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R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES JEE (MAIN & ADV.), MEDICAL + BOARD, NDA, IX & X Enjoys unparalleled reputation for best results in terms of percentage selection JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET-2) 2017 PHYSICS 1, Imagine that aregefor converts all given mass into eneray and that it operates ata power level of 10° watt. The mass of the fuel consumed pet hour in the reactor_will-be (velocity of light, c is 33x 10%ns) @) ogg Q) 66x10%g @) Axiorg 4) 096g 2. Anogative testeharge is moving near a long straight wire carrying a current. The force acting on the test charge is parallelt@ the direction of the current. The motion of the charge is @)_ towands the wire. (@) parallel to the wite along the current. (3) away from the wire (4) parallel to the wite opposite to the current. 3. Two particles/Aldid B of equal mass Mf are moving with the same speed v ag shown inthe figure. They collide eom- pletely inelastically and move as a single particle C. The angle thatthe path of C makes with the x-axisis given by LS BV ) 0-5 @) noe 1-y2 v3+N2 © mene | one A combination of parallel-plate capacitors is maintained at acertain potential difference. When a3 miisthick slab is introduced Between all the plates, in order to maintain the same potential difference, the distance between the plates isinereased by 2.4 mm. Find the dielectric constant of the slab, w 6 as @ 3 @4 A signal isto be transmitted through a wave of wavelength, 4, using a linear antenna. The length /of the antenna and effective power radiated P, will be given, respectively, as (Kis a constant of proportionality) A aa A 1y © Seer) / @ aere-K(3) 3 @ drs (3) Four closed surfices and éorresponding charge distribu- tions are shown below 4 1a 3 & Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hi m Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 Let the respective electric fluxes through the surfaces be ,,@,,, and @,. Then () 0,500, <0, @ eo “ In a meter bridge experiment, the resistances are con- rected as shawn in the figure. Initially, the resistance P= 4 Q and the neutral point N is at 60 cin from A. Now, 1m unknown resistance R is connected in series to P and the new position of the meutral point is at 80 cm from A. ‘The value of unknown resistance R is , ; () 62 Q) 72 (3) 7 (4) $ 8. Inanexperiment to determine the period of a simple pen- P>P, @) P,>P,>P, 2) P>P>P, (4) P>P>P, 12, A laser light of wavelength 660 nm isused to weld retinal ‘detachment. Ifa laser pulse of width 60 ms and power 0.5 W isused, the approxinnate number of photons in the pulse is (Take Planck's constant = 6.62 x 10 3s) (1) 10" 2) 10" @) 108 (4) 108 13. A standing wave is formed by the superposition of two ‘waves travelling in opposite directions. The transverse dis- paces =o SE ow Waste sed fh tae ove vig nthe positive x-direction? (x and f are in meter and second, respectively.) (1) 90ms (2). 180 ms () 120m/s (4) 160 ms 14, The machine as shown has 2 rods of length ! m connected by a pivot atthe top. The end of one rod is connected to the floor by a stationary pivot and the end of the ether rod has aroller that rolls along the floor ina slot. As the roller ‘goes back and forth, a kg weight moves up and dawn. IF the roller is moving towards right ata constant speed, the ‘weight moves up with a Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562623, 9835508812, 8507613968 JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET-2) 2017 AG > Fed prot Mash (xs pecd. (2) aertng ge (teeing pet (sec whichis 2 tt he ar en te ‘weight is 0.4 m above the ground. OS wed natandnrs cine po Theriot teckel man ince vate below O. The speed of the pendulum, in its circular path, will be (Take g = 10 ms) (1) 04 ms @) 2ms Q) 4mis (4) 02mis 16. A circular bole of radius R/4 is made in a thin uniform disc having mass Mand radius R, as shown in the figure. ‘The moment of inertia of the remaining partion of the disc about an axis passing through the point O and per pendicular to the plane of the disc is, 219 MR 19M ! @ oO) 236 o 512 237M 197M a s iy 512 o 236 17, A block of mass 0. kg i connected to an clastic spring of spring constant 640 No and excilates in a damp- ing medium of damping constant 107 kg 8". The sys- tem dsipaes its enengy gradally. The time taken for its mechanical energy of bration to drop to half ofits initial value is closes to () 75 @) 355 @) 5s 2s 18, In an experiment a convex lens of foal length 15 cm is placed coaxially on an optiea) bench in front ofa convex Inior ata distance of 5 cin from i. It is found that an object and its image coincide, ifthe objec is placed ata Géstanee of 20 cn from the lens. The focal length ofthe () 273an @) 305am 2) 200m (4) 25.0em 19. A sinusoidal voltage of peak value 283V and angular fre- quency 320/s isapplied to aseries CR cineuit. Given that R= SQ,L = 25mH and C= 1000 jiF. The total imped- ance and phase difference between the voltage acrass the source and the current, respectively, be (©) tamiee'(3) 6) Tami 5 8 3) 7 Qand tan™'| = (4) 10.Q and tan] ~ a @ 2 (3) 20, Two mies ofa, andr and length, and, respec: Ghely ave connec inaches anda i Hows Gogh tachaf tem io mrealne conditions P, and P, are be pressre diferences across the wo tues. 1, is 4P, and 1s, ener beg 8 Os os 21, Forthe P-V diagram given for an ideal gas, out of the fol- lowing, which ane correctly represents the TP diagram? @ 4, (4) 2, Constant pSangiant Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi. , Ph.: 0661-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 (Omry 2 ‘ OS @ ™% 2 or a B 7% 2 3 2 22, The mass densityof aspherical boy is given by pir) = & for r R, where ris the distance from the centre, The corect graph that describes qualita tively the acceleration, a, of test particle asa function of| o @ Ew CLASSES oy 4 a a — 23. The current gain of a common emitter amplifier is 69. If the emitter current is 7.0 mA, collector current is. () 6.9m 2) 9.6mA G) 0.69 ma (4) 69mA 24, A playsical quantity P is described by the relation Pabicd* If the relative errors in the measurement of a, b,c and d, respectively, are 2%, 1%, 3% and $%, then the relative ‘error in P will be () 8% @) 12% @ 2% (4) 288% 25, The elearc field component of a monochromatic radia- tionis given by E = 28,/ cosaz cos ax . Is magnetic field B isthen given by 28 j sinkesinar @ 8) a 26. Astor wir of length nd ai rhataesistanc of 100.2. isrcas int a wir ofr £. The reistance anew te wibe 2 1000 G3) 16002 2) 4002 (4) 2000 27. A uniform magnetic field B of 0.3 T is along the pos- itive z-direction. A rectangular loop (abed) of sides 10 cm x 5 em carries a current / of 12 A. Out of the Office.: 06 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968, JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET-2) 2017 5 following different orientations, which one corresponds to stable equilibrium? a z 8| lo of yt y 1h fa o a) z plage V } L (i) z 3| eeea 7 yi ‘e 7 @) z 4, ‘3 op 0g 7 7 28, A car is standing 200 m behind a bus, which is also at rest. The two start moving at the same instant but with different forward accelerations. The bus has acceleration 2 m/s? and the car has acceleration 4 mst, The car will ‘atch up with the bus after atime of 15s 2) 12s @) Vi20s 4) vil0s 29, A steel ral of length 5m and area of cross section 40cm" 's prevented from expanding along its length while the temperature rises by 10°C. IF coefficient of linear expan- sion and Young's modulus of steel are 1.2.x 10K" and 2x 10!" Nm, respectively the foree developed in the rail is approximately @) 1 x10°N @) 2x10'N Q) 2x10°N (4) 3x10 30. The acceleration of an electron in the first orbit of the hydrogen atom (= 1) is e R 1 Q) O Sar Q nie RB 4 @ 5 ssa 31. At 300 K, the density of a certain gaseous molecule at 2 bar is double to that of dinitogen (N,) at 4 bar. The ‘molar mass of gascous molecule is (1) 56g m0 @) 12 guar 8) 224m!" ®) 28pma! 42, Which on fh allowing ian one? (1) Bad, Q) Sio, @) ¥0, ®) 00, 23. Inte elon enon sequence ele, eng 1] 82262", ges turbidity immediately ‘The compound Tis o ee ee ra i eo 8 i roy 34. Which of the following compounds will show highest dipole moment? o o [=e ay | ro in) ° ™ wZ ao @ ay 6) am ay) Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi. , Ph.: 0661-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 Lik's: 3, In the following structure, the double bonds are marked as 1,11, I and IV: Geometrical isomerism is not possible at site(s) at @ om (3) Land It (4) and Iv 36. A gas undergoes change from state A to state B. In this process, the heat absorbed and work done by the gas is 5 Jand 8 J, respectively. Now gas is brought back to A by another process during which 3 J of beat is evolved. In this reverse process of B 0 A: (1) 10 Jofthe work will be done by the surrounding on Bs. (2) 10) of the work will be dane by the gas. (3) 6 J of the work will be done by the surrounding on Bas. (4) 6 of the work will be done by the gas. 37. An ideal gas undergoes isothermal expansion at constant pressure. During the process (1) enthalpy increases but entropy decreases. (2). enthalpy remains canstant but entrapy increases, (3) enthalpy decreases but entropy inereases. (4). Both enthalpy and entropy remain constant. 38. (CO(CO),] displays (1) ene CO-CO bond, four terminals CO and four bridging CO. ‘one CO-CO bond, six terminals CO and two bridging CO. no CO-CO bond, four terminals CO and four bridging CO. no CO-CO bond, six terminals CO and two bridging CO. 2 3 4 39, The correct sequence of decreasing numberof x-bonds in the structures of H,SO,, H,SO, and H,S,0, is () -HS0,>H,S0,>H,5,0, 2) HS0,>H.8,0,>H.S0, @) HS,0,>H,SO,> 1.80, (4) HS,0,>H,S0,>HS0, 40. A compound of molecular formula C,H,0, reacts with acetophenone to form a single cross-aldol product in the presence of base. The same campound an reaction with EWTON CLASSES ‘onc. NaQH forms benzyl alcobol as one of the products ‘The structure of the compound is » ° @ on on407 ° 4 % oO ‘00H, ° A ® oOo HO’ Ss 41, XeF, on partial hydrolysis with water produces a come pound ‘X’. The same compound “X’ is formed when XeF, reacts with silica. The compound °X’ is () Xe0, ) XeF, @) Xer, (4) XeOF, . The incorrect statement among the following is (1) @D-giucose and D-glucose are anomers. @) The pentaacente of glucose does not react with hydroxyl amine. Cellulose is a straight chain polysaccharide made up of only (D-glucose units. a-D-glucose and D-glucose are enantiomers. @ @ 443, The electron in the hydrogen atom undergoes transition from higher orbitals to orbital of radius 211.6 pm. This transition is associated with (1)_Paschen series @) Brackett series. 8) (4) Balmer series. Lyman series. 44. Among the following compounds, te increasing order of their basic strength is i 4 a ] ab 7 C 8 Nye ay) CO nH ami Office.: 06 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968, JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET-2) 2017 3-4 4 6.18 af 4) rete 4, and [Jayde Alog [1-21 +6 then the ordered pai (4 8) sequal to (where C is a constant of integration) > G9) @) ( af tim roe [(nt 1) [(na +1) + (na + 2)+--+(na+n)] 60 foe some postive real number a then ais equal to 7 roy ZT @7 a @ 8 1s 2 sy yon pe cea Tip 2e= 5) andi? 22 ax + by =0, vey (oe DET td thy =0, then 4+ kis equal to @ 23 @Q) 24 G) 2% (@) 26 72. The two adjacent sides ofa cyclic quadrilateral are 2 and S and the angle between them is 60°. If the area of the ‘quadrilateral is 43, then the perimeter ofthe quel onli @ 2 @) 125 ob @) 132 7B. A square, ofeach side 2, lies above the x-axis and has one vertex at the origin. If one of the sides passing through the origin makes an angle 30° with the positive direction of the x-axis, then the sum of the x-coordinates of the vertices of the square is a W-2 2) wi @ 8. (23-2 74, Let f be a polynomial fimerion such that I@x)= 13): f"(@), forall xe R. Then OQ) £2)-s'Q)+s"2)=10 Q sQ)-sQ)=4 B /Q-s=0 @) f2)-s'2)=28 78. The coefficient of x in the binomial expansion of Gs. at @ 4 @ -4 @ 4 76. ifthe vector B = 3}-+ 4k is writen asthe sum of a vector 5, parallel Z=i+j anda vector 5,, perpendicular 10 3, then & xi, is equal to (1) 3f-37+9% anes @) -6i+6j-5 (2) -3+3}-96 ao (4) 6 -6j+3h 171. A tine drawn through the point PU, 7) cuts the circle ty? <9 at the points A and B. then PA:PB is equal to @ 56 74 G) 65 4) 53 78. Contrapositive ofthe statement ‘Iftwo numbers are nat «equ then their squares are not equal is ()Irthe squares of two numbers are not equal, then the numbers are equal. @) IF the squares of two mumbers are equal, then the numbers are not equa 8) IF the squares of two mumbers are equal, then the numbers are equal (4) Ifthe squares of two numbers are not equal, then the numbers are not equal 79, The eccentricity of an ellipse having centre at the origin, axes along the coordinate axes and passing through the points (4,1) and (—2, 2) is 8 (2) ay @) 2 1 a = 4) > OF > ‘80, The number of ways, in which 5 bays and 3 girls ean be seated on a round table if particular bay 8, and a partic. lar girl G, never sit adjacent to each other, is ay 7 2) 5x6t @) 6x6 (4) 5x7 81. The sum of 100 observations and the sum of their squares ate 400 and 2474, respectively. Later on, three observa- tions, 3, 4 and 5, were found to be incorrect. Ifthe incor- rect observations are omitted, then the variance of the remaining observations is () 8.00 @ @) 9.00 a 825 8.50 82, For two 3 x 3 matrices A and B, let A+ B= 28 and 34 +28 = 1, where Bis the transpose of B and /, is 3x3 identity matrix, Then (1) 104+5B=31, @) 54+ 108 =2/, G) 34+ 6B=2, @) B+2A Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi. , Ph.: 0661-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 AR KK MAL IK'S NEWTON Classes 83, A tangent to the curve, y= fix) at P(x, ») meets x-axis at | 86. If y= mx +c is the normal at a point on the parabola Aand y-axis at B. IfAP: BP= 1:3 and f(1)=1, then the | * = &x whose focal distance is & units then {| is equal to ‘curve also passes through the point w 88 @ Wi o ($4) @ (524) 4 08 obi)» ba 84, Let E and F be two independent events. The probability gt @ 3 k then kis equal to kts i tht both and Fhappen is andthe rbobitiy hat | ©) 4 oa u (2) 88. The sm ofall heaves of ashing the equation 7 eae F » f a ws @ 1 Os © ~@ om @) 16 @2 ws £9. The fncion defined by Ja)es? 30+ Sr +Tis 2 3 (1), decreasing in RP @) increasing ia R {G)>~ decreasing in) (0,2) and increading in (-o,0). (4) increasing in (0,88) and decreasing in (0) 90, From a group of.10 men and 5 women, four member committee are tobe formed each of which must contain a least one woman. Then the probability for these com- mittees to have more women thanmen is, 1 2 yo ar @ @i On OY 20 * i e z. (Oy 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 B im 8 3 4 3 LO uw 2 QO 3% 6H 1 Of M Th O AL @ 2 O\2 O62 O 2 @ 2 @ 2 @ wy 2m W/O 24 BO BO BO 82 3B BF BADER 4 B @ 42 TQ @) 34 (44) 3) 8.) 5 5.@) 2 2) QM 44 @ BG 6 GB) 75/0) 85 @ 6 4) 16 GBD 26 @) 36 G) ABT 56 ayes. 2 76. 4) 86. 7@) 12 @ 224) 3% @ AEM 5. Qe 6 OY 7% 8% & G) 18 (1) 282) 38 @) dBem@) 58 1) 68 (4) 78. G) 8B.) 24 22 BO 2H % © BO oH % O &% @ 4) 2. 0) 30 4) 4 (SH) 7.) 8. (LY Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0661-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET-2) 2017 9 ANSWERS WITH EXPLANATION Gas 1, The power can be cakulated by the relation Ame? 1 Ar Ar wD Therefore, rom Eq, (1) tbe mas af the fel consume per hour inthe reactor is Am _P 10" fm Pato" A et Gx10) - Ro 2 Paa(xB) e wie] <—_@) a Answer (1) 3. Let be the speed of both particles A and B and v! be the velocity of both particles after the collision, After the inelastic calision, both particles combine to mave as a single particle; therefore, fom the shown figure (in the question), we have 3 . o rv’ cos = 7h @ Therefore, using Eqs. (1) and (2), we get the tangent angle @ that the path of particle C makes with the x-axis is given by Answer (4) ‘After introducing the slab between the plates of all hee capacitors, we hve aaen eaeaontod As the eapactrs are insries, we et Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562623, 9835508812, 8507613968 wy L EWTON CLASSES ‘Therefore, the dielectric constant ofthe slab is 3k= 24k +3 3 0.6k=3 = k= a ‘ ‘Answer @) 5. We know that for a linear antenna of length , (i) it's length of antenna is comparable to the wavelength of the signal and (ii) the power radiated is proportional to 1/2. That is, the power radiated for the antenna increases with decreasing A thereby Ss F i) Power of the antenna, P Here, w= ‘ hence, the correct option is (4), Answer (4) ‘6. From the four given closed surfaces, we scx that the total electric field due to the charges q inside the surfaces to be same and equal (ie. 24). As Eis the same, clectric hx () through all four surfaces is also the same. Hence, =, =9, Answer (4) 7. Initially, the resistance P= 4.0. andl the neutral point N is at 60 em from A. Therefore, 4_@ vs 4.05 9.1.10 arf > o-S-(5) ‘When an unknown resistance 2 is connected in series to P and the new position of the neutral paint is at 80 cm from A, we have 44k 2440 sg @ ) 0 80 6 3 Answer @) ‘The time period is given by the formula i Taam 8 ‘which clearly indicates that the time period is directly proportional tothe length ofthe pendulum f that i, TevI Here, 1= 1 m. Therefore, o Answer 3) 9. The slit width is a= 0.1mm = 10m, ‘The wavelength of the light is A= 6000 x 10"*= 6 x 10” ‘The distance from the sit to diffraction bands is D= 0.5 m. We calculate the third dark band from the central band as follows: Answer (4) Office.: 06 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968, JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET-2) 2017 ut 10, During the heat process, we have the volume af the gas to be constant because the gas is enclosed inside cylinder. Thus, there is na work done by the gas which denotes that heat supplied tothe gas is utilized to increase the internal energy only, ‘which is expressed as follows: Pore Wicao gen tarantino sams which deci trang tender, hve Nl ticle punts ey comatase po ay thareaing. tots ey ' ar sm Sar sth a pil genio Chang ne alice ofthe gt = nea in ier au =u, -u,=Hakr Answer (4) 11, We have the following eases + Far configuration (1): Considering as Wheatstone's bridge, we get the equivalent resistance as (R)),,= 12. , nan re] Ge av fl + Far configuration (ID): The given configuration is further reduced as follows: JNis0 ma Ue os (Ja Ee 28 I a f ; We aE Ie That is (By + For configuration (1 The power is given by three configurations, we have the power as a quantity indirectly proportional tothe resistance: Pal R Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562623, 9835508812, 8507613968 R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES From the above three case, we have (R),,= 1 95 (Ry) 1/2) 9; (R,),.=2 0, which implies that Ry>R>Ry ‘Therefore, P.>P.>P, Answer @) 12, The power of the given laser light is expressed as ake oe {fom which the number of photons per second is given by ca 2) | (660%10" 460%: AY 2 (510%) x] LAR NCOxIOD (i) oa [e axi0") = 100% 10" = 10" Answer (4) 13, When two waves are travelling in the opposite direction, using the principle of superposition, the resulting wave displace ‘ment may be written as 0% 8) = pmsin(lor—ct) + ymsingler+ ax) 2050 “The given transverse displacement equation is x)=, sen fosztono 2ymsn(x}eos(at) Comparing Eqs. (1) and (2), we get w= 20x andk= = 4 ‘We know that the speed of the travelling wave moving in the positive x-direction is 2 (» Bond 172; thus, speed = va = 2x 2% le x ars Answer (9) 14, As the force F acts on the horizontal direction, the vertical force acting on the rad to raise the weight to mave upwards happens with decreasing speed Answer @) 15, Here, only a component of the tension acts asa centripetal force: res ™ wo @ Office.: 06 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968, AEE MAIN (ONLINE SET-2) 2017 i3 From Eqs. (1) and (2), we get tng= @ Now, @=45°; thus, applying in Eq. (3), we get var a vse Answer (3) 16, The moment of inertia ofthe whole disc is ‘The moment of inertia ofthe removed portion af the die is hana =[E(2 Hae 1 a z16lis}| "Lie 16 _MR+18MR° _ 19MR° ~ S12 S12 ‘The moment of inertia ofthe remaining portion ofthe disc is Fenty = (ve) 2 32 Answer (3) 17. We have fora damped oscillator, ‘Therefore, ize “Therefore, the time taken for its mechanical energy of vibration to drop to half of its initial value is closest to Inf2=t = i Ss Answer @) 18. The given optical situation is depicted in the following ray diagram: 2 Y 0) on ‘55cm x In this case, the image forms 55 em behind the convex mirror and then the reflection takes place due to the mirror image that forms at a distance (v) behind the mirror. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562623, 9835508812, 8507613968 R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Now, this image acts as an object for lens and the final image Forms at a distance of 20 m from the lens ifthe focal length of convex mirror is as follows: So o75em Answer (1) 18, Its given that e, =283 V; «= 320 The inductor reactance is. X, = 32025 10° = 8 “The capacitor reactance is x, i z = 1000 310 @C 320x1000x10 320 leis given that R= 5 92, Therefore, the total impedance is Z= R(X, x.) = 50-79 and the phase difference between the voltage across the source an the curent is aaaie = 0=45° Answer (2) 20, Using the equivalent forms of Bernoulli's equation for stcamline flow of quid, we have That is, 8 nt 5 (ate syed u : Answer (1) 24, We now that the pressre i versely proportional tthe woume P<, wher Tis anstan, which sais by the graph shoven in option (2) Answer 2) 22, For inside the spherical body, we have Therefore, For inside the spherical body, we have Therefore, the correct graph that describes qualitatively the acceleratio depicted in option (3) 4, of atest particle as a fnction of ris the one Answer (3) 23, The current gain of a common emitter amplifir is Collector curent _ fe = 69 6 Base current = /y Office.: 06 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968, JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET-2) 2017 ibs Therefore, oe eee an tGe = 1x = 2x7 = 69mA Answer (1) 24, The relative error inthe given physical quantity Pis calculated as follows: .1(), (2) {= Jeo“) -(b2}rexneoxa HAxS) = 328 « Answer (2) 28. We have aereaee ad a aB =-2E sinks cose = az ca at Therefore, B= 428 gesinkzcos cardi Thats, B= +208 ksink, coseodt k B= 42E.ksink, [cosendt = +26, —sinkzsina Now, Therefore, its magnetic field Bis given by 328s jsinkesinot . Answer (2) 26. Using the concepts that the resistivity ofthe material remains the same and the volume of the wire remains the same, we have the resistance of a wire as and the volume of the wire is ‘Therefore, the resistance ofthe wire can be written as ‘where pis constant and v is also constant. That is, That is, = R, =16R, = 160.0 Answer @) 27, A sinall current carrying conductor of area 4, which is carrying current is equivalent to a magnet of magnetic mornent M=NIA where Nis the number of turns in the loop. The direction of magnetic moment is along the norinal to the plane of the loop. Thats, and & are inthe same direction and hence the orientation depicted in option (4) corresponds to stable equilibrium Answer (4) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562623, 9835508812, 8507613968 6 EWTON CLASSES 28, We have the displacement equation as w Ams 2s ad ES ate It's given that the acceleration of bus and the ear, respectively, are @'= 2 m/s and 4 mm/s Now, Therefore, That is, 2x (20042) _ 2xx T 2 ‘Therefore, x= 200 m. Now, substituting the values in Eq. (1), we get Answer @) 29, The force developed in the rai is f= YAK AE= (2 x 10") {4 x 10) x (1.2% 10% 10) = 9.6 x 108= 1 x 10° Answer (I) 130, The speedy ofthe particle in the orbit of an atom is P 2he, We have the radius of the first obit s ‘Therefore, the acceleration of an electron in the first orbit of the hydrogen atom (m= 1) is vioiam r em Answer (4) Office.: 06 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968, JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET-2) 2017 "7 31, We have oo 0) Let the mass of unknown gaseous molecule be x. Therefore, from Ea, (I), we get 2x0.987xx Proaumns = 90821300 Substituting p = 4 x 0,987 atm, M = 28 and R=0,0821 L atm K-' mol" in Eq, (1), we get _4x0.987x28 = "9.082 1x 300 4.488 Since the density of unknown gas is double 6 that of dinitrogen, we have (a2). 2x 0.987%x (0.0821 x300 )~ 0.0821 300 4x28=x=9 x= 112 gmolt Answer @) 32, The metals burn in air to form oxides though the product varies depending on the metal. Barium forms peroxide (BaO,), silicon forms oxide (SiO), potassium and caesium form superoxide, that is, KO, and C30, Auswer @) 33, Tertiary alcohols form halides easily and hence they give turbidity immediately with Lutas reagent (HCl +ZnCl,). The reaction is é by " " vst expe a: war emf 04 ae Oder A ond mo bs be L Chey) sem) nee rane na Answer @) 34, 2-Cyclopropen-I-one cation isa cyélie m¥ystem with two electrons. Ithas highest dipole moment which can be explained ‘on the basis that the dipolar resonance structure contributes more to the resonance hybrid as it involves stable aromatic ceyclopropenyl cation Answer (1) Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0661-2562623, 9835508812, 8507613968 S NEWTON CLASSES 38, The phenomenon af geometric isomerism is a general one and itis observed in any class of compound containing carbon carbon double bond. However, geametric isomerism cannot exist if either of the carbon atoms carries identical substitu cents, Thus, necessary and sufficient condition for alkenes to show geometric isomerism is the presence of carbon-carbon ‘double bond in which each carbon atom does not have identical groups attached to it. Therefore, itis not possible for site I Answer (1) 36, From first law of thermodynamics: + Forstate A to B: + Forstate B to A: Since the internal energy isa state funtion, we have AU,, Au, 3=-Bhwow=6) Positive value of work indicates that 6 J of work is dane by the surrounding on gas. Answer @) 37. In an isothermal expansion process, the temperature ofthe system remains constant throughout the process. Since, for an ideal gas, U depends only on temperature, we have AU =0. The enthalpy change of the system in isothermal expansion is also zero as AH = AU +nRAT=0+0=0 ‘The entropy change foe an isothermal process is given by ss=nnin(He}oo r Answer (2). one ALS RRO a, YS Yo oe eee fo Sree i of ft SN ZN. JIN AN wl ovo IYon elo Eon HySOq HySOq HpSeO7 gly HSS ‘Answer (4) 40, An aldol reaction that starts with two different carhony! compounds is called a crossed aldol reaction. ‘The following is the example of crossed aldol condensations where one reactant is a ketone. Reactions such as these are sometimes called Claisen-Schmidt candensations. Office.: 06 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968, JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET-2) 2017 2 or t0= aa a {Cross-aidol product) 9 I o—H CHOW ° COONat 4 C oH,07 C Ho 41, XeF,on partial hydrolysis gives a colourless liquid xenon axofluoride (XeOE,). The same product is formed when XeF, reacts wit silica, The reactions involved are as Fallows: Xe, +H,0 XeOF, + 2HF 2X6F, +Si0, +> XeOF, +SiF, cH,0° Answer (1) Answer (4) 42 These two cyclic farms of glucose are diastercomers that differ only in the configuration of C1. In carbohydrate chemistry, diastereomers ofthis type are called anamers and the herniacetal carbon atom is called the snomeric carbon stom. ach glucase anomer is designatedas an a-anomer ora fLanomer depending on the location ofthe OH group af C1. Each glucose anomer is designated as an c-anomer or a B-anomner depending on the location of the -OH group of CL or gion f—e f—0 Ve NH RN Ae oe KS oH INRA Noe INR Sa ood vo med Hon nbn 04} auecnjanae 0)eucopranse none) 4. Ve lnow r=0529x— 1 z a Given: r=211 6 pm=2.11 A,Therefre, fn Ba (1) We get 21162529 7 done Asma 44, The basicity of an amine depends on the ability ofits nitogen atom to donate lone pair of electrons in an acid-base reac- tion. Resonance, inductive effect and steric hindrance etc. plays a very important role in deciding the basicity of compound. Among the given compounes, (III) is most basic due to the presence of electron danating methyl group which inereases the electron density on nitrogen. Compound (IV) is less basic than (III). Hybridization of nitrogen atom in aniline (1) and. pyrrole (I) is sp" and sp’, respectively, therefor, (I) is more basic than (II). Thus, the correct order of basicity is ny om 0 o Answer (4) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562623, 9835508812, 8507613968 za) R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 45, In species CO", NO; and SO,, the central ator is sp*hybridizeds therefore, they have triangular planar structure Answer (2) 46. The structure of pyrophosphoric acid is 28 follaws: 2 6 if on” | | Sou on On Ins tetabasic and the number of P-OH bonds is four. The oxidation state of phosphorus is five. Answer (2) 47. Adon of sid component oa system a constant press fas no ft on he equim These, aon oF FeO, wllno nur the equi oO 48. According to Freundich serpin ote, we have Tc egee! top? =logt+ Lig wer slope is xt andthe intercept equ 1 lag Subsitating slope 0 in above exuaion, we gt tog? = Log pee 22 Log pg Lag “Therefore, aor is propriona to squre wot of pressure AosneeQ) (6. Teoracioninobeds Bp —™ > 267 cH oH Oty om eee oe ca ay O ee Oa Aarne) 50, Alcohols have much higher boiling points than of comparable molecular weights ethers or hydrocarbons. The molecules of alcohols can associate with cach other through hydrogen bonding, whereas those of ethers and hydrocarbons cannot. Molecules of ethy! methyl ether (IV), lacking a hydrogen atam attached to a strongly electronegative atorn, cannot form strong hydrogen bonds to each other. In ethyl methyl ether, the intermolecular farces are weaker dipole-dipole interactions, CHs ib; na oy on eee molecules of mathano! Office.: 606, 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562623, 9835508812, 8507613968 JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET-2) 2017 zl In alkyl halides, the molecules are held together by van der Waals forces or weak dipole-dipole interactions. Hence, they have relatively low melting and boiling points. However, thir boiling points ae considerably higher as compared to alkanes withthe same number of carbon atoms, because oftheir higher molecular weights. Thus, the correct order is CH,CH, < CH,OCH, NH,Cl(aq) We kmow that Numberof moles Molarity= Numberof moles 1 ohumeoF sluion Therefore, 500. = =0.01mol ooo °° and yy = 7592 = 9,005 mol 1000 From the reaction, we know that HC] and NH, react in 1: 1 mole ratio. Therefore, HCI isa limiting reagent. Office.: 606 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562623, 9835508812, 8507613968 S NEWTON CLASSES Total volume ofthe solution = (25 +25) mL.= 50 ml Number of moles of NH, consumed = (0.01 ~ 0.005) mol =0.005 mol [Number of moles of NH,CI formed = 0.005 mol 0.005me1 [NH] (9H ,c- 25 — os We have {sat} 5H = pK, +o POH = PA. +198 se] 0.08 OH = 4.75+1og 225-475 : 0.05 “The pH of the buffer is pOH+pH=14 pH =14-4,75=9.25 Answer Q) 56, Mole fractions can be calculated as = S20 and rege, =e Meme. = 35 Mewes = Ti95 ‘We know that Pau = Poo, % ¥ec, + Pos, X Xue, =415%0.10-+200%x0.1 = 61.5 ‘Mole fraction of CHCI, in vapour form can be calculated as Pras * Poser, * Fcc 61.5 =200X %46, Foye, = 22 = 03075 200 Answer (4) 57. Nylon-2-nylon-6 is a polyamide formed by copolymerization of glycine and amino caproic acid, and is biodegradable. [hoster coor] « fine, coon] —» Lun —reny,coon—oH, EL Amin eae al ayn nyone-njons Answer (2) 58. Among the given compounds, cyclopentadiene is most reactive aqueous solution of sodium carbonate. It forms cyclo- pentadienyl anion which is aromatic and therefore highly stable. a=0 (Not aromate) (Aromate, 60 Highly stable) Answer (1) 59. According to Nernst equation, fo the cell reaction ‘M(s) +3Ag"(aq)—> M”*(aq)+ 3Ag(s) 0.059, IM] logs a “Ts'T Office.: 06 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968, —_________________JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET-2) 2017, 2 Substituting the values, we get 0421 = E3, ~ 29 jog 2001. 3S (aon Ey =048V ‘We know that Freire Fiene ‘Answer (1) 60, The gases that contribute to greenhouse effect ae called greenhouse gases. These include CO,, CH, N,O and O, ‘Answer (1) Mees 61, Is given that +2 14243 1424 PAP Pada eg pe Also, rr+1) [ey] a wens > mreny ree reel) ral al ‘Therefore, 22 Emel Its given that 1005, = n. Therefore, soi 2-28 =n => 100Qn+2—2)=n(n+ 1) => 200n= n(n 1) => x41 = aL Answer (4) (2, Let the plane equation be ax + by + cz + d=0. The distance of the plane from the origins 3. ‘Therefore, Thats, P= at B +e) o Now, the plane intersects axis at point A| Foo} SE. Terstre, fom Eq (1), we get pain 1) ota wpe (02) Answer (1) Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0661-2562623, 9835508812, 8507613968 EWTON CLASSES 63, The given system of equations is x4 847220 o 9x4 2y+32=0 ® rtys. % Multiplying Eq. 3) by 3 and subtracting from Fq, (2), we get the following: Ore 2y432=0 aee3ys3e <0 or-y =0 ‘Thats, y=6r 4 Substituting the value of y in in Eq (1), we get 24 M63) +7220 = 40r 4 7220 = Tet e=0 zee o tis given that x= a, y cis the solution ofthe given system of equations; therefore, b=6a and c=-Ta Also (a,b) ies on the plane x + 2y +2 = 6. Therefore, at2b+e=6 © Substituting the values of hand c in Bq, (6), we get 4+2(62)~ Ta =6 = + 124~Ta=6 = 6a=6= a=! Hence, we get b = 6 and c =—7. Hence, the value of 2a + +c becomes | as follows: 2atb+e=21)+6-7=1 Answer (1) (64, We have the following nwo cases: + From Fig. (a): sin(cot"(1+x)) = = * Virtereae Ue r2er2 1 + Fram Fig (Ds coin») = poe : Veto? . — 7 WF Tox 7 @ ” Therefore the value of x satisfying the given equation is found as follows: Sinfeot '(14.x)]=ecosftan (xy) = 4204 2= 142 ‘Thats, Answer (1) Office.: 06 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968, JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET-2) 2017 25 65. The given function is so=x-] Taking in interval of ive natura numbers, we hve the following [x—3(0), O b> (abe)” ‘href, the minima possible ale o's obtained as B22 (sn itis ge that ale = Answer (4) 0. Wis gen tht Jrenrde= Alogi + ae 4e Difrentiting wit, we get 452 p73 tis ok 48) ( Anon 70. The given limit is ereteenee L eee L = lim ip Ett _ a SED nas (rade nara) 60 [rove] 0 “2 ~~ wefey ote Et oie ES ‘Raa Grattan “o Office.: 06 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968, JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET-2) 2017 ‘Therefore, a Ate Lt 2 L atl 60 (at2ar 60 (ae Nar 60 (e+ 1) Qat 1) =120 5 2a'4 304 1 = 120 2305 119=0 {since a>0) 343128 431 Bay ant Answer G) 171, eis given that 0 yt Dee yO Lyi Therefore, aes ave | 1! ceeiFod [Fay PE) ga rtVPol 3 yi art 3 ya et Fo) a) Therefore, 2 yd esfea® wy tla shea 2asy (8 pS Pose S45) ‘Therefore, A= 1, k=—25; hence, Av k=-24 Answer (2) 172. The given geometrical situation is depicted in the following figure: — Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi. , Ph.: 0661-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 EWTON CLASSES ‘The area of the quadrilateral ABCD is, 1 + In AARC: Area = 5x2%5xsin6® = 2S A(AABC) +A(AADCe 43 "Now, the area of AADC is expressed as a + I AADC: Area =2xADxCDxsin120° => 3Vr=Lxexd x. Therefore, al =6 @) "Now, for ABC, we have cos = 245 — CY (cosine ele) BxBx5 1 4425-(40y" 27 0 = cy =19 ° Now, for AADC, we have ad (acy se+h=13 cosl20" = SAE RS tom Bas (2) and (3) “ Now, [Bq (4)] + [Bg 2x (2) =e+ d+ 20d 1342x6213 412=25 (e+dp=25 ‘The perimeter of the quadrilateral ABCD is 2+Sterd=7+5=12 Answer (1) 73. The given geometrical situation is depicted in the following Figure From the figure, we have lg (> Ye) 4) eo Se Office.: 06 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968, JE \ (ONLINE SET-2) 2017 29 = 1, =2sin30° = 3) Therefore, 2B case soe 5 Pe +i9)| 7 oosase + orsin gs] = Ref +9040) = Ref V5 47+ V5H—1) Now, na8- a y= ln E44 SEI = y. also, = 2e0s60" = (3)- 1 2 ‘Therefore, the sum ofthe x-coordinates ofthe vertices ofthe square is aay ta, 42, = V4 V-1-140= 25-2 Answer (4) 74, Let fx) =age-bag tag" ba, ata, S@) $2) = ann Dx? 4a (nn DP beta, pe a(n tea, Now, (M32) = Sage + a+ ay bata, PY Sa [agne 44 (nx? tot, Jognn x +a, (n—MYn—2)2? 44, 5) Comparing highest powers of x, we get Says, = a(x = ann 1 Therefore, 2n-3=n = n=3 and 3a, = agn'(n—l) => y= 27 Therefore, Haj=2P tax taxt0, Pa)=2e axe, I"a)= 92420 Gr = Sha +9qx° +3400, Now, 9x-+24,) ) 1 ? +[4a? +9a, |x +2aa, 2 1194, +184}? +14 +94,)x420.0, 4 ” glo a 9 1103)= 1'0)- 1°00) 82 4902? 430,040, (3% 4ar+ 81 => Sr +9ax" Harta, Be 194x° +a ‘Comparing the coefficients, we get 9a,=27a, = a,=0, 34, £494; =94, -> a,=0 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562623, 9835508812, 8507613968 EWTON CLASSES Therefore, Henee, a Answer (4) 75, The given binomial expansion is ‘Therefore, the general term is sc eye ryrorsye For the coefiient x, we have rl ret £hao-na-s 3 £-54L=-8 > 3 34 5 3 5 z 5 Therefore, 10C, (J. = HOC =1 Answer (1) 16, Given: 3274 j Since ; is parallel tod, we can say that & =K(!+J) Let B= pitgierk Since dL b,, we have d-F, =0. Thats, (isgrby Ga j=o Therefore, ptq=0 Since i+, we have dei park ‘Comparing the components, we get wo @) @B) ‘Adding Eqs. (1) and (2), we get From Eq, (1), we get Office.: 06 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968, JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET-2) 2017 31 Hence, and Thotefore, & x, is obtained as follows: i jd =r 32 9 = (9) -HO+i( 3+ Ee 2 2 a Answer (4) 177. The given geometrical situation is depicted in the following figure: ” 1147) Now, PA-PB = (PCY, where Cs the point of contact ofa tangent tothe circle from point P Ifthe centre ofthe circle is O, APOC forms a right-angled triangle, where we have (POF = (OCP + (PC) = (4-0) + (7-0 = 9+ (PCY = (PC) = 16 + 49-9 = 56 ‘Therefore, PA-PB = 56 Answer (1) 78. Given contrapositive of p 4 is ~q > ~p pras qaeee ‘Therefore, ~qad =F ~ ‘Thus, the contrapositive of the given statement is @=h = a=b ‘Thats, ifthe squares of two numbers are equal, then the numbers are equal Answer 3) 79, We have Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi. +: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 EWTON CLASSES Art ayet 1644.8=14,-1) 0 4A e4B=1(-2,2) 1 avpah Q) a @ Subtracting Eq, (2) from Eq, (1), we get Aad; =O 20 we 41 20° 20° 5° ‘Therefore, the required eccentricity of the ellipse is obtained as follows: l-e) = $=200-e) > 7 Answer (1) 80, The numberof ways of aranging boys and 3 gil (8 people) ons round tale would be 7! We subtract the number of way of arranging those people, where B, and G, are always together. When 3, and G, are together, we get 4 Boys +2 Girls +108, +6) That is 7 poople and since B, + G, be permite in2 ways, those canbe aranged in 612 ways. Subtracting, we have the required numer of ways as Fallows 1-61 x 2= 61(7 -2)=5x 6! ways Answer @) 81, We have ‘The variance ofthe remaining observations is (%} = 2025 (2) = 24251552 W o7 (97 Answer @) 82, Its given that AvBa2e o ‘Taking transpose an both sides, we get A eata28 e 4428-1, 8 Taatis, sae ® Substiuting Eq (2) in Eg. (4), we get 308-8) +28" Thatis, 68-81, Office.: 06 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968, JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET-2) 2017 2 Writing as 8” = a, we get Therefore, 12B-A- NB-4=2, MB-A=64+4B [fromEg. 3)] Therefore, 21, Answer (1) 83. We love BEB - Hes) > yon = Pee—a) » + Whea ae we" Fe) @ ; » Therefore, point A is Al x, .0 ms pols ( Fe) } + When x0: y= sa) Peas) ‘Therefore, Bis BOO, y,—xF"(H)) Point P divides AB inthe ratio 1:3, Therefore, A= HAP) 9 1) Xow, dy ay, bide mei aa On integrating, we get Iny=—3inx +C=> y= he? y)=1sk=t 1 yes ‘When we substitute the values ftom the given options, only option (3) slits the above equation Answer @) 84, Let P(E) = x and PF) =). Now, L 1 Ey R)= + 7 > AERAF = y= Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562623, 9835508812, 8507613968 EWTON CLASSES Ako, inpyal 1 1 1 PUTO) 25 = (I-PEEMI-PE) => > (1-3 )l-y) = 5 9 ayaa 1 Lt Lilt = xtystiay-) a xeyete til o rtyets te p Penny aoenv er! va o Now, 9 CWP Oty aay > oF = From Eqs. (1) and (2), we get Geryeny= Answer (4) 85. We have Answer (2) 86. We hive od The focal distance of pont (2) is 21 + #). Therefore, 24 H)=8 14 eed ea3e te The slope ofthe tangent at 2(4,f5)', 4:43): (6,443) ‘The slope of the normal is +3 man yativee ‘These lines passthrough (6,45). Therefore, HB as 546 = c= 405 = Id “Answer (4) Office.: 06 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968, JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET-2) 2017 = 87, We have —_—* _, =, —* 2x44)" foxes] Vitand, where x= 1, @=0. Substituting x—1 When r=2, 0= (J) = NB, [pit tanan fimo fiat | Fret evap“? “1 awry 1 osece “34 a 1sin€ sino] > HfL-o)=t > $24 es ak 525k kot 3L""6 3|2 Je oo eas Answer (1) 88, For 2-5) = ()", we have (—1)G2 + 5x-50) Therefore, x-1=0,x45¢-50=0 rH 1,2°4 We—Sx— 50 = 0 = afx+ 10)— Sfx + 10)=0 = (r+ 10) (x-5)= 0 x=-10, 5 ‘Therefore, the sum ofall the real values of x, we get =104541=—4 Answer @) 89, The given function is fae 3845847 f'(a)= 3x 6245 ‘The discriminant of the above quadratic equation is A= 36-4(3)(5) =36 -60.<0 Therefore, P@)>0VxeR™ Also, £G)>0VreR ‘Therefore, the given function fis increasing in R Answer @) 90, We have 2C,9C, HCH INC 49C, XC, HC, Hy lOL, SE ION, St 1 3! Sanat 2 32 out 4 ay 1OX9XB , 5X4 1009, 54 gg 3x2 2x1 2 2x1 = 600 + 450+ 100-4 5= 1155 -> Total number of ways ‘The number of ways to form a committee having mare women than men is peeer 101 3! x C+ 10! 3 10x 1045 =105 XO Set T= 10x 1045-1 ‘Therefore, the probability for thee committees to have more wornen than men is 10s, ee Answer (1) Office.: 606 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562623, 9835508812, 8507613968

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