JEE Mains 2014 Paper-2

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R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES JEE (MAIN & ADV.), MEDICAL + BOARD, NDA, IX & X Enjoys unparalleled reputati n for best results in terms of percentage selection JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET - 2) 2014 QUESTION PAPER In terms of resistangé{R and time 7 the dimensions of ratio © ofthe permeability nd perminivity e is: € © RP @ wi The initial speed of a Bullet fired froma rifle is 630 ms The ffl is'fired atthe centrg ofa target 700 m away at the same level as thetarget. How far above the centre of the target the rifle must be aimed in order to hit the target?” @) 10m Q) 42m @) 61m () 98m A body of mass $ kg under the action of constant force Fa Fi+ Fj tiisyelocty att=0s as ¥ = (61-2) mis and at = 10s as 7 =46jnvs. The force Fis: @) Cai+apn ian A small ball of toass m tarts at a poinlYwith speed v, ‘and moves along avfrictionless track 4B as shown. The track BC has coefficient of friction #2. The ball comes to stop at C after travelling aistanee L which is: I h | e “ 2u \2ug ‘The average mass Of rain drops is 3.0 x 10~kg and their average terminal veldcity is 9 m/sg@aleulate the energy transferred by rain to each sqidare metre of the Surface at place which receives 100 cm of rain in a year. () 35x 10s osx 108) @) 30x 10's (4) 9.0% 105 2 Tig ‘thin bar of length hase mass per unit length 2. tht increases linearly with dstace from one end. fis tal mass Mandits mass per unit length at the ight end is Jathen the dstance ofthe entre of mass from theligher ols ae 7 2 Le alt 4) 2ELME 77 36M w e From a sphere of mag Mf atid radius R, & smaller sphere ‘of radius 2/2 js carved out such that the the original/sphere is between its centre and the periphery See figure). For the configuration inthe figure where the distange between the centre of the original sphere and the removed spheres 3R, the gravitational force between the two spheres is made in : 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Rancl |, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 4uGM? @Q 2 450R° ou? 3) 4 : eo O sor ‘The bulk moduli of ethanol, mercury and water are given 8 0.9, 25 and 2.2 respectively in units of 10° N nv, For a given value of pressure, the fractional compression in vote iY wich of the wing sateen bat rte te iisscomss? (1) Ethanol > Water > Mercury (@) Water> Ethanol > Mercury @)_ Mercury > Ethanol > Water (4) Ethanol > Mercury > Water ‘Atank with a small holeat the bottom has been filled with water and kerosene (specific gravity 0.8). The height of ‘water is 3 mand that of kerosene is 2 m. When the hole is ‘opened the velocity of fluid coming out from itis nearly (ake g=10 m sand density of water =10° kg mr) (@ 107ms* Q) 96ms" @) &5mst @) 76m An air bubble of radius 0.1 cm is in a liquid having sur- face tension 0,06 N/m and density 10° kg m’. The pres- sare inside the bubble ig 1100 N m* greater than the amospheric pressure. At what depth is the bubble below the surface ofthe liquid? (= 9.8 ms) @ o1m Q) 015m Q) 020m (4) 025m |. A hot body, obeying Newton's law of cooling is cooling down from its peak value 80 °C to an ambient tempera ture of 30 °C. It takes 5 minutes in cooling down from 80°C to 40°C. How much time will it take to cool dawn from 62 °C to 32°C? (Given In 2 = 0,693, in $= 1.609) (3.75 min Q) 86min Q) 96min 4) 65min . During an adiabatic compression, 830 J of work is done on 2 moles of a diatomic ideal gas to reduce its vol- ume by S0%. The change in its temperature is nearly (R=83 JK" mol") @ 0K Qk @ 20K @ 4K . An ideal monoatomic gas is confined in a cylinder by 4 spring loaded piston of cross section 8.0 x 10° m Initially the gas is at 300 K and occupies a volume of 24 x 10 m? and the spring is in its relaxed state as shown in figure. The gas is heated by a small heater until the piston moves out slowly by 0.1 m. The force constant of the spring is 8000 N’m and the atmospheric pressure is 1.0.x 10° N/m, The eylinder and the piston are thermally insulated. The piston and the spring are massless and there is no friction between the piston and the cylinder. The final temperature of the gas will be: (Neglect the heat loss through the lead wires ofthe heater. The heat capacity of the heater coil is also negligible) H (300K @) 800k @) 00K 4) 100K |. The angular frequency of the damped oscillator is given by, ( Yn aint wheres the spring constr, isthe mass ofthe oss lator and ris the damping constant. If the ratio is {86 the change in ime periad compared to the undamped escilltr approximate (1) increases by 1% 2) increases by 8% @)_ decreases by 1% (4) decreases by 8% . Two factories are sounding their sirens at 800 Hz. A man ‘goes from one factory to other at a speed of 2 mis. The velocity of sound is'320 m/s. The number of beats heard by the person in one second will be: w2 @ 4 G8 ) 10 5. A cone of Base radius R and height i is located in a uni- form electric field £ parallel to its base. The electric fux catering the cone is: wy Lele 2) EAR @)-2EIR (4) 4EnR ‘A parallel plate capacitor is made of two plates of length 1, width w and separated by a distance d. A dielectric slab (dielectric constant K) that fits exactly between the Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~ 2) 2014 plates is held near the edge of the plates. It is pulled into the capacitor by a force P= -24 where U is the ‘energy of the capacitor when dielectric is inside the ‘capacitor up to distance x (See figure). Ifthe charge on the capacitor is Q then the force on the dielectric when itis near the edge is: . In the cireait shown, current (in A) throtgh the SO V and 30V batteries are respectively sa 200 fon. sa 35 and2 3.and2.5 (1) 2Sand3 Q @) 45 and 1 @ . Three straightiparallel current carrying conductors are shown in the figure. The forde experienced by the middle ‘conduetor of length 25 em is: A he20A 1108 3 10-N toward right 6x 10 toward left 9x 10-'N toward left Zero 20. Three identical bars A, B and C are made of different ‘magnetic materials. When kept in a uniform magnetic field, the field lines around them look as follows: Ye EE Sane scm SOR ake the correspondence ofthese bars wit their mate tial being damagnctic (D), Sreomagneti (and pare sno () 40D BORCOF Oy HOEBOD COP @) Wor BekCoD ) Weinpe Cap A col creular cros-seliog having 1000 turns and taste ie anges De posits ae: netic field which decreases byl Wb nv? in 0.01 s. The 2 indeed in @) adomv 2) @) 4mv ® An cectramagnet ye of rsucngy Ja NY! bere propagating song 2 ye. The guar ty close Feld 4 Vim I e288 x TONG the average energy deny ofthe elke ld we: (1) 382%10"%Jim? | 2382810" Ym @) 352x107 im (352% 109 Sw 200'mV 04mv, An objectis located in a fixed position in front ofa streen, Sharp image is obtained on the screen for two positions of a thin lens separated by 10 cm. The size of the images in two situations are in the rafio 3: 2. What isthe distance between the screen and the object? () 1245em @ 4isem @) 650m (4)_99.06m Two monochromatic ight beams of inténsity/16 and 9 Units are interfering. The ratio of intensities of bright and dark parts ofthe resultant pattem is: 16 Ww 2 ® (a) . In a compotifid microscope the focal length of objective Jens is 1.2 cm and focal length of eye piece is 3.0 em, When object is kept at 1.25 em in front of objective, final image is formed at infinity. Magnifying power of the compound microscope should be: (200 2) 100 @ 400 (4) 150 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLAS: R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 26. A photon of wavelength 2 is scattered from an electron, Which was at ret. The wavelength shift AZ is three times of 4 and the angle of scattering @ is 60°. The angle at which the electron recoiled is ¢. The value of tang is: (clectron speed is much smaller than the speed of light) @) 016 @) 022 (@) 025 (4) 028 1. A radioactive nuclei with decay constant 0.5/s is being produced at a constant rate of 100 nucleis. If at 1 = 0 there were no nuclei, the time when there are 50 nuclei is 4 2) ain(*)s 0 a¥(3) 4 @ wg) A Zener diode is cofinected to a battery andl a Toad as shown below: (ts @) 2s 8 ‘The currents, 1, and /, afe respectively (1D) 1S mA, SmA, 10 mA (2), ISmA,7.5 mA, 7.5mA (3)) 125 mA, 5mA,75.mA (4) | 125 mA, 7.5.mA, mA ). Match the(List ~ 1 (Phenomenon associated with elec- tromagnetie radiation), with List ~ II (Part of electro- ‘magnetic spectrum) and select the correct code from the choices given below the lists; List 1 List -11 Doublet of sodium Visible radiation () (A), a) -@), (I) -(B), dV) -© @ (=A), d)-(), p= ©,0v)-© @) M-@),ay-(©, aIy-(A),dv)-B) 4) (-(@),A)-(A), dI)-D),dV)-(&) In the circuit diagrams (A, B, C and D) shown below, Ris a high resistance and S is a resistance of the order of galvanometer resistance G. The correct circuit, cor- responding to the half deflection method for finding the resistance and figure of merit ofthe galvanometer, isthe circuit labelled as: Ke K Se ‘Wavelength correspon to temperatire associated with the isotropic radiation! filling all space Microwave Wavelength emitted By atomic hydrogen in inter- stellar space Wavelength of radiation arising from two close cenergy levels in hydrogen Gireuit Awith G = 8S (R=) Circuit B with’ Circuit C with Circuit D with G Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranc! |, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~ 2) 2014 Chemist 31. If A, and A be the threshold wavelength and wavelength of incident light, the velocity of photoelectron ejected from the metal surface is [2he( 4.,—-A o PEA) The appearance of colour in solid alkali metal halides is ally due to: (1) Schottky defect 2)" Frenkeldet@ét (3) Interstitial position ~~ (4) Foeentres In the reaction of forrhation of sulphur trioxide by con- tact process 250, #0, = 280, the rate of reaction was measured as, alo. ae Theat reaction in terms 6f[S0,} fo mo Ls" willbe: (725x440 @) -250x 10+ @) A7sx 104 (4) ~S00x 10+ ‘SX10-‘sHol L's" Assn Ht te degree ofhyrolsis is small, the pl of 011 M solution of dium acetate (K,= 1.0 x10) will be: ()) 5.0 Q) 6.0 (9) 80 @ 90 For the reaction, 2N,0, <2 4NO, +0, the rate equation canbe expressed in wo wys [NO] _ y-[N,0,} ar So kab k Wrote a ae @) kaw aan 5. In some solitions, te concentration of H,Oremains con- stant even when smalllamounts of strong acid orstrang. base are added to.them. These solutionSane known as: (1) Heal solution’ (2) Colloidal solutions 3) True solutions (A) Buffer solutions: . Given Fe" (aq) +e" > Fo*(aq)s AD" (a9) +36" > ANG) Br,(aq)+2e° > 2Br"; E°=+1,09V Considering the electrode potentials, which of the following represents the correct order of reducing power? () Fe ,BrElectron gain enthalpy with negative sign increases @)_,C->,,GeAtomig/adii inérases (4) Ar, Xe Noble character increases The correct ord of bond Wissociation energy among , 0, O48 shown ini which of the following arrange- ments? () N, 20% 0, (2) /0;>0,>N, 6) N, 2019; @ 0,>0;>N, Which of theifellowing statements about Na,O, is not correct? ())_ Mis diamagnetic in nature. (2) Itis a derivative of HO, 8) NaO, oxidizes Cr* to CrO}- in acid medium, (4) tis the super axide of sodium Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLAS: R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 44, Which of the following statements about the depletion of ‘zone layer is correct? (1) The problem of ozone depletion is less serious at poles because NO, solidifies and is not available for consuming C10" radicals. 2) The problem of ozone depletion is more serious at poles because ioe crystals in the clouds aver poles ‘act as catalyst for photochemical reactions involv- ing the decomposition of ozone by Cl* and ClO" radicals. G)_Freons, chlorofluorocarbons, are inert chemically; they do not react with ozone in stratosphere. (4) Oxides of nitrogen also do not react with ozone ia stratosphere. . A gascous compound of nitrogen and Rjdrogen contains 12.5% (by mass) of hydfogen. The density, of the com- pound relative to hydrogen is 16. The molecular formula of the compounds: (NH, Q) NH @) NH, (4) Nj Shapes of certain interhalogen compounds are stated below. Which one of them is not ¢orrectly stated? ()) IF pentaginal bipyramid (2) /BeF-; trigonal bipyramia @) / BrP? planar T-shaped (4) ICL; planedimeric Consider the following equilibrium AgC1L+2NH, = [Ag(NH),+ C1 ‘White precipitate of AgCl appears on adding which of the following? () \NH, @)‘equeous HNO, (2) aqueous NaCl (4) aqueous NH,C1 2. Which of the following name Tormula combinations is not corrdet? 49. Consider the coordination compound, {Co(NH,),JCL, In the formation ofthis complex, the species which acts as the Lewis acids: (1) (CoeNH) @) Cor @) cr (4) NH, Which one of the following does not have a pyramidal shape? © CH)N @) PCH), @) (SiH).N (4) PGi), |= The following reaction on screen A ZnCl is known as (1) Perkin reaction 2) Gattermann —Koch Fortylation @)~Kolbe's reaction, (4) Gattermann reactions . The reagent needed for the given conversions: Pht je=c’ Ph-c=! nH” SPn Pn > (1) Cat, Hydrogenation @) HyLindlar Cat @) LiNH, @) LiAIH, Complete reduction of benzene-diazonium chloride with Z0/HC1 gives: (1) Aniline @)_Azobenzene (2) Phenylhydrazine (4) Hydrazobenzene |. An organic compound A, C,H,Op)feacts with H,0, NH, and CH,COOH as described below HO. Formula K {PACK Name Potassiinn tetrgeyanoplatinate (11) Pentacyaniomagnate (lj [MCN Potassium diamine tetrachlorachromate (111) K(CHNH,),CL) [Co(NH,) (H,0)1)S0, | Tetraammine aquaiods cobalt (Ill) sulphate ¢ I Cog lon Oe, i ~cnto—c—cn, Ns (G#1,cooH Here A is: W) one eco hy Q) CH =cHoH—cHO cH, Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranc! NEWTONCLAS: |, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~ 2) 2014 @) os—cH—¢ =c=0 oH, () GHy—cHy—e—e=0 CH, H In allene (C,H), the type(s) of hybridization of the car- bon atoms is (are) (0) spandsp' GB) only sp? (2) sptand sp @). sprandsp* Chlorobenzne reacts with trichloroacetaldehyde in the presence of H,SO, as shown below: Orla ‘The major product formed is: a 9 i W a. —F t O)-a oH wo ° . Tischenko reaction is a modification of. (1) Aldol condensation @)\, Claigen condensation @) \ Cannizzaro reaction (4) Pinacol-pinacolon reaction Which one of the following is used as antihistamine? (0) Omeprazole, 2) Chloranphenicol @)_ Diphentiydraming @)_ Norethindrone 1. Which one of the follawing statements #8 not correct? (1) Alcohols are weaker abids than water (2) Acid strength of alcohols décreases in the following order RCH,OH > R,CHOH > R,COH (3). Carbon-oxygen bond length in methanol, CH,OH is shorter than that of C—O bond length in phenol. 2. (4) The bond angle in methanol is 108.9° a Bley 60. The gas liberated by the electrolysis of dipotassium suc~ cinate solution is: (1) Ethane @) Ethene G1, Let f be a function defined on the set of real number such that forx > 0, f(x) =3 sinx +4 cos x. Then fix) at 2) Ethyne (4) Propene Un is equal to: ~ sea (2 F2y%, 3} B @ Bw . IF zy8, and are\Paits of Somplex conjugate num- it tent Jems ao @ 2s an eo = Oa If cand Bare roots of the equation, x? ~4N2 kx +2¢' =0 for some k, and a +? = 66 then a + fis equal to: (a) 248y2- (2) 2802 @) -32v2 @) -280V2 J. Let A be a 3 x 3 matrix such tit 123] foo. ajo 2 3|=f1 00 0 14} |o avo Then a“is: 31 a) jst 10 og 3 12 @ jo 29 (4) Jo 1 1 023 Let for = 1,2, 3, p{2) be a polynomial of degree 2 in x x, p/ (x)and p,” (x) be the first and second order deriva- tives of p(x) respectively. Lt, Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES PC) PO) pI") AQ) =| PCO PLD PI) PD PO) PO) and B(x) = [AG] AG). Then determinant of B(x): (1) is apolynomial of degree 6 in x @)_ is apolynomial of degree 3 in x @)_ is apolynomial of degree 2 in x (4) does not depend on x ‘An cight digit number divisible by 9 isto be formed using digits from 0 to 9 without repeating the digits. The num- ber of ways in which this can be done is a 72) @) 18a) @) 40((2) (4) 36 ([7) . The coefficient of x* inthe binomial expansion of (1291 RE IM + (1600) » er Q) © Gorason yr (100)! (snoson (2000)! GOS! oon! O95)! (68, In a geometric profession, if the ratio of the sum of first 5 tefms to the sum of theit reciprocals is 49, and the sum Of the first and the third term is 35. Then the frst term of this geometric progression is: (\7 @ 2 @) \28 () 42 . The Sum of the first 20 terms common between the series BETH DS tone AME 146+ 11+ 16 Foon is (a) 4000 (2) 4020 @) 4200 (4220 1 im 822K 2)x 24) to: mo Oa @ 2 a> 5, thenrk is equal Let fx) = xh), g(x) = sin x and) (2) A(x) is not differentiable at x = (2) A(x) is differentiate at x= 0, but #(x) is not continus cous at x = 0. (3) HG) iscontinuousat x=0 butit is not differentiable atx=0. (4) HG) is differentiable at x= 0. (sofa). Then ‘72. For the curve y =3 sin cos 8.x =e" sin 8,0.< 0 x, the tangent is parallel to x-axis when @ is; 3 oF Q oF 4) ‘Two ships A and B are sailing straight away from a fixed point Q along routes such that Z4OB is always 120°. At certain instance, OA = 8 km, OB = 6 km and the ship A. is sailing at the rate of 20 km/hr while the ship B sailing at the rate of 30 km/hr. Then the distance between A and. B is changing atthe rate (in km/hr) 260, 260 20 9) 260 Pa Or fi “ « 2 V7 7 The yolume ofthe largest possible right circular cylinder that canbe insribedina sphere of rading = 3 is 4 3 ny V8 2) Sy8 OM 53a @) 53 @) 4x @) 2 o o ie oo adr () -x 4043) arts +e Q x-d+x)cor'r+e @) -x+0 +x) cotlxte @) x-d+x)tartxte IPform 1, P, = [logs hg? gs 90P, i qual to w -9 2) Woe @) -9e @ 0 If the general/Solution((oF the differeptial equation ey y In |ex| =ayhere c is anlatbitrary constant, then (2) is equallto: y Lra(=), fefsond) fuxction&, is given by wma @ -4 A staircase of length | rests against a vertical wall and a floor of a room. Let P be a point on the staircase, nearer to its end on the wall, that divides its length in the ratio 1:2. Ifthe stair-case begins to slide on the floor, then the locus of P is: Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranc! |, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLAS: JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~ 2) 2014 1) anellipse of eccentricity + o ip Ys 1 a 2 2) anellipse of eccentricity @) circle ofradus + @) acitele ofradus . The base ofan equilateral wiangeis along the line given by ae 4y=9. Ifa vertex ofthe angles (1,2). then the length ofa side of de lange x ai wi 1s oe a w 5 5 The st oF al rp va Ag which actly to com: rmon tangents Can be rai theres ty dy dy + 6 =O ama Fy — 1010+ A= the interyel () 02.32 6 @ 2.4 o ° (18, 42) (18, 48) |. Let Z, beythélength of the gommon chord of the curves x +)'= 9 and j= 8r, and L, be the length of the latus rocthim of y= fr, then: b> QL i Lgl, 4 @) bt, a . Let P (3 seq 6p2itan, 6) and Q (3 see 9, 2 tn 6) where 6+6=~\ be two distinct points on the hyperbola ‘Then the ordinate bf the point of intersec- tion of the normals atyPand Q is: u u = Q = 3 B 3 4) @) gs 3. Let A(2, 3, 5), BC 1, 3, 2)'and CC, 5, 4) Be the vertices ofa AABC. If the median through. is equally inclinedito the coordinate axes, then: O) @ @ 4 o 84, The plane containing the line parallel tothe line + == passes through the point @ 0,-2.9) 2) (0,5) @) 3-5) 4) 1,-3.0) If ef =60 and éx(7+2/+Sk)=0, then a value of E -(T142j43k) is: () 4y2 @) 12 @ 2 @ 1 A set SGhtwins 7 elements. A non-empty subset 4 of S and an element x of S afe.chosen at random. Then the probability that x is: 64 @ OG s w 3 8 be» 128 128 If-Xhas a binomial distribution, B(nep)/With parameters n and p such that P(X = 2) = POX=3), then E(X),the mean of variable X, is: () 2-p @ 32 Pp a) 2 @ - 162 cos0+ sin 0=1(0 =] then 7 cos 0+ 6 sin is equal to: P 1 , O 5 u 46, 7 oF ‘The angle of clevation of the top of a vertical tower from point Pon the horizontal ground was obsérved to be a After moving a distange2 metres from P towards the foot ‘ofthe tower, the angle of elevation changes to . Then the height (in metfes) of the tower is: cy Bina sin sin(B= a) 8 4 snasin sinaesin py sincrsin B 90: The proposition ~ (py ~ g) v~ (pv) is logically ‘quivalent to wp Qa G) ~P a ~q 1 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLAS: ES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~2) 2014 ANSWERS WITH EXPLANATION Gare Ww gx TxTxI Answer: 3) © (agen, x= 630x1= 700m 700° V 10) Scasn( 8) = faon( 8) 0 | Answer: @) Initial velocity is = 67-2) mis at Fingl velocity iagih= 6] mis at = 10s 46)-2)) _-61 8) 0 \ 10 Answer: (1) ia i my3 +mgh= xL=pmgl/S DE Answer: 2) S. Energy transferred to surface KE.=nximy? 2 M m= totalno.of drop = 57 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES rman of one drop. 3 KB = hayy = py chy! 210! x0 xix lx (9 =4.08%104 M2 2 2 Answer: @) Le Answer: (4) 7. Using superposition prinGipley F,=Forog duc to complete sphere GUY EY) _GpVNpr) = Fofce due to cavity = GRE GR-R2) ‘where, p= density, V, = volume of complete sphere, = Volume of removed sphere Stee 4p Mead px’ sane ee tore) Answer: atgiven valueof pressure => 4 For Ethanol > Water > Mercury Using Bernoulli's theorem — =v ('* BxIOG+IXO® = 9.6 ms Answer: (2) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~2) 2014 or P=P,+hpe>P, =P the R- P= = R = 1100—hx10°x9.8 = Answer: (I) Asn ie, 2 6, = temp of surrounding = 30% “doy Law sx fell SAE = 86min ins kd kxt = 41n2 Answer: (2) . W-+-AU (In adiabatic process) 830 58314 Singe, AU (BtAPWY, +a) T, Pie 10*-+10°(I.4x107 +.0.8x10 9830 AV=A>x=8 10" x 0.1 = 880" me’ - - 10° x20 800K Answer: (2) x 8%= 1%, 8 Answer: (I) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 00 (322-318) = 8% 4-10 20 320 x Answer: (4) = EXA=EXEXHY AR = ER Answer: @) exo), eyxko_, 6.0, =k 7 C= ll) lod &-» 2 0 (-x0-b) ‘Answer: @) Since, current through $ © resistance is zero, therefore, 1, Answer: (1) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~2) 2014 ‘Net magnetic field at the position of middle wire is B = B, + B a = B= 4 x100f 20=22) =a5210-7100(10 - 4) = 2x (3/100) 2x @/100) 3 Thereore, F= 1d xB)6F = n8| Ga eh—> Using right hand rule, diréetion is towards right, Answer: (1) |. Based on properticS of mégnetie! material ee 8 a Feromagnétic Diamagnetic Ni A= NBA cos NBA rhevte, 6-4 enn) =-sslln & aide =-1000x4 x10" x2 = Fy = 001 io . EAE, sin (rhe) Since, energy density 4, 5.2107" im? Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES B (given) = y= > Since, d =x+, = distance of sereen from object. ‘And given that 10 10 (32-1, Therefore, d= + Answer: (4) EAE vis— Vo Answer: (4) Magnifying power =, =m, xm, maggification by objective, ‘magnification by/eye piece af normal adjustment. 1 For objective: Sa hsv, =30em, 2m=m, xm, =X; For objective: = =a xm, = Using contervation(@f linear momentuit along x and y axis. hh axis: J = Bes 60° + m,veos 1a f h A ¢ Also, AA=A,-A=3h=9 Aaa On solving (1) and (2), we get, ang Answer: @) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~2) 2014 Answer: @) Answer: (4) (1) These have wavelength of 589 nm — $89.6 nm that corresponds to visible light in yellow region. (UD) The temperature is 2.7 K which corresponds to emission of microwaves. (1) The wavelength associated is 21 cm that corresponds to radiowaves of short wavelength (IV) This radiation has frequency of 1,057 MHz that corresponds to radiowaves of high frequency or short wavelength. od Answer: 2) R= High réBistance; S = Small fesistance, G For eure otierit ( 3) gq “Answer: (4) Le ble hng Eco =hey bi tov P(A Answer: 3) Felts A ope oARestodgphic defctn wich anionic valency ina cry led by yhoo of Answer: (4) 280,40, 280, Accord to diffi rate law 1 80.) 204). 1 6180,) >> 0} 2 a 2.510“ moll!" Rate of reaction ih terms of [SO] M801) 2 5104 Os] a ar =510~ moll=1804 Answer: (4) . pH is given by Answer: (4) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 35. 2N,0, =4NO, +0, ‘The rate law of given reaction is Answer: (2) Buffer is an aqueous solution consisting mixtire of weak acid and its njugate base, or vice versa. Buffer solution resists change in pH when small quantities of acid or base afe added, Answer: (4) ‘The elements with maximum value of standard reduction potential aré most easily reduced aftd have maximum oxidizing, power and minimuin reduging power. Br Ge (Moving fop to Baitom atomictai increases) Ar Xe (Noble character decreases not inereass) Answer: @) Bond energy * Bond strength = Bond order Band r= Boning clon ~ Antone] Bond order of N,, O, and O,- is 3.0, 2.0 and 1.5 respectively, Thus, the decreasing order of bond energy is N, > 0, > 03 Answer: 3) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~2) 2014 43. The given statements are explained below: In Na,O, all eae paired hence diamagnetic. H,0, + NaOH + Na,O, (Na,O, is derivative of H,0,). Na,0,+ Cr NaCr0, (Na,0, oxidise Ce to CrO,*) 1Na,O, has peroxy linkage hence peroxide. l. CFCL,+ UV light > CFCL,+C "+0, > clo+0, C0+0 > CI+0, Reaction without polar statospheric clouds CFCL,+ UV light > Cr +CFCI, cr +0, clo+0, C10 +NO, + CIONO, (Reservoir) With polar stratospheric clouds CIONO; +Clouds > aly — ct 210" He. / (Moisi) gf + + cr, a0" C102 ——+ 02 ‘The'main reasOinfor ozone depletion in polar region is that ice crystals catalyse ozone depletion redetiof Answer: 2) yymass Atweight | Ratio ‘Simplest ratio 87.5 4 4 Empirical formula = NH, Molecular formula = » (Empirical formula) _\. Molecular wéifit 2xV-d _ 2x16 "” Bipirical formula weight IG Thus, the molecular formula is = 2(NH,) = N3Hy Answer: (4) 46, BrF, is square pyramidal with sp’dé hybridization, Answer: 2) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 47. The reaction is ‘AgC(L) +2NH3 = [Ag(NHy)]*+ Cr |rmo, AgC1+ NHNOs {Addition of HNO, acid base reaction takes place and complex of Agt*is broken results in formation of AgCl Answer: @) 48, The correct name forthe complex is [Mn(CN),}* = Pentacyanomagnate (ID ion Answer: @) 49. [Co(NH,),] Cl, > [Co (NH))* + 3C1- NH, aot lewis base and Co ion aét as lewis acid in this complex. ‘Answer: @) i Due to back Bonding Between N and Si,atom (SiH7),N-become planar. Answer: @2) on + Hel + Hon —ASe zr Mecnanism H—cman +H’ —» Ho: Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~2) 2014 on on J HO=NH Lo Sy _—— se . H—G=N—H Due to formation of H-bond ortho substituted product is major. This reaction is called Gattermann reaction. Answer: (4) Ph 4 uns / $2, PhR—-C=C—Pn > pal Answer: (3) g Bich reduction 53. The reaction is Answer: (1) 54. Ketene on hydrolysis is converted into acid cy — on, cr, ch —c—o—c-ton, Hs Angwer: @) 455, Inallene molecule (,11,) Sentral carbon atom is sp hybridized and other terminal carbon atoms are sp hybridized. \ w Answer: @) ct @ Yor c—co+ 50, —> +H. I a H=0=Coy oe sp 56, The reactionis o Answer: 3) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 1. Tischenko reaction is modification of Cannizaro reaction which involves disproportionation of an aldchyde in presence of alkoxide. ° AOR), | R—cHo 6. ao So ° on I Hove Os Co" + cry —on Answer: @) Antihistamines is a pharmacentical drug which inhibit action of histamine. Antihistamines are commonly used for the relief of allergies caused by intolerance of protein. Diphenylhydramine is used as antihistamines Answer: @) 9. In phenol due to resonance bond lengli between C —O bond become Sitonger than C—O bond in aleohol hence bond length between C—O is shorterthan C—O bandit alcohol Answer: @) CH) —COOK _/ CHy¢—Coo- CH—COOK “CH= coo H,0'= OW +H" 1 At Cathode H+e/54n, gh At Anodes ° GH2—COO” cH CFS OH | —| —+ ll @+ 200,40) CHO" Ci, “BED CH Answer: 3) a ace eee | (2) rr y (LA ssi) Re 2) =a 83 Z ur 61, sinceyisoad = ue). Answer: (3) or Tp (Ot) are (e-idy(e+id) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~2) 2014 . 2° Bk + 2k" 1 = 0, Therefore, a+ = 4V Ik, Now (a+ By = a8 + BP +2ap 1B =2 4-1 = (AVIby = 664 202k—1) 9 32 B= 6644-2 4-32 464-0 (KP -8 (8) +1607 k= 42 Taking &=2, therefore é> 0, Thus a+ B=8VE and a B= 31 Now a? +B =(ar+ 6) ~3apar+ B) = (8/3)'-3x318V2) = @V3\128 -93) = 8V/3)35)=290V3 123) foo. 1. aJo 2 3]=|1 0 0 orifloro Applying C, © C, on both matrices 3.2 1] [1 oo 4)3 2 o|=|0-0 1 11 0] fo yo Applying C, +4 C, onfboth 347 0 Wolsa]3 0 2 oot 1o1 |8(0)|=|409/AG9)= |4caf "Now highest power is the determinant of A(x) canbe 3, :. p/(x) is of degree | and p,’(x) is constant. Héfiee |B(x)| must have maximum degree 6, Answer: (1) . When 0 is inthe beginning é ‘Atranged in.*@j>x|7 ways Allpossiilties -* G, x(8, Therefore, required 8 digit numbers &xIBAC, x7 = 6 RexIT—’ ©, x[7 =9x8x[7-36x{7 = [0172-3 . Coneffaient of xis 14 Cay + Answer: (4) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES (68, Let the sum of first 5 term of the G. P be Now according to question +S¢atartart Answer: @) 347411415 + 19423497 +31 HBS 146+ 11+ 16421 +2631 + Therefore, cominon tefm series is 11 +31 + 51 +... 20 terms 20 Therefore/S = 72[2xHl-+ (20 120] = 10 [22 + 380] = 10x 402 = 4020. 2 Answer: @) sn tHe b= 28= 28g t= 2) Ko-2)_g wt (x-2) @-k) (x-2) ify sD, Fhe ty 2 Gedy Answer: (4) g (ey) = sine, x>0 =0, 20 sink, x<0 Now (x)= 2. c0s.r 250 0; 20 Since, LHD=RHD at 0 2x cos ¥<0 H (x) =2 (NESW) 2.x} =—4 x sin. x0 Does not exist tx = 0 Since, LHD==2& RHD = 4x sinx’, \ x<0 Therefore, (x) is cdhtinuows atx = Out is not differentiable atx =O Answer: @) 3d 3 >—sin20 (cos 20)2, , 2 dy_dyid0_ 3.99 Zz 3608" 4 —sin” 8) (cos sind) dx dx/d® €* cos6+(sinB)e” — &* (cos ¥sin6)—e"(cosO-+sind) Since, Tangent is parallel to x-axis Answer: @) Therefore, = sind = cose" 9030 =F Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~2) 2014 After the instance of being at A and Bywhén we switch on the clocks, ship’A-reaches A’ and ship B reaches B’ in time ‘A travels 20 and B travels 30, Now in triangle OA’B’, atthe instant 8 time oa? ¥OB" la’ cosi29 = #08 FT 2047087] 1_ 20f+8) 4606) -4'8"f 2207 (3006) [118 = 400 # + 64-+ 320 + 900 F (36) + 360 1+ 600 F + 12014240 1+ 48 A800 «+ 1010 1 4148 =4 (475 # + 260.0437) ala’B'|__ 2¢9501+260) © de FATS P + 2600-437 ‘Thereforesl/A"BY = 2V4757 + 2607437 => alae Now rate of change of distance 4B = te of change of distance A B = TT Answer: (1) 74. Volume of required cylinde Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES For Extreme V, V’=0=93=21 i? =4 h=22 Now" =~ x 2h =-28<2x2=-38<0 4 4 Volume is maximum when f= 2. From (1), required volume is, a(2x2—ta! =mt6-2)= 4 facor (BS }s x30 Put x= tan 6 1 = [tan Ocos”'(cos 26)sec’ d@ = 2 OranrOsec* 840. Again Put tan 8= 1 => sec @d0=d 2feen' at af ov FRE Ba an fS—] =F tart ft tan Y= taney — 1+ tant r= tan l(e + 1) 1 ur" (tan@) an 941) = tand = (tan? 6-+1)=tand=tan=!x (+ 1)—x Therefore, F= (1 +x)tan a= x +c Answer: 3) p. =f (ogay'as Putlog.s=1 => eB Therpfore,dx=e'dt “edt n{l=(=1)P,J=1-n4n@ AP, Therefore, P,, = 1~ 10} 10 (10— 1) P=» Py 90P, Answer: (1) ay, gfx 1. General solution of “4 =» + 4[ * Jis yinfor tion of ex 4} i DifferentiatinglInfex| x, we get yx yee dy ey SS +i] rae hee Answer: (4) 2xO4Ixx 21 2xy+1x0_2y Pays bx0 2 ‘Therefore, h= Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~2) 2014 sloy 1 ‘Now in Triangle OAB Po =x'+y* Pythagoras theorem, = (3/)*4 Therefore, Locus of (fh, kis me 80, For exactly two common tangents r,—r,] cos@= 2 —_ aD) aD] = [= 10. Itsatisfies 102-7 = Answer: 3) «ty @ (1,2, 3) ic on equine plane. Let eatin plane is (x AIV@EW — 2) B+ (2=3Vi,= 0 Therefore, Ia-+2f+32=0 site, 1,2, 3are DRs of (I) And 1-a+ 1f+4=0 since 1,1 aréDRs of 2), ab 2 Solving = B-- 2 Thereforé;DDRs of required plane are 5, a-3 3-4 1-2 =— Thus, required plane is (x~ 1) 5 + (v—2) (1) + -3) (1) =0= (= 1) $-(-2)1 Now (1, 0, 5) satisfies it Answer: 2) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 85. = 60 2x(142)+5h)=0 Therefore, Zi parallel to +2}+ 5k => 2=.U-+2)+5i). Now lef =60 Therefore, 2? |(7+2} +58) P= 60 Or (14+4+25)=60. Thus, 2? =29 4=42 .+2}+5h or -20-+2)+5%) 2. 2-42}-+58)(71-+2}+38 =-744415)=24 s ae abodetg ‘Accan be Selected in = 2" ~ ways (Number of non-empty subsets‘of $ can be chosen in ’C, +7 C, +7 C, =2'— Dways) "Now ahy x ifnotineluded in 4/can happen in = 2°~ 1 ways (Since sets made without 3), :. Neimber of sis which ingfude x= (2"— 1) — (2*— 1) =2° 2-1) =2* 64 ways °, Probability tatyx Answer: (2) Therefore, *C,(1= p)™ 7 Hv-Tn=2) 2x1 - ps =3-0 3x Zea ? Answer: (2) 88. 26080 sind =1( 022) 2 cs 2 tint O22 ind =54(1—sint ee 11 WRO— 2 sind d sin? O= TF HATO? ind = 5 ig O- Dain as Therefore, sind = 260 AE 9-16 10. 10 Ww, Dal riers sities (2) 2) ),¢(-3)e- 8 aw oS) of-2) =a (SG) PF Answer: @) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~2) 2014 conto x=heoa~2-9% sc par¥= Feat a =p po Hf GRA es BY _, ,(sinBicoselBe0s B sina j= 2sinasinB ren how ana =p of EOD) SABER pun). ,_2Snaing Answer: (1) 90. Proposition is (p via) vein v 4) It can be written as (pia g) vip 9-4) (BY De-Morgan’s law ) Now by Distributive law it ean be written as ~ p » (g v ~ q) is equivalent to ~p tautology) Answer: @) Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET

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