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YEAR: 1.2

Course: Advanced Diploma in Health Service


Course Unit; Basic Leadership and Organizational


Course code; ARM 1201

Lecturer: Mr Nkaye Ismael.


REG NO: 120-032123-22587

Qtn: Question: a) with clear examples, discuss the factors that make employees behave

differently in modern organizations.

b). why do managers need to understand the behaviors of employees in an organization.

Employee behaviour is defined as an employee's reaction to a particular situation in an


An organization is group of people with a particular purpose.

An employee's behavior depends on a mixture of internal and external factors.

1) Internal factors are those within the organization's direct control, such as policies,

workflows and office culture.

2) External factors, meanwhile, are the ones that aren't directly in the organization's

control, like the economy and the employees' personality and personal life


Internal factors

1) Compensation and Advancement

The clearest internal motivator on an employee's behavior is whether she feels the organization

pays her what her work is worth and provides her with the opportunities for career

advancement that she has earned. That's because income and career prospects are vital to a

person's livelihood, and so can profoundly motivate behavior.

2) Workplace Culture

Poor Workplace culture divert employee energy away from the mission and alters their

behavior. Discourage selfish opportunism and destructive rivalry by making them liabilities,

through discipline and disincentives. In their place promote cooperation, constructive rivalry

and respect for people's individuality and this impacts positively on the employee behavior.
3) Salaries and promotions

This element also play some role in behavior there are some people in the organization who

do less work and get more paid while some do more work and get less paid, such kind of

situation create different level of approach, it not only make change in the behavior of an

employee but also decrease the team spirit if in case the person is a member of the team.

External factors

1) Personal Life Issues

A professional employee should maintain a strong level of work-life separation, but it's

inevitable that external issues will sometimes spill over into the workplace. This isn't

necessarily a bad thing. Positive life events, like getting married or having a book published,

can improve to an employee's work ethic and behavior.

1.1) Abilities: this deals with the employee’s capacity to perform organizational tasks,

disabilities like Sickness perhaps are inevitable but have a negative impact on the

employee behavior. Intellectually ability of an employees is directly proportional to his

mental performance and behavior within an Organisation.

1.2) Debts: having debts impairs employee concentration at work hence hindering

productivity and altering behavior of employee, try and help out a stressed employee by

offering him personal leave, a flexible schedule, a reduced workload or a

telecommuting option.
1.3) Family life: A person who has some big happiness in his family may perform better than

the person who has someone sick for example in his family and spends nights in the


2) Personal factor

2.1) Age; Age shapes ones behaviour in an organization. Young employees tend to be more

active, flexible and more punctual with good health compared to the elderly and positive to

changes and adaptive.

2.2) Skill and knowledge

The difference also includes the level of skill and knowledge, the more skilled and

knowledgeable person will handle a situation more maturely then a person who has less

knowledge and short skills.

3) Harassment and Discrimination factors

Harassment and discrimination are a constant risk. This can be external or internal,

resulting from company policies that favor certain groups at the expense of others. If an

employee has to worry about being mistreated, he's not going to live up to his potential and

will have his behavior altered accordingly. Most of all, take your employees seriously when

they report harassment.

Importance of studying organizational behaviour (merits of understanding the

behaviors of employees in an organization.)

The study of organizational behaviour gives insight on how employees behave and

perform in the workplace. It helps the manager develop an understanding of the

aspects that can motivate employees, increase their performance, and help

organizations establish a strong and trusting relationship with their employees.


Every individual is unique based on their experiences and knowledge. Organizational

behavior is able to help managers understand the motivational tools required to facilitate

their employees to reach their potential.

It is significant for a manager to analyze the organizational structure that can act in their

employee's interest and enable employees to work independently, encouraging employees

to share knowledge and gain more control in decision making.

Office Characteristics

The office setting such as openness and density can generate different reactions. The

openness of an office can make employees feel a sense of calmness. Density also has an

impact on employee's wellness. It is important not to over-densify office space because

small workstations can cause collaboration to suffer.


1. Maryville mo. 2021, Northwest Missouri state university.

2. Hutch morzana, 2019, why managers need to understand organizational behaviour.

3. Prachijuneja,2021,factors that influence employee behaviour.

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