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Roman Numerals:

I 1
V 5
X 10
L 50
C 100
D 500
M 1000

1. When a letter is repeated, it’s value is repeated
2. A letter can not be repeated more than three times
3. V, L, & D are never repeated
4. When a smaller numeral is placed BEFORE a larger numeral,
it’s value is SUBTRACTED from the larger value
5. When a smaller numeral is placed AFTER a larger numeral, it’s
value is ADDED to the larger value
6. V, L, & D are never subtracted from larger digits
7. Never subtract more than one numeral
8. I is used before V and X only
X is used before L and C only
C is used before C and D only

Metric System:
Today, the metric system is the most commonly used measurement system for
pharmaceutical calculations.

Basic Metric Units:

Gram (g) weight
Liter (l) volume
Meter (m) length

Prefix Symbol Meaning Conversion

Micro- mc or μ One millionth basic unit x 1,000,000
Milli- m One thousandth basic unit x 1,000
Centi- c One hundredth basic unit x 100
Deci- d One tenth basic unit x 10
Basic Unit (g, l, or m)
Hecto- H One hundred times basic unit x 0.01
Kilo- K One thousand times basic unit x 0.001
Apothecary System:
The apothecary system is less common than the metric system, however some
medications are still prescribed using apothecary weights. The apothecary
system has units of measure for weight and volume but none for length. Because
the apothecary system and the metric system both have units of measure for
weight and volume, it is simple to convert these measurements from one system
to the other.

Unit of measure Conversion

Fluidram 60 minims
Fluidounce 8 fluidrams
Pint 16 fluidounces
Quart 2 pints (32 fluidounces)
Gallon 4 quarts (8 pints)
Scruple 20 grains
Dram 3 scruples
Ounce 8 drams (24 scruples)
Pound 12 ounces

Avoirdupois System:
The avoirdupois system is a measurement system for weights only. The system
contains three units of measure; two of which are commonly used in everyday
life, the pound and the ounce, and one which is rarely used outside the
pharmacy, the grain.

Unit of Measure Conversion

Ounce 437.5 grains
Pound 16 ounces
Household Measurements:
Household measurements are regularly used in pharmacy practice, as they are
easiest for the patients to understand.

Unit of Measure Conversion

Teaspoonful (tsp)
Tablespoonful (Tbsp) 3 tsp
Fluid ounce * 2 tbsp
Cup 8 fluid ounces
Pint 2 cups
Quart 2 pints
Gallon 4 quarts
Pound* 16 ounces

Intersystem Conversions
As a pharmacy technician, it is essential that you are able to convert
measurements within and between systems.


16.23 minim= 1 ml
1 fluidram= 5 ml = 1 teaspoonful
1 teaspoonful= 5ml
1 tablespoonful= 15ml
1 fluid ounce= 30 ml
33.8 fluid ounces= 1 L
1 pint= 16 fluid ounces= 480 ml
1 quart= 2 pints= 960 ml
1 gallon= 4 quarts= 3840ml


1 grain= 65mg
15.4 grains= 1g
1 ounce = 30 g
1 ap pound= 5760 grains= 373.2 g
1 av pound= 7000 grains= 454 g
2.2 lbs= 1 kg

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