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R. K. MALIK'’S JEE (MAIN & ADV.), MEDICAL + BOARD, NDA, IX & X NEWTON CLASSES Enjoys unparalleled reputation for best results in terms of percentage selection JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET - 1) 2018 QUESTION PAPER PACS 4. An aiitomobile, travelling at'40 kmh, can be stopped at a distance of 40 mbyapplying brakes. Ifthe same 1, The relative rforintBe determination ofthe surface area | __ automobile is traveling at 80 km/h, the minimum stop- of a sphere és a. Then the telative error in the determina- Ping distance, in mgs, is (aggyne no bidding) tion ofitsvohume is () 73m @) 100m @) 150m @ 160m A particle is oscillating on the X-axis. with an amplitude 2.em about the point x, = 10.em With a frequency @. A concave mirror of focal length Sem isplaced at the origin (see figure) The velocitysime graphsof a caranda scooter are shown in the figure. (1) The difference between the distance a = en travelled by the ear and the scooter in 15 s and (ii) the tT? time at which the car will catch up with the scooter are, Identifying the correct statements, respectively, (A) The image executes periodic motion (B) The image executes non-periodic motion (C) The turning points of the ithage are asymmettic wart. the image of the pointat x =110 em. (D) The distance betyieen the turning [points of the 45, 20 100 oscillation of the image is “em, 6 seis © Ao) 2 AGO os 8) BO) & BC Time in(s) > ° A force of 40)N acts on a point B at the end of an (1) 1125 mand228's YP 387 Sm and 25 s Lshapedgobject, as shown in the figure. The angle @ G) 1125 mands 4) 225.5 mand 10 5 that will produce maximum moment ofthe force about AA given object takes times more time to slide downs) Point ABE By 45° rough inclined plane-as it takes to slide down a perfectly smooth 45° incline. The-coefficient of kinetie fiction between the object and the inclines 1 Q1 e.; 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562623, 9835608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 2) tan o=2 L nO=4 (4) tan; @) tan o. ) tand= A body of mass m is moving in a circular orbit of radius R about a planet of mass M. At some instant, it splits into two equal masses. The first mass moves in a circular orbit, oti and he tr mas in car it rndivs 3. the ditfrence between the final an inti total energies is Mm GMm - ® + 2R OR vim GM 3 4) - i 2R o OR “ake the mean dstange of the moon andthe Sun from the Earth tobe Ox 106m and 150 x 10° km, respectively Their masses ae 8 x 10 kgand 2 10 kg, respetively The mdius ofthe Earth is 6400 kam. Let AF, be the dif= ference in the forces exerted by the moon at the nearest and farthest points on the Earth and AF, be the difference in the force excred by the Sun atthe nearest and farthest, point onthe Earth, Then, the rumber closest to AE. is ar, 2 @ 10 @ 06 a) 6 AA thin uniform tube is bent into a circle of radius r in the vertical plane. Equal volumes of two immiscible liquids, whose densities are, and p, (p, >.) fill half the circle. ‘The angle @ between the radius vector passing through the common interface and the vertical is ¢ e o 2a-p |. A Camot’s engine works as a refrigerator between 250 K and 300 K. It receives $00 cal heat from the reservoir at the lower temperature, The amount of work done in each cycle to operate the refrigerator is () 4205 @) 21001 Q) 7s (4) 25201 | One mole of an ideal monatomic gas is compressed iso thermally in a rigid vessel to double its pressure at room, temperature, 27 °C. The work done on the gas will be (1) 300R 2) 300RIn6 @) 300RIn2 (4) 300 RIn7 . A body of mass M and charge q is connected to a spring of spring constant A. It is oscillating along x-direction about its equilibrium position, taken to be atx = 0, with an amplitude 4. An electric fcld Es applied along the x- direction, Which ofthe following statements in correct? aE ()/The new equilibrium position is ata distance 2 ) a po fe from =0. (2), The total encray ofthe fystem is 1. IgE? dmaia +4 en 2 G) The total energy of the system is 29 (4). The new equilibrium position is at a distance om from x=0 A tuning fork vibrates with frequency 256 Hz and gives ane beat per second wit the third normal mode of vibma- n of an open pipe. What is the leng (Speed of sound in air is 340 ms") () 20cm @) 180m A change Q is placed at a distance a/2.above the centre of the square surface of edge a as shown in the figure % The electric ux through the square surface is 0 a 2 @ 2 fa 26, 2 o 3 4 5a 66 . The equivalent capacitance between A and B in the cit- cuit given below, is Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranc! |, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968, NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET = 1) 2018 our aur * Sur 5 uF uF uF: () 24uF @) 36uF Q) 49uF (4) Sar 16. In the given circuit all resistance are of value R ohm each, ‘The equivalent resistance between A and B is Battery In a\meter bridge, as shown in the figure, itis given that resistance Y= 12.5 — and that the balance is obtained at a distance 39.5 cm from end A\(by Jockey J). After inter- changing the resistances and Y)a new balance point is found at distance igfrom end A. What are the values of Xand 1? (1) 8.16 and 60.5;em Q) 19.15" ind 39.58m G) 8.160 and 39,5 em (4) 19.150 and 60:5¢m A Helmholtz coil has a pai of Joops, each with NV turns and radius R. They are placed coaxially at distance R and the same current / flows through the loops-in-the same direction. The magnitude of magnetic field at P, midway between the centres A and C, is given by [Refer to figure given) The B-H curve fora ferromagnetic is shown in the figure. ‘The ferromagnet is placed inside a long solenoid with ‘The current that should be passed in the solenoid to demagnetise the ferromagnet completely is @ 1m @) 20nA (2) 2ma (4) 40m |. An ideal capacitor of capacitance 0.2 uF is charged to a potential difference of 10 V, The charging battery is then disconnected. The capacitor is then connected to an ideal inductor of self-inductance 0.5 mH. The current ata time ‘when the potential difference across the capacitor is 5, is @) 034A @) 025 @) 017A (4) 045A ‘A. monochromatic béam off Light has a frequency x10" He arid is propagating along the direction 2n # Itis polarised along the & direction. The accept- able form for the magnet Fields cos| 101 D4 —-ax10"y] Le of ED. 2 canta ca SP.rsena0'y] ale al adel oxo dsp roxy] v2 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLAS: R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 22, A planoconvex lens becomes an optical system of 28 em. focal length when its plane surface is silvered and illumi nated from left to right as shown in Fig. A. If the same lens is instead silvered on the curved surface ‘and illuminated from other side as Fig. B, it acts like an ‘optical system of focal length 10 cm. The refractive index of the material of lens is “ne Up Lss LS1 a 8 1.30 175 @) “ay . Light of wavelength $50‘Am falls normally on a slit of ‘width 22.0 x 10° em/The angular position of the'second minima from the entrals@aximum will be (inadians) & 2 x @ 2 6 ‘Two ¢lectrons f@\moving with non-relativistic speeds perpendiculartgeach other/If corresponding de Broglie wavelengfis are A, and ,,their de Broglie wavelength in the frame of reférence attached to their centre of mass is a (2) 4 Ath) 2 @ a tid ont ‘The energy required to remove the electron from a singly ionised Helium atom is 2.2 imes the energy required to remove an electron from Helium atom, The total energy requiréd to ionise the Helium atom completely is () ev QO 34ev @) Dey (4) Toxev 4 &) dor={ A solution containinglictive cobalt $Co having adivity of 08 wCi and decay constant /% injéted in an ani- mals body. If 1 ent of blood is drawn from the animal's body after 10 hrs of injection, te setviy found was 300 ~ diamagneticyfNi(CO), ]~sqare planar In hydrogen azidel(above) the bond orders of bonds (1) and (fl) are, oa (<2 >? Q)>2 0 <2 @) >2 0 >2 @ <2 <2 49. The decreasingiofder of bond angles in BF, NH, PF and I; is () > NB, > PR > BR, @) Ge BR > NH, 38F ©) Be 5 > PBS NH, (4) BR,> NH, > PRI; 50, Xenon hexafuorid®'on partial hydrolysis produces com pounds ‘X” and *Y’. Compounds “X" ahd *Y” and the, ‘oxidation state of Xe are, respectively, (1) Xe0,+4) and Xe0,(+6) 2) XeOF,(+6) and Xe0,(+6) @)_ XcO,F,4+6) and XeO,+4) (A) XcOF,(+6) and XeO,F,(+6) SI, The IUPAC name of the following compound is (1). 4-methyl-3-ethylhex-4-ene. 2). 3-ethyl-4-methylhex-4-ene. (3). 4-ethyl-3-methylhex-2-ene, (4) 4, 4-diethyl-3-methylbut-2-ene. $2. Which of the following is the correct structure of adenosine? w NH bose ) oe CI OM Ny | bose $3. The main’ reduction produel of the following compound ‘with NaBH, in methanol is ° 6 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET = 1) 2018 54, The increasing order of titration of the following eom- pounds is Nie / OCH, Hy 0 w uy 7) () a) < €C_satisfying [| and Rez# I, is Meo’ (1) anempty set 2 0} ° ome 0 fot. 4) gation CO, @ {ot-4} oo ° |. Let Abe a matix such that A i ‘| isa scalar mati 03 2 ° Oo OMe 0 and [34] = 108. Then 4? equals : ee of of ° a» f 29 w [26 ). The reagents(s) required for the following gonversion are © BBs 36 0 4 on - Let Se the set of all eal valies of for which the system B0,C OX of linear equations, cn HO, ‘CHO Bx 2y the has a unique solution’\Then Sis ())anempty set (2) equal to (0) G) equal to (4) equatifo R > {0} () GBH, Wg) saciyficl Git) H,0 @ (LAL GD 1,0" @/ORH, Gy DBALH Git) HO @) NaBH, “WGi) Raney NVH, (iil) H,0 - digit numbers are formed using only three digits 2, 5 and 7. The smallest value of n for which 900 such distinct ‘numbers can be formed, is Tees ae orn 61. Consider the following two binary relations on the set os 2 0, bye 2 (, (0, 0), (pc 0) 0, €) (4, 2) a . Wnisthe degree ofthe polynomial] Se? (6,40, 0), Go (0, 0,0) (a,a)} and s polynomial) Se | (2, BUD, a), (€,€) (6.4), (@, a), (B, B), (a, 6}. a “Beate lpr i then the ogdefed pai ffm sequal to ()_24,(10)) 2) (8, 5(10)*) GB) (12, 20) 4) (412, 8010) ] sats cat (1). both R, and R, a not symmibuc. 2) R isnot symmetric but itis transitive @)_ Ris symmettiebut itis not transitive. (4) both &, and R, are'ransitive. 1 62. If Ae R is such thatthe sum of théleubés of the ro6ks"| NORE. Ha -aggand if BT two APs such that of the equation, 2 +(2=a)e +410 A} is minindl then the magnitude ofthe difeence of he roos ofthis rains 0 2 Ww Is the fist term ofan infinite GP whose sum is five @ wr i) 20 then b lies in the interval: x, =h,= Sand’, = ht, = 20; then x, equals (2560 2) 2650 @)_3200 (4) 1600 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET = 1) 2018 @) (=-10) 2) (10,0) @) @,10) (4) (10,2) cosy x 1 If f@)=Psinx x? 2s}, then lim tmx ox 1 (1) does not exist. (2). exists and is equal to 2 (3). exists and is equal to 0. (4) exists and is equal to ~2. rats) Irae +2 + siny =4, then the value of “ate point 2.0 is w 34 @ & @4 @ 2 Let (A, Wye Rx REF(QAM Ae!'— wpsine2Ut), ce Ra x-2and ys Vepis B 3 1o a @ 2 ° (4) Terai of teint J sn's(1+0g is Mo Q 2. 4 an 6 @) 3x 4 71. Let y = y{x) be the solution of the differential equation ay Sh+2y= fla), where joo-{h *2100 “0, otherwise 3 1F3(0)=0, then (3) is e+ w . In W triangle ABC, oordifates of A are (1, 2) and the equations of the medians through B and, are, respec= tively, x+y ="S and x= 4 Then area of ABC (in sq units) is w 2 @ 5 aa ays A circle passes through the point (2/3) a (4, $). I the centre lies om the line,» 4x + 3 = O, then its tadius is equal to (2 @ 8 @ 2 4) 1 |. Two parabolas with a common vettex and with axes along seaxis and y-axis, respectively, interséet each other in the first quadrant. If the length of the latus rectum of each parabola is 3, then the equation of the common tangentto the two parabolas is () 4a+y43=0 G) 824+) +3=0 2) 3e+s+4=0 (4) x+y+3=0 Ihe tangents dravn tothe hyperbola sect the coOrdinate axes af the distinct points and B, then the locus ofthe midpoint of AB is () ag eiory?= 0,7 0) 492-1605 @) avai Tory=0 4) 4e—y—16r . If B is one ofthe angles between the normal to the clipe, + 3)? =9 at the points (3c0s6, Ysin 6) and ® 2eot B (-3sin 6, V3cos8); 6e OF) then ae is esta © Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLAS: ES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES ey B v2 o 2 eo “ 83. A variable plane passes through a fixed point (3,2, 1) and meets x,,y and z axes at 4, B and C, respectively. A plane is drawn parallel to yz-plane through A, a second plane is drawn parallel zx-plane through and a third plane is drawn parallel to xy-plane through C. Then the locus of the point of intersection of these three planes, is aw 34 ° Br L 2 L ‘An angle between tte plane, x + y of intersection of the planes, 3x + 4y + 5x +8y+22 14 =0)i8 «y xiny(5777) @) gos'(avi7) =1=0 and (2) oe*(7m7) ( sin"(ai7) 1 ay6 and are unPvectop such that 3-+26-+22 =, the [efi equa © a a The mean of as@¥0F30 observations is 75. I'each obser- vation is multiplied by a non-zero number 2 and then cach of them is decreased by 25, their mean remains the same\Then dis equal to a Q 10 ey 5 @ 87. A box ‘A’ contains 2 white, 3 red and 2 black balls ‘Another box ‘B" contains 4 white, 2 red and 3 black balls. If two balls are drawn at random, without replacement, from a randomly selected box and one ball turns out to bbe white while the other ball tums out to be red, then the probability that both balls are drawn from box “B’ is 2 @ 2 16 ” 16 wo 2 . 1 3 a) 2 ) 5 If tan A and tan Bare te roots of the quadratic equation, 3x° - Lx) = 25 =0, then the value of 3sin’ (4+ B)—10sin( 4+ B)eOs(4+°)-25cos*(4+B) a @) -10 -25 Q 10 (4) 25 . An sroplane fying a a cog pee, pala to the torizonal ground V5 km above is observed at an cle {ation of 60° fom a port on the gfUNE IE per ve seconds, its elevation fom the sai point is 304 then the speed (inkm hr} ofthe aoplane is (1500 @ @) 750 “ 1440 720 II (pa-g)a(par)~/pvq jis false, then the truth values ofp, q and r are, respectively ) ELF O/T ET @) TTT (4) REF a « @) 4) @ a 4) a oO a) 20. GV 21. 31. @ 32, ® 33, oo 34 a 35. a 36. a 37. Q 38. a 39, re) 40. ‘None ofthe given option is correct. me BI. a, n. 82. 63. ™ 83. 64, 4. 84, Q) st: a. 82. 53, s4, 58, 56. @) 65, 66. 16. 57. 67. 7. 58, 68. 78. 59. o. PD. 70. 80, 8s, 86. a. 8. 89. 60. 90, Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968, NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~ 1) 2018 ANSWERS WITH EXPLANATIONS Gees 1, Arca of sphere is given as 4 = 4%? ‘Taking logarithm on both sides, we get In A = In (4x) Using In (ab) = In (a) + In (6), we have In A = In (4) + In (RE) Now, using In @’= 6 Ina, we have Ind = In (4x) +2 In R Differentiating above equation, we obtain o (Differentiation of a constant is zero) Itis given that relative ¢fror in determination of the surface arca of a sphere is Therefore, @ Using Eq, (2) in Eq, (jive get a) tay =In( $22} (In (ab) = Ina + 19) > tor=u(S2}oane -nid)=bike ng above equation, we get Ww i (+> Differentiation off €@nstant is zero) dW _ ya Using Eg. (3), we get “= 30% ig Ea. (3), we get Toa 3xS Therefore} relative erfOr in determination of volume of sphere = 3.2. Answer (1) From the given Velocitystime graphi@8lobserve that the car is having unifortily accelerated motion ‘while the scooter is having uniform motion, thus, displacement of car is given as war on ‘where u is the initial velocity and 718 the time and a is acceleration Now we know initial velocity is zero =» w= 0. Therefore, 1 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Given r= 15 s and acceleration = Therefore, Now displacement of scooter is given as... From graph, we get v= 30 mis, therefore, 5... = 30 15 =450m ‘Thus, the difference between the distance travelled by ear and scooter in 15 seconds is AS = Se Se, = 450~ 337.5 = 1125 m > As=112,5m (i) Let the ear catch up with the ster in time # seconds, then Displacement of scooter in time = Displacement of car in time 1 @ Now; since the scooter has uniform motion; therefore, displacement of seodter'= , x1 We know v, = 30 m/s Therefore, displacement of ooter in time =30r ° Now, the car has uniforin accelerated motiontil ite? = 15 s and unifoim motion beyond that Therefore, displacement of per {wz} coat fen We know = Ont, = 15 sand a=3 mist v There, aplisement of cari ime 1= a+ 5315) + 45(¢—15) = 337.5 + 451-675 Therefore, displagement of car in time = -337.5 +457 Using relation (2) and equations (3) and (4), we get 301 = 3375 + 4519 (45 —30)1= 337.5 1 Angwer (1) Consider thesféllowifig figures: nese wrest Rough Smooth, We know that fora bdy moving with Gonsiant accelerd¥OByUE Kinematics eqiion is given as = ut + ar Initial velocity, w= 0 => s= 1 Now for smooth inclined plane For rough inclined plane sin 8 gyi cos @ Also, time taken to travel down the smooth inclined plane 1, = # and time taken to travel down the rough inclined plane mt. Therefore, Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~ 1) 2018 gsinO-gucos 0 sind tan @ => pitan @= Now we know @= 45° => tan 45° = 1 Therefore, Answer 2) Given, automobile travelling at 40 km/h can be stopped at a distance of 40 m, then stopping distance v Go Bpring distmcem- ” ‘Therefore, stopping distince of automobilétravelling at 80 km/h is Stopping distance Thus, minimum stopping distanée of automobile travelling at 80 kmifrin.metres is 160m. Answer (4) Given, focal length = 5 cm; amplitude of oscillation = 2 cm; position x, = 10 em X= 100m ‘Therefore, Thus, image executes a periodic motion, so (A) is correct Now since the particle is oscillating, For right extremié) For left extreme, Thus, the points are symiilfc about x,, option (C) is correct. (2 _40_ 60 ‘Now amplitude offimage soy Thee int D scone dill Doo ming pin ogg An Answer @) . Moment of force at point A is given as T= 4F cos 0+.2K sind, Differentidte wert, “Owe get 4p sind s2F cond 2 ~4F sin 8+ 2F cos 8=0=» 2F cos 8=4F sin @=> cos Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 7. Initial energy = GM(m!2)_GM(mi2) GM(m/2, Final Energy = G12) 2 BRT 2 RD 3R/2 2RI2—__2x3R/2 =GM(m/2)_ GM(m/2) (“u) Therefore, AF = Final enefgy ~ Initial enetgy = 2x3R2\ 2 Answer (4) 8. Welhave AP, = difference inthe forces exerted by the moon at the nearest and farthest poings on the Earthi'Therefare, where m, is mass of Sun, m, 4A _ Gm,m, Gm, R, , therefore, 8x10" (sox1o'y 2, 210" * (O-axI0 Answer (1) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~ 1) 2018 9. Wehave P= Pgh, P= gh, + pak +P. = Pish = Pish + P.ghy = B= Bh+ p.glt Now h, = R¢ (1 —sin 0); hy = Rsind + Roos > PRI sin = p.R(1~cos®) + p,(Rsin B~ Roos) = PR p.Rsin 6 pyR- pcos 9+ p.Rsin 0+ p,Reos @ = (a+ P\RsinO—(p,~ p)ReowO=0 = (a+ BRNO (p,— p_)RBRB sind Answer (None)* 10. Given: 7, = 250K; 7, = 300 K; Q, = $00 cal r, Efficiency == efficiency = Work done 1V = Q, x1 500% 4.184 Ly 11. Work done in isothermal proces given as J v, Using PV, = P,V we get > ‘Therefore, Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Now given that T= 27 °C = 300 K (70°C = 273 K =9 27 °C => 27+273 K) and P, = 2P, Therefore, W =-300nR in 1 a Also, n=1 = 7 =-3002In( 1). Now, using tn{) =n) (2), we gst (3) a (;) yee) bs W = 300 R{In(1)—In(2)] = -300.R[0~In2] => W=300 RIn2 Answer Q) . Total energy of the system = kinetic energy + potential energy Given a anf itn A Thal ats ‘When electric field is applied, new mean positionlis k= gE > x Thus, new total erfergy afler electric field is applied is binat ee hie? = L mat a He 2 2 2" Total energy = Lmar #412 = a 2 & 1 ges ene ei sco with te ira normal mode wraton fan open pie That eqn) of pepe 361) Spa of oundin iis 0 mi Ny we now eqn of itd oma mad of viaion of open pipes gen Mea 9 20 255g 1 MO Y U uw 2x255 =2m= 200m Answer (4) . In the figure given in question, we can draw a cube enclosing charge Q at the centre, then according w gauss la, we have Aug S Electric flux through six surfaces of cube 2Q Therefore, elastic fabthrough one surface = Answer (4) . The given circuit is a8 shown below: Coa2ur aa aS WEES SUF Cy22 uF = Here capacitance C,, C, and C, are comected in parallel. Therefore, Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~ 1) 2018 C=C, +0, +C, =SpP + SpF+2pF =124F Also, capacitance C, and C, are in parallel. Therefore, C'=C,+C,=2uF +4yF = 6nF Cya6uF 0 Cnt2uF Oe uF Therefore, equivalent capacitance of the circuit is The given circuit is Current will flow aldlig A ~P/Q-S-R-B Thereforeyeiivalent circuit is Therefore, ‘The balanded condition of Wheatstone bridge is (100 ~1, Given 1, = 395 em; ¥= 12.5. Therefore, 4U00~39.5)=12.5 39.5) =.4(60.5)= 125009.) = x = 255 _ ea Now, if°and Yaresiiterchanged then balanced condition of Wheatstone bridge becomes 100-1) =X, In this condition, ¥= 1205; X= 846Wtherefore, 125 (100-4) = 816 1,=> 1250=912s51, = 8{16 1, 1250 = 20.66 , _ 1250 = wali = 20.66 18, Magnitude of the magnetic field due to one coil s given by ik Answer (1) Answer (1) Answer (1) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Now net magnetic field Now i= N/, therefore, Answer 2) Therefore, Answer (1) . The given Circuit is — 1 =05mH Given: capacitors chargé to a potential difference of 10V => ¥,=10V Therefore, charge on capacitor, Q,= CV, = 0.2 uF x 10 V oe Now, £, = Energy stored in capacitor = cv; ‘c= Energy Pi 3% 1 P w= => w= 1.55 NH unto Therefore, refractive index of material of lens = 1.55, Answer @) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET 2» R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 23. Given: wavelength of light = $50 nm; width of slit =22.0 x 10-5 em We know that n= d sin 6; where n is 2 (for second minima), 2 is wavelength, dis width of slit. Therefore, Substituting the values, we get ge sin-if 2550107 m) _ (_2%350%10"%m ~ 2.0x10%em (1) 92% ra (Saeed Answer (3) A Answer @) 2S, Energy required to remove electron from a singly ionised Helium atom is given as 13.62? _13.6(2)° 2) -13.6x4= 54.4 eV ci oO Let energy required to remove gn electron from Helium atom is £ Ibis given £ = 2.28” . Therefore, (E_S44ev 227-22 ‘Thus, total energy required to ionise the Helium atom completely is =24.70V 2544 cV + 24.7 V=79.10V~79cV Answer @) 26, We know that mem dt Its given that activity = 0.8 Ci. Therefore, AN, = 0.8 HC Given: If 1 cm? of blood is drawn from the animal's body after 10 hours of injection then activity was 300 decays per minute. Let ¥ be the volume of blood flowing, then activity reduces as =. Thus, Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~ 1) 2018 Leaves = 2 7 0 8 UCi, &* = 0.84, Ci=3.7 x 10" in above equation, we obtain Lyognio*ia 73108084220 biaasses = 7 There, vlan ofblod faving = es Answer (4) 27. We know at Vetus gin Y= Curie Bin = B= 1 Power gain = Voltage gain x Current gain R, R =p Rix pap R R Answer (1) 28, Number of stations is givenas Band width Numbers of stations = ——__Band width __\.- 2x highest modulating frequency 300 kHz => Number of stations = 5° SH _ 2x15 kHz Answer @) 29, Let length of rod = /, mass of rod= M. At equilibrium, we have On rearrangitig, we get - 1 Now, comparing with equation of straightfine: y= mx ¥ c, WeSee thatthe yatiables that give a straight line are m, Answer @) }. Given: Linear distance covered in 5 rotations = 0.25 en 02s So, distance covered in I rotation = ——= 0.05 em 3 ‘There are 100 circular scale divisions. Therefore, least count = 0.05 x 107 em. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Reading from 4 main scale divisions => 4x 0.05 =0.2.em Reading from 30 circular scale divisions => 30 x 0.05 x 102 = 1.5 x 10 em Thus, thickness of wire = 0.2 em + 1.$x 107 = 0.2150 em Answer @) CHEMISTRY 31. The reaction is 2NaClO, —*-2NaCI +30, mol of NaCl =2:mol of AgCl Number of moles of 005imo1 9f0,= 0.0052 = 9033mat of ABC! “The mass of AgCL obtained will be = 143.5 0.0033 = 0.48 g Answer @) ferromagnetic substancef/the dipoles have equal moments, but djacent dipoleS pointin opposite directions. Thus, moments balance each other, resulting in a zero net magnetisation TITITY ‘The reaction a Saturation point is PbCI,(s) = Pb**(aq) +2C1-(aq) Answer @) If the solubility of the salt is S mol L-*\, then [Pb*"]= SM and [Cr] =5 M So, K, =[P6" JIC} 32x10 =Sx(25)° 4s? =32x10" 9) =32810" 5 se 2x10? Molecular weight of Pc Let L bethe volume required to dissolve 0. g of lead (I) chloride Therefore, 2x10? = Otek 278emol™ XL on 278X2x10> IBN Answer @) For reaction 2NO,(g) = 2NO(g)+03(g);.An,>0 So, if volume increases, pressure decreases and n decreases, therefore, the reaction will move in the direction where» increases, that is in the forward direction which in turn will favour the formation of products. Answer (1) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~ 1) 2018 35. At cathode: 2H*(aq)+2e" + H,(g) AUNTP, 22.4 L or 22400 mL of H,= 1 mol of H, 112 mL of | x112= 0,005 molof H, 200 xe F osx 255 296800 ‘We know n area Answer (1) The decompain retin 69200, 10,8) ° We know a = $0 mm Hg. a—x4 2x4 at3yae75 2 s75-s0=375-9 122758 Forfst order reaction, it =2 a0aiee(—-) At 50 min, fe =23030¢( 2303 B23031og2 = k= 2308x03010 u=2s0si0e(—} 1028203000 suse 0 } 30 op 2x03010miee{ 2) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES ‘Therefore, total pressure at 100 min can be calculated as ‘Totalpressure=a~y+2y-++ = 5043375 =10625 mm Hp Answer (8) 37. We know AH = AU +An,R7 o where A, = gaseous moles of products ~ gaseous moles of reactants For reaction 2HI(g) > H,(g)+1(8); An, =0 Therefore, from Eq. (1), w6 get ‘AH= AU Answer @) Freezing poitt is a Golligstive property. The colligstive properties are properties that depend only on thé number of solute particles in a solution, but aré independent of the nature of those particles: Therefore, freezing point of colloidal solution will be same as that of trug solution ef same concentration of a solute Answer (1) ). Front photoclectrigexperimet, we have B= IY, (KE hy Rew sKE ZaW + KE aw where “is the energy of incident radiation, IV is the work function and (K.E.),.. is the kinetic energy of the ejected electrons, WKB). 6.610 x3 10" 236.7%10" 1.610 49SeV=W + 0,5eV > W=4.45 eV =W +05 (As IV=IeV) Answer 2) Ug Uren =24(-5)=-3kb mol! For a cyclic process, AU = 0. TherefORAU = AU AU, + AU, M0, =-AU gn Uge =—(-3)-(-S) = 8k mol" Mon =e * Wen 8 =Gey+3=9 dey =5kI mor! Answer 2) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~ 1) 2018 |. In representative (s- and p-block) elements, there is a general decrease of atomic radius in a period because the effective nuclear charge (Z.) increases across a row: When a negative ion is formed, one or more electrons are added to an atom and. the effective nuclear charge is reduced. The electron cloud expands and the size of negative ion becomes more. Hence, the correct order of inereasing ionic radii is Mg?’ < Na’ < F< O Answer 3) The arrangement of electrons in molecular orbitals is a follows: olso*lso. Answer (2) . B(CH,), acts as a Lewis acid due to incomplete octet of boron atom. Answer @) In graphite, each carbon is sp* hybridised: Therefore, percentage of p-chafacter can be calculated as Si ofilader = 2 100 =66 66° In diamond, each catbon is sp' hybridised. Therefore, percentage of plchara 4% of pharacter = 3100= 75% Answer (4) . The anién is Cr. Chloride fon reacts with AgNO, to give a white precipitate cr Ag’ agct L AgCLiginsuble in dil nitric ac Anmwer @) (octahedral wih one F Positon unoccupied) Tshaped ‘enon oxyluorie Xe0r, xeOF. Answer (3) 47, n[NiCL J the Bleetronic confghtaton oF Ni is 3%, “ fat box opie This isan outer orbital complex and paramagnetic in nature. In [Ni(CO),), the electronic configuration of Ni is 34'4s. CO being a strong field ligand will cause the pairing of the electrons, Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 3d 4s ap 1 ee] ee] e This is an inner orbital complex and diamagnetic in nature. The hybridisation of Ni in [Ni(CO),] is sp* and the shape is tetrahedral 48, The hydrogen azide molecule has a bent structure H 412 N 12h 113K From the abave resonating structures of azide, we can see that number of bonds is greater than 2 fori(II) and less than 2 for @, Answer (1) 49, The shape of ti given molecules is as follows: BF, Planar triangle with bond angles of 120° NH, Trigonall tidal with bond angles of 107° Ij: Linear with bond angles 180%, [a= PE: Trigonal pyramidal with bond angles of 97.8°. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~ 1) 2018 50. The reactions involved are as follows Xen, 41,0 Sor +20 XeOF,+ HO > XeO,F, +2HF Answer (4) 51. The IUPAC name of the compound is 4-ethyl-3-methylhex-2-ene. Answer @) 52. The structure of adenesine is Answer (1) 53. Aldehydes and ketones are easily reduced by sodium borohydride (NaBH,). It does not redice amide and alkene groups. °° oH 0 NMe, NSH, ‘NM Mea “Methanol sss 54, Nitratin is an electrophilic substitution reaction. Substituents that increase the eléctron déhsity on the benzene ring acti- vate it towards the electrophilic substitution reaction, Substituent groups with unshared electron pairs on the atom adjacent tothe benzene ring (e-g., amino, methoxy) are stronger activating groups than groups‘without unshared electron pairs (i. alkyl groups), Even though amine is strong activating-group;it gets protonated in the presence of acid to form anilinium ion which is deactivating. Hence, (I) wali be less reactive than (II). Chlorine although contain unshared electron pairs, it is deactivating toward electrophilic aromatic substitution because of'the electronegative effect of the halogens. Answer (4) Answer @) (0 -(Ry: Activated carbon oF detivated charcoal isan extremely) porous cafBen that haa very large surface aca available for adsorption. Hence, it adsorbs coloured impurities {ll-(P}: Steam distillation separates the mixtir€ of -itropheno! and p-ritrophenol. The ortho isomer is steam volatile due to intramolecular hydrogen bonding while para isomer is not {11){Q): Fractional distillation separates crude naptha. V4): Distillation under reduced pressure separates mixture of glycerol and sugars Answer (3) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES ‘56, The copolymer formed by addition polymerisation of styrene and acrylonitrile in the presence of peroxide is (CH,—CH —CH,— CH 1 I Coll ON 557, In dehydrohalogenation of alkenes, the reaction proceeds by ECB mechanism: Br CG SO" ‘The benzyl carbaniowis more stable thaf vinyh carbanion due to resonance. So, the carbaiiion become more stable in the transition state, grid the alkyne is formed, Answer (4) $8 At pH = 7/compound @) willinot exist as zwitfer ion. As nitrogeiexists in the form of amide not in the form of amine, therefore, it will not get protonated at pH 7. ° a NeICH,CH2e Cl A 1 ‘oH ono. o—c—aner, —a Answer (4) Friedel cats | anh AC, allyation TOs, i. 2.sr0Khoy = — 2 Stephen's Answer (1) .cH,0H CHO fb Ko" CHOH Answer (1 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~ 1) 2018 29 (Ses) 61. Given Ry = {(e.4).(b, B) (a, 0), (6,0) (0), (aa) R,= (a,b), (b, a), (€, 0), (ca), (a, a), (, B), (a, 0} A, is symmetric as for any (a,,a,) € R, we have (a,,a,) € R, . But R, is not symmetric For checking transitivity, we observe forR, that (b,a) € R,, (a,c) € R, but (b,c) & R, Similarly for, (b,c) € R, (c,a) eR, but (0,4) € R,. So neither R, nor R, is transitive Answer @) Let the root of the equation x + (2 — A)x + (10 A)=O be arand fh. Now a+ B= 1-2, 08 =10-% (a+ B)(a* B — 308) A=2) (A -2) + 3(4- 109) (2-2) (0?-2-26)= 12) f'Q)=9-2-26+(A-2)24 2) = (A= 38 6424 = faye 3% 22-8) ASA =HA-ANA+2)=0 S"A=6A-1), {(B=0> 2: J"(-2)<0 and f"(4)>0 So, minimum valle occur at =a,p= Therefore, la—B|=2v5 Answer @) D+(-8a): me Given is plrely imaginary, So, 0 +(1 802+ 2-2x+ (1 -BGY2=2)=0 > (1-1) +Ba=T)(1-2)=0 = (1-9 (1+8a-1)=0 > (1-28a=0 = x=1ora=0 Since, x # 1 according to given data so a= 0. Answer @) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 68, Giyen:x + yore, 2x4 For unique solution, A + 0 So, Therefore, and 3 + 66, Let Every place can be filled by any ofte of So, number ofm digit numbers are 3° Therefore, abel se I ot ag a Answer (4) 2y+ Wk+2)—12k +3) +1(4—3) k+2-2k-3 ae=ke0. ke R-(0) Answer (4) be n digit number and 17 ot by 3 ways 3°>900 = n27 = n=7 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranc! |, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET SEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~ 1) 2018 seen, fics GT 3 5 5x0 +1 and 6 = 50 1. (a+ 5) +(a~b)'= CC, a $C, db? HC, 04h + °C, ab + °C, Bt) 9G (58 + + GSP +1) B=) 4G, +1 Gx 1 $C (Se + {Se = 1) +4C (Se =1)4 So, degree of polynomial isn = 12 and coefficient of x" =x" is NSH IG, S14 AC, SUFIC, SHC, St = SYD = S427 = 8x10" Therefore, Gm) = (12, 80105) Answer (4) 1 Given two APS.x.%, 048, and “ au ih Now, ‘Where, d is Commbn difféFence’of first AP And, ‘Where, d, i@mmon differensé of second AP We fow that So, From Eq, (I).and Eq. ), welget From Eq)(2) and Eqi(@), we get StS d, = 2 200 Logi 205K 1 ythy =, hy = (5 aero, Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 20064 _ (48+16) =40x64 Answer (1) lerel Pina AMEE 2 Therefore, b lies inthe interval (0,10). Given Psinx tan y inx 1 0) Jeosx x 1) feos asinx x° 2x|4:2eosx 2x 2] +Psinx tanx x 1] [taney x 1] fsoctx sinx(x? ~2x*) ~(2sinx 2x tan x) + c05 x(0~-2x)—x(2sin x-0-2xsec" x) +(2sinx— x sec’ x) x" sinx~2sinx + 2xtan x~2xcosx+ 2x" sec! x—x" see! x+2$in.x Then, LOS xsinx + 2tanx—2oosx+x 920" x Therefore, = li (xsinx + 2an.x—2cosx—xsee! x)=-2 Answer (8) Pasiny=4 2xt2y2 + ol ae St de ds” Gyxeosy) ay a dy 2@y-hc0sy)=2s( 22 sin = ( dx _@y Gyreosy Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~ 1) 2018 _ 0+) +4(2(4)—0)_ (+ Answer (1) 72 Given: FO = (lew sin(2ep Checking the differentiability at r= 0 LHL. =lim f(@)= lim(|Ael!— y)sin(2h)) Jim (Ae —y)sin2h=0 RELL, = line 7) = lim(| Ae" josin2 Lida. =f0) So, ft) is continuous forall r. LO™ = FO) _ AAC’ — usin 2h =f La 2 Ae" — wy =-2\ py RELD.= fig OP LO) a 4-my LHD=RHD = 4(4-p=05 p= A 22R, 120 ‘Therefore is a subset of /RX{0, =) Angwer (1) Let ZOBD = So, in AOBD BD=rcos a Volume of cone is given by So, Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES = ZL cosa (cosa -2sina -2sin* a)=0 3 Since,cos ar# 0. Therefore, cos? a —2sina-2sin’ a =0 =31-3sin? a 2sina=0 = 3sin® at 2sina—1=0 sin a—1¥sin a+ 1)= 0 L sin a+1#0, sina=~ 3 So, maximum value of volume occurs at sin: Surface area of curvéd surface vr 2x a4 Therefore, required area is given as Pac Afea of a.anc Answer @) ( 2+ sin tee 0 Now putz=—2, p "st toe(2=222 a From Eq, (land Ba, (2))we get b= 2 (sin FF eae" Hae . 217), 3) Answer @) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES dy Paya see dx oe) a For x [0,1] Atx=0,y=0 So, For x € (0,1) Therefore, Answer (4) So, centroid Gis (4, 1) Let coorditate of Blc,5~a)and C(4,). (a+t I-a) Midpoint AB lies of median of ZC and bas value a 24,1 se SA gsant 2) Similan, midpoint Ais of median of 2 and bat valve Wf 3, So, Therefore, area of A ABCis Answer (4) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~ 1) 2018 79. Centre (a, B) lies on line y~4x+3 =0 ‘Then, B=4a-3 And Radius = \(a-2)* (B37 = \a—4y +(B-5) oF + B+ 13 -da-6f= 02 + f+ 41 -8a-108 8 => a+ B=7 =a+4a-3=7=9 a=2, B=5 Radius = (2-27 +(5—3)) 80. Equation of tangent of parabola y* = 3x isy=mx+ = jere 4a = 3. So, : e. He 3. So, y 7 Js also tangent of prabold x? = 3 2ai\ — es ere 3m =0 3x -3m-L= im D=0 9m? 44x =09"**-05m am m Answer (1) 13. ww i vtan0—4x + ysee=-1=9 xtan 0—2y see O= A Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES Points on axis are -4-<0t0,0),8(0,£0os0 Let the mid-point of AB is (, 8) Answer (2) 82. Given: uation of tangents pint Seos 8 5s" xoos@ 3 cos V3 _-coté ones ‘ 3 ‘sind V3 Equation of tangent point (-3sin @, V3 cos 8) =xsin@ | yoos @_ 3 So, slope is Bi Slope of normal are “> and — e cot 6 and Therefore, angle betweenifidrmal is given by i 3tand+ xe a0" iano 2cot sin26~ sine ‘83, Equation of plane is given as Seaton ofp psig rogh,2 ts Se 24a Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~ 1) 2018 Points are on axes A(a, 0, 0), B= (0, b, 0) and C(0, 0, ¢) Therefore, kocu of intersection pot of plane through point 4, Band C; paral ty, x and y= plane, respectively is 32a Answer (4) 1. Given: Be dy-+e—1=O and Sx+8y 422 +14=0 Direction of lin of intersection of planes is given by i 7 &| 3 4 1)=i@-8)-j(6-5)+k24-20)=—j+4k 8 sing [ej 2. ej +s] _ Viste ytvis o-we( 8) Answer (1) . Given G#25+26 =O and|al’ =|5| = a+28 We know that Angwer (I) Letobsefyations ates, So, B15 = betty = 30x75 100 25330 = 75x30 5 A3OX75) = 10039 = A= TE 4 3 Answer @) Box A Box B 2White ball 4 White ball 3 Red ball 2Red ball 2 Black ball 3 Black ball Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 1 2 Probability of drawing one red and one white ball is given by Probability of taking box 4 and box B is P(A) = P(B)= Porsmy= aye: B 14.18 Wott 77 Tis tai 73 “16 is Answer (2) . Given roots oF equate 224 10s ~ 25 =O are tan 4 and tan B. 0 10" wn A tan B= 3 3 tn A+ tan B _ (10/3) itn dun ~ |, 25 1 + 6054+ B) 7510x170 _25x196 Therefore, 3sin’( A+ B)—10sin( A+ B)cos( A+ B)—25cos"(A+ B) < i Dent » ¢ 2210 221 2 . From given data We\draw the figure below ke) Ae Height of plane ig DE =cb=V3 i tango S29 5 4 aE Distance travelled by plane in 5 seconds is cD=c Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET JEE MAIN (ONLINE SET ~ 1) 2018 Therefore, 2=Sxv> = 33650 km b= 25720 = 140 km? Answer @) 90. Given(pa~g) (par) >~ pvqis false Now, truth table Only possible solution of (p, 4, 7)4s (T, F,T) or (T, FF) Answer @) Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET

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