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We had a great time!

(The using of present perfect)


a. Present Perfect : digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu aktivitas atau situasi yang telah
dimulai di masa lalu dan telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu di masa lalu atau masih
berlanjut sampai sekarang, kata kerja yang di gunakan adalah kata kerja ke 3 (verb 3),
perhatikan contoh kalimat dibawah ini.

a. The examples of positive, negative and interrogative sentences.

 (?) Has Ana just talked about me?
 (+) Riswanda has just talked about me.
 (-) Riswanda has not just talked about him.

 (?) Have you already created a new Japanese food recipe?

 (+) You have already created a new Japanese food recipe.
 (-) You have not already created a new chinese food recipe.

 (?) Have you met the lecturer in the last semester?

 (+) You have met the lecturer in the last semester.
 (-) You have not met the lecturer in the last week.

 (?) Have they observed about good governance?

 (+) They have observed about good governance.
 (-) They have not observed about economic policy.

b. Time Signal

 twice = dua kali  not yet = belum  at last = akhirnya

 three times = tiga kali  as yet = sampai sekarang  since yesterday = sejak
 many times = banyak  so far = hingga sekarang kemarin
kali  up to the present time = hingga  since 1997 = sejak 1997
 several times = sekarang  for an hour = selama
beberapa kali  lately = akhir-akhir ini sejam
 this week = minggu  recently = baru-baru ini  for two years = selama
ini  finally = akhirnya dua tahun
 already = sudah  never = tidak pernah
 just = baru saja  ever = pernah

Daru Susanti/IBM Bekasi/English I/Meeting 5

Speaking 1

Clerk : How long have you been in Washighton D.C., Mr. Lee?
Mr. Lee : For nearly two weeks.
Clerk : And are you enjoying it?
Mr. Lee : Yes, very much.
Clerk : Have you been to the Smithsonian Museum yet?
Mr. Lee : No, not yet?
Clerk : You should. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.

Speaking 2

Norman : Would you like to go to a movie tonight?

Joe : Sure. What’s on?
Norman : Well, The Minions is on at Grand Metropolitan Mall.
Joe : No, I haven’t seen that. What’s it about?
Norman : It’s Cartoon movie.

Way to say it

Questions Responses
How long have you been there? Since Monday.
Have you been there for very long? For two weeks.
Have you been to the Lincoln Memorial Hall No, not yet.
yet? Yes, I have been there already.

Well, I have been to the museum and the art

What have you seen so far? gallery, but I haven’t been to Arlington
National Cemetery yet
Yes, I have. I saw Star trek 4 last weekend
Have you seen/read any good movie lately? Yes, I’ve just finished reading Noble House.
What kind of movie/book is it? It’s a love story.
It’s a horror movie/story

Questions Responses
It’s a comedy.
How was it? It was excellent.
How is it? It is very good.
It is not very good.

Daru Susanti/IBM Bekasi/English I/Meeting 5

Daru Susanti/IBM Bekasi/English I/Meeting 5

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