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Assessment task 7

1. Based on this lesson and by means of an acrostic, give qualities or specific behaviors of
good leaders.
L – earning Agility Since great leaders are also great teachers, he has this one. All you
have to do now is find it and nurture it.
E – nergy to be an enthusiastic leader, he needs to be full of enthusiasm all of the time.
A – bility to delegate delegating is one of a leader's most important tasks, but it can be
difficult to do so efficiently.
D – etermination good leaders are enthusiastic about their work and can inspire others
by demonstrating their own dedication.
E – mpathy he must have empathy because it is the most important leadership skill that
allows for the formation of strong bonds of trust and the formation of successful teams.
R – esponsiveness he has to be receptive. A good leader values his or her team, listens
to those they lead, and adapts quickly to changing circumstances.
S – ervant he is servant first before a leader.
2. As a leader, what should you do? outline your steps.
As a new principal in a low-performing school, the first thing I will do is ask the teachers
what needs to improve. Teachers are the most important commodity, but they are often
ignored. That is why there is such a poor level of morale in schools. Taking advice from
the true authorities will restore their authority and provide me with a starting point for
change. The next steps will be decided by the teachers’ suggestions on where
improvements could be made. The second step I will take is to include parents in the
decision-making process. Find out what they think should be done at the school so that
their children are better served. The next move will be to include the views of the
parents. Then I’d apply for government grants for extra food care, medical personnel,
academic supplies, tutoring, and after-school programs. I worked at a school that had
been struggling academically, and our principal used this approach to improve our
3. How does this mentality affect school innovation? As a leader, how will you counteract
To begin, I’d like to describe the Ningas-cogon mindset. This is a mentality in which we
begin something with zeal and excitement, only to lose interest and abandon it after a
short period of time. As a leader, you should be able to connect with the people you
work with. When interacting with people who have this attitude, you must bear in mind
that they can lose interest in the topic after you introduce it to them. The new invention
that would be presented should be achieved in such a way that the idea is incorporated
progressively rather than all at once. It is important that the innovation considers
phases that will hold students’ minds engaged in whatever has been implemented. The
first step may be to make them fall in love with the definition, but not so quickly that
they forget about it. The subject will be reintroduced in the second phase, but with a
little spice added to sustain interest. The final step, which is the third phase, will be to
introduce the whole subject at hand and then show it to the students as though it were
a new thing. Once the Ningas-Congon mindset is gone, they would be unable to lose
interest in the new subject. This is due to the fact that they will be awaiting the
introduction of new items to them.
4. To make your school perform, as a school head, what moves will you take?
As the principal, the first thing I can do is fire you as my Educational Improvement
Consultant. You use loaded and stereotypical language that implies teacher indifference,
incompetence, and rebellion, as well as a bias on your part. Since you haven’t given any
details about your age, experience, tenure status, or teaching capacity, I’ll make some
assumptions: Doing well: This isn’t a problem—depending on what “doing well” implies.
Getting Ready to Retire: You’re talking to practitioners who are older, more seasoned,
and more committed. Almost to a person, they’ll keep doing their best for “their kids”
until the last bell rings and the last student leaves the classroom. Just because you’re
about to retire doesn’t mean you’re “dead wood, lazy, and indifferent.” It does not
imply that you avoid caring or putting in your best effort. It does suggest that you do not
embark on any big long-term ventures. It also means that the School Head should be
looking for ways to reward these educators for the thousands of lives they have greatly
affected over the last 30 years. A quartet Avoid Continuing Professional Development:
Many of these “Development” programs are mandated by the federal government,
state, and school system, and are required for jobs, advancement, and tenure. Many
educators, for example, criticized the Department of Education’s “No Child Left Behind”
campaign, which was well-intentioned but had some unintended, negative effects. Every
Student Succeeds Act has since taken its place. Many professionals, including doctors,
psychologists, engineers, data scientists, and teachers, must participate in professional
development to remain current in their careers, but saying that those who “resist it” on
a daily basis aren’t good teachers is misleading. Instead of depending on consultants
and bureaucrats, it would be easier to ask them why they are resisting and include them
in the production of these initiatives. Perhaps the opponents know something you
5. Identify the leadership style employed in each method.
 Autocratic leaders
 Consultative leaders
 Democratic leaders
 Laissez faire or free-in leadership
6. In groups of five, develop a servant leadership assessment instrument.
Patterson (2003) bridged the gap between being leader-focused and being follower-
focused by developing a working theory of servant leadership. In Patterson's view,
popular leadership theories have not adequately explained the values – for example,
altruism – that are sometimes demonstrated by leaders. Servant-leaders are those who
serve with a focus on the followers, whereby the followers are the primary concern and
organizational concerns are peripheral.
1. F
2. F
3. F
4. F
5. T
6. F
7. F
8. F
9. T
10. F
11. F


What kind of a leader am I? what should I do to become an effective leader?
I am that kind of a leader who listen to what my member ideas, I am open to receive any
feedback about me that helps to make myself become a good leader and a leader who is
responsible for the task and to my members. The things that we should do to become an
effective leader is to begin, determine your leadership style.
It's important to recognize your current leadership style. What are the advantages? What areas
do you think could use some work? Take this leadership style quiz to get a general
understanding of how you lead as a starting point for evaluating your abilities. Encourage your
imagination. One of the characteristics that characterize transformational leadership is
intellectual stimulation. It is important to inspire followers to share their creativity. New
challenges should be presented to effective leaders, along with sufficient resources to help them
achieve their objectives. Effective Communication and Listening
A emphasis on one-on-one interactions with community members is another critical
characteristic of transformational leadership. When leaders are able to express their vision to
followers, who are then inspired and empowered by it, transformational leadership is
What is meant by CQI? What is kaizen? How are these related to transformational
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) is a deliberate, defined process which is focused on
activities that are responsive to community needs and improving population health. Kaizen
is a term that refers to on-going or continuous improvement. The definition of kaizen comes
from two Japanese words: ‘kai’ meaning ‘change’ and ‘zen’ meaning ‘good’.
Transformational leadership is a theory of leadership where a leader works with teams to
identify needed change, such as CQI, creating a vision to guide the change through
inspiration, and executing the change in tandem with committed team members, making
use of the Kaizen CRM solution, with which they will save time, work smarter and deliver
faster growth utilizing their personalized experiences.
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. C
5. B

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