Assessment Task 5

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Assessment 5

1. Illustrate with a cartoon or a diagram the partnership between school and community.

The partnership between school and community

What community do for schools What schools do for communities

1. Brigada skwela 1. Classroom used by

2. Curriculum community organizations
development for meetings
3. Work experience 2. School used as polling
program place and venue for
4. Remediation and medical mission which it
enrichment classes may co-sponsor with the
5. Youth development rural health unit.
programs 3. School used by the rural
6. Community service health unit for mother’s
class on child care.
4. School used as an
evacuation center.
5. School facilities used for
community assemblies.
6. School basketball court
used for local celebration
and barangay sports
7. School conduct livelihood
skills-training program for
parents and out-of-school
youths by using school
8. Livelihood skills-training
for parents and out-of-
school-youth by teachers
2. Develop a tool evaluate the extent and quality of school and community partnership.
A tool that evaluate the extent and quality of school and community partnership is to conduct
survey in order to trace the pros and cons of school and community. To know what is its lack
and to provide solutions to use for the schools and community partnership. This tool will make
the progress become easy because it helps to track what is the problem and what could be the
solution of the school and community’s deficit.
3. Pretend you are an instructor/ professor in this professional course, the teacher and the
community, school culture and organizational leadership. Your lesson has this learning outcome:
to explain the sociological and legal bases of school and community partnership. How will you
proceed? Deliver your lecture.
Everyone gains when schools and community groups partner to promote learning. Individual
partners may benefit from collaborations by enhancing, endorsing, and even transforming them,
resulting in higher program quality, more effective resource usage, and greater alignment of
priorities and curricula.
Sociological basis of school-community partnership indicates that we all need to perform for the
better result and learning for the children and to have a progressive community. The benefits
that they can get with the help of sociological bases of school-community partnership are they
provide service continuity during the day and year, easing school transitions and encouraging
better attendance in after-school programs , facilitating access to a variety of learning resources
and developmental services, allowing students and teachers to experiment with new teaching
and learning approaches, provide family members with alternate entry points into the school
day to help their student's learning and encourage knowledge exchange about particular
students to better support individual learning.
4. School and community partnership enhance sense of ownership and sense of belonging. What
do these mean? How will these impact on schools and communities?
A sense of belonging to school can help students to develop their identity, develop psychosocial
skills and be influenced by their peers at an especially vulnerable period. It can also influence
their future experiences, relationships and accomplishments, and their capacity to work and
adapt well into adulthood at a psychosocial level. Learning ownership means that a learner is
empowered, committed and self-directed. It means that they can track their own progress and
focus on their learning on the basis of content mastery. Feeling like you are in college is linked to
higher levels of mental and physical well-being of students and improved academic success and
achievement. Optimism, self-efficacy, self-esteem, self-concept and sociability are strongly
correlated with this. As a significant feature of community growth, the word "sense of
ownership" is sometimes quoted. While the terms ownership or sense of ownership are
increasingly used, there is a lack of research on what these terms mean, how this body of
information affects community growth, and the different methods that can be implemented in
contemporary community research and practice.

1. Can school take the place of rearing of children? Why or why not?
Yes, school can take the place of rearing the children because teachers are known to be the
second parent of the children. Parents are obliged to feed or teach them knowledge about
how to be a good person, so as the teachers. Teacher helps the students to understand
what should they do on their lives on how to become progressive in everything. School is
the tool or the way were every child learn things that they’re parents didn’t tell them on
their house. Mostly, children who doesn’t have any parents that leads and guide them are
taught from the schools and other organization that teaches how growing up and
understanding life important is. The school mold the children to be a good model for the
next generation.

2. What sociological reality in the Philippines and in the world demand that schools’ partner
with the community (church, mass media, business establishment, etc.) for the education of
The sociological reality in the Philippines and in the world demand that schools partner with
the community for the education of children in a way that the students can be
knowledgeable and can easily track their lessons ahead, in some sort like in other
community such as in the field of business and non-profit partnerships that helps the
students to widened their horizon to see the experiences and work place and what
opportunities that lie’s ahead for them. and mass media has a big help on giving extra
knowledge for the students. It helps to expand the information of the students that makes
them understand quickly.

3. State the provisions of law that refer to school-community partnership.

 RA 9155, also known as the Governance of Basic Education Act, BP 232 which is the
Education Act of 1982, RA. 8525, adopt- a – school program act and agenda 2030
stipulate school and community partnership.
 Batas Pamana Blg. 232, otherwise known as the education Act of 1982.
 RA. 8525, adopt- a school program Act, also provides for school community
4. Cite additional examples of school-community partnerships that benefit the young.
 Nurture collaboration and reflective practice
 Encourage shared responsibility
 Create an inclusive learning community
 Support personalized student learning journeys
 Increase learning opportunities for students
 Promote shared learning goals and collaboration
In what way am I involved in school and community partnership? What have I done to school
and community? What else can I do?
I am involved in school and community partnership by attending in the school since I am still a
student and being an involved in the community in a way by interacting and building
relationships towards the other people. the things I have done in school is to attend every
classes and socialize to others. in community, being a part of the youth organization in our
barangay that helps to do community services in our place.


Research on successful school and partnerships in high performing countries like Finland,
Singapore, Canada.
Finland's Ministry of Education has created a unit devoted solely to helping foreigners learn
about its education system. Every four years, the government prepares a development plan for
education and research. Finland's population is very homogenous, that is changing, and the
Finns know that their education system will have to change to adapt to more diverse
demographics. Lower-skilled work is also being exported to other parts of Europe and a greater
proportion of Finnish jobs will require ever-more-sophisticated skills.

Teaching in Singapore is coherent, fit-for-purpose and pragmatic, drawing on a range of

pedagogical traditions. Teachers rely heavily on textbooks, worksheets, worked examples and
lots of drill and practice. They emphasise mastery of specific procedures and ability to represent
problems clearly. Singapore's teaching regime is one primarily focused on the transmission of
conventional curriculum knowledge and examination performance.

Canada has one of the highest rates of immigration of any country in the world. Canada's
education system is even more decentralized than in the U.S. In Canada, there is no federal level
education ministry. Each provincial ministry of education recognizes the importance of
maintaining high standards. Canada has much in common with its larger neighbor to the south,
but the performance of its students has recently significantly outpaced that of the United States.

1. C
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. D

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