CD2 10

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Exercise 1 CD2 10

M: Hi, Sylvia . Where are you going?

W: I’ve got a lot of things to do today. I am taking my dog to the vet in the afternoon.

M: Why? Is there anything wrong with your dog?

W: No, he is very healthy. I always get him a checkup even if he is healthy.

M: How often do you take him for a checkup?

W: I take him to the vet every six months. Just to be sure, I also feed him some
medicine. If I don’t give my dog that medicine, he can become very sick.

M: Oh, that would be terrible. It sounds like a lot of work is needed to keep dogs
healthy. Is there anything else?

W: I also take him out for walks every day. That day, both he and I get some
exercise. That’s how owners take care of their dogs properly.

haɪ (Sylvia) ()/

/hwer ɑːr juː ˈgoʊɪŋ/

aɪv gɑːt ə lɑːt əv θɪŋz tuː duː tuː deɪ/

/aɪ æm ˈteɪkɪŋ maɪ dɔːg tuː ðə vet ɪn ðiː ˈæftərˈnuːn/


/ɪz ðer eniːˌθɪŋ rɔːŋ wɪð jʊr dɔːg/

noʊ hiː ɪz ˈveriː ˈhelθiː/

/aɪ ˈɔːlweɪz get hɪm ə ʧekˌʌp ˈiːvən ɪf hiː ɪz ˈhelθiː/

haʊ ˈɔːfən duː juː teɪk hɪm fər ə ʧekˌʌp/

aɪ teɪk hɪm tuː ðə vet ˈevriː sɪks mʌnθs/

/ʤʌst tuː biː ʃʊr aɪ ˈɔːlsoʊ fiːd hɪm sʌm ˈmedɪsən/

/ɪf aɪ doʊnt gɪv maɪ dɔːg ðæt ˈmedɪsən hiː kæn bɪˈkʌm ˈveriː sɪk/

oʊ ðæt wʊd biː ˈterəbəl/

/ɪt saʊndz laɪk ə lɑːt əv wɜːrk ɪz ˈniːdɪd tuː kiːp dɔːgz ˈhelθiː/

/ɪz ðer eniːˌθɪŋ els/

aɪ ˈɔːlsoʊ teɪk hɪm aʊt fər wɔːks ˈevriː deɪ/

/ðæt deɪ boʊθ hiː ænd aɪ get sʌm ˈeksərsaɪz/

/ðæts haʊ ˈoʊnərz teɪk ker əv ðer dɔːgz ˈprɑːpərliː/

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