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R. K. MALIK'’S JEE (MAIN & ADV.), MEDICAL + BOARD, NDA, IX & X NEWTON CLASSES Enjoys unparalleled reputation for best results in terms of percentage selection JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET - 2) 2012 This test will be a 3 hours Test. This test consists of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics questions with equal weight age of 120 Each question is of 4 marks. There are three parts in the qliestion paper consisting of Physics (] to 30), Chemistry (Q.n0.31 to 60) and Mathematics (Q. no.61,16 90). There will be only One correct choice in the given four choices. For each question 4 marks will be awarded for corfect choice, 1 mark will be deducted for ineorrect choice.and Zero mark will be awarded forot attempted question. Any textual, printed of written materials mobile pliones, calculator éte. is not allowed for the students appearing for the test. All caléulations / written work should be done in the rough sheetyprovided. PHYSICS > ‘By JA perfect gas\at 27°C is heated at conetaat pressure so as to doublé itswwolume, The | Le. teruperature of the gas will be, close to Which graph coftectly presents the variatioivof Me 2EC (b) 200°C acceleration due to gravity with the distance from © 34C (a) 300°C the centre of the earth (radius of the earth ‘A square hole of side length / is mage at a depth ofh and circular hole of radius r is made at a depth of 4h from the surface of water in a water tank keptona horizontabsurface. If ¢<vy (A) vy=v_=2mis: A circular hole of diameter R is cut from a disc of ‘mass M and radius R; the circumference of the cut passes through the centre of the disc. The moment ofiinertia ofthe remaining portion of the disc about an axis perpendicular to the disc and passing through its centre is o Gu. of © (3) MR? @ ie 2) MR Ina Young’s double slit experiment with light of wavelength 2, fringe pattern on the screen has fringe width B, When two thin transparent glass (refractive index 1) plates of thickness f, and f, (tf) are placed in the path of the two beams respectively, the fringe pattern will shift by a distance B(u-1 1) BA @ “x ) A © Be. (\-n Wn (1-1 Have Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLIN' . This question has Statement 1 and Statement 2. Of the four choices given after the Statements, choose the one that best describes the two Statements. Statement 1: In an adiabatic process, change in internal energy ofa gas is equal to work done on/ by the gas in the process. Statement 2: The temperature of a gas remains constant in an adiabatic process. (a) Statement | is true, Statement 2 is true, Statement 2 is a correct explanation of Statement 1. (b) Statement 1 is truc, Sfatement2 isifalSe, (©) Statement 1 is false, Statement 2 istrue. (d) Statement Jvis false, Statement 2 is)true, Statement 2 is nota correct explanation of Statement |. This question has Statement | and Statement 2. Of the four choices given after the Statements, choose the one that best describes the two Statements. ‘Statement 1; The possibility of an eleetriejbulb fusing ishhigher at the time of switching ON. ‘Statement 2: Résistance of an electric bulb when itignot lit up is much smaller than when itis lit up. (a) Statement | is true, Statement 2 is false (b) Statement | is false, Statement 2sis true, Statement 2 is not a correct explanation of Statement. (© \ Statement Lis true, Statement 2 is truey Statement 2 is a correct explanation of Statement 1. (d)_ Statement 1 is false, Statement 2 is true. . Given that K = energy, V = velocity, T= time. If they are chosen(/as the fundamental-units, then what is dimensionabformula for surface tension? @ [Kvery (&) [PR] © rer) @{KPE] . A particle gets displaced by Ar =(27+3}+ 4k) mundertheaction of. fotee P = (7i+4}+38) The change in its kinetic energy is (a) 38) (b) 70) (©) 5255 (d) 1265 .. Two circuits (a) and (b) have charged capacitors of capacitance C, 2C and 3C with open switches. Charges on each of the capacitor are as shown in. the figures. On closing the switches 20= 3c) L Circuit (a) Circuit (b) (a) Nocharge flows in (a) but charge flows from RtoL in (b) (b)_ Charges flow from Z to R in both (a) and (b) (©) Charges flow from R to L in (a) and from Lto Rin(b) (@),_Nocharge flows in (a) but charge flows from LtoR in(b) Inan LCR cireuit shownlin the following figure, what Will be the readings of the voltmeter across the resistor and ammeter if'an a.c. Source of 220V and 100 Hz is connected to it as shown? L\ cl0Q 220 V, 100 Hz @) 800V,8A (b) 110V, 1.04 (©) 300V,3A. (a) 220V,2.2 This question Was Statement Land Statement 2, Of the four choices given after thé Statements, choose-the one that best describes the two Statements, Statement 1: In the resonance tube experiment, if the,tufing fork is replaced by another identical turming/fork but with its arm having been filled, the lengtiyofthe air column should be increased to obtain resoriance again. Statement 2: On filling the arms, the frequency of tuning fork increases. (@) Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is true, Statement 2 is a correct explanation of Statement |. (b) Statement 1 is true, Statement 2is false. (©) Statement 1 is false, Statement 2 is true. (@) Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is true, Statement 2 is not a correct explanation of Statement |. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES A bar magnet of length 6 cm has a magnetic moment of 4 J T-!, Find the strength of magnetic field at a distance of 200 cm from the centre ofthe magnet along its equatorial line, (a) 4104 tesla (b) 3.5* 10 tesla (©) 5x 10% tesla (d) 3 « 108 tesla The load versus elongation graphs for four wires ofsame length and made of the same material are shown in the figure. The thinnest wire is represented by the line WZ Elongation @ a (bOc (© @ (@) 0B In the Rutherford €xpetiment, a-partigl) are scattered from a nucleus as shown. Qut‘of the four paths, whiehipath is not possible? — aat®4 ae @A The electric potential M(x) in aregion|around the @ D oc origin is given by Mx) = 4x2 volts» The electtic’ charge enclosed in a cube‘of 1 m side with its! is (in coulomb) (b)- 40 (@-8e Two polaroids have their polarizing directions parallel so that the intensity ofa transmitted light is maximum, The angle through which either polaroid must be turned ifthe intensity is to drop by one-half is @) 135° © 20 (b) 90° @ 180° 27. Which of the following processes play a part in the formation of a rainbow? (Refraction ii) Total internal reflection Dispersion (iv) Interference @ (@,GiandGii) —_(b) @ and Git) (©) (@,(ii)and(iv) (A) (iii) and (iv) 28. A sample originally contained 10° radioactive atoms, which emit a-particles. The ratio of a particles emitted in the third year to that emitted during the Second year is 0.3. How many a- particleSiwere emitted in the first year? @ /3x10!8 (b) 3 «10! (/ 5x 10'8 @,7~ 10! 29. A Solid sphere having mass m and radius r rolls ‘down an inclined plane, Then it8 kinetic energy is 3 2 (@) 5 rotatignal and > translational 2: 5 5 Fotational and > translational y 3 (©) | rotational and = translational 3 3 1 1 (@)4¢5 fotdtional and — translational Which logic gate with inputs A.and B performs the same operation as that performed by the following circuit? KO Lamp NANDgate NOR gate CHEMISTRY Which one of the following compounds is an anti- fertility drug? (@) Aspirin (©) Saheli (b) OR gate (d) AND gate (b) Chloromycetin @ Peni Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLIN' 32, The most basic compound among the following 40. is (@) Acetanilide (b) Benzylamine (c) p-Nitroaniline —(d) Aniline A battery is constructed of Cr and Na,Cr,0,. The unbalanced chemical equation when such a battery discharges is following: NajCrO7 +Cr+H* > Cr+ +H,0+Na* If one Faraday of electricity is passed through the battery during the charging; the number of moles of Cr>* removed from the solution i 4 1 @ 5 5 3 2 © 5 (OF The limiting line in Balmer series will have a frequency of, (Rydberg constanityR,, 73.29 « 10'S eyeles/s) (a) | 8.228104! / () 3.29 « 1018 st (©) 3.65* 10M“! | (d) 5.26 x 1013.1 Which of the following cannot be represented by resonance structures? (@) Dimethylether | — (b)|Nitrate anion (©)\ Carboxylateanion (4) Toluene Which ofthe oxide groups among the following canriot be reduced by carbon? (a) Cu,0,Sn0, (b) CaO, K,0 (©) PRO, Fe,0, (b) Fe,03,Z10 Among ‘the following, the spevies having the smallest bond is (@) NO (b) NOW (© 0; (@No Based on lattice enetgy and other considerations, which one of the followiiig alkali metal chloride is expected to have the highest melting point? (@) NaCl Kal (©) Licl (d) RCL 2. The entropy of a sample of a certain substance increases by 0.836 J K-! on adding reversibly 0.3344 J of heat at constant temperature. The ‘temperature of the samples: (@) 25K (b) 03K (©) 0016K (@) 04K SET - 2) 2012 The electron affinity of chlorine is 3.7 eV. I gram ofchlorine is completely converted to CI" ion ina gaseous state. (1 eV = 23.06 kcal mol!) Energy released in the process is (@) 48kcal (b) 7.2keal (©) 82kcal (@) 2.4 kcal . Copper wire test for halogens is known as (@) Duma’s Test (© _Liebig’s Test (b) Beilstein’s Test (@) Lassigne’s Test ._ For 1 mol of an ideal gas ata constant temperature Ty the-plot of (log P) against (log V) is a (B;Pressure-W; Volume) (a) Stfaight lineparallel tox-axis. (b)// Straight line witha negative slope, (©) Curve startingaat origin. (@)__ Straight line passing through origin. Which one of the following i&,a chain growth polymerisation? (@) Nucleivacid (©) Protein (b) Polystyrene (d) Stareh 1... The d-electron configurations ofCr>*, Mn?*, Fe” and Co” are d4,.d 5, d © and d 7 respectively. Which one of the following will exhibit the lowest paramagnetic behaviour? (Atomic no. Cr=24, Mn =25, Fe=26, Co=27). @), [Co(H,0),P* (b) [Cr(H,0),F* © [Mn(H,0),?* | (d) [Fe(H,0),P* Ifx isthe mass of the gas adsorbed on mass m of the adsorbent at pressuresp, Freundlich adsorption isotherm gives a straight line on plotting (@) ximvsp (b) x/mvs/lip (©) logavm vs logip — (d) log x/m vs p The-Solubility (im) mol L“!) of AgCl (K,,= 1.0 10-")ing 041 M KCI solution will be @)_ 1.0% 107 (by 1.0« 10-1 (©) 1.0x* is diamagnetic. (©) Ce4* has f® configuration. (d) Lu3* had f"4 configuration. In which of the following arrangements, the sequence is not strictly according to the property written against it? (@ CO, < SiO, < SnO, < PbO,: increasing oxidising power NH, < PH, CFE>CH,>CO} (by ~CEC> NjO> CHy> CO, (©) CFC>CO,>N;O>CH, (@)_CO,>CFC>N,O>CH, Among the following theorder of reactivity towards nucleophilic addition is @, CH,CHO>CH,COCH,> HCHO (b)\, HCHO> CH,CHO> CH,COCH, (©) CH,CHO> HCHO>CH,COCH, (@_CH,COCH, > CH,CHO> HCHO b) Reduction OHspr_ AX x. Zn—Hg/HCl Y Herey is (@) Ethyl methylamine (b) n-propylamine (©) Isopropylamine (4) Ethylamine The ratio of nimber of oxygen atoms(O) in 16.0 g ozone (05), 28.0,¢ carbon monoxide (CO) and 16:0 oxygen (03)is (Atomié mass : C= 12,0= 16 and Avogadro's constant N y= 6.0 x 10? mol!) @ 3:2, 4b) 1:1:2 © 3 (tsi (©) MATHEMATICS (a-1) (a+l\ exe then ABT isa non-zero matrix for |a| not equal to @ 2 (0 © 1 (@)3 | be two matrices, Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLIN' Ifa circular iron sheet of radius 30 cm is heated such that its area increases at the uniform rate of 6xcm?/hr, then the rate (in mnv/hr) at which the radius of the circular sheet increases is fa) 10 (b) OL © 1 (a) 20 . The difference between the fourth term and the first term of a Geometrical Progression is 52. If the sum of ts first three terms is 26, then the sum of the first six terms of the progression is f@) @ (b) 189 (©) 78 (d) 364 The value of k for which the equation (K — 2)x? + 8x + K + 4.=0 has both root real, distinct and negative is @) 6 (©) 4 (b)3 qd 2+sinx dy) 5. Let y (x) bea solution of! SCs x If y(0)52, then »(3) @ ) Hf the eccentricity of a hypetbOld) => 7 3 which passes through (K, 2), is ~~, then the value of K? is @ B © 1 (b) 8 @2 x rd 1 Jes (i= Six xeos.x 2, for att xeR-{0}, then the valueof WH (b)t (@)-12 @) 12 (©) 0 . If the number of 5-element subsets of the set = {a5 dp, «-y yy} OF 20 distinct elements is k times the number of S-clement subsets containing ay, then kis 20 @ 5 OF 10 @ 4 OF #. 4 SET - 2) 2012 If the system of equations has a unique solution, then A is not equal to @ 1 0 © 2 @3 Ifthe straight linesx+3y=4,3x+y=4 andx-+y =0 form a triangle, then the triangle is (a) scalene (b) equilateral triangle (ppisosceles (d) right angled isosceles Let f(x) be an indefinite integral of cos?x. Statement 1: /(x)i8@periodic function of period x ‘Statement 2: cos*x isa periodic function. (a) Statement 1 isitrue, Statement 2 is false. (b) Both the Statements are true, but Statement 2isnot the ¢orrect explaiation of Statement 1 Both the Statements are trueygind Statement 2is correct explanation of Statement 1 (d)_ Statement 1 is false, Statement 2 istrue. ‘The parabola y? =x divides the circle x2+ y? =2 ifito tWo parts Whose areas are in the ratio @y9n+223m2 | (b) 9n-2:3n+2 @. In-2s2m-3/ (742: 302 ‘The equation of the circle passing through the point (1,2) and though the points of intersection of? +y?—4x~6y—21 =O and 3 +4y +5 =0is given by @) xy? +2x#2yH11=0 (6b) x2 +)? -2ehQp- 760 © xg? +2x- 293 =0 (OG 2s 2x +2y— 1 =0 The frequency distribution of daily working expenditure of families in a locality is as follows: © Expenditure] 0-50] in (x): '50-100] 100-150] 150-200] 200-250) No. of families (f): m| 3 | 37 b 25 Ifthe mode of the distribution is 140, then the value of b is @ 4 © % (31 (d) 36 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 75. The sum of the series 1242.22 +324+2.4245242.62+....+2(2m)is (@) mQm+1P (b) m(m+2) (©) mQm+1) (d) mm +2? The point of intersection of the lines (@+3)x-+ay-+a—3=Oand (a5 + 2)x+ (a +2)y+2a+3=0 (areal) lies on the yeaxis for (@) no value ofa (b) more than two values of a (© exactly one value of @ @ exactly two values of a . ABCDis parallelogram, The position v@et6rs of 4 and C are respéctively, 3/+3j%5kyand i—-5}—5k . If’M is the midpoint of the diagonal DB, then the magnitude ofthe projection of OM x on OG, where Ois the origi, is @) | 15h © 7450 is @ © R-(0} Iftwo vertical poles 20m arid 80 m high stand apart on ahorizontallplane, then the height (in m) ofthe pointofiftersection of the lines joining the top of each pole to the foot of other is @ 6 ©) 18 © 0 @As If a =7-2}+3k, b =243j-K and c =Ai+j+(2-1 & are coplanar vectors, then 2 is equal to @ 0 (b)-1 @ 2 qt 1 . Statement 1: y = mx——~ isalways a tangent to the parabola, »? =— 4x for all non-zero values of m. Statement 2: Every tangent to the parabola, y?=—4x will meet its axis ata point whose abscissa is non-negative. (@) Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is true; Statement 2 is a correct explanation of Statement 1. (b) Statement | is false, Statement 2 is true. (©) Statement | is true, Statement 2 is false. (@) Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is true, Statement 2 is not a correct explanation of Statement 1 . Let Z, anidZ, be any two complex number, Statement1:|Z; >Z2|>|Z;|-|Z2| Statement 2: |Z) +Z2|=|Z;|+|Z2| ‘Statement is thue, Statement 2 is true, Statement 2 is a correct.explanation of Statement t) Statement | is true, Statement 2 is true, Statement 2 is not a correct explanation of Statement b, ‘Statement | is true, Statement 2 is false. ‘Statement | is false, Statement2 is true. Let. X) and Y are\two'events such that P(XLY =P XAY ) Statement LyP(X OY' =P X'nh =0 Statement 2: P(X }P Y 6 2p Xa¥( (@) Statement | isfalse, Staretiint 2 is true, (b) Statement V/s true, Statement 2 is true, Statement? is not a earrect explanation of Statement 1 (©) Staternent 1 istic, Statement 2 is false. (d)_-Statement 4 is tfuie, Statement 2 is true; Statement 2 is a.¢orrect explanation of Statement | by If) = 10-1) + V1P-(- 18 + v-1)"7, then theléoefficient of y? in itis @ "cy () "Cc, (oy "C, @ '’c; . The values of a for which the two points (1, a, 1) and (— 3, 0, a) lie on the opposite sides of the plane 3x+4y— 122+ 13 =0, satisfy 1 d. Statement 1: £(¢ 5 g, x (fo)xin (Ole Statement 2:/(x) coas xm, (a) Statement | is trueyStatement 2 is false. (b) Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is true, 2 (ay SET -2) 2012 89. 90. Statement 2 is a correct explanation for Statement 1. Statement | is true, Statement 2 is true, Statement 2 is nota correct explanation for Statement 1. (@) Statement 1 is false, Statement 2 is true. ‘The Statement that is TRUE among the following is (@) The contrapositive of 3x+2=8 =>x =2is x#2 =3xt228, Theconverse of tanx=0 =>.x=0isx#0=> tanx=0. (©) p= is equivalent to PY ~4 (@ PY4@ and.pog have the same truth table, Ifx+|y|=2ygthen yasa fiinetion of x, at x=0 is (a) differentiable but not continuous (b) continuous but not differentiable (©) continuous as well as differentiable (@) neither ¢ontinuous nor differentiable ) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSE aN R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES ANSWER KEY 31. 32. 33. 34. 36. 37. 38. 39) . 40. | id) | 50. HINTS & SOLUTIONS PHYSICS. () Acceleration due to gravity, gxr (ifr SRp)and 1 Sx PER) Given: mass of car m= 1000 kg u=30m/s v=Omls retarding force f> 5000 N a: 42000 5 sale? retardation)— a> 755 = Sms By equation, v? su? = 2as 0(30)? = 265% a t=? From charle’s law Hoe Ty” Ty, (+ Pressureis constant) ave 300° 7, 4 @ As 4yy, 2\43¥2 (Principleof edntinuity) or, Pgh nr? 2g x4h (Effiux velocity = /2eh ) r or Pi Given; F210 KN= 105N Y=2 10 Nm? f= 1.0m radiusr= 10mm = 10"2im Stress From formula, Y= — Strain Siress => Strains e 1 srefore% strain = ——X100=0,16% Therefore % strain = =e 0.16% According to Stefan’s law E=oT' Heat radiated per unit area in 1 hour (3600s) is = 5.7% 10-8 (300)$ x 3600= 1.7 10! Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINI 7. (a) Broadcasting antennas are generally vertical type. Circular hole of As velocity v= 7x10" = 55 km/s diameter R (radius = R/2) B O.14 In case of destructive interference Phase difference 6 = 180° or x So wave pair (i) and (ii) will produce destructive interference. Stationary or standing waves will produce by equations (iii) & (iv) as two wayes M fas M=nRt:Ma« ®) travelling along the Same linebut imopposite direction, M.L. of removed hole about its own axis 2 a8 496) As power P =v. = — “laa bf Mb of removed hole about 0’ of of *) ! M=— Fearon yple = oan 2 t Mass of circular hole (removed) 16 M.L, ofeomplete disc can also be written as Frouat Wremoves hole * Aremaining dise Me 7 Ienf@nandn, n+ Trea a +2 p.. | 0 2(nat 2 (n+l Frot ii Maximum wavelength, erie) ‘rom.eq. (i) and (ii), max (2n+1 R) 2 at? = 1g Thereforeffor large n, Amay 7 S 1 a => I, remaining disc! Instantanedus velocity, MR? 3MR° (13) an? 32 _ agp 4m f ei Fromgreph, vy = 2ST = 05 Ns Go =A) Dy, Bln ie - re Es a) In an adiabatic process, SH= 0 And according to first law of MLL of complete dise about its centre O. thermodynamics 1 aH=3U+W Froyt = MRP afi) ‘ 8U Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET . MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES ‘Surface tension = T = (As, Fl=K (energy); = 2) Therefore, surface tension = [KV-27~7] According to work-energy theorem, Change in kinetic energy = work done = Far =(7+4]+38) (2i+3}+48) =14+ 124 12=38) Charge (or current) always Ws from higher potential to lower potential. Charge ‘apacitance In gase of series RLC circuit, Equation of voltage is given by Potential= v? = Ppea(y, ve?) Hereg¥=220 V; V, = Vo=300V) 1 Vy =A =p20v ¥ [220 Current On loading frequency of a tuning fork decreaSes and, on ‘filing _frequeney. increases. If a tuning fork filled length x, then new frequency produced by the tuning fork wentx Along the equatorial line» magnetic field strength a mea” Given: M=4)T* r=200cem=2m _ 6cem t y= 3em=3*10%m 4nx107 faxio” 4 4x [2+px02f'f? Solving we get, B=5 * 10 tesla 2B. @ From the graph, it is clear that for the same value ofload, elongation is maximum for wire OA. Hence OA is the thinnest wire among the four wires. ‘As acparticles are doubly ionised helium He’* ie. Positively charged and nucleus is also positively charged and we know that like charges repel each other. Charges reside only on the outer surface of ‘a conductor with cavity. 4 2 to For P= and 1 Inc0s? => 2 0=45° Therefore the angle through which either polaroids wired is 135° (= 180° —45°) Rainbow is formed due'tg the dispersion of light suffeting fefraction and total internal reflection (PIR) in the droplets present in the atmosphere, K Etganstational = K Eroustional “ K Evénstational > Heneé option (bis correct When cither ofA or B is I i.e. closed then lamp will glow. Inthis case, Truth table Inputs A 0 0 This represents OR gate. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET 3. JEE MAIN (ONLIN' CHEMISTRY (© The antifertility drugs are those chemical compounds which prevent pregnancy in woman. These, drugs controls the menstrual cycle and ovulation and so used as birth control drug or contraceptives. € S-cucs, compound is most. basic due to presence-of localized lone pair of electron on nitrogen atom while other compounds have delogalized lone pair of electron. Reduction halfifeaction : Cr,0} + 6¢% +14” = 2Cr°* + 7,0 Oxidation halfreaetion Or—ocr* +3 Overdlhreaction : Cr,Oja Cr+ 14H" + 3° — >) 3Cr°? + 7H,0) 3F of electricity = 3 moles of Cr°* 3 IF of electricity = jz moles of C+ (ts) mo In Balmer series n)\= 2 & n: Last line of the spectrum is called series lint. Limiting line is the line of shortest wavelength and high energy whien-n = <0 3.29 x 10!*)p93.29 x10! =8.22x104s Ethers due to absené® of delocalized pain of electrons do not show résonance. Ca and K are strong reducing agents, hence their oxides can not be reduced with carbon. NO“(16)—B.0.—2 0,(16) -B.0. NO*(14)—B.0. -3 NO(15)-B.0.-2.5 Higher the bond order lower is the bond length. Hence NO* will have smallest bond. SET - 2) 2012 38, 43. 4 (@) NaCl due it to its largest lattice energy has the highest melting point. AH AH _ 0.3344 Aso T AS 0.836 Number of moles = 35.5 Given, 1 eV = 23.06 kcal mot! 3.7 eV = 3.7 x 23.06 kcal mol! ie. 1 mole realease energy = 3.7 * 23.06 kcal ‘= Energy-released 1 35.5 Beilstein’s test 2) Organic compounds ‘containinghalogens when heated over Cu wireloop give blue or green colour flame due to\formation of volatile copper halides. According to Béyle’s law, PV = constant . log P + log ¥ = onstant log P = — log\V + €onstant Hence, the plot of log P vs log V is straight line with negative slope, aN log V > 3.723106 keal = 2.4 keal (b) Polystfrene isa chain growth polymer. @ electronic no. of unpaired configuration electrons conw [TAT Tn we & TTA Wien Since Co** has lowest no. of unpaired electrons hence lowest paramagnetic behaviour is shown by [Co(H,0),]"* cota Fet dé Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Freundlich adsorption isotherm gives straight line on plotting log x/m vs log p as show below. log P—> Let solubility of AgCl= x mole/L. AgCl = Ag* H\cr ies Keyxgen ag 2% * KCI—$ K+ cr (CH from KCI Total [CI] in solution =x + 0.1 Ky(Ageb = [Ag*) (Cl ] = x (« + 0.1) 1.0 «10-108 x(4/4-0.1) 1.09907 = x2/+ O.1e 1.0 * 10919 = 0/1 x= 1.0 10-9 mol/L Molecular solid is the best description of water in the solid phase, For example ice is hydrogen bonded molecular solid. Statement (4) is not correet, Some proteins alsoeontain)S, with C,H, O and N. (as x° << I) () \N, +20, —2Nno, 2 ky = NaS (NgIfO2} @ 2nd, —2=N, +20, {No }0.P —IN2IOpP [NO,? . from equation (i), (ii) and (iii) 1 1 x a) “Ke (Ky 50. (a) 95% H,SO, by weight means 100g H,SO, solution contains 95g H,SO, by mass. Molar mass of H,SO, = 98g mol! 95 Moles in 95g = 55 = 0.969 mole Volume of 100g H,S0, mass 100g ~ density 1.834g em = 54,52 cm} = 54.52 x 103 L Moles of solute ‘Yolme of solute in L 0.969 gaa sDo" For bec structure Moiatity = 718M where'd = distance between two atoms a = edge\length a= i 2A =200pm Ratey=k{Ay" [B]" Rate, = K{24)" [54] AL2Ay" el x(ay’ (B]”" 52; @), _ Rate, / "Rates fac = 2 or = 2" Five cyclie,structiires/are possible for Cyl. These aré as following: 33—(b) CH, CePA Cyclobutene ——--2-methyl cyclopropene AN methylene bicyclo cyclopropane (1, 1.0] butane CH, I-methyl cyclopropene Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINI SET - 2) 2012 Option (a) is incorrect as. yp3+ is colorless. Correct order of increasing basic strength is NH, > PH, > AsH, > SbH, > BiH, 1, 2-Epoxy propane is the correct IUPAC name of given compound. CFC > N,0 > CH, > CO, Presence of alkyl group in carbonyl compounds decreases their reactivity towards nucleophilic addition.Further greater the number of such groups lesser will be the reactivity towardsiniieleophilic addition +, correct order is HCHO > CH,CHO > CH,COCH, @) CHjBr—YS5 GNC + Agr oo Reduction Zn—He/ HCI ‘CH.NHCH (Y)ethyl methytamine 16.02 0; =1& mole 4B 6, 48 6,023 x 10” molecules = 328 6,023 x 10.atoms 48 = 16.023 x 1023 atoms 28 28.0 ACORSE mole = mole = 1 x 6.023.x 1073 molecules x 6.023 103 atoms: 023 « 10?3 atoms 16 160g 0 =7¢ mole = 1 mole = 1 x 6.023 = 1073 molecules * 6.023 * 103 atoms 023 x 1073 atoms Therefore, the ratio is 6.023 * 10° : 6.023 x 10°? : 6.023 x 10° ie. i MATHEMATICS (a-l) (a+) wefshel3) be two matrices, (a-1) ala 0 Jon 0 0) 0 (a? =10 0) =| 0 do oo 0 Thus, ABT is non-zero matrix for | o.|# 1 Let = nr’. dd dr Sant dt dt dr 6n= 2n(30).5 3dr \dr_1 30 dt (dt 10 Thils, the tate at which the radius of the circular sheet increases is 0.1 Let a,ar, ar’, ar°, ar4 ar’ be six terms ofa GP. where ‘a’ is first tera andr ig common ratio, According to given e6nditions, we have ap =a(r—1)=52 (1) and“@+ar+ar =26 => a(l+F+AyH26 42) To find: a (14 rte 34 4 +r) Consider alkHrt P+ 3 +445] Salltr+P2 +P (srt?) @ltr+P)[1+P) 3) Divide (1) by (2), we get 3 > 0.1 ltrtr we know 3 —1=(r=1)(1+r+r?) 2 p-1=2=>r=3 anda=2 a(l+r+ 2+ P4445) (l+r+P)+P) 14+349)(1+27) 16x 28= 728 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET 16 R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES A () (K-2) 2 +8r+K+4=0 Ifreal roots then, 82-4(K—2)(K+4)>0 => K+2K-8<16 => K?+6K-4K-24<0 => (K+6)(K-4)<0 => -6 0 =8K>2 Roots are real'so,—6 2,801 isalso not correct value of- K. ye) Given differential equation is (2+8ing a3) (lt Jee which can be rewritten as dy = opsx T+y 2+sinp Integrate both the sides, we get _dy _cosxide Togs» Bit sin = log (1 +))= log 2 + sin x)+ log C S bt+y=C@+sinx) Given y(0)=2 =\\1+2=@f2+ sin] Se: m Now, (2) can be found 48 3(2+si0§) 2 3[2+8 fe 1H 5 n)_7 rene »(2)=2 Given hyperbola is 2 2 x, 9 Since this passes through (K, 2), therefore KR 9 5 S_b=12 Now, from eq"(1), wehave Kg (: 94 . >= 18) Let J+ f (iat = sinaesieos x By using Leibnitz rule, weet Siesta fl sas—rom-¥] => Ff)—e/fle).0 =xsinx—x SetA {a), ayy... dy} has 20 distinct clements. We havé to select 5-element subset. =. Number of S-element subsets =7°C, According to question 26, =("cs k ) ee ] 2 grist “Grist 20) 3 > k=>k=4 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET @. JEE MAIN (ONLIN' (@)_ Given system of equations is xty+2=6 x+2y+3z=10 xt2y+22=0 Ithas unique solution, JP tot h 2 3/40 h 2 a = 1QA-6)-1A-3)+12-2)40 > U-6-2+32052=3405183 Let equation of AB :x+ 3 Let equation of BC: 3x + Let equation of C4: x+y Now, BySolving these equations we get A=€2,2),B=(1l) and C=(2,-2) Now, 48 = J941 =Ni0 » BC = 149 = Vi0 and C426 +16 < V32 Sincesléngth of/4B and BC are same therefore triangle is isosceles. Statement =2: cos}x is a periodic funetion. itisa true statement. Statement - 1 Given f(x) = feos? x de \, 3 = Ssin3xb5sinx 12 4 1 21 Now, period of pinks 3 Period of Zsinx = 2x LOM.(2n,2n_) Hence period of 8)" CF of (1,3) - Baan Thus, f(x) is a periodic function of period On. Hence, Statement - | is false. <. Required Ratio= Brea of ircle— (y2) = 20 ‘Area of OCADO= 2 {Area of OCAO} =2 {area of OGB + area of BCA} 1 A = 2 yp J yd a 1 :. Required Area OG ac2y ade 0 1 Bad ver 9-2: 342 (Point (A, 2) lies on the circle? + y?+2x-+2y =11 = 0; because Coordinates of point (1,2) satisfy the equation P+ PF2xt2y-11=0 Now, x? + y?—4x—6y—21 (i) x+y? +2e+2y—1 3x+4y+5=0 From (i) and (ii), 2 24(- sts) ~4r-6{- 325) 9) =0 4 4 = 16x? + 9x2 + 30x+25—64x +72x+ 120-336=0 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES => 25x? +38r-191=0 From (ii) and (ii), (_3x+5 ay > 162+ 9x2 + 30r +25 432e —24y—40-176=0 => 25x24 38-191 -0 Av) Thus we get the same equation from (ii) and (iii) as we get from equation (i) and (iii). Hence the point of intersections of ii) and (iii) will be sameas the poirit of intersections of(i) and (iii). Therefbre the civele Gi)passing: through the poift of intersectionof eitcle(i) and point (, 2)alsoas shown in the figure. 1, y ) +arte{-25) a0 x2 492 + ht bh =O xf y?—4r—6r— 2150 Hence equation(ii) i, vty «+ 2y— 11 =0 is the equation of required circle (4) Frequency distribution is wiven ag No, of families (f) m 50-100 100-150) 150-200 200-250 Clearly, modal class is 1002150, as the maximum frequettey Occurs in this class. Given, Mode = 140 We have Thus, we get veo=1004| 100+ 2% 4l-b 5740= 4300 + 406 > b= 36 The sum of the given series 1? +2,2? + 3? + 2m(2m+1 2 2mfamti" ) n(2m+1 ) Given equation of lines are (a’ + 3)hay + a—3 =Oand (@R2)v | (@H2)y + 2a + 3=0 (areal) Since point of intersection of lines lies on s-axis. Put. r= fin eathsequation, we get ay +a—4=0and (ak 2)y + Pile 320 ‘On solving these we get (a+ 2)(d<3)—a (2a + 3)=0 > @-as6-20 =3ih = -a 4-6-0 a+ 4a 6-0 _-42Vi6— 2d EV - 2 Sa {not real) Thisshows that the point of intersection of the’Tings Lies on the »=axis for no yalue of uw Q 1 B ° y In aparallclogram, diagonals bisect each other. Socthid point of DB is also the mid- point of AC. Mid-point of Mf = 2) —j Direction ratio of OC=(1,-5,—5) Direction ratio of OM =(2,—1,0) Angle @ between OM and OC is given by Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET — 245 ~BN5I 5 Projection of OM on OC is given by 80. (a) orn which is not defined for x Ifx <0, |x{=-x@ S(x) i which i$ notdéfined|for x = 1 Thug/(x) defined for all values of R except 1 and—1 Hence, rang 2 CED. 19. (a) la, 80) 4 (0,209 00,0) oN We putoné pole at origin BC=80m, 04=20m Line OC and AB intersect at M. ‘To find: Length of MM, AUM: (1) 80 a 80 > 2) 2012 Since a =i-2]+3k, b =27+3j—-k and © =M+j+(24-1 & bre coplanar therefore [a b €]=0 Both the given Statements are true. Statement - 2 is not the correct explanation for state: Statemenf=1 and 2both are true. This fundamientalproperty. But Statement 22 is not correct explanation for Statement - |. Let X and Yibe two eyentsigiich that P(XUY)=R(XOY), We know (XY) = P(X)+P(Y)-P(X AY) P(XAY)= P(X)+P(Y)-P(X OY) (fiom (1) SB ALX)# Ply) =2P(XaY) Hence, Statement - 2s tre. Now, P(XAY') = Plx)—P(X/AY) () and P(X'A¥)S P(¥)-P(Wn¥) Phi impliestaterent-1 is also true. Given functions LyyF) -(v- 1) 401 Tithe expansion 6f (y— 1)" GC" coeff of, coeff of y? in (y- 1° we coeff of y? in (y—1)*=4C. So, coeff of termwise is 2¢5+3C\+4C,+ 5C,+ = 143C,4+4C,4+50,+ = Oy + AC) + AC HSCS + =4C,+4C,+5C,+ +"Cy5 t's +5 iG, Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi , Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 545044 sess yg HC. = "8c, Given equation of plane is 3x+4y—122+13=0 (1, a, 1) and (3, 0, a) satisfy the equa ofplane, 2. We have 3+4(@)—12+13=Oand 3(-3)-12(a)+1 => 4+4a=0 and4—12a=0 => a=-landa> Since, (1, a1) and (— 3, 0, @) lieon the opposite sides of the plane“. a=0 4 ¢: ) 1) Consider il a) sia n(2} osm sin() = Point Pis (@,—1,2) Letthis line Direction ratio of this Jin Ui-2,k+ Li?) Since, degare equal & dr, arealso equal, So, h-2=K+ 1 +w-2 > h—Band w= ie This line meets the plane 2x Dat 0, 50, Dh+ k+ w= 9 ort h—34h=9 = 4h-3=9=h> and &=Oand w=3 Distance PO y(3-2}+(0 “VPP ae 8 Let x)= sin x and g(x)=x Statement-I: f(x )S g x (Vaje 0,00 ( rexvr €(0,0 ) s true Statement-2: f(x /E1V x € 0,20 ( ie, sinx<1V xe(0,0 ) Itis true and g(x) =x 2as.x—> mw also true. Only statement given in option (a) istrue. '(b) The converse of taix<0>x=0is x=O0=S'tanx=0 Statement (b) is false ~(pB Mis dahivalent 0 PA~q Statement given in option (cis false (No, Pad and pq does not have ‘the same truth value. Given ¥¢ |» |=2y => xtyS2y ongiiveay 3y a straightlline which passes through origin, Hence, x +|y|> 2y is continuouslat x= 0. Now, we check differentiability at hoot Since, LHD RMD. atx=0 -. given function is not differentiable at 2=0 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET

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