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End Mental Health #End

Stigma in Your School 
Create a Shared Language
  with school leadership to:
Increase awareness of language used in your school around mental health
Work with a school team to develop the language you want to use to describe mental health in your school.
(TIP: Using the concepts, language and vocabulary you learn in this course is a great starting place!)
Ensure the language frames mental health on a continuum and is normalizing, welcoming, and non-
Educate all staff on the frame, language and vocabulary you are building
Educate all students about your schools’ shared language and why it is important
Provide opportunities for reinforcing shared language in day to day interactions

Provide Education
Help school staff, students, and caregivers understand mental health, its origins, how to build mental
health and wellbeing, and access supports when needed.
(TIP: Use the shared language you developed when you provide education)
Communicate that:
mental health exists on a continuum and challenges are normal
there is nothing “wrong” with a person who experiences a mental health challenge
evidence based treatments are available and effective for youth who struggle with severe mental health
challenges that interfere with their life functioning
people with mental health challenges can recover
there are things everyone can do to build the school community’s health and wellbeing

Remove Barriers
Remove both perceptual and concrete barriers
Perceptual barriers deal with perceptions of mental health (e.g., stigma)
Concrete barriers are things that get in the way of a person accessing supports (not understanding who to
ask for help or how the mental health system works)
Make sure all staff, students and parents
know how and who to contact at your school if there is a concern
understand the mental health system at your school

Universal Supports & Prevention

Build activities and knowledge about building mental health into existing mental health supports.
Provide adequate nutrition, opportunities to exercise and to build emotion identification and regulation 
Ensure that every student is connected to at least one caring adult at school 

Center for Resilience & Wellbeing in Schools

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