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Unexplored Gamification Elements in Learning

Sara Adel El-Shorbagy, Nada Sherief, Walid Abdelmoez
College of Computing and Information Technology
Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport – Alexandria, Egypt
2 0111 91 44 800, +2 01277886800, +2 01113718555;;

ABSTRACT software development [2] [3], government [4] and health [1]. In
this paper, we are more concerned about Gamification in
Gamification has been under exploration for the last 10 years. education and learning context.
Researchers have found that gamification of learning has a
potential to increase students’ performance, engagement and According to the calculations in statista [5], the education
enjoyment in courses. It was also suggested that one way to gamification market is expected to grow exponentially from 93
achieve that is through personalization of the students’ experience million U.S. dollars in 2015 to nearly 1.5 billion U.S. dollars in
weather by identifying their personality traits, player types or their 2020.
learning styles. However, it is not trivial to achieve that goal. An
Gamification is playing an important role in our daily life but
extensive work is required in the design and implementation of
unfortunately it is applied partially that leads to only making
the gamified learning experience for it to be entirely motivating
companies gain more revenue but lacking the human factor which
for participants. In our research we have found that there are
is the users of the systems that employ gamification. Users are the
unexplored game elements that were either never or rarely used in
main intended audience of these systems and a key factor to its
learning contexts. Those unexplored elements are correlated to
success. Thus, to make gamification successful according to [6],
player/personality types which mean that they motivate them in a
more focus must be paid to the psychological aspects that affect
better way. In this paper we present a mapping of gamification
human behavior. Otherwise, it will be called “Fake Gamification”,
elements, player types, personality traits and learning styles,
which is a process that only adds decorative game elements to the
which led to a new finding that some personality types are having
systems without including elements that have an effect on human
a great focus on, while some types are partially or totally
characteristics, extrinsic and intrinsic motivations [7].
neglected in the gamified leaning context. Thus, this paper
provides a step towards better utilization of game elements in At the early stages of employing gamification only badges, points
designing learning environments to create a better way to enhance and leaderboards were adopted, but lately more elements are
students’ behaviors, motivation and performance as well. being used. However, it is still an open question in research why
are these elements not enough anymore and many more game
CCS Concepts elements must be included in any gamification framework to
• Human-centered computing ➝ Collaborative and social succeed [8]. Examples from what researchers have found to
computing theory, concepts and paradigms partially answer that question is that the effect of leaderboards
differs according to personalities. It can positively or negatively
Keywords influence performance according to personality type [9]. Also,
while rewards may be motivating for some users it can decrease
Gamification; Learning; Big 5 personality traits; Learning styles; confidence of others [9] [10]. Thus, more work and studies should
Gamification Elements; Unexplored elements; User types; be conducted to identify motivational elements and their possible
risks in different contexts to design better personalized gamified
1. INTRODUCTION systems.
Gamification is the use of game elements in non-gaming contexts.
It is usually utilized in serious contexts to enhance engagement, According to [11], customization and personalization achieves
motivation and participation in order to change users’ behavior [1]. better results and are more effective than generic approaches. That
Gamification appeared in 2002 by Nick Pelling describing it as is why researchers are attempting to personalize learning
“applying game-like accelerated user interface design to make environments by using different factors such as age, gender,
electronic transactions both enjoyable and fast.” [2]. personality traits, user types and learning styles [12] [13] [14].
With personalizing design and content, learning can become more
Nowadays, gamification is emerging in so many fields like
effective by displaying the relevant content using the relevant
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for style to the right users. This personalized content motivates the
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are users much further, compared to generic, “one size fits all”
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that content [15] leading to better course satisfaction [2]. On the other
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights
hand, risks have occurred like undesired behavior and declining
for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be
honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or student performance [6], [8].
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior The ultimate goal of our research is to provide students with a
specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from
better learning experience through putting in regard their
differences whether in personality or learning styles. To achieve
ICSIE 2020, November 11–13, 2020, Cairo, Egypt this, we need to identify the underlying requirements to achieve
© 2020 Association for Computing Machinery. that goal. Our initial study concluded that software engineers do
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-7721-8/20/04…$15.00 not have guidelines on personalized game elements usages.

Accordingly, most of them implement them superficially with an 2.4 Related Work
assumption that it will suit all users. Thus, we needed to go more Unfortunately, most Gamification in education studies focus only
in-depth to focus on both the unexplored elements and also the on few elements and neglecting the main purpose of gamification
user types that have no gamification elements implemented. in education, which is aiding students to immerse and effectively
Consequently, there is a need for a comprehensive mapping collaborate in the specified course or lecture. It was discussed in
between personality traits, user types and learning styles to guide several studies that only BPL (badges, points and leaderboards)
software engineers and enable them to avoid undesired game were used & neglecting the other elements which are directly
elements usage or lack of user type coverage leading to better mapped to most of the personalities [1] [15] [17] [22] [23] [24].
design and implementation of learning systems. According to [25], games are interesting because the obstacles and
The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 provides a the failure can be overcome, which do not have effect on the
brief background on behaviorism, big 5 personality traits, player player real life. For example, some user types in real life are
types, and learning styles and related work. Section 3 shows the influenced by negative feedback in a negative way that makes
research criteria and how the unexplored elements were identified. them focus more on their flaws and not to work to make
Section 4 presents the explored and unexplored gamification themselves better [25]. Oppositely, in game context a negative
elements. Section 5 shows the mappings between player types, big feedback does not have that kind of influence like the word
5, and learning styles. In section 6 the results are discussed. “Game Over” as it decreases the competence and increases the
Finally, the last section presents the conclusion and future work. immediate desire to play again [25]. We argue that those results
may vary because the same game element does not have the same
2. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK kind of motivation or demotivation for different user types.
This section will provide a brief summary on concepts that we People learn and process information differently whether they are
utilize in our research and mapping and the related work. mapped to learning styles, Bartle’s [24] or big five personality
traits [13]. Therefore, each student needs to be educated and
2.1 Big 5 Personality Traits rewarded in a way that specially motivates him/her. Unfortunately,
Previous researches have mentioned that personalization has a
most of teachers or lecturers use challenge & leaderboards but
psychological effect on users’ satisfaction and user experience
they put so much load and pressure on many students emotionally
especially by using big 5 personality traits [1] [16], which is the
and socially with those elements [8], which may affect the
most used personality model in academic psychology that comes
wellbeing of students. That is why the rest of elements are needed
from statistical studies of responses.
to be implemented and designed in a way to better motivate the
Those five personality traits are: Extraversion that is sociable, students regarding their differences.
gregarious, assertive, and cheerful; Neuroticism that is referred to
by negative emotionality or emotional stability; Agreeableness, 3. RESEARCH CRITERIA AND PROCESS
refers to those who have the tendency to be cooperative, generous, At the beginning, we started our search criteria with search words
altruistic, and warm; Conscientiousness, are dependable, that contain gamification in any context then it was narrowed
organized, persistent, and goal-oriented; Openness to Experience down to be specific to only learning contexts the steps are shown
refers to those who are curious, unconventional, and imaginative. in figure 1 and discussed in details below.
The first step was to search for papers that include (gamification
2.2 Gamification Player Types and learning) or (gamification and education) or (game and learn)
Marczewski proposed six user types that have different
or (game and education) or (gamification and elements) or
motivations whether intrinsic or extrinsic [1]. Understanding user
(gamified or gamification) in learning contexts. More than 150
types and their corresponding gamification techniques like
papers were selected through the titles. Then in the second step
mechanics and dynamics is an important aspect in the design [17]
after analyzing the abstracts, the number decreased to 93 papers.
In the third step, our focus was to select the papers that contain
Player types are: Philanthropists who are altruistic and willing to information about the 52-gamification elements of Marczewski
give without expecting a reward [19]; Socializers want to interact gamification periodic table [26].
with others and create social connections [1]; Achievers seek to
Then 24 papers were selected and divided to two kinds of
progress within a system by completing tasks, or prove
references that were reviewed: 17 research papers ( [2] [8] [10]
themselves by tackling difficult challenges [1]; Free Spirits are
[11] [13] [14] [15] [17] [18] [19] [20] [22] [23] [24] [27] [28]
motivated by freedom to express themselves [19]. They like to
[29]) and 7 surveys ( [7] [9] [12] [30] [31] [32] [33]) were
create and explore within a system; Players will do whatever to
reviewed. Then elements were detected from the research papers.
earn a reward within a system, independently of the type of the
However, the survey papers needed a different kind of process. A
activity [20]; Disruptors tend to disrupt the system either directly
total of 162 references were used in the 7 surveys, duplicate
or through others to force negative or positive changes [20] .
references were removed.
2.3 Learning Styles After that, the duplicate references were compared to check that
According to [10] [16] [21] Learning styles are divided into 4 no elements were found in one and removed from another. For
different dimensions and 8 different learning styles which were example, 2 papers had badges as an element but one mentioned
identified by Felder. They are Sensing-Intuitive (the way boss battles while the other mentioned challenge. That was taken
information is perceived); Visual-Verbal (the way information is into consideration and was added to the detected elements count
presented); Active-Reflective (the way information is processed), as well.
and Sequential-Global (the way information is understood).
While searching in papers for gamification elements a new
challenge has occurred. Every paper may address the same

element with different names or synonyms. The elements names effects, loss of motivation, engagement over time (addiction) and
where extracted from different papers and oxford dictionary was increase of social pressure.
used in addition, an expert in gamification opinion was taken into
consideration as well. Finally, as shown in figure 2 the explored We argue that users who are experiencing side effects of
and unexplored elements were detected. gamification is due to the neglecting of the rest of elements that
are directly proportional to their personality types as shown in the
figure 2 and figure 3. That hypothesis is supported by [8] as Toda found that badges and leaderboards increases indifference
and undesired behavior while leaderboards and points impacts
loss of performance and declining effects. However, they are
highly used because they still positively affect other users.

Figure 1. Search criteria and process for exploring gamifiction

elements in litriture.


Gamification advantages appears more in a customized learning
context as it increases motivation [15], course satisfaction [2],
engagement [27] , activity [30] , enjoyment performance [23],
behavior change [28][29], attitude towards gamification,
collaboration [9], interest, attendance, assignment completion, and
more effort [32] .
On the other hand, gamification drawbacks in educational context
like lack of motivation caused by the lack of game elements that
provide the full explanation of each learning contents, student felt Figure 2. Explored and unexplored gamification elements
bored and did not enjoy competition elements such as leaderboard categorized according to gamification periodic table.
[30]. Examples of gamification disadvantages in [6], [8]:
Indifference, loss of performance, undesired behavior, declining

Gamification unfortunately is used to its minimum, because only philanthropists have only 3 out of 6 elements that were used in
badges, points and leaderboards are used [6], [33]. As shown in references and were only mentioned less than 5 times. However,
figure 2, only 6 elements have more than 40 references in for the free spirit users, researchers are only focusing on avatars,
literature, only 9 elements vary between 10 to 28 references, 14 branching choices, and mainly neglecting the other motivators for
elements vary between 1 to 9 references and finally, 23 elements this personality. This means that if a student was a reflective
were never mentioned in any reference at all. The elements shown learner and a free spirit as well he will not have enough elements
only motivate 1/5 of the world’s personalities that means we are to keep him motivated during the course.
trying to thrust the rest of the population directions into one kind
of interest, which will be illustrated in figure 3 later on. We argue Returning to figure 3, Red arrows are connected to
that this is one of the main reasons that gamification risks are Conscientiousness which is correlated to Philanthropist, Achiever
emerging. and Player [1] on the left side .On the right side it has positive
relationship with Sensing-Intuitive learning styles at [21] that are
Gamification has many factors to succeed but it must be used in good at concrete examples, strict information, Concepts and
the right way. This gap was the motivation for this research goal theoretical frames. Conscientiousness is the only type correlated
and initial results. This research focuses on devising a guideline to Achiever and Player in addition of having the most explored 9
for software engineers that can be utilized as a systematic elements as shown in figure 2.
approach for the design and implementation of gamified learning
environments. This includes formulating mappings to inform Blue arrows are connected with Agreeableness, on the left side
better design in a way that ensures coverage for all user types in they are correlated to Philanthropist and socializers [1], while on
learning context. the right side it has positive relationship with Active, Sensing,
Visual and Sequential learning styles [21]. As shown in figure 2,
5. MAPPINGS DATA ANALYSIS socializers element are almost 50% explored but lacking
This section will discuss the mapping between gamification player important elements like social pressure which can result in an
types, and big five personality traits in addition to learning styles. undesired behavior [8].
The combinations of this mapping as shown in figure 3, was Orange arrows connected to Extroversion with Philanthropist,
according to the analysis of [1] [17] [20] where player types are socializers and Free spirit [1] on the left side. Surprisingly on the
mapped with big five personalities. The mapping of big five right side, it is positively related with all the learning styles [21].
personalities to learning styles was according to [13] [16] [21]
[24]. In figure 3, we present our combined analysis and explain Finally, Neuroticism is connected to black arrows and it is
the mapping correlations. negatively correlated with all of its connections. On the left side it
is correlated with Free Spirit and Disruptor [1] that does not have
Green arrows are connected to Openness to Experience which any explored element at all as shown in figure 2. On the right side
are correlated to philanthropist and free spirit [1] on the left side it is negatively correlated with all the learning styles as well [21]
while on the right side it has positive relationship with active- as shown in figure 3.
reflective learning styles [21]. By looking at figure 2,

Figure 3. Mappings between Gamification player types, Big Five Personality traits and Learning styles.

This leads us to a conclusion that the world focuses only on 1 to give more opportunities for all types of users to enhance long-
personality type “conscientiousness” and whether it is in a player term motivation. Furthermore, providing individualized
mode or a learning mode this is the only person that will succeed instructions are not the goal of teaching and learning but a more
easily as the whole systems are designed to go with his/her balanced personalized way shall maximize their learning.
abilities to learn and grow. Unfortunately, the systems are trying
to force the rest of the types to succeed with a way that is hard for Our future work will extend and validate the presented results
them to achieve mastery. For example, extroversion will only through studying and exploring with actual participants. The
succeed because he/she are positively correlated with all learning results reached in this paper will be utilized as an input for our
styles not because it is just a fit. He/she will be able to learn as he study. That is to further investigate the design and usage of the
can be intuitive/ sensing, which are the main focus of identified unexplored game elements, while putting into
conscientiousness but maybe he needs the other learning styles to consideration more aspects such as the tasks performed in the
get everything well organized in his brain. Nevertheless, if learning environments.
openness to experience was not able to receive some
active/reflective ways of learning it shall be very hard for him/her
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