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R. K. MALIK'’S JEE (MAIN & ADV.), MEDICAL + BOARD, NDA, IX & X NEWTON CLASSES Enjoys unparalleled reputation for best results in terms of percentage selection JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET - 2) 2013 This test will be a 3 hours Test. This test consists of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics questions with equal weight age of 120 Each question is of 4 marks. There are three parts in the qliestion paper consisting of Physics (] to 30), Chemistry (Q.n0.31 to 60) and Mathematics (Q. no.61,16 90). There will be only One correct choice in the given four choices. For each question 4 marks will be awarded for corfect choice, 1 mark will be deducted for ineorrect choice.and Zero mark will be awarded forfot attempted question. Any textual, printed of written materials mobile pliones, calculator éte. is not allowed for the students appearing for the test, All caléulations / written work should be done in the rough sheetyprovided. PHYSICS X (@) 25m, 10m (b) 13m,27m () 22m,13m (@17m,20m The gravitational field, due to the left over part’ cof a uniform sphere (from which a part asshown, has been ‘removed out’), at a very far off point, P, located as shown, would be (nearly) 1g 8x x A bullet of mass 10 g and speed 500 m/ into\a door and gets embedded exactly at the centre of the door, The door is 1.0 m wide and weighs 12 kgultis hinged at one end and rotates about a vertical axis practically without friction. The angular speed of the door justafter the bullet embeds into it will be : (a) 6.25 rad/sec (b) 0.625 rad/see (©) 3.35 rad/sec (@)_ 0.335 rad/see Ona linear temperature scale Y, water freezes at — 160° Y and boils at ~$0° ¥. On this ¥ scale, a temperature of 340 K would be read as : (water freezes at 273 K and boils at 373 K) @) -B7rY (b) -233.7°Y (©) -863°Y (@) -106.3°Y A uniform electric field E exists between the plates of'a charged condenser. A charged particle enters the space between the plates and perpendicular to Z . The path of the particle between the plates is a (@) straight line (b) hyperbola (©) parabola (d) circle Photons of an electromagnetic radiation has an energy I1 keV each. To which region of electromagnetic spectrum does it belong ? (a) X-rayregion (b) Ultra violet region (©) Infrared region (A), Visible region This question has Statement-1 and Statement-2. Of the four choices given after the Statements, choose the one that best describes the two Statetnents. Statement-1: A capillary is dipped ina liquid and liquid rises to a height h in it. As the temperature of the liquid is raised, the height / increases (if the density of the liquid and the angle of contact remain the same). Statement-2: Surface tension of a liquid decreases with the rise in its temperature. (a) Statement is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is not the correct explanation for Statement-1. (b) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true. (©). Statement] is true, Statement-2 is false. (@) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is the correct explanation for Statement-. If.a carrier wave c(t) = A sin @t is amplitude modulated by a modulator signal m(t) = A sin Qt then the equation of modulated signal {C,,(0)] and its modulation index are respectively @) Cy@=A (1 +sino, 1) sin, cand2 &) C,,Q=4 (+sino,, sino, ¢and 1 © ©, (0=4 (1 +sine,, 4) sino, tand 1 @ G,()=A(1+sino,2sin o, tand2 A letter'A' is constructed of uniform wire with resistance 1.0. per om, The sides of the letter are 20 em and the cross piece in the middle is 10 emong. Theapex angle is 60.. The resistance between the ends of the legs is close to @ 500 &) 109 (© 36.72 @ 26.79 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~ 2) 2013 An electric current is flowing through a circular coil of radius R. The ratio of the magnetic field at the centre of the coil and that at a distance 2¥2R from the centre of the coil and on its axis is (@) Ww? ) 2 © % @ 8 ‘Two simple pendulums of length | m and 4m respectively are both given small displacement in the same direction at the same instant. They will be again in phase after the shorter pendulum has completed number of osciltations equal tog @) 2 (b) 7 @ 5 @ 3 Light is incident from@ medium into airattwo possible angles of in@idence (A) 20° and (B) 40°. In the medium lightitr@ivels 3,0 cm in.0-2ns. The ray will, (a) stiffer total internal reflection in both cases (A) afi@(B) (b)/ suffer total internal reflection inJ€aS@(B) only (c) have partial feflection and! partial transmission incase (B) (d)_ have 100% transmission in case (A) ‘Two point dipoles of dipole moment Py and P> ardata distance vfromeach other and P) IP The\force between the dipoles is 1 4p @ 4am 4itey xt 1_ ‘bpp: 4x9 When two sound waves travellia the same direction in a medium>the displdgements of particle located at'x’ at time*7“is given by ¥, = 0.05 cos (0.50 mx— 100 nz) Y= 0.05 cos (0.46 mx—92 mt) where y,)") and x are in meters and £ in seconds ‘The speed of sound in the medium is, (@) 92ms (6) 200m/s (©) 100ms (@) 332m/s I8. ‘An engine approaches a hill with a constant speed. When itis at a distance of 0.9 km, it blows a whistle whose echo is heard by the driver after 5 seconds. If the speed of sound in air is 330 m/s, then the speed of the engine is : (a) 32ms (b) 275 ms (©) 60ms (d) 30ms Two balls of same mass and carrying equal charge are hung froma fixed support of length J At electrostatic equilibrium, assuming that angles made by each thread is small, the separation»-between the balls is proportional to @ ) 7? wf PS @ 18 A Uniform spher@ of weight W and radius 5 em is being held by @ strings showiin the figure. The tension in the String will be : ) 2 wo st (a) ) 7 Ase Ww 5 a © Be When Uratiiium is bombafded with neutrons, it undergoes fission. The fission reaction can be writtenias oUF pul spBal*! + ygKr? +3x-+ Q(energy) where three particles named x are produced and energy Q is released. What is the name of the particlex? (a) electron (©) neutron (©) o-particle (d)_ neutrino Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 2. Twocoils, X and ¥, are kept in close vicinity of each other. When a varying current, 1(t), flows through coil X, the induced emf({0)) in coil Y, varies in the manner shown here. The variation of (t), with time, can then be represented by the ‘graph labelled as graph F vin] LP My) . » | Nes J) t ? t an 10) ‘i wc @ D @A © B B, Array oflight of intensity Lis incident on a parallel glass slab at point A as shown in diagram. It undergoes partial reflection and refraction, At each reflection, 25% of incident energy is reflected. The rays AB and A’B' undergo interference. The ratio Of Iynay ANd pin iS (@)_49:1 © 4 A shunt of résistance I Q is connected across a galvanometer oF 120 Q resistanee}A current of 5.S-ampere gives full séile deflection, in the galvanometer. The cirrent that will give fll scale deflection in the absence of the shunt is near (a) 5.Sampere (b) OSampere (©) 0.004ampere (@) 0.045 ampere Front the’ following, the quantity (constructed from the basic eOnstants of nature), that has the dimensions, aswell ag correct ordenof magnitude, vis-a-vis typical atomic size, is © Ane ge mé Anegme? @) é Figuréshows the variation in temperature (AT) with theJamount’of heat supplied (Q) in an isobaric pro€ess corresponding toa monoatomic (M), diatomic (D) and a polyatomic (P) gas. The initial state of ll the gases are the same and the scales for the two axes coincide. Ignoring vibrational degrees of freedom, the lines 4, b and c respectively correspond to : Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~ 2) 2013 (@) PjMandD (6) M,DandP (© P,DandM (@ D,MandP In the circuit shown here, the voltage-across E and C are respectively 300-Vand 400 V, The voltage E of the ac source is, Lv (@ 400¥ole (b) 500 Volt (©) 100Vok. (@ 700Volt Ifthe ratio of fengths, radii and Young's moduli of steel and brass wires in the figure are a, b and ¢ respectively, then the corresponding ratio of increase in their lengths is ? 2, In the Bohr model an electron moves in a circular orbit around the proton. Considering the orbiting electron to be a circular current loop, the ‘magnetic moment of the hydrogen atom, when the electron is in n' excited state, is s\2 m)2n e\nh © (5)5 Chamber II real gas 3] 4 ‘There are twOvidentical chambers, tompletely thermally insulated fromystitroundings. Both chambers have a partition wall dividing the ‘chambers in two compartments/Compartment 1 is fitfed with an ideal gas and Compartment 3 is, filled with a real gas. Compartments 2 and 4 are ‘yacuum A small hole (orifice) is made in the partition walls.and the gases are allowed to ‘expand in Vacuum. ‘Statement-1: No changejin the temperature of the gas takes pla¢e when ideal gas eypands in ‘vacuum. However, the temperature of real gas goes down (Cooling) when it expands in vacuum. ‘Statethent-2: The internal energyofan ideal gas is only kinetic. The intertal energy of a real gas is kinétic as well as potential. (a) Stafémefit-1 is false“and Statement-2 is true. (b) Statément-1ind Statement-2 both are true. Statersient-2 is the correct explanation of Statement (©) Statement-1 is true and Statement-2 is false. (@)_ Statement-1 and Statement-2 both are true. ‘Statement-2 is not correct explanation of ‘Statement- 1. Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi , Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES CHEMISTRY Se CH; ~CH=CH, +HCIl—> X, CH ~CH-CH; | a cht, GH, -CHCL a tu —CH-CH; GH, \CH=CH,, a d), Given’ XNa,HAsO, +¥NaBrO, + ZHCI > NaBrHyAsO,+NaCl 39, The values of X, Y and Z impthe above redox! reaction are respectively ¢ (a) 21,2 )_ 21,3 © 3.1.6 @ 314 The migration of dispersion medium under the influence of an electric potential is called : (a) Cataphoresis (b) Electroosmosis (©) Electrophoresis (d)_ Sedimentation The addition of HI in the presence of peroxide catalyst does not follow anti-Markovnikov's rule because = (@)Hlisa strong reducing agent. (b) H-I bond is too strong to be broken homolytically. (©) Latom combines with H atom to give back HL (@)_ Iodine atom is not reactive enough to add across a double bond. In reaction A + 2B == 2C + D, initial concentration of B was 1.5 times of [A], but at eGlibrium the Concentrations of Aand Bbecame equall, The equilibrium constant for the reaction is: @s (4 ( 12 @ 6 Trigonal bipyramidal geometry iS shown by @ Xe0P; (b) XcO,F, (©) FXeOSO3F (@)_ [Xe Ifa polythene sample contaisistwo monodisperse factions in the tatio 2 : 3 with degree of ‘polymerization 100 and 200, respéctively, then itswéight average molecular weight will be : (a) 4900 (b) 4600 (©) 4300 (@ 5200 TheVinstantaiieous rate of disappearance of MnO,- iofijin the following reaction is 456%10-3Ms"! 2MnO,- +10" + 16H* -/ 2Mn?* BS1,+ 81,0. The rate of appearance Iy is 2 (@) 4.56* 104 Ms (b) 1.14410? Msat (© 114 103M @_5.7* 103 Msot Which fit of the following is most stable? Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~ 2) 2013 In an atom how many orbital(s) will have the quantum numbers; n= 3, = 2andmj= +2? @ 5 ) 3 © 1 @7 Potassium dichromate when heated with concentrated sulphuric acid and a soluble chloride, gives brown-red vapours of : (@ G0, ) Gc, ©) Cr0,Ck @ Cr,0, Rate of dchydration of alcohols follows the order: (a) 2°> 1°>CH,OH>3° (b) 3°>2°> 1°>CH,OH (©) 2°>3°>1°>CH,OH (@)_ CH,OH> 1°>2°>3° Given © Hah 50M) 4 1,000; AH? 759 = -285.9kI mol ny 1xl@)93.02(8) 712018; ABP 599 =—241.8kJ mol! The molar entiialpy of vapourisation of watef willbe (a) 241.8k) mor"! (6) 22.0kJ mot! (©) 44.1k)mor! (@ 527.7 kimior Calcination is the process in which : (@) oreisheatsd above its melting point to expel H,0 or CO, or SO, (b), oreis heated below its melting point tocxpel volatile impurities (©) ‘ore is heatedsabove its melting point to rémove SyAS and Sb as SO,, AsO, and Sb,Q, respectively (@)_ ore isheated Below its melting point to expel H,0 or CO, Sodium Carbonate cannot/be Used in place of (NH,);CO; for the identification of Ca’*, Ba? and Sr2* ions (in group-V) during mixture analysis because Mg?" ions will also be p ‘Concentration of CO,?~ ions is very low. ‘Sodium ions will react with acid radicals Na’ ions will interfere with the detection of Ca?*, Ba?*, Sr? ions, 46. Which one of the following molecules is polar? (@) XeF, &) IF; (© SbF; @ CF, Type of isomerism which exists between [Pd(CgH,)(SCN)y] and [Pa(CgH),(NCS),] is (a) _Linkageisomerism (6) Coordination isomerism (©) Ionisation isomerism (@)_Sotvate isomerism In which of the following ionization processes the bond.cnergy has increased and also the magnetic behaviour has changed from paramaghiétic to diainagnetic? (@/ NO No* Ye) Np > NQ* 4_ Cy + Cxf (dQ +0," 12g of anonvolatile solute dissol ved in 108 g of water produces the relative lowering of vapour pressure of 0.1. The molecular massof the solute @ » ©) @ @) 2 @ 0 ‘Which of the following enzyme converts starch into maltose? (a), Diastase, (b) Maltase (Zymase (@ Invertase Electrode potentials (E°) areigiven below : Cub /Cu=+0.52V, Fe** /Fe** =4.0.77 phot osav, ‘Ag /Ag=#0.88V. Based ongthe aboveypotentials, strongest oxidizing agent will be: (@) Gut (b) Fe+ (©) Agi @ I, Aryl fluoridé may be prepared from arene iazonium chloride using : (@ HBFYA (b) HBF,/NaNO,,Cu, A. (©) CuF/HF (@) CWHF Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Anether (A), CsH;0, when heated with excess of hot concentrated HI produced two alkyl halides which when treated with NaOH yielded ‘compounds (B) and (C). Oxidation of (B) and (C) gave a propanone and an ethanoic acid respectively. The IUPAC name of the ether (A) is: (@) 2-ethoxypropane (b)_ethoxypropane (©) methoxybutane (d)_2-methoxybutane Electron gain enthalpy with negative sign-of- fluorine is less than that of chlorine due to : (@) High ionization enthalpy of fluorine! (b) Smaller size ofeflorine atom (©) Smaller sizeof fluorine atom (d)_ Bigger size of 2p orbital of fluorine Solid Ba(NO,)s(is gradually dissolved-int a 1.0 x 104 M NajCOg{solution: At which concentration of Ba") precipitate of BaCO, begins to form ? (K,, for BaCO, = 5.1 « 10%) @) /5.1 105M. (b) 7.1.x 10M (©) 4.L405M @ 81*107M An element haying an atomic radius of 014m crystallizes in anyfec unit cell, What is the length ofa side of the cell ? (@) 056m (b)_ 024m. © 096mm (041m Which of the following compounds is\ not expectedt@ show Lassaigne® test for nitrogen ? (@)\ Propanenitrile (b) \Hydroxylamine hydtochloride (©) Nitromethane (@)_Ethanamine Formaldehyd@ can be distinguished from acetaldehyde by the use of : (a) Schiffs reagent (b) Tollen’sreagent (©) Ly/Alkali (@)_ Fehling’s solution By how many folds the temperature-of a gas would increase when the root mean square velocity of the gas molecules in a container of fixed volume is increased from 5 104 cm/s to 10 10% cm/s? (@) Two (©) Sx (b) Three (d) Four 0. 64. The element with which of the following outer electron configuration may exhibit the largest number of oxidation states in its compounds : (a) 3d54s? (b) 34s? © 3dl4s? () 3dPas? MATHEMATICS x+l_y-l_z+l 2713 are coplanar, then the value If the lines and x42 2 of kis u (a) (b) - 2 9 © O-5 Statement-1: The slope of the tangent at any point P on’ parabola, whose axis is the axis of x and vertex is at the origin, js inversely proportional to the ordinate ofthe point P. ‘Sfatement-2: The system of parabolas y? = 4ax Satisfies a differential equation of déeree 1 and order't, (a) Statement-1 is true; Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Satéinett-1 (b) Statements true; Statement-2 is true; Statemient-2is not a correct explanation for statement-1 (©) Statement- /is true; Statement-2 js false. (d) Statement| is false; Statement-2 is true. If Z, 40nd Z, betwo complex numbers such Z; that Z is a purely imaginary number, then 1 is equal 16: @ 2 (b) 5 (cy 3 @i de a Waa = p(x) then, f (@ In|x|-p@)+e (©) x-p@)te de is equal to: xtr (&) Injx|+p@)+e @ xtpQ)te Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~ 2) 2013 If each of the lines 5x + 8y = 13 and 4x—y=3 contains a diameter of the circle x24 y22(a2—7a+ 11) x-2(a?—6a+6)y+b3 +1=0, then: (@) a=Sand be(-1)) (b) a=Land be) (©) a=2and be (—,1) (@)_ a=Sand be (1) Ifa, b, caresides ofa scalene triangle, thet the abe valueof |b caf is: cmb (@)_non - negative’ (©) positive (b) negative (@) non-positive , f;, 1x4 f—, then “2s equal to: Mise dx? @®) » o fu? © @® ¥ I+’ Let dy, a. bean A.P) Suet thiat ay + age a 3, +dyy- a; +a a, is equal to: 41 31 Th 0) ® 12h OFT @ 1861 Statement-1: The equation x log x = 2 — ¥ is satisfied by at least one Value of flying between Land 2. Statement-2: The function f (x) =x log x is ai increasing function in (I, 2] and g (x)= 2—xisa decreasing function in [1, 2] and the graphs represented by these functions intersect at a point in [1,2] (@) Statement-1 is true; Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for ‘Statement-1. (b) Statement-1 is true; Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is not correct explanation for Statement-1, (©) Statement-1is false, Statement-2 is true. (@_Statement-1is true, Statement-2 is false. Let @=2)—j+k,b=i+2j-k and c=i+j—-2 ‘be three vectors. A vector of the type b+ Ae for s0me,scalar 1;-whose projection on @ is of magnitude 2 3 (&) 2%+37- (© 27-jrsk (27937438 ‘The area bounded by the curyeyy=In (&) and the lines y =0, y= In (3) and#=0 is equal to: @) 3 (by 3in@)-2 ©, 3in(3)+2 @2 The values of ‘a’ for which one root of the equation x2—(a+1 )x+a?+a—8=0 exceeds 2 and the otherislesser than 2, are given by : @) 3 0, (@)\ 6ac+9a?—2e>0 The vector (ixdib)i+(jxab)j+(kxab)h is equal to? @) bxa Oa (© axb @ 3 A lightray emerging from the poittsource placed at P(|, 3) is reflected at a poiitt Qin the axis of ta If the reflected ray passes through the point R (6, 7), then the abscissa of Q is: @ 1 (b) © 3 s oF @ The mean of a data set consisting of 20 observations is 40. If one observation 53 was wrongly recorded as 33, then the correct mean will be: @ 41 ® 9 © 40s @ 25 Let A= {1,2,3,4} andR: A— A bethe relation defined by R= {(1, 1), (2, 3), (3,4), (4,2)}. The correct statement is (@)R does not have an inverse. ()-Ris.not a one to one function. (@ppR isan dnto function (@), Rishot a function If the three lines x ~ 3< p, ax + 2y = q and ay y=rform arightangled triangle then : (a) 9a +f8=0 (b) 60-120, (© aba 18=0 (@ 9492-0 ‘The matrix 4? + 44—S/eayhidte [is identity matrix 12 ad + equals Me a-[} 2)Se 21 fo -1 4| () 4 | i (5 p 2 2) 2u1 11 OEP) wal! | The ratio of the/coefficientOf x! to/the term independeny/of x in the expansion of 15 ay bd (OG OL! The vali of tim + sant mel roox| (axa) 1 @ 1 &) -5 (0 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET - 2) 2013 87. Avector 7 is inclined tox-axis at 45°, toy-axisat 60° and at an acute angle to z-axis, If m is a normal to a plane passing through the point (¥2,-1,1) then the equation of the plane is, @ 4V2x+7y+2-2 () 2xty+22= 22 +1 (©) W2x-4y— @ V2x- 2 Statement-I: The statement 4-3(B > A) is equivalent to 4“>(4y B). Statement-2: ThesStatement ~ ((A 9B) > (~AvB)}is a Tautology. (a) Stafement-1 is falseyStatement-2 is true. (b) Statement-1 is true; Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is not cofrect explanation for Statement) (©) Statement- 1 is true; Statement-2 is false. (@ Statement-1 is true; Statement-2 is true; ‘Statement- 2 is the correct explanation for Statement-1. A committee of 4 persons is to be formed from 2 ladies, 2 old men and 4 young men such that it includes at least 1 lady, at least 1 old man and at most 2 young men. Then the total number of ways in which this committee can be formed is : @ 0 & 41 (©) 16 (d) 2 Lets) - 2 x #0,-2 Then Lf) we +20 de (wherever it is defined) is equal to : Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES ANSWER KEY HINTS & SOLUTIONS PHYSIGS (a) The output at C corresponds to A NAND BouAB=C w__ 40 Fem question, © = 799-49 ~ ax=2y 3 y 100-Z Solving weget Z = 67 em Therefore new position of null point. 670m, Given: Kj\=300N/m) ky = 400N/m, Let when the-combination Of springs is compressed by force F. Spring A is compressed by x. Thefefore compressii in spring B Xp =(8.75-x) em F=300xx = 400(8.75—x) Solving we get, x=5em Let mass of smaller sphere (Which has to be femoved) ism Radius = £ (from figure) M tir? 3 => me ‘Mass of the left over part of the sphere mi@u-M_2M 8 8 Therefore gravitational field dueto the left over part of the sphere Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~2) 2013 340-273 __°y-(-160) 373-273 -50—(-160) When charged particle _enters perpendicularly in an electric field, it describes a parabolic path -{S)8) This is the equatior’ of parabolag 11%1000%1.6%10"” =124A Increasing order of frequency. lneapasing brdcr & egengy 4 s j.— 8:10 3x10 Xetays tev rays visible Infrared wavelength range of visible region is 4000A to 7800A, ‘Surface tension Of a liquid decreases with the rise infemperture. At the boiling point of liquid, surface tension is zero: 2T cos8 Capillaryrise b= eo Assurface tension T decreases with rise i temperature hence-capiflary rise also, decreases. Modulation index Equation of modulated signal (C,(t)] =E,tm,,sino,t =A (I+sin w,t) sin ot (AsE,,=Asing,t) 20% 1042x 20x fe 0 20% 40 = 2x 10 Pax Solving we get x=102 Putting the vale of x= 10.0 in equation (i) We get Rg pzdxid 20-10+ 20-10 104210 MZ aha 3 Given : Radius = Rv Distance’ x = 2/2R a2 go R’ Let T, and T, be the time period of the two pefidulums T; = 2n, As ¢, <6, therefore T, 30°)only. Force ofintéraction 4 Standard equation yx Acos( Sx -«t) From any ofthe displacement equation Say y, o 2-050 = ys * and @=100% _ 100: “ov = 05x 100% 05x ENGINE Létliter 5 se@’engine at point C AB BC 1-58, BO 330 330 0.9 x1000 | BC 330 330 BC=750m Distance trayelled by enginéin Ssec =900m—750m= 150m: Therefore velotity of engine 150m 0 m/s Ssec also tan =sin = 2/2 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET -2) 2013 I 9 From figure I, = and L=q By using tmx Be 16 24. (d) The currentythat will given full scale deflection in the absence of the shunt is nearly equal to the current through the galvanometer whién’ shunt is connected 0,045 ampere, Nuclear fission equation 4 9.US + onl > sgBalt! + yg Kr? +3 n' +Q(energy) Hence particl@x is neutrofit 22 (a) Induced emf a - “4m. 2 me On giving same amount of heat at constant pressure, there is no change in temperature for mono, dia and polyatomic. No. of molecules | “Avogedro's no. (4Q)p = wcya{ n= Il no. of molecules or ATX Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES (©) Voltage E of the ac source E=Vo-V, =400V-300V=100V 28. (©) According to questions, Als “at Fe Ay 3mgl, my, (°F S(MF2M)a] 2Mgéy Magiiétic moment of the hydrogen atom, when th@electran is in n'*excited state. n’=(n+1) Asmagnetic moment Mg = IgA =ig (rz) Solving We get magnetic monient-of the hydrogen atom for n® excited state My = (2 2m )2% In ideal gases the moleules are considera as point particles and for point particles, there is no internal excitation, no vibration and no rotation. For an ideal gas the internal energy can only be translational kinetic energy and for real gas both kinetic as well as potential energy. 31. () CHEMISTRY fay ° H—CH=—CH, (Since tertiary carbocation is more stable) ‘On balancitig.the given reaction, we find 3Na,HIASO, + NaBrO, + 6HCI ~— 6NaCL+3H,A80, + NaBr The motion of. liqdid through a membrane under the influence offan.applied electric field is known as electro-osmosis. HI does not exhibit peroxide effect. HI bond although dissociates easily into iodine ‘radicals, they being bigger in size are not ‘much reaélive but recombine together to form iodine molecule, A+ 2 <3 ace p a Asa ha) (ars) (1542) 2x / x (29? x% (a3) (1Sa-2x) Givefijat equilibrium (ay) = (1.5a=2x) Fx On solving Ke=4 The hybridization of XeO ,F, is spd andits structure is trigonal bipyramidal in which oxygen atoms are situated on the planeand the fluoride atoms are on the top and bottom. Hence Ke Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~ 2) 2013 37. (a) 38 (b) Given - A204 at From the reaction given, 4.56 « 103 Ms aMn07~ 4.56%10 2 de 2 Ms VdMnO ofl diye 2 a Sie QSdMn0z _ dt, 22d fat Of substituting the given value ly 4564107 x5 oa 2 =1.14* 102 Mis 3° carbocations are mést stable. =2 means 3d orbital +41 = be. in an atom ofily one orbital can have the value m,=42 Solidh potassium dichromate wheit heated. with concentrated sulphiitiacid and a soluble chloride gives orange red vapours ofa volatile oily liquid Cr0,Cl, K,Cr,0, + 4NaC1+6H,S0, —2KHSO, + 4NaHSO,+2Cr0,Cl, hromyl chloride ‘The order of dehydration among three type of alcohols is 3°> 2° > 1° > CH,OH. This behaviour is related to the relative stabilities of carbocations (3° > 2° > 1°), © Given 1 Hg) + 5 O28) —>H,000; AH? =—285.9k mol"! Hg)+ $022) —H,0g); AH? =—241.8KJ mol We have to calculate H,O() —+H,0 (g) ; AH°=? On substracting eqn. (2) from eqn. (I) we get H,O()— H,0(g); ‘AH? =—241.8-( 285.9) =44.1 Kimo? Calcination is a process of heating a substance to@high temperature but below the melting or fusion point, causing loss of moisturé, reduction or oxidation and disSociation ito simpler substances. IfNa,CO, is used in place of (NH,),CO,. It will precipitate group V radiealsas well as ‘magnesium Yadicalsi‘The reason for th the high ionization of NajCO, in water into Na* and CO,- -. Now?the higher Goncentration of CO, ~is available which exceeds the solubility product of group V radicals as well as that of magnesium radicals: The geometry of IF, is square pyramidal with an unsymmetricjcharge distribution therefore this molecule is polar, The compound shows linkage isomerism Desaluse the ligand in the compound is an ambidenate ligand.that can bond at more than oneatomi i@#NCS~and :SCN™ ForNO Total no. of electrons = 15 BO=25 Mag. Behaviour = Paramagnetic For NO* Total no. of electrons = 14 B. Mag. Behaviour = Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 4, Maltose is obtained by partial hydrolysis of starch by the enzyme diastase present in Malt. ACH jg0,), -nF1,0 Paes CH, 0g (Maltose) Higher the yallue of reduction potential stronger will be the oxidising hence based on the givenjvalues’Ag* will bé strongest oxidizingagent) 2 @) NANCI F O —__, QO +N, + BF; + NaCl (Bale-Schiemann's reaction), 3. \@) cucrjociich,, Ss cucu = + (CHy,cHI a, 8) © cH,cH,on¢CHL),CHOH bo cH,CooH (CH).CO} hence the IUPAC name of compound is 2 4 CH;—CH,—O—CH—CH, | 3CH3 2-ethoxy propane The electron gain enthalpy order for halogens is Cl>F>Br>1 Due to small size of fluorine the extra electron to be added feels more electron- electron repulsion. Therefore fluorine has less value for electron affinity than chlorine, Given Na,CO,= 1.0 «104M [CO;-]= 1.0% 104M ie. s=1.0* 104M At equilibrium [Ba‘*] [CO;-]=K,, of Bao, 51x10? [COs“P\1.0x107 =5.1 105M Ba") Fora fee unit cell (2 x 0014 = 0.39 ~0.4nm. Lassaigne’s test is used foF'the detection of nitrogen and given by all nitrogenous compound except diazo ¢N=N} compounds This testis shown only by the compounds containing'C and N both hence hydroxyl amine hydrochloride (H)NOH.HCI) will not perform this tes. Only acetaldehyde and methyl ketones give iodoformtest. BRT ocitV f= J Pafis. velocity Vid fp By, ie T sxt0' -1_ fT, 10108 th 1,=4T, The element with outer electron configuration 344s is Mn which exhibits oxidation states from +2 t0+7 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET -2) 2013 MATHEMATICS ‘Two given planes are coplanar, if 2-Cl) kt 0-1 1 3 3 4 1) CD) G4-9)--D8-6)F6-2=0 pa 2 Statement -Li THUS both sfatements are true but statemihit-2 is not a correct explanation for statement-1 Letz,=1+iandz, I-i_(-) si) (+) asi Point of intersection of two given lines is (1, 1). Since each of the two given lines contains a diameter of the given circle, therefore the point of intersection of the $WOrBiven lifes is the centre of the given circle. Hence centré=(1, 1) @-Ta4 1=T> a anda?-6ak641 => a From both (i) and (ii), a=5 Now on replacing cach of @ 74+ 11) and (a2—6a +6) by 1, the equation ofthe given circle isx2-+ y2—2x—2p+ bia & (x1 +P HOI => B= 1-[0e41?+ 0-1] bee.) abe ahb+e © a b =(a+b+@) hb © 6 b-c ca a a-b b a@Fb + oy cma =(a+b+0) [ab + be + ca— ey =-(a +b +6) [(a—BP + (b-cP + (c—a)] Since a, b, care sides of a scalene triangle, therefore at least two of the a, b, c will be unequal. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET @. R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES (a—bP + (b-cP + (c-aP >0 Alsoa+b+c>0 —(at+b+e)((a—bP + (b-cP +(c-ay¥]<0 Vive L_w == - T+ y? wx) Ifa)= J f@H de, then we {Svea} Pi aor [4o o)] ay tages +..+ap Gita, +g... +a, Gite, 8 i + lat d= 8a, a d=6a, ag Say +5 Now ay ay 20d, aj +5x6a, _ 1430 > a +20x6a, 14120 (@) $@)=xlogx,f(I)=0,f2)=4 g()=2—x,g(1)= 1, g2)=0 log 10>log4 => 1>log4 fx) =x og x,xe [1, 2] B(x) = 2-x, x € [1,2] x ‘Thus statement >and 2 both are true and,a correct explanation of statement. Led = 6 Phe od HERI RANG. = (1+A)i + (24-0) 7 -Ce2mgk If@ be the angle between d and q , then projection of d| or (b+Ac) on =|d|cos 0 ley | df ag 20. +1) - 42)— (2). +1) But projection of d on a B & 2242041 _ 2 = Meme 2 3 6 3 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET — 2) 2013 d = u => 224+24-3=0 = 22+3A-2-3=0 Bees ene => M03) 1043)=0, = 2=1,-3 ° u inj), we get DY 472 aa, di mr 3 3 Requiféd afea ~ fn (3) dfn (x) dx 0 1 =[xin@)BS{xin (x)-x } 2 2 \(a+ pet at+a-8=0 : Since roots ate different, therefore D> 0 (3) <2 WF A = (a+ P_-4@+a-9f0 10) = (a-3) BPI) <0 Heneéifhinimum yale of =3 There are two casesarises. . v=sy Case. a—3> 0 and3a>1<0 a = a>3anda< ~2 a From (i) and (i), Hence, no solution in this case 8 CaseI:a—3<0 and3a+11>0 Pry slay Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 7. When y=—3, then x?=—24, which is not possible. When y=4.then.x= Point of intersection are (8 )m( 28) 373, 373 Required equation of the line, =0 = 3y5I=0 9ac—9a?—2e2 > Yae— be? 1 2 Again 3a<2c, = 9ac< 62 = 9ac—6e <0 From (i) and Gi), 9ac—9a2—2c?>0 “ae ree) (xd-B 9 Gxd-B)j = Fax b)i + G-axb) JAK Gd @axb Bx) = (Gxb)i + (Gx d)j + (Gd palatal Wage. Let abcissalof Q +x ey (a) \sin (cor! (1 +39) = 60 (tan! x) => cosec? (corp T+ x))= sec? (tan x) = LF [eot(eor! (1 +2)? = 1+ [see (tan-yP Radius = 3a Length of major axis=4e Now, (Radius) < (Half of the length of major axis) 3a<2e 9a? < 4c? tan 0= SF tan (180°-0 9ac—9a?>9a0—4e2 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET — 2) 2013 Now, tan (180°—8)=—tan @ xo x-6 2040-33 +55 20 Correct mean = 4.1 Nearest option : (a) 41 Domain = (1,2,3,4} Range= {1,2,3,4} Domain = Range Hence the relation R into function; Since three lines—3y=p, ax+2y=gaind ax+y form aright angled triangle -. pfoduct{@f slopes of any two lines =—T Suppose ax+ 2y=@and x~3y=pare 1 to feach other. Aen ih a=6 ‘Now, consider option one by one a= 6 satisfies only option (a) :. Required answer isa? 296 + 18 Aj+4A—SI=AxA+4A—51 EMME! AG Pls BAGH 3] 9F4-5* 4+8S0])yfs 4 =|-8416-0 17-12-5/7|8 0. a2} “412 0 Tuy = C02. =, x Qy «80 For independent term, 30—3r=0 => r=10 Hence the term independent of x, Ty C92)" For term involve x!5, 30-3r= 15 => r=5 Hence coefficient of x!5= "$C, x (2)$ Required ratio Ast __iorsi 1s! S!0! '5C5 (2) © Bex Ql 15! ys Direction cosities off are Equation of the plane, HE yet yl) + 2(x—V2)+(y +1) +2(2-1) Qety+22= W2-142 Qet+y+22= 22 +1 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Let y (Av) +2 (2 +2x)yaxtex x(r+2y= (0-1) x{@e+2y-@-]=0 L|o x20, 2. (+2y-(@-1)=0 2 [2 Sifet ay+2y-x+1=0 x@=1)=-Qy+1) Required number of ways $20, x WOl4 x tytl Saya ; 2C, «AC, - 2d-H<2r+D1) (aay? srw $I Gs 1x 2%441«1%1 _2ear+2eT 3 £24+8+8+1=41 (sa d-2F Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET

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