Divide and Conqure

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Divide and conquer

Rutal Mahajan
S.N.P.I.T.R.C., Umrakh

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 1

Divide & Conquer
Contains following major phases:
1. Breaking the problem into several sub-problems that are
similar to the original problem but smaller in size,
2. Solve the sub-problem recursively (successively and
independently), and then
3. Combine these solutions to sub problems to create a solution
to the original problem.

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 2

Divide & Conquer

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 3

Merge sort
• The key to Merge Sort is merging two sorted lists into
one, such that if you have two lists X (x1x2…xm)
and Y(y1y2…yn) the resulting list is Z(z1z2…zm+n)

• Merge sort: O (n lgn) in worst case

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 4

Merge sort
• Merge sort Algorithm
MergeSort(arr[], left, right)
If right > left
1. Find the middle point to divide the array into two halves:
middle m = (left+right)/2
2. Call mergeSort for first half:
Call mergeSort(arr, left, m)
3. Call mergeSort for second half:
Call mergeSort(arr, m+1, right)
4. Merge the two halves sorted in step 2 and 3:
Call merge(arr, left, m, right)

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 5

MergeSort (Example) - 1

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 6

MergeSort (Example) – 1 contd.

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 7

MergeSort (Example) – 1 contd.

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 8

MergeSort (Example) – 1 contd.

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 9

MergeSort (Example) – 1 contd.

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 10

MergeSort (Example) – 1 contd.

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 11

MergeSort (Example) – 1 contd.

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 12

MergeSort (Example) – 1 contd.

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 13

MergeSort (Example) – 1 contd.

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 14

MergeSort (Example) – 1 contd.

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 15

MergeSort (Example) – 1 contd.

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 16

MergeSort (Example) – 1 contd.

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 17

MergeSort (Example) – 1 contd.

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 18

MergeSort (Example) – 1 contd.

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 19

MergeSort (Example) – 1 contd.

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 20

MergeSort (Example) – 1 contd.

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 21

MergeSort (Example) – 1 contd.

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 22

MergeSort (Example) – 1 contd.

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 23

MergeSort (Example) – 1 contd.

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 24

MergeSort (Example) – 1 contd.

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 25

MergeSort (Example) – 1 contd.

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 26

MergeSort (Example) – 1 contd.

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 27

MergeSort (Example) – 2
merge part

14 23 45 98 6 33 42 67

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 28

14 23 45 98 6 33 42 67

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 29
14 23 45 98 6 33 42 67

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 30
14 23 45 98 6 33 42 67

6 14

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 31
14 23 45 98 6 33 42 67

6 14 23

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 32
14 23 45 98 6 33 42 67

6 14 23 33

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 33
14 23 45 98 6 33 42 67

6 14 23 33 42

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 34
14 23 45 98 6 33 42 67

6 14 23 33 42 45

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 35
14 23 45 98 6 33 42 67

6 14 23 33 42 45 67

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 36
14 23 45 98 6 33 42 67

6 14 23 33 42 45 67 98

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 37
• Example 3: given two sorted sub arrays
L1 = { 3 10 23 54 } L2 = { 1 5 25 75}
merge(L1, L2) = { 1 3 5 10 23 25 54 75}
Merge sort
X: Y:
3 10 23 54 1 5 25 75


02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 39


X: Y:
3 10 23 54 5 25 75


02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 40


X: Y:
10 23 54 5 25 75

1 3

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 41


X: Y:
10 23 54 25 75

1 3 5

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 42


X: Y:
23 54 25 75

1 3 5 10

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 43


X: Y:
54 25 75

1 3 5 10 23

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 44


X: Y:
54 75

1 3 5 10 23 25

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 45


X: Y:

1 3 5 10 23 25 54

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 46


X: Y:

1 3 5 10 23 25 54 75

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 47

Analysis of Merge Sort

If we look at the Merge Sort algorithm (from last class) more closely, we
notice that the running time on an array of size n accrues as follows:

1. First, we spend time O(1) for computing m.

2. Then, we make two recursive calls to Merge Sort, with arrays of sizes
⌊(n − 1)/2⌋ and ⌈(n − 1)/2⌉.
3. Finally, we call Merge. Merge goes through the two sub arrays with one
loop, always increasing one of i and j. Thus, it takes time Θ(n).

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 48

Quick sort
Partition the array A[p….r] in to two sub arrays A[p...q-1] and A[q+1...r] such that
each element of A[p…q-1] < = A[q]. q is an index from which partitioning is done.

Sort the two subarrays A[p...q-1] and A[q+1...r] by recursive calls to quick sort.

Since the sub arrays are sorted in place, no work is needed to combine them: entire
array A[p...r] is sorted now.

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 49

1. in place sorting
2. O(nlogn) time for average case sorting
3. Efficient in practice

1. not stable when two elements are same
2. O(n2) time for worst case sorting
3. Efficient in practice

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 50


Partition takes place in O(n) time

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 51

Given an array of n elements (e.g. integers):

If array only contains one element, return

pick one element to use as pivot.
Partition elements into two sub-arrays:
Elements less than or equal to pivot
Elements greater than pivot
Quicksort () two sub-arrays
Return results
End if

Partition takes place in O(n) time

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 52

pivot_index = 0 40 20 10 80 60 50 7 30 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 53

1. While data[i] <= data[pivot]

pivot_index = 0 40 20 10 80 60 50 7 30 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 54

1. While data[i] <= data[pivot]

pivot_index = 0 40 20 10 80 60 50 7 30 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 55

1. While data[i] <= data[pivot]

pivot_index = 0 40 20 10 80 60 50 7 30 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 56

1. While data[i] <= data[pivot]
2. While data[j] > data[pivot]

pivot_index = 0 40 20 10 80 60 50 7 30 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 57

1. While data[i] <= data[pivot]
2. While data[j] > data[pivot]

pivot_index = 0 40 20 10 80 60 50 7 30 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 58

1. While data[i] <= data[pivot]
2. While data[j] > data[pivot]
3. If i > j
swap data[i] and data[j]

pivot_index = 0 40 20 10 80 60 50 7 30 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 59

1. While data[i] <= data[pivot]
2. While data[j] > data[pivot]
3. If I < j
swap data[i] and data[j]

pivot_index = 0 40 20 10 30 60 50 7 80 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 60

1. While data[i] <= data[pivot]
2. While data[j] > data[pivot]
3. If i < j
swap data[i] and data[j]
4. When i and j crossed each other
compare data[j]with data[pivot]
swap if required.

pivot_index = 0 40 20 10 30 60 50 7 80 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 61

1. While data[i] <= data[pivot]
2. While data[j] > data[pivot]
3. If i < j
swap data[i] and data[j]
4. When i and j crossed each other
compare data[j]with data[pivot]
swap if required. Go to step 1.

pivot_index = 0 40 20 10 30 60 50 7 80 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 62

1. While data[i] <= data[pivot]
2. While data[j] > data[pivot]
3. If i < j
swap data[i] and data[j]
4. When i and j crossed each other
compare data[j]with data[pivot]
swap if required. Go to step 1.

pivot_index = 0 40 20 10 30 60 50 7 80 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 63

1. While data[i] <= data[pivot]
2. While data[j] > data[pivot]
3. If i < j
swap data[i] and data[j]
4. While j > i, go to 1.
5. When I and j crossed each other and compare data[j] with data[pivot]
Swap data[j] and data[pivot]

pivot_index = 0 40 20 10 30 60 50 7 80 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 64

1. While data[i] <= data[pivot]
2. While data[j] > data[pivot]
3. If i < j
swap data[i] and data[j]
4. While j > i, go to 1.

pivot_index = 0 40 20 10 30 60 50 7 80 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 65

1. While data[i] <= data[pivot]
2. While data[j] > data[pivot]
3. If i < j
swap data[i] and data[j]
4. While j > i, go to 1.

pivot_index = 0 40 20 10 30 60 50 7 80 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 66

1. While data[i] <= data[pivot]
2. While data[j] > data[pivot]
3. If i < j
swap data[i] and data[j]
4. While j > i, go to 1.

pivot_index = 0 40 20 10 30 7 50 60 80 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 67

1. While data[i] <= data[pivot]
2. While data[j] > data[pivot]
3. If i < j
swap data[i] and data[j]
4. While j > i, go to 1.

pivot_index = 0 40 20 10 30 7 50 60 80 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 68

1. While data[i] <= data[pivot]
2. While data[j] > data[pivot]
3. If i < j
swap data[i] and data[j]
4. While j > i, go to 1.

pivot_index = 0 40 20 10 30 7 50 60 80 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 69

1. While data[i] <= data[pivot]
2. While data[j] > data[pivot]
3. If i < j
swap data[i] and data[j]
4. While j > i, go to 1.

pivot_index = 0 40 20 10 30 7 50 60 80 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 70

1. While data[i] <= data[pivot]
2. While data[j] > data[pivot]
3. If i < j
swap data[i] and data[j]
4. While j > i, go to 1.

pivot_index = 0 40 20 10 30 7 50 60 80 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 71

1. While data[i] <= data[pivot]
2. While data[j] > data[pivot]
3. If i < j
swap data[i] and data[j]
4. While j > i, go to 1.

pivot_index = 0 40 20 10 30 7 50 60 80 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 72

1. While data[i] <= data[pivot]
2. While data[j] > data[pivot]
3. If i < j
swap data[i] and data[j]
4. While j > i, go to 1.

pivot_index = 0 40 20 10 30 7 50 60 80 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 73

1. While data[i] <= data[pivot]
2. While data[j] > data[pivot]
3. If i < j
swap data[i] and data[j]
4. While j > i, go to 1.

pivot_index = 0 40 20 10 30 7 50 60 80 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 74

1. While data[i] <= data[pivot]
2. While data[j] > data[pivot]
3. If i < j
swap data[i] and data[j]
4. While j > i, go to 1.

pivot_index = 0 40 20 10 30 7 50 60 80 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 75

1. While data[i] <= data[pivot]
2. While data[j] > data[pivot]
3. If i < j
swap data[i] and data[j]
4. While j > i, go to 1.
5. Swap data[j] and data[pivot]

pivot_index = 0 40 20 10 30 7 50 60 80 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 76

1. While data[i] <= data[pivot]
2. While data[j] > data[pivot]
3. If i < j
swap data[i] and data[j]
4. While j > i, go to 1.
5. Swap data[j] and data[pivot]

pivot_index = 4 7 20 10 30 40 50 60 80 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 77

Partition Result

7 20 10 30 40 50 60 80 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

<= data[pivot] > data[pivot]

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 78

Recursion: Quicksort Sub-arrays

7 20 10 30 40 50 60 80 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

<= data[pivot] > data[pivot]

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 79

Quicksort Analysis
• Assume that keys are random, uniformly
• What is best case running time?

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 80

Quicksort Analysis
• Assume that keys are random, uniformly
• What is best case running time?
– Recursion:
1. Partition splits array in two sub-arrays of size n/2
2. Quicksort each sub-array

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 81

Quicksort Analysis
• Assume that keys are random, uniformly
• What is best case running time?
– Recursion:
1. Partition splits array in two sub-arrays of size n/2
2. Quicksort each sub-array
– Depth of recursion tree?

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 82

Quicksort Analysis
• Assume that keys are random, uniformly
• What is best case running time?
– Recursion:
1. Partition splits array in two sub-arrays of size n/2
2. Quicksort each sub-array
– Depth of recursion tree? O(log2n)

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 83

Quicksort Analysis
• Assume that keys are random, uniformly
• What is best case running time?
– Recursion:
1. Partition splits array in two sub-arrays of size n/2
2. Quicksort each sub-array
– Depth of recursion tree? O(log2n)
– Number of times in partition() called?

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 84

Quicksort Analysis
• Assume that keys are random, uniformly
• What is best case running time?
– Recursion:
1. Partition splits array in two sub-arrays of size n/2
2. Quicksort each sub-array
– Depth of recursion tree? O(log2n)
– Number of times in partition() called? O(n)

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 85

Quicksort Analysis
• Assume that keys are random, uniformly
• Best case running time: O(n log2n)

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 86

Quicksort Analysis
• Assume that keys are random, uniformly
• Best case running time: O(n log2n)
• Worst case running time?

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 87

Quicksort: Worst Case
• Assume first element is chosen as pivot.
• Assume we get array that is already in order:

pivot_index = 0 2 4 10 12 13 50 57 63 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 88

pivot_index = 0 2 4 10 12 13 50 57 63 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 89

pivot_index = 0 2 4 10 12 13 50 57 63 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 90

pivot_index = 0 2 4 10 12 13 50 57 63 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

i j

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 91

pivot_index = 0 2 4 10 12 13 50 57 63 100

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

<= data[pivot] > data[pivot]

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 92
Quicksort Analysis
• Assume that keys are random, uniformly
• Best case running time: O(n log2n)
• Worst case running time?
– Recursion:
1. Partition splits array in two sub-arrays:
• one sub-array of size 0
• the other sub-array of size n-1
2. Quicksort each sub-array
– Depth of recursion tree?

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 93

Quicksort Analysis
• Assume that keys are random, uniformly
• Best case running time: O(n log2n)
• Worst case running time?
– Recursion:
1. Partition splits array in two sub-arrays:
• one sub-array of size 0
• the other sub-array of size n-1
2. Quicksort each sub-array
– Depth of recursion tree? O(n)

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 94

Quicksort Analysis
• Assume that keys are random, uniformly
• Best case running time: O(n log2n)
• Worst case running time?
– Recursion:
1. Partition splits array in two sub-arrays:
• one sub-array of size 0
• the other sub-array of size n-1
2. Quicksort each sub-array
– Depth of recursion tree? O(n)
– Number of accesses per partition?

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 95

Quicksort Analysis
• Assume that keys are random, uniformly
• Best case running time: O(n log2n)
• Worst case running time?
– Recursion:
1. Partition splits array in two sub-arrays:
• one sub-array of size 0
• the other sub-array of size n-1
2. Quicksort each sub-array
– Depth of recursion tree? O(n)
– Number of accesses per partition? O(n)

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 96

Quicksort Analysis
• Assume that keys are random, uniformly
• Best case running time: O(n log2n)
• Worst case running time: O(n2)!!!

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 97

Quicksort Analysis
• Assume that keys are random, uniformly
• Best case running time: O(n log2n)
• Worst case running time: O(n2)!!!
• What can we do to avoid worst case?

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 98

Pick median value of three elements from data array:
data[0], data[n/2], and data[n-1].
Use this median value as pivot.

02-Oct-17 Divide and Conquer (DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 99

Quick Sort Example

1. (5 3 1 9 8 2 4 7) take 5 as a key
2. (36 15 40 1 60 20 55 25 50 20)
hint. take key =A[10] i.e 20

02-Oct-17 Sorting Algorithms(DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 100

Integer Multiplication Using Divide
and Conquer
(Karastuba algorithm)

02-Oct-17 Sorting Algorithms(DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 101

A n- bit number

B n- bit number

Result= Multiply A and B.

E.g. 12345 * 6789

What is the running time of conventional algorithm?? O (n2)

02-Oct-17 Sorting Algorithms(DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 102

Divide and Conquer method for dividing a number

Divide each number into two halves.

X= x1Bm + x0
Y= y1Bm + y0

XY = (x1Bm + x0) y1Bm + y0
= x1 y1B2m + (x0 y1 + x1 y0)Bm + x0 y0

Run time…
T(n) = 4T (n/2) +O(n)

02-Oct-17 Sorting Algorithms(DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 103

Procedure Karastuba (X, Y )
Input: X, Y : n-digit integers.
Output: the product X ∗ Y .
Comment: We assume n = 2k, by prefixing X, Y with zeros if necessary.

1. if n = 1 then use multiplication table to find result := X ∗ Y

2. else split X, Y in half:
3. X =: 10n/2X1 + X0
4. Y =: 10n/2Y1 + Y0
Comment: X1, X0, Y1, Y0 each have n/2 digits.
5. U := karastuba(X1, Y1)
6. V := karastuba (X0, Y0)
7. W := karastuba (X1 − X0, Y1 − Y0)
8. Z := U + V − W
9. result := 10nU + 10n/2Z + V
Comment: So U = X1∗Y1, V = X2∗Y2, W = (X1−X2)∗(Y1−Y2),and therefore
result = X1 ∗ Y2 + X2 ∗ Y1. Finally we conclude that
result =10nX1 ∗ Y1 + 10n/2(X1 ∗ Y2 + X2 ∗ Y1) + X2 ∗ Y2 = X ∗ Y .
10. return result
Karastuba algorithm requires only 3 sub- problems

X= x1Bm + x0
Y= y1Bm + y0

XY = (x1Bm + x0) y1Bm + y0
= x1 y1B2m + (x0 y1 + x1 y0)Bm + x0 y0
= Z2 B2m + Z1(x0 y1 + x1 y0)Bm + Z0
Z2 = x1 y1
Z1 = x1 y0 + x0 y1
Z0 = x0 y0

Run time…
T(n) = 3T (n/2) +O(n)
So after solving it we get, T(n) = O(nlog3)
02-Oct-17 Sorting Algorithms(DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 105
Strassen’s matrix multiplication

02-Oct-17 Sorting Algorithms(DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 106

Basic matrix multiplication algorithm

Suppose we want to multiply two matrices of size N

x N: for example A x B = C.

C11 = a11b11 + a12b21

C12 = a11b12 + a12b22
C21 = a21b11 + a22b21
C22 = a21b12 + a22b22
2x2 matrix multiplication can be
accomplished in 8 multiplication.(2log28 =23)

02-Oct-17 Sorting Algorithms(DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 107

Basic matrix multiplication algorithm

void matrix_mult (){

for (i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
for (j = 1; j <= N; j++) {
compute Ci,j;

Ci , j   ai ,k bk , j
Time analysis from k 1
code: N N N
Thus T ( N )   c  cN 3  O( N 3 )
i 1 j 1 k 1

02-Oct-17 Sorting Algorithms(DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 108

Basic matrix multiplication operations
Time Analysis from algorithm:

1. line 3 take constant time.

2. lines 12–15 is θ (n2)
(adding two n/2 x n/2)
matrices takes time n2/4 =
O (n2). )
3. There are 8 recursive
calls lines 4–11.

02-Oct-17 Sorting Algorithms(DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 109

Strassen’s matrix multiplication

• Strassen showed that 2x2 matrix multiplication

can be accomplished in 7 multiplication and 18
additions or subtractions. .(2log27 =22.807)

• This reduce can be done by Divide and Conquer


02-Oct-17 Sorting Algorithms(DAA B.E.5th semester) by Rutal Mahajan 110

Divide and Conquer matrix multiplication

A  B = R
A0 A1 B0 B1 A0B0+A1B2 A0B1+A1B3
 =
A2 A3 B2 B3 A2B0+A3B2 A2B1+A3B3

•Divide matrices into sub-matrices: A0 , A1, A2 etc

•Use blocked matrix multiply equations
•Recursively multiply sub-matrices
Divide and Conquer matrix multiplication

a0  b0 = a0  b0

• Terminate recursion with a simple base case

Strassen’s matrix multiplication algorithm

P1 = (A11+ A22)(B11+B22) C11 = P1 + P4 - P5 + P7

P2 = (A21 + A22) * B11 C12 = P3 + P5
P3 = A11 * (B12 - B22) C21 = P2 + P4
P4 = A22 * (B21 - B11) C22 = P1 + P3 - P2 + P6
P5 = (A11 + A12) * B22
P6 = (A21 - A11) * (B11 + B12)
P7 = (A12 - A22) * (B21 + B22)
Time analysis:
1. line 3 take constant time.
2. lines 11–14 takes θ(n2).
3. 7 recursive calls lines 4-10

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