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Amazon Confidential Service Provider Network

Service Provider Network Questionnaire Part 1

Company Information

Service Provider Organization Details

Service Provider Organization Name
Service Proposal Name
Service Provider POC Name
Company Information
1. Provide the length of time in business for the mentioned service for the online marketplace.
2. How many full-time staff does your firm employ for the above activity? Please include a copy of
your firm’s organizational chart.

3. Share five Amazon Sellers you have serviced in the last 6 months (Please share email address, or
ask the seller for their account ID). We may contact them for testimonies of your services.
4. Briefly describe your firm’s organizational capacity to participate in SPN (e.g., staff, equipment,
software, physical space, office location, etc.).

5. Briefly describe the percentage of your staff that would be dedicated to SPN relative to your entire staff
(using full-time equivalents). For example, if you would use five staff for SPN and you have a total of
ten, the percentage would be 50%.

6. What type of team will be assigned to SPN? What will each person’s role be? Please include a brief
background summary for each key staff member assigned to SPN.

7. Briefly describe the kind of work from the project that would involves sub-contractors.

8. Share your rate card for Amazon sellers.

9. Please discuss any hardware/software vendor partnerships required for participating in SPN.

10. Describe the tool/platform that will be used for above service type.

11. Describe the reason for using this tool/platform and how does it enhance your participation in the SPN?

12. Discuss your quality testing plan before any content is published.

13. Share the complete lifecycle of the workflow your organization uses from start to job completion.

14. Provide a complete list of languages that you can support for the above service type.

Amazon Confidential Service Provider Network

Service Provider Network Questionnaire Part 2

Due Diligence

Instructions: In responding below, please do not provide any personally identifying information, such as social security

1. 1. Please supply service provider’s (“you” or “your”) business name and contact information:







2. 2. Please list all the countries in which you and your subsidiaries do business, maintain facilities, enter into
contracts, or receive products or services.

Established :

In progress :

1. 3. List all of your owners, principals, partners, officers, directors, and/or shareholders.


4.Are any of the above individuals (listed in response to question 3) government officials or family members of a
government official?1 If so, please list those individuals and explain below.

For individuals, provide date of birth, all countries of citizenship and note if such individual is a government official. For purposes of this
questionnaire, “government official” means: all employees of state, local and national government agencies or departments. In addition,
government officials also include employees of government-owned or controlled businesses, non-government personnel acting in an official capacity
(such as government contractors), employees of international organizations (such as the World Bank or United Nations), political party officials,
candidates for political office, and anyone that you believe may work with a government official in connection with your business.

Amazon Confidential Service Provider Network

3. 5. Do you (including your subsidiaries) sell or market products or services to any governmental entity,
instrumentality, or department of a government (federal, state, provincial, municipal, or local), government-owned or
-controlled enterprise, military organization, political party, campaign for political office, royal family, or public
international organization (“Governmental Entity”)?

Yes No

If YES, please generally describe the nature of such business.

6a. Are you required to be licensed by any governmental agencies to provide any of the services that you anticipate
offering via the Service Provider Network? We would typically see this requirement for freight forwarding,
transportation intermediary, freight consolidation, customs brokerage, reverse logistics services, tax advisory, etc. If so,
please attach documentation of such license(s). Where possible, please attach copies in English. For example, service
providers registered with the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission should provide copies evidencing registration or

Yes No
If NO, please explain:

6b. Is your company registered to business in any jurisdictions? If so, please attach documentation of such
registrations(s).2 Where possible, please attach copies in English.

Yes No

If NO, please explain:

7. To the best of your knowledge, have you or any of your subsidiaries, any of the individuals listed in response to
question 3 above, or any of your employees:

Amazon Confidential Service Provider Network

(i) been investigated, interviewed, summoned, deposed, or subpoenaed by a governmental agency;

(ii) been convicted;

(iii) paid/ordered to pay any fine, civil penalty, or settlement amount;

(iv) been subject to debarment or suspension; or

(v) been involved in any legal proceedings;

during the past five years in connection with the violation or possible violation of any laws, rules, or regulations.

Yes No

If YES, please provide details regarding the circumstances of the investigation or legal proceedings wherever they
occurred. Append additional information as necessary.

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