JEE Mains 2013 Paper-1

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R. K. MALIK'’S JEE (MAIN & ADV.), MEDICAL + BOARD, NDA, IX & X NEWTON CLASSES Enjoys unparalleled reputation for best results in terms of percentage selection JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET - 1) 2013 This test will be a 3 hours Test. This test consists of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics questions with equal weight age of 120 Each question is of 4 marks. There are three parts in the qliestion paper consisting of Physics (] to 30), Chemistry (Q.n0.31 to 60) and Mathematics (Q. no.61,16 90). There will be only One correct choice in the given four choices. For each question 4 marks will be awarded for corfect choice, 1 mark will be deducted for ineorrect choice.and Zero mark will be awarded forfot attempted question. Any textual, printed of written materials mobile pliones, calculator éte. is not allowed for the students appearing for the test, All caléulations / written work should be done in the rough sheetyprovided. PHYSICS 3ogy An LCR circuityas Shown in the figure is connected to a voltage sourcesV,, whose Orbit of apparticle moving in a circleare such Waapency can be vatied. that the perimeter of the orbit equals an integer ‘number of de-Broglie wavelengths of the particle. For a charged particle moving in a plane perpendicular toa magnetiéificld, thefadiug of the n'® orbital will therefore be proportional to: @ (b) (nl @ nls ‘Two blocks of mass M, 20 kg and M, = 12 kg are connected by a metal rod of mass 8 kg. The system is pulled vertically up by applying a force of 480 N as shown. The tension atthe mid-point of the rodis : (b) 96N (@) 192N Vac = Vo sinot ‘The frequency, at which the voltage across the resistor is maximum, is @) 902Hz (b)/ 143Hz (0238 (d) MSH A body stafts from rest of a long inclined plane of slope 45°, The coefficient of friction between the bod¥and the plane varies as u=0.3 x, where xis distance travelled down the plane. The body ‘willhave maximum speed (for g= 10 1/s*) when (a) 9.8m. ) 27m © 2m @ 333m ‘A and B are two sources generating sound waves. A listener is situated at C. The frequency of the source at A is 500 Hz. A, now, moves towards C with a speed 4 m/s. The number of Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES beats heard at C is 6. When A moves away from Cwith speed 4 m/s, the number of beats heard at C is 18. The speed of sound is 340 m/s. The frequency of the source at B is c B o—_______e—_____e (a) 500Hz (b) S06Hz (© SI2Hz (@) 4942 A de source of emf E, = 100 V and internal resistance = 0.5 Q, a storage battery of emf E = 90 V and an external resistance Rare ‘connected as shown in figure, For what value of Rno current will pass through the battery ? =052 AWW @ 552) (6) 352 © 45a @ 250 The change in the value of acceleration of earth towards sun, when the moon comes from the position of solar eclipse to the position on the other side of earth in line with sun (mass of the moon = 7.36 * 10”? kg, radius of the moon’s orbit = 3.8 ¥ 108 m). (a) 6.73 10> m/s? (b) 6.73 x 107 mis* (©) 6.73 x 10? mvs? (d) 6.73 104 mis? An ideal gas at atmospheric pressure is adiabatically compressed so that its density becomes 32 times ofits initial value. Ifthe final pressure of gas is 128 atmospheres, the value of *y of the gas is: @ 15 (b) 14 © 13 @ 16 9. A tennis ball (treated as hollow spherical shell) starting from O rolls down a hill. At point A the ball becomes air borne leaving atan angle of 30° with the horizontal. The ball strikes the ground at B. What is the value of the distance AB? (Moment of inertia of a spherical shell of mass m 2 and radius R about its diameter (@) 187m (157m (b)_2.08m @) 1.7m The dimensions of angular momentum, latent heat and capacitance are, respectively, @) (b) © @ Air of density 1.2 kg m™ is blowing across the horizontal wings of an aeroplane in such a way that its speeds above and below the wings are 150 ms! and 100 ms-!, respectively. The pressure difference between the upper and lower sides of the wings, is : (@) 60Nnr* (b) 180Nm? (©) 7500 Nm (d) 12500Nm2 This question has Statement-1 and Statement-2. Of the four choices given after the Statements, choose the one that best describes the two Statements, Statement-1: In Young's double slit experiment, the number of fringes observed in the field of view is small with longer wavelength of ight and is large with shorter wavelength oflight. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~ 1) 2013 Statement-2: In the double slit experiment the fringe width depends directly on the wavelength flight. (2) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true and the Statement-2 is correct explanation of the ‘Statement-1. (b) Statement-1 is false and the Statement-2 is true. (©) Statement-1 is true Statement-2 is true and the Statement-2 is not correct explanation of the Statement-I. (@)_Statement-1 is true and the Statement-2 is false. To find the resistance 6f a galvanldinetet by the half deflection method the following)cireuit is used with resistances/R,= 9970 W, Ry=30W and R, = 0. The deflection in the galvanometer is. d. With Rg = 107 Wathe deflection _chatiged to d <. The galvanomieter ‘fesistance is approximately: -—the-— @ 7a b) 1370 (© 10720 @ 779 The focal length of the objettive and the eyepiece of a telescope are 50 cm and-5_cm respectively If the\telescope,is»focussed for distinct visionon a scale distant 2 th from its objective, then its magnifying power will be : @) -4 (b) -8 © +8 @2 Ina series L-C-R circuit, C= 10"! FaradL=10- 5 Henry and R= 100 Ohm, when a constant D.C. voltage E is applied to the circuit, the capacitor acquires a charge 10-° C. The D.C. source is replaced by a sinusoidal voltage source in which the peak voltage Ey is equal to the constant D.C. voltage E. At resonance the peak value of the charge acquired by the capacitor will be @ 10-5 () 10-6 © 10°C @ 1c point charge ofmagnitude+ I uC is fixed at (0, 0,0). Anisolated uncharged spherical conductor, is fixed with its center at (4, 0, 0). The potential and the induced electric field at the centre ofthe sphere is (a) 1.8% 108 Vand—5.625 10° Vim. (&) 0Vand0Vim (©) 2.25% 10° Vand— 5.625 x 10° V/m (d)_2.25« 105 Vand0Vin Auniforntwire (Young’s modulus 2 * 10'! Nmv?) is\Subjected to-fongitudinal tensile stress of 5 10’ Nm. If the overall volume change in thewire is 0.02%, the fractional decrease in the radius of the wire i8 Close 0: fa) 1.010% (b) MS «104 (© 025* 10% (@ S104 The half-life of a radioactive clement A is the same as the tnean-life of another radioactive element B. Initially bothysubstances\have the safe number of atoms, then : (@, Aand B decay at the sameratealways. (b) Mand B decay at the same rate initially. (©) Awill decay at alfaster rate than B. @)_Bwill decay at a faster rate than A. bball projected from ground at an angle of 45° just clears a walllin front. [fpoint of projection is 4/m from thesfoot of wall and:ball strikes the ground ata distance of 6m on the other side of the wall, the height ofthe wall is: (@ 44m (b) 24m (© 36m (@) 16m A plan electromagn etié wave in d non-magnetic dielectric mediumg is’ given by E =, (4x10~7 x 500) with distance being in meternd time in seconds. The dielectric constant ofthe médium is (@ 24 (b) 58 © 82 @ 48 To establish an instantaneous current of 2A through a | uF capacitor; the potential difference across the capacitor plates should be changed at the rate of: @) 2x 10*Vis (©) 2 108Vis (b) 4« 10° Vis (d) 4x 104 Vis Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Choose the correct sketch of the magnetic field lines of circular current loop shown by the dot © and the cross @. 25. @ O})} |\@ ‘CS © &) © ‘Tw\o small equal point charges of magnitude q are suspended from a Sommon point on the ceiling by insulatingmass less strings of equal lengths, They come to equilibrium with each string making angle 0 from the vertical, If the ‘mass of each charge is m, themthe electrostatic potential at the centre of linejoiningthem will be } (a) 2Ykmg tan 0 (b) fkmgtand (© 4ykmg/tan® =) Af mg/tand The image of an illuminated square is obtained on a sereen with the help of a converging lens. The distance of the square from the lens is 40 cm, The area of the image is 9 times that of the square. The focal length of the lens is fa) 36cm (©) 60an (b) 27em (d) 30cm A certain amount of gas is taken through acyclic process (A B C D A) that has two isobars, one. isochore and one isothermal. The cycle can be represented on a P-V indicator diagram as : Ns P Le ~v — Dw j—__—2F — Cc a D B. S A D c A D D — Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~ 1) 2013 Figure shows a circuit in which three identical diodes are used. Each diode has forward resistance of 20 Q and infinite backward resistance. Resistors R, =R, =R; =50Q. Battery voltage is 6 V. The current through R, is: 6v Ry (a) 50mA (6) 100mA (©) 60mA @) 2SmA. Amassin= 1.0 kg isputon a flat pan attached to a vertical spring fixedon the ground. The mass of the spring and the past is negligible. When pressed slightlyand released, the mass executes sithple harmonic motion. The spring constant is 500 N/m. What is the'amplitude A of the motion, so that the mass m fends to get detached from the pan ? (Take g= 10 m/s”), The spring is stiff enough so that it does not get distorted during the motion, (@) A>2.0em ) .Ocm (© A<2.0em (@ AziSem A current jis flowing in a straight conductof oF length L, The magnetic induction at a point on L its axis ata distance 7 from its centre will be: bol 2nL {a) Zero ) © ed 29. This question has Statement-1 and Statement-2. Of the four choices given after the Statements, choose the one that best describes the two Statements. Statement-1: Short wave transmi achieved due to the total internal reflection of the e-m wave from an appropriate height in the ionosphere. ion is Statement-2: Refractive index of a plasma is independent of the frequency of e-m waves. @ppStatement-Lis true, Statement-2 is false. (b) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true. (Q, Statement-lyistrue, Statement-2 is true but Statementt-2 is not the eorrect explanation ‘of statement- | ‘Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true and Statement -2 is the correeyexplanation of ‘Statement-), Given that | g of water in liqid phage has volume 1 cif? and in vapour phase 1671 cm? at atmospheric pressure and the latent heat of vaporization of water is 2256 Wg; the change in the internal eneray in joules for 1 g of water at 373K when it)changes rom liquid phase to ‘vapour phase at the samé teniperature is : (a) 256 (b) 167 (©) 2089 @4 CHEMISTRY, Oxidation state of sulphur in anions 03-8903" and _$;02- increases in the ordersif $02" KR>RbF (@) LiF , Y isn exothermic reaction. ‘Activation energy\of the reaction) for X into is 150 kJ mol-!. Enthalpyofreaction is 135 kJ mol. The activation energy for the reverse reaction, Y—> X will be @ )280kymor! (6) 285k) mor (© 270k mor! (d) 1SkImor! For which 6fthe following éompounds Kjeldahl ‘method can be used to defermine the percentage of Nitrogen ? (a) Nitrobentzene (b) Pyridine (©) Alanine (d) Diazomethane Which of the following statements about aspirin is not true? a Energy Change (inks) Li) Lig) 161 Lig) » Li) 20 l Zh Fe) 7 Fite > Pg) (Electron gain (a)pfItis effective in relieving pain. enthalpy) (b) Iisa neurologically active drug. Lit (g)+F(g) > LiF) -1047 (©) Ithhas antiblood clotting action. i (d)_Ivbefongs to narcotic analgesics. Li()+ 5F,@) > Lifs) —617 |. The density of 3M solution of sodium chloride is 1.252 g mL~!. The molality of the solution will Based on data provided, the value of electron fe gain enthalpy of fluorine would be (molar mass, NaCl=585 gmol-!) = 1 (@) 300K) nol (b) -350 Emel @ 260m (b) 218m (©) -328kI mol (@) -228kI mot (© 279m @ 300m Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLIN! T= 1) 2013 Which of the following structures represents 47. thymine? ‘The polymer used fof optical lenses) (@)_ polypropylene (©) polyvin§l chloride (©) polythene (@ polymethyl methaefyate Which of the following is diamagnetic? @ /[Fe(@N)g}> (b) [Co(ox),] (©) [FeF P= @ [CoF ge Bond ofder normally gives idea of stability of a njolecular spebies. All the molecules viz, HysLig) and B, have the same bond order yet they are not equally stable. Their stability order is. (@) H,>B,>Li, (Oy Lig> Hy> BY © Li,>B,>H, @) By>Hy>Li, Which off@ of the following arrangements. represents the eorrect order of solubilities of sparingly soluble salts Hg,Cl,, Cr(SO,)s, BaSQ, and CrCl, respectively? (a) BeSO, > Hg3Cl, > Cr (SQ4)3 > CrCls (b) BaSQ, >Hg,Cl; > CrCl; > Cry(SOy)s (©) BaSO, +CrCl; > Hg3@lp > ER (S04); (@)_Hg3Cl; > BaSO, > CrCl, * Er (SO4)s, ‘The wave number of the firstemission line in the, Balmer series of H-Spectrum is: (R= Rydberg constant) s @ Be R (b) 7 © GR @ ‘What is the structure of the major product when phenol is treated with bromine water ? i, @) f oO Br. Br (b) H Br f Br @ NaOH is a sirong/base. WhatlWill be pH of 5.0x 10? M NaOH solution ?(log2 =0.3) @ 14.00 (by 13,70, © 13.00 @ 1276 Floceulation value of BaCl, is fuch less than that of KCI for solA and flocculation value of Na,SO¥is much less than that of NaBr for sol B. ‘The conreétistatement among the following is : (@) Bothythe sols“A and B are negatively charged: (b)~ Sol A is positively charged and Sol B is negatively charged. © Both the sols A and B are positively charged. Sol A is negatively charged and sol B is positively charged. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Amongst the following alcohols which would react fastest with cone. HCl and ZnCl, ? (a) pentanol (b)2-methy! butanol (©) 2-pentanol (@)_2-methyl butan-2-ol Values of dissociation constant, Kare given as follows Acid K, HCN 6.2* 10-10 HF 712x104 HNO, 40104 Correct order of increasing base strefigth ofthe base CN F-and/NO} will be : (@) F< CN cau) > av) (&) Gy > aD =) (©) Ma = duy> (Vv) @ d)>aav) Which” one of the following statements about packing in solids is incorrect ? (@) Coordination number in bee mode of packing is 8. (b) Coordination number in hep mode of packingis 12. (©) Void space in hep mode of packing is 32%. (4) Void spacein cep mode of packing is 26%. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET

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