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TITLE NO. 69-53 Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Membrane Subject to Tension and Shear By NICHOLAS 8. DUCHON ‘An analytical procedure is presented to predict stresies and. deformations in’ reinforced. or pe- ressed concrete wall. subjected to membrane forces, and reinforced by a combination of orthog- ‘onal and inclined bers. The directions of the rein. forcement are taken independently of the principal directions. The concrete is assumed to act only in compresion. The effectiveness of incined bars in Fesisting shear forces and Application of the method in goneral practice suggested. cofindical shelled. lament method? mathe forced concrete: shoat sss ural analysis toe stot! walle formation Beste walls strane IW Tue CONVENTIONAL DESIGN of reinforced concrete walls subject to membrane forces calls for an orthogonal basic reinforcement and sometimes an additional system of reinforcement following the direction of the principal membrane tension. However, even if that direction is known and constant, which is not always the case, the direc- tions of principal stresses and strains seldom coincide in cracked reinforced concrete. Thus, the conventional design method fails. Nuclear containment structures represent typi- cal examples of this problem. The walls, usually cylindrical, are designed primarily to resist in- ternal pressure resulting in horizontal and vertical, tensile stresses, but in addition they must resist shear stresses caused by seismic or other loadings. ‘These load combinations generally result in wide- ly varying principal directions. To determine the effectiveness of various com- binations of orthogonal and inclined reinforce- ment, the following analytical procedure has been developed. ‘578 ASSUMPTIONS ‘The computation is based on force equilibrium, and strain compatibility of an elementary portion of the membrane. The concrete is assumed to act only in compression, the reinforcement in tension or compression and the liner plate, if present, in any direction. The concrete is thus modeled as a continuum intercepted by an infinite number of fine cracks all perpendicular to the direction of ‘the maximum principal tensile strain, The purpose of the analysis is to predict the highest probable stresses in each component element. The effects of repeated stresses, that alternately open and close the cracks in various directions, are a prob- lem of fatigue of the whole structure and can be found only by actual tests. ‘The treatment of the subject is sufficiently gen- eral to be applicable to any wall-like structure having similar loading and reinforcement. Also, the suggested method may become useful in any reinforced concrete analysis in which the structure can be properly simulated by a truss system, which is the most common case, the reinforcement representing the tensile members and the concrete the compressive members, APPLICABILITY OF ASSUMPTIONS Under increasing internal test pressure, the typi- cal cylindrical reinforced conerete containment shell will first develop vertical cracks, since the hoop tensile force is twice the vertical force, which, is further reduced by the dead load. ‘ACI member Nicholes 8, Duchon, structural engineer bechiel "Corporation, San Francicer Calif. received Nt fnginesring "diploma trom the. Techical” University of Budapest Hungary. euperiences Include bridge” design id “design of ‘) Ms. Cuchsn tsinments for nuclear power plont ACL JOURNAL / SEPTEMBER 1972 After the first cracking, the wall becomes an assembly of vertical concrete columns enclosed by a reinforcing bar net. Further increments of the pressure will increase the width of the cracks separating these vertical columns and eventually additional cracking will develop normal to the vertical tensile stress. Finally, blocks separated by vertical and horizontal cracks and held together by the reinforcement will result. If membrane shear force acts on the wall after such a crack pattern has developed, the surface roughness and dowel action will transfer some shear stress between the concrete blocks, thus resisting the shear strain of the wall until the tensile strength of the concrete is once again ex- ceeded and diagonal cracks begin to form perpen- dicular to the principal tensile forces. The model presented herein becomes quite realistic then, for high membrane shear forces. For the case in which the tensile stresses caus- ing the initial cracking are uniform, the direction of cracking is random. Then, when a membrane shear force is subsequently applied, some of the random cracking will be perpendicular to the in- clined maximum tensile strain. Thus in this case, the proposed analysis is applicable from the be- ginning of the application of the membrane shear force. In general, the proposed analysis conservatively predicts upper limits for stresses and strains of a shear wall, since all concrete tensile strength is neglected. MATHEMATICAL MODEL ‘The structural model used in the analysis is ‘composed of materials each acting in one direction only, rotated as necessary to represent the vertical, horizontal and inclined reinforcement, and the concrete. If both principal strains are tensile (ex- panding), the concrete is assumed to have zero strength. This is accomplished in the mathematical development by setting the conerete stress ou equal to zero. The model thus consists of a vertical, horizontal and two inclined anisotropic materials having modulus of elasticity E,, and an anisotropic con: crete material resisting compressive strain e, only and having modulus of elasticity E,. The following indices are used: Vertical direction, 1; Horizontal, 2; Inclined, and 4; the direction of maximum principal strain I, and that of the min- imum strain II, which is also the direction of the compressive concrete resistance (see Fig. 1) The boundary forces are V vertical, H horizon- tal, and T shear. The ratio of reinforcement area to the gross area is p,, i=1 to 4. The normal stresses in the elements are « and the strains #4, where i= 1 to 4 and Directions I and II. Within the range of validity of this analysis, o; = 0. ACI JOURNAL / SEPTEMBER 1972 ~ ‘The angle between Direction I and the vertical is B, and the angles between 3 and the vertical and 4 and the vertical are as and a, (Fig. 1). ‘The following three equations represent the equilibrium conditions of the model and must always be satistied: ae [»: cos? + py cos* ay cos* (8 — a) + Pecos a cos (Bay) Je + [p. sin? B + ps cos as sin® (B — as) a cos? ay sin? (8 — ay) BEE] eu o = [b= sin? B+ ps sin? ay cos? (B — a3) + py sin® ay cost (8 — «| 8 + [reso #4 post gaint a) + Pisin? a, sin? (8 — ay) + Eden ® aig; =|[s cos? (B05) sin oy 08 0 + Pe cos? (B — a4) sin ay cos «] & 3, 2 T H — Idealized crack pattern Reinforcement Fig. | —Typical wall element 519 +[rvse? 0) smacnen + px sin® (8 — ay) sin ay cos ay __ sin Be 8) ea @ Once the three variables, 8, 1, and ey have been determined, the stresses in the reinforcing bars can be computed from: 1 = (ex cos* B + ey sin® B) By “@ o2 = (e sin? B + a cos* B) Ey @) = [ou cost (p — a) + eu sin® (B— «oe, 6) % =[« cos* (8 — a4) + e1 sin? (B — «| E,(7) ‘The stress in the concrete is’ ou = tn Ee @ And finally the shear strain is: y= (1 — en) sin 26 ® Using these equations, the behavior of rein- forced concrete or prestressed concrete walls can be conveniently investigated, and the ratio of reinforcement in various directions can be opti- mized. Derivation of Eq. (1), (2), and (3) is given in the Appendix. EXAMPLE The effects of variation of the inclined rein- forcement are investigated in the following ex- ample, and the results are plotted in Fig, 2, It is, believed that the example is sufficiently typical to indicate a general trend applicable to similar containment structures. A cylindrical reinforced concrete containment structure of 88.0 ft (2682m) inside diameter is subjected to an internal pressure of 58 psi (407 kgf/em?), and a horizontal force of 18,100 kips (8.22 x 10? kgf). The wall is 6.0 ft (1.83 m) thick. E,= 5 X 10° psi (0.352 x 10° kgf/em*). ‘The wall is reinforced by a steel area of 18.0 sq in, per ft (275em*/m) vertical, 8.6 sq in, per ft (182.em/m) horizontal and a variable amount of inclined bars at angles aij = + 45 deg, ‘The resultant maximum membrane forces at an elevation of about 20 ft (6.1m) above the base slab are: Vertical, 1225 kips per ft (182,000 kgf/ m), horizontal, 369.0 kips per ft (549,000 kgf/m), and shear 122.5 kips per ft (182,000 kgf/m). Consequently the model used in this analysis has the following applied stresses: Vertical, 142 580 psi (10 kgf/em*), horizontal, 427 psi (30 kgf/em*), and shear 142 psi (10 kgt/em*). ‘The reinforcement ratios are: Vertical 0.015 and horizontal 0.01. The ratio for the inclined bars is varied. In Fig. 2 are plotted reinforcement stresses, concrete stress, strains, and the angle g for steel ratios ps and p, varying continuously between zero and 0,025. In Fig. 3 to 5, all dimensions and forces are the same except for the applied membrane shear, which is varied from zero to 500 psi (35.2 kgt/em*) In these three figures the stresses and strains are plotted as functions of the applied membrane shear force. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS In Fig. 2 the tensile stress in the vertical rein- forcement is rapidly reduced as the area of inclined reinforcement is increased, since the in- clined reinforcement system tends to compress the wall in the vertical direction while permitting ine) has vert. @ pk Tinaiiay : oor] Strains 8 stress, pst. 8 8 then 7 F 709| = 60°] }-Angle of inclination jo Eo 005, Ol 015 02 Arnot Incl. reint /grors area, By b¢ 6 Fig. 2 — Stresses, srains, and angle B ‘ACI JOURNAL / SEPTEMBER 1972 a. 004 8 [Shear strain the horizontal extension under the action of the relatively large horizontal force. In the absence of inclined bars the compressive principal stress in the concrete reaches a level twice that of the applied boundary shear stress. As the area of inclined reinforcement is increased, concrete stress decreases and the direction of the compressive principal strain approaches the ver- tical ‘The concrete stress reaches a minimum value as the ratio of inclined reinforcement becomes heavy, but then further increase of the inclined reinforcement results in greater concrete stress, ‘This is the result of the vertical compression ex- erted by the inclined reinforcement system under the action of the relatively large horizontal force. In Fig. 3, the high initial shear strain predicted by this analysis in the absence of inclined bars can be observed. Increasing the area of inclined reinforcement results in decreased shear deforma- tion and also in a more nearly linear variation of that strain, A close relation can be found between the shear strains and the direction of the principal tensile strain. Without inclined reinforcement the shear 3 deformation is not prevented until the previously 3 cracked conerete is compressed. As the applied $ 5° “00 (iby 200 o}300 400180) 500 - Applied shear stress, pst (kgf/cm) p= Ps, Pa cy Fig. 3 — Shear strain, principal stress, angle 8 ~409) 1 [4 (za) T= ll ar S$ es Ee or |] z F009) : = 409, ; 5 Fg = is = ee 3 Bleo00) z —| 2 2 100 z fr. 0) 7005 BOLT = $1009) fe al Es i <= 3—e = 400 : i * ogg (2a) -200 _@000) 3 (10) z 20 = # 0000) > “100 (16) 200 (@0)800 400 (80) 500 2 Aviad seat stot, atm") puts 04 Fig. 4 —Conerete stress components ‘ACI JOURNAL / SEPTEMBER 1972 ’ 10 Go) 200 (20)300 400180) 500 Applied shear stress, pal (hgt/em*) P=Ps, Pe Fig. 5 — Reinforcement stresses 581 shear stress increases, angle f defining the direc- tion of the principal tensile strain rapidly turns from the original 90 deg to about 60 deg and then slowly approaches 45 deg. The curves which rep- resent heavy inclined reinforcement exhibit a greater resistance to shear strain, and also a slow- er change of the direction of the principal strains as the applied shear force is increased. Without inclined reinforcement the concrete principal compressive stress increases nearly linearly with the applied shear. Light inclined re- inforcement (p= 0.005) carries the total shear force even at very small shear deformation. As the applied shear stress increases, at some point the compressive component of the shear stress overcomes the normal tensile stress in the direc- tion of the minimum strain and thereafter the compressive concrete stress increases approxi- mately linearly. Changes in the principal direc- tions correspond to those in the concrete stresses. With heavier inclined reinforcement the conerete {is in compression in the vertical direction even without any applied shear force. Fig. 4 shows the vertical, horizontal and shear stresses in the conerete, as found by projecting the prineipal stress into these directions. The variation of the vertical stresses with increasing applied shear seems to be similar to that of the principal stresses, while variation of the horizontal and especially the shear components is more near- ly linear. Fig. 5 shows that without inclined reinforcement the stress in the horizontal bars increases to very high values as the applied shear force is increased, and the provision of inclined reinforcement sig- nificantly reduces this stress. A similar effect on the vertical reinforcement can be observed. Heavy inclined reinforcement even causes compression stresses in the vertical steel at the lower values of the applied shear. At zero applied shear force the stresses in the inclined bars are the same for both Directions 3 and 4. With increasing applied shear force bars in Direction 3 (Fig. 1) are subject to increasing ten- sion, while those in Direction 4 lose tension and pass finally into compression. Tension in the heavier inclined reinforcement varies more linear- ly with applied shear, as the concrete becomes relatively less important in resisting the shear force. SUGGESTED USES 1, The described analytical method is recom- mended in the design of shear walls, and specif ically nuclear containment structures. The design 582 parameters are, in effect, only the compressive strength of the concrete and the tensile strength of the reinforcement, which makes for a simple and dependable design method. 2, When the cracking of concrete is taken into consideration in a finite element program pre- pared for axisymmetric structures, shear analysis, such as this is needed because the action of i clined reinforcement renders the structure non- axisymmetric. 3. The prediction of the shear strain, and hence the horizontal deformation of cracked structures, makes this method useful in dynamic analyses. By varying the amount of inclined reinforcement the shear stiffness of the wall, and therefore the dy- namie response, may be influenced, 4. The curves shown in Fig. 2 to 5 are valid only for the structure proportions and loads stated. Nomographs or tables may be prepared for fre- quent and rapid application. A short computer rogram has proved useful. 5. Using this analysis the need for inclined re- inforcement in addition to the orthogonal system can be determined, based either on stress levels or strain limitations. Generally, excessive concrete compressive stress or horizontal deformation of the structure exceeding acceptable limits would call for an inclined reinforcement system. 6. To apply this method in the design of pre- stressed concrete structures it is only necessary to include the prestressing forces in the applied boundary loading. CONCLUSIONS 1. If large shear forces are acting, conerete compressive stresses are significantly reduced by a sufficient area of inclined reinforcement. 2. The addition of inclined reinforcement con- trols the shear deformation more effectively than the orthogonal system alone, especially at small shear stresses, 3. In a typical nuclear containment structure the role of the vertical reinforcement diminishes greatly when inclined reinforcement is added. REFERENCES 1. ACI Committee 249, “Criteria for Reinforced Con- crete Nuclear Power Containment Structures,” ACI Journat, Proceedings V, 69, No. 1, Jan. 1972, pp. 2-28. 2, Holley, M. J. Jr, “Provision of Required Seismic Resistance,” Seismic Design for Nuclear Power Plants, the MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass, 1970, pp. 401-437, 5. Falconer, Bruce H., “Theory of Stresses Induced in Reinforced Concrete by Applied Two-Dimensional Stress," ACI Jounwat, Proceedings V. 53, No. 3, Sept. 1986, pp. 277-294, ACL JOURNAL / SEPTEMBER 1972 4. Peter, J,, “Zur Bewehrung von Scheiben und Schalen fir Hauptepannungen sehiefwinklig zur Bewehrungsrichtung,” Die Bautechnik (Berlin-Wil- mersdorf), V. 43, No. 5, 1966, pp. 149-164, and V. 43, No. 7, 1966, pp. 240-248. 8, Kuyt, B, “Zur Frage der Netzbewehrung von Flichentragwerken,” Beton und Stahlbetonbau (Berlin- Wilmersdorf), V. $9, No. 7, 1964, pp. 158-163, 6. Aas-Jakobsen, A, “Die Berechnung der Zylinder- schalen,” Gottingen, Berlin-Heidelberg, 1958, pp. 1e-t18. 7, Scholz, G., “Zur Frage der Netzbewehrung von Flichentragwerken,” Beton und Stahlbetonbau (Berlin- Wilmersdorf), V. 58, No. 10, 1958, pp. 250-255. ‘APPENDIX Notation Ay = total eross sectional area Ee = modulus of elasticity of concrete E, = modulus of elasticity of reinforcing steel i index referring to direction in plane of membrane, thus: T= vertical 2 = horizontal 3 = inclined (as) 45 inclined (aa) 1 = maximum principal (most tensile) minimum principal n ‘modulus of elasticity ratio: Es/Ee Pi = ratio of area of reinforcement in direction {to total area of section H_ = membrane horizontal force per unit length T = membrane shear force per unit length V = membrane vertical force per unit length as angle between direction i = 1 andi 4 = angle between direction i = 1 andi = 4 B = angle between directions i = 1 and i = 1 * shear strain a normal strain in direction i = normal stress in direction 4 Derivation of Eq. (1), (2), and (3) ‘The force equilibrium of the model may be estab- lished as follows: = prox + pos cos! aa + poss cos? ae + on sin? B = pron + pron sin? us + pics sin? a4 + on cos? = aos sin as €08 as + pros sin 04 608 as as as 2 —onsin p cos p ‘ACI JOURNAL / SEPTEMBER 1972 ‘The strains in any direction can be expressed as the projections of the principal strains, as follows: er = cos? Bert sin’ Ba 2 Bert cost Ben ca = cos? (8 — as) er + sin? (B — as) arr ost (B — a1) ex + sin? (B — a) enn Using the relations « = EiBy' and on = en Ee’ and substituting the preceding values of into the equi- Ubrium equations, we obta +[ am (peo +t en] x prcont + [cov (B— a+ eusint (p — «| Pe cost ay +H int p athe p+ are p) + weeeip a 4 want a) airs fasonip—ed + a sint (p09 ] pein a + 8 ce [ ] x ps sina co 0 + [ co¥ (B — a0) ‘taint (B — 00) J pe sina cos a sin f cos B Rearranged in terms of and et, Eq. (1), (2), and (2) are obtained, from which a, «1, and p may be found conveniently by an iterative process, such a the following: For any given value of , «1, and sn can be ex- pressed from any two equations which represent a nonhomogeneous system. By successively increasing, the values of the three variables can be determined so that the third equation is also satisfied. rod by the Institue Aug, 22, 1971

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