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Noakhali Science and Technology University


Assignment on:
Covid-19 Pandemic and Role of Mass Media in Bangladesh.
Course Title: Sociology of Mass Communication.
Course Code: SOC 3103

Submitted By: Submitted To:

Md. Abdur Rahman Israt Eshita Haque
Roll No: ASH1820019M Lecturer
Year-03, Term-01 Department of Sociology
Session: 2017-18 NSTU
Department of Sociology

Date of Submission:



01 Introduction 03

02 Covid-19: Pandemic 3-4

03 Historical Role of Mass Media During Pandemic in the Recent 4-5

04 Covid-19: Role of Mass Media in Bangladesh 5-12

05 Deluding News Through Media 13

06 Conclusion 13

07 References 14

The word 'media' is gotten from the word medium, implying way or bearer. Media is planned to reach and
address an enormous objective gathering or crowd. The word was first utilized in regard to books and
papers for example print media and with the approach of innovation, media presently envelops TV, motion
pictures, radio, and web. In this day and age, media becomes as basic as our day by day needs. Media of
today is assuming a remarkable job in making, molding popular supposition, and fortifying society.

Bangladesh has seen a flood in Covid-19 diseases, passings, and network transmissions in hotspot zones.
Since the discovery of its initial three constructive cases on March 8, an aggregate of 30,205 individuals
have been contaminated, with 432 kicking the bucket from the illness, 6,190 recouping and furthermore case
casualty rate (CFR) is 1.46%, as indicated by the Institute of Epidemiology Disease Control and Research.
An aggregate of 1,85,196 individuals has been tried the country over.

The spread of the COVID-19 has demonstrated dangerous, and this is a difficult time for the association just
as state governments as they work to address this wellbeing crisis. In any case, it shows that in the midst of
an emergency, fair governments may take a hazardous despotic turn. In such a circumstance, news-casting
has an incredible task to carry out in a popular government, as it has been unmistakably imagined as a stage
for objective data and basic reasonable talk. Accordingly, the soundness of news-casting in a nation can be
analyzed in the hours of an emergency.

Be that as it may, in Bangladesh point of view, we see that the media is assuming an essential job on
building open mindfulness, sharing the data with respect to a pandemic, empowering crafted by volunteer
associations, finding the overlooked yet truly great individuals and regularly shows the master's conclusion
or potentially see that unquestionably functions as direction for the administration to decide any choices.

Covid-19: Pandemic

The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is the defining global health crisis of our time and the greatest
challenge we have faced since World War Two. Since its emergence in Asia late last year, the virus has
spread to every continent except Antarctica. Cases are rising daily in Africa the Americas, and Europe.

Countries are racing to slow the spread of the virus by testing and treating patients, carrying out contact
tracing, limiting travel, quarantining citizens, and cancelling large gatherings such as sporting events,
concerts, and schools. The pandemic is moving like a wave—one that may yet crash on those least able
to cope.
Coronavirus; Image Source:

But COVID-19 is much more than a health crisis. By stressing every one of the countries it touches, it
has the potential to create devastating social, economic and political crises that will leave deep scars. As
the UN’s lead agency on socio-economic impact and recovery, UNDP will provide the technical lead in
the UN’s socio-economic recovery, supporting the role of the Resident Coordinators, with UN teams
working as one across all aspects of the response.

We are in uncharted territory. Many of our communities are now unrecognizable. Dozens of the world’s
greatest cities are deserted as people stay indoors, either by choice or by government order. Across the
world, shops, theatres, restaurants and bars are closing.

Every day, people are losing jobs and income, with no way of knowing when normality will return. Small
island nations, heavily dependent on tourism, have empty hotels and deserted beaches. The International
Labour Organization estimates that 195 million jobs could be lost. (, n.d.)

Historical Role of Mass Media During Pandemic in the Recent Past

The job of media in Bangladesh goes back to the war of freedom in our nation. In this war, the media,
principally the Radio, assumes a significant job in rousing the political dissidents to go ahead with a
quickness. Plus, in 1971, World Media additionally assume a more noteworthy job in the war of freedom
of Bangladesh distributing the reports on the war in the world level. After the autonomy, they assume an
imperative job in the advancement of governmental issues at the hour of political emergency in various
Military systems in our nation.

In 2013, Media for the most part internet-based life assumes a vital job in joining the general individuals
to speak more loudly against the decision of the war criminal. Dissent started directly after the decision
was reported. Understudy associations began the dissent following the Judgment in the Shahbag square
that was the genuine call for individuals to assemble in the Shahbag square inside 30 minutes of the
Judgment. It took half an hour to spread out the call for the fight through various online life and later the
satellite TV channels. Consequently, Media assume a significant job in this dissent. Other than in the
ongoing time Media too provided details regarding the slaughtering of various bloggers and the diverse
fear monger exercises by various psychological militant gatherings.

In addition, Media are proceeding with their job. To the extent the pandemic is a concern, the broad
communications are contributing from the earliest starting point. From November 17, 2019, the main patient
revealed—from that point forward the media is sharing the update of the Corona Crisis circumstance
regularly to work date. Not just giving the refreshes just, the media is building mindfulness among general
individuals and consistently sharing the perspectives on pandemic and additionally virology specialists. This
absolutely causes the administration to decide the choices in this pandemic.

Covid-19: Role of Mass Media in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has seen a flood in Covid-19 contaminations, passings, and network transmissions in hotspot
zones. Since the discovery of its initial three constructive cases on March 8, an aggregate of 30,205
individuals have been contaminated, with 432 kicking the bucket from the ailment, 6,190 recuperating
and case casualty rate (CFR) is 1.46%, as per the Institute of Epidemiology Disease Control and
Research. A sum of 1,85,196 individuals has been tried the country over. Age information of the dead
shows that around 50 percent were beneath the age of 50, while most passings from Covid-19 over the
world were individuals more than 50. Mankind is battling against a pandemic with no cure or
immunization and mindfulness is the main key to endurance now—in this helpless circumstance, the
broad communications are assuming an indispensable job. Broad communications are correspondence—
regardless of whether composed, communicate, or spoken—that contacts an enormous crowd. This
incorporates TV, radio, promoting, motion pictures, the Internet, papers, magazines, etc.

Mindfulness building and scattering assume a major job on numerous levels from the overall population,
nearby businessperson, researchers, arrangement creators, organizers, and lawmakers in the
administration with respect to the pandemic. Battling against a pandemic like Covid-19, mindfulness is
the main key and the broad communications of Bangladesh are responding as needs are and earnestly.
Inside this abundant system of multifaceted nature, we invite look into tending to media effect and its job
during the COVID-19 pandemic, in the accompanying subtopics-

 Social Media: Essential Wellsprings of Data

proach of online networking in the 21st century, not exclusively are we learning the most recent news refreshes, but at the same tim

You’ve seen pretty much everything in terms of the coronavirus over the last few days to weeks. The number
of people being affected by the illness in states, counties, and specific cities and towns come to mind. This
news has made people aware of how the situation has been constantly deteriorating the sense of normalcy
across the nation. Social media has also educated us about the symptoms of COVID-19–in turn, perhaps
saving lives!

Safety tips are another ENORMOUS thing spreading through social media. One, in particular, is the term
“social distancing. It is also suggested to stay at least six feet away from other people to lessen your chances
of catching COVID-19. (, n.d.)
 Online Media: Popular and Well-known Sources of Information

Like satellite station and print media, Online news entryways and stations are well known wellsprings of
data among general individuals. A great many individuals follow the news shared by the online news
gateways. A portion of the news entryways are considered as genuine as print media. They routinely
distribute quality news and unequivocally assuming an imperative job in building mindfulness among

This picture is taken from reputed online portal “Ajker Orthoniti”. They are continuously publishing
pandemic situation in Bangladesh.

 Satellite TV Channel: A Trustworthy Source

In Bangladesh, 30 TV channels, 29 of them private, are inactivity. Twelve more got TV permits while
licenses of four stations were renounced while in an activity. All the Satellite TV Channels are covering a
colossal number of populaces. Additionally, considered as the most solid wellsprings of data. Among these
stations, in excess of 7 news stations depend on News just and these stations are constantly broadcasting the
pandemic news consistently.

As per a distributed diary, it is seen that individuals lean toward watching news on Television. The
examination researched the crowd mentality towards satellite TV programs in Bangladesh and furthermore
tests to the program inclination of the crowd. The examination is illustrative in nature, to lead the
exploration, essential, and auxiliary information wellsprings of data were utilized. The investigation has
been led among 505 respondents incorporates the seven (7) classifications of crowds on the distinctive
geographic area of
Bangladesh. The aftereffect of the investigation shows that 90.9 percent of crowds are watched private
Satellite TV stations.

About 20 percent of the local satellite television stations’ viewership came from those markets,
which they could reach through their previous transmission arrangement by way of Apstar 7, a
Chinese communications satellite that has coverage in almost all parts of the world.The local
channels though had to run out their agreements with APT Satellite, the parent company of Apstar
7, to move to Bangabandhu-1, so they do not have alternative arrangements to reach out to viewers
in those regions either. (, n.d.)

TV Channels of Bangladesh; Image Source: The Daily Star

Since a large portion of the individuals is at home during the lockdown, it is normal to see a
development in media utilization. Individuals are utilizing different media stages for COVID-19-
related data, however, what is given is a long way from reality and doesn't further a basic objective
talk. Be that as it may, the TV media is dispersing data, facilitating wellbeing related shows and
through ads, they are attempting to construct mindfulness also. They are persistently facilitating
appears with clinical specialists and virologist scattering data in regards to what general individuals
ought to do to spare them in this pandemic and other wellbeing related issues. For example, in the
underneath picture, we see that a rumored TV channel Somoy TV is leading TV appears on named
"Boddi Bari" every now and again to mindful individuals on wellbeing related issues.
Besides, when it comes to building mindfulness in the proper position the media is assuming an
indispensable job. A week ago, a disclosure of a quick testing unit by Gonoshasthya was featured
by the media, and the news circulated around the web via web-based networking media. That
surely made a monstrous weight on government and later the issue has been settled with exigency.

Gonoshasthaya Kendra founder Zafrullah Chowdhury launch programme at Gonoshasthaya

Kendra Hospital in the capital’s Dhanmondi; Source: New Age

Gonoshasthaya Kendra founder Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury on Sunday thanked Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina
for creating a scope for conducting the performance study of the Covid-19 rapid testing kits developed by
their organisation. (, n.d.)

 Radio: An Audio Sources

Radio broadcasts are a useful means to share public information, especially to the most remote populations. UN
Volunteers assigned with the MINUSCA’s radio are on the frontline to raise awareness aboutt the COVID-19
pandemic. These dedicated UN Volunteers share current up-dates on COVID-19 via radio programmes, while
advocating for prevention and protection measures. In a context where a high percentage of the population is
illiterate, radio shows are an essential way to reach as many people as possible, especially during a health crisis
where people should stay home. UN Volunteers make sure that information and advocacy messages are
broadcasted in the most adapted and suitable way for local populations. (, n.d.)Radio is considered as a
conceivably solid media in Bangladesh however it didn't develop much significantly after the appearance of
business and network radio broadcasts. NMS (2002) shows radio arrived at 42 percent in 1998 yet dunked to
24.1 percent
in 2002. As indicated by NMS (2016), 12.4 percent of the populace tunes in to radio with 16.7 percent in
urban territory. In any case, Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication or BNNRC, which
has been working for the advancement of network radio, predicts a quick development of radio audience
members in the nation. It evaluates over 6.5 million individuals are network radio audience members and
the number will go up with the presentation of new stations. (Media Landscapes, n.d.)

Like national media, Community Radio Broadcasters are at the bleeding edge of activity on the COVID-19
flare-up over the rustic regions in Bangladesh. Sixteen Community Radio stations are doing everything to
keep up our administrations and to react to the developing needs of our locale during this emergency. The
Community radios are communicating inside and out 50 hours program day by day on Corona infection
defilement in various arrangements like-news, Public Service Announcement (PSA), radio spots, radio talks,
magazine, dramatization, jingles, meeting and master suppositions and so forth. The substance of the
projects are-the way to sully, side effects of the patients, prudent strides for forestalling defilement,
specialist c.o-ops, administration giving offices and administration conveyance focuses, and the job of
network individuals since first March 2020 with own store in accordance with the National Preparedness
and Response Plan for COVID- 19 created by Government of Bangladesh.

 Print Media

Papers assumed a notable job in the governmental issues and battle of Bangladesh's freedom war and
popular government. In spite of the fact that print is passing on in the US and Europe with the conclusion of
some settled papers, in Asia, the image isn't as depressing as in the West. Bangladesh is one of only a
handful hardly any nations where papers industry may make due for a long time regardless of the way that
some old papers shut down while some decreased their flow definitely over the most recent two decades.
Paper course was in every case low and that is chiefly because of low education rate and destitution. The 24-
hour TV channels, quicker Internet administration, and online life have additionally made it hard for the
press to look after the course. The more youthful ages have little enthusiasm for perusing print adaptations,
they are picking the advanced news administrations. As per the 2016 National Media Survey (NMS), print is
the second-most across the board media in the nation with 23.8 percent readership. The readership dropped
marginally, 1.4 percent since 2014. One intriguing element is that print readership hasn't really gone down
that much considerably after the ascent of TV and the Internet. Nielsen Bangladesh 2017 National Media
and Demographic Survey additionally demonstrated a comparative pattern with 26.9 percent readership in

According to the exposure of the Information Minister at the National Parliament in January 2018, there are
3,025 enlisted print media in Bangladesh and 1,191 of them are everyday papers. Of the dailies, 470 are
situated in the capital city, Dhaka.
Like the satellite TV stations, print media is one of the fundamental wellsprings of data for general
individuals. It normally distributes master sees on Coronavirus. Regularly papers and print media distribute
articles that examine the circumstance and encourages the power to concentrate on the up and coming
occasions. Once in a while, the print media infer the consideration of the power where needs consideration.

The Coronavirus has hit hard newspaper circulation around the world including in Bangladesh although the
demand for online news jumped up significantly. With the enforcement of shutdown, lockdown, and social
distancing, print newspapers are not reaching all homes.

In many areas in Bangladesh, hawkers and outsiders are barred from entering the neighborhood. In Dhaka,
many hawkers have left in their village homes. (, n.d.)

Source: The Daily Star; An every-day paper like Star, yet besides all the Bangladeshi daily's is
currently covering the updates on Corona Pandemic as the lead news.

 Online Education Platform

In this Coronavirus pandemic social distancing is the only key to survival. For that reason, schools to remain
closed until virus outbreak fades. This is the current situation around the world. Prime Minister Sheikh
Hasina has said schools and educational institutions across Bangladesh will remain closed until the novel
coronavirus outbreak recedes. (, n.d.)
Source: UNB

The Education Ministry is planning to extend the shutdown of all educational institutions till the Eid
holidays, amid the outbreak of coronavirus in the country.Deputy Minister for Education, Barrister Mohibul
Hasan Chowdhury Nowfel, and Primary and Mass Education Secretary Md Akram-al- Hossain, both
confirmed Bangla Tribune about the development.The Education Ministry is going to announce holidays till
the start of the holy month of Ramadan and then the usual vacation during the month of Ramadan will kick
in, resulting in an extended shutdown of educational institutions.

However during the long holidays, state run Sangsad Bangladesh Television will continue
broadcasting lessons for students.Videos of the lessons for students of class VI to class X will also
be uploaded on the YouTube channel “My School at MY Home,” and on the Kishor Batayon
website.The Directorate of Primary Education is also developing its own web portal where videos of
lessons for students of class I to class V will be uploaded.Academic programs for students of class
VI to class X began airing on national television from March 28, from 9am to 9pm.Earlier, the
Education Ministry closed all schools, colleges, and universities from March 18 to 31, and later
extended the closure till April 9 due to the global pandemic. (, n.d.)

Deluding News Through Media

Media is the blade arm of the majority rules system. Media goes about as a guard dog to ensure open
enthusiasm against misbehavior and make open awareness. Today when government officials are exploiting
their positions, a malicious nexus of mafia and wrongdoing coop is making the life of the regular man
hopeless, common individuals are an insignificant observer media has a more
noteworthy obligation. With the affirmation of the primary affirmed instances of Covid -19 in
Bangladesh, individuals took to various internet-based life stages to communicate, remark, and offer
their interests over the progressing coronavirus flare-up. Along these lines, in an offer to keep
culprits from spreading bits of gossip, bogus data, and publicity concerning coronavirus, law
authorization offices have begun checking on the web content. (, n.d.)

Deception, particularly about COVID-19, can cause alarm. Individuals who see falsehood via web- based
networking media may think what they are perusing is in reality evident. Besides, there are a huge number
of unapproved online news entrances who are spreading falsehood or potentially counterfeit news in
internet-based life.


Media is exceptionally noteworthy these days, as it has an irrefutable job in refining the viewpoint
of individuals. It keeps us associated with the outside world, and without media, we would be
absolutely in obscurity and cut off from the remainder of the world. We need to put stock in the
media since it gives data about occasions the world over in a split second. Media has just kept a
pivotal job in rousing positive practices and diminishing the acceleration of unfriendly ones in
regards to the continuous coronavirus emergency, and obviously, the media is giving an account of
what's going on. While in web-based life regular we are seeing posts in regards to bogus
news/deluding data. Then again, the predominant press is assuming a functioning job by exhibit ing
real reports. The media are providing details regarding that have a constructive effect, as opposed to
increasing pessimistic impacts like the frenzy; as the mass individuals are amazingly affected by
activities and practices happening close by to them. Online networking is saving critical jobs by
giving the motivations to seclusion, isolate, physical separation, and viable counsel etcetera. As
needs are, the media inclusion of the COVID-19 is keeping an urgent job in spurring open
consideration. We have seen that media (print, electronic or social) are covering the most recent
updates on COVID-19, consistently revealing the number of passings, contaminated patients as well
as could be expected reasons for the infection.

(n.d.). Retrieved from

(n.d.). Retrieved from

(n.d.). Retrieved from
tv- channels-lose-20pc-viewers-1849969
(n.d.). Retrieved from
(n.d.). Retrieved from
(n.d.). Retrieved from
(n.d.). Retrieved from
(n.d.). Retrieved from
(n.d.). Retrieved from

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