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What did Fred Riggs mean by Sala?

Prismatic Sala model

Riggs analyzed interaction between the administration system and its environment in prismatic
societies. His Prismatic Sala model represents a traditional or developing society and 'Sala' is the
administrative sub-system of it.

What is Riggs theory?

Riggs' theory is. based on nonconforming behavior as found in Western societies—including.
metropolitan crises, ethnic riots, student boycotts, social distancing, as well as “the. hippy
phenomenon”—characteristics particular to prismatic societies in highly. developed countries.

Which are the basic principles of Riggs model?

A prismatic society, according to Riggs, is characterized by formalism (the wide gap between the norms
and reality), over lapping (the extent to which the administrative behavior is determined by non-
administrative criteria), and heterogeneity (mixture of old and new values).13 Oct 2015

Why is comparative public administration necessary?

The significance of comparative public administration can also be noticed in practical matters.
Through comparative public administration, administrators, policy makers and researchers can
understand the successes and failures of administrative structures in different environments.10 Jul 2020

What are the benefits of comparative public administration?

The study of comparative public administration contributes to a greater understanding of the individual
characteristics of administrative systems functioning in different nations and then we can endeavour to
adopt those practices which can fit in our own nations and systems.

Which stage in the evolution of public administration is called Golden Age?

Hence cumulatively on the basis of the above facts it can be summed up that the second  stage of Public
Administration was the Golden Period of it and it was during this period that subject of Public
Administration was exposed to analysis through scientific rules and research was conducted on its
various aspects in ...18 Feb 2014

What is prismatic Sala?

Prismatic Sala model. Riggs analyzed interaction between the administration system and its
environment in prismatic societies. His Prismatic Sala model represents a traditional or developing
society and 'Sala' is the administrative sub-system of it.
What is administration theory?
administrative theory, classical administrative theory An early form of organization theory, pioneered
mainly by Henri Fayol (1841–1925), which was concerned principally with achieving the 'most rational'
organization for co-ordinating the various tasks specified within a complex division of labour

What is the economic sub-system of prismatic society called?

This results in nepotism in recruitment, corruption and inefficiency in the administration of laws. (v)
Bazaar-Canteen Model: Economic sub-system of prismatic society was termed as 'bazaar – canteen' by

Who is the father of development administration?

The term development administration was first coined by U.L. Goswmi an Indian scholar. He used this
term in his article entitled The structure of development administration in India, published in 1955.
However, it is George Gant, an American scholar, who is regarded as the father of development
administration.11 Aug 2016

What are the features of Agraria and Industria models of Riggs?

Models respectively. Riggs assumed that all societies transformed from Agraria to Industria at some
point of time in history. The features of the Agraria Model are as follows: • Predominant ascriptive,
particularistic and diffused patterns. Limited social and spatial mobility and stable local groups.

What is Agraria Industria model?

Fred Riggs, who is known as the Father of Comparative Public Administration developed a typology in
1956-1957 named as 'AGRARIA-TRANSITIA-INDUSTRIA. This model was fully developed in 1957.It
reflects the features of two societies viz. ... It is consisted of elements of both agrarian & industrial
society.4 Jan 2020

How many administrative model explained Riggs?

He took the global systems as a frame of reference for his catcgorisation and develop~d three
ideal models viz., Fused, Prismatic and Diffracted to explain the change in the transitional societies.

What are the features of Development Administration?

The following are the characteristics of development administration:
 Change-oriented. ...
 Result-oriented. ...
 Client-oriented. ...
 Citizen participation oriented. ...
 Commitment to fulfill public demands. ...
 Concerned with innovation. ...
 Administration of industrial societies. ...
 Effectiveness of coordination.
What is the prismatic model of society?
The theory of prismatic society is based on an analogy of a fused white light passing through
a prism and emerging diffracted as a series of different colours. ... In prismatic societies therefore
'traditional' and 'modern' values and behaviour coexist in the same organisation.

Does globalization has a role to play in the field of comparative public administration?
Recently, increasing global interdependence offered new opportunities for comparative and
development public administration to revive its earlier premises and to renew the efforts for change.
Today, knowledge regularly crosses cultural boundaries in important areas such as finance, technology,
and management.26 Nov 2016

The fourteen principles of management created by Henri Fayol are explained below.
 Division of Work- ...
 Authority and Responsibility- ...
 Discipline- ...
 Unity of Command- ...
 Unity of Direction- ...
 Subordination of Individual Interest- ...
 Remuneration- ...
 Centralization-

Who has given prismatic Sala model?

Fred Wriggs
The search for answers for the inefficiencies in the administrative systems of emergent nations
culminated in the formulation of Prismatic Sala Model by Fred Wriggs.27 Jan 2020

What does the term Sala mean in public administration?

Sala is the administrative subsystem in prismatic society. Office is the administrative subsystem in
diffracted society. Sala in Prismatic Society…. It is the administrative subsystem of Prismatic society.
It has got three characteristics: 1-Heterogeneity 2-Formalism 3-Overlapping.

What is structural functional approach in public administration?

The structural functional approach to public administration is a term adapted from sociology and
anthropology which interprets society as a structure with interrelated parts. ... So, according to them, a
society has a structure and functions.

Riggs model of Comparative Public Administration

 Agraria – Industria Model :Fred Riggs

 Fused Prismatic Diffracted Model ( Fred Riggs)

 Prismatic Sala Model ( Fred Riggs)

 Change In A Prismatic Society:

 Critics

Fred Riggs Tools

 Every culture offers support and obstacles to change and development.

 Fred Riggs wanted to demonstrate how external conditions influence administrative systems.

 Three Tools:

o Ecological Approach: Administration is one subsystem of a society and so is influenced

by other subsystems viz. political, social, cultural and economic dimensions.

o Structural Functional Approach: Society has many structures that perform various

functions viz. political, economic, social, symbolic, communicational. The same set of

functional requisites apply to a administrative subsystem.

o Ideal Models: Based on structural functional models. There are two models:

 Agraria – Industria

 Fused – Prismatic – Diffracted.

Agraria – Industria Model :Fred Riggs

 All societies are either agro dominant or industrial. The shift from agro to industrial is

compulsory and unidirectional.

Agriculture Dominant Industrial Dominant
Ascriptive values i.e. People are placed in
Achievement oriented classification
social classes based on birth or other factors.
Particularistic norms Universalistic norms
Diffuse patterns Specific patterns
Stable local groups and low spatial mobility High mobility
Simple occupational differentiation Egalitarian class system
Few administration structures. Function not
specified. Primordial preferences given priority
like caste


 Transitia society less developed. Doesnt help in examining it.

 No mechanism to study mixed society

 Even industrial society have agriculture

 Assumes unidirectional movement

 Stresses on environment of administration system not administration systems.

 Too general and abstract.

Fused Prismatic Diffracted Model ( Fred Riggs)

 Represents underdeveloped, developed and developing societies.

 Traditionally agriculture, folk, societies are fused, industrial societies are diffracted and

intermediate ones are fused.

 Thus fused society is where a single structure performs many functions and diffracted one is

where a single structure performs limited functions.

Prismatic Model Of Developing Countries:

 Heterogeneity: It means a society is divided into haves and have nots. the bureaucracy would

protect interest of haves and ignore havenots leading to a revolution.

 Formalism: The difference between stated and practised is high. thus bureaucracy plays

dominant role in policy making as executive is busy in power politics.

 Overlapping:New structures are still dominated by old systems. thus parliament, markets are

present but still dominated by family, caste, traditions etc.

Fig 1: Fused diffracted prismatic model

Prismatic Sala model (Fred Riggs)

 Riggs analyzed interaction between the administration system and its environment in prismatic


 His Prismatic Sala model represents a traditional or developing society and ‘Sala’ is the

administrative sub-system of it.

Features of Prismatic Sala model: Fred Riggs

 Heterogeneity: High degree of heterogeneity in a prismatic society due to simultaneous

presence of different kinds of systems, practices and viewpoints.

 Formalism: High degree; due to discrepancy between formally prescribed and effectively

practices i.e. between norms and reality.

 Overlapping: High degree; due to formally differentiated structures of a diffracted society co-

exist with a undifferentiated structures of a fused society.

 Nepotism: ‘Sala’ has nepotism in recruitment.

 Poly-normative: Co-existence of modern, traditional norms leading to lack of consensus on

norms of behavior.

 Poly-communal: Hostile co-existence of communities.

 Bazaar canteen system: The economic subsystem which combines both market economy and

traditional economy. Hence prices of goods keep fluctuating. A small section exploits a large

number and controls economic institutions. Prices of goods is determined by relationship

between people and officials so it varies largely. In this model, market factors are developed

without increase in capital so businessmen try to increase their influence on politics and

administration for personal ends. Black market, adulteration, hoarding, inflation is seen.

Exploitation, poverty, social injustice are main features.

 Authority and Control:Authority is centralized but control is localized so dominance of

administrators is seen.

Change In A Prismatic Society:

 Pace of development is related to sources of change. Western societies change their effective

behavior to evolving behavior as they have longer timespan for development. Hence they

experience low heterogeneity, formalism and overlapping.

 Change can be exogenous, endogenous or equigenous. An exogenous society faces more

heterogeneity, formalism and overlapping than endogenous as the effective behavior precedes

establishment of new formal institutions in endogenous.

 Prismatic societies face problems of greater heterogeneity, formalism and overlapping in their

bid to absorb exogenous change in shortest time.


 Difficulty in language and terms borrowed from sciences.

 Lack of change orientation i.e. equilibrium models and so not helpful in introducing social

change in system.

 No quantitative levels to measure levels of prismatic and diffraction.

 Focus on negative character of prismatic society.

 Societies are characterized into fused, prismatic, diffracted on basis of capitalist values and so no


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