q4 2nd Exam

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Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become a flexibility and an advantageous towards

providing the community multitudes of opportunities for social change. For instance, the article
provided knowledge of how Globe impacts every Filipino individual in stimulating and in advancing
social changes for which it becomes a crucial influence in the society. Through the usage of technology,
it benefits us to address challenges in the community effectively and efficiently. In relation with the
essential question, one can effectively use ICT to promote and publish the ICT Project for Social Change
through the existence of telecommunication technologies such as Globe. Hence, it helps in improving
communication, in developing various projects, and in creating an interconnectedness in each and every

The lines from each article that will support my understanding are that Information and Communication
technology (ICT) opens the doors to technologies that can address various societal problems. Globe, one
of the biggest players in the Philippine market, harnesses the power of digital technology to accelerate
social changes and create significant social impact. Globe helps uplift the nation’s education through the
Global Filipino Schools (GFS) program which empowers public schools with ICT-trained teachers, new
gadgets and critical infrastructure. In addition, the lines said from Yoly Crisanto such as “For us to be
relevant we must continue to contribute to the progressive development of our markets and
communities,” and “We do our best to bring about the change needed to make a genuine impact
through social innovations that utilizes technology.”

I identify these details as support to my claim since the article is an informative content providing facts
in real-life situation towards helping in social change. Business in telecommunication industries are
examples of the advantage of Information and Communication Technology. Globe, which is a business in
telecommunication industry, it also has a critical role to play in addressing some of the country's most
challenging social, environmental, and economic problems, necessitating the need to put purposeful
developments of socioeconomic effect to the prior in progressing and advancing the country.
Furthermore, we Filipinos experienced the value and importance of telecommunication, in which we
acknowledge and appreciate.
Social media has become a significant instrument and an essential influence towards advocating, in
which being a platform for social change. For instance, social media can be an effecting campaign
instrument in promoting political purposes for improvement such as through Twitter and Facebook that
will help bring attention to a critical issue, and will help encourage and function actions towards the
social network of the individual. In relation with the essential question, one can effectively use ICT to
promote and publish the ICT Project for Social Change through social media platforms, in which it
provides individual to promote and share solutions for various challenges affecting the community.
Overall, it became a strategy that influences people to make their society effective and efficient.

The lines from the article that will support my understanding how social media came to the upfront of
modern advocacy. It is said that with the emergence and continual development of the internet, a door
was opened for a new form of political advocacy. In addition, social media takes for granted the instant
availability of political news and opinions through desktop and laptop computers, smart phones, and
tablets. They have internalized the opportunity to participate in electoral and issue campaigns through
these devices and social media services. Lastly, technology and social media are two industries that are
constantly changing and evolving. You will need to keep evaluating your advocacy social media plan to
make sure that you are maximizing your reach and meaningfully engaging your audience.

I identified these details as support to my claim since the article is provides informative content towards
real-life situation of how social media influences the community, and how it provides social change
through advocacy such as in politics. We, individual, also has the knowledge and understanding of how
social media works prior to impacting communities through advocacy. Furthermore, we see and
acknowledge the importance of social media, where it is interpreted as a collection of transformative
strategies for educating and mobilizing societies in support of a cause. When social media used
correctly, social media correlates with cultural development values by allowing people to engage in
conversation around social problems, partner on transforming projects, and build a sense of community.

Information and Communication Technology provides convenience in promoting, innovating, and

advocating their various plans for social change. For instance, organizations and agencies uses
technology in promoting their advocacy through websites and platforms. It makes things easier, more
organize, and smoother. In relation with the essential question, one can effectively use ICT to promote
and publish the ICT Project for Social Change through using appropriate advantages such as websites
and platforms, for which it provides information to the audience or the participants for the advocacy
more effective and more efficient.

The details from the text that support my claim are that the organization provided a website that
promotes their advocacy that provides its description, objectives, and where to perform. For example,
its website virtualnationaltradefair.dti.gov.ph, in which The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI),
through the Bureau of Domestic Trade Promotion (BDTP) and in collaboration with the DTI Regional and
Provincial Offices, will be hosting the first-ever Virtual National Trade Fair from January 27 to February 2,

I identified these details as support to my claim since the content from the article provides real-life
circumstances and provides an ideal action in creating and promoting advocacy through Information
and Communication Technologies. We, individuals, also experienced the importance and the essence
of the usage of various advantage of ICT such as using websites in promoting for social change. We
also experienced and practiced in promoting our advocacy through website through the subject of
Empowerment Technology for Strand.

The common ideas and justification found in the three articles related to using various ICT content
application are that it helps an individual to effectively use ICT to promote and publish the ICT Project
for Social Change. In addition, the articles are all related in giving knowledge and understanding to the
importance of Information and Communication Technology prior in promoting and advocating solutions
that helps the community effectively and efficiently.


The article tries to imply the essence and highlights of one of the research methodologies in conducting
a research, which is the qualitative research. For instance, it focuses on its parts through defining,
enumerating its techniques, the difference of it from other research methodologies, and giving actions
and processes of when and how to use qualitative data. In relation with the essential question, one of
the research approaches towards formulating and conducing a research is qualitative research since it
provides knowledge and understanding to the audience based on experiences and perspective of the
people that the researchers interviewed, observed, or focused.

The evidences from the article that could prove my claim are the centers on what is qualitative research.
For example, it is characterized as a process that uses interviews, group discussions, case studies,
conversation analysis, and research framework to explain person's opinions, ideas, or experiences. In
addition, it was also compared to quantitative research, in which analyzing facts of when is the
appropriate time to use both research methodologies.

I identified these details as support to my claim since it provided knowledge and understanding that
gives foundation to the claim of highlighting the significance of qualitative research. Furthermore, the
article is centered about qualitative research, in which is used in real-life circumstances, and which
students were able to learn and to practice in the subject of Practical Research. Researchers also uses
qualitative research to conduct an ideal and appropriate research for analyzing and providing
information to the community
The article tries to imply on how to choose the ideal and appropriate qualitative research methodology
through explaining and analyzing the difference, significance, and convenience of various research
techniques such as interview, case study, literary review, focus groups, discourse analysis, content
analysis, etc. In addition, the article also aims to put importance and recognition on why we should use
these different kinds qualitative research. In relation with the essential question, the different research
approach towards formulating and conducting a research are the techniques under the qualitative
research methodology. These include interviews. focus groups. case studies. and others in which
analyzing ideas. perspectives. and experiences.

The evidences from the article to prove my claim the definition and appropriateness of various
qualitative research methodologies. For example, based on the article, interviews, in which are a process
that entails answering open-ended questions to subjects orally, as well as describing where, where, and
how the interviews were performed; by having a group of people discuss a topic in a focus group, you
can get a lot of different perspectives; and when a researcher wants to learn more about the subjects'
concepts and attitudes, they do phenomenological analysis. The aim of this form of research is to
develop a deeper view of the world through the eyes of your subjects.

I identified these details as support to my claim through the knowledge and understanding that was
thought and acknowledged in the subject of Practical Research, where it was focused and aimed to
teach different kinds of research methodologies prior to the significance of qualitative research and its
various techniques, in which also was taught on how and when the different techniques are
appropriately used. In addition, the article is based on real-life circumstance, for which it is proven fact
that researchers uses these kinds of techniques to determine and to analyze the concept and
perspectives of the individual to provide information to the communities.

The video tries to imply that all good and some bad researches are improbable. Research is not likely to
be true nor happen since if you are certain that your research is already a factual and certain, it is not a
research. In the contrary, it is to be analyzed, explored, and interpreted that is why researchers conduct
research even if it does not help the community, but it is to provide information and to answer a
convenient or an unbelievable question. In relation with the essential question, the different research
approaches towards formulating and conducting a research are improbable qualitative research, in
which the opinions, perspective, experiments, or experiences are not like to be true.

The evidences from the video to prove claim are the research stated by Marc Abrahams, in which the
research he enumerated are improbable. For example, the research of for showing that herrings
apparently communicate by farting; the research of for exploring and explaining why woodpeckers don't
get headaches; and the research of for using magnets to levitate frogs.

I identified these details as support to my claim since the research given by Marc Abrahams are all real-
life research that were also awarded for IG Nobel Awards. Even though, the researches are improbable,
it is always certain that the outcomes that you find are not likely to be true, but it also certain to you
benefitted the community by providing information even if it is unusual or false.
The common ideas and justifications found in the three articles are that those answered the essential
question, in which what are the different research approaches towards formulating and conducting a
research, and that is qualitative research. In addition, they are all improbable, yet it gives value,
significance, and understanding to people, in which we give an important recognition and acknowledge
to the benefits it give to the community.

We can choose an appropriate and ethically-sound methodology in qualitative research through

analyzing and determining which is convenient to a certain research. By having knowledge and
understanding towards the different kinds of techniques and features of qualitative research, we can
easily choose and find the ideal research method we should use. Overall, we should also determine the
significance of each and every methodology in qualitative research since it can also provide
understanding and perspective to an individual

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