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Writing and Submission
of B.Tech. /M.Tech. Thesis

Applicable from 2015

Department of ECE
Kursi Road, Lucknow – 226026
(Prescribed Format & Specifications)

This manual is intended to provide broad guidelines to the B.Tech. /M.Tech. students in the
preparation of the thesis. In general, the thesis shall report, in an organized and scholarly
fashion, an account of original research work of the student leading to the discovery of new
facts or techniques or correlation of facts already known (analytical, experimental, hardware
oriented, etc.) and demonstrating a quality as to make a definite contribution to the
advancement of knowledge and the student‟s ability to undertake sustained research and
present the findings in an appropriate manner with actual accomplishments of the work
plainly stated and honestly appraised.


The sequence in which the thesis material should be arranged and bound should be as
(i) Cover Page
(ii) Title Page
(iii) Bonafide Certificate
(iv) Abstract
(v) Acknowledgement
(vi) Table of Contents with Page Numbers
(vii) List of Tables
(viii) List of Figures
(ix) List of Symbols, Abbreviations, Nomenclature etc.
(x) Chapters 1, 2, 3 ………… and so on.
(xi) Appendices I, II, III ………… and so on.
(xii) List of Publications of Candidate‟s work
(xiii) Bibliography
The tables and figures, if any, should be introduced in the appropriate places.

The size of thesis should not exceed 300 pages of typed matter reckoned from the first page
of chapter 1 to the last page of the Appendix.
The thesis should be typed on Standard A4 size (297mm x 210mm) sheets.
Top edge 30 to 35 mm
Bottom edge 25 to 30 mm
Left side 35 to 40 mm
Right side 20 to 25 mm
The thesis should be prepared on good quality white paper preferably no lower than 75 gsm.
Tables and figures should be prepared on same type of paper and should also conform to the
margin specifications. Large size figures should be photographically or otherwise reduced to
the appropriate size before insertion.

The student shall supply a typed copy of the manuscript to the guide for the purpose of
his/ her approval. In the preparation of the manuscript, care should be taken to ensure that all
textural matter is typewritten as may be required in the same format throughout the final
thesis. Some of the information required for the final typing of the thesis is included in this

The headings of all items listed under point 2 should be typed in capital letters and
centered 50 mm below the top of the page. The text should commence 4 lines below the
main heading. The page numbering for all the items from (iii) to (ix) listed under point 2
should be done using lower case Roman numerals (starting from ii, iii, iv .........) and the
pages thereafter should be numbered using Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3 …….).

5.1 Cover Page & Title Page – A specimen copy of the Cover Page and Title Page for the thesis
is given in Annexure I.
5.2 Bonafide Certificate – This certificate by the Supervisor shall be included in double line
spacing using font face Times New Roman and font size 14, as per the format shown in
Annexure II.
The certificate shall carry the Supervisor‟s signature and shall be followed by the
Supervisor‟s name, academic designation only (do not include any responsibilities of
administrative nature here), department and full address of the institution where the
Supervisor guided the student. The term SUPERVISOR must be typed in capital letters
between the Supervisor‟s name and academic designation.
5.3 Abstract – Abstract should be an essay type of narration, not exceeding four pages, outlining
the research problem, the methodology used for tackling the problem and a summary of the
findings, typed in double line spacing using font face Times New Roman and font size 14.
5.4 Acknowledgement – The acknowledgement shall be brief and should not exceed two pages
when typed in double spacing. The Student‟s signature shall be made at the bottom above
his/ her name typed in capitals.
5.5 Table of Contents – The cover page, title page, bonafide certificate and acknowledgement
will not find a place among the items listed in the table of contents but the page numbers in
lower case roman numerals are to be accounted for them. Spacing of 1.5 should be adopted
while typing the Table of Contents. The specimen copy of the Table Contents for thesis is
given in Annexure III.
5.6 List of Tables & List of Figures – These will be two separate lists on different pages. The
lists should include exactly the same captions as they appear above the tables and figures
used within the text in the thesis. Page numbers on which they appear should be mentioned
in the list. Spacing of 1.5 should be adopted while typing the matter under these heads.
5.7 List of Symbols, Abbreviations, Nomenclature etc. – Spacing of 1.5 should be adopted
while preparing this list. Standard symbols, abbreviations and nomenclature etc. should be
used and page numbers where they appear in the thesis should also be included.
5.8 Chapters – The chapters may be broadly divided into three parts viz., introductory chapter,
chapters developing the main theme of the thesis, chapters discussing the results and
 The main text should be divided into several chapters and each chapter may be further
divided into divisions and sub-divisions as required.
 Each chapter should be given appropriate title and sub-titles wherever necessary like;
introduction, theory, experiments, results, conclusion or any other which may deem fit
for the thesis.
 The tables and figures in a chapter should be included using single space and placed in
the same page as the concerned material, directly underneath the matter to which they
refer or describe.
 Footnotes should be used sparingly. They should be typed using single spacing and
placed in the very same page which refers to the material they explain.
 Captions should be placed above the tables and figures. No figure or table should be
included in the thesis without a proper caption.
5.9 Appendices – Appendices are provided to give supplementary information, which if
included in the main text may serve as a distraction to the central theme under discussion. An
appendix in a thesis should contain important information that serves as additional
explanation about the topic of research. Appendices should be marked with Roman capital
numerals (Appendix - I, Appendix - II, Appendix - III ……..) placed on the upper right hand
corner of the page, in bold font, underlined and italicized. Separate appendices should be
used for different type of data. Appendices may include:
 Questionnaires, if any. The results should be presented in the body of the thesis.
 Descriptions of any tools and equipments used to obtain necessary results.
 Raw data collected during the course of research also appears in appendices, while
analyzed and summarized data is presented in the main body of the thesis.
 The list of publications made by the Student during the period of research should be
brought in the Appendix titled List of Publications and the same shall be mentioned in
the Table of Contents as a separate heading.

5.10 List of References – A list of references should be included at the end of each chapter.
Any sentence or paragraph taken from a publication for the purpose of inclusion in the thesis
is to be given within inverted commas in the thesis and a reference to it must appear at the
end of each chapter. For example; “Inequality between men and women seem to exist at
almost every level of socio-economic sphere in India.” (Ref.No.12)

A full reference will appear at serial number 12 under the references listed at the end of that
particular chapter. The format, depending upon the reference made to a book, journal, article
or website, may be used as mentioned below:

 Reference to a Book/ Journal: SURNAME OF AUTHOR, First Name/ Initials,

(Year of Publication), Title of the Book/ Journal, Publisher, Place of Publication,
Page numbers.

Example: FLETCHER, Sir Banister, (1997), A History of Architecture, 18th Ed

Charles Scribner‟s Sons, New York, pp 210-220.

 Reference to an Article in a Journal: SURNAME OF AUTHOR OF THE

ARTICLE, First Name/ Initials, (Year of Publication), „Title of the Article‟, Title of
the Journal, Publisher, Place of Publication, Page numbers.
Example: GEETIKA & NANDAN (2008), „A study of socio-economic influences
on perceptions of gender equality in India‟, Integral Review, Integral University,
Lucknow, pp 13-15.

 Reference to an Article in a Book: SURNAME OF AUTHOR OF THE ARTICLE,

First Name/ Initials, (Year of Publication), „Title of the Article‟, SURNAME OF
THE AUTHOR OF THE BOOK, First Name/ Initials, Title of the Book, Publisher,
Place of Publication, Page numbers.

Example: TOWNROE, P.M., (1996), „Urban Sustainability and Social Cohesion‟,

in PUGH, C., Sustainability, the Environment and Urbanization, Selro Publishing
Services, Oxford, pp 181-186.

 Reference to a Blogpost or an Article on a Website: Complete Site URL including

the link to the article, Title of the Article, (Date of Last Update).

Example:, Market Size and the Key

Opportunity Segments, (March 2010)

The publications of the author of the thesis during the period of his/ her research should not
be included in the list of references and should be separately mentioned as explained in 5.9.

5.11 Tables & Figures – The word table in this context means the tabulated numerical data
included in the thesis as well as appendices and all diagrammatical material such as charts,
pictures, graphs, maps, photographs and diagrams may be designated as figures.

 A table or figure including the caption should be accommodated within the prescribed
margin limits and appear on the page/ or after the page (if the table or figure cannot be
adjusted on the same page) where their first reference is made.
 Tables and figures on half a page or less in length may appear alongwith the text.
However, they should be separated from the text both above and below by triple
spacing. Two or more small tables or figures may also be grouped on a single page.
 All tables and figures should be prepared on the same paper used for the preparation of
the rest of the thesis.
 Samples of fabric, leather, etc. if absolutely necessary, may be fixed/ pasted properly on
a page and should be treated as figures.

5.12 Bibliography – A bibliography provides an alphabetical list of sources that may have been
used in order to complete your research work. If the bibliography is not included one may be
accused of plagiarism (which is stealing another person's ideas or writing). Bibliography
should be in a list form (properly numbered using Arabic numerals) typed in double line
spacing using font face Times New Roman and font size 14. All the books, journals,
magazines, websites, etc. referred to, during the course of research work, should be
mentioned here.

The format to be followed for making this list may be taken from point number 5.10.
The specific lines used and the page numbers, from which they have been taken, need not
be mentioned here. Remember, those have already been mentioned under the List of
References at the end of each chapter.


This section includes additional information for final typing of the thesis. Some information
given earlier under point 5 and all its sub-points should also be referred to.

6.1 General – The same font should be used uniformly throughout the thesis. A sub-heading at
the bottom of a page must have atleast two full lines below it or else it should be carried over
to the next page. The last word of any page should not be split using a hyphen. Spacing of
1.5 should be used for typing the general text in the thesis. The font style should be Times
New Roman and font size 14.

Single spacing should be used for typing long tables, long quotations, foot notes, multilane
captions for tables or figures and references at the end of chapters. All quotations exceeding
one line should be typed in indented space; the indentation being 15 mm from the margin.

6.2 Chapters – Apart from the introductory chapter, the main body of the thesis may have any
number of relevant chapters properly numbered. Unnecessary chapters should not be
included just to increase the number of pages in the thesis. As far as possible, the desired
number of pages as mentioned earlier in point number 3 should be adhered to. To put the
point across; crisp headings, division headings and sub-headings should be used.

The format for typing chapter headings, division headings and sub-division headings
are explained through the following illustrative example:
1.1 Integral University
integral university, integral university, integral university,
integral university, integral university, integral university.

1.1.1 Faculty of Applied Sciences

faculty of applied sciences, faculty of applied sciences,
faculty of applied sciences, faculty of applied sciences. Department of Mathematics

department of mathematics, department of mathematics,
department of mathematics, department of mathematics. Department of English

department of english, department of english, department of english,
department of english, department of english, department of english.

1.1.2 Faculty of Architecture

faculty of architecture, faculty of architecture, faculty of architecture,
faculty of architecture, faculty of architecture, faculty of architecture.

The word CHAPTER should be centered 50 mm down from the top of the page. Two
spaces below, the title should be typed centrally in capital letters. The text should commence
4 spaces below this title. The division and sub-division captions alongwith their numberings
should be tabbed and formatted as specified above.

The typed material should commence 2 spaces below the division or sub-division
headings. Within a division or sub-division paragraphs are permitted. The paragraphs should
commence 3 spaces below the last line of the preceding paragraph and should be suitably
indented from the left hand margin. Alignment of the text/ paragraphs should be „justified‟,
throughout the thesis.


This section includes numbering instructions which are to be followed for the final thesis.
Some information given earlier under point 5 and sub-point 5.9 should also be referred to for
additional numbering instructions.
7.1 Pages – All page numbers (whether Roman numerals or Arabic numerals) should be typed
on the lower right hand corner 20 mm from the bottom with the last digit in line with the
right hand margin. The preliminary pages of the thesis should be numbered in lower case
Roman numerals. It is to be assumed that the title page is numbered (i) but this should not be
typed and the page immediately following the title page shall be numbered (ii) and typed at
the position as already specified above. Pages of the main text starting from Chapter 1 till the
Appendices should be consecutively numbered using Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3…….).

7.2 Chapters, Divisions & Sub-divisions – The numbering of chapters should be done using
Arabic numerals only and further decimal notations should be used for numbering the
divisions and sub-divisions within a chapter. See point 6.2 for an illustrative example.

7.3 Appendices – As already mentioned earlier, appendices should be marked using Roman
capital numerals (Appendix I, Appendix II, Appendix III ……..) placed on the upper right
hand corner of the page. The numbering on the pages of appendices should be in
continuation with the main chapters of the thesis using Arabic numerals as stated above.

7.4 Tables & Figures – Tables and figures appearing anywhere in the thesis should bear
appropriate numbers. If four figures happen to be in chapter 3, then the numbering would be
as Figure 3.1, Figure 3.2 and so on. The numbering on the table would also follow the same
pattern as Table 1.6, Table 4.2 etc. within chapters and would be written as Table (AIII.2),
Table (AII.4) if they appear in Appendix II & III of the thesis. Same rule will apply for
figures in Appendices.

7.5 Equations – Any equations appearing in the chapters or appendix should also be numbered
serially. For example: An equation appearing in chapter 6, if it happens to be the eighth
equation in that chapter, should be numbered as Eq. (6.8). Similarly, while referring to 3rd
equation in Appendix II it would be typed Eq. (AII.3).

After the successful completion of research work by the candidate, five hard bound copies of
thesis are to be submitted to the department for evaluation.
Annexure - I

Thesis on


Submitted in partial fulfillment

for the award of degree of



Electronic Circuits and Systems

Submitted By:
Name of Student
Roll No

Under the Guidance of

Name of Supervisor

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering.

Month & Year
Annexure - II

To whomsoever it may concern

This is to certify that (name of student) has carried out the research work

presented in the thesis entitled “(title of the thesis)” for the award of Master of

Technology (M.Tech.) in Electronic Circuits and Systems from Department of

Electronics and Communication Engineering, Integral University, Lucknow

under my supervision. To the best of my knowledge, the contents of this thesis have

not been submitted to any other institute or university for the award of any degree.


Signature of Supervisor

Full Name: _________________________

Designation: ________________________

Address: ___________________________



Date: _________________________________

Place: ________________________________


Chapter Particulars Page No.

Certificate i
Acknowledgement ii
Abstract iii
List of Tables v - vii
List of Figures viii - xi
List of Symbols, Abbreviations & Nomenclature xii

1.1 Meaning of Industrial Waste 1
1.2 Use of Industrial Waste in Concrete Making 2
1.3 Ceramic Waste 5
1.2.1 Beneficiation of Ceramic Waste 12
1.2.2 Test of Ceramic Waste Coarse Aggregate 19 Procedure Adopted 25 Observations & Findings 29 Final Testing & Result Obtained 33
1.4 Sustainable Concrete Technology 45
1.5 Ceramic Industrial Waste as Coarse Aggregate 58

2.1 Classification & Composition of Cement 75
2.2 Alternate Aggregates 99
2.3 Properties and their test of Concrete 102


2.1 Measurement of Materials 110
2.2 Methods of Proportioning Concrete Mixes 120

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