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Practical Research teachers are having difficulties in balancing their time in checking the outputs
of the students because students are less proficient when it comes to writing the research
papers, proofreading, choosing the appropriate sampling techniques to be used in their research
etc. As research teachers, instead of guiding the students on how to produce their research
papers, they are now taking up different roles like proofreader, research adviser, editor,
statictician, etc.

2. As they take up different roles, they can’t focus on improving the output of the students. It
seems that they are the ones doing the research papers instead of the students.

3. The research teachers are especially asking the cooperation of other courses in Grade 11 like
Reading and Writing, PPITTP, and Statistics and Probability.

4. As suggested, in order for the students to be more knowledgeable in terms of the technicalities
of writing the research paper, the competencies of the RW should be more focused into
producing research paper even at the basic level instead of producing book review or article

5. All Grade 11 students

6. With this, students will be able to produce their own research paper with less error in terms of
grammars, proper punctuations, etc. They can also make decisions about their topic.

7. Students will experience a project-based learning that involves horizontal articulation with other
courses like, PR, RW, & STAT.

8. Reference books, Computer Laboratories,

9. Sources of RRL, Article journals needed for research writing.

10. Draft of research paper chapter 1-3.

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