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R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES JEE (MAIN & ADV.), MEDICAL + BOARD, NDA, IX & X Enjoys unparalleled reputation for best results in terms of percentage selection JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET-2) 2015 If electronic charge-é, electron mass m, speed of light in vacuum ¢ and Planck constant fare taken 2s funds- mental quantities, the permeability of vacuum 1, can be ‘expressed intinits of >) o> /> (5) 2. Avector A is rotated by a small angle A@radians (AQ 1) to get anew vector B, In that case | B- wo @), (alae! @) ‘(alae—lal 3. A large rumber (n) of identical beads, cach of mass m and radius rare strung on a thin smooth rigid horizontal rod of length £ (L « 7) and are at rest at random posi- tions. The od is mounted between two rigid supports (see figure). [fone of the beads is now given.a speed v, the average forée experienced by each support after a long time is (assume all collisions are clastic) a my my © Ber @) aw Om (4) zer0 AA particle is moving)jin a(éircle of radius r under the action of a force F = ar which is directed towards centre of the circle. Total mechanical energy (kinetic energy + potential energy) of the particle is (take potential energy =0forr=0) i @ ar @/ Sar 4 5 ®) 5a” & Zar ‘A uniform thin rod AB of length Z has linear mass den- sity w(a)= a5, where 5 is measured from 4 Ifthe More rods aad of) om 4 ha and bare related as 2 () a=b Q) a= @) 2a=5 (30220 A particle of mass2 kg is on a smooth horizontal table and moves in a eircular path of radius 0.6 mi. The height of the table from the ground is(0.8 m. Ifthe angular speed of the particle is 12 rad s-\ythe magnitude of its angular ‘momentum about a point on the grouhd right under the centre of the circle is (Bot kgtits Q) 1182 kg ms @) 144 kg mis (4) 20.16 kg ms Which of'the following most closely depicts the correct variation of the gravitation potential V(r) due to large Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 planet of radius R and uniform mass density? (feures are ‘not drawn to scale) a wo 7 7 O] 7 Q wo ve fe) wo HE 4 ve _ i 8. A cylindrical block of wood (density = 650 kg mv), of base area 30 cm* and height $4 em, floats in a liquid of | density 900 kg m7. The block is depressed slightly and then released. The time period of the resulting oscilla tions of the block would be equal to that of a simple pen- @ a 5 13. A source of sound emits sound waves at frequency It is moving towards an observer with fixed speed v(¥, ¥, where ¥ isthe speed of sound in air. Ifthe observer were to move towards the source with speed y,, one of the following two graphs (A and H variation ofthe frequency fheard changed. (Ay ® ve The ‘The variation of f with v, is given correctly by (1) graph A with slope = (2) ‘BRpHA with stope =—/ Ory) 8) mph Bwithslape = 2 (4) graph B with slope & arc. If the ‘equal halves of the arc were each to be Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0661-2562523, 9835608812, 8507613968 ‘where ¢, is the permittivity (in SI units) of fre space] the net electric field at the centre O of the semi-circular are ‘would be LON Q) (60x10 NIC) @ @5x10NOj Q) @Sx10 NO @ (ox1O NOE 15, An electric field E = (25/ +307)NC"' exists ima région ‘of space. Ifthe potential at the origin i taken to be zero ‘then the potential at x =2m, y = 2m is @ 1305 @ -1205 @) 1405 @) -1105 16, In the following figure is show a system of four capac- itors connécted across a 10 V battery: Charge that will flow ftom switch S when itis closed is aur Sur tt 1 | | we Por {i s0v () \5n@ from toa © $4C froma tob Q) 204C from atob (4) ze 17. In the electric network, shown, When no current flows. ‘through the 4 0 resistor in the arm EB, the potential dif- ference between the points A and D will be {Www is > a & av 8 av ¢ @ av @ av @) 5V @) 6V 18. The value of the resistor, R,, needed in the DC voltage regulator circuit shown here, equals @ Km, @) O-V Mn+ DI, 19, Two long straight parallel wires, carrying (adjustable) ‘currents J,.and J,, are kept at a distance d apart. If the forge, *F” between the two wires is taken as ‘positive’ when thélWires repel'each other and ‘negative’ when the ‘wires attract each other, the graph showing the depen- dence of ‘F*, on the product Ji, would be Q) Wt ¥)mnI, 4 UAV Ant DL, ay F f ° hb @ F| 4 Oo} he @ F| t oie 4 iF t © Ph 20, A wire carrying current Is ted between points P and Q and is in the shape of a circular arch of radius R due to a uniform magnetic field B (perpendicular to the plane to ‘the paper, shown by the above figure) in the vicinity of the wire, Ifthe wire subtends an angle 24, atthe centre of Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0661-2562623, 9835508812, 8507613968 the circle (of which it forms an arch) then the tension in the wire is XXX KKK TBR () BR @ aa IBR IBR®, ai A © Fang, Dine, 21. A short bar magnet is placéd in the magnetic meridian of the earth with north pole pointing north. Neutral paints are found at a distance of 30 cm from the magnet on the East-West line, drawn through the middle point of the magnet. The singnetie moment of the magnet inAnt is close to (Given HE =107 in SI units and 8, = Horizontal com- ponentof earthWihagnetic field = 3.6 x 10" Tesla). @ 97. @ 49 @)/ 194 @) 146 22, For the LCR circuit, shown here, the current is observed to lead the applied voltage. An additional capacitor C, ‘when joined with the capacitor C present in the circuit, makes the power factor of the circuit unity. The capacitor ‘C, must have been connected in PA c\ ok |} — V=Voenot Iw LC wl (0) series with’ © and has a magnitude ‘ & @)_ series with Candie a magitnde —— @1e-), wLC ol @) parallel with C and has a magnititde (@)_ parallel with C and has a magnitude 23, For plane electromagnetic waves propagating in the + direction, which one of the following combination 4 KK MALIK 'S NEWTON Classes ives the correct possible direction for E and B field respectively? @) G+2j)mn4 Qj) @) (2-3) and Gi -2}) @) (+3) nd +2), @) Gi+4j) and (4-3) 24, A thin convex lens of focal length ‘f”is put on a plane mirror as shown in the figure. When an object is kept at a distance ‘a’ from the lens-mirror combination, its image is formed ata distance [ in front of the combination, Theyalueof‘a"is. > or @ x ox ® Fr 25. In a Young's double sit experiment With light of wave- length Athe separation of sits isd and distance of screen is D such that D> d'> 4, If the Fringe width is, the distance from point of maximum intensity to the point ‘where intensity falls to half of maximum intensity on either side is a 2 @) @ we whe are “She 26. Unpolarsed light of intensity J, is incident’on surface of a block of gla at Browster'vanglesIn that case, which one of the following statements is true? (1) Tranisiitted light is partially polarized with inten- sity 142s @) Transmitted light is“completely polarized with intensity less than 1,2 G)_ Reflected tight is completely polarized with inten- sity less than 1/2. (4) Reflected light is partially polarized with intensity 1 27, The de-Broglie wavelength associated with the electron in the n =4 level is Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0661-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 (1) ‘two times the de-Broglie wavelength of the elec- tron inthe ground state @) four times the de-Broglie wavelength of the elec- tron in the ground state @)_ halfof the de-Broglie wavelength ofthe electron in the ground state (@)_VAth of the de-Broglie wavelength of the electron in the ground state 28 Let Njbethe number of B particles emitted by 1 g of Na™ radioactive nuclei (half life = 15 h) in 7.5 h, N, is close to (Avogadiro number = 6.023 x 10"%/g mol) () 62x10" @) 75x10" @) 125% 10 (41.75 x 107 29. A 2V battery is connected! across AB as shown in the figure. The value ofthe current supplied by the battery ‘when in one case battery's postive terminal is connected to.A and in other case When positive terminal of battery is connected to B will respectively be o Ro toa 02 a 8 () O2Aando.1A 2) 04Aand02A @) O1Alando2A 30. The\AC voltage across a resistance can be measured using a (0). potentiometer (2) moying coil galvanometer (3) moving magnet galvanometer (4) bot wite voltmeter 31, A+2B+3C = ABC, Reaction of 6.0 g of A, 60 x 10°atoms of B, and 0,036 mol of C yields 4.8 g of compound AB,C,, If the atomic mass of A and C are 60 and 80 amu respectively, the atomic mass of B is (Avogadro no, = 6 x 10"): () Tama 2) 60.amu 3) 50amu 4) 40.amu @) 02Aand04A —__________JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET-2) 2015 2 32, When does a gas deviate the most from its ideal behaviour? () Allow peered emp ©) Atl pve nd bigeye ©) Athen wept Agrees solic pen 33. At temperature T, the average kinetic energy of any parti- dis 347 Thede Bogle weg billows te ere: (1) Thermal proton> Visible photon> Thermal electron ()_ Thermal proton > Thermal electron > Visible photon @) Visible photon > Thermal electron > Thermal neutron @)I Visible photon > Thermal neutron > Thermal electron 34, Molécile AB has a bond length of 1.617 A and a dipole ‘moment of 0.38 D. The fractional charge on each atom (absohute magnitude) is: (@)= 4.802 x 10- esu) ao @) 005 @) 05. @ 19 35. For the equilibrium, A(g) ——= B(g), AH is 40 ki/mol. IF the ratio of the activation energies Of the forward (E}) and reverse (E,) reactions if z then: o @ @ @ 36. Determination of the molar mass of acetic acid in ben- zene using ffeezing point depression is affected by: Q) dissociation 2) assoeiation @) partial ionization (4) complex formation 0 kl/mol; E,= 100 kl/iot 10 kJ/mol; E> 70 ki/mol 10 kl/mol; E,= 120 ki /mal 0 ks /mal; E, 30 ki/mol 37, The increase of préssure on ice water systein at constant temperature will lead to (1)_noefiect on ta equilibrium @) a decrease in the entropy ofthe system @)_ashifforthe equilibrium inthe forward direction @) [an increase inthe Gibbs energy ofthe system 38. At298 K, th standard redietion potentials are 1.51 V for ‘MnO;Mn* 1.36 V-for Cl, |CI” 1.07 V for BrJBr, and 0.54 V for JF At pH = 3, permanganate is expected to oxidize: (#7 ~0059v) F Q) cr, Br andr @) Cand Br- @) Brandl 4) Fonly Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0661-2562623, 9835508812, 8507613968 s 39, A+2B— C, the rate equation ofthis reaction is given as Rate = H{AI[B]. If the concentration of A is kept the same but that of Bis ‘doubled what will happen to rate itself? (1) halved (2) the same 8) doubled (4) quadrupled 40, Under ambient conditions, which among the following ‘surfactants will form micelles in aqueous solution at low cst molar concentration? () CH,(CH,), 8(CH,), Be (2) CH,~(CH,),, -OSO;Na* (3) CH,~(CH,),-~COO°Na* Oy cH, (cH,), SCH), Be 441, Choose the incorrect formula out of the four compounds for an element X below: W X.0, @) X,0, @ X,(80,), @ xPO, 42, Calamine is anore of: (0) Aluminium (2) Copper @) tron (4) Zine 43, Which physical property of dihydrogen is wrong? (0) Colourless gas 2) Odourless gas @) Tasteless (4) Non-inflammable gas ‘44, Which ofthe alkaline earth metal halides given below is cssentilly covalent in nature? (MgCl, @) Bea, @ sa, 4) Cl, 45, Which ofthe following compounds has a P -P bond? @ H,2,0, @) HO, 46. Chlorine water on standing loses its colour and forms: ()HClonly @) HOCland HOCI, @)_HCland HOC} (@) HO md CIO, 47, Which of the following satementsis false? (1) CrO%"is tetrahedra in shape @) CxO} has Cr—O—Cr bond Ew si. 2. CLASSES 8 @ ‘When concentrated HCI is added to an aqueous solu- tion of CoCl, its colour changes from reddish pink to ‘deep blue. Which complex ion gives blue colour in this reaction? (Coch t @) [Coc Na,Cx.0, is a primary standard in volumetry 1Na,Cr,0, is less soluble than K,C,0, @) [Coa @) [CofH,0), 7" Which of the following complex ions has clectrons that ame symmetrically filled in both and eg orbitals? [oR Q) [Co(NH,),F* 8) [Mn(CN), J ) [Fer] Addition of phosphate fertilizers to water bodies causes: ()_ enhanced growth ofalgae. @)_ increase in amount of dissolved axygen in water. 3) deposition of calcium phosphate. (4) increase in fist population. ‘Match the organic compounds in Column ~ 1 with the ‘Lassaigne’s test results in Column — I appropriately: ‘Columa—T ‘Colum (A) Aniline (@ Red colour with FeCl, (B) Benzene sulfonic Gi) Violet colour with sodium acid nitroprusside (©) Thiourea ii) Blue colour with hot and acidic solution of FeSO, W AG; ®-O; ©-6 @) (A)~Giis B)- Gis ©-@O 8) AG; B- @) (A)-Gi;B)-O; C6 Which of the following pairs of compounds are posi sional isomers? w (CHs—CHp — CH CH —CHO and ooh 0H ong @) Cryo» — cH —G —oHs and ° Cy F— Ot CHO cy Office.: 06 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968, @) Hy — OH CHG — cy and é Cita — CHa — Cla Cy $ a CH CHa — 6 — Cle Gly and 8 oH —cH,—CHO oy 58, Therumber of sructral isomers of C,H js 3 Q) 4 @ 5 a) 6 54, What is the major product expected fromthe following che A Me Where D is an isotope of Hydrogert o GH @ gis fo 5 4 @ > @ fF ot cts s H ‘55. In the reaction sequence 2CH,CHO—2 5 A448 Product B is () CH, 3CH, ~CH, ~CH, ~OH (@) CH,-CH=CH=CHO i @) CHC — CBs (@) CH, -CH, -CH, -CH, 56, Which compound exhibits maximum. dipole moment among the following? NO O Q) Me NH, ‘oe, oO '57. Which one of the following structures represents the neo- ‘58. Accumulation of which of the following molecules in the ‘muscles occurs as a result of vigorous exercise? (1). Glucose @) ,GWjeogen GB) L-lactic acid @) Pyruvie acid £59. Which artificial sweetener contains chlorine? (1) Aspartame @) Saccharin G) Sucralose (4) Alitame 60. A pink coloured salt turns bine on heating. The presence of which cation is most ikely? Q) ce (Q) Fe* @) Zn @) oo Eee) --»Xand B= (4), 94} be two sets containing seven and three distinct elements respectively ‘Then the total number of functions f: A > B that are ‘onto, if thére exists exactly three elements x in A such that) = ypi8 equal to: @ ve, @ 16°C, @)_126, @ 14°C, 2. If z is a non-real complex number, then the minimum, Im-z* value of . mz w- @2 @) 3 @-+4 Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0661-2562623, 9835508812, 8507613968 (63, IF the two roots of the equation, (a ~ 1) (4 +27 + 1) + (a+ Ie + x+ 1)? =0 are real and distinct, then the set of ll values of ‘ais: © (4) » (h(a) @ ¢ 2U(2,-) 64, IFA is 3% 3 matrix such that |5 adj Al =5, then [ds equal to: a +t @ 45 5 1 “1 ay ak ° way Pa rth 2 65.1 pxta3et ar x?42043 2x1 2x equal: w 2 @) 24 @ -2 @ 24 (66. IF in a regular polygon the number of diagonals is 54, then the numberof sides ofthis polygon i: a 10 @ 2 9 9 (67. The term independent of xin the binomial expansion of (ites) 3) «40 @) 496 @) 400 @) 496 (68, The sum of the 3" andthe 4" terms ofa G.P is 60 and the product ofits fist three terms is 1000. Ifthe first term of this G.B is positive, then is 7 term is: a) 7290 @) 320 @) 60 @) 2430 oy 1 _=¥, shen kis equalto: Snirsin +n 3) 3 58 7 n gy 1h © 36 sgn is 1 19 a a B® @ 5 os R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 70, Letk be a non-zero real number. If fe" 1 . fe) sin ool i) n°, x20 isa continuous Function, then the value of kis: wu @ 2 @3 @4 x#0 nm THeeqatinafanermatahecene ny = ss E+y] () 2x+v5y=0 B) 2y+v3r=0 @ 2»Bx=0 (4) 2x-v3y=0 72, Let kand Kbe the minimum and the maximum values of +2 Te the ordered pair (k,K) is equal to: 0.2%) 2 8 ae) @ 21) From the top of a 64 metres bigh tower, a stone is throvn upwards vertically with the velocity of 48 mis. ‘The greatest height (in meters) attained by the stone, assuming the value of the gravitational acceleration g= 32s; is: the function f(x) = in (0, 1] respectively, then B. (1) 100 @) 128 logtt+Vi4F) if feet) ay ae) stant, then g(2) is equal to: 2) 88 @ 2 mn {(e(oy® +C, where Cis a con Hat +0, where c 2) tog(2 + V5) (1) 2log(2 + V5) 1 @) Lhoga+ V5) pee V5) 1. Lerf: R-> Rbe a fuesion sich that 2-2) =f +2) and 2) = (449), for all xe Rand | fl2)de=5 Then the value of f /(a)de is: . «0 @) 125 2) 100 (4) 200 76. Letf: (-1, 1) > R be a continuous function. >) is equal to: Office.: 606, 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562623, 9835508812, 8507613968 JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET-2) 2015. o ce eB & 2 oF @ 5 177. The solution ofthe differential equation ydx — (x + 2y)\dy =0is x=/)).IE/E1)=1, then /(1) is equal t0 a4 @3 @ 2 wt 78. A straightline L through the point (3, -2) is inclined at an angle of 60° to the line V3x+y=1. IF also intersects the x-axis, then the equation of Lis: () pe ¥ire2—3yF=0 2) y—vir+243¥3 <0 @) Viy-x4342v3=0 ) Gpte-342=0 79. If the incentre of an equilateral triangle is (1, 1) and the ‘equation ofits ane side is 3¢+ 4y +3 =, then the equa- tion of the eizcumeircle ofthis triangle i: (1) Pye 29 Q) P+y=2e-2y-14=0 QB) PHy~-2-IV 422-29 ‘80. Ifa circle passing through the point —1,0) touches y-axis at (0, 2), then the length of the chord of the circle along, the x-axis 3 5 y 2 ay 2 O35 @ 5 @3 ws 41. Ifthe distance between the foci of an ellipse is half the length of its latus rectum, then the eccentricity of the ellipse is: 22-1 oF o = @) v2-1 w 2 82, Let PQ be a double ordinate of the parabola, y* = ~4x, ‘where P lies in the second quadrant. If R divides PQ in the ratio 2:1, then the locus of Ris: () Of adr @) 3-2 83, The shortest distance between the 2-axis and the line x + pte 3a 0=2e + 3y +42 —4, is (Om @2 @3 4 84. A plane containing the point (3, 2, 0) and the line ol _y-2_2-3 A= tS AF ato contin he point © ©-3,1) 2 7,19 @) @,7,-10) @ 31) 85. In a parallelogram ABCD, |4B|=a, ADI=b and [ael=c, then DB-AB has the valve: LataBact Lataboe: 0) da =a +e! 2) Late -e © 7@ Fe) @ 7 ) @) Ler se?-a) @) Let sstsey aaa 2 1%, Ifthe lengths of the sides ofa triangle are decided by the three throws of single fair die, then the probability that the triangle is of maximum area given that itis an isosce- Jes triangle, i: wo 2 ast 26 FT] . os ® a G 7, Ifthe mean and the variance of a binornial variate X are 2 and 1 respectively, then the probability that Xtakes a value greater than or equal to one is: (Ome QE F arithmetic mean of crand f, the sin 20+ cos 26s equal »: o @ @ “ 3 89, Let 10 vertical poles standing at equal distances on a ssraighs line, subtend the same angle of elevation cat a point O-an this line and all the poles are on the same side of O. If the beight ofthe longest pote is ‘A’ and the dis- tance of the foot of the smallest pole from O is ‘a’; then the distance between two consecutive poles, is Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi. , Ph.: 0661-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 Suman is rich. hsina:+acosee heosat—asinet yp Ainasacoea my Honct—asing, Sa oO oun @ ‘Sona R: Suman is honest. “The negation ofthe vatement, ‘hsina+acosa “Suman is brilliant and dishonest if and only if Suman is Neca rich” can be equivalently expressed as: 90, Consider the following statements: @ -20~PAR — @ ~QO~PVR ane @ ~Qorv-R ) ~QePA-R LQ 1G 20) 3.6) 40) 51M 6. 710) 8. @) 2) 12. (1) 22 @) 32 (1) 42,4) 52) 62 (3) 72. (4) 8% (2) 2@ BM B® BE &@ 36) BB BM & Q 44) 14 (2) 24. @) 34. (2) 44, (2) 54. 2) 6. (1). 2) 84, QQ) 5. 3) 15. (4) 25. (1) 35. (3) 45, (2) 55. (2) 6S. (2), 75, (2) 85. None. 62) 16. (1) 26 @) %. 2) 46.2) 56.2) 66.2) 76. 2) %. @) 72Q 120) 22Q 320) 42 @) 52) 62 @ 72) 8 83) 18. @) 28 (4) 38 (1) 48 G) 58. (3) 68. 2) 7B) BB. (3) 9.) 1.4) 2%) 33) 4.4) 9%) 6.) 7% 2) 3) 10. 3) 20. (1) 30 @) 40. (1) 50, 4). 4) 70. GB) 8G). (8) Office.: 606, 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562623, 9835508812, 8507613968 EE MAIN (ONLINE SET-2) 2015 uu ANSWERS WITH EXPLANATION 1. Using dimensional analysis. W1=M' CAAT} h MLTt ere 2 }laei omer Answer: 3) \B-Al= JF-4B° since [a = 2A UFeostn -A8y)= coe) -24co singosis( 92) = 90 | Al= ano “Answer: @) 3 anv Tv ‘As colliions ae clastic and mats ar equ, velocities of coling particle gts expnged ‘AP in each collision with the support = 2mv Spoce bethgen the eu formtion wf boats i L—2mr AP ‘Qmy_ mv? path Ton g(L=2m7) ~ 12a = Answer: @) 4 ‘Total mechanical energy = KE+PE =Zar “Answer: (4) Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0661-2562623, 9835508812, 8507613968 Answer: @) ‘ ‘Ground lFl=mv (Perpendicular distance), Perpendicular distance = h = 0.8 m Therefore, [F]= m(r.@) h = 2x 0.6 x 12x 0.8= 11,52 kg m/s Answer: (2) norerer re Borer veeu(#a") ‘Answer: @) 8 Let the eylinder be pressed by y side the liquid where y «L Restoring (buoyant) force =~ Ayceg éy 1 Ayceg =m © =(atyc, # ices = mF = (ALC, Theres, Gra Ey y= wy 0" = EE. For simple pendulum: 0” = gf Therefore, |= LA = SSO _ 396m, 900 ‘Answer: Q) Oe gy (S40 V (LY apy [S48] ps, [t : [9] i . rer Lecny'(S28 (LY; impeeec ry $48 |eqerey, [+] pwery |S f= per 9. 2 Goon (SP) (ge) mt [542 ]-0 »[z]- |S] Therefore, [M'T? Joc[M'ETY [TP EMLET?y oe My EL Office.: 06 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968, JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET-2) 2015. 13 x-zel Therefore, Hxty42z= -x-2y +225. 0 Solving we get, x=1y wre, (2) « 548 rnc (2) « 988 Answer: (1) 10. Let P be power ofthe heater (UO) =mx1% (100-0); PUSS) =m L, Di we get, 1, = 550 calig Answer: @) 11, Dulong and Pett found that the heat capacity of a mole of many solid substances is about 3R, that is about 25 J/K 1 mole of AC is equivalent w 27 g Therefore, speci J heat in eis given by 25 __ 25000 27x10" a Answer: 3) 12. Amplinde of damped osiatar A= Aoe* where bis the damping constant, Preny Answer: (1) B resembles y= cme Answer: (1). 14, [Fl due to ar: of a charged ring atthe cenire is given by || = ¥2 sin(6/2) @ 12 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562623, 9835508812, 8507613968 EWTON CLASSES sin(a/4) a (Ria) 4K 2 na® as = 772 for each quarter= QM, 0° CE 6 O2F eae 5x10 NIC E is directed along »-axis as shown. Answer: (2) 18, AV == fsa =-J 058 +30,9-(a +9) 3 VV, = J 28 + 30dy = ¥, =-25(0}5-30(y)} =-50-60= -110V Answer: (4) 16 2yF SAF “ay "ay yaw s | =. awed aye 20 ‘ov ‘Using Kirchoff's law —& 3 =2, % % = =(3 } - =2 4,5 10-4 = 0 60-34 +29, +60=3{ 39, }424, = : a= 305 0-2-2 20-9 60234 +20, 50 42a, = 4, ‘Therefore, charge through the switch 4, —g, =—Stic(a >) =Spcth —» a) Answer: (1) 1, ak 2 eee av ‘ 4 “e 8 ' tev \ Ly Office.: 06 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968, Is i,=0 Using Kirchhoff's law: g-21-2-2-420;3-41=0;1=3/44 41k Yq = 2-210 -9Yg=2444 =24(3)e5V Answer: (3) 18, Using Kirchhof?’s ae V-@+DI,R-V, =O; R Answer: 3) 1. Fat), Answer: (4) 2. Answer: (1) a =) By _ 3.6%10~ x(0. 21, [latan equatorial point = Hell. j= fi = Beka E210" x OS 9 7 Answer: (1 qt Pent ee b 107 107 swer: (1) 2, Initially leads the applied voltage, that is X->°% ;, i effective capacitance should increase. So C’ shouldbe put in parallel to C When power factor becomes unity, X/, =0L>C 1 CHC) el ere Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0661-2562623, 9835508812, 8507613968 EWTON CLASSES 23, E and are mutually perpendicular ExB=6 =Ch>(-2i -3)).( -2))=-6+6=0-4(-21-3pxeal-2) 24, The combination acts like a slverd lens Ex. Answer: @) Applying Mirror formula, we get Laat 142, fo -a a3 fiz a f 25, For two identical slits, we can write the intensity as follows: a=2f ‘Answer: @) Thats, Now Answer: @) 26, When unpolarised lights incident at Brewster's angle then the intensity ofthe reflected light is less than half of the incident ‘Answer: @) Answer: @) 28 Ne Where x= Number ofa tvs teow oe Answer: (4) 7 3 5a 2, sa & 9a wa Office.: 06 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968, JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET-2) 2015 7 ‘Considering ideal diodes; a forward-braised diode acts as a short and a reverse-braised diode acts as an open j 2 =2=02A i0 Answer: 2) ‘30, Moving coil and moving magnet galvanometer measures DC and hot wire voltmeter measures runs value of AC voltage Answer: (4) ney 0 and atomic mass of C = 80 31, Atomic mass of A es 3 ARG, ote x 10%xoms_ Batwa sign ste Si Hewitt hn 083ml cet ene 28S 001 ml GFA,C wil rm ss gnmietangy= 4s vor 88S pe 0-2 =100-> Wye stam em xares Answer: 3) 22. A renee efron en is ie evi Atswer: (1) 28. tthe leon» Teal ten ane} 34 ot 0301304100) = 610-9 9=22PAM so 0750 HC shire ign = ons Answer: (2) 35. A@) = Be) AH -40K) Answer: 3) Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0661-2562623, 9835508812, 8507613968 EWTON CLASSES 36, Acetic acid in benzene dimerize as, 2CH,COOH = (CH,COOH), Answer: @) 37, Kee= Water ‘On increasing pressure, at constant temp, rx shifts in forward direction, Answer: @) 38, Permanganate is expected to oxidise CI, Br andT-due to E°,,>0. Answer: (1) 39, R=HAJ[B]=K(AJ[28]=28 Answer: @) 40. CH, ~(CH, ),N"(CH,),B, Greater is the size of hydrophobic chain, lesses is the solubility in water and greater is the frequently of surfactant mole- cles to be associated to fori celle Answer: (1) 41, X has +3 charge by the given compounds so with Cl, it will fer XCI, Answer: (1) 42, Calamine is ZnCO,, Answer: (4) 43, Dihydrogen gas is an inflammable gas. Answer: 44, BeCI, is covalent in nature due to high polarisation power in group (2). Answer: @) #0 0 i Ho—P—P—oH oN of ‘on HP,0, Answer: @) 46 Chay) +H0,, 9 HClyg, +HOCL Cl, losses its yellow colour Answer: @) 47, Na,Cr,0, is more soluble than K,Cr,0,, Answer: (4) 48 (COCL}* blue [COCH,O),J° pink] Answer: @) 49, Only (FeF,]” has symmetrically filled in both and e, level Fe has +3 ON, soit is electronically configured = 3° F is weak, hence Fe"? =... 30° Answer: (4) ‘50, Increase in sh population Answer: (4) Office.: 06 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968, JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET-2) 2015. 51, Lassaigne’ test results (A) Aniline (ii) Acidic solution of FeSO, {B) Benzene sulphonic Acid (@ —_ Redeolour with FeCh, (©) Thiowrea Gi) Sodium nitro prose ° ° i 52. Hy —CHy— CHG — Ong and Cy — CH, —E—CHe— Cy ae the positon Isomers 53, Structural isomers of CH, Itis alkane CH, crete aeeinoy-b-ay—ae | © “ Above reaction is aldol condensation 56 NOp NH 57. Neoprene is for —o1—or} a 58, L-lactic acid produced inthe process of fermentation in normal metabolism and exercise. 19 Answer: (4) Answer: 8) Answer: 3) Answer: (2) Answer: @) Answer: @) Answer: (1) Answer: @) Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi. , Ph.: 0661-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 59, Sucralose 60. CO"is pink in aqueous solution. eure 61. A fa, x5, B =45;,.¥,} 3 elements in A having image y, can be chosen in °C, ways. Now we are left with 4 clements in 4 which ate to be associated with y, ory, ic. each of 4 elements A has 2 choices y, ory, i. in (2)* ways. But there are 2 ways when on¢ clement of B will remain associated ic. when all 4 are associated with J, or), ~ Rega. No. of functions =7C,((2)' -2) =140C) Answer: 4) 62. Let =F (cos 6+ sin 8) Psin® _ sinS@ (sn58) , mney Oo, + cos S841 sin 50= (9) (co OF #3C,{c0s 8} (i sin 8) + °C, (os 8) (isin 8 +5C(cos 8) (isin BY +5C, (cos 8) (isin B+ °C, (cos (sin 9 sins eno > sin50 =*C, cos‘ sind => *C, cos" @ sin’ O+°C, sin’ @ => = 5 cot'O 10c0t29+ 1 = Sfeot*@- 2cot’@+ 1] -4 = Sfoo@- 142-4 = Least vale ig—4 “Answer: @) 63, Leta, Bhereal and distinct roots of equation (a~ I)eet+° +1) + (a+ 1) (2 ++ 1 =0 = (@- eet 4+ 12a) + (at DE +x + Y= 0 (Hx + NU@- Dee —x41)+ a+ Dike +a NJ=0 > [ae 1) +21] =0, has2ieal and distinct rots as 2*+ x-+ 1 = 0 has both imaginary roots. = ofe’)+.x+a=O)hns 2 real and distinct roots, fa #0 and dise.>0 => 14a? > O=p/4at (5 |Adj, tx xt] x2 65. A=x*43x-1 3x 3 2x43 2x-1 2e-1| tes UPER = las > PAP =1 = TER = lana ax-12 Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0661-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 JEEM. \ (ONLINE SET-2) 2015. 21 Operating R, -> R,—(R, +R.) gives, Sex xt x2 a=| 4 0 0 42043 Qed 2x] 1 = aaah Lol? 2) |=4Qe~ 0 (41-242) = 42x — 1)(3)=24r - 12=ar~ 12 (given) > a=24 Answer: @) 66, Let-w’ be the number of sides of regular polygon. = mo. of diagonals =(CC,—n)= 54-2 «(2 —1)2n= 108 x4 3n—108= 0-9 (12) (+9) =0 10. of sides ‘Answer: @) ©. Given expression is sYor LY chase Scaae(2t Ie ena ay i -4) “(pe 3 2x) ( J (bee ) Yiocyarx! +, Team independent of x= *6,(-1)'(2)?+3.4C,(-1)°Q)! =-[8%7%8+3(8)2)]= 496 ca a Answer: () 68, a7 4a = 6054: ar: ar =1000,4> 09 ar (1+1)=605 r= 1000, a>0 =@=05 we Art )=6 = ra? = a=5=9 T= ar = (52 = 320 Answer: @) Ly _143)-0) sf 1 L ] Trt rt Dn) Sincere +243 32e[ more Domed) Oreo Deed) (4-1) enhigtemmension > 5241-4) go 8-5(-e3-zpa) temas sons = 935) +3) ae Answer: () 178. For contimity Answer: Q) 11. Given value curve is axsin(% sy) conry% areas Z+y Zasin(Zay Jo (2) = (= = sorcstl Sor) enriensen(5or Boowler)> (2) 2-(F La + Equation of norma at (0,0) 8 (yO) = Pte) = y=F vor 2+ VBy=0 Answer: () Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562623, 9835508812, 8507613968 a _K. LIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 7 foa)= TAT, 610. A) = 7s where k= /) min wad k= f(s) ma, ae) 30-9 042 = fete > sey= o> stay 3 Qt 49 Je= Gp 7 LO) Sans s22G85] = feo= 3) ] = reno ferret, 9-1-0, (9-2 fey =0 for {ay = a senna, =O => In (0, 1), f(z) has minimum value = f(1) = @)?* = (2)"* = k and maximum value = f(0) = ‘. » ‘Answer: (4) _ rome sane us sR 9 2a ee! Dylan, Pear 0-182 Y)9 4— B s6m “+ greatest height attained by stone from ground = 64+ 36 = 100 m Answer; (1) 16 raf g . A iogasfieFi=che = 1 ogee TT] +c vi+e Vi+e 2 3 gabe FFF = g02)=ba2+ 5) Answer: (2) 78 Given f: 8; JO-s)= fQ+oVeeR, ” JA a) = free 8, @ Jreaces, [poar=t Replacing x by (x2) in (1), we get JO~(e-2))=f0-+2-2) M0) =/(h=2)=/(6+2) [fom Q)] + fe) =/(4+3) => fais ptidi antion, wit period 4 — Avo f2-x)= 0+) = f(s)is ymmetic bout the tinex = 2-9. [ f(x)dr = [f(a)dr = = frou Paya =10f fade = 100 ‘Answer: @2) Office.: 606, 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562623, 9835508812, 8507613968 Answer: @) 71. Given differential equation is yar (429) dy=0 o and solution of (1) 8 +=/); where f(-1) = 1,/() =? Rearranging (1), we get & ck x wy Wut yF-(at2y) 05 Fay 2 oor a 2, which salina differeial equation of fist order +P Is LF.=, . Solutign of (1) is given by” x(LF)& [OOF y+ > xafaxtaec 9 Zarytes reap Pay SC)=1 xt U=248EI = c= 114-29 +y=f)— fl)=241=3 Answer: @) 8 ix + y= has slope angle 120° = Any line with inclination of 60° with above line has either slope angle = 180° (Parallel to x-axis, not passing through ‘origin, does not intersect x-axis) or has slope angle 60° which is required. «Its equation mustbe (y+ 2) = tan 60° (x ~3)—>_ y- Vix +3\3+2=0 Answer: @2) Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0661-2562623, 9835508812, 8507613968 BC: 3x4 4y+3=0 tnamat, t= B43, ato sin30r = = La 2 Raa Bm 2"R . Equation of circumeircle will be O-1F +@-1F P ie, +y?-2x-2y-14=0 ‘Answer: @) 80. Equation cirole is given by @tr+9-2=P a “The aboye circle passes through (-1;0) => (r= 1 +(-2)'=P = r=S2—> Equation of cireleis (s+3) 40-27 =3 ltl wc hey 0, (o0 e3S ser4n0e ot nrg hand 2 AB Ia Ansnet: @) 81. 5,5, =distance between foci = 2ae =H {erener a etm *) ren} )arrene S 2d 2g 2 2 Rosner: @) 2 Now PRRQ=2:1 we yet ree ye (2 3 ante Answer: @) Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0661-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET-2) 2015. o xtyt2e— 7 @) and 2x-+3y442—4 Direction ratios of (2) ae given by Lima ce and any point on (2) is (5, ~2, 0) Sr 7 7 MM any point on (2) is (5, ~2, 0) +, ine (1) and (2) in vector form are 7 =(0i+0}+08)+ 407 +0}+2) =a a5 (51-2) + 0b) + u(-2i +0j+8) =t4 ud ® ; (E-a=57-2} 40% ». SD. -[S|2 Answer: @) £4, Equation of plane containing the point (3, 2,0) andthe Tne prt ya? 23 b-1 2-2 0 ipeasuer ie, @-DS)~ 0-211) +@-3) 0) =0 ie I5r~ Ty 102-23 =0 clearly (0, 7, 10) satisfy it, as 15(0) — 11(7) + 10(10)- 23. a 8 VBl=a, (aBl=6 and [ACl=c, [Aci >a +0°427B(4B+ BD) =ct “i+ ~ 0 —|aal +|a0f +70} Sa? +b +20" +2AB- BD ac 3a 4 Answer: None ‘86, Favournble case: all sides (6, 6, ‘Total umber of cases by a+b >& , Ph.: 0661-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi. EWTON CLASSES (1,1) 2,2, 10,22, 2), 2,3), 3, Does 83,9) 44,1) ne (AA (5,5, 1) ne 5, 5,96, 6, De (6,6,6)} = Hence, probability = Answer: (2) 87, In bina dsb mean = np = 2 and variance npg = 1 1 1 oe 3 usta gets patgat snes 2 mee D=t "GP “(JE za Answer: 4) 88. 2008 2+B egg 8 a and 2sin 2+B ogg 2B 1 aperaaa2 ageraagaa wr tan( EP) «5 sina0 0520 = sitar) cosa) aps 6 8.7 10105 Answer: @) ». ce mae to ygsope to gpa tnatand heore—asina _- _heosa—asina On, a+ ima mar sina sina Answer: (3) 90, P: Suman i brilliant; Q: Suman is rich 2: Suman ishonest; 7: ~Suman is brian and dishonest i and only if Suman is ich” We ned io find =7. T(Pa~ ROO +. ~T=(Pa~RO OI 0 (P>0)=Pa~Q and POQ=(P4Q)NO>P) => ~(PAQ)=(P>Qv~(Q>P) =(Pa~Q)v(Oa~P) Q From (1) nd @), ~T:[(Pa~ Ra~ QIVIOn~(Pa~R) Which s equivalent onQ €9(PA~ R) Anwners 4) Office.: 606, 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562623, 9835508812, 8507613968

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