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Respiratory System

Structure and Function

Learning Competencies:

• Describe the parts and functions of

the respiratory system.
• Explain how the parts of the
respiratory system work together
Respiratory System
• transport air into the lungs
• facilitate diffusion of oxygen
into the blood stream
• pick up waste carbon dioxide
from the blood and exhale it
• consists of the lungs and air
Respiratory System
Structures of the Respiratory System

A. Nose/Nostrils
- opening where air enters
B. Nasal Cavity
- hollow space in the nose lined
with mucous membranes
- as air enters, it is warmed,
filtered, & moistened
- cilia (tiny hair-like
structures) trap dirt/particles
C. Sinuses
- cavities in the skull which
also warm/moisten the air
- help in voice resonance
D. Pharynx
– Throat
– helps carry air to the lungs &
food to the stomach
• Epiglottis (cartilage flap)
-prevents food from entering
the respiratory tract
E. Larynx
– Voicebox
– vocal cords vibrate to
produce speech when air
exits the lungs
F. Trachea
– Windpipe
– tube from the larynx to the
– filters the air
– carries air from throat to
G. Bronchus/Bronchi
– lower end of the trachea that
divides to connect to the lungs
– carry air directly into the
H. Bronchiole
– lower/smaller bronchi within
the lungs
I. Alveoli
– cluster of thin-walled
sacs surrounded by
capillaries that exchange
oxygen and carbon
J. Lungs
– organs of respiration
– right lung has 3 lobes
– left lung is smaller & has 2
lobes (sections)
– it is where oxygen is taken
into the body and the carbon
dioxide is breathed out
K. Diaphragm
– muscle that makes
breathing possible
– dome-shaped muscle at
the bottom of the lungs
How do we take care of
our respiratory system?

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