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International Journal of Computer Information Systems,

Vol. 2, No. 5, 2011

A Comprehensive Study on Intrusion Detection

System and Its Prevalent Challenges in Mobile Ad
Hoc Networks
K.P.Manikandan Dr.R.Satyaprasad Dr.K.Rajasekhararao
Chirala Engineering College Achariya Nagarjuna University KL University
Chirala-523157.A.P.,India Nagarjuna Nager-522 510,India Vadeshwaram-522502,India
+919908847047 +919848487478 +919848452344

Abstract- A Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) has an emerging is under attack. According to the type of the audit data
dynamic topology in communication arena because of its collected, we can classify the IDS into two categories [2]:
anywhere, anytime communication. However, for its deployment
nature, MANETs are more vulnerable to malicious attacks. The 1. Host-based: It depends on the operating system audit
absolute security in the mobile ad hoc network is very arduous
task to achieve for the reason of its fundamental characteristics,
data to analyze the events resulting from programs or
such as dynamic topology, open medium, limited power and users on the host. It is able to detect abnormal actions
limited bandwidth. Even though, the attack prevention measures, such as repeated failed access attempts, changes to
such as authentication and encryption, can be used as the first system files, and monitoring real time system usage.
line of defense for mitigating the possibilities of attacks. However, Host-based does not depend on network bandwidth,
these techniques have a limitation on the effects of prevention and is usually used in small networks, where each
techniques in general and they are designed for a set of known host dedicates its processing power to achieve the
attacks. They are unlikely to prevent newer attacks that are task of system monitoring. We have to note that,
designed for evading the existing security measures. For this running this type of intrusion detection can slow
reason, there is a need of an efficient mechanism (Intrusion
Detection System) must be deployed to facilitate the identification
down the hosts and decline the performance of the
and isolation of attacks. In this paper we comprehensively host battery.
studied and presented various intrusion detection methods and
its most frequent and very common challenges in MANET. We 2. Network-based: Generally, it runs at the switches,
then suggested important future research directions. gateways, or routers in a wired network in order to
analyze the captured packets that traverse through the
Keywords-IDS; Architecture of IDS; Misbehaving Nodes in network hardware interfaces. On the other hand,
MANET; Methods of IDS; Techniques of IDS MANET does not have such types of network
elements, where the IDS can collect audit data for the
entire network. In wired network, network traffic is
monitored on the wired network segment, while in ad
hoc network, nodes can only monitor network within
Intrusion detection is a security mechanism which is used
their observable radio range. In contrary to firewall,
to identify those who are trying to break and misuse the
network based intrusion detection can analyze the
system without authorization and those who have legitimate
entire packet not only the header. They are able to
access to the system but misusing the privileges [3]. Intrusion
look at the payload within a packet, in order to know
detection can be defined as a process of monitoring activities
which host application has been accessed, and to raise
in a system which can be a computer or a network. The
alerts when an adversary tries to compromise such
mechanism that performs this task is called an Intrusion
application. Network-based, in wired network, can
Detection System (IDS). If the intrusion is detected, a
run as black box to monitor the entire network.
response can be initiated to prevent or minimize damage to the
system. Some assumptions are made in order for intrusion
Based on detection techniques, IDS can also be
detection systems to work [1]. The first assumption is that user
classified into three categories as follows [2].
and program activities are observable. The second assumption,
which is more important, is that normal and intrusive activities
1. Anomaly detection systems: The normal profiles (or
must have distinct behaviors, as intrusion detection must
normal behaviors) of users are kept in the system.
capture and analyze system activity to determine if the system
The system compares the captured data with these
profiles, and then treats any activity that deviates

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Vol. 2, No. 5, 2011
from the baseline as a possible intrusion by informing identify possible intrusions, as well as initiating a
system administrators or initializing a proper response independently.
3. The hierarchical architecture is an extended version
2. Misuse detection systems: The system keeps patterns of the distributed and collaborative IDS architecture.
(or signatures) of known attacks and uses them to This architecture proposes using multi-layered
compare with the captured data. Any matched pattern network infrastructures where the network is divided
is treated as an intrusion. Like a virus detection into clusters. The architecture has cluster heads, in
system, it cannot detect new kinds of attacks. some sense, act as control points which are similar to
switches, routers, or gate ways in wired networks.
3. Specification-based detection: The system defines a
set of constraints that describe the correct operation 4. The mobile agent for IDS architecture uses mobile
of a program or protocol. Then, it monitors the agents to perform specific task on a nodes behalf the
execution of the program with respect to the defined owner of the agents. This architecture allows the
constraints. distribution of the intrusion detection tasks. There are
several advantages using mobile agents [[7], [5]], for
In this paper, IDS architectures in MANET have been intrusion detection.
classified so that each one is suitable for different network
infrastructures. Then different techniques for intrusion III. MISBEHAVING NODES IN MANETS
detection are investigated and compared. Further we discuss
the common challenges for IDS in MANET and finally the Those nodes in the network which cause dysfunction in
conclusion and future directions are given in the last section. network and damage the other nodes are called Misbehaving
or Critical nodes. Mobile Ad hoc networks (MANETs) like
other wireless networks are liable to active and passive
II. ARCHITECTURE FOR IDS IN MANETS attacks. In the passive attacks, only eavesdropping of data
happens; while in the active attacks, operations such as
The network infrastructures that MANETs can be repetition, changing, or deletion of data are necessitated.
configured to are either flat or multi-layer, depending on the Certain nodes in MANETS can produce attacks which cause
applications. Therefore, the optimal IDS architecture for a congestion, distribution of incorrect routing information,
MANET may depend on the network infrastructure itself [4]. services preventing proper operation, or disable them [13].
In a flat network infrastructure, all nodes are considered equal,
thus it may be suitable for applications such as virtual Those nodes in the network which perform active attacks
classrooms or conferences. On the contrary, some nodes are to damage other nodes and cause disconnection in the network
considered different in the multi-layered network are called Malicious or Compromised nodes. Also, those
infrastructure. Nodes may be partitioned into clusters with one nodes which do not send the received packets (used for storing
clusterhead for each cluster. To communicate within the battery life span to be used for their own communications) are
cluster, nodes can communicate directly. However, called Selfish nodes [4]. A Selfish node impacts the normal
communication across the clusters must be done through the network operations by not participating in routing protocols or
clusterhead. This infrastructure might be well suited for by not sending packets. A Malicious node may use the routing
military applications. There are four main architectures on the protocols to announce that it has the shortest route to the
network [6], as follows: 1) Standalone IDS, 2) Distributed and destined node for sending the packets. In this situation, this
Collaborative IDS, 3) Hierarchical IDS, and 4) Mobile Agent node receives the packets and does not send them. This
for Intrusion Detection Systems. operation is called "blackhole" attack [1]. Malicious nodes
stop the operation of a routing protocol by changing the
1. In the standalone architecture, the IDS runs on each routing information or by structuring false routing
node to determine intrusions independently. There is information; this operation is called the "wormhole" attack. As
no cooperation and no data exchanged among the two malicious nodes create a wormhole tunnel and are
IDS on the network. This architecture is also more connected to each other through a private link, it can be
suitable for flat network infrastructure than for concluded that they have a detour route in the network. This
multilayered network infrastructure. allows a node to create an artificial route in the current
network and shorten the normal currency of routing messages
2. The distributed and collaborative architecture has a in a way that the massages will be controlled by two attackers.
rule that every node in the MANET must participate
in intrusion detection and response by having an IDS Selfish nodes can intensively lower the efficiency of the
agent running on them. The IDS agent is responsible network since they do not easily participate in the network
for detecting and collecting local events and data to operations. Malicious nodes can easily perform integrity
attacks by changing the protocol fields in order to destroy the

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Vol. 2, No. 5, 2011
transportation of the packets, to deny access among legal B. Local Intrusion Detection System (LIDS)
nodes, and can perform attacks against the routing
computations. Spoofing is a special case of integrity attacks Albers et al. [8] proposed a distributed and collaborative
with which a malicious node, due to lack of identity architecture of IDS by using mobile agents. A Local Intrusion
verification in the special routing protocols, forges the identity Detection System (LIDS) is implemented on every node for
of a legal node. The result of such an attack by malicious local concern, which can be extended for global concern by
nodes is the forgery of the network Topology which creates cooperating with other LIDS. Two types of data are exchanged
network loops or partitioning of the network. The lack of among LIDS: security data (to obtain complementary
integrity and authentication in the routing protocols creates information from collaborating nodes) and intrusion alerts (to
forged or false messages [15]. inform others of locally detected intrusion). In order to analyze
the possible intrusion, data must be obtained from what the
If a node participated in routes finding but does not forward a LIDS detect on, along with additional information from other
packet, it is a misleading node and misleads other nodes. But nodes. Other LIDS might be run on different operating
if a node does not participate in routes finding, it is a selfish systems or use data from different activities such as system,
node [12]. application, or network activities; therefore, the format of this
raw data might be different, which makes it hard for LIDS to
IV. DIFFERENT METHODS FOR INTRUSION DETECTION analyze. However, such difficulties can be solved by using
SYSTEM Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) data located
in Management Information Base (MIBs) as an audit data
A. Distributed and Cooperative IDS source. Such a data source not only eliminates those
difficulties, but also reduces the increase in using additional
Zhang and Lee also proposed the model for resources to collect audit data if an SNMP agent is already run
distributed and cooperative IDS as shown in Figure 1 [1]. The on each node. For the methodology of detection, Local IDS
model for an IDS agent is structured into six modules. The Agent can use either anomaly or misuse detection. However,
local data collection module collects real-time audit data, the combination of two mechanisms will offer the better
which includes system and user activities within its radio model. Once the local intrusion is detected, the LIDS initiate a
range. This collected data will be analyzed by the local response and inform the other nodes in the network. Upon
detection engine module for evidence of anomalies. If an receiving an alert, the LIDS can protect itself against the
anomaly is detected with strong evidence, the IDS agent can intrusion.
determine independently that the system is under attack and
initiate a response through the local response module (i.e.,
alerting the local user) or the global response module (i.e.,
deciding on an action), depending on the type of intrusion, the
type of network protocols and applications, and the certainty
of the evidence. If an anomaly is detected with weak or
inconclusive evidence, the IDS agent can request the
cooperation of neighboring IDS agents through a cooperative
detection engine module, which communicates to other agents
through a secure communication module.

Figure 2: LIDS Architecture in a Mobile Node

C. Multi-Sensor Intrusion Detection

Kachirski and Guha [9] proposed a multi-sensor intrusion

detection system based on mobile agent technology. The
Figure 1: A Model for an IDS Agent system can be divided into three main modules, each of which
represents a mobile agent with certain functionality, i.e.,
monitoring, decision-making and initiating a response.

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Vol. 2, No. 5, 2011
E. Zone Based IDS

B.Sun [11] proposed Zone Based IDS (ZBIDS). In the

system, the MANET is spitted into non overlapping zones
(zone A to zone I). The nodes can be categorized into two
types: the intra zone node and the inter-zone node (or a
gateway node). Each node has an IDS agent run on it. This
agent is similar to the IDS agent proposed by Zhang and Lee.
Others components on the system are data collection module
and detection engine, local aggregation and correlation
(LACE) and global aggregation and correlation (GACE). The
Figure 3: Layered Mobile Agent Architecture data collection and the detection engine are responsible for
collecting local audit data (for instance, system call activities,
 Monitoring agent: Two functions are carried out at and system log files) and analyzing collected data for any sign
this class of agent: network monitoring and host of intrusion respectively. The remainder, LACE module is
monitoring. responsible for combining the results of these local detection
engines and generating alerts if any abnormal behavior is
 Action agent: Every node also hosts this action agent. detected. These alerts are broadcasted to other nodes within
The action agent can initiate a response, such as the same zone. However, for the GACE, its functionality
terminating the process or blocking the node from depends on the type of the node. If the node is an intra-zone
the network, if it meets intrusion activities where it node, it only sends the generated alerts to the inter-zone nodes.
Thus, if the node is an inter-zone node, it receives alerts from
 Decision agent: The decision agent is run only on other intra-zone nodes, aggregates and correlates those alerts
certain nodes, mostly at the nodes that run network with its own alerts, and then generates alarms. The intrusion
monitoring agents. If the local detection agent cannot response module is responsible for handling the alarms
make a decision on its own due to insufficient generated from the GACE.
evidence of an intrusion, it will report to this
decision agent in order to investigate deeply on the
suspected node. Since nodes move arbitrarily across
the network, a static hierarchy is not suitable for such
dynamic network topology.

D. Dynamic Intrusion Detection

Sterne et al. [10] proposed a dynamic intrusion detection
hierarchy that is potentially scalable to large networks use
clustering. This method is similar with Kachirski and Guha
[9], but it can be structured in more than two levels. Thus,
nodes on first level are cluster heads, while nodes on the
second level are leaf nodes. In this model, every node has the Figure 5: ZBIDS for MANETs
task to monitor, log, analyze, respond, and alert or report to
cluster heads. The Cluster heads, in addition, must also
perform: 1) Data fusion/integration and data filtering, 2)
Computations of intrusion, and 3) Security Management.

Figure 4: Dynamic Intrusion Detection Hierarchy

Figure 6: An IDS agent in ZBIDS

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Vol. 2, No. 5, 2011
V. INTRUSION DETECTION TECHNIQUES FOR that it knows, the path metric can be calculated by combining
MISBEHAVIOR NODE IN MANETS the node rating together with link reliability, which is collected
from past experience. Obtaining the path metric for all
available paths, the pathrater can choose the path with the
Since there is no infrastructure in mobile ad hoc networks,
highest metric. In addition, if there is no such link reliability
each node must rely on other nodes for cooperation in routing
information, the path metric enables the pathrater to select the
and forwarding packets to the destination. Intermediate nodes
shortest path too. As a result, paths containing misbehaving
might agree to forward the packets but actually drop or modify
nodes will be avoided. From the result of the simulation, the
them because they are misbehaving. There are several
system with these two techniques is quite effective for
proposed techniques and protocols to detect such misbehavior
choosing paths to avoid misbehaving nodes. However, those
in order to avoid those nodes, and some schemes also propose
misbehaving nodes are not punished. In contrast, they even
punishment as well [16, 17].
benefit from the network. In another word, they can use
resources of the network - other nodes forward packets for
them, while they forward packets for no one, which save their
own resources. Therefore, misbehaving nodes are encouraged
to continue their behaviors.

Figure 7: How watchdog works: Although node B intends to transmit a packet B. Confidant
to node C, node A could overhear this transmission.
Buchegger and LeBoudec [16] proposed an extension to
A. Watchdog and Pathrater
DSR protocol called CONFIDANT (Cooperation Of Nodes,
Fairness In Dynamic Ad-hoc NeT-works), which is similar to
Two techniques were proposed by Marti, Giuli, and Baker
Watchdog and Pathrater. Each node observes the behaviors of
[18], watchdog and pathrater, to be added on top of the
neighbor nodes within its radio range and learns from them.
standard routing protocol in ad hoc networks. The standard is
Dynamic Source Routing protocol (DSR) [19]. A watchdog
This system also solves the problem of Watchdog and
identifies the misbehaving nodes by eavesdropping on the
Pathrater such that misbehavior nodes are punished by not
transmission of the next hop. A pathrater then helps to find the
including them in routing and not helping them on forwarding
routes that do not contain those nodes.
packets. Moreover, when a node experiences a misbehaving
node, it will send a warning message to other nodes in the
In DSR, the routing information is defined at the source
network, defined as friends, which is based on trusted
node. This routing information is passed together with the
message through intermediate nodes until it reaches the
destination. Therefore, each intermediate node in the path
The process of how they work can be divided into two
should know who the next hop node is. In addition, listening
parts: the process to handle its own observations and the
to the next hop's transmission is possible because of the
process to handle reports from trusted nodes.
characteristic of wireless networks - if node A is within range
of node B, A can overhear communication to and from B.
 From observations: The monitor uses a
Figure 7 shows how the watchdog works. Assume that “neighborhood watch" to detect any malicious
node S wants to send a packet to node D, which there exists a behaviors within its radio range, i.e., no forwarding,
path from S to D through nodes A, B, and C. Consider now unusually frequent route update, etc. (This is similar
that A has already received a packet from S destined to D. The to the watchdog in the previous scheme) If a
packet contains a message and routing information. When A suspicious event is detected, the monitor then reports
forwards this packet to B, A also keeps a copy of the packet in to the reputation system. At this point, the reputation
its buffer. Then, it promiscuously listens to the transmission of system performs several checks and updates the
B to make sure that B forwards to C. If the packet overheard rating of the reported node in the reputation table. If
from B (represented by a dashed line) matches that stored in the rating result is unacceptable, it passes the
the buffer, it means that B really forwards to the next hop information to the path manager, which then removes
(represented as a solid line). It then removes the packet from all paths containing the misbehavior node. An
the buffer. However, if there's no matched packet after a ALARM message is also sent by the trust manager to
certain time, the watchdog increments the failures counter for warn other nodes that it considers as friends.
node B. If this counter exceeds the threshold, A concludes that
B is misbehaving and reports to the source node S.  From trusted nodes: When the monitor receives an
ALARM message from its friends, the message will
Pathrater performs the calculation of the”path metric" for first be evaluated by the trust manager for the
each path. By keeping the rating of every node in the network trustworthiness of the source node. If the message is
trustworthy, this ALARM message, together with the

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International Journal of Computer Information Systems,
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2011

level of trust, will be stored in the alarm table. All D. Ocean

ALARM messages of the reported node will then be
combined to see if there is enough evidence to Bansal and Baker [20] also proposed an extension on top
identify that it is malicious. If so, the information of the DSR protocol called OCEAN (Observation-based
will be sent to the reputation system, which then Cooperation Enforcement in Ad hoc Networks). OCEAN also
performs the same functions as described in the uses a monitoring system and a reputation system. However,
previous paragraph. in contrast to the previous approaches above, OCEAN relies
only on its own observation to avoid the new vulnerability of
Since this protocol allows nodes in the network to send false accusation from second-hand reputation exchanges.
alarm messages to each other, it could give more opportunities Therefore, OCEAN can be considered as a stand-alone
for attackers to send false alarm messages that a node is architecture. OCEAN categorizes routing misbehavior into
misbehaving while it's actually not. This is one form of denial two types: misleading and selfish. If a node has participated in
of service attacks. the route discovery but not packet forwarding, this is
considered to be misleading as it misleads other nodes to route
C. Core packets through it. But if a node does not even participate in
the route discovery, it is considered to be selfish.
Michiardi and Molva [17] presented a technique to detect
a specific type of misbehaving nodes, which are selfish nodes, In order to detect and mitigate the misleading routing
and also force them to cooperate. Similar to those in Section A behaviors, after a node forwards a packet to a neighbor, it
and B, this technique is based on a monitoring system and a buffers the packet checksum and monitors if the neighbor
reputation system, which includes both direct and indirect attempts to forward the packet within a given time. Then, a
reputation from the system as will be described shortly. negative or positive event is given as the result of the
monitoring to update the neighbor rating. If the rating falls
As nodes sometimes do not intentionally misbehave, i.e., below the faulty threshold, that neighbor node is added to a
battery condition is low, these nodes should not be considered faulty list which will be added in the RREQ as an avoid-list. In
as misbehaving nodes and excluded from the network. To do addition, all traffic from the faulty neighbor node will be
this, the reputation should be rated based on past reputation, rejected. Nonetheless, the faulty timeout is used to allow the
which is zero (neutral) at the beginning. In addition, faulty node to join back to the network in case that it might be
participation in the network can be categorized into several false accused or it behaves better.
functions such as routing discovery (in DSR) or forwarding
packets. Each of these activities has different level of effects Each node also has a mechanism of maintaining chip
to the network; for example, forwarding packets has more counts for each neighbor to mitigate the selfish behavior. A
effect on the performance of the system than that of routing neighbor node earns chips when forwarding a packet on behalf
discovery. Therefore, significance weight of functions should of the node and loses ships when asking the node to forward a
be used in the calculation of the reputation. Like packet. If the chip count of the neighbor is below the
CONFIDANT, each node can receive a report from other threshold, packets coming from that neighbor will be denied.
nodes. However, the difference is CORE allows only positive
reports to be passed while negative reports are passed in V. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS
CONFIDANT. In another word, CORE prevents false
accusation, thus, it also prevents a denial of service attack, As the use of mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) has
which cannot be done in CONFIDANT. The negative rating is increased, the security in MANETs has become of paramount
given to a node only from the direct observation when the importance. With the nature of mobile ad hoc networks,
node does not cooperate, which results in the decreased almost all of the intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are
reputation for that node. The positive rating, in contrast, is structured to be distributed and have a cooperative
given from both direct observation and positive reports from architecture. The number of new attacks is likely to increase
other nodes, which results in the increased reputation. CORE quickly and those attacks should be detected before they can
can then be said to have two components, the watchdog do any harm to the systems or data. These features present
system and the reputation system. The watchdog modules, one new challenges for intrusion detection techniques and as such,
for each function, work the same way as in the previous two achieving security in ad hoc network is more difficult
schemes above. For the reputation system, it maintains several compared to wired networks. In this study paper, we briefly
reputation tables, one for each function and one for explained the various intrusion detection methods and also
accumulated values for each node. Therefore, if there is a analyzed some challenges and problems of intrusion detection
request from a bad reputation node (the overall reputation is in MANET. There is an utmost need of a general foundation
negative), the node will be rejected and not be able to use the for all intrusion detection and supporting activities that can
network. able to adapt dynamic network conditions. These activities
include detecting all types of attack on MANET; collecting,

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