Role Dialogue Technique CL Co CL Co

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Role Dialogue Technique

Cl Hello, sir. My name is Azgar.
Co Hello Mr. Azgar. This is Dr. Ram, from Greeting
Cl Shyam asked me to contact you
regarding the sessions.
Co Yes, Mr. Motikar, did tell me about you. Confidentiality
Before we get going today, let me
explain to you a little bit about who I am
and what I do. I’m the Behavioral Health
Counsellor for the clinic and I’m a
Clinical Counsellor and also a consultant.
I work with primary care providers in
situations where good health care
involved paying attention not only to
physical health, but also to habits,
behaviors and emotions. If your primary
care provider, for any reason, is
concerned that any of these things alone
or in combination are impacting your
health or functioning, they can call me in
as a consultant.
My job as a consultant is to help Informed consent
you be more successful at targeting any
problems that have come up for you at
this point. To do this, I’m going to spend
about 10 minutes with you to get a
snapshot of your life; what’s working
well and what’s not working so well.
Before we end this call today we’ll take
the information you have given me and
together we’ll come up with a set of
recommendations that seem doable.
The recommendations might be Contract
things you try on your own like reading
some self-help material and practicing
various kinds of skills on your own. Or,
we may decide to have you come back to
see me a couple of times if we think we
can develop some positive momentum on
specific skills by doing so. we might also
decide that you would benefit from
seeing a more intensive specialty service.
If that’s the case, I’d work with RV
Healthcare, to help arrange that referral
using the information you have given me
With this said, I also want to stay Informed consent
in contact with one of your care taker’s,
in order to keep them informed about the
sessions with consent.
Cl Sure, I’ll be sharing a contact of my older
brother, whom you can talk to.
Co After we have finished tele-meeting Confidentiality
today, I’ll meet with your care taker to go
over what we have talked about and what
the plan is. This information will be
integrated into your medical record so
don’t be surprised if your caretakers ask
you how this aspect of your health care
plan is going for you. Do you have any
questions before we begin?
Cl Firstly, I am very confused with the
things that are happening with me at the
moment. I don’t know where to start
Co Why not start from the beginning? Open Ended Question
Cl I want to tell you about myself. I have
been one of the best academic scorers
since my school. I Graduated with a B.
Com degree from SDM College, Ujire. I
scored a 92%, in the final semester.
Meanwhile the highlight of my life is the
sports I’ve been playing for more than 8
years. I’m a National level badminton
player, representing Mangalore
University numerous times. I have won a
couple of trophies and titles in the state
and National levels. I had high hopes of
pursuing my MBA abroad, for which I
struggled, like any aspirants for
vocabulary, application, VISA and other
admission procedures in colleges from
Finland, New Zealand and Australia. I
also took coaching for IELTS and TOFL,
and scored well in the mock tests. I was
all set to go but dropped the plan for one
Co I see that you’ve invested hand-sum for Reflection of words.
your higher education. When you’ve set Closed Ended question about action
such high goals, what made you think
twice about it?
Cl I fell in love with a girl during my UG,
which I sometimes think was a mistake
and at others think it was fate.
Co Let me pause you there. As a scientific Immediate reflection
thinker I must tell you this; when
something goes wrong it’s no fate all the
time. I respect your opinions, but let us
also work on the way you’ll interpret
your own thinking. Please continue…
Cl I have to tell you that, this girl was a
Hindu, don’t mind me mention this.
Cause in the past, we’ve had clashes with
religious militant, when they recognised
a Hindu and Muslim pair walking around
in the town. Despite such hardship, we
tried to keep the relationship by
communicating on the phone, when we
were in the hostels. We rarely got any
chance to go out. During our short meets,
in the college, I’d help her improve her
skills and develop urban manners, since
she was from a rural town.
Co That must have been tough. I notice that Approval Remark
you have good leadership qualities.
Cl I did. But, now the wheels seem to have
turned. After we completed our UG amid
the pandemic lockdown, we could not
talk very often even on the call, since she
was at home most of the time. Her father
is pretty strict about using the phone for
I did adjust to those norms. Although, I
didn’t see the storm hitting our
relationship this bad.
I must also tell you that, my girlfriend
had a boy best friend back in UG. And I
was quite possessive of her being with
Co I heard you mentioned you stayed in a Clarifying Question and Direct lead
hostel. Can you tell me something about
your roommates and other friends?
Cl One of my best friend from college was
my roommate Mohana. Otherwise, I was
close to another guy Lekhan, who’d
actually give me relationship advice
during my stay.
Co What kind of advice did you receive, Questions about communication and
Azgar? (Laugh) action
Cl He’d ask me to keep strict and place
boundaries to my girl, as he also did the
same. I consider him a great influence in
the way my thinking completely changed
towards my girl.
Co Wait, what change are you talking about? Clarifying question
Cl I’m shameful to be telling this.
Co You don’t have to feel weird. This is Reinstating defences
completely fine.
Cl I started becoming too possessive about
my girlfriend, I would scold her with
filthy slangs like Lekhan did, if I found
her with other boys. At one point, I had
completely lost my mind. And such
feeling have still not stopped hitting me.
Why is this happening?
Co Where are you and what are you pursuing Closed ended question
right now?
Cl I forgot to tell you that, the reason I
dropped my plans abroad was because I
wanted to keep my relationship with her.
Post Lockdown, I joined the same college
in Bangalore as that of her to get an
MBA Degree, I was in her class as well.
But, she seemed to have changed
completely. Someone, who promised me
marriage and a life together, seemed to
have worn a different mask. This
frustrated me like anything. I started
harming myself. I isolated myself in my
PG room. And started telling everyone
about my pain. And now I feel this life
isn’t worth living, I must die now.
Co Since, you already told me you have Direct lead
good leadership qualities, I want to talk
to that leader now. Please, DO NOT
make any decisions and take actions that
hurt you or others at the moment. Be alert
for such thoughts.
Cl My question is, “How can someone who
was so close to you, completely change
and not care about your do-bouts
anymore?”. I’m trying to stay out of this
thinking, by teaching badminton in an
academy nearby.
Co I understand what you are going through. Summary reflection
This was sufficient information on the
call. I will be setting an appointment for
our session. I want you to be there in
time so that we make use of our time in
planning your future goals. I will be
recommending a schedule for your day
that will include; time for sports,
coaching, your studies, mind healing,
rejuvenation and building healthy
I understand the amount of Terminal reflection
sacrifice you’ve done for this relationship
to work, Mr. Azgar. Let’s break it down
from the beginning and take the path
which seems right. Okay? During this
time, I want you to be completely
cooperative with the suggestions I give
There’s 5 more minutes left until
this session ends. Do you have anything
else to add up?
Cl Please help me get out of this. I’m not
able to think normally
Co Mr. Azgar, try to relax. Do not talk to Direct suggestion
anyone else about how you are in pain.
Try staying normal with others. If you
feel unusual don’t hesitate to call me.
Let us meet up soon. Termination
Cl Thank you, sir!

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