Grammar in Focus: Emphasis Marking Signals: I. Objectives

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I. Objectives
• recognize emphasis signal words and phrases,
• incorporate emphasis signal words and phrases in their writing

II. Pre-Test
Direction: Look for the signal words in the puzzle and circle them.

III. Grammar Points

Transition signals or Signal Words are linking words or phrases that connect your
ideas and add cohesion to your writing. They signpost or indicate to the reader the
relationships between sentences and between paragraphs, making it easier for the reader to
understand your ideas.
Among the most valuable signals for you to know are emphasis markers, through which
the writer tells you directly that a particular idea or detail is especially important. Think of
such words as red flags that the author is using to make sure you pay attention to an idea.
Look over the following list, which contains some typical words showing emphasis.

certainly above all

in fact most importantly
surely indeed
undoubtedly especially
truly without a doubt
a major development it all boils down to
a significant factor most of all
a primary concern most noteworthy
a key feature more than anything else
a major event of course
a vital force remember that
a distinctive quality should be noted
above all the most substantial issue
especially important most compelling
especially valuable important to note
IV. Exercises


A. Read the following sentences and circle the emphasis markers.

1. Thea loves dogs. Truly, she'd be happy spend time with her dog. 
2. Although the resources of our world are limited, the wants of people are not. Indeed,
one of the most important assumptions of economics is that the total human wants can
never be satisfied. 
3. Before the students’ performance, it should be noted that it is really a nice to watch
them quietly while they are performing.
4. To demonstrate his love of cake, Mark is planning a cake social for all his friends.
5. In practice, a deficiency of just one nutrient, such as protein, is not generally seen.
More likely, a combination of protein and calorie malnutrition will occur.

B. Study the following sentences and decide whether the principle of achieving emphasis
is considered by placing a check in the second column or an x if not. Include a short

SENTENCE EMPHATI Why do you say so?

C (/) or
1. To reduce the chances of being infected or
spreading COVID-19 it is important to note that
everyone must take some simple precautions
like regularly and thoroughly clean your hands
with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them
with soap and water.

2. Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up

viruses and once contaminated, hands can
transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. 
3. Keep up to date on the latest information from
trusted sources, such as WHO or your local and
national health authorities. 
4. Remember that washing your hands with soap
and water is also effective against COVID-19.
5. Stay home and self-isolate even with minor
symptoms such as cough, headache, mild fever,
until you recover. 
V. Post Test

Read each news headline and corresponding details very thoroughly. Express wisely your
ideas on the news/issue using emphasis markers


Social distancing ‘new norm’ until vaccine
is ready: PRRD By Azer Parrocha, May 12,
2020, 11:02 am
In his public address on Tuesday,
President Rodrigo Duterte reminded the
public that observance of social distancing
and wearing of face masks will play a huge
part in the “new normal” until a vaccine for
the coronavirus disease becomes available.
The President stressed that the
Philippines cannot afford to deal with a
second wave of COVID-19 infections and that
the easing of restrictions for quarantine
measures does not suggest that the threat
brought by COVID-19 no longer exists in the
country. Enhanced Community Quarantine
(ECQ) and General Community Quarantine
(GCQ) guidelines have already been laid out
by the government for both high-risk and low-
risk areas nationwide. In lieu of mother’s day
celebration, Duterte also greeted and thanked
all mothers for their sacrifices and particularly
extended his sympathy to those who lost their
children because of COVID-19. 
DAR allots P300-M to aid farmers during
pandemic by PNA, May 11, 2020, 1:59 pm
The Department of Agrarian Reform
(DAR) has allotted Php300 million for its
“The PaSSOver: ARBOld Move to Heal as
One Deliverance of our ARBs from the
COVID-19 Pandemic” project which aims to
provide support services to agrarian reform
beneficiaries (ARBs) affected by the COVID-
19 pandemic.
According to DAR Secretary John R.
Castriciones, the budget for the project will be
taken from the realigned budget of the
Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Development
Sustainability Program (ARBDSP) and
unobligated allotment from the different units
of the DAR Support Services Office (SSO).
The project aims to give essential support to
ARBs for them to be able to perform their
roles in ensuring food sufficiency in the
country. The crafting of guidelines for the
implementation of the project is assigned to
SSO Undersecretary Emily O. Padilla.
Quezon City places 20 areas under 'special
concern lockdown by
MANILA, Philippines – Quezon City has
placed 20 areas inside 5 barangays with high
numbers of active coronavirus cases under a
special form of lockdown.
The so-called "special concern lockdown"
will be in place for 14 days, from May 13 to
May 26, according to a Quezon City press
release on Tuesday, May 12.
Quezon City continues to have the highest
total coronavirus cases in Metro Manila, with
1,589 cases as of Monday, May 11. It also
reports having 688 active cases. With 5 new
deaths reported on Monday, the city's
coronavirus death toll is currently at 138.

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