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Field Verification of a Nondestructive Damage Localization and Severity

Estimation Algorithm

Article  in  Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering · March 1995

250 1,733

3 authors:

Norris Stubbs Jeong-Tae Kim

Texas A&M University Pukyong National University


Charles Farrar
Los Alamos National Laboratory


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Norris Stubbs and Jeong-Tae Kim Charles R Farrar

Texas A&M University Los Alamos National Laboratory
College Station, TX 77843, USA Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA

ABSTRACT theories were perfect, many modal parameters were

available, and experimental error were insignificant, the
An experiment to field-test an existing methodology need still exists to account for the uncertainty associated
for nondestructive damage localization in bridges is with modeling the properties and boundary conditions of
described. he-damage and post-damage modal data are real structures.
extracted from a 1300 A span bridge located in New The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the
Mexico. The data are fed into the damage detection practicality of a scheme to localize damage in a full-scale
algorithm and the damage localized. Results of the structure. To meet this objective, we utilize the following
analysis indicate that the methodology accurately localizes approach: first, we describe the structure under study;
the damage. second, we provide a summary of aspects of the theory for
damage localization that relates to the type of structure
1. INTRODUCTION being studied;’ third, we summarize the design of the
damage localization experiment; fourth, we summarize the
This paper deals with the problem of developing actual collection of the data and summarize the results of
nondestructive damage detection methods that work on the modal analysis; finally, we use the scheme and the
full scale bridges. Nondestructive damage detection is an field data to localize damage in the stroctore.
important subproblem of damage assessment and should
form the basis of any decision to repair, rehabilitate, or 2. DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE
replace a bridge. During the past decade, a significant
amount of research has been conducted in the area of The structure is located in Bemalillo County, New
damage detection via changes in the modal response of a Mexico, USA. It is designated I-40 (i.e., US Interstate
structure. For example, research studies have related Highway 40) and passes over the Rio Grande river which
changes in eigenfrequencies to changes in beam runs in a North-South direction at the point of crossing.
properti&*l, located defects in beam elements from The structure was built circa 1963 under the jurisdiction of
changes in eigenfrequencies13-51, detected faults in the New Mexico Standards and Specifications (1954
mechanical stmctores161, attempted to monitor the Edition).
integrity of offshore platf~rmsl~~~l, attempted to monitor Fig. l(a) shows an elevation view of the portion of the
the structural integrity of bridge@“1, and investigated bridge that was tested. The tested portion spans 423 feet:
the feasibility of damage detection in space structures two spans of approximately 130 feet and a span of
using changes in modal pammeterslL21. approximately 163 feet. Fig. l(b) shows boundary
Despite this modest combined research effort, several conditions between spans of the bridge. As schematized in
problems remain to be solved before damage detection in Fig. l(c), the superstructure of the bridge consists of the
real stnxtores becomes a routine activity. A need remains deck, the deck supporting system and the bents. The deck
to develop more robust theories of damage detection to consists of a seven-inch deep, 44-feet-wide reinforced
simultaneously include changes in all modal parameters. concrete deck. The deck supporting system consists of two,
A need also remains to circumvent the reality of being lo-feet-deep steel plate girders and a system of 21 WF 62
capable of measuring only a few modes, particularly in stringers. The stringers are supported by a system of 36
large stmctores. In addition, a need remains to account for WF 182 (or 36 WF 150) floor beams which frame into the
omnipresent experimental errors in measured modal girders. The girder system is X-braced horizontally by 5 in
parameters. Furthermore, even if the damage detection x 5 in x 5/S in angles. The girders are supported by bents.

Each bent consists of a 35 feet beam and two 4-f&-10- 3. DAMAGE LOCALIZATION ALGORITHM IN
inch-diameter hexagonical piers which vary in length from BEAMS
39 feet to 56 feet. Both the beam and the piers are made of
reinforced concrete. 3.1 Theory
The substructure consists of a footing which supports the The damage localization scheme described below
bents and acts simultaneously as a pile cap for a bank of utilizes the paradigm of pattern recognition. In the
piles. The substructure is in a soil environment which problem at band, the dynamic response of the structure in
consists of typically a 3 feet layer of clay at the river bed, a the time domain represents the physical world data and the
5 feet layer of sand, a 10 feet layer of gravel in sand, a 5 modal parameters represent the pattern space. We develop
feet layer of compacted clay, and at least a 20 feet layer of a feature space by forming indicators that are a function of
quick or compacted sand. The footing is typically at an measurable pre-damage and post-damage modal
elevation of 4942 feet in the compacted sand layer with parameters. These indicators are selected in such a manner
dimensions of 36 A x 12 A x 3 ft. Each reinforced concrete that they reflect internal structure in the data. The decision
footing also functions as a pile cap for a typical bank of 35 algorithm is a means by which the data space is
piles, the outer 20 of which are battered. The piles are partitioned into C “decision regions”. In our case C=2 and
typically 16 inch diameter steel pipes filled with concrete. corresponds to the cases: (a) a structore is not damaged at
a given location, and (b) a structure is damaged at a given
location. Each instance of OUT indicator will fall into one
of the categories.
We first develop indicators of damage that represent the
feature space. The structure of interest here will be
modeled as a beam, therefore, for this paper, the theory of
damage localization will be limited to beams. The
approach presented here can be routinely extended to
plates or other arbitrary three-dimensional structures.
Consider an arbitrary homogeneous 1-D beam with NE
members (in the finite element sense) and N nodes.
Assume that the beam behaves linearly. On solving the
eigenvalue problem, the P modal stiffness, K,, of the
beam is given by

where 4!(x) is the mode shape of i* modal vector, k(x) is

the bending stiffness of the beam (i.e. the product of
@) l?oundaq Condition3
Young’s modulus and the second moment of area). The
contribution of the j” member of the % modal stiffness,
C, , is given by

where k, is the stiffness of the j’” member.

The fraction of the modal stiffness (element sensitivity)
for the i mode that is concentrated in i” member is given
5 =C,fK, (3)
Let the corresponding modal parameters in Eqs. 1 to 3
Fig. 1. Schematic of the Test Bridge associated with damaged structure be characterized by
asterisks. Then for the damaged stroctore

c=q/K;= F,(l+~&z,+H.O.T.)
where scalars C; and K; are given by

c; = k;lJ~~(+fx (5)

K; = jk.[+y(x)f& (6) 2?2!x (11)

The constants 4 represent a set of coefficients associated There are hvo important featores of the indicator p#:
with the mode i and location k; rx, =(k;-k,)/k* is the first, the expression attempts to express the changes in
fraction of stiffness loss at location k in the structure; and stiffness at a specific location in terms of predamage and
H.O.T. stands for higher order terms. post damage mode shapes; and second, the terms on the
right band side of F& 10 can be measured. Thus for each
In Eqs. 1-6, note that, for any mode i, the terms 5 and
damage location j, there are as many pfl, available as there
F; have the following pro&?xtk:
are mode shapes. The later values of fiJ define the feature
To account for all available modes we form a single
indicator for each location as
F,<<l, I$<<1 (7)
Therefore, an expression which connects the behavior of
the damaged and undamaged structure may be developed c NcJM 6
from the approximation: (12)
‘, =c i DENJ’
l+F,sl+F; (8)
We then inormalize the values of the indicator according to
(Note that for a beam divided into tifly (50) elements, the
the rule
average value of Fg and F; is 0.02). Eq. 8 is used to derive
z, = t/J, -##fi)/u# (13)
a consistent indicator of damage localization. The validity Our next problem is to develop an algorithm that would
of using Eq. 8 to derive a consistent indicator of damage
localization is examined in the next section. classify the z~, into damaged and undamaged locations. A
Substituting into E$ 8 for F;; and F;i using Eqs. 3 and 4 solution to this problem can be obtained in several ways
which include., but are not limited to, techniques from
yields statistical hypothesis testing1131, signal detection[‘41, and
classification analysisI”*t61. Here we will classify the
(9) damage pattern a a statistical pattern recognition
technique. We use the proposed technique at this time
Utilizing expressions for Cu and C; in Eqs. 2 and 5 and because it is well known and easy to apply.
Statistical pattern-recognition systems map randomly
the Mean Value Theorem of Calculus, l?q. 9 is
sampled patterns X eff to pattern k decision classes
transformed to
D,cf?. The decision classes (0,) partition the pattern
space ff:

R-=(jD,, D,17Ds=+i/i#j (14)

Pattern recognition is supervised if the decision classes are
known. The technique we will we here to classify a
By approximating k(i) g k’(i), we obtain member is hypothesis testing. We assume that there are
two hypotheses concerning the value Z, The first of these,

the ““II hypothesis, Ho, assumes that the value of Z, without solving a system of equations, and damage may be
localized in structures containing many elements.
consists of only noise so that Z, = N. in the second
hypothesis, HI, the location is assumed to be damaged so 3.2 Numerical Validation of the Theory
that Z, = N + D. We let Do denote the choice of the Ho The objective here is to evaluate the feasibility of the
proposed theory (i.e., to examine the validity that Eq. 8
hypothesis and D1 denote the choice of the HI hypothesis. derive a consistent indicator of damage localization). We
Four outcomes based on a set of samples of Z, are meet this objective in four steps: firstly, a test structure is
possible: defined; secondly, modal parameters of a” undamaged
1. We correctly identify the presence of damage. The state and two damaged states (with different magnitudes of
probability of this outcome is called the damage at a fixed location) of the test structure are
probability of detection (PD) denoted by P(Dl/Hl); generated “sing the software package ABAQUS[“l; and
2. We incorrectly declare that damage is present when finally, the theory is used to localize damage inflicted in
in fact there is no damage present. This is the the test structure.
probability of a false alarm (Pfa) denoted by A finite element (FE) model of a continuous beam was
my&J; selected as the test stmcture. As shown in Fig. 2, the FE
3 . We incorrectly declare that there is no damage model consisted of 50 beam members and three linear
present. This is denoted by P(D&l); and axial springs modeling supports of the beam. In this
4 . We correctly declare that the location is hypothetical example we assumed that only vertical
undamaged. This case is denoted by P@&). motion is measured at each nodal point. Values for the
In our damage detection examples, we Qo not have &@x?.L! material properties of the beam elements and springs were
probabilities P(Ho) and P(H1) neither do we assign costs to assigned as follows: (1) the elastic modulus E = 10 Y 106psi
the possible four wtcomes of the experiment. Therefore if (70 Gpo); (2) Poisson’s ratio u=O.33; and (3) the linear
we assume a knowledge of the density functions of the
mass density p=2.536x10“lb~s1/in’ (2710 kg/m’). Vahes
““damaged a” damaged Z,,, we can use the Neyman-
for the geometric properties were assigned as follows: (1)
Pearson (NP) criterion as a classification algorithm[131. for beam elements, the cross-sectional area A = 1.625 in’
Note that this criterion maximizes PD for a specified Pfa (l.OSxlO”m’) and the second moment of area Z=1.2in4
The NP detector uses a likelihood ratio test of the (5.0x 10.‘m’); (2) for Spring 1 member, A =7.7x10Jin’
followi”g form:
(4.96x10dm’) and 1~0; and (3) for Spring 2 member,
,4=1.3x10-*in” (8.4xiOdm~)a”d Z=O.
A =A(l)ty (15)
r P,(Z)
where ,L, is the test statistic; z is the single observation of
damage; p,(t) is the pdfof z given that H1 is tme; p,(r) is
the pdf of z given that Ho is true; and y is a number
which depends upon the significance level of the test. The
decision role for the NP detector is
Choose Ho: otherwise.
A” equivalent decision rule is
ChooseHI: whenz>K
Choose Ho: otherwise Fig. 2. Schematic of the Test Structure
Thus damage localization is accomplished in five steps:
(1) Compute fractional modal stiffness for each member; Next, we measured, via numerical simulation, modal
(2) Compute p,; (3) Compute p,; (4) Compute Z,; (5) parameters of an ““damaged state and three damaged
states. Here the three damage cases were limited to the FE
Select K; and (6) Classify location j. model damaged at a fixed location (i.e., Element 39 shown
As will be demonstrated below, this method has several
in Fig. 2) with different magnitudes of damage (i.e., 1
appealing features which include the following items: only percent (Case 1) and 25 percent (Case 2) reductions in the
mode shapes are needed in the analysis (See e.g., Eq. 1 l), second moment of area of Element 39). Typical
damage may be detected “sing few modes, frequency and
damping information are not needed, damage is detected

nunwically generated mode shapes and frequencies of the reliable damage localization indicator for beams.
first three modes are shown in Fig. 3 and Table 1. especially when the damage is small

Table 1. Pre-Damage and Post-Damage Frequencies (Hz)

of the FF. Model

ttefermfe 32.381 46.377 1 L8.77

I 32.375 46.371 118.77
2 31.782 45.847 118.76

(a) Damage Case One

(b) Damage Case Two

Fig. 3. Mode Shapes of the FE Modei
Fig. 4. The Comparison of I+ F;, and 1 + F;y
Finally, we localized the damage in the beam for the two
damage cases described previously. Firstly, we obtained
pre-damage and post-damage mode shapes of the three
modes of the FE model. The instantaneous curwares of
the mode shapes at the 51 nodes of the FE model were
estimated by using cubic-spline interpolation functions.
Secondly, we computed the element sensitivities (i.e., Eq.
3 for the undamaged state and Eq. 4 for the damaged
states). For each corresponding undamaged and damaged
1, 2, . . . . 50) wc~e computed. The resulting plot of (1 +K,,
1 +I$) pairs is shown in Fig. 4 along with the unity slope
line. Thirdly, we established the criterion for the damage
localization indicator as follows: (1) select H, (i.e., no
damage at location j) if Z, < 2 or (2) select the alternate H,
if Z, 2 2 (i.e., Pfa = 0.0228). The resulting damage
locali7ations for the two damage cases are shown in Fig. 5.
For Damage Case One (See Figs. 4(a) and 5(a)), all 150
sensitivity points fall on the unity slope line and damage is t .I
indicated at Element 39 which is the correct damage -2
1 6 $1 ‘“E,ege”,‘;$,‘L,‘” .1 66
location. For Damage Case Two (See Figs. 4(b) and 5(b)),
except two points, 148 points fall on or very near to the
(b) Damage Case Two
unity slope line and damage is indicated at Element 39.
Fig. 5. Damage Localization Results in the FE Model
From these results, we conclude that Eq. 8 provides a

4. EXPERlMENTAL DESIGN 1. The data gathering and modal analysis were
performed by the Advanced Engineering Division,
Here we demonstrate, for the I-40 bridge, the Los Alamos National Laboratory;
practicality and effectiveness of utilizing the referenced 2. The tests were performed on the bridge from 31
damage detection scheme. To meet this objective we (i.e., August to 2 September, 1993. The modal analysis
TAMU & NMSU) agreed upon the following strategy: was performed subsequent to the test;
1. TAMU will specify what modal parameters are 3. Pre-damage and post-damage mode shapes were
required as input to the damage detection; provided for three modes (two bending modes and
2. NMSU will instrument the bridge, take predamage a torsional mode);
and post-damage dynamic measurements, and 4. The location and arrangements of the
determine the mode shapes and resonant accelerometers are shown in Fig. 6;
frequencies; 5. Four levels of damage were inflicted upon the
3. NMSU will transmit the modal information to structure near X-6 of the girder shown in Fig. 6:
TAMU; a) A two-foot-long cut in the web (approximately
4. TAhKl will perform the damage localization and 318-i” wide) centered at midheight of the girder;
severity estimation; and b) The cut was extended down 4 feet to the bottom
5. TAMU will report the results to Nh4SU. flange;
To meet the first subobjective above, we specified the c) The bottom flange was cut halfway in from either
following data to be provided. side directly below the cut in the web; and
1. Mode shapes and their corresponding frequencies tillally,
for at least three modes are required; d) The bottom flange was cut completely through
2. The above modal information is required before leaving only the top 4 ft. of the web and top
damage is inflicted and after at least two instances flange to carry the load.
of damage; 6. Pm-damage and post-damage accelerometer
3. Nh4SU should utilize appropriate averaging readings were taken for each damaging episode.
techniques to lessen the occurrence of noise in the Each mode shape reported in the next section represents
modal information; the average of 30 readines! In summary, the
4. Sensor readings normal to the longitudinal axis of measurements by Los Alamos surpassed the requirements
the girder should be taken on the girder to be specified by TAMU.
5. A sensor reading should be taken directly over each 6. RESULTS OF MODAL ANALYSIS
support; and
6. Subsequent readings should be taken at intervals of The results of the modal analyses performed by Los
at least one-tenth the span. Alamos personnel are summarized in Tables 2-6. The
tables are derived from the more complete data provided
5. SUMMARY OF DATA GATHERING by the Los Alamos Team. Here we neglected the phase
angle, which was typically near zero or *180”, and
The following discussion summarizes the data-gathering retained only the magnitude of the mode shapes. Note also
at the project site: that the tables do not represent the sequence of damage
described in the last &on. Note that accelerometer
locations X-l to X-l 1 are indicated in Fig. 6.

W e s t - North Plate Girder & easl

n II I
Table 2. Modal Amplitudes (&lo”) for Reference Case Table 5. Modal Amplitudes for Damage Case 3

R Mode,:2.J00~zMode2:*.969~Mode3:3.~62Hr Pt. Mode 1 : 2.531 Hz Mode 2 :3.000 Hz Mode 3 : 3.594 Hz

Z2.02 32. t9 to.10 x1 16.72 27.03 16.84

282.70 378.90 107.40 x2 218.W 314.50 136.00
569.80 758.20 179.00 x3 438.90 625.70 228.50
805.10 ,084.W 169.70 x4 619.60 893.70 208.70
976.40 1306.00 LW.70 x5 750.80 10,400 L10.60
IW4.oil t351.00 t-t.02 X6 779.,0 1 I t7.00 16.92
947.80 t256.00 76.86 x7 732.20 1034.00 136.20
793.30 1059.00 147.80 X8 612.40 869.70 223.60
582.70 787.20 168.20 x9 448.70 644.60 240.80
264.70 364.30 90.43 HO 203.90 298.90 130.60
25.50 40.64 15.55 XL, L9.2, 32.05 19.31

Table 3. Modal Amplitudes for Damage Care 1 Table 6. Modal Amplitudes for Damage Case 4

pt. Mode1:2.469HrMode*:2.938H2MOde3:3.J00Hz R. MC& 1 : 2.312 Hz Mode 2 : 2.844 Hz Mode 3 :3.x4 Hz

L6.04 36.U 7.30 XL 1.23 9.11 3.86

195.10 422.50 65.24 x2 L5.7, 107.90 38.66
390.70 850.60 105.90 x3 32.52 222.80 65.35
556.00 t*2t.o0 to3.50 x4 49.38 341.70 62.5,
678.70 1480.00 59.86 x5 65.09 444.50 38.70
7W.10 t53mo 8.32 X6 73.50 503.50 8.48
656.90 1427.00 51.29 x7 64.7, 436.30 26.4,
549.30 1196.00 93.88 X8 JO.9 340.50 50.48
403.10 884.20 104.50 x9 35.08 238.80 57.70
182.40 406.20 56.56 X10 15.04 105.90 31.71
18.5, 42.29 8.89 x11 1.35 11.72 4.45

Table 4. Modal Amplitudes for Damage Case 2

pt. Mode 1 : 2.53, Hz Mode 2 : 3.000 Hz Mode 3 : 3.531 Hz
We selected the Euler-Bernoulli beam model as the
x1 2.25 10.96 4.84 damage detection model of the girder for two reasons:
x2 27.57 t24.70 36.67 firstly, the girder is essentially a beam and secondly, the
x3 55.04 251.10 62.63 accelerometers measure only vertical motion and thus the
x4 79.t5 1338.40 59.41 data collected provide information that could be utilized by
x5 96.36 L431.40 35.33 a one-dimensional beam. The damage detection model of
X6 99.41 t447.00 5.96 the bridge span includes 160 beam elements of equal size.
x7 93.46 t‘it4.20 27.70 Note that each element is a damage location and
X8 78.26 L346.20 51.62 represents a spacing of approximately 1 foot. In other
x9 57.39 256.80 57.98 words, the resolution of our damage algorithm for this
X10 26.21 I18.60 31.34 problem is one foot or 0.6 percent (i.e., (l/160) x 100) of
XI1 2.55 13.50 5.t2 the span. We justify the use of a one-foot wide beam
element by interpolating & sensor readings at the
locations of the 161 nodes (See Fig. 7) of the damage
detection model obtained via the use of spline fonctions

and the clement modal amplitude values (normalized) utilized the following approach: first, we described the
from Tables 24. Using the interpolated modal coordinates bridge under study; second, we provided a summary of
for the beam for each of the pm-damage and post-damage aspects of the localization theory that related to steel girder
mode shapes, we generate functions K(X), where x is the bridges; third, we summarized the design of the entire
coordinate along the axis of the beam. From K(x) we damage localization experiment; fourth, we described the
actual collection of the data and summarized the results of
estimate the instantaneous curvature F(X).
the modal analysis; finally, we used the scheme and the
We next establish the criterion for the damage
field data to localize damage in the bridge. Using only
localization indicator as follows: select Ho (i.e., no damage
three modes of vibration and with no knowledge of the
at location j) if Z, < 2 or (2) select the alternate Hl if Z, 2 material properties of the bridge, we accurately located
2 (i.e., Pfa = 0.0228). The resulting damage localization damage in the structure.
for the 4 damage cases arc shown in Fig. 8(a) to 8(d). Note
that the damage was inflicted in clement 82 which is 9. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
highlighted on Fig. 8. Note also that the combined damage
index is greater than 2 in the region near to and including The research reported herein was partially supported by
clement 82. In the Figures, about 10 damage locations are New Mexico State University under Agreement No. 01-3-
effected (i.e., approximately locations 73 to 84). This 4439x1 and was conducted at the Center for Mechanics
smeared damage behavior is expected since the strain and Materials at Texas A&M University The authors
energy in the region adjacent to the cut is very small or would like to thank especially Drs. Larry1 Matthews and
zero. According to our damage algorithm, there is no Ken White of NMSU for the invitation to participate in
damage in any other part of the span. this project.
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Fig. 7. Damage Localization Results in the Bridge


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