Gtu MCQ: Dynamics of Machinery (3151911)

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Dynamics of Machinery (3151911)  MCQs

MCQs of Forced damped vibrations

Showing 1 to 10 out of 45 Questions 1 2 3 4 5  

1. Transmissibility is the ratio of 

(a) damping force to the spring force
(b) force transmitted to the foundation to the force applied to the machine
(c) force applied to the machine to the force transmitted to the foundation
(d) force transmitted to the foundation to the damping force
Answer: Option (b)

2. The ratio of the maximum displacement of the forced vibration to the deflection due to the static force is known as
(a) damping factor
(b) damping coefficient
(c) logarithmic decrement
(d) magnification factor
Answer: Option (d)

3. In forced vibrations, the magnitude of damping force at resonance is equal to the impressed force.
(a) Correct
(b) Incorrect
(c) Can't say
(d) Not always
Answer: Option (a)

4. In which direction does the damping force act?

(a) Opposite to the motion
(b) Along with the motion
(c) Perpendicular to motion
(d) Variable

Answer: Option (a)

5. In which direction does the accelerating force act?

(a) Opposite to the motion
(b) Along with the motion
(c) Perpendicular to motion
(d) Variable

Answer: Option (b)

6. In steady state forced vibrations, the amplitude of vibrations at resonance is _____________ damping coefficient.
(a) equal to
(b) directly proportional to
(c) inversely proportional to
(d) independent of

Answer: Option (c)

7. When the body vibrates under the influence of external force, then the body is said to be under ___________ .
(a) free vibrations
(b) natural vibrations
Dynamics of Machinery
(c) forced vibrations (3151911)  MCQs
(d) damped vibrations

Answer: Option (c)

8. Maximum displacement due to forced vibration is ____________ the displacement due to static force.
(a) inversely proportional to
(b) directly proportional to
(c) independent of
(d) none of the mentioned

Answer: Option (b)

9. The magnification factor is the ratio of the maximum displacement due to forced vibrations to the deflection due to ______.
(a) static force
(b) dynamic force
(c) torsion
(d) compression

Answer: Option (a)

10. Which of the following is true regarding Ɛ > 1?

(a) Transmitted force is less than the applied force
(b) Spring force is less than the applied force
(c) Damping force is less than the applied force
(d) Transmitted force is greater than the applied force

Answer: Option (d)

Showing 1 to 10 out of 45 Questions 1 2 3 4 5  

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