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English Expressions & Patterns Used in Daily Life

Target Expressions & Patterns:

- Bu bölümde öğrenmenizi hedeflediğimiz ‘’hedef ifadeler ve kalıplar’’.

have got to (gotta) do something: when you are saying that something is necessary or must
happen in the way stated.

Versiyonları: have got to, got to, gotta (sadece konuşma dilinde)

√ mak gerekiyor, - meli, - malı

√ You’ve got to (gotta) do your job properly or you will be fired!
√ You’ve got to be kidding me!
√ I’ve gotta talk to your mother, it’s important.

knock yourself out: go for it; do what pleases you

√ kafana gore takıl, keyfine bak

√ A: Can I have a drink? B: Yeah, knock yourself out.
√ Is there something to eat? B: Sure, here is the kitchen, knock yourself out.

take your time: do not hurry up, you don’t have to hurry up.

√ acele etme, acele etmene gerek yok

√ Take your time – we still have 2 hours for the flight.
√ Sure, take your time like we are not late already.

call it a day/night: to stop working, either at one's job or on a particular task, for the rest of the

√ paydos etmek, işi bitirmek (night: geceyi bitirmek)

√ This package is the last one. Once we get this shipped, we can call it a day.
√ I’m so sleepy. Let’s call it a night and speak tomorrow, shall we?

What's got into you? (you, him, her etc.) : Why is someone acting in such an unusual or
unpleasant way? What is upsetting or bothering someone?

√ You used be very romantic and lovely before we got married. What’s got into you?
√ I don't know what has gotten into him lately. He just isn't acting like himself.
make a move on someone: to attempt to attract one romantically. The term is usually used

√ birine yürümek, asılmak (argo)

√ Ew, that guy made a move on you? He's like twice your age.
√ We were looking each other in the bar for a while and I made a move on her.

By the way: Incidentally; on a side note.

√ bu arada, unutmadan …
√ Yeah, I had a nice day today. By the way, have you talked to my father about the school trip
to Italy?
√ Davis is a man, by the way, not a monster.

A) Exercise: Öğren!
Fill in the blanks with the target Expressions and Patterns!

have got to (gotta) do something knock yourself out

take your time x2 call it a day/night

What's got into (you, him, her etc.) Make a move on By the way

1. I'm too tired to keep looking at these numbers, so let's _______________ and we continue
2. ________________________Sarah? She's been avoiding me for days now.
3. I think she likes you, too. You definitely should ____________________ her.
4. Oh, ____________________, Vicky called while you were out.
5. A: Do you mind if I use bathroom first? B: _______________________.
6. A: Hey Jack! I am so sorry that I will be a bit late. B: ___________________, I can wait, no
7. You ____________________ learn to respect other people if you want to be respected!
8. A: Teacher, do I have to answer all the questions in 30 minutes? B: No, no
___________________. You have all the time you need.
B) Match the Expressions and Patterns with their meanings! Pekiştir!

have got to (gotta) do something knock yourself out

take your time call it a day/night

What's got into (you, him, her etc.) Make a move on

By the way

1) _______________________: go for it; do what pleases you

2) _______________________: to stop working, either at one's job or on a particular task, for
the rest of the day.
3) _______________________: do not hurry up, you don’t have to hurry up.
4) _______________________: Incidentally; on a side note.
5) _______________________: To attempt to attract one romantically. The term is usually
used negatively.
6) _______________________: why is someone acting in such an unusual or unpleasant way?
What is upsetting or bothering someone?
7) _______________________: when you are saying that something is necessary or must
happen in the way stated.

C) Write a sentence of your own for each of the Expressions and Patterns you’ve just
learned! ++ Write Turkish meanings of the them. – Uzmanlaş!

- Öğrendiğiniz kalıp ve ifadelerin Türkçe karşılıklarını hiçbir yere bakmadan yazın, daha
sonra bu kelimelerle en az 1 tane örnek cümle yazın. (Verilen her anlam için bir örnek)

What's got into you? (you, him, her etc.) :


take your time:


have got to (gotta) do something:

call it a day/night:

By the way:

knock yourself out:


make a move on someone:



A: call it a day/night, What’s got into, make a move on, by the way, knock yourself out, take your
time, have got to, take your time

B: knock yourself out, call it a day/night, take your time, by the way, make a move on someone,
What’s got into you? , have got to do something

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