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RA Title no, 84.M29 URNA\ TECH ICAL PAPER Investigation of Complete Stress-Deformation Curves for Concrete in Tension by Guo Zhen-hai and Zhang Xiu-qin Complete sree deformation curses for concrete were measured from iret tension tests under both monotonic and eyeic loading. The ‘mtiavon and propagation of eracking on the surface of specimens were observed during the texts. Tensile strength and corresponding Strain, initio! modulus of elasticity and the Poisson ratio, and the values of stress and deformation at cracking are presented. Equa tions for complete stese deformation curves for concrete tension are sggested, esmonds:conretes caching (4turing: deformation: ies steal Following the suggestion by Whitney! that the as- cending branch should be followed by a descending branch beyond the peak of the stress-strain curve for concrete in compression, many scientists have mea- sured and reported complete stress-strain curves for various coneretes. It is well known that the tensile strength of concrete is much lower than the compressive strength. Complete stress-deformation curves of concrete in tension have been demonstrated and reported in some papers.” However, it still is questionable. For example, the in- fluence of different shapes of specimens is not clear The section of specimens used in some tests* was too small (20 x $0 mm only). Some of the experimental data reported are contradicted. The measured strain at max. imum stress was (200-800) x 10-* in Reference 3 but (60-90) x 10-* in Reference 2 and (97-132) x 10-* in, Reference 5. Some concepts, such as the strain of the specimen beyond the peak stress, have not been uni- fied. Further works, especially more test data, are needed. RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE This paper attempts to investigate the strength and corresponding strain of conerete in direct tension and to measure stress-deformation curves, including as- cending and descending branches. The process of cracking and breaking of the specimens was recorded 278 during testing. The obtained information is useful for analyzing cracking and deformation of reinforced con- crete structures, and for nonlinear finite element anal- ysis TEST APPROACH Direct tension tests were conducted on specimens with dimensions, as shown in Fig. 1. A hydraulic, uni: versal testing machine of maximum capacity of 1000 KN is used with a stiff frame consisting of two beams and four bars placed parallel with the specimen (Fig. 2). ‘The schematic model shown in Fig. 3 simulates the de- vice and the equivalent stiffness K of the system can be derived as follows. ‘The composite stiffness of the machine itself K., kIN/mm, and the load transducer K,, KN/mm, is (kN/mm) Corresponding to the descending branch on the stress-deformation curve of the specimen, the defor: mation of uncracked parts of the specimen decreases while the deformation or crack width of cracking re- gion increases. Thus, the composite stiffness of whole specimen is (N/mm) where K,, is the maximum (absolute value) stiffness of the specimen on the descending branch and K, is the stiffness of uncracked parts of the specimen. Reseed Set, 1986 and reviewed under Insite pubisation poise. copsrght © for" Aerie Cones Ine, Ai aga ened eas {ieimaking of copies unless person bated from the cops ht pope {Si Pesan! dheanon vibe poised nthe May Jase T088CP Me ‘alr url reseed by Fe 1 9988 a ACI Materials Journal / July-August 1987 {Guo Zhen al iw prfesr of ci engineering a Tsinghua University mB Ing, Chin. He graduated from Tighaa Universi i 1958 ond wes a wsing esearch flow ot University of Leeds, UK from 1982 10198, zhang Xiugin i ere of cv enincein at Tenghae Universi in Be ine. China She rece her degree rom te Tesi af Moscow Engineering Economic, USSR In this case, the limitation to measure a complete stress-deformation curve successfully during testing is 1 oy tg 7.1” aw rel at 3 | ele | | Stet ale| 351351 “15 } =| la Mould for specimen (a) (B) Fig. I — Specimens and mold for direct tension tests 10 Upper cross head of testing machine Nut with spherical jean (70#70am) jars (4 D20aa) Load transducer Steel plate Epoxy layer Specimen + Deformation transducer @ 10. Strain gauges (240 om) Fig. 2(a) — Test device; (b) general view of testing ACI Materials Journal J July-August 1987 279 Fig. 3 — Schematic model Table 1 — Concrete used for specimens Specie ga tea speciney|Grade of Mistry’ _[ "Wa oni Bren | cement [ementater sand [gavel 100% | 0 2 | sas | 350 [10 | 726 | 6] sor | 2ser + [2 | w joofeora|a.s) ass | 20 Therefore, the equivalent stiffness K of the system ccan be expressed as Ke Ki + Ky (Ku + K) KAKA K+ Ki (Ke + KS x Gay K KK, + (Ky + K)(K, + K) where K; is stiffness of the added stiff frame. Load and deformation transducers were linked with an xy recorder through amplifiers. The complete load (stress)-deformation curves were plotted during testing. For some specimens, eight electrical resistance strain gages were attached on two opposite surfaces of the specimen (Fig. 2) to measure the longitudinal and transverse strains of concrete in tension. SPECIMENS ‘There are 12 groups, 29 specimens altogether. These specimens were designed in different dimensions: 70 x 70 x 148/40 x 40 mm and 100 x 100 x 210/70 x 70 mm. (marked A and B). One cube was cast and cured with cach specimen as a control (Fig. 1). The same aggregates and mixture (Table 1) were used for all the specimens, and two types of cements were used to get different compressive strengths of concrete (marked 2 or 4). Specimens were cast and compacted by a vibration table. Having been demolded in next day, they were cured in a fogroom and taken out after 26 days. Specimens were tested at different water contents and divided into three groups: W, H, and D. For Group W, after specimens were taken out from the fogroom, the outside surface was covered with paraffin and both ends were attached with steel plates by epoxy (Fig. 2). 280 A tension test was carried out soon after the epoxy reached a certain strength value. Thus, only a little wa- ter was lost before testing. Specimens marked H were kept and dried in the laboratory and tested at 32 10 34 days. Specimens marked D were oven dried at 40 to 50 C (104 to 122 F) and tested at 36 t0 40 days. Water contents of specimens were measured and are listed in Table 2. The total testing time for each tensile specimen was 15 to 20 minutes. Control cubes were tested after the direct tension test to obtain the splitting tensile strength, JF. and cube compressive strength f... The average val- lues of these strength are listed in Table 2. CRACKING AND BREAKING OF SPECIMENS. Several experimental complete stress-deformation (or crack width after cracking) curves are shown in Fig. 4, Four characteristics points (E, P, C, and F) on the curves mark different stages of concrete in tension, Stress and strain increase proportionally up to elastic limit (Point B), i.¢., 40 to 60 percent of the maximum stress, Afterwards, strain increases quickly and the ‘curve becomes convex. The maximum stress (peak ot tensile strength, Point P) is reached when the value of strain is (70-120) x 10-*. Then, the curve descends sharply. ‘The first crack on the surface of the specimen is ob- served by the naked eye corresponding to Point C on the descending branch at four to six times of the defor- mation at peak stress. Afterwards, the curve tends to flatten out as the load decreases slowly and crack width increases, Due to random distribution of the coarse aggregate particles in concrete, the load-carrying capacity is dif. ferent from section to section. Therefore, the first crack occurs at the weakest part on a weak section. When a crack (width > 0.04 mm) appears on the specimen, a small cracked area forms on the section (Fig. 5) and cannot carry any load again. When tension deforma- tion increases continuously, surface crack propagates from both edges and the cracked area on the section spreads gradually. The circled numbers in Fig. 5 show the order of the crack propagation. In some specimens, a second crack appears on the other surface separately from the first one [Fig. 5(b)]. OF course, another cracked area is also formed on the section. Therefore, after cracking, the effective area on the section de- creases. ‘When the crack extends around the section periphery thoroughly, the crack width is about 0.1 to 0.3 mm, ‘The residual load is about 10 to 15 percent of the max- imum load, because a small residual tensile area and aggregate interaction still exist on the cracking section. Finally, a crack propagates over the section and the specimen breaks into two pieces (Point F) when the to- tal deformation is 0.4 mm or larger. Most parts of the broken section are passing through the interfaces be- tween coarse aggregates and mortar, and the rest through broken mortar (Fig. 5(0)) ACI Materials Journal / July-August 1987 Table 2 — Main results of tests ae soainen | age | bits | | line [wl 530" | whim | a RP pm | Be ftom | 2 = ~ “ ° 3.190 0270 wa ep aw na ae oan | ae | 0m “ ne ons 02K En os we pw | me Poe Peer | om | gag eae * ee 1939 0.255 0.605 _| 0.0406 we pap we pan [am |e om | oa | oom * 2 iat 033 “ paw [oe [ee Pa fr | ae oon | am [eae . ‘ . 2037 0.229 0.395 | 00726 id Sit [a im) Baw page oye | aa | age * ses | aun 9s 03st 0468 | 0.0815 ia SBL_| a8 | Si awa 8 1 | aoe | 20a | iare | o2a6 | 0200 * tsa | 9956 | 0.209 aap | ar | mw | aoe ae [ee | gan | ome Pay 2 voit | 7108 | 0.257 0.208 | a08i9 we Pe [as paw paar Page fimo) ome | one | gam a * 2270 | 10351 | 0.262 0397 _| 0.0423 wwe | Pwo fmm | aoe | ame [www | om: 28 | 82) 3B Em | sa | oo _ ae Pe par ww | ame age | ee | ga | nw | ome eee we pw par pew fae bam Pew] ae | ase [ope a ® ame | isi8 | 0380 0.525 | o.0977 | sit [| S38 | 85 |S 100 pace of water coment Tor Saturated Speci. Stress-strain curves measured by strain gages (gages length 40 mm) are shown in Fig. 6. All the ascending branches of these curves coincide with that measured by deformation transducer (gages length 155 mm), How- ever, reaching peak and entering onto the descending branch, each strain gage gives a different curve. The value of strain ¢, increases rapidly and the gage is bro- ken as soon as the crack passes through this gage. In contrast, other strains ¢, or ¢: decrease as the load de- creases, Transverse strain ¢, increases proportionally to longitudinal strain on ascending branch, but decrease on the descending branch. Thus there is no certain definition for strain after cracking. It is better to use deformation (or crack width) as a term (o indicate the behavior of concrete after cracking. Actual crack width of a specimen should be the difference between the reading of the deforma- tion transducer and the deformation of uncracked con- crete. Since the latter is negligible, measured deforma- tion is considered as the average crack width of concrete. Several specimens have been also tested under cyclic load and corresponding stress-deformation curves are plotted in Fig. 7. It is found that the envelopes of these curves coincide with complete curves under monotonic loading, ACI Materials Journal | July-August 1987 From these indications, the differences between complete stress-strain curves for compression concrete and for tension concrete can be seen as follows: 1. The descending branch of complete curve for compression concrete® is due to the decrease of load- carrying capacity for the unit area, as several longitu- inal cracks and diagonal cracks are formed. In con- trast, the complete curve for tension concrete is due to the reduction of the effective area. The actual stress on the effective area is not necessarily decreased. After cracking, the average stress of concrete is used in this paper and calculated by original area. 2. The longitudinal failure region of a compression specimen is of same order as the section dimension.* It is reasonable to use average strain for the descending branch, However, in a tension specimen, cracking and breaking occur at one section only. Deformation or crack width should be used for cracking section of con- crete in tension, while strain can still be used for an un- cracked section. 3. Coarse aggregate particles are distributed ran: domly on the section and in the specimen. Because ag- gregate-mortar bond strength differs from tensile strength of mortar, the center of tensile resistance on every section coincides neither with the geometrical 281 1 (W/ent) Tensile sere: ° 0.05 Deformation, & (an) (b) specta (a) specs 0:05 Deforsation, ¢ (sa) yen THB Experinental | Theoretical owe Fig. 4 — Experimental data and theoretical complete stress-deformation curves center of the section nor with the acting line of load. Therefore, eccentricity exists even before cracking of the specimen. After cracking, the shape of the effective area is irregular, and the eccentricity of loading will be getting more severe. Therefore, it may cause more scat- tered test results in tension concrete than in compres sion, TEST RESULTS ‘The important results of 29 specimens are listed in Table 2. Cube strength of concrete depends on the strength of cement. Cube strength of Group A (70.7 mm long) is higher than that of Group B (100 mm 282 long). The cube strength of a specimen increases as the age of concrete increases and water content of the specimen decreases. Splitting tensile strength f, of the cube is less influ- ‘enced by size of specimen and water content. Direct tensile strength J, of concrete is also less influ: ‘enced by the specimen dimension, but is influenced by water content. From the results of Group B, the tensile strength of specimens marked H does not reduce, com: paring with saturated specimens (marked W). Speci mens marked D have lower tensile strength. They probably lost water too quickly in the oven and inter- nl stresses and microcracks occurred ACI Materials Journal / July-August 1987 The value of strain of concrete at peak stress ¢, in- creases as tensile strength increases (Fig. 8). However, it seems that water content and size of specimen do not influence the value of strain directly. The relation be- tween the values of strain and tensile strength of con- crete (f,, N/mm?) can be represented by a regression equation 44x fx 10° @ Initial modulus of elasticity £, of concrete in tension is defined as the secant modulus at stress of 0.5 x Ji Is value is not quite influenced by tensile strength within the range of 1.6 to 3.2 N/mm’. The average value is E, = 27.36 kN/mm? @ land the standard deviation is 2.148 kN/mm’ ‘The ratio between initial modulus and secant modu- lus at peak stress (E, = Ji/¢,) varies from 1.04 to 1.61; the average is E/E, = 1.202 “ and the standard deviation is 0.0791 Transverse strain has been measured also during testing. The Poisson ratio for ascending branch var ies from 0.17 to 0.23, but varies considerably for de: seending branch. The length and the position of strain Tensile Stress, o (N/am) 30 <=> = 1o jo ° A 4 IDO) \o 4/ 4\® ® 4 || © Yo © © @ Fig. 5 — Surface cracks and cracking area on section (a) one crack propagating; (b) two cracks propagating (0) broken section 60 Strain, Z (107¢) Fig. 6 — Stress-strain curves measured by strain gages ACI Materials Journal / July-August 1987 283 Deforsation, & ( Fig. 7 —Stress-deformation curve of specimen under cyclic loading Tenstte Strength, $ (8/a8") Fig. 8 — Relation between the strain at peak stress and tensile strength of concrete (ite Relative steate (E/ pot Deforeatt Fig. 9 — Theoretical complete stress-deformation curves for concrete in tension Tenstie Strength, $4 (W/ee) 10 — Relation between parameter « for descend- ing branch and tensile strength of concrete 284 gages may influence the test data significantly. The value of the Poisson ratio for ascending branch is sug gested as v= 02 6) ‘When the first erack is observed on the surface of the specimen, the average stress is 0.2 to 0.6 N/mm? ot 20 to 30 percent of tensile strength; the average crack width is 0.04 to 0.08 mm, which is equivalent 10 four to six times of the deformation at peak stress. EXPRESSIONS FOR COMPLETE STRESS. DEFORMATION CURVES A complete stress-deformation curve of conerete in tension can be treated similarly to one in compression.* ‘Two equations continued at peak are suggested to de- seribe the ascending and descending branches, respec- tively. Theoretical complete curves of concrete in ten- sion are shown in Fig. 9 and y- and x-axes represent relative stress and strain (deformation) © where ¢, and 6, are strain and deformation of specimen at peak stress, respectively. Ascending branch As the ascending branch rises steeply at the begin. ring, a polynomial with high order is suggested as Yea tax tax tax Four boundary conditions should be satisfied: (1) x 0, y = 0; @)x = 0, dy/dx = E/E, 3)x = 1.y =i and (4) x = 1, dy/dx = 0; and four coefficients (ao. a, a,, and a) can be obtained. Substituting Eq. (4) into this equation, a simple form can be derived as x<1O0 yal2xx-02xx" Comparing the data from experimental curves with the values calculated by Eq. (7), average values of the ratio are within 0.96 to 1.04; the standard deviation is from 0.01 to 0.06 for most of the specimens and 0.07 to 0.17 for others. Descending branch ‘An equation similar to that for compression conerete* is suggested @=17 & xpi x P10 y= eres ‘This equation satisfies all four boundary conditions: (1) xa hy= Qe 1 dyide = 0 Q)# > oy and (4) x ~ we, dp/dr = 0 {ACI Materials Journal / July-August 1987 ‘After comparison, it is found that theoretical curves with B = 1.7 are better than others, although 8 = 2 ‘was suggested for curves of concrete in compression.* ‘Another parameter a is determined by the least square method for individual experimental curve of specimen, Average values of the ratio between experi- mental and theoretical data are within 0.97 to 1.05, with standard deviation from 0.02 to 0.06 for most specimens and 0.06 to 0.1 for others. Parameter a tends to increase as the tensile strength of specimen increases (Fig. 10). The regression equa- tion is as follows a= 0312 xf) o where fis the tensile stength of concrete in N/mm. CONCLUSIONS 1, A hydraulic, universal testing machine with a stiff frame can be used to perform complete stress-defor- mation tension tests for concrete, under both mono- tonic and cyclic loading. 2. Because of random distribution of coarse agere- ate particles in concrete and different tensile resis- tance between aggregate-mortar interfaces and mortar itself, the center of tensile resistance on every section coincides neither with the geometrical center of section nor with the acting line of load. 3. Beyond the peak stress of the specimen in tension concrete, the deformation (or crack width) of the cracking region increases and the effective area on the cracked section is reduced, Therefore, the descending branch is formed by the reduction of the load-carrying capacity in the specimen. Strain on the section, except for the cracking region, decreases. 4, Strain at peak stress increases proportionally to the tensile strength of concrete. The ratio between the ini- tial modulus of elasticity and the secant modulus at peak and the Poisson ratio can be considered as con- stants. The first crack observed by the naked eye oc- cours at four to six times of the deformation at peak stress and 20 to 30 percent of the tensile strength. 5. Two equations are suggested for ascending and descending branches of complete stress-deformation curves, respectively, that have sufficient accuracy for ‘concrete in tension. ACI Materials Journal / July-August 1987 NOTATION intial modulus of elasticity of eonerete, KN/m secant modulus of concrete at peak sress, KN/mm tube strength of concrete, N/mm? Splitting tensile strength of concrete, N/mm direct tensile strength of eoneete, N/m = equivalent stiffness of the lading system, KN/mm the maximum (absolute value) stiffness of specimen on de- sending branch, KN/mm Stifness ofthe added sti frame, KN/mm sitfness ofthe load (steess) transducer, kN/mm = ‘ttfness ofthe testing machin, including that of loading frame, piston and cylinder, and others, KN/mm stffnes of uncracked part ofthe specimen, KN/mm ‘ elatve train e/e, oF deformation 5/5, of specimen relative stress o/f parameter in equation of sires¢-deformation curve (descend: ing branch) deformation of specimen, mm deformation of specimen at eacking, mm ‘deformation of specimen at peak stress, mm strain of conerete in tension strain of specimen at peak stress "res of specimen, N/mm ‘stress of specimen at cracking, N/mm Poisson ratio RRR RADSO PP BSR SI CONVERSIONS Imm = 0.03937 in URN 2248 kip ERN/mm = $.710 kips/in EN/mm = 148.0ps) REFERENCES 1. 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