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JEE (MAIN & ADV.), MEDICAL + BOARD, NDA, IX & X Enjoys unparalleled reputation for best results in terms of percentage selection R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET - 3) 2012 This test will be a 3 hours Test. This test consists of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics questions with equal weight age of 120 Each question is of 4 marks. There are three parts in the qliestion paper consisting of Physics (] to 30), Chemistry (Q.n0.31 to 60) and Mathematics (Q. no.61,16 90). There will be only One correct choice in the given four choices. For each question 4 marks will be awarded for corfect choice, 1 mark will be deducted for ineorrect choice.and Zero mark will be awarded forfot attempted question. Any textual, printed of written materials mobile pliones, calculator éte. is not allowed for the students appearing for the test, All caléulations / written work should be done in the rough sheetyprovided. PHYSICS Thtee positivétcharges of equal value gare placed at yertices of an equilateral triangle, The resulting lines of force should be sketched as in 26, \. A ae Ove v D © @ B () D oc @4 A radio transmitter transmits at 830 kHz, At a certain distance frontthe transmitter magnetic field @ eS © has amplitude 4,82 <40-!"T. The electric field in anid the wavelength are réspectively © ® Ee) (@) 0.014N/C, 36m (by 0.14N/C, 36m (©)@O.14 NIC, 360m ~ (dy 0.014 NIC, 360m In Young's double'slit interferetiée experiment, theslit widths are in theratio I : 25, Then the ratio of intensity at the maxima-and minima in he’ interference pattern is (@ 3:2 (b) 1:25 (co) 9:4 @ 1:5 Which of the plots shown in the figure represents speed (v) of the electron in a hydrogen atom asa function of the principal quantum number (1)? A satellite moving with velocity v in a force free space collects stationary interplanetary dust at a rate of AM Gy where Mis themass (ofsatellite a + dust) at that instant. The instantaneous acceleration of the satellite is 2 ay’ (b) -—— M 2av? @ ) n Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Currents of'a 10 ampere and 2 ampere are passed through two parallel thin wires A and B respectively in opposite directions. Wire 4 is infinitely long and the length of the wire B is2 m. The force acting on the conductor B, which is situated at 10 em distance from A will be a) 8x 105N (b) 5x 10°5N (©) 8xx107N (d) 4x*10-7N This question has Statement I and Statement 2. Of the four choices given after the Statements, choose the one that best describes the two Statements. Statement 1: It is not possible to'make a sphere ofcapacity | farad using a conducting material. Statement 2: [tis possible for earth as its radius is6.4* 10°m. (a) Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is true, Statement 2 is the’ correct explanation of Statement | (b) Statement | is false, Statement 2 is true. (©) / Statement Ipis true, Statement,, Statement 2 is not the correct explanation of Statement I. (@) Statement 1 is true, Statement 2is false. The resistance of a wire is R. It is bent at the middle by 180° and both the ends are twisted together to make a shorter wire, The resistance of thenew wireis (2k (b) R2 © \R4 @) RB An air column in a pipe, which is closed at one end, will be in resonance wtih a vibrating tuning fork of frequency 264 Hz ifthe length of the column in cmis (velocity of sound = 330 m/s) (a) 125.00 (b) 93.75 ©) 2.50 (d) 187.50 The electrical resistance R of'a conductor of length / and area of cross section a is given by’ R= 2! where ‘p’ is the electrical resistivity. What a is the dimensional formula for electrical conductivity ‘0’ which is reciprocal of r @) [MILES BA] (b) (ME3TA4] (©) (M7342) (d) (MPL3724-1) The frequency of rays and ultraviolet rays are respectively a, band c then (a) ae (b) a>b;b>c © ax The combination is equivalent to a (a) NANDgate (6) NOR gate ()_AND gate (a) ORgate Photoelectrons are ejected from a metal when light, of fiequency v falls on it. Pick out the wrong statement from the following, (a) No electrons are cimitted if v is less than Wih, where Wis th ction of the metal work fu (b) The ejection of the photoelectrons is instantaneous (©) The maximum energyof the photoelectrons ishv. (@ The maximum energy ofthe photoelectrons is independent of the intensity of the light. The counting rate observed from a radioactive ' and t=8 s, it was 100 counts s~!. The counting rate observed as counts $-! at #= 6 s will be (a) 250 (b) 400 (©) 300 @ 20 A point particle is held on the axis of a ring of mass m and radius at a distance r from its centre C, When released, it reaches C under the gravitational attraction of the ring. Its speed at C will be @ =o va source at¢=0.was 1600 counts Gm r oy) A beam of light consisting of red, green and blue colours is incident on a right-angled prism on face AB. The refractive indices of the material for the above red, green and blue colours are 1.39, 1.44 and 1.47 respectively. A person looking on surface AC ofthe prism will see Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~ 3) 2012 Nc (@)_nolight (b) green and blue colours (©) red and green colours (d) red colour only The force F >i onya particle of mass 2 kg, moving along the x-Axis is given in the figure asa function of its position’. The particleis moving with a velocity of 5 m/s.along the x-axis at x=0. What is the kinetic energy’f the particle at x=8m? 0. »x(inm) 1 >t 012345678 @ 34) (6) 34.5) © 45) (d) 29.4) The door ofa working refrigerator is left open ina well insulated rom. The temperature of air in the room will @) decrease (b) increase in Winters and decrease in summers’ (©) remain the same @)_ increase ‘The terminal velocity ofa small sphere of radiise" ina viscous liquid is proportional to @) @ ©) @ © a @ a! A stone of mass m, tied to the end of a string, is whirled around in a circle on a horizontal frictionless table. The length of the string is reduced gradually keeping the angular momentum of the stone about the centre of the circle constant. Then, the tension in the string is given by T= Ar’, where A is a constant, ris the instantaneous radius of the circle. The value oft is equal to @ -1 (b) -2 © -4 (d) -3 ‘The disturbance y (x, 2) of a wave propagating in the positive s-direetion is given by y=—1 at Tex time t = 0 and by 5 [Ho-1) 7 at r= 25, Whigtex,and y"are in meters. The shape of the wave disturbance does not change during the propagation. The velocity of wave in m/s is @ 20 (b)40 (Q_ 05 (a) bo An ideal monatémie(gas with pressure P, volume Vand teniperature T is expanded isothermally to a volume 2V’and a final pressure P,. If the same gasiis expanded adiabatically toa volume 2¥, the P final pressure is P), The ratio. —2is @ 23 (b) 2"5 © 2 @ 273 A-telescope,of,aperture 3 x 10-? m diameter is focused on awindow at 80 m distance fitted with a wire mesh of spacing 2 x 107 m. Given: 2. =5.5x10' m which of the following is true for observing the mesh through the telescope? (@) Yes, itis possible with the same aperture size, (b)_Possible algo with an aperture half the present diameter. (© _Nogit is not possible, (@/Giyen data is not sufficient. This@estion has Statement | and Statement 2. Of thesfour choices given after the Statements, choose the“one that best describes the two Statements. Statement 1: A charged particle is moving at right angle toa static magnetic field. During the m the kinetic energy of the charge remains unchanged. ‘Statement 2: Static magnetic field exert force ona moving charge in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES (a) Statement | is false, Statement 2 is true. (b) Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is true, Statement 2 is not the correct explanation of Statement 1. (©) Statement | is true, Statement 2is false. (d) Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is true, Statement 2 is the correct explanation of Statement | A ball is dropped vertically downwards from a height h above the ground. It hits the ground inelastically and bounces up vertically: Neglecting, subsequent motion and air-résistance, which of the following graph represents variation between speed (v) and height (h) correctly? 4 hi A thick-walled hollow sphere has outside radius Ry, Itrolls down anfincline without slipping and its speed at the'bottom is vp. Now.the incline is waxed, so that itis practically frictionless and the sphere is observed to slide down without any rolling). Its spéed at the bottom is observed to be Svo/4. The radius of gyration of thé hollow sphere. about an axis through its centre és (a) 3Ry2 (b) 3Ry4 (©) 9Ry/16 @) 3% Ina cylindrical water tank, there are two small holes 4 and B on the wall at a depth of f,, from the surface of water and at a height of h, from the bottom of water tank. Surface of water isat height of fy from the bottom of water tank. Surface of water is at heigh H from the bottom of water tank. Water coming out from both holes strikes the ground at the same point S. Find the ratio of h (a) Depends on HS (b) 1: c @ 2:2 (@) 1:2 This question has Statement | and Statement 2. Of the four choices given after the Statements, choose the onethat best describes the two Statements, Statement f:,1f you push on acart being pulled bya horse so that it doesmotmove, the cart pushes you back with an equal and opposite force. Statement 2: The cart does n6t move because the‘force described in statement 1 cancel each other. (a) Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is true, ‘Statement 2 is the correct explanation of ‘Statement 1. (b) Statement 1 is false, Statement 2 is true, (©) Statement 1/is true, Statement 2 is false. (qd) Statement/1 is true, Statement 2 is true, Statement 2 is not the correct explanation of Stafement J In an experimentofpotentiometér for measuring theiniternal resistancé of primary cell a balancing, length ¢ is obtained on the’potentiometer wire when the cell is open ¢ircuit. Now the cell is short circuited by a resistance R. IR is to be equal to the internal resistarice of the cell the balancing Jengthin the potentiometer wire will be @ ¢ (b) 2 @ (2 @ 04 The capacitor ofan oscillatory cireuit is enclosed in a container. When the container is evacuated, the resonance frequency of the circuit is 10 kHz. When the container is filled with a gas, the resonance frequency changes by 50 Hz. The dielectric constant of the gas is (@) 1.001 (b) 2001 (©) 1.01 (d) 3.01 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINI CHEMISTRY . The following sets of quantum numbers represent four electrons in an atom, @ =I (i) n=4, Gi), n=3,1=2 (iv) n=3, The sequence representing increasing order of energy, is @ (i)<@<(iyIl>Wel — (b) Mll>1>T>Iv (©) I>m>t>1W_ @) Me n> iv Maleic acid and fumaricacids are Chainisomers _ (b) Functional isomets! (©) Tautomers (d) Geometrical isomers Which of the following compounds are antiaromatic H ayy. l o POOUG aay ay) SET - 3) 2012 (@ (@and(v) (b) (andy) (© (Mand(Iv) (@) (V)and (VI) The freezing point ofa 1.00 m aqueous solution of HF is found to be—1.91°C. The freezing point constant of water, Kyis 1.86 K kg mot, The percentage dissociation of HF at this concentration is (@) 3% (b) 10% © 52% @ 2.7% Which of the following presents the correct order ‘ofsecond ionization enthalpies of C, N, O and F? (a) F>O2N>C_ (b) O>N>F>C (MEZN>O>F — (@) O>F>N>C A fransition metalM forms a volatile chloride which has a vapour deisity of 94.8. Ifit contains 74.75% of chlorin@\the formula of the metal chloride will be (@) acl, © MCh, (b) MOL, @ Mc . Among the following species which two have a2 trigonal pyramidal shape? @® Ni; @ 5 @)_ soe" (y) NOF (@)- Gand itt (b) Mand iv (© IandIV (@) Mand I Consider the following sequence of reactions Cryer CHE, N20, p_iJHOCL 420K,12atm” (ii) NSOH ‘Compound on a) CH,OH i CHOH (b) iro Ou CH,OH (© HOCH, - CH=CH, @) cH,CHCOCI | oH Fire extinguishers Contain H,SO, and which one of thé following? 4 45. (a) NaHCO, and Na,CO, (b) Na,CO, (©) NaHCO, (d) CaCO, Which one ofthe following depletes ozone layer? @ CO (b) NO and freons © $0, @ 00, Dipole moment is shown by (@) 1,2-dichlorobenzene (b) trans 2, 3-dichloro-2-butene (©) 1,4-chlorobenzene (@)trans-1,2-dinitroethene Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Which of the following statements is correct? (@) RNA controls the synthesis of proteins. (b) The sugar present in DNA is D-(-}ribose. (©) RNA has double stranded a-helix structure. (@ DNA mainly occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell. 1. The solubility of Pbl, at 25°C is 0.7 g L“!. The solubility product of Pbl, at this temperature is (molar mass of PbI, = 461.2 g mol!) (@) 1.40x10? (b) 0.14 10 © 140«10% @ 140% 10% Bakelite is obtained from phenol bysreating it with (@) Acetaldebyde _, (b) Chlorobenzene (©) Formaldehyde (4) Acetamide Among the following the incorrect statement is (a) Density of crystalsifemains unaffected due 10 Frenkel defect. (b) /In BCC unit cell the void space is 32%. (0)/ Densitybfyerystals decreases due to Schottky defect, (@)_ Electrical, conductivity of semiconductors and metals increases with increase in temperature. Which of the following forms stable + 4 oxidation state? (@) La(Z=59) (©, Ce(Z=58) (b) Eu(Z=63) (@) Ga(Z=64y . Colloidal solutions can be purified by (@) \emulsification (©) peptization (), electrodialysis (d) using Tyndall effect . Given out jens 054M + Ee,26 icy = 0-1SV Standard elevtrode potential forithe half cell Cut/Cuis (a) 038V (b) 0.53. © 0.19 @049V . The complex ion [Pt (NO, (Py) (NH) (NH,OH)]* willgive (a) 2 isomers (Geometrical) (b) 3 isomers (Geometrical) (©) 6isomers (Geometrical) (@)_ isomers (Geometrical) |. The hydration of propyne results in formation of, (@) Acetone (©) Propene (b) Propanol-1 (@ Propanal 58. Onemole ofan ideal gasis expanded isothermally and reversibly to half ofits initial pressure. AS for the process in J K-! mol is [/n2=0,693 and R=8.314, Jmol K)] @ 676 (b) 576 (©) 10.76 (@) 803 The number of S—S bonds in SO;, $,037 S,02" and §,03° respectively are fa) 1,0,0,1 (b) 1,0,1,0 © O41,0 () 0,1,0,1 ‘Suiphonamides act as (a) Antiseptic (b) Analgesic (Q) Antimicrobials \(d) Antipyretic ‘The relationship among most probable velocity, average velocity and root mean square velocity is Yespectively’ OMNDEN EES EU BN PEN CIE SEED © VB7RNB:V2_ De: V87n: 2 )y_sPhe number of unpaired electrons in Gadolinium ys @2 One mole of On) and two moles of SOp,9) were hheatedsin aselosed vessel of one-litre eapacity at 1098 K. Atequilibrium 1.6 moles of S039) were found. The equilibrium constant X, of the reaction would be @ 3 © # (b) 4% @@ MATHEMATICS The distance ofthe point -i42j+6k from the straight line that passes through the point 2§+3j<4k and is-parallel to the vector 61 +3j548 is @ 9 ©) 8 (7 @) 10 Consider the following planes P:xty-22+7=0 O:xty+22+2=0 R: 3x+3y—62-11=0 (a) Pand Rare perpendicular () Qand R are perpendicular (© Pand Qare parallel (@ Pand Rare parallel Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINI 100 If A=| 2 and B=|-2 1 | then 3 7 21 AB equals @ 7 A © B @ 0 If the A.M. between p" and q" terms of an A.P. is equal to the A.M. between 7" and s' terms of the same A-P., then p +q is equal to (a) r+s-1 (b) r+s=2 © rts+l ay rts . The value of cos 255° sin 195° is, f-1 B-1 © We oF 3 BHT o Ae Vee . The! middie term in’ the expansion of 4 DE" Vin powers of xis @ - Cc, (b) -*C, @ *C,-1 @ *C, ‘sin|m cos” x il Co x30 og @) -# (o) 1 @\-1 @x 3. The lline parallel to x-axis and passing through the point of intersectioivof lines ax + 2by +3b=0 and bx 5 2ay—3a=0, where (a4) # (0, 0) is (@) above x-Axis at a distance 2/3 from it (b) abovex-axisata distance3/2 from it (©) below x-axis ata distance 3/2f¥om it (@)_ below x-axisat a distanee2/3 from it . The chord PQ of the parabola y” =x, where one} end P of the chord is-at.point (4, — 2)pis. perpendicular to the axis of the-parabola. Then the slope of the normal at Qis equals i @) -4 (b) =r I © 4 OG Let p and q denote the following statements p: The sun is shining 4g: Ishall play tennis in the afternoon SET - 3) 2012 The negation of the statement “If the sun is shining then I shall play tennis in the afternoon”, is @ g>-P (bo) aa~p (© pana @) ~9>~P Ifthe sum ofthe series 12+2.22+ 32+2.42+ 52+ 2.6? +... upto n terms, when n is even, is 2 a(n+1 (nt then the sum of the series, when n is odd, is @prn+ iy 0) n®(n-1) 2 1 2 @ “YS ) @ Pu) The area bounded by the parabola the line 2x — 34 =0, in squate unit, is 2 ® Fs (b) 1 @ Let fo (0,0) + (20,00) be defined by f=3+1 Statement 1: The function fhasa local extremum, jat x= 0) Statement 2»The function f is continuous and differentiableon (0,00) and. f"(0)=0 (a) Statement J istrug, Statement 2 is false. (b) Statement 1 is they Statement 2 is true, Statement 2 is a correct explanation for Statement 1. (©_Statement/l istrue, Statement 2 is true, Statement 2,is notthe correct explanation for/Statement lg (@P/Statement | is false Statement 2is true. Let diaind Bbe non empty sets in Rand f: A+B is a bijective function. Statement 1: is an onto fun Statement 2: There exists a function g: B—> A such that fog (a) Statement Vistrue, Statement 2is false. (b) Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is true; Statement 2 is a correct explanation for Statement | (©) Statement | is false, Statement 2 is true, (@) Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is true, Statement 2 is not the correct explanation for Statement 1. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES The number of common tangents of the circles ‘given by xt+y? —8x—-2y+ 1 =Oandx? +)? + 6x + 8y= (@) one (b) four (©) two (d) three P +|2)—z9[° is equal to Jo) (lal @ |a f+ 2(al+F2| de f (x)=) Fin®'y 8 Polynomial ofdegree (@) Sincotx (b) Sintanx (©) 3intanx (A) 3 incotx The equation of ayplane/containing the line x41 /y—3_ 242 3/ 2 (a) / x+y FoR (b) x+2y#2=21 () 38-2ph52+33=0 @ 3x+2y+52+21=0 and the point (0, 7,—7) is Statement 1: The vectors a,b and ¢ lieinthe nM. same plane ifand only if (bx 7 =0 Statement 2: The vectors w and y are 23 perpendicular if, and’ onlyif w.y =0 where ux y is & vector, perpendicular to the-plane of uw and vy. (a) Statement I'is false, Statettient 2 is true, (b) Statement 1 is tru¢, Statement 2 is truey Statement 2 is correct explanationsifory Statement 1. (©) Statement | is true, Statement 2 is false. (d)_ Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is true, , Statement 2 is not a correct explanation for Statement 1 Statement 1: Ifthe system of equations x + ky + 32=0, 3x-+ky—22=0, 2x +3y—42=Ohasanon- trivial solution, then the value of kis, 2. Statement 2: A system of three homogeneous equations in three variables has a non trivial solution if the determinant of the coefficient matrix iszero. ‘Statement 1 is false, Statement 2 is true. Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is true, Statement 2 is a correct explanation for Statement 1. Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is true, , Statement 2 is not a correct explanation for Statement 1. (@__ Statement | is true, Statement 2s false. 2 The normal at (23). the cllipse, yt 16 @ y= ~104¥ (b) y= 4x (© y?=26%, @ ys—l4x If[x] is the greatest integer c__3x10% 30x10 Trg ANd Api ate Maximum and minium A = 360 m intensity ; And, E = BC = 4.82 « 10-1! x 3 « 108 ©, and @, are widths of two slits = 0.014 NIC ork Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLIN' SET - 3) 2012 Force acting on conductor B due to conductor 4 is given by relation — Bolted 2nr length of conductor B distance between two conductors = An x07? x10%252 _ 2xHK0. Capacitance of sphere is given by : FF 8 x10 N C= 4nQr If, C IF tien radius of sphere needed: cX 1 4ney 4m¥8.85x10~ 12 or, 49x10 m AnX8.85) 90610? m is very large, it is not.possible to obtaimsuch a large sphere. Infact earth has radius 6.4 = 10° m only and capacitance of earth is 711pF. Resistance of wire (R) = If wir@iSibent in the middle then Gia 24) 44 4” Given : Prequengy Of@tuning fork. n= 264 Hz Length of column L For closed organ pipe or, [= 0.3125 x 100 = 31.25 em In case of closed organ pipe only odd harmonies are possible. Therefore value of / will be (2n — 1) f Hence option (b) i.e. 3 x 31.25 = 93.75 cm resistivity, p = [ML°T?A~) Dimensional formula for electrical 1 conductivity, o =pis [M'L3T3A2] Frequency range of y-ray, = 10! — 108 Hz Frequency range of X-ray, @= 10! 40? Hz Frequency range of ultraviolet ray, c= 10" 340! Hz 1a < Bb re Truth table is as shown B|A+B BIA+ 1] ot 1| a o| 0 Thus the combination of two NOT gates and one.NOR gate is equivalent toa AND gate, According to photo-clectric equation : K.Epa = hy — hyg (Work function) Some sorl/of energy is used/in ejecting the photoelectrons As we'know, Sa aa: WH = no. of half life Ne*no. of atoms left No initial n0. of atoms By radioactive decay law, k - disintegration constant aN aN We No dt From (i) and (ii) we get Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 100 fay [27 [1p * | y600}"L2 2] “2 -.n=4, Therefore, in 8 seconds 4 half life had occurred in which counting rate reduces to 100 counts s“!. 20: r © Half life, > In 6 sec, “half life will occur = 2 sec a => Says 200 counts s“! dt Lets! be the mass of the particle y - Bel A Ia r For come out/throuigh face 'AC’, total internal reflection mist not take place. ie, 0 sin@< o uss ae sin sin 45° Suy<1414 In a refrigerator, the heat dissipated in the atmosphere is more than that taken from the cooling chamber, therefore the room is heated. If the door of a refrigerator is kept open Terminal velocity in a viscous medium is given by: 2a? (p-o)g on 2 y, Vp a’ The-equation of wave at any time is obtained-by putting X = x — vt 1 1 1432) Lt Ger vty We know at 1 =)2 se, 1 Ie fii) y= @ On comparing (i),and/(ii) we get w= Forisothernial protess : PY =P, W P=2P, For adiabatic process PVrs P, Qj (Ce for monatomic, gas ~= 5/3 ) = 2 5 & opvi paws [From@i)] “Ss 3 > =23 Given : d= 3 102 m 2=55* 107m Limit of resolution, A@ = Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSE aN JEE MAIN (ONLIN' _ 1.22x5.5x107 3x10? Ata distance of 80 m , the telescope is able to resolve between two points which are separated by 2.23 x 10-° x 80 m =1.78 x 10 m When a charged particle enters the magnetic field in perpendicular direction then it experience a force in perpendicular direction. ie. F = Bqv sind Due to which it thoves in'@jciFeular path. When a ball hits the ground yertically then some of its energy is lost due to whicb/it bounces back to lesser height with less Velocity. The energy of the ball keep on decreasing with time and finally jit become zero. Due 10 this variation of velocity with height can be represented as follows): = 2,23 x 10° rad. v When body rolls dawn on inclined plane with velocity)Wp at bottom then body has both rotational and translational kinetic enetgy. Therefore, by law ofyeonservation of energy, PE.=KE, ‘cate K Begone Late? = 3m + le ny 2 1 ee mV +o? |G) 2 v [: =ni2o= 2] 31.) 0 When body is sliding down then body has only translatory motion, 4 Range is, saitie, for both holes 2. 2H yh, 2 20H Ap yhy Squaring\both’ sides, 4 (He hy) hy = 4 (Hh) hy 2 2 Hh, — X= Hhy aod On solving \we get, H= hy +h, Hence, the ratio of 7, depends on H. ‘Apcordling to newton third law of motion i.e. evety.action is associated with equal and \opposite reaction. Balancing length / willi@ive emf of cell :. B= Kl Here K is potentialgradient, If the cell is short circuited/by resistance R Let balaneing léngth obtained be /' then vie Ss [is r= R given) Ss or, The dielectric constant of the gas is 1.01 CHEMISTRY @ 4p (ii) 4s Gi) 3a (iv) 3p According to Bohr Bury's (n + £) rule, increasing order of energy will be (iv) <(ii) F >N>C 74.75%0of chlorine means 74.75g chlorine is presentlin 100g of metal chloride. Weight of métal = 100g — 74.753 = 25.258 Equivalent weight weight oF metal weight of chlorine 25.25 22) =12 7475 55 = 12 Valengy.of metal 2xV.D. \ Equivalent/wt. oflmetal + 35.5 i x35.5 _ 2948 “12+35.5 . Forinula of compound +MCl, cH, | Cl I Cy CH, Propene Allyl horde Fo a Hes sore FH —_Hoct_, Gr,08 quou: CH,OH Giyeerol Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLIN' Fire extinguishers contain a mixture of Na,CO,, NaHCO, and H,SO,. NO and freons are responsible for ozone layer depletion. In 1, 2 dichlorobenzene the two dipoles are at 60° (i.e. unsymmetric). Thus possesses dipole moment. Pol, <=> Pb‘ + 2I- s 2 sx (2s? 4s 3 = (24) =14.0x10? 4602 Phenol andformaldehyde~undergo condensation polymerisation under two different conditions t6 give a cross linked polyfiiencalled bakélite. Thewelectrical’ resistance of metals dépends_upon/ temperature. Electrical resistance\ decreases with decrease in temperature and becomes zero near the absolute temperature, Material in this state is said to possess super conduetivity. OnlysGe(Z 3 58) shows stable (+4) oxidation state. Cu’? +e" cut EP =0.1SVgAG) = —,ERF Cur +2e——> Cu E} =0.34V;AG) On subratting eq, ~gbDE from eq, (ii) we get Cut +e° Su AG? = ac? - AGP CH, -C-CH, sean 2Propehe i (acetone) (unstable) (0) For i86thermal process(AT'= 0) B AS = Rén—| = 8.314 (n2 Py = 8.314% 0,693 = 5.76 JK“ mot"! Hence (¢) is the correct option. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Sulphonamides act as antimicrobials. Most probable speed (C* Average speed (C)= , aM Root mean square velocity (C ct: ec: fE8 ® Gd(64) = [Xe]4f7 5d! 6s? No. of unpaired’electrons = 8 ©, + 280, = 280, att=0/ 2 0 atequil. (a) 2(1-a) 2a Giyen at eQuilibriumy 20=1.6 a= 0.8. (0.8)? (1-0.8) (10.8)? 0.64 MATHEMATICS Pointis(l, 2, 6) Line passes through the point (2, 3, AY parallel! to vector whose direction ratios is 6, 3,—4. S rate Equation is)=— a Any’point on this line is given by-x-=6. A+ 2 = 3 3, 2 le 4 Now, @.Rs of line passing through GA, 2, 6) and. tosthis tine is {a+ 1), @-2)>E= 9} So, 6 (x +1) +3 > D—4 @- 620 => 6x + 3y—4z + 24=0 Now, 6 (64 +2) +3 GA+3)+4 (42 +4) +24=0 = 61A461=0=4=-1 So, x=-4, y=0,2= Now, distance between (-1, 2, 6) and C4, 0, 0) is VOF4436 = 49 =7 Given planes are Pixty—22+7 =0 O:xty+22+2 and R:3x+3y—6z-11 =0 Consider Plane P and R. fo W=| 2) 32 1 Given: = at(p-l)d+a Xai =a¥(r=1)d +a+(s—1)d = 2a+ (p+ q\d-2d=2a+(r+§)d-2d => (ptqd=(r+s\d=>p+qarts. ‘Gonsider| cos 255°+ sin 195° = co$ (270° — 15°) + sin (180° + 15°) =~ sin 15°— sin 159 Ni: =-2sin 18° = = yh FE Given expansion can be re-written as (=) C9 407 2 1-9 ‘otal number oF terms will be 2n + 1 which isjodd, (-; 2n is‘always even) 2n+141 # Middle term = S— = (n+ 1) th Now, 7,1 ="C, (I) x" 2n, nn So, 2" Hc, (-y" vl) Middle term is an odd term. So, n + 1 will be odd. So, n will be even. 2. Required answer is *C,. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINI SET - 3) 2012 (@) Consider sin( ros? 2) lim > me = lim > m0 [+ sin(x-0)= sino] sin(rsin? x) _(nsin® x) —— nsin?< x Given lines re ax +2by+3b=Oand bx—Day-34= 0 Sinée, required fine ij tox-axis /x=0 We put x=0 in given€quation, we get 2by=—3bS y # This shows that the required line is below 3 xaxisat adistance of 5 fromit. Point P is (4,2) an@PQW x-axis So, Q= (4, 2) Equation of tangent at (4, 2) is 1 maz @ta) 1 Sys FO+Daoaeart2 >y= 1 So, slope of tangent = > +. Slope of normal = — 4 Let p : The sun is shining. q::Ishall play tennis in the afternoon. Negation of p > q is ~(p > 4)= pa~q If mis odd, the required sum is 1242224324242 +....+2(n-1P +n? (n-1)(n-141)7 ae (n+l) 2 Interseeting points are x= 1,4 4 ard . Required area = ie 5 3 Bi) t00-1 a2 =A G-s/4 28-27 1 3 3 Let f'; (20,00) > (20,20) be defined by Saye 3 +48 Clearly, 8) is symmetri¢ along y = 1 and it has neithet maxima nor minima. g@Statement ~ 1 is false. Let(#,and B be non-empty sets in R. Let fz A — Bis bijective function. (Clearly statement - 1 is true which says that fis an onto function. Statement - 2 is also true statement but it is not the correct explanation for statement-1 Given circles are x2+y?—8x—2y+1=0 and x2 +)?+6x+8y=0 Their centres and radius are C4, 0.7 = Vie=4 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Cy (-3,-4), r= 25 =5 Now, CC) = ¥49+25 = 74 nosh tao Since, ry, a+4b—Se=0 -B) On solving equation (A) and (B) we get @sl,b=1,c=1 -, Reqiired plane is x¥1+y-34242=0 sxty+z=0 Statement The veetors Z,j and @ lie in the same plane. => G,b and @ are coplanar, We know)\the -neéessary and sufficient conditions for three be coplanar jis that [a5c] = 0 ie. @-(b * G)=0 Heheef’Statement-1 is true. Given s¥tem of equations is Since, system has non-trivial solution 1 ke 3, 3k 2 20 2 3 1 Cak+ 6)—KC 12 +4) +3 (9-2k)=0 3 AK 33—6h= 0 k= Hence, statement - 1 is false. Statement-2 is the property. It isa true statement. 2; a Pa Elli = lipseis “= Now, equation of normal at (2, 3/2)is Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLIN' => &r-2y= 13 ax = yrar> 13 Let y= 4x-— touches a parabola 2 y=4ax. We know, a straight line, a parabola y?= 4ax if. a- (Je 0 >45-%6 Hence, required equation of parabola is y?=4(-26)x 5104 x 09 Verna) Put x= ~ log t xseMA=> KO) = Oe Q-. Geo IO So, itis an odd auncion hence Required integral Given a+ bx +c = ax? = Bho Now, consider y= dax? + 3bx + 22 4 [bx — c] + 3b 2c = 4bx - 4c + 3bx + 2c ~-ie ce, this curve intersects x-axis Thus, given curve intersects x-axis at exactly one point. SET - 3) 2012 4 (@ |sin x| and eM! are not differentiable at x=0 and [x[? is differentiable at x = 0. for f(x) to be differentiable at x = 0, we must have a= 0, 6 = 0 and c is any real number. Given differential equation is de 1 This is in linear form. Ls L, L Ly is correct statement (-; Product of their slopes = — 1) Ly) LiL, is also correct statement (-: Produet of their, slopes = — 1) Statement 2 : Sunyof first n odd natural mtimbets is not-€qual to n?. SogStatement - 2 is false. Let A="nr* be area of metalic circular plate ofr= 50cm Also, given S=tmm= Fem 2 Aan dA_ dr = Famt= 2n.50.1 = 10x Hence, area of plate increases in 10x cm?/hour. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES (@) 7 women can be arranged around a circular table in 6! ways. Among these 7 men can sit in 7! ways. Hence, number of seating arrangement =1!x 6! %. (6) Total possible event when one ball is taken out = 3C, Let E: The event of | white ball coming out No. of ways to 1 white ball coming out 2, 1 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET

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