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J Fusion Energ (2016) 35:529–537

DOI 10.1007/s10894-015-0052-z


Initial Plasma Formation in the GLAST-II Spherical Tokamak

S. Hussain1 • A. Qayyum1 • Z. Ahmad1 • S. Ahmad1 • R. Khan1 • F. Deeba1 •

M. A. Naveed1 • Rafaqat Ali1 • Mehboob Sadiq1 • Najam us Saqib1 •

A. Ahmed1 • M. Nazir1 • H. A. Majeed1 • S. Batool1 • M. A. Javed1 •
N. Ahmed1 • G. M. Vorobyov2

Published online: 21 January 2016

Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016

Abstract This paper reports the initial plasma formation Introduction

in glass spherical tokamak (GLAST-II) with electron
cyclotron resonance pre-ionization assisted startup. Ini- Spherical tokamaks (STs) have received considerable
tially, a plasma current of 3 kA has been produced for attention due to their encouraging experimental results and
duration of about 0.5 ms after establishing optimum con- promising theoretical modeling regarding stability and
ditions for microwave absorption at 2.45 GHz. Plasma magnetic confinement [1–4]. The long-standing subject of
current is then enhanced up to 5 kA by applying a small ST research is the development of steady-state configura-
vertical magnetic field that provides additional plasma tions with high b plasma and a high fraction of bootstrap
heating and shaping. Applied vertical field is optimized current. Therefore, immediate research in the STs demands
experimentally and optimal value is found to be 40 Gauss to generate target plasmas suitable for strong auxiliary
for this experiment. Plasma current and loop voltage are heating to test the stability and confinement characteristics
monitored by using Rogowski coil and toroidal loop of of the ST configuration.
wire. A fast framing camera (5000 fps) is used for temporal GLAST-II is a spherical tokamak having vacuum vessel
investigation of plasma during the discharge scenario. A of Pyrex glass and thus provides the best possible visibility
fast photodiode (BPX-65) and USB4000 spectrometer are for the discharge dynamics. The nominal parameters of
used to record the signature of plasma current and the device are: major plasma radius R = 15 cm, minor plasma
impurity content (O2, H etc.). Cross-sectional average radius a = 9 cm, plasma current Ip = 50 kA, pulse length
electron temperature is also estimated from plasma resis- s = 10 ms and magnetic field BT = 0.4 T. The design
tivity and found to be 6.1 eV for maximum plasma current mainly focuses on simplicity of construction, supplemen-
of 5 kA. tary heating, easy accessibility to plasma for optical mea-
surements and convenience for maintenance. The spherical
Keywords Glass spherical tokamak (GLAST)  ECR pre- tokamak, because of its slender central column, has very
ionization assisted start-up  First plasma formation  limited volt-second capability relative to a standard aspect
Plasma diagnostics  Optical spectrum ratio tokamak of similar plasma cross-section. However,
electrical field requirement for breakdown can be reduced
significantly by adopting various pre-ionization schemes
during startup [5–8].
ECR pre-ionization assisted current startup is a
scheme for generating toroidal plasma currents in toko-
& A. Qayyum maks [5–7]. In this scheme, a microwave beam at the;
electron cyclotron resonance frequency is launched prior to
National Tokamak Fusion Program, Islamabad 3329, the application of toroidal electrical field (E/) produced by
Pakistan OH solenoid or in its presence for inducing plasma current
Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, under appropriate conditions. According to Townsend’s
Russia 198504 theory the breakdown may be facilitated by the

530 J Fusion Energ (2016) 35:529–537

optimization of the gas pressure and the maximum con-

nection length of the magnetic field lines to the vacuum
vessel. Additionally, E/ drives an ohmic current in the
initial plasma. ECR pre-ionization assisted startup
scheme has been demonstrated on a number of tokamaks to
generate reproducible and performance-enhancing start-up
[6, 7]. In particular, it showed a substantial reduction in the
requirement of loop voltage for the ohmic current and thus
lowers the transformer flux consumption in the initial phase
of startup. This fact can be attributed to either generation of
microwave plasma by ECR pre-ionization prior to the
application of a loop voltage or in the presence of a loop
voltage that instigate breakdown avalanche process.
This paper reports the successful formation of plasma
current in GLAST-II with the help of 2.45 GHz microwave
serving as a pre-ionization source for main discharge. Fig. 1 A photographic image of the GLAST-II spherical tokamak
that provides an overview of coil systems and microwave injection
Effective pre-ionization is achieved through ECR in the
presence of resonant magnetic field and consequently build
up of plasma current by applying loop voltage through OH
solenoid. An attempt is made to estimate electron tem- 1.5 mm whereas inner straight leg has width 12.5 mm and
perature using plasma resistivity method (Spitzer’ formu- thickness 3 mm to equalize the cross-sectional area of the
lation). The diagnostics installed on the device are the strip. The tilt in the inner leg at an angle produces addi-
differential loops, magnetic probes, flux loops, Rogowski tional vertical field component that helps to stabilize the
coil, photodiode, Ocean optics USB4000 spectrometer, plasma. (3) A vertical field (VF) coils system (7.05 mH,
high speed camera and mass spectrometer. These diag- 2.07 X) comprising three pair of coils with 30-turn each
nostics are used to estimate the magnetic fields, plasma that provide additional plasma heating and shaping and
current, plasma lighting, impurity contents and discharge thus enhancing the plasma current. Three capacitor banks
dynamics. In initial experiments, plasma is produced using are used to energize each of these coil systems through
neon gas because such plasma is rich in radiation and emit sequential firing using thyristor based switching circuitry.
intense light owing to multistage excitation and subsequent The relative delays between different coil systems are
de-excitation of plasma species. Moreover, the color of applied with the help of a small 12-channel trigger control
neon plasma is reddish that makes it attractive for visual- unit.
ization and imaging in glass chamber. However, for future Ohmic heating (OH) solenoid is operated at a peak
fusion research and applications, plasma using hydrogen or current of 2.5 kA by discharging a capacitor bank (2.2 mF,
helium will be generated and characterized in GLAST-II. 2.5 kV) that produces loop voltage of about 10 V for
driving plasma current during ECR pre-ionization assisted
microwave plasma formation phase. For effective pre-
Initial Experimentation ionization the corresponding magnetic field (*875 Gauss)
is produced by using sixteen TF magnetic coils energized
GLAST-II is modified version of GLAST-I wherein central by power supply consisting of fast capacitor bank (3 mF,
cylinder of steel is replaced by glass to obviate currents 400 V) and slow capacitor bank (275 mF, 120 V). An
induced in the metallic cylinder. Moreover, diameter of additional vertical field of 40 Gauss is applied to explore its
central bore has been increased from 10 cm to 12 cm and effect on plasma shaping and enhancement of current. The
this configuration provides more space for OH solenoid. A GLAST chamber is evacuated by using pumping station
photographic image of GLAST-II is shown in Fig. 1. Three (Turbo-V 301-AG) of Agilent Technologies comprising of
set of coil systems have been used on GLAST-II. (1) The turbo molecular pomp and rotary vane pump with pumping
plasma magnetizing coil system that consists of OH sole- speed 250 lit/min coupled through vacuum port having
noid with single layer (0.43 mH, 0.19 X) having 210 turns diameter of 10 cm to achieve base pressure up to
and 70 cm length together with two pair of compensation 8 9 10-7 mbar. A manually operated valve is used for
coils (five turns and one turn). (2) The toroidal field (TF) supplying neon gas puff into the vacuum vessel to maintain
coils system (56 lH, 39 mX) comprises 16 copper strips it at a working pressure of 5 9 10-4 mbar during the
connected in series, with inner leg titled slightly at an microwave power injection. The neon gas pressure in the
angle. The outer curved leg has width 25 mm and thickness chamber during experiment is monitored by using full

J Fusion Energ (2016) 35:529–537 531

A 1.5 -3 B 0.3 P=15x10 mbar
P=15x10 mbar
0.0 0.1

1.5 -3
P=7x10 mbar 0.0
1.0 0.3 P=7x10 mbar

Light emission (arb.u)

Mirowave signal(arb.u)

1.5 -3 0.1
P=3x10 mbar
0.5 0.3 P=3x10 mbar
2.0 0.2
1.5 P=1.5x10 mbar
1.0 0.1
0.0 -3
0.3 P=1.5x10 mbar
2 no absorption
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (ms) Time (ms)

Fig. 2 a Microwave absorption spectra measured by microwave detector for different neon fills pressures. b Temporal profiles of plasma
induced light emission measured by BPX65 photodiode for different neon fill pressure

range gauge (PN-FRG 700). Thus, plasma current is pro- thus substantial reduction in loop voltage requirement for
duced successfully in GLAST-II with neon gas and evi- the initial phase of startup. Firstly, microwave absorption
denced by Rogowski coil and photodiode signals. in the presence of resonant field (*875 Gauss) is opti-
mized by changing the gas fill pressure, orientation of the
waveguide and relative delay between TF and the micro-
ECR-Assisted Pre-ionization wave pulse. A microwave detector diode is used to monitor
the relative absorbance spectra of the microwave pulse
A commercially available magnetron operating at a fre- whereas an optical photodiode is used to record the cor-
quency of 2.45 GHz and output power of 800 W is mod- responding light emission. The temporal profile of both
ified by winding copper wire between two magnets of diodes in term of width and intensity of microwave and
magnetron tube in order to enhance the magnetic field corresponding light emission at different gas fill pressures
strength and then tuned by synchronizing the energy of the is shown in Fig. 2.
capacitors. The modified system is now capable of pro-
ducing 2.45 GHz electromagnetic waves for startup with
an enhanced output power of 1.6 kW and pulse length of Field Null Generation
about 4 ms. In the preliminary experiment, a rectangular
E-plane sectoral horn antenna in TE10 mode is used to The generation of field null region is extremely important
inject waves in the perpendicular direction with the plasma for the plasma startup, especially in spherical tokamaks. For
torus for the benefit of pre-ionization. Microwave plasma successful plasma startup and to avoid interference with the
generation by ECR pre-ionization prior to the application plasma position and shape during the discharge, the residual
of a loop voltage instigates the breakdown avalanche and magnetic fields must be reduced to a minimum level in the

532 J Fusion Energ (2016) 35:529–537

region where the plasma to be formed and sustained. The U
Plasma resistance Rp ¼ Iloop is calculated using the
presence of unwanted magnetic field (sometimes called p
value of plasma current and corresponding loop voltage
error field) due to the OH solenoid and the other magnetic measured independently for different shots with VF and
coil systems decrease the connection length of the field lines 
without VF. As Rp ¼ glA ; where g depends on electron
and consequently increase the requirements for induced
toroidal electric field during the startup phase. A simple temperature, therefore Te can be estimated readily from the
technique has been applied to minimize the net vertical above Spitzer’s formulation. Temporal profile of electron
magnetic field inside the vacuum vessel produced by the temperature for both shots with VF and without VF, esti-
OH solenoid. Two pairs of compensation coils in series with mated from plasma resistivity is shown in Fig. 7. This
the OH solenoid are used to generate field null region inside enhancement of the electron temperature with the appli-
the vessel. Optimization of the compensation coils and the cation of VF may be ascribed to efficient electron impact
consequent minimum net flux at a particular instant is ionization and consequential reduction in plasma resistivity
achieved by varying the number of turns and also the and accordingly loop voltage.
position of the compensation coils. A differential loop (one
part encircling the OH solenoid while other encircling the
vessel) is used to observe net vertical magnetic flux passing Optical Measurements
through the vessel. Figure 3a, b shows configuration of the
compensation coils with equivalent circuit and differential Optical spectrum in the wavelength range from 348 to
loop signals respectively. The tuning of vertical field coil 1034 nm is recoded to investigate the intensity distribution
system i.e. to minimize the induced effect of OH solenoid of selected spectral lines and impurity contents [15]. A
on the vertical coils system is also necessary for the suc- typical spectrum of the discharge is presented in Fig. 8.
cessful tokamak startup. This is done by firing the OH Emission lines in the spectrum are indentified and labeled
solenoid at small voltage (*100 V) and measuring the by using NIST data. Intense neon lines with different
induced voltage across the vertical system. The induced intensity distribution can be easily recognized in the
voltage is reduced to the minimum possible value by spectrum. Moreover, some impurity atomic and molecular
adjusting the number of turns and the direction of current in lines belonging to oxygen and hydrogen are also observed
each of the coils. in the spectrum suggesting wall conditioning and
improvement in the vacuum conditions.
Sequential imaging of fusion plasmas is well-established
Electrical Measurements technique to get information about temporal progression of
the discharge [16]. Owing to recent advancements in the
Electrical characterization [9–13] of different subsystem of fast-framing camera technology, visible imaging has pro-
the device along with plasma is essential to correlate dif- ven to be extremely powerful diagnostic tool. Fast plasma
ferent quantities and optimization of the mechanism. imaging provides information about plasma shape and
Herein plasma current and loop voltage has been measured temporal evolution of discharge during operation. In fast-
using Rogowski coil encircling the cross section of plasma framing ([1 kHz) cameras, often fast imaging comes with
column and toroidal loop of wire at equatorial plane. enhanced temporal resolution. The number of useable
Plasma current, loop voltage and BPX65 photodiode sig- pixels depends on the camera frame rate. A high speed
nals without application of VF and with application of VF camera with a frame rate of 5000 fps is used to record the
are shown in Figs. 4a, b respectively. Corresponding tem- discharge dynamics. It can be seen from the plasma images
poral profiles of currents flowing through TF and VF coil that color visibility and brightness is different for shots
systems are presented in Fig. 5. Whereas Fig. 6 shows with VF and without VF. The plasma discharge with VF
oscillograms of plasma current, loop voltage, plasma seems to be brighter compared to the shot without VF and
induced light emission in (350–1100 nm) and also appears to occupy the whole volume of the spherical
(653–660 nm) recorded using Rogowski coil, flux loop, vessel. This fact may be ascribed to enhancement of
PBX65 photodiode and PMT coupled with monochroma- plasma current and consequent optical emission owing to
tor, respectively. electron impact excitation and ionization process. The
To characterize the GLAST discharge and consequent spreading of the discharge over whole volume may be
electron temperature Spitzer’s formulation is used for attributed to field helicity provided by VF and conse-
plasma resistivity measurements [14]. quently radial force apart from toroidal electron drift.
Temporal evolution of the ECR pre-ionization assisted
ln A
gSpitzer ½ohm  m ¼ 0:53  104 GLAST-II discharge along with images at maximum
e ½eV plasma current is presented in Fig. 9.

J Fusion Energ (2016) 35:529–537 533

Fig. 3 a Illustration of A
compensation coils system with
equivalent circuit for GLAST-
II. b Differential loop signals Coil Radius Posion Turns
with single pair and two pairs of pairs (cm) (cm) of
compensation coils coil

CC1 14 Z=±32 5

CC2 26 Z=±24 1

B 500

400 OH solenoid
OH solenoid + CC1
300 OH solenoid + CC1+ CC2

Differential Loop (mV)






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Time (ms)

Results and Discussion apply OH solenoid. Microwave absorption and consequent

light emission increases with increasing neon gas fill pres-
Figure 2a, b shows the microwave absorption in the presence sure up to 7 9 10-3 mbar and then decreases for higher
of resonant toroidal magnetic field and the consequent values. Thus, effective absorption of microwave radiation
plasma induced light emission respectively, measured by and subsequent light emission suggests the value of
BPX65 photodiode for different neon fill pressures prior to 7 9 10-3 mbar gas fill pressure as optimum condition. Light

534 J Fusion Energ (2016) 35:529–537


Light emission (arb.u)

Light emission (arb.u)
0.4 BPX 65 photodiode 0.5 BPX65 photodiode
0.1 -0.5
0.0 6
10 Rogowski coil 4
Rogowski coil


0 -2
Loop Voltage (V)

Loop voltage (V)

10 -4
Flux loop 20 Flux loop
-10 0

-20 -10

Microwave (arb.u)
Microwave (arb.u)

2 Microwave detector 2 Microwave detector

-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time(ms) Time(ms)

Fig. 4 a Temporal evolution of ECRH-assisted plasma current in assisted plasma current in GLAST-II with VF. The signals from top to
GLAST-II without VF. The signals from top to bottom illustrate the bottom illustrate the plasma induced light emission, plasma current,
plasma induced light emission, plasma current, loop voltage and loop voltage and microwave absorption respectively
microwave absorption respectively. b Temporal evolution of ECRH-

120 minimum vertical field and thus best selected configuration

VF for plasma startup phase. A flexible Rogowski coil encir-
VF current (A)

80 cling the cross section of plasma column is used to record

the signatures of plasma current formation. Results pre-
40 sented in Fig. 4a show that plasma current of about 3 kA is
produced for 0.5 ms with the help of ECR pre-ionization
assisted startup without vertical field. A small vertical field
TF is then added by energizing the vertical field coil system
TF current (kA)

and optimized for maximum current by maintaining cor-

responding parameters fixed. As a result, an enhancement
of plasma current up to 5 kA is achieved for optimum
value of the vertical field. The optimum value of the ver-
0 tical field is found to be 40 Gauss for this experiment. The
results are presented in Fig. 4b. Furthermore, with appli-
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
cation of VF, a fast rise in plasma current is observed that
Time (ms)
may be attributed to additional electric drift and plasma
Fig. 5 Temporal profile of currents flowing through TF and VF coils shaping. A reduction in the plasma current is observed with
changing the direction of vertical field that confirmed the
emission is observed to be closely depending on the enhancement of plasma current is due to the vertical field
absorption of microwave during the pre-ionization phase. drift effect. Microwave absorption in the presence of tor-
Differential loop signals presented in Fig. 3 suggest that oidal field (*875 Gauss) is optimized by varying the gas
OH solenoid with two pair of compensation coils produce fill pressure, orientation of the waveguide and relative

J Fusion Energ (2016) 35:529–537 535

Fig. 6 Oscillograms of plasma

current, loop voltage and
plasma induced light emission

delay between TF and the microwave injection. Figure 6 at t = 2.6 ms and then starts to decay and terminates at
shows the oscillograms of plasma current, loop voltage and t = 3 ms while the visible glow ends at t = 4 ms. Fig-
plasma induced optical emission. A sudden dip in the loop ure 9b shows the comparison between the central frames
voltage corresponding to plasma current indicates charged recoded at the peak value of plasma current. It is obvious
particle generation and consequently reduction in plasma from the figure that discharge fills the whole volume of the
resistivity. vessel when VF is applied and consequently increases the
The cross-sectional average electron temperature of overall emission intensity.
plasma is estimated from the plasma resistivity using loop
voltage and plasma current, and is presented in Fig. 7.
Temporal profile shows fluctuating behavior of electron Conclusion
temperature for both cases with change in magnitude and
rise-time. A significant enhancement in the electron tem- In conclusion, plasma current is successfully generated in
perature is observed with the application of VF. This fact GLAST-II spherical tokamak. Besides the toroidal field
may be attributed to additional drift and shaping increasing (TF), a vertical field (VF) is also applied during the
plasma current and consequent reduction of loop voltage microwave injection to produce magnetic helicity and
and plasma resistivity by application of VF. additional toroidal electron drift. The prominent spectral
Optical emission spectrum (Fig. 8) shows that promi- lines in the spectrum are identified to find out the impurity
nent spectral lines belong to working gas, except tiny lines content as well as excited state population of the emitting
coming from impurities such as O2, H etc. It must be noted species in the plasma discharge. The temporal evolution of
that optical measurements are time integrated and line of plasma current and loop voltage is examined to investigate
sight averaged, and for the whole discharge including the effect of vertical field on discharge dynamics. Plasma
microwave plasma and plasma current region. A high electron temperature is estimated using Spitzer’s resistivity
speed camera with a frame rate of 5000 fps is used to method. Plasma imaging shows that the discharge with VF
record the temporal behavior of resonance layer and also seems to be brighter than the discharge without VF and also
the whole discharge scenario. The first visible layer appears appears to occupy the whole volume of the vessel. The
at time 1.2 ms after the firing of microwave at t = 0. The plasma current formation during a short period (2.3–2.7 ms)
emission intensity and the size of resonant layer increase may be explained by field null formation at that time.
with time (see Fig. 9a) up to about t = 2.2 ms. The plasma Additionally, abrupt fall of the plasma current may be
current formation starts at about t = 2.4 ms, maximum is attributed to energy loss and consequent cooling due to

536 J Fusion Energ (2016) 35:529–537

10 A
With VF

5 1.2ms 1.4 ms 1.6 ms 1.8 ms 2.0 ms


2.2 ms 2.4 ms 2.6 ms 2.8 ms 3.0 ms

Without VF
3.2 ms 3.4 ms 3.6 ms 3.8 ms 4.0 ms


With vertical field Without vertical field

Fig. 9 a Development and subsequent decay of plasma discharge,

b images at maximum plasma current with and without vertical field
2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0
loop voltage by reducing error fields. We feel that there is
Fig. 7 Temporal profile of cross-sectional average electron temper- still room for improvement in the existing diagnostics.
ature inferred from plasma resistivity (Spitzer’s formulation) with VF Moreover, development and installation of some new
and without VF diagnostic systems like triple Langmuir probe system for
12 plasma measurement in the edge region, optical diagnostics
Ne-I(585.24 nm)

Ne-I(640.22 nm)

for impurity analysis, flux loops for MHD analysis and

interferometry for measuring electron density in core region
are also planned in the future. As the vacuum vessel is of
Ne-I(614.30 nm)

H-I(656.27 nm)

dielectric material so the research aspect of the adiabatic

Intensity (arb.unit)

8 compression and consequent heating will be an aim of the

Ne-I(650.65 nm)

experimental activities in the near future. Hopefully, this

endeavor will contribute significantly to joint venture of
Ne-I(703.24 nm)

magnetic fusion research community.
Ne-I(667.82 nm)
Ne-I(633.44 nm)
H2 (609.82 nm)

Ne-I(692.94 nm)
Ne-I(626.64 nm)

Ne-I(671.70 nm)
Ne-I(594.48 nm)
Ne-I(558.93 nm)

Ne-I(724.51 nm)

4 Acknowledgments The authors would like to express their gratitude

H2 (568.91 nm)
H2 (508.48 nm)
H-I (486.12 nm)

O2(777.9 nm)

to Dr. Badar Suleman (Ex. Member Science), Dr. S.M. Javed Akhter
(Member Science) and Mr. Maqbool Ahmed Ch., Director General,
2 TNO for providing guidance throughout the experiment and faithful
discussions. The authors also wish to thank the staff of the NILOP and
O-Lab Mechanical Workshops for providing technical assistance
500 550 600 650 700 750 800
during fabrication of GLAST. Support from IAEA through CRP No
Wavelength (nm)
166997 ‘‘on utilization of a network of small magnetic confinement
fusion devices of main stream fusion research’’ is also acknowledged.
Fig. 8 Typical spectrum of the neon plasma integrated over the entire
discharge duration

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