully defends research by providing clear and insightful answers to questions. Uses
presentation resources as a guide, gives detailed explanations, is easily understandable, and
keeps appropriate eye contact with the panelists.
Research Purpose:
Problem/purpose of the study is very creative or original with new and innovative ideas; 15
explored original topic and discovered new outcomes.

Ability to access and integrate information into a cohesive overview of current knowledge;
ability to critically evaluate the meaning, value, and contribution of published literature in the
Presenters Attitude:
Attire is formal and keeps his/her camera on.

TOTAL (Performance Task):

Performance Task Guidelines:

1. The Performance Task is a group work. Groupings will be the same with the assigned Thesis Groupings of the class.
2. The students are to situate themselves in the Performance Scenario provided by the Teacher and is expected to submit the output on or
before the date of submission presented above.
3. Pre-Oral Defense is to be graded using the Rubrics presented above.
4. The Thesis Defense Presentation must contain all the sections of Chapters 1-3: Title; Statement of the Problem; Introduction and
Background of the study; Statement of Hypothesis (if there is any); Scope and Delimitation of the Study; Significance of the Study; and
Definition of Terms; Review of Related Literature and Studies; Conceptual Framework; Synthesis; Research Design; Population and
Sample Size; Sampling Technique; Instrumentation; Data Gathering Procedure; and Statistical Treatment of Data.
5. The names of the group members must be listed in the first part of the slide presentations.
6. All group members including the leader are to accomplish the self-assessment rubric regarding their participation in the Pre-Oral
Defense to be submitted in the Assignment Tab of MS Teams on the same day of the scheduled Defense.
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Criterion 4 3 2 1
Consistently and actively
Contribution Works toward group goals without
works toward group goals;
occasional prompting; accepts and Works toward group goals with Works toward group goals
to Group willingly accepts and fulfills
fulfills individual roles within the occasional prompting. only when prompting.
individual roles within the
Goals group.
Shows sensitivity to the
Consideration Shows and expresses sensitivity
feelings and learning needs Needs occasional
to the feelings of others; Show sensitivity to the feelings
of of others; values the reminders to be sensitive
encourages the participation of of others.
knowledge, opinion, and to the feelings of others.
Others others.
skills of all group members.
Contribution Consistently and actively
Contributes knowledge, opinions, Contributes information to the Contribute information to
contributes knowledge,
of and skills without prompting or group with occasional the group only when
opinions, and skills without
reminding. prompting and reminding. prompted.
Knowledge prompting or reminding.
Extra work put into the
assignment. Met criteria for Work done carefully, following Failed to follow rubric for
Quality of Work Work done in a rush.
an outstanding assignment guidelines of rubric. assignment.
by guidelines of rubric.
Helps the group identify Participates in needed
Working and Willingly participates in needed Participates in needed changes
necessary changes and changes when prompted
changes; usually does the with occasional prompting;
Sharing with encourages group for and encouraged; always
assigned work and rarely needs often needs reminding to do
change; does assigned or often relies on others to
Others reminding. the assigned work.
work without reminders. do the work.
Individual Role Worked well with the group. Worked reasonably well with the Failed to work well with the Failed to pull fair load or
Did a fair share of work and group. Did a fair share of work. group. interfered with other
helped others in the group May have needed a reminder or groups.
be successful. two from the leader.
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TOTAL: Comments (Required)!

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