Who Even Is An Entrepreneur

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Who even is an entrepreneur?

An ENTREPRENEUR is someone whose see the need and takes on the financial
risk to start a business to fill the need. This is the core matter of entrepreneur part
from this an entrepreneur can strive for different traits like trailblazing, passionate,
problem solving and innovation etc. Entrepreneurs are the individuals who bear the
risk and invest their own hard-earned money in setting up and running the business
and industrial- ventures. Entrepreneurship is driven by the perception of business
opportunities. In this video Anna Akana has mentioned many examples like –
A) Charlie and barbie beaton of big dipper ice cream in montana, took their
passion and they started their shop in downtown Missoula and made that a
success by developing to next level while appearing in America.
B) Girlboss New Zealand was founded by 20-year-old Alexia Hilbert Dou after
she was the only women in her upper-level physics class. Her goal is
encouraging high school age women to pursues STEM and Leadership
C) Arianna Huffington the founder and namesake of HuffPost. She founded her
site (wit partners) as a friendly alternative to news aggregators and later sold
it to AOL in 2015 for $315 million us dollars.

It is mentioned that over 100 million business are launched each year by GLOBAL
ENTREPRENEURSHIP. That is 11,000 per hour or 3 new businesses per second.
The classification helps the potential entrepreneurs to choose their own nature and
style of entrepreneurship. So the various entrepreneurs are as follows –
a) According to the type of business- Business entrepreneurs( who imagine an
idea of new products or services and then sept up business), trading
entrepreneurs (who undertake trading activities), industrial entrepreneurs,
corporate entrepreneurs, agricultural entrepreneurs, technical entrepreneurs,
non-technical entrepreneurs.
b) According to motivation- pure entrepreneurs(who motivated by psychological
and economical rewards), induced entrepreneurs, motivated entrepreneurs,
spontaneous entrepreneurs, growth entrepreneurs.
c) According to stage of development- first-generation entrepreneurs, modern
entrepreneurs, classical entrepreneurs, innovating entrepreneurs, initiative
entrepreneurs, forced entrepreneurs.
In the video it was clearly classified between who is real entrepreneur and who is not
. lets take one example that one employee name ‘X’ is working in a company and
he/she saw a need that customers are seeking and he put up one idea Infront of
his/her boss and it got approved as it was a genuine idea which will help customers .
but ‘X’ is not an entrepreneur may be due to his/her idea gave a great sale to the
company and satisfied the needs of the customers but that person is not an
entrepreneur. On other hand one person who finds out the exact need which people
are seeking so he/she started preparing own idea, own way to solve that need ,made
prototype of it and at the end he/she invested money for the idea with collaborating
with different company and got contracts to develop it but couldn’t maintain the sales
as unable to identify the modification and what customers wants to change in it so
he/she sales the idea to another company. So this person is entrepreneur as he/she
generated idea, developed by risking his/her financial wealth. So this the classic
difference between entrepreneur and a non- entrepreneur.

As we know, the GIG-ECONOMY takes over work. More than a third — 55 million
Americans — work as freelancers. Currently. This is the biggest number of persons
who opted for freedom over 401 km. The theory is like self-employment: no longer
nasty employers, inappropriate meetings or working your life to satisfy the goal of
anyone else. However, freelancing is also a daily grind: you have to push the
pavement to do the work and it may be hard to keep your life consistent. It's a lonely
path, too. Many who hit themselves immediately understand how they rely on
corporate-life structure, support and social network. Independent workers can
discover jobs via expanding digital platforms that provide a recruitment paradigm for
employees. The freelancers can create profiles on such platforms that allow them
either per hour or per contract to market their skills at a rate. More and more
professionals are attracted to freelance as these digital markets continue to rise. This
shift has made it financially easier for entrepreneurs to find people to get their
businesses going, without committing long term to paying employees and its allowed
early-stage entrepreneurs to find flexible work to support themselves as they develop
their products or services. This gig is providing great opportunities as some people
don’t like 9-5 job so it’s a great platform for them to explore more and fulfil their
needs moreover its better to have this kind of side hustle as if you lose your job still
you can earn money. But not all adopt gig lifestyle to full fill their passion but due to
force as they want money for basic physical needs. Moreover, gig worker can have
fewer legal protection- like mandatory breaks and standardized pay or they might
have a harder time maintaining insurance and retirement.
Entrepreneurship can be stressful also like sticking into the idea in ups and downs
continues work to progress it and coming with new updates all these can lead to
stress and mentally issues so break and family time is must for everyone to be
successful. Despite of all these problems still people are attracted to
entrepreneurship so what exactly keep motivated the entrepreneurs? the answer is
FREEDOM that is be your own boss, setting salaries, setting up new rule, dress
code anything as the business is your you can modify the rules and regulations
according yourself. No boundaries like staying in certain place for particular hour, we
can do your work from anywhere and anytime and you can create an inclusive
company culture and work environment, rather than feeling stuck in an
uncomfortable or even possibly illegal-situation with a boss or co-worker.
A study in the social science research network journal found that entrepreneurs start
companies because they mostly believe that-
a) They are inherently more valuable than how they appear on paper.
b) They are wasted working for someone else.
c) Their resumes don’t shoe “the real talent”.
d) Large companies can’t appreciate their full potential.
e) They are capable of turning their internal value into real life money.

Entrepreneurs believe in themselves, self confidence and potential wealth, these all
things keep motivating entrepreneurs may be financial risk is there in starting but
there’s money is running successful one.
Book by Steve blank and Eric Ries says stumbling is perfectly fine if we learn as we
go, but to identify and learn from failures, every entrepreneur has to ask themselves:
WHAT DOES SUCCESS LOOK LIKE TO ME? it’s not that successful entrepreneur
never faced failure; it’s that they didn’t quit.
Anyone can be entrepreneur with little girt, determination and luck.

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