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Two terms used for adequate intake of food by individuals are:

a. RDA and IA
b. RDA and UTR
c. IA and UTR
d. AI only
2. The muscular organ in which the baby develops:
a. Vagina
b. Placenta
c. Uterus
3. The upper tolerable limit of sodium for a pregnant woman is:
a. 1800 mg
b. 2300 mg
c. 3000 mg
d. 1500 mg
4. The absence of breast feeding increases the rates of death in children upto
a. Five times
b. Ten times
c. Fifteen times
d. Twenty times
5. The percentage of children dying from stunting is:
a. 35
b. 25
c. 45
d. 55
6. These are branched chains amino acids
a. Leucine
b. Isoleucine
c. Valine
d. All
7. A normal weight woman gains how much weight during pregnancy?
a. 10 pounds
b. 20 pounds
c. 30 pounds
d. 40 pounds
8. The development of stones in kidney is called
a. Nephritis
b. Nephrosclrosis
c. Nephroliathisis
d. Uremia
9. The lethargy, weakness and protein in urine are the symptoms of:
a. Renal disease
b. Liver disease
c. Obesity
d. Diabetes
10. The infant formula can be stored for 24 months at:
a. Room temperature
b. 0 C
c. 4 C
d. 20 C
11. The percentage of protein in dry foods should be:
a. 4
b. 7
c. 14
d. 28
12. The number of polio cases in 2019 are:
a. None
b. 15
c. 100
d. 150
13. In electron transport chain, one NADH produce:
a. 1 ATP
b. 2 ATP
c. 3 ATP
d. 4 ATP
14. In electron transport chain, one FADH2 produce:
a. 1 ATP
b. 2 ATP
c. 3 ATP
d. 4 ATP
15. The sunflower, corn oil and saff oil are rich in:
a. Oleic acid
b. Linoleic acid
c. Linolenic acid
d. All
16. The short chain fatty acid are present in:
a. Butyric acid
b. Palmitic acid
c. Oleic acid
d. All
17. The pomegranate oil is rich in:
a. pucinic acid
b. linoleic acid
c. lenolenic acid
d. all
18. the best advice for the person suffering from orthoporosis is:
a. lose weight
b. take supplements
c. take antioxidants
19. the availability of cereals per capita in Pakistan in 2019:
a. 90 kg
b. 130 kg
c. 160 kg
d. 230 kg
20. The best snack for toddlers is:
a. Fruits
b. Chocolates
c. Pasta
d. Noddles
21. The energy requirements of children start decreasing from the age of ------ till
a. One year
b. Two years
c. Three years
d. Four years
22. The physical and emotional changes occurs in a person in the period of :
a. Childhood
b. Adolescence
c. Old age
d. All
23. Neonatal deaths are deaths that occur in:
a. One month
b. One year
c. Five years
d. Ten years
24. The RDA for ecasopentanoic acid and decosahexanouc acid is:
a. 300 microgram
b. 400 microgram
c. 500 microgram
d. 600 microgram
25. The taste development in infants is done by:
A. Calcium
B. Zinc
C. Flouride
D. Magnesium
26. The life span of human being is
i. 85 years
ii. 100 years
iii. 150 years
iv. 200 years
27. the optimum ratio of cereals and pulses is:
a) 2:1
b) 1:2
c) 1:4
d) 4:1
28. The second most common nutritional anemia is:
a) Pernicious anemia
b) Magaloblastic anemia
c) Iron deficiency anemia
d) Sickle cell anemia
29. The anemia due to deficiency of folic acid is:
a) Pernicious anemia
b) Magaloblastic anemia
c) Iron deficiency anemia
d) Sickle cell anemia
30. The supplement that is required to use from the conception to all the period of pregnancy
a) Calcium
b) iron
c) Folic acid
d) Zinc

31. The supplement required for brain development of infant in pregnancy is:
a) Calcium
b) iron
c) Folic acid
d) Zinc
32. The bacteria present in dairy products are:
a) Lactobacillus
b) E. colli
c) Coliforms
d) All
33. The following should not be present in drinking water:
a) Lactobacillus
b) E. colli
c) Coliforms
d) All
34. The pyruvate enters the TCA cycle in the form of:
a) Pyruvic acid
b) Acetyl co-a
c) Oxaloaccetate
d) Carbon dioxide
35. The TCA cycle occurs in:
a) Golgi apparatus
b) Mitochondria
c) Cytoplasm
d) Vacuole
36. The RDA of folic acid for pregnant lady is :
a) 200 mg
b) 300 mg
c) 500 mg
d) 1000 mg
37. If a consumer is not planning o take action in next six months, this state is called:
A. Preparation
B. Contemplation
C. Pre contemplation
D. Maintenance
38. The enzyme required to convert oxaloaccetate back into malate is:
a) Malate dehydrogenase
b) Water
c) Acetyl co a
d) Atp

39. The enzyme required to convert fructose 6 phosphatase to fructose 1,6-bisphospahte is:
a) Phosphofructoisomerase
b) Phosphor fructose 6 phosphatase
c) Phosphohexose isomerase
d) Phosphor fructo 1,6 phosaphatase
40. The rate of stunting in children is almost ----- in 2011 in Pakistan:
a) Almost 40 percent
b) Almost 45 percent
c) Almost 50 percent
d) Almost 55 percent
41. According to WHO, the magnesium, zinc, calcium, potassium are needed for:
B. Fresh skim
C. Bone development
D. Muscle development
42. Glycolysis is a word derived from:
a) Latin word
b) Greek word
c) English word
d) None of these
43. For a balanced life, the following are the requirements:
a) Physical activity
b) Healthy life
c) Low saturated fats
d) All
44. The antioxidant found naturally in the body and helps to prevent the cataract and prostate
cancer is:
a) Vit A
b) Vit E
c) Vit C
d) Vit D
45. Systemin is ----- carbon containing fatty acid
a) 16
b) 18
c) 20
d) 22

46. The osteoporosis is prevented by natural substances present in body known as:
A. Minerals
B. Anti oxidants
C. Ions
D. All
47. It does not occur in free form:
e. Glucose
f. Glycogen
g. Galactose
h. Fructose
48. The normal BMI is:
49. The bacteria divided by:
a) Mitosis
b) Meiosis
c) Conjugation
d) Binary fission
50. The postpartum delivery is after:
a. 40 weeks
b. 42 weeks
c. 43 weeks
d. 44 weeks
51. Rats can live long if:
a. Carbs are eliminated
b. Excess fats are given
c. Excess proteins are given
d. Both carbs and proteins are given
52. The nutrient that should be taken daily and helps to control weight:
a. Carbs
b. Fibre
c. Proteins
d. Fats
53. The paradise of diseases is:
a. Liver
b. Stomach
c. Gut
d. Intestine
54. The consumption of nutrient dense foods :
a. Micronutrients
b. Macronutrients
c. Vitamins
d. Minerals
55. Bile is used to emulsify:
a. Amino acids
b. Fats
c. Glucose
d. Proteins
56. The lactating mother should have more water to:
a. To avoid sweating
b. Meet the energy needs
c. To produce more milk
d. To excrete more hormones
57. The first food pyramid was made in
a. USA
b. UK
c. Sweden
d. Australia
58. The mineral that remains outside the cell memberane:
a. Potassium
b. Sodium
c. Calcium
d. Maganesium
59. The normal blood pressure of a human being is:
a. 120/80 mm/Hg
b. 130/90 mm/Hg
c. 110/70 mm/Hg
d. 140/90 mm/Hg
60. High blood pressure, body pain, inflammation, anxiety and depression are the symptoms
a. Diabetes
b. Renal failure
c. Obesity
d. Hyper tension
61. Fatty acids produced in large intestine are:
a. Short chain
b. Long chain
c. Both
d. Branched chain
62. The muscle loss occurs in:
a. Kwashioker
b. Marasmus
c. PEM
d. Both A and B
63. The theory that food, shelter and clothes are necessary to live a suitable life is called
64. Consumption of saturated fats increases:
a. LDL
b. HDL
c. Total cholesterol level
d. Both a and c
65. The animal origin dairy drinks and plants origin energy drinks are nutritionally
a. Agree
b. Disagree
c. No opinion
d. None
66. The secondary metabolites derived from plants are called -------------
67. The study of sugars is called ----------
68. Nutrition care in pregnancy refers to the care of :
a. Mother
b. Child
c. Both
d. Whole family
69. Public health deals with the needs of:
a. Individuals
b. Community
c. Specific needs
d. All
70. In the case of purine stones, the following foods are restricted:
a. Adenine
b. Thyamine
c. Cysteine
d. Calcium
71. In ------ state, strong flavored and spicy foods are restricted:
a. Conception
b. Pregnancy
c. Breastfeeding
d. Adolescence
72. EDTA stands for ---------------------
73. PNDS stands for ---------
74. RAAC stands for -----------------
75. The water produced by metabolic activity in body is ------- percent:
a. 10-15
b. 15-20
c. 20-25
d. 25-30
76. Hormones that control the hunger:
A. Leptin
B. Insulin
C. Groil
D. All
77. The carrier gas in gas chromatography is ---------
78. The protein content in F-75 is -------------
79. The total cholesterol produced in human body per day is:
a. 1500 mg
b. 2000 mg
c. 2500 mg
d. 3000 mg

80. Insulin control is usually the function of ---------- hormones:

a. Exogenous
b. Endogenous
c. Both
d. None
81. In sickle cell anemia, the amino acid valine is replaced by:
a. Glutamic acid
b. Arginine
c. Valine
d. Ascorbic acid
82. The acetic acid is a ------- carbon containing acid
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
83. Lilly and Stillwell invented the term of ------- in 1965
a. Prebiotic
b. Probiotic
c. Enzyme
d. None
84. CDC stands for -------------------
85. The process of enriching the nutrients in foods and fortification is known as :
a. Modification
b. Enrichment
c. Fortification
d. Both b and c
86. Which of the following is not the function of water in human body:
a. Regulation of body temperature
b. Regulation of body mass
c. Medium for chemical and biochemical reactions
d. Participation in chemical reactions
87. Phytates inhibits the release of:
a. Vitamins
b. Minerals
c. Fatty acids
d. Citric acid
88. On the body weight, the protein requirement is higher for:
a. Men
b. Women
c. Children
d. Adults
89. The most abundant protein in blood plasma is:
a. Albumin
b. Keratin
c. Glycine
d. All
90. Main source of carbohydrates is:
a. Animals
b. Plants
c. Fish
d. Birds

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