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Pie-Chart & Bar Graphs

LRDI - 08

Number of questions : 30

Directions for questions 1 to 4: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Vehicles today are run on alternative fuel in addition to conventional fuels like petrol and diesel. All the
charts shown below are for the vehicles running on alternative fuel and hybrid vehicles (those running on
both conventional and alternative fuels). The data pertains to new vehicles registered in the Country X for
the year 2017. The subsequent charts show further break-up by vehicle sub-types under Autos, Vans and

Alternative Fuel and Hybrid Vehicles by Type, 2017 Autos by Types, 2017
Buses Vans
Duty Trucks Auto-Full size Auto-
1,816 6,946
563 440 Subcompact
Auto-Midsize 876
Autos 111,232

461,803 Pickup Trucks

Buses by Types, 2017

Vans by Types, 2017
Medium Duty Transit Bus
Light Duty School Bus
Vans (<27 ft 6in)
Vans 329
814 147

Transit Bus
Minivan (>27 ft 6in)
5,383 1,340

LRDI - 08 Page 1
1. In 2017, which vehicle type has recorded highest number of registrations in the Country X?
(1) Auto Midsize (2) Auto Compact (3) Minivan
(4) SUVs (5) Cannot be determined

2. Which of the following statements is/are necessarily TRUE?

I. School Buses are the rarest kinds of vehicles under alternative fuel and hybrid vehicles regis-
tered in Country X in 2017.
II. Total number of Medium and Light Duty Vans under alternative fuel and hybrid vehicles are
approximately 5% more than total number of Transit Buses under alternative fuel and hybrid
vehicles registered in Country X in 2017.
III. Subcompact Autos form less than 0.1% of the total new registered alternative fuel and hybrid
vehicles in Country X in 2017.

(1) I only (2) II only (3) I & II (4) I & III (5) II & III

3. In the year 2018, only the Vans and Autos under alternative fuel and hybrid vehicles increased in
number and thus total number of vehicles under alternative fuel and hybrid vehicles registered in
2018 increased by 20760. If number of vans increased by 20% what is the percentage increase in
(1) – 4% (2) + 17% (3) + 22% (4) + 8% (5) + 5%

4. 20% of SUVs were wrongly categorized and should have been listed under Midsize Autos. If the
mistake is corrected then what would be the correct ratio of Midsize to Compact Autos?
(1) 2 : 3 (2) 13 : 10 (3) 11 : 7 (4) 11 : 17 (5) 26 : 15

Directions for questions 5 to 9: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

The product P manufactured by company X is available in seven varieties — A, B, C, D, E, F and G.

For each variety, the entire quantity produced is equal to the quantity sold.

Different varieties of product P manufactured by company X

% breakup of production in % contribution to cost
% contribution to sales value
number of units
12% 10% 10%
10% 10% 15%
B 15%
15% 15%
20% F
F 30%
C 3%
C 3%
25% 10% 20% 12% 20%

5. Which variety has the lowest selling price per unit ?

6. Which value is higher - F’s contribution to the cost or F’s contribution to the sales value ?

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7. Arranged in descending order of cost per unit, which variety ranks the second?

8. If sales value of G is equal to cost of D, what is the overall profit percentage of company X?

9. If profit from F contributes X% to the total profit, then what is the approximate total percentage

Directions for questions 10 to 14: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

ABC Ltd. had embarked upon an EPMS Employee Performance Management System) project in 2014
and continued with it till 2017. The following charts indicate the response to the question "How often does
your company review reported data to measure performance?", asked to all its employees. The employee
strength of the company has increased from 28,700 in 2014 to 35,600 in 2017. The performance review
frequencies considered here are — Continuously, Monthly, Quarterly, Annually, Bi-annually and Never or

How often does your company review reported data to measure performance?
Annually Never or
10% Rarely
Bi-annually 6% Annually
0% Monthly 21%
Continuously 21%
53% Quarterly
9% Never or
Bi-annually 33%

10. Which frequency has shown the second highest increase in the number of employees responding
in favour of that frequency in 2017 as compared to 2014?
(1) Continuously (2) Monthly (3) Quarterly
(4) Never or Rarely (5) None of these

11. The project is considered to be successful if the number of employees that respond to the question
(in 2017) with one of the following three frequencies — 'Continuously', ‘Monthly’ and ‘Quarterly’ is
equal or more than the employee strength in 2014. Was the PMS project successful?
(1) Yes
(2) No
(3) May be
(4) Depends upon new additions to 'Continuously' frequency
(5) Cannot be determined

12. Which frequency recorded the minimum decrease in the number of respondents in favour of it from
2014 and 2017?
(1) Monthly (2) Quarterly (3) Annually (4) Bi-annually (5) Never or Rarely

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13. What is the difference between the number of employees responding ‘Annually’, in 2014 and 2017?
(1) 2157 (2) 2467 (3) 2497 (4) 2557 (5) 4213

14. How many employees are still not satisfied with the performance management system in the
company even in the year 2017?
(1) 2848 (2) 3560 (3) 4520 (4) 6408 (5) Cannot be determined

Directions for questions 15 to 18: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

The number of books in a store, number of books sold, number of books ordered but not picked up and
number of books returned by the customers in previous years are shown in the figures given below for “Om
Book Store“ for three years 2014, 2015 and 2016. The store opened on 1st January 2014. The number of
books sold in a year includes the books ordered but not picked up in that year. Net sales for an year is
calculated based on the difference between the number of books sold and the number of the books
returned in the year. 60% of the books ordered but not picked up, are picked up in the next year and the
remaining in the year after that.
Number of books available for sales at the beginning of the year in store = (Unsold books from of last year
+ Books returned by the customers last year + Fresh purchases for the year). The fresh purchases for the
year are made at the beginning of the year.

2016 800 250

2015 150
1500 50

0 1000 2000 3000
Ordered but not Sales returns
Number of books sold in the year picked up
Number of books available for sales at the
2014 2015 2016
beginning of the year in the store

Number of books sold in a year does not include books from past years which are ordered in previous
year(s) but not picked up.

15. How many units of books were picked up from the store in 2016?
(1) 860 (2) 800 (3) 810 (4) 960

16. Among the books available for sale, how many units of books were there lying in the store already
and how many were fresh purchases in the beginning of the year 2016?
(1) 800, 200 (2) 740, 260 (3) 600, 400 (4) None of these

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17. At the end of 2016, how many total units of books ordered were not picked up from the store?
(1) 140 (2) 180 (3) 220 (4) None of these

18. Total net sales of books (in units) of the store for the given three years is
(1) 3300 (2) 3150 (3) 2970 (4) 3200

Directions for questions 19 to 23: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

The following cumulative bar graph shows details of the run scoring pattern of four Indian batsmen in a
twenty-twenty match against Australia in which runs were scored only in singles, fours and sixes. It shows
the percentage of total runs scored by the mentioned four batsmen in singles, fours and sixes. The total
score of the Indian team was the sum of the scores of these batsmen only or in other words neither any
other batsmen scored any runs nor the Australian team conceded any extras.

36% 37.5% 75%
75% 60%
. 50%
40% 40%
12.5% 25%
Saurav Sachin Gambhir Zaheer

Singles Fours Sixes

Strike Rate is defined as the ratio of the number of runs scored to the number of balls faced.

19. What is the minimum possible score of Zaheer?

(1) 4 (2) 8 (3) 12 (4) 16

20. What is the minimum total runs scored by these 4 batsmen?

(1) 84 (2) 78 (3) 88 (4) 74

21. Who scored the highest in the match?

(1) Sachin (2) Gambhir (3) Saurav (4) Cannot be determined

22. If Saurav’s strike rate is 80.00, then what is the minimum number of balls that Saurav faced?
(1) 26 (2) 28 (3) 20 (4) 25

23. If Australia scored 83 for the loss of 6 wickets in reply to India’s total after the allotted 20 overs, then
which country won the match ?
(1) Australia (2) India (3) Match drawn (4) None of these

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Directions for questions 24 to 27: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Purana and Naya are two brands of kitchen mixer-grinders available in the local market. Purana is an old
brand that was introduced in 2009, while Naya was introduced in 2016. For both these brands, 20% of the
mixer-grinders bought in a particular year are disposed off as junk exactly two years later. It is known that
10 Purana mixer-grinders were disposed off in 2016. The following figures show the number of Purana and
Naya mixer-grinders in operation from 2014 to 2019, as at the end of the year.

250 236 236


200 182
150 134
120 124

100 80

50 30
0 0
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Purana Naya

24. How many Naya mixer-grinders were purchased in 2018?

(1) 44 (2) 50 (3) 55 (4) 64

25. How many Naya mixer-grinders were disposed off by the end of 2019?
(1) 10 (2) 16 (3) 22 (4) Cannot be determined

26. How many Purana mixer-grinders were disposed off in 2019?

(1) 0 (2) 5 (3) 6 (4) Cannot be determined

27. How many Purana mixer-grinders were purchased in 2018?

(1) 20 (2) 23 (3) 50 (4) Cannot be determined

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Directions for questions 28 to 30: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Four students, Aang Lee, Brett Lee, Chang Lee and Ding Lee appeared in 3 exams each. There were
50 questions in each exam. Each question, if rightly attempted, fetched 1 mark but for every wrong
1 1 1
attempt, , and marks were deducted in exams I, II and III respectively. Unattempted questions
4 3 2
don’t carry any marks. Following cumulative graph shows the number of correct attempts by each student
in three exams. Number of questions attempted wrongly by Chang Lee in each exam ranges from 8 to 14.

30 60 84
Ding Lee
Exam I
28 55 89
Chang Lee
Exam II
32 62 94
Brett Lee
36 68 96 Exam III
Aang Lee

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Number of correct Answers

28. Out of the given four students, at most how many students can have equal marks in all the three
(1) 4 (2) 1 (3) 2
(4) 3 (5) Cannot be determined

29. If the total marks obtained by Chang Lee considering all the three exams, is an integer, then what
can be the maximum possible number of questions attempted wrongly by Chang Lee across all the
three exams?
(1) 38 (2) 39 (3) 40
(4) 42 (5) 36

30. If the four given students attempted the maximum possible number of questions in all the three
exams such that their marks in each exam is an integer, then among the four students who has the
maximum possible difference of marks in any two exams?
(1) Aang Lee (2) Brett Lee (3) Ding Lee
(4) Both Aang Lee and Ding Lee (5) Chang Lee

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Solutions CEX-D-0279/21
LRDI - 08 : Pie-Chart & Bar Graphs

 0.05 
1 5 2 2 3 4 4 3 5 C 6 CBD 7 B 8 33.33% 9  % 10 2
 0.25  0.01 X 

11 1 12 2 13 2 14 5 15 1 16 3 17 2 18 2 19 2 20 1

21 4 22 4 23 2 24 2 25 2 26 4 27 1 28 2 29 2 30 1

1. 5 We have data that is only related to the vehicles running Unit SPs of different varieties are as follows:
on alternative fuel and hybrid vehicles. The total number
15S 3 S 3S 3 S
of vehicles registered in 2017(inc luding the Variety B =  , Variety C = 5P  5 P
conventional fuel vehicles) for each type is not known 20P 4 P
and hence we c annot conclude whic h type has
recorded the highest number of registrations in the 20S 4 S 10S 2 S
Variety D =  , Variety E = 
Country X. Hence, answer is (5). 25P 5 P 15P 3 P
Thus, SP per unit is the lowest for variety C.
2. 2 Statement I is NOT necessarily true because we do
not have any further data regarding sub-types of 6. Cannot be found as we don’t have a relation between
vehicles under SUVs, Pick-up Trucks, Medium/Heavy sales value and cost.
Duty Trucks etc.
Total number of Medium and Light Duty Vans are 749 + 7. Cost per unit for the varieties
814 = 1563, which is approximately 5% more than
total number of Transit Buses (1340 + 147 = 1487). Percentage contribution to c os t
Hence, statement II is true. Percenatge contribution to p r oduction
Total number of new registered alternative fuel and
hybrid vehicles = 775638 10 C C 15C 3 C
A=  , B= 
Total number of Subcompact Autos is 876, which is 10 P P 20P 4 P
actually more than 0.1% of total new alternative fuel
and hybrid vehicles. Hence, statement III is false. 3C 20C 4 C
C= , D= 
Hence, only statement II is true. 5P 25P 5 P

3. 4 20% of number of vans = 20% of 6946 = 1390 (approx) 12C 4 C 30C 2C

E=  , F=  ,
So incremental number in Autos = 20760 – 1390 15P 5 P 15P P
= 19370
10C C
Therefore percentage increase in Autos G = 
= 19370/242130 = 8%. 10P P
F > G =A> D = E > B > C
4. 3 20% of SUVs = 20% of 461803 = 92361
Correct Number of Midsize Autos 8. 0.15 S = 0.2 C
= 111232 + 92361 = 203593
S 0.2 4
The correct ratio = 203593:129582 = 11:7 (approx)     Profit % = 33.33%
C 0.15 3
Hint: Options (1) and (4) can be readily ruled out, then
just have a closer look at the fraction 204/130. 9. Contribution of F to profit
= Contribution to sales – Contribution to costs
For questions 5 to 9: For company X, let the total production
= 100P, sales = 100S and cost = 100C. = 0.25S – 0.3C = (S  C)
5. Unit SP for each variety (0.25 – 0.01 × X) S = (0.3 – 0.01 × X) C

Percentage contribution to sales S (0.3  0.01 X)  0.05 

=     % of profit
Percentage contribution to production C (0.25  0.01 X)  0.25  0.01 X 

LRDI - 08 Page 1
10. 2 ‘Monthly’ is the only frequency that has registered an 24. 2 Number of Naya mixer-grinders disposed off in 2018
inc rease in 2017 (over 2014), other than = 20% of 30 = 6
‘Continuously’. So the number of Naya mixer-grinders in 2018, i.e.
124 is inclusive of those mixer grinders produced in
11. 1 The employee strength in 2014 was 28,700. This is 2016 and 2017 and still in operation. The numbers are
just more than 80% of the employee strength in 2017 (30 – 6) = 24 and (80 – 30) = 50 respectively.
which is 35,600. If we add up the percentage Theref ore, number of new Naya mixer-grinders
responses of continuously, monthly and quarterly in purchased in 2018 = 124 – (50 + 24) = 50.
2017, we get 82%. Henc e, the projec t was
successful. 25. 2 Number of Naya mixer-grinders disposed off in 2018
= 20% of 30 = 6
12. 2 For ‘Quarterly’, the number of respondents changed Number of Naya mixer-grinders disposed off in 2019
from 2583 in 2014 to 2492 in 2017. = 20% of (80 – 30) = 10
Therefore, total number of Naya mixer-grinders
13. 2 (21% of 28700 – 10% of 35600) = 2467 employees. disposed by end of 2019 = 6 + 10 = 16.

14. 5 It is not possible to say which particular frequency 26. 4 Sine information regarding the number of Purana mixer-
indicates a set of employees who are not satisfied grinders for the years prior to 2014 is not known, it
with the employee performance management system. cannot be ascertained as to how many of them were
disposed off in 2019.
15. 1 (800 – 100) of 2016 + 120 of 2015 + 40 of 2014 = 860.
27. 1 It is given that 10 Purana mixer-grinders were disposed
16. 3 There are (2000 – 1500) = 500 from 2015 and 100 off as junk in 2016. So the number of mixer-grinders in
returned books from 2015. So number of books lying operation in 2016 must have been 162 – 10 = 152. But
in the beginning of 2016 = (500 + 100) = 600. it is given to be 182.
 Fresh purchases = (1000 – 600) = 400.  Number of newly purchased Purana mixer-grinder
in 2016 = 182 – 152 = 30
17. 2 40% of 2015 figure, i.e., 80. 20% of this, i.e. 6 were disposed off in 2018. So the
And 100% of 2016 figure = 100. number of mixer-grinders in operation in 2018 must
Total = 180. have been 222 – 6 = 216. But it is given to be 236.
 Number of newly purchased Purana mixer-grinder
18. 2 800 + 1500 + 1000 – 100 (returned in 2015) – 50 in 2018 = 236 – 216 = 20.
(books returned in 2016) = 3150.
28. 2 Aang Lee cannot have equal marks in all three exams
For questions 19 to 23: as minimum marks Aang Lee can have in exam I is 32.5
The following table shows the minimum possible runs scored whereas in exam III his marks are 28.
by each of the batsmen. Brett Lee can have equal marks in all three exams
i.e., either 28 marks or 29 marks or 30 marks.
Batsmen Minimum runs
Saurav 10 (6 × 1 + 4 × 1) Chang Lee can have at most 27   24.33 marks in
Sachin 50 (6 × 3 + 4 × 3 + 1 × 20) 14
exam II. But his marks in exam III is at least 34 
 27 .
Gambhir 16 (6 × 1 + 4 × 2 + 1 × 2) 2
Zaheer 8 (6 × 1 + 1 × 2) Thus, he cannot have equal marks in all three exams.
Minimum marks that Ding Lee can have in exam I is 25
So total minimum runs = 10 + 50 + 16 + 8 = 84. whereas in exam III he has 24 marks. So, Ding Lee
cannot have equal marks in all three exams.
19. 2 Zaheer can score minimum of 8 runs then other Hence, atmost one student can have equal marks in
possible scores could be 8, 16, 24, … all three exams.

20. 1 Total minimum runs = 10 + 50 + 16 + 8 = 84. 29. 2 Maximum number of questions that were marked
wrongly by Chang so that total marks is an integer,
21. 4 Cannot be determined as Sachin can score 50, and can be 39, if Chang attempts 14 questions wrongly in
other can score higher than him as well. exam I, 12 in exam II and 13 in exam III.

22. 4 For a strike rate of 80.00, Saurav must have faced 30. 1 Difference of maximum marks to minimum marks
atleast 25 deliveries and scored 20 runs. obtained by Aang, Brett, Chang and Ding is 33 – 17,
28 – 23, 27 – 23 and 25 – 11, i.e. 16, 5, 4 and 14
23. 2 India’s minimum possible total score is 84, hence, India respectively.
must have won the match by at least one run. Hence, Aang Lee has the maximum difference.

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