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Registration No.

Total number of printed pages – 4 B.Tech

SET -1 CI30130
Time – 3 Hours
Full Marks – 100
Answer all Questions from Part – A and Part – B
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.


1. Answer the following questions: [2 x 15]

(a) Give the major drawback of Function Point metric.
(b) Identify the life cycle model to be used in the following situation.
i.A software that would function as the controller of a telephone switching system.
ii.A new library automation software that would link various libraries in the city.
(c) Consider the following situation. For an investment of Rs. 5,00,000/-, Project A
offers a NPV of Rs. 1,00,000/- whereas Project B offers a NPV of Rs. 1,50,000/- for an
investment of Rs. 11,00,000/-. Find out Profitability Index (PI) for each project.
(d) Define the critical path of a project. Justify the following: A project can have more
than one path.
(e) Differentiate between Activity on Node (AON) and Activity on Edge (AOE) networks.
(f) Differentiate between risk reduction and risk mitigation.
(g) Give the types of shortfalls associated with a project.
(h) Explain briefly about Red-Amber-Green (RAG) Reporting.
(i) Differentiate between open and restricted tendering processes.
(j) Explain about the elements of quality in use.
(k) Differentiate between Verification and Validation.
(l) Differentiate between Black Box Testing and White Box Testing.
(m) List down a few types of projects for which the chief programmer team structure is
suitable and justify your answer.
(n) Discuss about the influences on motivation identified by Vroom and his colleagues.
(o) Explain about the causes of stress.

2. Answer any two: [7 x 2]
(a) Calculate net profit, payback period, return on investment (ROI), net present value
(NPV) for the following given project. Assume the discount rate is 10%.
Year Project 1 (Rs.)
0 -100,000
1 10,000
2 10,000
3 10,000
4 20,000
5 100,000
(b) Consider an office automation system. There are 4 major modules in this system
whose details are given below:
Data Entry=0.6 KLOC
Data Update=0.6 KLOC
Query=0.8 KLOC
Reports=1.0 KLOC
The various cost driver attributes are of high complexity, high storage, low experience and
low programmer capability with all others being nominal. Value for high complexity=1.15,
value for high storage=1.06, value for low experience=1.13, value for low programmer
capability=1.17, nominal value=1. Use the intermediate COCOMO to estimate final effort
and total development time.
(c) Discuss about basic principles and activities of Extreme Programming.
3. Answer any two: [7 x 2]
(a) Following details for a project is given.

Activity Depends on Duration (days)

A - 5
B A 7
C B 6
D A 5
E D 10
F B 15
G B 8
H G 8
I C 4
J G 4
K E, F 5
L I, H 3
(i) Draw the Activity Network representation of the project.
(ii) Determine ES, EF and LS, LF for every task.
(iii) Determine the critical path, critical activities and the duration of the project.
(b) Differentiate between Activity based approach and Product based approach with
suitable examples.
(c) Briefly discuss different categories of risk. Consider two dice. Consider a rolling a 7 as
an undesirable event that would make you lose a pot of $60. Calculate the risk probability
and the risk impact of rolling a 7. Calculate the risk exposure.
4. Answer any two: [7 x 2]

(a) Explain how earn value analysis can be used for monitoring both schedule and cost
of a project. Suppose a project is budgeted to cost INR 150,000. The project is to be
completed in 18 months. After two months, the project is 10% complete at the expense of
INR 25,000. It was planned that after two months, 15% of the project work should have been
completed. Compute the cost performance index and the schedule performance index.
Interpret these values to assess the progress of the project.
(b) Write down the steps of change control procedures.
(c) Briefly discuss advantages and disadvantages of fixed price contracts. Consider the
following schedule.

Function point Function design cost Implementation Total cost per FP

(FP) count per FP cost per FP

Up to 2,000 $242 $725 $967

2,001-2,500 $255 $764 $1,019

2,501-3,000 $265 $793 $1,058

3,001-3,500 $274 $820 $1,094

3,501-4,000 $284 $850 $1,134

A system to be designed and implemented is counted as comprising 3200 FPs. What would
be the total change according to the schedule.
5. Answer the followings: [7
x 2]
(a) Briefly discuss the importance of software quality. Write down the software quality
characteristics in ISO 9126.
(b) Explain about the techniques to enhance software quality.
6. Answer the followings: [7
x 2]
(a) Explain briefly about the recruitment process.
(b) Compare functional format and project format of organization structure.

Course Outcome Assessment Scheme

COs Description Questions satisfying CO Total Mark (%)

CO1 Estimate project cost and perform cost- 1(a), 1(b), 1(c), 2(a), 27 (22%)
benefit evaluation among projects 2(b), 2(c)

CO2 Perform project scheduling, activity 1(d), 1(e), 1(f), 3(a), 27 (22%)
network analysis and risk management 3(b), 3(c)

CO3 Apply schedule and cost control 1(g), 1(h), 1(i), 4(a), 27 (22%)
techniques for project monitoring 4(b), 4(c)
including contract management.

CO4 Apply quality models in software 1(j), 1(k), 1(l), 5(a), 20 (17%)
projects for maintaining software quality 5(b)
and reliability.

CO5 Use suitable project organization 1(m), 1(n), 1(o), 6(a), 20 (17%)
structure, leadership, decision and 6(b)
motivation styles, proper safety and
ethical practices and be responsible to
the society.

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