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Date: 07/07/2021

Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
B. Sc. Engineering Class Test 1-Summer 2021

EEE 323: Power Systems II

Total Marks: 30 Time: 35 Minutes

 Answer the following questions.

 Exam start: 11:10 am and end within 11:45 am.
 Answer script must be submitted Via Google Classroom. Email submission is not accepted.
 Regular submission will be automatically closed at 11:55 am. [uploading time 10 minutes]
 Late submission until 12:05 pm and will deduct 40% marks. [Late sub 10 more minutes]
 If you think, your WiFi connection is not stable, you may keep alternative mobile data.
 For copy, actions will be taken according to the university policy.
 This exam is not an open book exam.
 Your camera must be kept ON during exam.
 CO assessment through the Q1, 2, 3, 4 (CO3-a1) & Q5 (a & c) question is (CO3-a4).

1. Explain how the following parameters create impacts on the amount of corona loss in
transmission lines. [1+1]

(i) Rectangular overhead transmission line

(ii) 400 kV line voltage and 69 kV line voltage

2. What is the difference between insulator and insulation? How the dielectric strength of insulators
can be damaged? [2+1]

3. Why high voltage transmission line is not insulated and low voltage line is insulated? [1+1]

4. What is power grid? Why current is reduced in an overhead transmission line? Why transmission
line diameter is increased for increased voltage level. [1+1+1+1]

5. (a) A 220 kV transmission tower having FIVE suspension type insulators with each having self-
capacitance equal to 100%C and shunt capacitance is 14.7% C. If ONE step guard capacitance of 20%
C is placed at line conductor shown in Fig. below, then determine the per phase voltages (V1, V2, V3,
V4, V5) and per phase currents (I1, I2, I3, I4 and I5) across each insulator unit under normal operating
condition with guard ring. [2+5+5]
(b) Also, evaluate the impact of voltage stress distribution when the insulators are under 440kV lightning
voltage stress and also evaluate how many units will fail, if the maximum voltage with standing capacity
of each unit is 40 kV. [5]

(c) Determine the transmission tower string efficiency for above Q (a). [2]

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